Making tkemali sauce. Classic Georgian recipe with step-by-step photos of preparing cherry plum tkemali for the winter

Tkemali sauce takes its name from a variety of wild small viscous plums, more precisely, Tkemali cherry plum. IN original recipe The main components of the sauce are cherry plum and, growing in wetlands, mint - ombalo, which has a specific aroma.

Tkemali - what is it?

Tkemali plum is widespread throughout Georgia. The sour, sometimes unripe fruits of the plum tree were at the fingertips of mustachioed horsemen. Everyone knows that charismatic Georgians love dishes with rich flavors.

Tkemali - truly Georgian sauce, a true embodiment of the folk traditions of the inhabitants of the Caucasus mountains.

In addition to plums, Tkemali contains: hot peppers, salt, a large number of various greens and aromatic seasonings.

What is Georgian Tkemali sauce eaten with?

Simple winegrowers and shepherds often pampered themselves, their loved ones and numerous friends with a wonderful lamb kebab, baked river fish or vegetables. They were traditionally served with Tkemali sauce.

From ancient times to this day, Tkemali has been the most popular sauce in all public and private restaurants and eateries in Georgia. His fame spread to many parts of the world. Even the capricious French include this sauce on the menu of prestigious establishments.

Be carefull! Gourmets and admirers of Caucasian/Georgian cuisine who have stomach and intestinal diseases should consume Tkemali with caution, as it contains quite a lot spicy seasonings And spicy spices, and noticeable sourness can also cause an unpleasant feeling of heartburn.

Types of sauce

Depending on the type of plum (cherry plum) used in preparation, Tkemali sauce varies in taste qualities between sweet and sour and sour, and in color shades - from yellowish-orange to burgundy tones.

IN modern cooking meets green Tkemali, which contains green unripe plums, gooseberries or kiwi.

The red sauce is made from red currants, and the rich Bordeaux sauce is made from blackthorn fruits.

Green Tkemali, as well as the red version, is a good alternative to the classics.

How to cook Tkemali

IN industrial scale The sauce is produced by many companies Food Industry. Moreover, each manufacturer makes its own additions to the composition. That is why in the composition of Tkemali you can find tomato paste and applesauce.

Ready sauce Tkemali is good in its own way and you can go to the store and buy it without bothering. But having mastered the preparation of real Tkemali sauce, and putting this seasoning, prepared with your own hands, on the table, you will be extremely proud of yourself, and at the same time you will surprise your guests.

Of course, you will have to roll up your sleeves and try a little - preparing the ingredients and the cooking process itself will take an hour and a half of your personal time. But the result is worth it!

Tkemali Georgian

This sauce is consumed freshly prepared. If the resulting portion is not consumed immediately, store the leftovers in the refrigerator (maximum two days in a glass jar under a tight lid).

For the sauce we need:

  • Tkemali fruits – 1 kg (regular cherry plum is also suitable);
  • ombalo – 8-10 leaves (can be replaced with lemon balm);
  • cilantro, dill and parsley - 6-7 sprigs each;
  • garlic - 1 head (it is better to take spring garlic, as it is more aromatic and less spicy);
  • fresh hot red pepper - 1 medium pod;
  • salt – 3-4 teaspoons.
  • Wash the Tkemali (cherry plum) thoroughly. The color of the fruit has no of great importance(however, if the berries are green, i.e. unripe, the taste will be much sour).
  • Let's prepare the pepper - clean and wash it, take out the seeds; We will arrange a water “shower” for the herbs. Then put them on a towel to dry and peel the garlic cloves.
  • Place the berries in a container ( stainless saucepan or a small basin will do just fine) and fill it with water so that it is 2-3 cm higher than them. There must be water good quality(if there is a lot of bleach in it, then let it sit overnight or buy a bottled one).
  • Place the pan over medium heat and, stirring occasionally, bring to a boil. Then cook over low heat for 35-40 minutes (so that the fruits become soft). Be careful not to burn the fruit.
  • Using a sharp knife, finely chop the pepper, garlic and herbs.
  • Remove the cherry plum container from the stove. Remove the seeds from the finished puree-like mass with a slotted spoon and beat it with a submersible blender until it reaches the consistency of thick sour cream.
  • Add pepper and chopped herbs to the mixture, mix and cook for another 5 minutes. A couple of minutes before the end of cooking, add the garlic, salt and mix everything thoroughly again.
  • Let the sauce cool. Serve Tkemali in a gravy boat or pour it into a plate - directly to meat, vegetables or pasta.

