Recipes for delicious pickled watermelons in jars for the winter. Quick salted watermelons. Delicious canned sweet watermelons, with citric acid, aspirin, without sterilization, with tomatoes: recipes

We never lose interest in the striped berry; even in winter it decorates our table if we take care of its preparation in the fall. The best way The preparation is considered to be canning; it is pickled watermelons in jars for the winter that are in particular demand due to the uniqueness of their taste. To give this very taste, they use various marinades, add all kinds of spices and herbs, which makes canned fruit appetizing.

We bring to your attention a recipe for pickled sweet and salty watermelons. Using the technology we describe below, you can easily prepare delicious snack for the whole family.

Secrets of successful conservation

Degree of ripeness of striped berries

It is best to preserve unripe watermelons. Leave overripe fruits for pickling or moonshine, and eat moderately ripe ones fresh.

Choosing a good watermelon

Immediately before pickling, rinse the watermelons well, because they will be preserved together with the peel. For the same reasons, carefully choose the berry itself. Our tips for choosing berries are collected in a separate article.

Try to ensure that it is nitrate-free and does not have any external damage (scratches, cracks, etc.), otherwise there is a high probability that, along with beneficial properties you'll marinate all sorts of bacteria.

Three times filling

Fill the jar with boiling water (not marinade) 3 times.

Why you can’t pour less is very simple to explain: pouring pickled fruits even twice with boiling water means there is a high probability that the jars will “explode.”

Spices in marinade

You can pickle striped berries without spices, using only watermelons and marinade for twisting. But it’s better to add all kinds of aromatic spices. They will add piquancy to the finished preserve and make it truly special.

When you decide to seal watermelons in jars along with spices, use the simplest, and most importantly, natural seasonings that Mother Nature herself gave us.

You can use the following as herbs and spices:

  • Bay leaf;
  • cherry, currant leaves, etc.;
  • peppercorns;
  • garlic;
  • mint;
  • greens, etc.

If you properly prepare pickled watermelons in jars for the winter, you can get a portion of the most delicious summer treat, without particularly wasting money on expensive ingredients.

Sticking to simple recommendations pickling, the delicacy beloved by many will retain maximum of its beneficial and taste properties. And while the last representatives of the melon harvest are still waiting for their buyers in the markets, hurry up and buy and prepare a piece of summer for yourself.

Happy conservation and bon appetit!

Salted watermelon is a somewhat unusual phrase, but this product is one of the wonderful types of snacks for any feast. Salted watermelons in jars are not very common - they are not for everyone, but in order to accurately determine whether you like salted watermelons or vice versa, be sure to make them yourself, according to the recipes provided below.

This method of salting, how to salt watermelons in a barrel, is entirely interesting because the watermelons will not be cooked in pure brine, but together with shredded cabbage. This recipe for salted watermelons is designed for large volumes of preparations, which is very convenient, for example, for big family. Unusual vegetable mix pickles will become not only tasty treat table, but will also give the body great amount useful substances and vitamins.


  • small watermelons up to 2 kg - 2-4 pcs.;
  • non-iodized salt - 320 g;
  • shredded cabbage - 10 kg;
  • whole head of cabbage - 1-2 pcs.;
  • chopped carrots - 2 kg.

Recipe for pickling whole watermelons in cabbage:

  1. Prepare a container for pickling - it can be any deep, large-volume container: enamel pan, wooden barrel, a bucket (also enameled) or such a rarity as oak tub. The container should be thoroughly cleaned, washed and dried.
  2. When choosing watermelons for this method of pickling, pay attention to the fact that the fruits should be undamaged, firm and not overripe. We won’t pierce them with a needle! Wash the watermelons and dry with a towel.
  3. Shred the cabbage using a shredder. The weight of cabbage is 10 kg, indicated in the recipe, this is the weight of the already chopped product, not heads. And you will also need one or two heads of cabbage separately to fill the voids in the container, cut them into large random pieces.
  4. Cut the carrots into strips or simply grate them on a coarse grater. Combine with shredded cabbage.
    Salt for such preparations should not be iodized!
  5. Place a 10 cm thick layer of shredded cabbage on the bottom of the selected container, compact it and sprinkle with part of the total amount of salt.
  6. Place whole small watermelons on a layer of cabbage so that they do not touch each other or the walls of the container. Fill the voids with large cabbage pieces and leaves.
  7. The layers of cabbage are compacted and salted every five centimeters. The cabbage should completely hide the watermelons.
  8. As soon as the container is filled, cover the pickling mixture with clean gauze or a white sheet, and place some kind of press on top (a jar filled with water or a clean stone).
  9. The product must be stored in a cold cellar, otherwise the food will spoil.

