Lavash proportions without yeast. Making lavash at home: real Caucasian bread

I've been meaning to try cooking at home for a long time Armenian lavash and now the moment has come. Now I will share with you the recipe without yeast lavash, and soon a version made by leaps and bounds. As always, we choose what we like best. I have already baked golden brown cakes several times. They are absorbed by household members very quickly, just have time to fry them.

From the indicated quantity, approximately 10 to 13 pieces are obtained. The thinner the cake, the lavash is better Therefore, we will hone the skill of thinly rolling out dough together. Each time the cakes turn out thinner, and the result is better.

What to strive for?

We need to make thin Armenian lavash, which a) is completely baked, b) has a layered structure, c) has nothing to do with rubber.

Therefore, the dough must be kneaded very well, without using additional flour. The specified amount in the recipe is quite enough. We try to roll out a thin, thin cake, they fry quickly, so first we made the preparations, and only then we started frying. If everything is done correctly, when frying in a frying pan, lavash will swell into one large ball or many small bubbles, this is what you need. This means that then we will get a thin layered cake.

On a note: Initially, you need to make all the blanks and ensure that they do not become windy or stick together. To do this, dust each pita bread with flour and you can stack it one on top of the other. Flour will prevent the dough from drying out and the cakes from sticking together. Before sending the pita bread to fry, shake off the flour a little.

How to cook thin Armenian lavash


  • Flour - 3 tbsp
  • Hot water – 1 tbsp
  • Salt - half a teaspoon


Before the start... My glass is 250 ml, now let's get started.

A budget option for bread made from practically nothing. Interestingly, it can be attributed to healthy eating? No yeast, no fat, even frying in a dry frying pan? Okay, let's move on to the recipe. This worries me, after all, this moment, who can tell me, huh? This will be useful for us who are losing weight.

Initially, I suggest putting the kettle on to warm up. In the meantime, take your work bowl and sift 3 cups of flour into it, make a well.

Meanwhile, the water has already boiled, pour it into a glass, add salt and stir. Let it sit for 3 minutes, cool a little, we need hot water, but not boiling water.

Now pour water into the flour and stir with a spoon at the same time. The dough begins to form, we don’t try too hard to knead it with a spoon, but immediately onto the work surface and begin to assemble it with our hands and knead it very well.

Stretch the dough with your hands and roll it into a roll. Knead again and stretch again. With these simple steps we saturate the dough with air, which is only good for it. Don't add extra flour, that's enough! The dough behaves perfectly and does not stick to your hands or work surface. This procedure takes about 15 minutes.

Afterwards, cover the dough with a bowl, film or napkin and go drink tea; don’t go near the dough for half an hour.

The rested dough becomes elastic and pliable, making it a pleasure to work with. Divide it into about 10-13 parts and roll out the cakes. I take the bowl in which I made the dough, turn it over, dust it with flour and put my Armenian lavash on it. Don’t forget – we use flour for each flatbread.

All the ingredients are ready, let's start frying.

Heat the frying pan; we don’t need any oil. What I want to say about the frying pan, do not use a ceramic one for this purpose - then it will be difficult to wash it from small brown stains from lavash. I used an old pancake maker for this purpose and it worked perfectly!

The pita bread is fried very quickly, put the flatbread on and watch, bubbles should appear. As soon as beautiful brown (precisely beautiful brown, not burnt) dots or spots appear on one side, immediately turn it over.

Fry the second side in the same way as the first.

Prepare a clean towel and water in advance. We took the pita bread out of the pan and onto a towel, sprinkled it with water and covered it with the second part of the towel. We fry everything according to the same scheme.

Let the pita bread cool and rest in a towel, and then you can eat it, just like that, or make rolls and snacks.

Homemade Armenian lavash is so simple and delicious, I recommend making it, you won’t regret it. Soon there will be many recipes using it, tasty and healthy. When you get tired of baking thin lavash, you can try to make it easier, but of course the taste is different. Easy work and bon appetit.

Sincerely, Margarita Sizonova.

