Viburnum jam without seeds. Red viburnum - useful properties, preparation for the winter and methods of preparation: the best recipes. Viburnum jam for the winter: benefits and harm, recipes

The viburnum is red, the viburnum is ripe - this is how it is sung in famous song. And once it’s ripe, it’s time to make viburnum jam. Everything in this amazing tree is useful - roots, bark, leaves, flowers and, of course, berries containing large amounts of ascorbic acid and B vitamins. This combination makes viburnum preparations an indispensable natural remedy for increasing immunity and fighting infectious diseases.

It is best to pick berries after the first autumn frosts, then all that remains of the natural bitterness of viburnum is a slight tint and its unforgettable fresh taste. Its seeds are quite large, so we will make seedless viburnum jam.

How to prepare berries for cooking and separate from seeds

Viburnum branches are washed thoroughly warm water, dry and carefully pick the berries, being careful not to crush them. If you picked viburnum before frost, and the berries are very bitter, keep them in the freezer for a while or pour boiling water over them.

Remove the seeds from the berries in a deep bowl to avoid splashing them with juice.

There are three ways to separate the berries from the seeds:

The latter method will take more time, but excessive heating will be avoided, and the vitamins will be better preserved.

Jam recipe for storing in the apartment

This recipe for viburnum jam involves boiling the berries in large quantities Sahara. Then the workpiece can be stored in the apartment without any problems until the next harvest.


  • viburnum berries – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 1.3 kg;
  • water – 1 glass.

Wash the viburnum, tear off the branches and separate the seeds in a way convenient for you. Pour water into the resulting juice and put on fire. As it heats, add sugar and stir with a wooden spatula. The jam should be cooked until the mixture is reduced by half. Remember to stir regularly to prevent the product from burning.

The finished jam is poured hot into sterile jars and sealed with metal lids.

Recipe for storing jam in a cool place

If you want to know how to make viburnum jam without cooking, this recipe is for you. Everything is in raw juice useful material are completely preserved.

Prepare the viburnum and separate it from the seeds. Determine its volume, for example, using liter jar and pour the juice into the pan.

Stainless steel or enameled utensils are suitable for making jam.

Pour into the pan an amount of sugar equal in volume to the juice. Stir the sugar until completely dissolved.
To speed up the process, berry mass warm up slightly low heat without bringing to a boil. When the sugar has dissolved, viburnum jam is poured into sterile jars and sealed. Store in a cool place.

Recipe for honey lovers

In this recipe, viburnum jam for the winter is prepared without sugar - with. The berries are washed, dried, and cleared of branches and seeds. Blend in a blender to make it smooth and mix with honey in a ratio of 1:1 or 1:0.5. Add honey in small portions, mix thoroughly and taste. When the jam seems sweet enough, it is mixed again and poured into clean jars and screwed on with lids. Store viburnum jam with honey in a cool place.

Viburnum cake made from skins and seeds should not be thrown away. It is added to compotes or made into extremely healthy viburnum oil.

The following recipe is for those who don’t really like the viburnum taste, but stock up useful workpiece I want to.

Viburnum jam with lemon and vanilla

The subtle aroma of citrus and a vanilla note transform boiled viburnum juice into delicious dessert. This jam is perfect for cheesecakes, pies with cottage cheese or as a layer for cakes. To prepare we will need:

  • 1 kg viburnum;
  • 0.8 kg sugar;
  • 0.5 l of water;
  • 1 mature;
  • vanilla sugar to taste.

Make syrup from sugar and water and leave to cool. Meanwhile, prepare the berries - sort, rinse and separate the seeds. Wash the lemon, dry it, cut off the zest with a sharp knife and chop it. Squeeze the juice out of the lemon. Combine viburnum juice with syrup and put on fire. Cook the viburnum jam until thickened, stirring regularly with a wooden spatula. Five minutes before readiness, add chopped zest and vanillin to the berry mixture. When hot, pour the product into sterile jars and roll up. The product is stored without a refrigerator.

