White ganache cream for cake. Ganache is the perfect filling for macarons and more

Hi all. Recently I promised to tell you about super cream for the finishing coating of cakes, which perfectly holds its shape and fits under the mastic. This is cream ganache. Today is a very detailed article about this cream.

Ganache is an emulsion of cream and chocolate. Do you know how this wonderful cream appeared? Like many things in cooking - completely by accident! A French chef accidentally spilled cream into melted chocolate, after which the chef called him a “fool,” which in French is “ganache.” When he tried what he got, he was amazed at the taste, and the name stuck with the dessert.

What do we have today? There are three varieties of ganache - with cream, with butter, and with cream with the addition of butter. Many argue that butter ganache should not be called that at all, that it is the “wrong” cream. And that real ganache is only made from chocolate and heavy cream. May be so.

However, I use all three types of this cream in practice. Why not choose one? Because all three varieties are absolutely working creams!

If I have sufficient quantity heavy cream, then I definitely choose creamy version, if there is cream, but not much, then I make a mixture; if there is no cream at all, then I choose the option with butter.

I would like to note that the most delicious and easiest, both in terms of preparation and eating, is the option with cream. The recipe with butter is the most difficult to digest, but the mixture of butter and cream is difficult to prepare.

Ganache can be made with any chocolate, be it dark, milk or white (you can also use bitter chocolate, but this is not for everyone).

The main thing here is to understand proportions.

Ganache on dark chocolate goes to cream (or butter) in a ratio of 1:1, for milk chocolate this ratio is 2:1, and for white chocolate it is 3:1 (sometimes even 4:1, for greater stability). That is, the less cocoa butter the chocolate contains, the more it will be needed for the cream.

These proportions work for absolutely all creams, that is, if you take 180 grams dark chocolate(2 tiles), then you need to take the same amount of cream or butter by weight.

Today I want to look at ganache made from a mixture of chocolate and cream, because it is in this version that there are the most mistakes, due to the fact that there are more steps in preparation.

Needless to say, the cream will taste delicious with professional chocolate?! Callebaut is a very good chocolate and cocoa. You can also buy it by weight from 100 grams in confectionery stores.

So, how to make a stable cream for leveling a cake and decorating cupcakes at home, recipe with photos step by step.


  1. 180 grams dark chocolate (2 bars)
  2. 75 grams of cream from 30% fat content
  3. 105 grams butter (82.5%) at room temperature


To begin with, I want to say right away that my friendship with ganache did not work out the first time! But, from this I can safely say that I know all the subtleties and possible mistakes)

I will offer you the most reliable method, with the least possible complications. First, I’ll write down the problems I encountered so that you don’t repeat my mistakes.

According to many recipes, it was necessary to first melt the chocolate, heat the cream separately, and only then combine these two mixtures. Here I encountered problems such as overheating of the chocolate and separation of the mass. Firstly, it is extremely easy to overheat chocolate in the microwave, especially when you heat it without cream. Secondly, when combining melted chocolate and hot cream, it can also overheat, and the mass can stratify due to the temperature difference.

Other recipes called for finely chopping the chocolate and pouring hot cream over it. Problems such as overheating of the chocolate may arise here, due to the fact that the chocolate is heated at a temperature significantly lower than the boiling point of the cream. And another problem may arise - incomplete dissolution of the chocolate if the cream is removed from the stove ahead of time. And this had to be solved by heating the mass and punching it with a hand blender.

After all my adventures, I’ll say one thing - don’t waste so much time! Melt the chocolate together with cream in a water bath, this is the most reliable method!

So, how to make dark chocolate ganache with cream at home.

Place a saucepan on the stove with a small amount water.

Place the chopped chocolate in a heatproof bowl. And fill it with cream (I have cream straight from the refrigerator).

As soon as the water in the pan boils, reduce the heat to medium and place our bowl of chocolate-cream mixture on top.

Stirring all the time, begin to melt the chocolate. The chocolate will clump a little at first.

Then it will gradually begin to disperse.

As a result, we should have a homogeneous mass without lumps, smooth and shiny.

Remove it from the heat and leave to cool to 40°.

Add into the cooled mixture butter room temperature! This is very important point If the oil is cold, the cream will separate. In this case, you need to warm it up a little in a water bath and beat it with a submersible blender.

Mix the mass thoroughly.

Cover with film and place in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours. The setting time depends on the quality of the chocolate; the better it is, the faster it will set.

During this time, the cream will stabilize and become very dense. Feel free to start leveling cakes, decorating cupcakes or using it as a filling.