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Today we will prepare Armenian lavash. Many are accustomed to the fact that normal lavash can be prepared only in the Caucasus and only exclusively by representatives. In principle, this statement is not far from the truth, but at the same time it is not 100% true; there is a pleasant exception. Of course the most delicious lavash It’s cooked in a tandoor, but you can also experiment at home, so this article will talk about how to prepare Armenian lavash recipe at home.

It's probably time to explain why I chose this topic today. The fact is that Armenian lavash is generally a universal thing. This is not only a variety homemade bread, it has another purpose. It can serve as bread, spoon and napkin at the same time. Isn't it convenient? In addition, lavash is great as a formative base for many delicious dishes. This and homemade shawarma, and pita rolls, and meat pie, And cheese pie, and achma, and strudel, and much more. Well, if so, then let's try to cook it ourselves.

In theory, pita bread is an option without yeast dough, this is its main benefit. The most striking example is thin Armenian homemade lavash. However, not all housewives know how to cook. good dough. It's not scary. If you don't get carried away and use only quality yeast, then the result will be very good. Therefore, I will include this component in the ingredients, but of course you can do without it.

Making thin Armenian homemade lavash

Let's start. First, heat a little water in the kettle and pour it into a deep bowl. Pour yeast and salt into it and stir thoroughly until they are completely dissolved in warm water. The next stage will be. It must first be removed from the refrigerator so that it becomes softer. We also put it in a bowl and stir everything thoroughly again.

Now let's start adding flour to the water. It's not as simple as it seems. It is best to add it to the water gradually, in handfuls. Throw in a handful, stir, throw in again and stir again. So in a simple way we will ensure that the dough is uniform, without lumps.

As soon as the last handful has gone into the dough and you are sure that kneading is finished, you need to sprinkle with water and cover with a piece of plastic, for example a regular bag of sufficient size. We remove the bowl with the dough to the side so that it sits properly. It will take approximately 50 – 60 minutes.

Now you need to remove the dough from the bowl and knead it on a flat table sprinkled with flour so that it does not stick. I also recommend using your hands periodically. Then the dough will definitely not stick to them. You don’t need to knead the dough for thin Armenian lavash for long, just until it becomes absolutely uniform. Divide the entire lump of dough into several parts. I usually get 6 - 7, but it doesn’t matter. The main thing is that each piece turns into a ball approximately 5 - 6 cm in diameter.

Let's put the frying pan on the fire to warm up, and while this happens, take out the bowl. Now the most important business begins. Each ball needs to be placed on a very flat surface so that the resulting “pancake” is very thin. The pita bread should be almost transparent at this stage. In short, the thinner the better.

Lightly grease the heated frying pan sunflower oil and quickly place the rolled out “pancake” of the future thin Armenian lavash on it. Be careful, the dough will start to bubble a lot. We don’t pay attention to small bubbles, but slam the large ones on top with a spoon generously sprinkled with flour. Don't overdo it!

We hold the pita bread just a little, literally 25-30 seconds, until its surface turns white. We quickly turn the pita bread over to the other side and hold it again for 25 - 30 seconds, and then quickly shake out the pita bread and put in a new one. All this needs to be done very quickly, otherwise the thin Armenian homemade lavash will simply burn.

Now we have come to the end of preparing lavash according to Armenian recipe. Each fresh thin Armenian lavash must be sprinkled with water on each side and covered with polyethylene. This must be done so that it does not dry out. Real lavash should be soft and not break when twisted. Only then will it be possible to prepare other dishes from it. That's all, now you know how to make thin Armenian homemade lavash. Bon appetit!


  • flour – 0.5 kg;
  • water – 1 regular glass;
  • fresh yeast - 2 tsp;
  • butter – 50 g;
  • salt – 0.5 tsp.

Hello, dear readers! Did you know that lavash, pasties and others bread products in Armenia and other Asian countries they knead without yeast, and even in hot water? In Russian cuisine, this type of dough is rather an exception - a curiosity.

Essentially, lavash is custard yeast-free dough, distributed in a very thin layer. It is baked in a frying pan or baking tray. From thin pita bread can be done layered cake, Napoleon cake, shawarma, lavash with cottage cheese and herbs.

But how to make pita bread at home? And will it work? For you - yes. Because now you will learn the secrets of its successful preparation.