Tkemali for the winter (in Russian)

In cold weather winter evenings(especially in northern latitudes) the sauce will warm the soul and remind you of a wonderful summer.

  • 1 kg - cherry plum or ordinary unripe plum;
  • 50 gr. - mint;
  • 1 tsp dry coriander or 200 gr. fresh cilantro;
  • 1 medium head of garlic;
  • 20 gr. (1 large piece) - hot pepper;
  • 2 tbsp. — vinegar (alcohol or apple);
  • 100 gr. — vegetable oil (sunflower or olive);
  • 1 tbsp - granulated sugar;
  • 1 tbsp. - salt;
  • 0.5 tsp - dry allspice.

Cooking method:

  • Wash plums, mint, peppers under running water. We cut the pod and remove the seeds. Peel the garlic.
  • Remove the seeds from the cream by cutting them in half. Then add water and cook over low heat for about fifteen minutes. Leave to cool slightly.
  • While the plum mass is cooling, finely chop the hot pepper and mint (if you use fresh cilantro, then chop it too), press the garlic with a press (into a paste), allspice grind on a coffee grinder.
  • Place the boiled fruit in the blender bowl and blend at high speed.
  • Let's cook again plum puree, but with the rest of the ingredients (except vinegar and garlic). Stirring, cook the sauce for another ten to twelve minutes (under the lid), turn the heat to low.
  • Add vinegar and add garlic. Stir and simmer for the last five minutes.
  • Pour the hot sauce into clean and dried jars and cover with boiled tin lids.
  • We turn the jars upside down, wrap them in a blanket and leave them until they cool down (this is how they undergo sterilization).
  • Can be stored at room temperature.

Tkemali cherry sauce

Cherry Tkemali for the winter has a more refined, unique and sweet and sour taste. Despite the spiciness, the ladies really like it. Having a good harvest of cherries on your plot or dacha, you will not have any problems with its processing. Believe me, this sauce will become a favorite in your family.

What do we need:

  • ripe cherries – 1.5 kg
  • apple or spirit vinegar 9% - 150 ml.
  • garlic – 10 cloves
  • sugar – 2/3 cup
  • salt - 1 table. l. without top
  • dry hops-suneli – 10 gr.
  • red ground pepper– 1 table. l.


  • We separate the washed cherries from the seeds. Place the berries in an aluminum or stainless steel bowl, add sugar, salt and dry seasonings.
  • Bring the berry mixture to a boil. Reducing the temperature of the stove, cook, stirring for 20-25 minutes.
  • Using a blender, grind the mass into puree and additionally rub it through a sieve.
  • Cook again until thickened.
  • When there are 5 minutes left before the end of cooking, add vinegar and garlic pulp (pressed out) and mix.
  • When hot, roll into sterile jars.

How to sterilize containers:

  • wash with hot running water, mustard and soda glass jars or bottles;
  • dry them and at the same time sterilize them in the microwave: half-liter ones - five minutes, and liter ones - ten;
  • Boil the tin lids;
  • Place the sauce hot and seal it. Cover the jars with something warm and leave overnight. In this form, the sauce will be preserved even in the apartment.