This amount of cream is enough for me to level a cake of 18-20 in diameter.

If you beat the cooled ganache, you will get truffle cream. It will increase in volume, lighten and become very airy. I even prefer this option, it’s very easy to work with, the cream is pliable. They are also great for decorating cupcakes, using as a layer for sponge cakes or as a filling. Little secret, it’s better to level it with a hot, dry spatula, so the cream softens a little if suddenly it’s completely frozen.

Just remember that the ganache cream is thick and will not fully saturate your cakes, so we either use impregnation or self-sufficient biscuits in butter.

This cream is very stable, it hardens, as they say, “to stone.” If you are looking for what kind of cream to cover a cake with mastic, then this is your option. The mastic does not flow on it.

If you are looking for a cream to use to level your cakes in the heat, then this is also the best cream.

What should you do if you have to transport the cake by car for a long time? Use ganache!

If you are looking for a cream that won’t give off a waffle or sugar picture, the answer is the same, it’s ganache.

In addition to being used in cakes and cupcakes, this cream perfect option for filling cakes such as macaroons, shou, profiteroles or eclairs. Chocoholics will definitely appreciate it!

Some answers to the most common questions.

What does overheated chocolate look like? It becomes dense, gathers into pieces and does not shine! Can he be saved? It’s possible, but not everyone’s stage. If it just starts to curdle, try adding hot cream and stir with just a spoon.

Exfoliated oil in ganache is a violation of technology; the situation can be saved by heating the entire mass to 40° and punching it with a submersible blender.

Is the ganache cracking? The sponge cake or a very thin layer of cream was poorly soaked. Also, perhaps you haven’t left the cake to stand, then it shrinks and any cream can crack.

The ganache did not harden, but remained liquid. Most likely you came across low-quality products, I’m talking about chocolate and butter. It is extremely important to really find good ingredients. How to save the cream? Add more melted and cooled chocolate.

This amount of cream is enough to level a cake with a diameter of 16 and a height of 10 cm.

P.S. The recipe for chocolate drips can be found on the blog at the link - just click and you will find yourself in the right place)

Enjoy your meal!

Ganache is a delicacy that came to us from France. Thanks to your wonderful taste qualities he became a great alternative butter cream. Mastic ganache is very easy to prepare and decorate cakes with. Below we present to your attention a few famous recipes ganache for mastic. In particular, we will consider options for how to prepare chocolate ganache for mastic.


There are several varieties of mastics using chocolate (white, black and milk). In all cases, the ganache recipe is slightly different. However, we are interested in preparing ganache cream for mastic. To do this you will need to take the following ingredients:

  • 100 grams of chocolate, which must be at least 58%.
  • 100 grams of butter.

There are also other recipes for making ganache, for example:

  1. Made from milk chocolate with cream. Proportion ratio: 300 grams per 200 milliliters.
  2. Made from white chocolate under mastic with cream. Proportion ratio: 400 grams per 200 milliliters.
  3. Made from dark chocolate with cream. Proportion ratio: 200 grams per 200 milliliters.

Making chocolate fudge

So, you can make it from three types of chocolate. Let's consider the option self-cooking French cream based on white.

Cooking process

  1. To prepare, you need to prepare 300 ml of cream and 600 g of chocolate.
  2. First of all, the chocolate is chopped.
  3. The cream must be put on gas and brought to a boiling point, then quickly removed.
  4. It is best to use a container with a non-stick bottom to heat the cream. To prevent the cream from burning, be sure to stir it.
  5. As soon as you remove the saucepan from the heat, immediately add chopped chocolate to the cream.
  6. Next, take a silicone spatula and mix everything thoroughly.
  7. Gradually the tile will become soft.
  8. If you have an immersion mixer, then the task is greatly simplified.
  9. Pour the cream into a bowl, add the main ingredient and immerse the mixer with a special blade attachment into it.
  10. The mixing process must be carried out until homogeneous mass.

Expert opinion

Anastasia Titova


Advice! Do not constantly raise the mixer up/down. Otherwise you will end up with foam, which is bad.

  1. Next take cling film and cover the finished mixture with it so that there is no air left under it. As you move your hands over the film, it should stick to the mixture.
  2. If there is air there, there is a risk of crust formation.
  3. After this, put on another film, only on top of the container.
  4. Now place the ganache for the cake under the mastic in the refrigerator overnight.
  5. For the mixture to thicken, it must cool completely.
  6. In the morning, three hours before use, you need to remove the ganache from the refrigerator so that it comes to room temperature.