Serve salted watermelon should be served cut into slices.

How to pickle watermelons in jars

Almost everyone, having eaten the sweet pulp of a watermelon, throws away its rinds, but in vain. The recipe below for pickling watermelons in a canning jar will show how this part can be used big berries. Salted watermelon rinds prepared according to this recipe have a piquant taste due to garlic and allspice. They are eaten as a snack, added to meat and fish dishes, cut into salads (vinaigrettes, Olivier salad) or pickle sauce.

What do you need:

  • thick-skinned watermelon - 1 pc.;
  • large cloves of garlic - 7 pcs.;
  • shower. pepper - 4 peas;
  • dill - 4 sprigs;
  • celery - 1 stalk;
  • sugar. sand - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • coarse salt - 1 dessert. l.

How to pickle watermelons in jars for the winter:

  1. The quantity of products is calculated for 1 three-liter jar. Pre-wash and sterilize it in any way convenient for you. WITH metal lid, which we will use to close the jar, do the same procedures.
  2. For this preservation we choose only thick-skinned watermelon. Wash the fruit and cut it into regular portions to make it easier to cut out the pulp. By the way, you won’t need it in this recipe, so you can just eat it. Cut off the hard green skin in a thin layer, so that the dense green part remains, which we will salt.
  3. Cut watermelon slices without pulp into slices 4-5 cm long, that is, so that they fit compactly in a 3-liter jar.
  4. Place dill branches, a small stalk of celery on the bottom of the prepared glass container, add allspice peas and whole cloves of garlic.
  5. Place the chopped peels compactly and tightly into the jar to the top.
  6. Boil water in a saucepan, then carefully pour it over the ingredients in the jar. Boiling water should be poured in a thin stream so that the container does not burst due to temperature changes. The crusts in this state should sit for some time, namely when you can pick up the jar with your hands and not get burned.
  7. Then warm water pour back into the pan, boil again, add salt and granulated sugar on prescription.
  8. Pour the contents of the jar again with the resulting hot brine, roll up the lid and wrap it upside down for a day.

How to pickle watermelon pieces

This recipe for pickling watermelons in jars for the winter is the most classic and simple. Watermelons in jars will already be cut into portioned “triangles”, all that remains is to uncork the lid and enjoy spicy taste canned berries. Salty watermelon pulp, however, like sweet fresh ones, is an excellent diuretic, improves digestion and metabolism in the body.


  • ripe watermelons - 5 kg.
  • garlic - 6 cloves;
  • shower. peppercorns - 6 pcs.;
  • hot pepper - a third of a pod;
  • sea ​​salt - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • dill - 2-3 sprigs;
  • sah. sand - 1 tbsp. l.

How to salt watermelon pieces:

  1. When choosing watermelons for pickling, it is worth considering several factors: the fruits must be ripe (but not overripe), thin-barked and small in size (weighing up to about two kilograms).
  2. Wash the watermelons well under running water and wipe with a dry towel. Cut off a small circle in the part where the stalk is located and cut the same circle on the opposite side.
  3. Using a large, sharp knife, cut the watermelons into rings about three centimeters thick.
  4. Cut each watermelon ring into approximately equal pieces in the form of triangles. The pieces should be such that they fit into the container without any problems.
  5. Place tightly in pre-sterilized and dry jars.
  6. In a separate saucepan, boil filtered water, carefully pour the resulting boiling water over the stacked watermelon triangles, cover with lids, and leave for 3 hours. The water must cool completely.
  7. After the time has passed, pour the water from the jars into the pan and, based on the total volume of brine, prepare following products: peel the garlic cloves, cut into slices, measure required amount remaining ingredients.
  8. Place the pan with the liquid on the fire, add sugar. sand, salt, bring to a boil.
  9. As soon as the water boils, add the remaining ingredients, boil the brine for 2 minutes, remove from heat and pour it over the watermelons in the jars.
  10. Roll up the containers with lids, wrap them up and leave them upside down until they cool naturally.