Making your own lavash

Classic Armenian thin lavash consists of three ingredients:

  • Flour;
  • Salt;
  • Water.

Step-by-step recipe for making it:

  1. We heat the water to 60-70 °C. Pour it into a glass.
  2. Take half a teaspoon of salt and dissolve it in hot water, which is not at all difficult to do.
  3. Prepare a wide enamel bowl, pour three cups of flour into it.
  4. Make a hole in the middle of the flour mound, pour hot salted water into it, and quickly knead the dough with a fork or whisk. In the latter case, most of the dough will end up inside the whisk, but that's okay. The dough is not stiff and not too sticky.
  5. The dough must be kneaded directly in the bowl. This will take no more than 10 minutes. If the dough continues to stick to your hands, you can add a little flour. It is necessary to take into account that the dough should not be steep.
  6. If you bake pita bread in a frying pan, then the dough can be divided into 10-12 parts.
  7. Generously sprinkle flour on the table. Let's take out a rolling pin. Place the first lump of dough on the flour.
  8. Before you start rolling, the rolling pin must be dusted with flour so that the dough does not stick.
  9. Roll out the dough to 1 mm thickness. This is the maximum ( important point!) thickness of the preparation of Armenian thin bread. All blanks are rolled out in advance. You can stack them on top of each other without fear, they will not stick together. They do not contain yeast, and so much flour is used for rolling that it completely covers the surface of the pita bread like white powder on the face of a French fashionista of the 18th century.
  10. The frying pan, preferably cast iron, is placed on gas. Without adding any fat or oil, the pita bread is fried on both sides. One loaf of bread will take no more than 1-1.5 minutes (depending on the intensity of the burner).

How to properly prepare delicious pita bread is only part of the secret; the other half of the trick is how to make it pliable.

To prevent the flatbreads from remaining brittle, after removing them from the pan, they must be immediately covered with a lid. This is how they should cool down.

Hot flatbreads are brittle, but when cooled under a lid they become elastic. If they are needed for preparing envelopes, pies, rolls later, then they must be placed in plastic bags.

What is the secret of thin dough

Among my friends there are many girls from Central Asia. Their cooking skills will never cease to amaze. The most thin dough, which I managed to roll out without ruining it, had a thickness of at least 4 mm.

If you cook dumplings yourself, then you understand what I'm talking about. Roll out the dough mixed with cold water, a thin, even layer is quite problematic. And my girlfriends rolled out a whole “tablecloth” from a 100-gram piece of dough.

It turned out that the dough in hot water has greater density and elasticity. Use it!

By the way, thin unleavened lavash has a peculiarity - long term storage (of course, at normal air humidity). IN plastic bag it retains its elasticity for a long time. While buying ready-made pita bread in the store, I noticed that the texture of the bag was very similar to those used for freezing food. So pita bread can also be stored in freezer, it will not lose its qualities.

And here is a video - a thin flatbread with your own hands:

Let me take my leave with this. The ideas for a healthy, low-calorie diet are endless. Subscribe to blog updates. I will try to make your fasting and diet joyful and varied in terms of nutrition. Share this article with your friends via social network. See you soon!

Mini Tips for Losing Weight

    Reduce your portions by a third - that's what will help you lose weight! Short and to the point :)

    Add more or stop? When this question arises, it’s definitely time to stop eating. This is the body giving you a signal that you will be full soon, otherwise you would not doubt it.

    If you tend to overeat in the evenings, then take a warm shower before dinner. 5-7 minutes, and you already have a completely different mood and attitude towards food. Try it - it works.

    No matter how delicious the food is, you will eat it many more times. This is not the last meal of your life! Remind yourself of this when you feel like you can’t stop and are frantically swallowing piece after piece.

    Our environment influences us - that's a fact! Avoid conversations like “I lost weight and couldn’t”, “but we’ll still remain fat”, “ good man there must be a lot." Well, even if there are “a lot” of them, what do you have to do with it?

Lavash is a wonderful alternative to bread. Moreover, from the popular oriental flatbreads you can cook a wide variety of dishes. Armenian lavash is especially actively used, on the basis of which hundreds of dishes can be prepared. But thick flatbreads are no less tasty. But true connoisseurs of oriental bread do not always manage to purchase truly tasty and fresh pita bread. So, why not cook it?