Attention! When taking out canned goods for use, be sure to check them for the presence of bombardment, which indicates the unsuitability of the product. You will have to get rid of the workpiece with a swollen lid or mold on the surface.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

A dish prepared not from traditional cherry plum, but from Hungarian cherry plum, turns out just as thick, aromatic, spicy, but has a little less sourness. And this is even a plus for many gourmets. This recipe miraculously combines the notes of piquant garlic and fragrant cilantro with parsley, the spiciness of chili and the recognizable aroma of dried coriander. Rich in these aromas, it is ideal for any meat, fish or poultry. One spoon added to vegetable stew, will make the dish original and incredibly tasty. And besides all these advantages, this recipe for plum tkemali for the winter in Georgian has another very important advantage for all housewives - it’s easy and quick to prepare!

You will need:

- 3 kg plums,
- 100 g cilantro,
- 2 heads of garlic,
- 100 g parsley,
- 1 - 2 pods of hot pepper,
- 2 tbsp. water,
- 1-3 tsp. ground coriander,
- 3 tsp. sunflower oil,
- 1 tbsp. Sahara,
- 1-2 tbsp. salt.

Recipe with photos step by step:

We take ripe, firm fruits. We wash them and place them together with the seeds in an enamel pan. Don't worry, they will easily separate from the pulp later. Fill with water and turn on the fire. At first glance it may seem that there is not enough water, but do not rush to add it. The fruits will release juice and the amount of liquid will immediately increase.

Bring to a boil and with the first gurgles, reduce the heat to low. After 15-20 minutes the fruit will be boiled. And they can be removed from the heat.

In the meantime, wash the greens. We also rinse the pepper with water and remove the tails from it. We separate the garlic into cloves, each of which must be peeled.
Now pass the softened plums through a colander or large sieve. This is how we separate pieces of skin and seeds and get clean pulp

Add all the bulk spices to this puree. By the way, sugar is optional. Still, the sauce should be sour. Place the semi-finished product on the stove again and cook on low power for about half an hour.

Meanwhile, finely chop the herbs, pass through a press or cut the garlic into tiny pieces. Grind hot pepper.

While the tkemali is finishing cooking, we have just a few minutes to sterilize the jars. The easiest way is to immerse them together with the lids in boiling water for 10 minutes.
And now pour the hot sauce into these containers. Finishing touch– distribute the oil among the jars (add a spoonful on top) and roll up immediately.

Store in a dark and cool place.
Bon appetit.

We recommend one more dish

Incredibly tasty Georgian sauce: tkemali - recipes.

Tkemali is the number one Georgian sauce. It is believed that without it it is impossible to survive endless Georgian feasts - the sour plums from which it is made help cope with fatty foods. By the way, tkemali is also a variety of sour plum, which gives the sauce its name. It is very difficult to find in Russia, so unripe sour quince, which is sold in markets, can be a good substitute. But by no means sweet plums.

Tkemali sauce.

Ingredients 4 servings

Cilantro (coriander) to taste
Tkemali plums ½ cup
Dill to taste
Red capsicum 1 piece
Garlic 3 cloves
Ground coriander to taste
Sea salt to taste


1. Place the plums in a saucepan, pour in water so that it covers the berries, and put on fire. The plums cook very quickly: ten minutes and it’s done.

2. Drain the water. We pull out the seeds directly with our hands and mash the plums with a spoon, or rub them through a colander, or smash them with a mixer - it turns out homogeneous mass, similar to jam.

3. Finely chop the pepper and mix it into the plums. Salt. Pound cilantro, dill and garlic in a mortar and also mix with plums. Add a little coriander. In fact, it is believed that there is no tkemali without ombalo grass, which grows only in Georgia - it cannot be found here. But we get along just fine without the ombalo and don’t feel much difference.

4. Well, that’s all - tkemali is ready. It gets eaten very quickly. If you want to prepare tkemali for the winter, then you just need to boil the plums, separate them from the pits, add salt and wrap them in jars. And only then, in winter, before putting tkemali into action, add cilantro, pepper and garlic. In the spring, when the plum has already grown, but has not yet ripened, it is customary in Georgia to invite guests to freshly brewed tkemali. Chicken, meat, fish and new potatoes are prepared for it. But the main thing is tkemali. It's fresh after winter young dish especially delicious.