Salting watermelons in a barrel with apples in the sand

This interesting recipe for pickling is designed for a large volume. The original taste of watermelons combined with apples will delight lovers of unusual culinary delights. The two ingredients of this preparation ultimately turn into an excellent snack.

Main ingredients for pickling:

  • small ripe watermelons (up to 2 kg) - 2-6 pcs.;
  • strong apples - 10-15 kg;
  • salt (per 10 liters of water) - 750 g;
  • washed sand - 5-10 kg;
  • cherry and currant leaves- 15 pcs.

How to pickle watermelons in a barrel with apples in the sand:

  1. For pickling, you will need ripe and strong watermelons without damage; their quantity may vary depending on the size, but they must weigh up to two kilograms. Wash all fruits well.
  2. Select apples that are also ripe and firm without visible defects, and wash all the fruits.
  3. It’s better to take a barrel as a container for pickling, but if you don’t have one, a capacious enamel pan will do just fine.
  4. Place the watermelons in the selected container, filling the space between them with apples, not forgetting to evenly add cherry and currant leaves.
  5. Pour sand into the filled container; it will fill the remaining voids. The amount indicated in the recipe is approximate; it may vary less or more - it depends on the volume of the selected container.
  6. Prepare hot pickle, the amount of salt is indicated for 10 liters of water, but more may be needed; for each specific case you will have to calculate it yourself, based on the available figures.
  7. Add the last layer of watermelons with a layer of sand, about 5 cm thick.
  8. Add more brine so that it is 10 cm higher than the sand layer.
  9. The workpiece should be stored in a cool place. As salting proceeds, the sand will compact and settle; it and the brine will need to be added so that the watermelons do not become bare.

How to salt watermelons recipe with mustard

The beauty of this recipe lies in its quick cooking. Even a kitchen novice can handle the salting process, and the result will not disappoint lovers of original and spicy snacks.


  • unripe watermelon - 1 fruit;
  • large rock salt- 1 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar - 25 grams;
  • mustard powder - 1 tbsp. l.

Cooking step by step:

  1. An enamel pan in which we will salt, wash and dry.
  2. We choose unripe watermelon, wash it well and cut into portions.
  3. Combine in a bowl coarse salt, sugar and dry mustard, mix into a homogeneous powder.
  4. Sprinkle part of the resulting dry mixture onto the bottom of the container, lay out a layer of watermelons, sprinkle again, and so on until the laying is complete.
  5. Cover with a clean, white cloth and place any weight on top.
  6. If you leave it at room temperature, the watermelons will be ready in 5 days; if in the cellar, then a little longer, but they will last longer in a cool place.
  7. The result is spicy and aromatic watermelon pieces.
  8. The remaining mustard on the finished pieces of watermelon can be washed off in the juice that formed during pickling.

Salting watermelons for the winter is now very original. Such a preparation with a piquant taste will be an unusual surprise for relatives and will pleasantly surprise guests. Salting watermelons will definitely help preserve them for a longer period.

For those who like to diversify their winter diet using blanks, we would like to offer other twist options: , pickling and . You can easily find all these and many other recipes in our recipe book on the website.

The aroma of this giant berry cannot be confused with anything else. We always look forward to the end of summer, because it is during this period of time that juicy, sweet striped animals appear on store shelves. We have already told you how to make watermelon jam, but in order to preserve a piece of summer until winter, you need to know how to pickle watermelons correctly.