Lavash at home - general principles of preparation

Thin lavash (Armenian) is a canvas resembling paper. Most often it is made from unleavened dough. Lavash in the form of flatbreads is prepared on the basis of yeast or fermented milk products. Ideally, they are cooked in a tandoor, but now even oriental bakers are increasingly turning to modern technology to make the process easier.

The basis of any pita bread is flour, which must be sifted, mixed with liquid and salt. The yeast dough is kept warm for at least an hour. But if the rise is weak, then the time can be increased. Unleavened dough you need to lie down for at least 20 minutes so that the gluten swells, the mass becomes more elastic, easier to roll out and does not tighten.

The amount of flour in the recipes is approximate and may vary slightly depending on the moisture content of the product. You just need to know what the dough is for unleavened lavash should be as stiff as possible, it is kneaded until the lump stops taking flour. The consistency of the yeast dough should be softer and airier so that the yeast can rise.

Recipe for thin Armenian lavash at home

To prepare ordinary pita bread at home, you only need three ingredients, and they can be found in every home. This pita bread can be stored in a bag for up to four days, so you can always fry the flatbread in advance. The quantity of products is designed for 7 round pita breads, 25-28 cm in diameter. The frying pan should be no smaller.


300 grams of flour;

170 grams of water;

½ teaspoon salt.

You will also need a mixer with attachments for thick dough (usually in the form of spirals).


1. Boil water, dissolve the salt and let it cool for literally 5 minutes, no more.

2. At this time, sift the flour, pour it into a deep bowl, and make a well.

3. Pour in hot water, take a mixer and start kneading the dough. It will immediately seem like there is too much flour and the lumps will be dry, but this is not the case. Knead for about 5 minutes, everything will come together and the end result will be thick, but not very thick. beautiful dough. At the end, you will need to put it on the table and knead it with your hands.

4. Form a bun, cover with film and let sit for half an hour. During this time, the gluten will swell and the dough will become elastic, smooth and pliable.

5. Divide our bun into 7 equal parts. Roll each into a thin flat cake.

6. Heat the frying pan and fry the pita bread on both sides. It is very important here to choose correct temperature. If it is high, the pita bread will burn and acquire unsightly scorch marks. If the fire is low, the pita bread will dry out and crumble.

7. Ready-made pita breads Place on a moistened towel, cover and sandwich each flatbread. Otherwise they will dry out quickly and crumble.

Homemade Georgian lavash recipe

Georgian flatbread differs from Armenian lavash in its splendor, softness, and pleasant salty taste. The recipe is not much more complicated than the previous one. To prepare this lavash at home, dry yeast is used, but you can also use fresh yeast.


300 grams of flour;

1 teaspoon of yeast;

1 teaspoon salt;

1 teaspoon sugar;

200 grams of water.


1. Sift the flour and mix with all the other dry ingredients, make a well in the center of the pile.

2. Heat the water until warm. Its temperature should be about 45 degrees.

3. Pour into flour and knead elastic dough. Knead until it stops sticking to your hands and the walls of the dish.

4. Cover the bowl with the dough with a towel and leave for an hour. The mass should come up and increase in volume well.

5. Take the dough out of the cup and stretch the circle with your hands. No rolling pin is used. Place the resulting pita bread on a greased baking sheet and make a hole in the center with your finger. It should be large enough, as the cake will rise during baking.

6. Place the pita bread in the oven and bake until done at 220 degrees. Then take it out, cover it with a clean towel and let it lie under it. If you don't do this, the crust will become tough.

Thin lavash at home - recipe with yeast

Another version of the lavash recipe at home, but with yeast and butter. It is baked in a frying pan; we also make small flat cakes according to the diameter of the vessel.


200 grams of water;

7 grams of yeast;

50 grams of butter;

400 grams of flour;

1 tsp. salt.