For inexperienced housewives We have prepared a video of making viburnum jam:

You can’t make as many preparations from viburnum as, for example, from apples, pears, plums, and the like. But, despite this, all viburnum preparations are a storehouse of vitamins. Therefore, having, for example, viburnum jam or raw viburnum in your arsenal is simply necessary.
Well, in this master class I will tell you how to prepare viburnum jam.
Viburnum jam - recipe with photo

To prepare we will need:
- fresh berries viburnum,
- granulated sugar.

After preparing the juice, we are left with pomace and sediment after the juice. It can be perfectly used to make our jam. But this is not always enough. Therefore, for jam we also take viburnum itself. We wash it in cold running water. Place in a sieve or colander and let the water drain completely.

Then we pick the viburnum berries from the ridges. We clean the remains of the stalks.

Steam the berries through a fine sieve over boiling water for about 10-15 minutes. As soon as they become soft, remove the viburnum from the heat.

We rub the blanched berries through a sieve.

We pass the pomace through a meat grinder and combine it with viburnum puree. Add water to the pan at the rate (per 1 kg of pomace and 400 grams of water). Then we begin to boil the mass and gradually add granulated sugar to it. For 1 kg of mass we take 1.1 kg of granulated sugar. Mix everything well and boil until tender. Pack the hot jam into dry, sterile jars. We need to warm up the jars first. Immediately seal them hermetically, turn them upside down and cool.

Delicious viburnum jam is ready for the winter. Enjoy your meal!

Number of servings: 25

Cooking time 6+10 hours.

Despite beneficial features viburnum, few people like to eat its fresh berries, but from the delicious and fragrant jam It’s unlikely that anyone will refuse. The time to prepare it is at the end of September and beginning of October, when the viburnum fruits are fully ripened. And if the first frosts hit, the berries will become especially tasty, without astringency or bitterness. Viburnum fruits contain 80% juicy pulp and 20% comes from the peel and pit.

Viburnum contains vitamins (especially C), amino acids, pectin and tannins, which have a beneficial effect on human health and well-being. It is useful for families with small children to prepare viburnum jam for the winter, since it is indispensable for colds. Below we will describe how to make viburnum jam at home (a simple recipe with photos).

How to make classic viburnum jam recipe with photos step by step

So, let's prepare the ingredients:

We take viburnum, wash it well under running water, and then separate it from the branches. It is important to discard all unsuitable (rotten and empty) berries. Overall recipe viburnum jam It’s simple, because you don’t need to have any special culinary skills or knowledge to prepare it—everyone can make viburnum jam.

Next, knead the berries well with your hands and squeeze out all the pulp, separating the peel and seeds. You can use a strong metal sieve (not for flour!). However, the easiest way is to pass the berries through a juicer - this will significantly save your time.

After the seeds have been separated from the pulp, add 500 grams of sugar to the resulting mass, add 300 ml of water, cover with a lid and leave to steep for 8-10 hours (preferably overnight).

After 8-10 hours, the viburnum pulp should increase slightly in volume due to the addition of sugar. Next, add another 500 grams of sugar and boil for 5 minutes over moderate heat (time must be counted from the beginning of boiling).

You can boil it in another way: pour 500 ml of water into a saucepan, add 500 ml of sugar, wait until it completely dissolves, continuously stirring the sweet mass. Then add the viburnum pulp into it and boil for 5 minutes. In this case, the viburnum with sugar does not need to be infused for 8-10 hours. When the sugar-viburnum mixture boils for 5 minutes, remove the pan from the heat, add another 500 grams of sugar and set aside for 1 hour. Next, the viburnum mixture must be boiled again for 5 minutes over low heat (the time is also counted from the beginning of boiling).

At the end of cooking, add 2 tsp to the jam. cinnamon, stir it well, cover with a lid and set aside for 4 hours. During this time, the jam should cool well. Next, the viburnum mass should be boiled for another 5 minutes. Viburnum jam without seeds for the winter simple recipe ready!

Thus, the viburnum mixture with sugar and cinnamon should be boiled for a total of 15 minutes (3 times for 5 minutes).