Tkemali is special sour variety plums In Russia, tkemali is very difficult to find; only cherry plums are sold in markets. You can also make tkemali sauce from it, but it won’t be quite the same. But if you are going to cook tkemali from cherry plums, then be sure to use unripe ones. We do not recommend even trying to make tkemali from sweet plums. Ombalo is a Georgian variety of mint. The leaves of this perennial wild herbaceous plant Both fresh and dried, they are used as a seasoning, as well as in the preparation of some sauces and cheeses.

Tkemali sauce

Ingredients 4 servings

Garlic 1 head
Tkemali plums 1 kg
Cilantro (coriander) 2 tablespoons
Dill 2 tablespoons
Red capsicum 1.5 teaspoons
Salt to taste


1. Place sorted and washed tkemali plums or cherry plums in enamel dishes, add water to cover them, and, stirring often, cook over low heat until the peel comes off and the seeds separate.

2. Then rub the plums and the broth through a sieve or colander.

3. To the resulting mass, similar in thickness to sour cream, add finely chopped cilantro and dill, crushed Bell pepper and garlic, salt, and a little sugar if desired.

4. Bring to a boil, cool.

At long-term storage Pour the sauce into bottles, pour 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil on top, and seal tightly.

Tkemali green

Ingredients 12 servings

Green cherry plum 2 kg
Cilantro (coriander) 2 bunches
Young dill 2 bunches
Mint 1 bunch
Green pepper 2 pieces
Garlic 2 heads
Coriander seeds 1 tablespoon
Salt to taste


1. Boil the cherry plum and separate from the seeds.

2. Finely chop the greens.

3. Squeeze the garlic through a garlic press and mash the coriander seeds. Mix everything.

4. Add salt to taste.

Tkemali sauce

Ingredients 4 servings

Plums 500 g
Garlic to taste
Salt to taste
Ground black pepper to taste
Cilantro (coriander) to taste


1. Washed sour dried plums boil in water. Strain the broth and rub the plums (without seeds) through a sieve, dilute the broth to the thickness of liquid sour cream, add crushed garlic, salt, ground pepper, finely chopped cilantro or dill, let it boil, then cool.

Served with chicken on a spit, as well as shish kebab, fillet, etc.

Tkemali – delicious sauce from sunny Georgia

What do you eat this sauce with, you ask? Yes with everything! It will be a wonderful addition to meat, fish, vegetables, and simply with crispy bread or homemade noodles, there will be what you need - you'll lick your fingers.

By the way, tkemali recipe is a very conventional name. Not a single Georgian measures garlic, cilantro or hot pepper by gram. Everything is done to taste. During the cooking process, taste and add ingredients to your taste. And one more answer to the question “How to make tkemali from cherry plum?” Prepare it with love and good mood! This is why all Georgian dishes are so delicious!

Tkemali products

◾Yellow cherry plum (sour plum) – 2 kg;
◾Cilantro – 1 large bunch;
◾Dry ground cilantro (coriander) - to taste;
◾Garlic – one large head;
◾Ombolo is a special Georgian seasoning for this sauce. You can ask her at the bazaar, where they sell seasonings from the Caucasus. In other words, this is wild mint, but it doesn’t taste like our mint at all. If you don’t find it and don’t add it, it’s okay.
◾Red hot pepper – as much as you like.

This classic composition. In many recipes, dill, parsley are added, vinegar is poured in - do not do this, so as not to spoil it classic taste this wonderful dish.

How to cook tkemali?

1. Wash the cherry plum and let it dry.

Place in a thick-bottomed bowl (I cooked in a cauldron).

2.Pour 1/3 cup of water. Cover with a lid and cook until the cherry plum is softened.

Do not interfere for the first 30-40 minutes! Cook until the cherry plum leaves the pit and begins to spread on the spoon.
3. Let it cool slightly. Rub through a sieve or fine sieve to remove the pit and skin. If the mass is too liquid, boil it down.