1. Heat the water, dissolve the salt and yeast, pour in a glass of flour and let stand for 10 minutes.

2. Melt the butter and cool. You can use margarine, but full fat, with a little water. Pour into the dough. Stir.

3. Pour in the remaining flour and knead the dough. Cover with a napkin and leave warm for half an hour.

4. Divide the dough into 7 balls, cover and let stand for another 10 minutes. This is necessary to make it easier to roll out the pita bread.

5. Roll out the cakes, they should be as thin as possible.

6. Bake the flatbreads in a dry frying pan on both sides.

7. Place on the table and immediately cover with a towel. Place the pita breads on top of each other and let them cool like that.

8. Then remove the towel and put it in a bag. But if you plan to use the baked goods right away, then you don’t need to do this; we use the pita breads fresh, before they dry out.

Another option for thin pita bread at home is a recipe made with kefir

If you fry a piece of this dough in a dry frying pan, you will get an analogue of Armenian lavash. And if you fry it in butter or vegetable oil, you will get a very tasty, rosy and aromatic flatbread. Like this universal recipe lavash at home.


A glass of kefir;

1 tsp. soda;

1 tsp. salt;

Spoon of butter.


1. Pour kefir into a bowl, add soda and mix well. The mass will foam and the quenching process will begin. Add salt, oil and stir until completely dissolved.

2. Add the sifted flour and knead the stiff dough. It should turn out rough, a little dry, and not stick to your hands or dishes. This is how it should be, it will lie down and become more elastic.

3. Cover the dough cling film, leave for half an hour.

4. Divide into 5-6 parts, roll into balls and cover again so that they do not dry out.

5. Take one at a time and roll it out with a rolling pin. thin flatbreads.

6. Fry on both sides in a dry frying pan or in oil.

7. If pita breads were prepared using a dry method, then after baking they should be immediately covered with a towel. Dry cakes should be covered with damp wipes or gauze to make them elastic.

Thin pita bread at home - recipe for the oven

Lavash baked in a frying pan is tasty and aromatic, but there are times when you need a larger flatbread. For example, for snack roll or multi-layer shawarma. Or there is simply no suitable frying pan. In this case, you can make thin pita bread in the oven; the recipe is simple, but this method has several features.


150 grams of water;

350 grams of flour;

3 tablespoons of oil;

1 teaspoon salt.


1. Sift the flour and divide it into two parts.

2. Dissolve salt in water, add butter and combine with half the flour. Stir until the mass is homogeneous. Add the remaining flour, knead the elastic dough. Remove for 30 minutes.

3. Divide the dough into arbitrary pieces. The size depends on the dimensions of the baking sheet.

4. Take one piece and roll it out. It is not necessary to make the pita bread round. You can roll out an oval and even make a square by cutting off the curved sides.

5. Place the pita bread on a baking sheet and bake. The oven temperature should be about 180 degrees. Keep the pita bread for 2-3 minutes.

6. As soon as the cake starts to brown, we take it out and rinse it with water. This can be simply done under the tap.

7. We stack the wet pita breads, cover them with a towel and let them lie for half an hour. Then you can store them in a bag, where they will become even softer and more pliable.

Uzbek lavash at home - recipe under the lid

A special feature of Uzbek lavash is the method of baking under a lid, which allows you to obtain a moist, non-crumbly crumb. Prepared with the addition of yeast in the oven. The baked goods turn out fluffy, airy, an excellent replacement for traditional bread. Amount of ingredients for one medium-sized flatbread.


80 grams of water;

80 grams of milk;

2 tablespoons of oil;

1 tsp. dry yeast;

250 grams of flour.

You will also need a frying pan with a lid in which to bake. Uzbek lavash.


1. Mix all the dry ingredients, do not forget to sift the flour.

2. Heat water with milk, add flour mixture, knead the dough. At the end, pour in the oil. Form a lump and place in a greased bowl. Cover with a napkin and keep for an hour in a warm room.

3. Take out the dough and form a flat cake with your hands so that the middle is thinner than the edges. They should be in the form of a thickened roller.

4. Place a piece of foil on the bottom of the pan, then our flatbread. We make punctures in the center with a fork. Cover the mold with a towel and let the workpiece stand for another half hour.

5. Mix the egg with a fork and grease the flatbread. This must be done carefully so that it does not fall down. Sprinkle with sesame seeds.