Pickling watermelons in a jar

How to salt watermelons in jars for the winter? It is clear that in this case salt is always used, as well as vinegar, which will ensure the safety of the product for the long winter months. In addition, not every berry is suitable for pickling. You need to choose ripe watermelons with crispy flesh: green berries, as well as overripe ones, are not suitable for this. There are a great many cooking recipes. In addition to classic salted watermelons, you can add spicy and bitter berries, which the male half of the family will appreciate. Here are some of the recipes:

  • Wash the watermelons and cut into slices approximately the size of a matchbox. Pack into sterilized glass containers and fill with boiling water. In 10
    minutes, drain the water back into the pan and place it on the stove;
  • Wait until characteristic bubbles appear on the surface and pour the contents of the containers again for 5 minutes. Pour into a saucepan and add 50 g of salt and 30 g of sugar per 1 liter of liquid. If desired, you can add your favorite spices - ginger, nutmeg, coriander, etc. Boil the ingredients;
  • Pour the contents of the jars one last time, not forgetting to add 1 tsp to each. 70% acetic acid;
  • Roll up, wrap for a day, and then put in a cool place.

For those who like it spicy, you can salt watermelons in a jar like this:

  • Wash the watermelons well and pierce them in several places. Place them in a prepared barrel and seal it;
  • Fill through the tongue hole saline solution. It must be prepared on the basis that 1 liter of liquid will require 60 g of salt. Keep the barrel at room temperature for about 2 days, and then put it in the cellar;
  • You can pickle watermelons in a barrel if you remember to use spices when adding them: garlic, horseradish root, dill, onion, cherry and currant leaves.

How to salt watermelons in a saucepan

You can salt watermelons in a saucepan, and after a couple of days you can enjoy a delicious berry with a strong wine flavor. Here are the preparation steps:

  • Cut the berries into several not too small pieces and place in a high saucepan. Pour 9% vinegar at the rate of 1 glass of liquid per 5 kg of pulp;
  • How to pickle watermelons in a saucepan? Start preparing the marinade: add 250 g of sugar and 125 g of salt to 4 liters of water. Boil, pour over the pieces and leave to cool in the room. Then put it in the refrigerator for a day or two and after this time evaluate the result.

Salting whole watermelons

How to salt watermelons in pieces was described at the beginning of this article, but few people know that this delicious berry You can marinate the whole thing and you don’t even need a barrel. Moreover, the entire cooking process will take you a minimum of time, and you can evaluate the quality finished product It will be possible in 25–30 days. Here are the preparation steps:

  • Buy a small, ripe watermelon weighing up to 2 kg and, after removing the stem, wash it with a soft brush. Using a sharp wooden stick, make punctures in about 10–12 places;
  • Now all that remains is to prepare the brine. The calculations are the same: per liter of liquid 50 g of salt and 30 g of sugar. Spices and seasonings as desired. Place the berry in a tight plastic bag and pour in the marinade. The free end of the plastic container must be tied with a tight knot or a bag with a zipper can be used;
  • How to pickle watermelon quickly? Now all that remains is to put it in the refrigerator or cellar for about a month, and then enjoy it yourself and treat your friends.

These blanks, frankly speaking, are not for everyone, but usually everyone likes them the first time. Therefore, pickling watermelons in jars has every right to our approval, just like pickling tomatoes and cucumbers.

For the first time I tried salted and pickled watermelons for the winter in Ukraine. They love to make such things for a snack, and for vodka. Just with fried potatoes or in addition to meat, these watermelons are very good. There are some fans there who salt watermelons in whole barrels, but this option is unlikely to suit us; it’s still more convenient to store them in jars.

What I also liked was that completely unripe watermelons or simply unsweetened ones are suitable for pickling. We grow melons ourselves; summer doesn’t change from summer to summer, you know, Siberia. Sometimes watermelons simply don’t have time to ripen. That's when we start pickling in full swing.

How to pickle watermelons in jars for the winter

You can pickle watermelons either whole or sliced. There are varieties that are very tiny, no more large tomato, these can fit in a jar, but slices are still more convenient.

For salting and marinating, you can add the most different spices, some people like it with sprigs of cherries, currants and raspberries, some like it with more garlic, there are fans of spicy watermelons with pepper. There are actually a lot of options; if you haven’t tried anything even close, it will be difficult to decide right away. But then you will be able to invent recipes to suit your taste. I already have these.

When pickling watermelons, you can remove or leave the rind, according to your taste. They usually remove the thick one, but some people salt it separately and it turns out very tasty. You should not take purchased watermelons for pickling, especially before the start of the season. Along with them, you will also pickle the nitrates with which they are filled.

