Dumplings with mineral water. Mineral water dough for dumplings - classic and original recipes

Dumpling dough traditionally prepared on simple cold water. But, if you knead it with mineral water, it will differ from the traditional one in its extraordinary elasticity and elasticity. In addition, when rolling out, it does not stick to the work surface, and there is no need to sprinkle the table and dough with flour at all. Making homemade dumplings from dough in mineral water is a real pleasure, and even more so when enjoying them.

Pay attention to this important point: water for mixing should be not just mineral, but carbonated. You can even use so-called highly carbonated water. The more gas there is in it, the airier and softer the dumpling dough will be.



Preparation. Stir the egg with a fork, pour in mineral water, stir.

Then start adding sifted flour in portions.

Knead the mixture until you get an elastic dough that does not stick to your hands. Cover the dough with a towel and leave for half an hour.

Mix both types of minced meat if cooking fresh minced meat, then grind the onion in a meat grinder along with the meat, if you are already using ready minced meat, then the onion can be finely chopped. Season the minced meat to your taste.

Roll out a piece of dough to a thickness of 2-3 mm and use a mug or mold to cut out round pieces for future dumplings.

Place a teaspoon of minced meat on each piece.

First, fold the dumpling in half, pinching the edges.

And then connect both corners together. Do the same with the rest of the dough. If there are a lot of dumplings, then you can freeze them directly on the board, and after a few hours put them in a plastic bag.

Cook for 5 minutes in salted boiling water, serve with butter or sour cream.

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Dumplings with minced chicken
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Chebureks - delicious crispy pies with juicy filling. Initially they were made from unleavened dough and minced meat. But over time, cooks came up with many various recipes preparations of this dish. Today they are made on a custard, puff pastry or yeast base. But the dough for chebureks in mineral water turns out to be especially tender.

Classic version

Chebureks made from this dough turn out very appetizing. Their surface is strewn with small bubbles. You can make them not only with meat, but also with any other filling. To knead delicious crispy dough for chebureks using mineral water? check in advance if you have everything on hand necessary ingredients. IN in this case you will need:

  • 4 cups high-grade wheat flour.
  • A tablespoon of sugar.
  • 1.5 glasses of mineral water.
  • A couple of tablespoons of refined vegetable oil.
  • Salt.

Process description

This is the simplest dough for chebureks using mineral water. It is so easy to prepare that any beginner can handle this task without any problems. Pour half of the pre-sifted flour into a suitable large bowl. Carbonated mineral water is also poured there.

The resulting mass is filled with refined vegetable oil, granulated sugar and half a teaspoon of salt. Knead everything well until a dough is not too thick. Pour the remaining flour onto the work surface and spread it almost ready mass and knead well. The result is cool, but at the same time elastic dough Cover the chebureks in mineral water with plastic wrap and leave them aside for a while. Literally in ten minutes it is rolled out into a thin layer, circles of the required diameter are cut out and used for their intended purpose. Minced meat or mushrooms are usually used as filling.

Option with vodka

Using the technology described below, a very tender and crispy base for Caucasian pies is obtained. Since this recipe for cheburek test on mineral water requires the presence of a certain set of components, inspect the contents of your own pantry in advance. This time it should contain:

  • 4 cups high-grade wheat flour.
  • 300 milliliters of highly carbonated mineral water.
  • A couple of teaspoons of sugar.
  • 20 milliliters of vodka.
  • A pinch of salt.

Cooking technology

Pour pre-sifted flour into a wide and deep bowl. Salt and sugar are also sent there. In the middle of the resulting slide, make a small depression and pour vodka and mineral water into it. Mix everything thoroughly until a homogeneous, fairly thick mass is formed.

The finished crispy dough for chebureks in mineral water is rolled into a ball, wrapped in cling film and put in the refrigerator. Literally half an hour later, the polyethylene is removed from it and used for its intended purpose. To the surface ready-made chebureks bubbles appear, they are fried in large quantities vegetable oil.

Option with egg

This is very simple technology. It involves the use minimum set ingredients, most of which are almost always available to every prudent housewife. It is possible that before preparing the pasty dough in mineral water (the recipe with photos can be seen below), you don’t even have to go to the store. This time you should have at hand:

  • 700 grams of wheat flour.
  • 400 milliliters of mineral water.
  • Raw egg.
  • 3 tablespoons of any vegetable oil.


Shortly before starting the process, you need to cool the mineral water. To do this, it is placed in the freezer. Then the cooled drink is poured into a deep bowl. A raw egg is also sent there and the whole thing is lightly beaten using a regular fork. Pour vegetable oil into the resulting liquid and add a pinch of salt.

Then sifted flour is gradually poured into the future dough for chebureks in mineral water and kneaded thoroughly. As soon as you get an elastic mass that does not stick to your palms, it is immediately rolled into a ball and wrapped cling film and placed in the refrigerator. After one and a half or two hours, the dough is rolled out into a thin layer and used for its intended purpose. Usually it is stuffed minced meat, potatoes, mushrooms or cheese.