We prepare glass jars for rolling jam. They need to be washed well, even if they seem clean at first glance. It's better to wash them baking soda. Glass jars it is important to sterilize by steaming, and then put in them ready-made jam and seal tightly with a lid. You can also use a seaming wrench.

Tips for making aromatic seedless viburnum jam with photos:

  1. To obtain a homogeneous viburnum mass, after separating the pulp from the seeds and peel, you can beat it with a blender (if you don’t have a blender, a regular potato masher will do).
  2. To make the jam fragrant and tender, the berries must first be placed in freezer for 1-2 hours.
  3. To prevent the jam from burning, you must use a container with a thick bottom and walls. If used for cooking enamel cookware, then you need to stir the viburnum mass continuously with a wooden spoon for 5 minutes.
  4. Instead of cinnamon, you can use vanillin (10 g per 1 kg of berries).
  5. To make the jam have a thicker consistency, you don’t need to add water - it’s enough that the pulp is released extra juice when mixed with sugar.
  6. The pulp from viburnum berries can be used for cooking compotes, as well as for cooking medicinal tinctures, which are used for diseases of the liver, stomach and to normalize blood pressure.

Viburnum jam refers to one of those sweet preparations that will complement any breakfast, lunch or dinner. It's so good to spread on crispy toast or hot pancakes delicious jam or jam, and wash it down with aromatic tea.

If we talk not only about taste, but also about healing properties viburnum, then the following can be noted:
. The use of viburnum and its derivatives is simply necessary for those who want to get rid of coughs and colds;
. Products from this berry, for example, or compote, are good for shortness of breath, heart, kidney and stomach diseases, as well as neuroses, various spasms, hypertension;
. Viburnum is one of the best natural tonic, immunostimulating and sedatives;
. Contraindications: Viburnum should not be consumed by pregnant women, as well as people suffering from increased blood clotting and prone to thrombosis.
To summarize the above, we can confidently say that fresh viburnum berries and products made from them should be in every home where there are children and people with health problems (do not forget about contraindications).

Recipe for viburnum jam:
. Viburnum - 1 kg;
. Granulated sugar - 1-1.2 kg (brown is best, you can also use stevia, but then you should follow your taste so as not to overdo it);
. Purified water - 0.5 l.

Cooking method:
Sort the viburnum, remove debris, leaves and twigs, wash thoroughly, grind in a meat grinder. Mix the resulting berry mass with sugar and water. It is necessary to cook the mass until a drop of ready-made jam If it falls on a plate, it will stop spreading (do not forget about continuous stirring). The next step will be the process of packaging into sterile jars, which should be rolled up and wrapped. ready!

The benefits of viburnum will increase if you make jam with the addition of rowan (ratio 1:1). In addition, you can prepare viburnum in honey, it is very easy to prepare, can be stored for quite a long time, and is also beneficial of this product obvious (wash viburnum bunches, dip in honey, place on a dish, dry).

Bon appetit!

Kalina is one of the most healing berries. The benefits of viburnum jam are not disputed even by professional doctors. Sourish-bitter, its beneficial properties will give even sea buckthorn a head start. Viburnum jam for the winter, a simple recipe for which I want to offer you below, is not just a dessert - it is a magic potion. A tablespoon of jam eaten per day increases a person’s immunity two to three times. But, about everything in detail.

Collection and storage of viburnum

From May to June, viburnum begins to bloom. The bush is covered with elegant white flowers. The berries appear in July and will turn bright red by August. Berry picking in the southern zone begins then. In the middle zone, viburnum can reach maturity in mid-October. She is not afraid of frost and does not lose her taste qualities And medicinal properties. Best time collection - just after the first frost. When the berry gets a little frosty, the bitterness goes away and the berry becomes sweet.

Collection takes place in dry weather. Viburnum brushes need to be trimmed with scissors. To make it comfortable, you need to hang a flat box on a belt around your neck, like fishermen do. You can hang some kind of can - the main thing is that you feel comfortable. Then your hands remain free.

