A very tasty grape compote for the winter. You will need it for cooking. Compote with a spicy aroma

Step-by-step recipes canning grape compote for the winter: how to prepare grape compote in a saucepan

2018-06-23 Oleg Mikhailov





In 100 grams ready-made dish

0 gr.

0 gr.


10 gr.

40 kcal.

Option 1: Classic grape compote recipe

The drink is prepared by pouring it twice, there is nothing frighteningly complicated about it - the technology is extremely clear and easier than jam, with its repeated heating and cooling. Of course, it is better to prepare compote and some kind of confiture or jam, but if you prefer to stock up on drinks, here is a simple and proven recipe.


  • eight hundred grams of ripe grapes;
  • sugar, refined - a full glass.

Step-by-step recipe for grape compote

The indicated amount of grapes will require approximately two liters of water. Take a little extra of it, pour it into the pan, and turn on high heat under it. bunches of grapes disassemble, removing the berries from the branches, inspect them, removing bruised and spoiled ones.

Collect the grapes in a colander and place it under running water, then let it drain completely and pour the berries into the jar. They should occupy approximately a third of the volume. If your grapes are very sweet, it makes sense to add a couple of slices of lemon.

Pour boiling water over the jar of berries to the very top, cover with an inverted lid, and let stand for ten minutes. Grape dark variety may noticeably color the water, don’t worry, that’s how it’s supposed to be. Pour the water back into the pan, put it on heat and let it boil again.

Pour sugar into the jars directly on top of the grapes; before doing this, make sure there are no lumps in the sugar. Place a thick cloth or an empty bowl under the jars of grapes, and pour boiling water over them a second time. Seal using suitable sterilized caps. Turning it upside down, leave the compote for a day under the blanket.

Option 2: Quick recipe for grape compote without sterilization

The weight of grapes is indicated based on twigs and low-quality berries, it is very good if such problems do not arise. In addition to mint, or rather instead of it, you can use small slices of vanilla, dry cloves or pieces of cinnamon.


  • a little over two kilograms of grapes;
  • four liters of water;
  • five hundred grams of sugar;
  • sprig of fresh mint.

How to cook quickly aromatic compote from grapes

For about twenty minutes, lower the bunches into a large, filled cold water bowl. Then remove and shake off the moisture, carefully remove the berries from the branches, rinse in a colander and inspect. Put all the grapes that cause you the slightest suspicion aside; it’s better not to risk the compote.

Sterilize the jars thoroughly, place washed and slightly dried berries in them about a third of the way up. Throw in a couple of mint leaves, sprinkle sugar on top, dividing it in proportion to the number of jars and their volume.

Boil water, adding a small amount of it in advance. Place a long spoon into the jar and quickly pour boiling water over the berries. Do not try to do this with several banks at the same time. Pour boiling water over them and immediately seal them one at a time. Leave to cool overnight, covering the jars of compote with a thick cloth.

Option 3: Simple grape compote in a saucepan

Mixture different grapes- not a whim of the recipe compilers. By combining different varieties, you will, firstly, provide the drink with a beautiful color, and, secondly, improve its taste. The compote is very effective if any of the grape varieties in it are muscat.


  • purified water - two liters;
  • ninety grams of refined sugar;
  • four hundred and fifty grams of assorted grapes - light and dark berries.

How to cook

Place the water for the compote to boil in a saucepan that has a small capacity. Rinse the grapes, first with just a stream of water, then separate them from the bunches and put them in a colander. Place it in a bowl of water for a few minutes, then rinse again.

When lowering it into boiling water, be careful; for convenience, you should use a colander and also help yourself with a slotted spoon. After boiling again, slightly reduce the heat and cover the pan, cook for eight minutes.

In order to quickly cool the pan with compote, after infusing for half an hour, place it in a wide basin, pour into it cold water. By replacing the coolant twice, you will quickly cool the compote. Drain it, separating the berries, divide into jugs or jars, and keep in the refrigerator for about an hour.

Option 4: “Assorted” - compote of grapes with apples

The requirements for grapes are clearly defined, but use any apples in the drink. Even slightly unripe fruits will do, and this will be even better than putting soft fruits in the compote. Such apples are easily overcooked and even simply pouring boiling water on them can damage the slices and worsen the appearance compote.