4. Grind the garlic, cilantro, ombolo, and hot pepper as finely as possible. Grandfather Sandro pound them in a mortar, and you can put them through a meat grinder or grind them in a blender.

5.Add crushed seasoning to the grated cherry plum and salt to taste. It’s better not to add salt, then try again and add salt if necessary.

6.Put on the fire and let it simmer for 10-15 minutes with seasonings and salt.

Stir all the time so that the sauce does not burn.

7.Pour into glass bottles or jars, pour boiled water on top vegetable oil and cover with a lid.

Fill the bottle with hot oil 1 cm short of the top, and then slowly fill this free space with hot oil. I usually bake a small amount of oil to make it easier to cope with the narrow neck.

You can roll up the jar with a lid. Store in the refrigerator or basement.

That's all. Our wonderful Georgian tkemali sauce in Georgian style is ready. Georgians are very hospitable people who love nothing more than to treat their friends. I hope that tkemali cherry plum sauce is not the last Georgian dish, which we will prepare together with you. Satsivi and kharcho soup, chakhokhbili and khachapuri - can you really list it all! Treat your family and friends - delight and admiration are guaranteed.

Tkemali sauce

Tkemali sauce has bright taste and therefore especially suitable for barbecues. It got its name from tkemali, a sour red cherry plum that gives the sauce a specific taste. But even if you make this sauce from frozen plums bought at the supermarket, it will still turn out wonderfully delicious.

To prepare tkemali sauce, you need the following ingredients:

Cherry plums or pitted plums – 1 kg
sugar – 50 g
salt – 20 g
garlic – 6 cloves
freshly ground red pepper – 1.5 g
fresh cilantro – 50 g
dill – 50 g
ground coriander– 0.5 tsp.

Tkemali sauce is very easy to prepare:

1. Pass cherry plums or plums through a meat grinder, add salt, sugar and boil for 5 minutes.
2. Chop the garlic and herbs very finely, add them to the boiling plum along with red pepper and coriander, bring to a boil, remove from heat and let cool.
3. Pour the sauce into clean jars and store in the refrigerator.

Tkemali sauce

Anyone familiar with Georgian cuisine knows what tkemali sauce is. It is served with meat and fish dishes. Personally, I love him very much. True, it is now sold on store shelves, but its taste is not at all the same as that prepared at home. That's why I want to write a recipe, maybe you will like it. Tkemali can be prepared from green cherry plum. and from ripe ones.


Cherry plum - 1 kilogram
Red hot pepper - 2-3 pieces
Fresh cilantro - 1 large bunch
Fresh dill - 1 large bunch
Mint - a few leaves
Garlic - 1/2 head (more to taste)
Coriander half a teaspoon
Khmeli-suneli - half a teaspoon
Sugar and salt to taste

Wash the cherry plum, put it in a pan and boil it. Wipe through a colander to remove pits and skin. Pass the spices through a meat grinder. Grind the garlic and salt in a mortar. Put all this back into the pan, add a little water so that the mass resembles store bought sour cream. Add salt to taste; if the tkemali is very sour, add sugar. Boil for twenty minutes and pour into sterile jars, roll up the lids. The sauce is ready.

Fans of Georgian cuisine should not miss the plum dish on their plate. The classic recipe for plum tkemali sauce has a minimum of ingredients and is not difficult to prepare. The resulting sour consistency perfectly complements meat, fish and even vegetables. The basis of the culinary invention is the cherry plum or sour plum, but modern chefs have been able to somewhat transform the classic principle and replace the plum with gooseberries, red currants or other berries that have a sour taste.

In the Caucasus, tkemali is prepared with a fairly liquid structure. The finished sauce is poured into bottles, vegetable oil is added on top, and sealed with corks, which are tarred for reliability.