Traditional recipe for pickling watermelons in jars

If you still decide that some berries, which include watermelon, can be used not only for jam, but also salted, I suggest starting with classic recipe pickling. Almost the same way you salt cucumbers, tomatoes and everything else.

For this recipe you will need:

  • Two kg of watermelons
  • Liter of water
  • A flat teaspoon of lemon or 50 grams of 9% vinegar
  • Three tablespoons of sugar
  • One and a half tablespoons of salt

How to pickle watermelons:

We select the most intact ones so that there is no damage to the peel. We cut them into small pieces so that they fit into the jar; you don’t need to stamp them down too tightly, otherwise the end result won’t be very nice. We sterilize the jars and put watermelon slices in there to the top.

Prepare the brine, pour salt and sugar into boiling water, and pour vinegar at the end of cooking. If you make it with lemon, you need to add it directly to the jar. Then we fill the jars with brine and set them to sterilize in boiling water for about 20 minutes. Roll them up, wrap them upside down in a blanket and leave them to cool for a couple of days.

Recipe for spicy salted watermelons

Enough interesting combination, especially if the watermelon was sweet. The taste of pepper and garlic is emphasized by the sugar content and the appetizer turns out great.

For the recipe we will need:

  • Two kg of watermelons
  • Liter of clean water
  • Four spoons of sugar
  • Two spoons of salt
  • Six peas of allspice
  • 2-3 pods of hot pepper
  • 3-4 cloves of garlic
  • A tablespoon of vinegar essence

How to pickle spicy watermelons

We cut the watermelons into slices so that they fit into the jar, immediately add allspice and pepper (I take dry pods), peel and arrange the garlic cloves evenly throughout the jar; if they are large, you can cut them lengthwise.

Bring the water until it boils and pour the jar of watermelon in for a couple of minutes, then pour it back into the cooking container. Now add sugar and salt and boil for fifteen minutes, at the end add vinegar, which can be replaced with citric acid. Fill the jar and immediately seal with a sterile lid. We also let it cool under the blanket upside down.

Pickling watermelons in jars without sterilization

Not everyone likes to tinker with jars, especially sterilize them, so I specially prepared this recipe. The main thing here is to choose moderately ripe watermelons so that they do not ferment quickly, as overripe ones usually do.

To prepare you will need:

  • A couple of kilos of watermelons
  • Liter of water
  • 70 ml 9% vinegar
  • Three tablespoons of sugar
  • Two tablespoons of salt

How to cook watermelon without sterilization:

We cut watermelons into pieces. We sterilize the jars in advance and place the pieces in them, without compacting them too much.

Boil water and fill the jars with watermelons and let sit for 5 minutes. Afterwards, we pour everything back and boil again, fill the jars again for three minutes, after that we pour them back into the saucepan, add sugar and salt and boil, at the end of cooking we add vinegar.

Immediately fill the jars with brine, freshly removed from the stove, and immediately roll up the lids. We put it away to cool for a couple of days, covered under a blanket, just don’t forget to turn it over onto the lids.

Cold pickling of watermelons in jars

This option is for those who do not like vinegar in preparations. Here salt and fermentation bacteria will act as preservatives, almost like in sauerkraut. Using this recipe, you can pickle watermelons in a barrel, just increase the volume.

What we will need:

  • Two kilograms of watermelons, if made in jars
  • Liter of boiled cooled water
  • 70 grams of salt

How to cold pickle watermelons:

We also cut the watermelon into slices and put them in scalded jars. Boil water together with salt and cool the brine until room temperature, then pour in the watermelons. Now the most interesting thing is that we leave them in the room for two days to wander. Like cabbage, we pierce it so that carbon dioxide comes out. Then we put it in a cold place. This recipe is old; my grandmother used to salt watermelons this way.

Salted watermelons with spices

Fragrant and flavorful pieces ripe watermelon will not only original taste, but also a unique smell. I have this recipe for the holidays; we love to surprise guests with something unusual.