Expert opinion

Anastasia Titova


Advice! If the mixture turns out to be quite liquid, you can beat it again with a mixer, using only regular whisks.

By following these simple instructions, you can prepare ganache for various confectionery products. He will become a great addition for homemade desserts.

Chocolate ganache and bird's milk

Thanks to ready mix very flexible, it can be used in combination with different cakes. Hot chocolate by itself cannot be used for coating bird's milk. But the ganache glaze is great solution. This is one of the popular cakes that housewives bake at home. You can hide all the filling ready creamy ganache on cream. Here you can use dark chocolate as a base, which in combination with the cake will be very tasty.

Leveling the cream cake

Chocolate ganache for leveling the cake it has an ideal consistency. A special pastry spatula is used for this. As a result, the cake leveling mastic allows you to achieve a perfectly smooth surface. Sufficient plasticity also allows you to cover not only the top of the cake, but also the side.


So, we looked at the intricacies of how to make ganache with your own hands. Using ganache on desserts will be a wonderful addition that will not spoil, but enhance the taste of a dessert, such as cakes. Candies can be used as decoration. If the dessert itself has White color, That dark glaze will become perfect combination. Do you know other subtleties of cooking? Feel free to leave comments on this article!

Ganache is a French chocolate cream, plastic, having a soft but dense consistency. It is almost universal: it is used as a filling for sweets and croissants, layering cake layers, covering cakes and pastries, leveling their surface with mastic. The composition of the ganache is simple: chocolate and cream. The recipe with cream and butter is also considered a classic. The remaining ingredients (powdered sugar, flavorings, rum, cognac) are added as desired, they are not mandatory. Prepare this unusual cream not difficult.

Cooking features

There are many recipes for ganache, because in French cuisine It is believed that even a few drops of syrup added to the cream radically change its taste, allowing you to get a new dish. But there are also general principles.

  • The optimal consistency of ganache depends on what it is intended for. Usually more than one is prepared to cover cakes. liquid cream, which spreads easily, smoothly enveloping the confectionery product. To layer the cakes, they often use versions of cream with butter or alcohol components, which allow the cakes to be at least slightly soaked. If the cakes are made from dough that does not absorb the cream well, it is better to use something more liquid (syrup, liqueur, Madeira) for impregnation rather than ganache. To fill croissants, thick ganache is used, usually with the addition of butter. Candy also requires a product with high density.
  • Quality finished product depends on the quality of the starting ingredients. In chocolate intended for making cream, the cocoa content must be at least 40%, cocoa butter - at least 20%. Quality chocolate It melts in your hands, and when the tile breaks, a characteristic crunch is heard. At the same time, good chocolate does not crumble.
  • The ratio of chocolate to cream depends on the cocoa content of the main ingredient. If the ganache is made from dark chocolate, use about the same amount of cream or slightly less than the main ingredient. Milk chocolate you will need 2 times more cream, and white - 3 times. Some of the cream is often replaced with butter.
  • A common mistake novice cooks make is using ingredients at the wrong temperature to prepare ganache. The oil must be warmed to at least room temperature and softened, so take it out of the refrigerator in advance. The cream is heated on the stove or in a water bath, but do not allow it to boil. When melting chocolate in cream, boiling is also not allowed. This should be done either with low heat, or by removing the container with cream from the stove.
  • The classic ganache recipe allows you to do without help kitchen appliances, but many housewives prefer to beat the cream with a mixer.
  • Mix the chocolate with cream and butter until the product acquires a glossy shine. After cooling, the cream will become matte, but this is already considered normal.
  • For glazing confectionery products, ganache is used liquid, otherwise it will harden and its use for coating cakes will become difficult. To sandwich cake layers or fill sweets, it is recommended to cool the ganache for 1–2 hours, then beat with a mixer.
  • Properly prepared ganache should have a uniform consistency. If it delaminates, technological process at some stage was violated. This most often happens when using ingredients different temperatures. It’s not difficult to correct the situation: you need to heat the ganache to a temperature of 40–45 degrees and mix well using a mixer.

If you haven't used all the ganache, you can cover it and put it in the refrigerator. It will remain usable for 2 months. Before use, it will be enough to heat it in a water bath and beat. This only applies classic version ganache, which contains nothing but chocolate, cream and butter. In other cases, it is better not to take risks and try to use the product within 3 days.

Classic ganache recipe without oil

  • dark chocolate - 0.4 kg;
  • cream with a fat content of at least 30% - 0.2 l.