Viburnum can be stored fresh, frozen or dried. Fresh berries suspended by the bunches are stored on a rope stretched in a cellar or basement.

To freeze the berries, you need to pick them off the bunch, wash them, dry them, place them in a bag or container and put them in the freezer.

How to make viburnum jam: a simple recipe for the winter

So, what do we need to make viburnum jam according to a simple recipe:

  • Viburnum - 1 kg;
  • Granulated sugar - 1 kg;
  • Water - 300 ml;
  • Cinnamon - 10 g.

What to do:

  1. Rinse the processed viburnum berries thoroughly under cold water. Immediately remove broken or spoiled berries to the side.
  2. After washing, the berries must be crushed with your hands. You can use a juicer. The goal is to squeeze out all the pulp.
  3. After the seeds are separated from the pulp, pour half a kilo of granulated sugar into the resulting mass. Pour in 300 ml of filtered water. Close the lid. Place aside to let the mixture sit for 9 hours.
  4. After the specified time, the berry mass should increase in volume.
  5. Then add another half a kilo of sugar to the mixture. Place over medium heat and simmer for 5 minutes from the start of boiling. You can boil it in another way. Pour half a liter of water into a saucepan, add half a kilo of sugar. Place over moderate heat, wait until the sugar has completely dissolved in the water, stirring constantly. Then add the berry mass to the saucepan. Boil for 5 minutes. In this version, viburnum does not need to be infused for 9 hours.
  6. After the mixture boils, remove it from the stove. Add another half kilo of sugar and set aside for an hour.
  7. Then boil again for 5 minutes from the start of boiling over moderate heat.
  8. At the very end of cooking, add cinnamon to the jam. To stir thoroughly. Close the lid. Leave for 5 hours. This time is enough for the jam to cool completely. Then boil for 5 minutes.
  9. Thus, total time Cooking time is 15 minutes (3 times for 5 minutes).
  10. Wash glass jars thoroughly with soda. Sterilize in a way convenient for you. Then package the jam on them. Roll up or simply seal tightly. Transfer to refrigerator.

Tip: instead of cinnamon, you can use vanillin (10 g per 1 kg).

Viburnum jam without seeds


  • Granulated sugar - 840 g;
  • Viburnum - 1.255 kg;
  • Lemon juice - 20 ml.


  1. Process the berries and wash thoroughly. Place on a napkin and dry.
  2. Place the berries in bags and place in the freezer for 3 hours.
  3. Then take out the berries and pour them into the saucepan. Close the lid. Place on the stove over low heat. Cook viburnum for 16 minutes. Warming the berries is necessary so that they give juice and become soft.
  4. Place a sieve over a clean saucepan. Pour berries into it. Rub them through a sieve. This way the bones will remain on the mesh.
  5. Pour sugar into the pureed viburnum and add lemon juice.
  6. Mix the contents of the saucepan well. Place it on the stove. Boil. Boil the contents for 8 minutes.
  7. After this, remove the saucepan from the stove. Pack into sterilized jars. Roll up. Cool completely and refrigerate.

Tip: you can add along with lemon juice lemon zest- the taste of the jam will be more interesting.

With bones


  • Sugar - 805 g;
  • Filtered water - 205 ml;
  • Viburnum - 1 kg.


  1. Rinse the berries thoroughly, pour into a saucepan, and cover with a lid. Place the container with the berries in the oven preheated to 170°C to evaporate the viburnum.
  2. During this time you need to boil the syrup. For a kilogram of viburnum berries you need to take 805 g of granulated sugar and 205 ml of filtered water. Pour water over sugar and boil. With constant stirring, wait until the sugar is completely dissolved. This syrup should be poured over the steamed berries.
  3. Place the pan with viburnum filled with syrup on the stove. You need to prepare the jam in two stages. At the first stage, boil and cook the jam over moderate heat for 11 minutes. Cool. Second cooking - after 9 hours. You need to boil the syrup with viburnum again. Cook until the syrup thickens (a drop of syrup does not spread over the saucer).
  4. Pack the jam into sterilized jars. Roll up. Cool. Place in the refrigerator.