Simple option

Using the technology described below, it turns out very tender dough for pasties in mineral water with bubbles. To prepare it you will need a minimum of ingredients, a little free time and a little patience. But the resulting result will exceed all your wildest expectations. To avoid unpleasant surprises, make sure in advance that you have at hand at the right time:

  • 300 grams of high-grade wheat flour.
  • ½ teaspoon salt.
  • 50 milliliters of any vegetable oil.

Cooking algorithm

First of all, you need to cool the water. To do this, the mineral water is sent to freezer. Then ice water is poured into a suitable bowl and lightly salted. Add vegetable oil to the resulting liquid and add pre-sifted flour in small portions. All this is thoroughly mixed. First, use a spoon or a whisk, and when the mass becomes dense enough, use your hands.

The finished dough should be elastic and not stick to your palms. As soon as it reaches the required consistency, it is wrapped in cling film and placed in the refrigerator. After about thirty minutes, the dough is freed from polyethylene, rolled out into a thin layer and chebureks are made from it.

Option with butter

To prepare the dough, use only fresh and quality ingredients, because the taste of the future dish depends on this. The mineral water present in its composition will give the structure of the chebureks additional porosity, so it is often recommended to add not ordinary, but highly carbonated water to the dough. In addition, you will need other ingredients. Therefore, make sure in advance that your kitchen cabinets contain:

  • 200 milliliters of highly carbonated mineral water.
  • 3.5 cups high-grade wheat flour.
  • ½ teaspoon sugar.
  • A quarter stick of butter.
  • A couple of tablespoons of vodka.
  • Chicken egg and a pinch of salt.

Pre-chilled mineral water and vodka are combined in one deep vessel. Sugar is also added there, table salt, raw chicken egg and melted in advance butter. Add sifted flour little by little to the resulting liquid and mix thoroughly. As a result, you should end up with a cool mass.

Practically ready dough on mineral water with vodka and egg, roll into a ball, wrap in plastic and place in the refrigerator. After about thirty minutes, it is freed from the cling film and divided into eight approximately equal parts. Each of the resulting pieces is rolled out into a sufficient thin flatbread, fill it with pre-prepared minced meat and seal the edges. If the dough turns out dry and does not want to stick together, then it is slightly moistened cold water. So that the products become bubbly and acquire a beautiful golden crust, they are placed in a heated frying pan and not covered with a lid. Otherwise, water from condensation may get into the oil and start shooting. If the chebureki are not cooked well inside, then after turning them over to the other side, you can briefly cover the vessel with a lid.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

In our family, my mother cooks dumplings best. And it doesn’t matter that I know a ton of recipes for both dough and fillings, I just can’t make them the way my mom does. For me, dumplings are something very global, because first you need to knead the dough (well, that’s half the battle, and here I consider myself an amateur professional), then you need to prepare the filling (also a simple task even for a beginner in this matter), the next stage – modeling (theoretically, I know a dozen ways to make dumplings), and the last process is thermal (cooking finished products is a very simple task). If you break it down into processes, it turns out that preparing dumplings for dinner is quite simple, but not quick. Overall, it's a big task, and I honestly just don't really enjoy doing it.
But my mother prepares dumplings for breakfast and dinner, and when she feels good, and when she is tired, it’s just that for her it is such a simple and banal process that she doesn’t even think about its complexity. And I must say, my mother’s dumplings are always amazingly delicious. Maybe it’s not even a matter of skill, but simply that mom prepared them?
Of course, I cook dumplings for my men at home, and they eat them with pleasure. In addition, I am constantly improving in this matter, for example, I learned how to prepare excellent dough according to a new recipe, using mineral water, which I want to recommend to you.
Kneading the dough is quite simple, I even do it with my hands, but it turns out soft and very plastic, so then making dumplings out of it is a pleasure. So, look - the dough is made with mineral water, best recipe from those that I know.

- for the test:
- wheat flour premium– 4 tbsp.,
- carbonated mineral water – 1 tbsp.,
- chicken table egg – 1 pc.,
- sunflower oil (deodorized) – 4 tbsp.,
- finely ground sea or table salt – 0.5 tsp,
- granulated sugar – 0.5 tsp.

Recipe with photos step by step:

The most important point is to properly knead the dough to the consistency we need.
To do this, pour mineral water into a bowl (the more gases, the better) and beat in a chicken egg. Add salt and oil (it is important that it is refined, otherwise the dough will taste like oil), and then add sugar.

Then add the sifted flour (this is necessary so that the flour is saturated with oxygen) and begin to knead the dough, first with a fork, and then with your hands.

We knead it for a long time (at least 10 minutes) and thoroughly, but in the end it turns out excellent result. You can leave it to rest for half an hour (during this time, the flour gives all the gluten to the dough, and it becomes more elastic).