Tkemali from cherry plum classic

Depending on what type of plum is chosen, this will be the color and taste of the finished dish. For the classic recipe for plum tkemali sauce, you need to prepare about 1 kilogram of cherry plum along with the seeds to get a pleasant yellow color. Additional ingredients include 1 head of garlic and 1 red hot pepper. The spices will be 1 teaspoon full of coriander peas and 1 teaspoon of Imeretian saffron. For greens, you should take half a bunch of dill, cilantro and mint (you can use dry greens). 2 teaspoons of salt and 3 teaspoons of sugar will add flavor to the sauce. This sauce can be consumed immediately after preparation; for this purpose, the cherry plum should be cooked for a short time, up to 5 minutes, but if you planned to preserve plum tkemali for the winter, then the cooking time should be increased to 20 minutes.


The classic recipe may also include chopped walnuts, but they are rarely used in sauce.

Plum tkemali

Get brightly saturated, delicious sauce You can go with meat by preparing it from a blue variety of plum (for example,), of which 1 kilogram will go per dish. For the recipe for plum tkemali for the winter in Georgian, you will also need 5 pieces of sweet red (for rich color) pepper, 1 hot pepper, 2 medium-sized heads of garlic, 0.5 teaspoon of ground black pepper, 1 large spoon of salt and 2 of the same spoons of sugar.


Tkemali from plums with tomatoes

A recipe for spicy tkemali made from plums and tomatoes will help you step by step make your dream of sauce come true unusual taste. Sweet and sour dish will hold 2 kilograms of plums and ripe ones. Add flavor to preserved food 300 g of onion, 1 pc. red pepper, 100 g celery root, a bunch of basil and parsley. Spices that add flavor are cloves, cinnamon, mustard powder, ground black pepper - 1 teaspoon each. The preservation of tkemali sauce from plums will be ensured by adding 100 g of vinegar, and piquant taste 200 g sugar and 1 large spoon of salt.


Thanks to classic recipe Tkemali plum sauce can be prepared at home without special effort. Fruit from the garden tree plus a few spices and an excellent addition to meat dishes ready on your table.

Georgia has the most different sauces called tkemali. This is a hot and sour gravy that goes with any type of meat and fish, fried potatoes, buckwheat porridge, pasta, mashed potatoes, used in kharcho and pizza. You can cook it from sour plums of all possible colors (red, green, blue, yellow), as well as their apricots, cherries, red currants, dogwoods, grapes and others. The sauce perfectly combines fruits, berries and vegetables (pepper, eggplant, tomato). Must include aromatic herbs and various seasonings. This delicious recipe Georgian plum tkemali for the winter is fragrant and very piquant.

Tkemali got its name from a plum variety with the same name; they grow only in the Caucasus. IN original recipes ombalo pennyroyal is present. Coriander, garlic, cilantro and other herbs are also used. You can look for original spices at the market from seasoning sellers; among them there are also natives of Georgia. And, of course, you can replace ombalo with other types of herbs - lemon balm, thyme.

Green plum sauce

I suggest you next recipe Tkemali from green plums:

  • Plum (sour) green cherry plum) - 5 kg;
  • Cilantro - 4 bunches of fresh herbs (approximately), and you also need dry cilantro, maybe with seeds;
  • Peppermint – 1 bunch;
  • Thyme (a little);
  • Fennel - 1 bunch;
  • Salt - 1.5 tbsp. l.;
  • Sugar - 1.5 tbsp. l.;
  • Dill - 2 bunches, you can add dry;
  • Garlic - 4-5 heads;
  • Water - glass;
  • Dry or fresh hot pepper (then 2 pods).

We start with plums. They need to be washed, placed in a pan, added water and cooked. During the cooking process, the plums will soften and the pit will come off. Turn off and wait for the plums to cool. Rub them through a sieve or colander. This is the base for the sauce. You can then cook compote from the cake with seeds.

The greens need to be finely chopped, or pureed with a blender (then you need to add water and chop the greens larger). Soak the garlic in water and peel or grind in a blender.