Advice: if you don’t have enough time, you don’t have to wash the berries (there are equal numbers of supporters of washing and not washing).

Jam “Five Minute”

It happens that you need to cook jam as quickly as possible. So, let's see how to make viburnum jam very quickly.


  • Granulated sugar - 1 kg;
  • Viburnum - 1 kg;
  • Filtered water - 355 g.

Cooking method:

  1. The berries must be sorted, washed, and dried on a towel.
  2. Boil water in a saucepan. Add granulated sugar and boil for 5 minutes.
  3. Pour viburnum berries into the prepared syrup. Cooking - 5 minutes.
  4. Cool the semi-finished product.
  5. During this time, the jars are sterilized.
  6. Return to the stove. Boil again for 5 minutes.
  7. Then the workpiece is packaged in jars.
  8. Close the banks.
  9. The seaming is cooled by turning it upside down. Storage: refrigerator.

Note to the housewife: some professionals do it for five minutes without removing the berries from the brush. IN finished form This kind of jam is very aesthetically superior.

Jam twisted through a meat grinder

I will describe below how to make jam using a meat grinder. There are no difficulties in this. The main thing is to have a good meat grinder on hand.


  • Viburnum - 1000 kg;
  • Sugar - 1 kg.


  1. Place the berries in a large bowl. Pour cold water for half an hour. During this time, all the dirt and debris will float to the surface. Drain the water and rinse the berries. Dry.
  2. Pour the dried berries into a meat grinder. Punch through the fine grate.
  3. Combine the resulting puree with granulated sugar. Mix thoroughly. Pack into sterilized containers.

Storage: refrigerator only.

Note to the housewife: using this recipe for making jam, you will retain all the beneficial properties of viburnum.

Viburnum jam with apples

Try making viburnum jam with seeds according to a recipe that contains apples. The result is amazing.


  • Viburnum - 1.5 kg;
  • Apples - 5 kg;
  • Water - 505 ml;
  • Granulated sugar - 5 kg.


  1. Pass the prepared viburnum through a juicer.
  2. Process the apples. Clear. Cut out the core. Cut into slices.
  3. Place the apples in a deep saucepan. Pour in enough water. Add granulated sugar. Boil for 5 minutes.
  4. Cool the jam. Pour viburnum juice into it. Boil again. Boil until done over low heat.
  5. Place the jam into sterilized jars. Roll up the boiled lids.

Note to the housewife: you can store seedless viburnum jam with apples only in the refrigerator, otherwise it may turn sour.

How to make jam from viburnum, pureed with sugar

In this recipe I will tell you how to make viburnum jam, pureed with sugar. This jam is not similar to other recipes even in taste. Eating it is a pleasure.


  • Viburnum - 505 g;
  • Sugar - 755 g.


  1. Do not remove the berries from the branches. Place them in a bowl and cover with cold water. Then drain the water.
  2. Transfer the berries to a colander. Let all the liquid drain away. Dry on a towel.
  3. Remove the berries from the branches. Spoiled berries should be put aside without regret.
  4. Mash good berries in a saucepan with a masher. Grind together with the skin and seeds - the vitamins will be completely preserved.
  5. Add sugar to the ground viburnum. Continue rubbing. Then leave the mixture at room temperature for half an hour so that the sugar is completely absorbed.
  6. Then pack the pureed jam into sterilized jars. Roll up the boiled lids.

Storage: refrigerator or cellar.

Note to the housewife: canning viburnum is done using the classic ratio of berries and sugar 1 to 1. I like it better when the jam turns out sweeter. You can change the amount of sugar to suit your taste. Jam pureed according to this recipe even allows for complete absence of sugar. But this is already for big fans pure taste viburnum.

The benefits and harms of viburnum are a rhetorical question. There is no harm from it if you don’t eat a bucket every day. I hope you enjoy viburnum jam, a simple recipe for which for the winter, and other options, you learned today. Be sure to try everything to choose the best one healthy treat to your taste.