What we need to take:

  • A couple of kilos of watermelons
  • Liter of water
  • Three spoons of sugar
  • Two spoons of salt
  • 50 grams of vinegar 9%
  • 6 allspice peas
  • 3 carnations
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 2 leaves fresh horseradish
  • A bunch of herbs, parsley, celery and dill

How to pickle watermelon with spices:

Place cleanly washed horseradish leaves on the bottom of the jars, sterilized in advance; it will add sharpness to the watermelons and pleasant freshness. Then lay out the slices without crushing them. Arrange with sprigs of herbs and add spices: bay leaf, peppercorns and cloves.

Boil some water and immediately pour it into the jar, cover it with a lid and let it sit for five minutes, then cover it with a special lid with holes and pour the water back. Now we boil it with salt and sugar, not forgetting to pour the vinegar into it at the end. Now fill the jar and roll it up, put it upside down under a fur coat for a day.

Pickled watermelons in jars for the winter with mustard powder

For those who haven't tried it, I highly recommend it, not a recipe, but a song! The watermelons turn out tart, crispy, and it’s just a pleasure to indulge in them. An excellent side dish for meat and fish.

What you need for the recipe:

  • Two kilos of watermelons of any ripeness
  • Liter of water
  • Four tablespoons of sugar
  • Two tablespoons of salt
  • teaspoon dry mustard powder
  • teaspoon without top lemon

How to cook:

Cut the watermelons into slices, place them in sterile jars and pour boiling water over them for five minutes. Then we drain the boiling water and make brine from it. Pour mustard and lemon into the jars, pour mustard and lemon on top of the watermelons, fill with boiling brine and roll up. The upside down jars will cool under the blanket for a couple of days.

Everyone loves watermelons - both children and adults. Starting from mid-August, in almost every home you can see several of these large berries, which the whole family will soon feast on. Prepare pickled watermelons in jars for the winter - give yourself a piece of the hot summer in the cold winter.

Prepare pickled watermelons in jars for the winter - give yourself a piece of hot summer in cold winter

All recipes for canning this berry are not particularly complicated. If you pickle the berries correctly, they will turn out very tasty and sweet. So, what will it take?

  • Watermelons.
  • Water.
  • Vinegar.
  • Salt.
  • Sand sugar.

The cooking recipe consists of the following sequential steps:

  1. First you need to prepare the fruit. It is washed to remove dust and dirt and then cut into slices. It is best to cut into small slices, as the workpiece will be more convenient to eat, and small pieces marinate better than large ones.
  2. For convenience, it is recommended to use a large, sharp knife so that too much juice does not come out of the berries when slicing.
  3. You need to prepare the brine. To do this, place a container of water on the stove. When it boils, add sugar and salt. There should not be too much salt, as the workpiece will turn out unsweetened.
  4. It is enough to boil the brine for 15 minutes. Then it must be strained.
  5. The brine will be ready after adding vinegar to it. Do not add too much vinegar, as this will negatively affect the taste qualities pickled berries.
  6. Marinating the cut fruit should take place in a sterilized container. It is recommended to use soda to sterilize them. The pieces are placed in jars and filled with brine.

At the last stage, the container can be rolled up.

Watermelons for the winter (video)

Delicious recipe for watermelons canned with citric acid

Canned watermelons with citric acid have very pleasant taste and smell.

To prepare them you need the following products:

  • Watermelon.
  • Black pepper.
  • Water.
  • Citric acid.
  • Bay leaf.
  • Vinegar.
  • Sand sugar.

Canned watermelons with citric acid have a very pleasant taste and smell.

Step-by-step cooking method:

  1. The washed berries should be cut into small pieces.
  2. If desired, you can cut off the rind and remove the bones, but this is not necessary.
  3. Next, you should start sterilizing glass containers. Pour boiling water over the jars and keep them upside down for a few minutes.
  4. Then spices are laid out at the bottom of each jar, namely pepper and bay leaves.
  5. Meanwhile, the water is brought to a boil and the chopped fruit is poured into it. You need to steep it in boiling water for 10 minutes.
  6. After this, the liquid is poured into the same container in which it was brought to a boil. You can prepare a marinade. When the water boils again, salt and granulated sugar are added to it.
  7. The berries are placed in jars. Then it is poured with the prepared marinade. It is very important not to wait for it to cool, but to fill it immediately after removing it from the stove.
  8. A spoonful of vinegar is added to each jar.