Cooking method:

  • Grind the chocolate. To do this, you need to break it, crumble it with a knife or grate it. The more the chocolate is crushed, the faster it will dissolve in the hot cream and be distributed more evenly.
  • Heat the cream over low heat or in a water bath, without bringing it to a boil.
  • Add chocolate. Stir until it is completely dissolved.
  • Remove the pan with ganache from the heat (or from the water bath). Let cool until desired temperature and use as intended.

Ganache prepared according to this recipe is universal. It can be used hot to cover a cake or cooled, whipped and layered into cake layers, filled into sweets or buns.

Classic recipe for ganache with butter

  • dark chocolate with cocoa content of at least 60% - 100 g;
  • heavy cream - 100 ml;
  • butter - 40 g.

Cooking method:

  • Remove the butter from the refrigerator in advance to soften it.
  • Break or grate the chocolate.
  • Heat the cream. As soon as they start to boil, remove from heat.
  • Pour hot cream over chocolate and leave for 5 minutes.
  • Whisk the creamy chocolate mixture with a whisk.
  • Continuing to beat, add butter.

The ganache prepared according to this recipe hardens very quickly, especially if you place it in the cold. If you want to cover the cake with it, you shouldn’t hesitate - it can thicken even with room temperature. More often, this ganache is used as a cream for layering a cake or filling sweets.

Chocolate ganache with rum

  • dark chocolate - 0.25 kg;
  • cream - 0.25 l;
  • rum - 20 ml.

Cooking method:

  • Cut the chocolate with a knife.
  • Bring the cream to a boil, but remove from the heat without letting it boil.
  • Combine cream with chopped chocolate.
  • After a few minutes, whisk everything together.
  • Pour in the rum, stir well or whisk again. The rum in this recipe can be replaced with cognac or another similar ingredient.

If you cool and beat the ganache made according to this recipe with a whisk or mixer, it will become airy. When hot, it is liquid and does not harden immediately. This cream option is ideal for covering or decorating a cake.

White chocolate ganache

  • White chocolate- 0.6 kg;
  • heavy cream - 0.2 l;
  • food coloring, berry flavoring (optional) - according to the manufacturer's instructions.

Cooking method:

  • Grind the chocolate.
  • Heat the cream in a water bath.
  • Place chocolate in hot cream. Stir without removing from the water bath until chocolate pieces will not dissolve completely.
  • Remove the container of ganache from the water bath. If you want to give it a bright color and aroma, add the appropriate components. Stir well.

Ganache prepared according to this recipe can be used to coat confectionery products or decorate them.

Cocoa ganache recipe

  • cocoa powder - 30 g;
  • powdered sugar - 30 g;
  • cognac - 40 ml;
  • heavy cream - 80 ml;
  • butter - 50 g.

Cooking method:

  • Remove the butter from the refrigerator. Wait until it becomes soft.
  • Heat the cream.
  • Mix cocoa with powdered sugar.
  • Add the dry mixture into the cream, spoon by spoon, mixing everything thoroughly each time.
  • Pour in the cognac and whisk.

This version of ganache is very different from the traditional one, but it produces a “working” cream, well suited for covering cakes and leveling their surface under mastic.

Recipe for ganache with condensed milk

  • dark chocolate - 0.25 kg;
  • butter - 0.2 kg;
  • condensed milk - 100 ml;
  • cocoa powder - 30 g.

Cooking method:

  • Beat the softened butter with a mixer.
  • Add condensed milk and chocolate to the butter. Whisk everything together.
  • Break the chocolate and melt it in a water bath.
  • Transfer the melted chocolate to the butter. Whisk everything together until the mixture reaches a homogeneous consistency.

Ganache prepared according to this recipe is usually used to decorate pastries and cakes.

Ganache without cream (with milk powder)

  • dark chocolate - 0.3 kg;
  • butter - 0.2 kg;
  • whole milk - 125 ml;
  • powdered milk - 100 g;
  • powdered sugar - 50 g.

Cooking method:

  • Grind the chocolate, melt it in a water bath, and set aside temporarily.
  • Mix dry milk with powdered sugar.
  • Heat liquid milk in a water bath to 50 degrees, dilute sugar and milk powder in it.
  • When the butter softens, beat with a mixer.
  • While continuing to whisk, add the milk mixture into the butter.
  • When the mixture becomes homogeneous, add melted chocolate. Whisk.

You need to cover confectionery products with this ganache as soon as it is ready - it hardens quickly. Cooled ganache made from milk powder is good for filling candies.

If you like to pamper your loved ones homemade cakes And confectionery products homemade, you just need to learn how to make ganache. This almost universal chocolate cream can help out in a variety of situations.