6. Close the pan with a lid and place the cake in the oven. Bake at 200 degrees for approximately 15 minutes. If the pita bread is not fried well, then at the end you can keep the pan without a lid, but not for long. Just a minute is enough.

When kneading thin pita bread, you can use whey instead of water. The dough will turn out tastier and more tender.

Lavash tastes better if the dough is salty. Therefore, you can add a little more salt than indicated in the recipe.

Thick pita breads in the form of flatbreads will taste better if you brush the surface with water and sprinkle with sesame seeds before placing them in the oven. Similarly, you can use any seeds, nuts, the taste and aroma will only benefit from this.

No large frying pan for frying pita bread? You can also use a small one, placing the cake on the sides of the dish. But in this case the middle will brown a little more.

Thick pita bread will be especially aromatic and tasty if immediately after baking it is greased with a piece of butter or ghee. The same technique can be used if the product has dried out in the oven.

When baking thick pita breads, it is not necessary to use only wheat flour. If you want to add variety or make the flatbread healthier, you can add rye flour(no more than 40%, since it does not contain gluten), a little ground oatmeal or bran. By the way, you can sprinkle bran on pita bread, like sesame seeds.

Dishes oriental cuisine are especially popular, any housewife proudly serves them to the table unusual treats in the style of the East. Making lavash at home without yeast is easy for any housewife, because such a dish has a simple culinary technology and minimum composition.

So loved by many oriental delicacy captivates not only with its simplicity, but also with the taste that oriental product- very unusual.

Everyone is accustomed to preparing delicious Armenian lavash. traditional technology- by leaps and bounds. But few housewives know that you can get an excellent oriental delicacy without using yeast. This is an even more convenient and time-efficient cooking method.

When making pita bread without yeast, you just need to follow correct proportions water and flour, and everything else is a matter of technique.


  • — 150-170 ml + -
  • — 300 g + -
  • - 1/2 tsp. + -

Making homemade yeast-free lavash

When you start rolling out the dough pieces into an even layer, don’t forget to grease the rolling pin a little with flour so that the dough rolls easier and doesn’t stick to it.

  1. Let's start frying Armenian lavash: heat the frying pan without oil over medium heat. It is very important to fry the flatbreads in a dry frying pan and at the optimal temperature for this process.

Attention! If the flame is too weak, then the first pita bread may turn out without bubbles; if, on the contrary, it is too strong, then the flatbreads will burn. Therefore, do not be discouraged if the first rolled out ball does not work out during frying. You can tell that the temperature for frying has reached the required degree by the bubbles that appear (and then begin to grow) 30 seconds after you place the pita bread on a hot frying pan.

  1. When one pita bread is fried, transfer it to a damp towel and start frying the next one. As soon as the next one is fried, do not rush to put it on the first toasted pita bread, first cover the first flatbread with a towel, and then lay out the next one. Place a layer of damp towel between all the pita breads.
  2. As soon as you fry all the pita breads without yeast with your own hands, start preparing shawarma, or any other dish that is made on their basis.

All the flatbreads you prepare will turn out thin, tasty and soft. If you want to make them thicker, then do not roll out the dough too much before frying. But in this case, do not forget about important rule: Thicker flatbreads need to be fried longer, otherwise they will turn out raw.

  1. Making lavash at home without yeast is possible not only with water, but also with kefir. The resulting flatbreads will be no less tasty and elastic.
  2. In addition to a non-stick frying pan, you can also fry pita bread in the oven or on a baking sheet. The recipe for kneading the dough for cooking in the oven/baking tray is the same as for frying in a frying pan.
  3. If desired, you can add to the yeast-free dough vegetable oil, V small quantities(1-2 tbsp, depending on the amount of flour).
  4. After kneading, no matter what you use to make the dough: water or kefir, let it stand for a little time. This will make the finished dough mass more elastic and pliable.

As you can see, making lavash at home without yeast is a simple and very exciting culinary activity. This process will not cause you any difficulties, because we have described step by step how to make flatbreads in Armenian in the recipe with photos. Be sure to add home recipe in your cookbook, and let Armenian lavash take one of the leading positions in it among all other dishes with an oriental accent.

Bon appetit!