While the dough is resting, prepare the filling. Boil the peeled potatoes in salted water until tender. Then we crush the potato tubers with a masher and, if desired, add sautéed onions, mix and get the filling for the dumplings.
Now roll out the dough and cut out dumplings of the shape we need. Place each filling and make dumplings.

Cook them in portions in boiling water; as soon as they float to the surface, time them for about 3-5 minutes.
Serve dumplings to the table along with sauce or sour cream. If you haven't cooked yet

There are many variations in preparing dough for dumplings. And each of them has its own undeniable advantages, which become a significant motivation for certain consumers to use the recipe that best suits their needs and preferences. Some people like the denser structure of the dough and do not care that it is more difficult to work with and form dumplings, while others, on the contrary, are a supporter of a completely soft shell of the product and at the same time enjoy the plasticity of the dough when modeling. Everything is individual and everyone chooses the most suitable option for themselves.

Below we will tell you how to prepare dough for dumplings and dumplings using mineral water. Try it this option, perhaps it will become a favorite in your notebook and you will forever abandon other versions and recipes.

Mineral water dumpling dough - recipe


  • wheat flour – 550 g;
  • sparkling mineral water – 290 ml;
  • salt – 10 g;
  • one chicken egg.


To prepare the dough using sparkling mineral water, mix it with egg and salt and pour it into a bowl with pre-sifted wheat flour. We knead everything thoroughly first with a spoon, and finish kneading with our hands, achieving the highest possible homogeneity, smoothness and non-sticky texture of the dough. Cover the ball of flour with a piece of cloth and leave it at room conditions for forty to fifty minutes.

The best dough for dumplings made with mineral water


  • wheat flour – 480-520 g;
  • sparkling mineral water – 245 ml;
  • refined vegetable oil – 55 ml;
  • one chicken egg;
  • a tablespoon of granulated sugar;
  • two pinches of salt.


Starting the process of preparing the dough, sift wheat flour. This procedure will enrich it with oxygen and improve the quality finished products. Then mix the egg with granulated sugar and two pinches of salt in a separate bowl and beat it a little with a fork or whisk. Pour the resulting mixture into the flour, add mineral water and begin kneading. Mix everything thoroughly, achieving maximum homogeneity. While kneading, add refined vegetable oil. This product significantly transforms the dough and makes it manageable and extremely flexible and non-sticky with sufficient density. We continue the kneading process for another five minutes, and then cover the flour ball with cling film and leave to ripen for about forty minutes.

After time has passed, we can proceed with the method that is most suitable for you.

Delicious dough for homemade dumplings using mineral water

Mineral water dough can also be prepared without granulated sugar and with slightly different proportions of vegetable oil.


  • wheat flour – 550-600 g;
  • sparkling mineral water – 255 ml;
  • refined vegetable oil – 70 ml;
  • salt – 10 g;
  • one chicken egg.


Dough preparation process this recipe identical to the one described above. The exception is that we do not add granulated sugar to it and slightly increase the amount refined oil, which will make it even more flexible. When cutting such dough, you do not need to dust the working surface, as well as the rolling pin and hands with flour. It turns out completely non-sticky and obedient.

The dough kneading process can also be simplified by using kitchen appliances. This way you can mix flour with mineral water, vegetable oil, egg and salt using a mixer with special attachments, and finish kneading with your hands. If you have a bread machine, it is better to entrust this important task to them, which will significantly reduce time costs and save your energy.

So, for the test we need:
1. flour - 3 cups
2. chicken egg - 2 pcs.
3. mineral water - 2/3 glasses.
4. sunflower oil - 6-8 tablespoons.
5. table salt - half a teaspoon

First, knead the dough. I do it with my hands. You can also knead in a food processor.

For minced meat: To your taste!!!
I do it differently: Sometimes pork + lamb, sometimes beef + pork. I add a little lard.
The main thing in minced meat is a lot of onions. Then the minced meat turns out very juicy.
I will write approximately: For 400-500g of meat, add 3-4 medium onions.
Add salt, pepper to taste and chopped herbs (parsley, dill) to the minced meat.

Roll out the dough as usual. 1 mm thick.

Yes, here is the mineral water that I add to the dough. 1.5 l. plastic bottle. In our stores it costs an average of 30 rubles.

Next, cut out the circles. I do this either with a glass or a cup. Depending on what kind of dumplings you want - small or large. We put a little minced meat in each circle and sculpt.... REMINDER: we do not add flour when rolling and sculpting. The dough doesn't stick to your hands anyway.

I sculpt with my hands. You can make dumplings of a different shape if you wish. I spread the finished dumplings on cutting board and put it in the freezer for 10-15 minutes. Then I put it in a bag and put it back in the freezer. That's all the tricks. We can start dinner!
Bon appetit.