Ganache is delicate french cream made with chocolate. It is used as a glaze for cakes, cake filling, and a base for mastic. It can be of different consistency: thick or liquid. Let's find out with you how to make chocolate ganache.

Chocolate ganache recipe


  • cream 35% – 110 ml;
  • – 100 g;
  • butter – 35 g;
  • powdered sugar – 2 tbsp. spoons.


To prepare the ganache cream, break the chocolate into pieces and place in a saucepan. Pour the cream into a saucepan and add powdered sugar and mix thoroughly. Bring the mixture to a boil, but do not boil, and then pour everything into the chocolate and leave for a couple of minutes. After this, stir the mixture with a whisk until it has a homogeneous consistency, add the butter and mix again. As a result, you should have a shiny chocolate ganache under the mastic.

Chocolate ganache for cake


  • milk – 100 ml;
  • butter – 200 g;
  • dark chocolate – 200 g.


Here's another recipe for chocolate ganache for a cake. First, let's prepare steam bath until the bottom of the smaller saucepan touches the water. Then pour the milk into a smaller container, and while it is heating, break the chocolate bar into pieces. Next, pour them into hot milk, wait until the chocolate is completely dissolved, and remove from steam bath. Add the softened butter and mix the chocolate ganache thoroughly until a smooth, shiny mass is obtained. Place the mixture in the refrigerator for about 15 minutes, after which the chocolate ganache for coating the cake is ready!

Chocolate ganache cream recipe



So, take a bar of dark chocolate and cut it into small pieces. Now pour the fat into the saucepan coconut milk, put on low heat and heat until almost boiling. After that we add Brown sugar to taste, stir thoroughly with a whisk until the crystals are completely dissolved. Again, wait until the milk warms up to about 90°C and carefully pour it into the chopped chocolate. Leave for 10 minutes and do not touch the mass and do not mix yet! Then we begin to gently and very carefully stir the mixture, but do not beat, until a homogeneous chocolate ganache is obtained.

If you like to bake cakes and other sweets, then you have probably heard about ganache. True, for many this name remains shrouded in secrecy. Today we decided to figure out what it is and how to prepare it.

What is ganache?

Raspberry cake recipe

If you want to pamper yourself and your family or guests delicious dessert With exquisite taste, then try to cook this dish.

For the test we need following ingredients: 100 grams of butter (cold), 150 grams of ordinary and 50 grams almond flour, 20 grams brown sugar, one egg and 4 grams of salt. In order to prepare ganache, you need to stock up the following products: 180 ml cream (minimum 33% fat), 300 grams white chocolate, 170 ml olive oil, vanilla bean and coarse sea ​​salt or cereal (eg Maldon). For the filling we also need 300-400 grams of fresh raspberries. This amount of ingredients is designed for a baking dish with a diameter of 20-22 centimeters.

Preparing the dough

First, cut the cold butter into small pieces and place it in a blender bowl. Add sifted flour and salt there. Grind to fine crumbs. Add sugar and grind again. Pour the resulting crumbs into a bowl, add the egg and quickly gather the dough into a ball before the butter begins to melt. Immediately after this, roll it out on a previously lightly floured sheet of baking paper. The thickness of the dough should be approximately 3 mm. Cover it with another sheet of paper and put it in the refrigerator for an hour.

After this, take out the dough, roll it out to the required thickness and place it in a baking dish. Cover it with heat-resistant film (a regular baking sleeve will also work for this purpose), cover it with rice or other small grains and put it in the refrigerator again for 30-60 minutes. Then bake the dough in an oven preheated to 170 degrees for 10 minutes with rice and 15 minutes without it. Let the finished base cool thoroughly.

Let's move on to preparing the cream

This ganache recipe is different from classic themes that it is not black, but white chocolate that is used. This gives the cream special taste and piquancy. So, chop the chocolate and put it in a tall glass or bowl from an immersion blender. Pour the cream into a bowl and add the seeds and if possible, let them sit overnight, if not, heat the mixture to a boil, cool for 15 minutes, bring to a boil again and pour into the chocolate.

Using a spatula, gently mix until a homogeneous mass is formed. Lower the blender into the mixture and begin pouring in a thin stream olive oil. At the end, add salt to taste. As seen, this recipe The ganache is quite simple, but its taste exceeds all expectations.

To complete the preparation of our cake, spread the resulting cream onto the cooled base and place it in the refrigerator until completely hardened. After this, place raspberries on top of the dessert. Delicious cake ready to serve! Bon appetit!

So, today we learned what ganache cream is, the recipe for which is easy to prepare.