After this, the jars can be screwed on.

How to roll up a sweet watermelon for the winter?

To make watermelons sweet, you need to use the appropriate ingredients in the recipe.

List of required products:

  • Watermelon.
  • Water.
  • Salt.
  • Sand sugar.
  • Peppercorns.

To make watermelons sweet, you need to use the appropriate ingredients in the recipe.

Cooking method:

  1. First of all, the watermelon should be filled with water and left for some time. This is necessary so that it cools down and makes it easier to wash.
  2. At the second stage, the peel must be cleaned of contaminants. IN this recipe There is no provision for cutting it.
  3. Next, the fruit must be cut. If desired, you can remove the seeds, but this must be done very carefully, as the berry may release a large number of juice
  4. Liquid is placed on the stove. After it boils, you need to pour it over the cold chopped fruit.
  5. While it is infusing, it is worth sterilizing the glass container.
  6. Next, you should start preparing the marinade. To do this, dissolve salt, granulated sugar and honey in boiling water. It doesn't matter what kind of honey you use, since in any case it will melt in boiling water. Granulated sugar and honey should be taken in equal quantities.

The watermelon is placed in a sterilized container and filled with the prepared marinade. Now you can start twisting the cans.

How to wrap a cut watermelon for the winter?


  • Watermelon.
  • Vinegar.
  • Pepper.
  • Peas.
  • Sand sugar.
  • Carnation.
  • Bay leaf.

The whole family will love this preparation

Step by step recipe:

  1. The watermelon needs to be thoroughly washed to remove dust and dirt. After this, it is cut into slices. It is necessary to cut off the peel of each slice, since it is not suitable for food, therefore, there is no point in canning it.
  2. Watermelon without rind should be cut into triangles, so the workpiece will look aesthetically pleasing.
  3. Glass containers are sterilized. Before it has time to cool, you should put cloves and bay leaves on its bottom. To achieve a bitter taste, you can also add a few peppercorns.
  4. Then the peas are placed in the jars.
  5. After this, you can lay the fruit and pour boiling water over everything.
  6. The marinade is prepared as follows: salt and granulated sugar are added to boiling water. The second spice should be 5 times more than the first. Then vinegar is added. While the marinade is cooking, a lot of foam will form in the pan; it should be removed. It is enough to cook for 5 minutes.

At the last stage, the prepared brine is poured into jars, after which they can be rolled up.

Recipe for watermelon preparation with horseradish: very tasty

In this cooking method, the skin of the fruit must be cut off. The taste of the workpiece is not sweet, but on the contrary. The berry pickled in this way will have a bitterish-sharp taste.


  • Watermelon.
  • Horseradish root.
  • Salt.
  • Aspirin.
  • Sand sugar.
  • Mustard beans.
  • Garlic.
  • Pepper pod.

The berry pickled in this way will have a bitter-spicy aftertaste.

The recipe consists of the following sequential steps:

  1. The fruit pulp is separated from the peel. Then you should remove the seeds from the pulp.
  2. The container is sterilized. At the bottom you need to put spices and “spicy” ingredients, namely horseradish root and pepper. If desired, you can add a few peas of allspice.
  3. The garlic is finely chopped. It is also added to the bottom of the dish.
  4. The workpiece is poured with boiling water to steep for a couple of minutes. This boiling water is then poured into a container for re-boiling. All remaining spices from the list of ingredients are added there, including aspirin.

After the brine has been prepared and poured into jars, they can be sealed.

Recipe for watermelon preparation with garlic


  • Watermelon.
  • Garlic.
  • Salt.
  • Vinegar.
  • Water.
  • Sand sugar.

Cooking method:

  1. The washed fruit should be cut and placed in jars. It is poured with boiling water.
  2. You need to steep the berries in boiling water and then drain the liquid. It is boiled again and again poured into jars with berries. This is done several times.
  3. In the meantime, you can chop the garlic. It is laid out in jars.
  4. Brine is being prepared for pouring. Sugar, vinegar and salt are added to boiling water. You need to boil the brine for 5-7 minutes, otherwise the watermelon will have an unpleasant vinegar taste.

Rolled cans cool down with their necks down.

Salted watermelons, pickled for the winter (video)