We put the sauce on small fire and bring to a boil. Add herbs, pepper, garlic, salt, sugar. Stirring is a must! Cooking should take place over very low heat. The sauce turns out thick; when boiling strongly, splashes are formed, which does not in the best possible way will affect the state of our kitchen. Adjusting acidity and spiciness. If you overdid it with sour, you can correct the situation by adding a little sugar. You can cook the sauce from 20 minutes to an hour. If tkemali is being prepared for the winter, you need to cook it longer. The thickness of tkemali can be adjusted by adding hot boiled water.

The finished tkemali sauce should be poured into sterilized dry jars and hermetically sealed with sterile lids. Wait until it cools completely and hide the jars in a cool, dark place.

Red cherry plum tkemali

What we need:

  • Red cherry plum (2 kg);
  • Greens: hops-suneli (2 tablespoons);
  • Cilantro (bunch);
  • Ground bitter red pepper (to taste);
  • Garlic (1 head);
  • Salt (1.5-2 tablespoons);
  • Sugar (to taste).

Wash the cherry plum thoroughly. Remove the seeds. Place it in a saucepan and add salt. Wait until the cherry plum releases its juice.

Now put the plum on low heat. Cook, stirring until it becomes soft. Using a blender or meat grinder, turn the plum mass into puree. Put it on the fire again, now in a cauldron or in a saucepan with a thick bottom. While the tkemali is boiling, let’s get to the spices and herbs. Peel, wash, and chop the garlic with a blender or crusher. Finely chop the greens or puree them in a blender (with added water). Combine all ingredients, don’t forget pepper, salt, sugar. Adjust the taste. It’s better to put a spoonful of sauce on a plate, let it cool and try it cold. The taste of warm and cold food is different. And tkemali is served cold. Continue cooking the sauce for 20-25 minutes, until the desired thickness. All that remains is to pour the tkemali into a hot, dry container. Seal and leave until cool.

Tkemali from yellow plums, an excellent recipe for the winter “from Verochka”

You tried yellow sauce tkemali? It is prepared from ripe yellow cherry plum and has very rich taste. I suggest preparing tkemali from yellow plums This is a recipe for the winter.

Let's take 3 kg of plums. Wash it and put it in a saucepan, adding 500 ml of water. Cook for 15-20 minutes, stirring occasionally. Cool and rub the fruit through a sieve. Save the broth.

Add 2 pods of hot pepper to the puree.

And also 1 tbsp. spoon of salt.

And a bunch of dill with “umbrellas”. Cook for another 30 minutes.

Grind 4-5 cloves of garlic in a blender.

We also do the same with cilantro (250 g) and mint (300 g). Now you can remove the dill, add the herbs and garlic to the sauce and cook for 15-20 minutes.

Adjust the acid by adding up to 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar. If the seasoning is too thick, you can dilute it with plum broth. Ready dish pour into prepared jars, top up sunflower oil to the top and twist.

Tkemali sauce from plums: recipe “Everything will be delicious”

A well-known culinary expert suggests making tkemali sauce from plums according to the recipe from the show “Everything Will Be Delicious.” Since childhood, Tatyana learned to cook herself, since her parents were at work. And she became a real expert in cooking!

For 6 liters of tkemali we take:

  • Plums - 2 kg;
  • Hot pepper - 1 pc.;
  • Greens: dill - 1 bunch;
  • Cilantro - 1 bunch;
  • Salt - 1 tbsp;
  • Sugar - 2 tsp.
  • Vinegar - half a teaspoon for every liter of sauce.
  • Garlic - 7 cloves;
  • Ground coriander - 1 tsp;

Pour the plums with water and cook until soft (15-20 minutes), always stirring. Then remove the fruit from the heat and cool so as not to burn yourself. We take out the seeds and rub the pulp through a sieve. The sauce should boil and turn it off immediately. Finely chop the greens, peppers, garlic and add to the tkemali. Add coriander, salt, sugar, vinegar. Now it remains to bring to a boil, pour into jars and preserve.

We hope that with our recipes you will succeed very well. delicious tkemali from plums for the winter in Georgian style. Such savory seasoning Perfectly replaces store-bought sauces and diversifies the table.