  • three hundred grams of grapes of any dark and aromatic variety;
  • half-liter jar of white sugar;
  • three liters of water;
  • two large hard apples.

Step by step recipe

Using solution baking soda Wash the jars containing it thoroughly and rinse with clean running water. Sterilize by turning it upside down and placing it over steam for ten minutes.

Wash the grapes and apples thoroughly, pick the berries from the bunches and carefully inspect them, remove all spoiled ones. Cut each apple into four slices, removing the middle. Pour pieces of fruit along with berries alternately into jars, cover with lids and set aside temporarily.

Pour the indicated amount of clean water into the pan, immediately pour sugar into it. Place on high heat and, stirring occasionally, allow the sugar to dissolve completely and the syrup to boil. Without removing from the heat, use a ladle to pour the syrup into jars in small portions.

Using a special seamer, seal the compote tightly with lids. Let it cool completely, turning it upside down and covering it with a blanket.

Option 5: Compote of grapes for the winter with honey, cinnamon and cloves

Although the role of honey in a drink is solely to give it sweetness, do not be careless in choosing the variety. It may be unnecessary to specifically purchase and compote rare and exquisite varieties, but honey, in any case, should be natural. Use molasses that imitates artificial honey, is also possible, but it doesn’t make sense - such a compote will taste no different from one cooked with sugar.


  • four dry cloves;
  • a quarter spoon of cinnamon powder;
  • near three liters water;
  • three kilograms of grapes;
  • a quarter glass of lemon juice;
  • one and a half kilograms of natural liquid honey.

How to cook

Boil water in a saucepan. Wash the grape brushes, remove only whole, unspoiled berries. Weigh it, we need exactly three kilograms. Pre-sterilize the jars and divide the grapes between them. The indicated quantity is calculated for two three-liter bottles.

Place cloves and chopped cinnamon into boiling water, after five minutes add and stir honey, squeeze and pour in lemon juice. Pour the boiling syrup over the grapes in the jars, let sit for a quarter of an hour, drain and boil again.

After refilling, the jars are quickly rolled up and tightly wrapped in a warm blanket, and allowed to cool slowly.

Recipe 6: Whole grape compote

The beauty of the recipe is not only its elegant presentation. If the very fact of the bottle’s presence on the table does not seem strange to your household or guests, rinse it and wipe it dry, open it and place it in this form on a glass dish. Before canning, you can separate the grapes into small clusters; in this form, they can be carefully removed from the container with compote and transferred entirely into a decanter. The presence of twigs in the drink makes the drink a little sweeter, so most often the whole clusters of relatively unsweetened grapes are preserved.


  • four kilograms of grapes in bunches;
  • two three-liter jars;
  • two liters of water;
  • seven hundred and fifty grams of sugar;
  • lemon acid.

Step by step recipe

Wash the grape bunches several times and inspect them very carefully. Remove all spoiled berries and, if found, be sure to remove the cobwebs. Place the clusters one at a time in a colander, scald with boiling water, then carefully transfer to jars.

Boil syrup from water, lemon and sugar, pour it equally into jars. Cover them tightly with sterilized lids. Pour some heated water into a spacious basin or low saucepan and place a wet towel on the bottom. Place a jar filled with grapes and syrup on top, add water up to the shoulders of the bottles.

Turn on moderate heat under the pan, and increase it as the water heats up. After boiling, lower the temperature slightly, set aside for ten minutes, then remove the jars and roll up the lids tightly.

Delicious and healthy homemade compotes for the winter are made from the most different fruits and berries. Today I decided to cook grape compote from black (or blue) grapes. For this preparation, I take the Golubok or Isabella varieties.

Of these, grape compote always turns out with rich in color, pleasant subtle taste. My step-by-step photo recipe will tell you in detail how to quickly, easily and simply prepare a healthy canned drink for the winter.

For a 3 liter jar, you also need a glass of sugar and water. I take enough grapes to fill a third of the jar’s volume.

How to close grape compote for the winter

So, I’ll tell you in detail how I prepare grape compote for the winter. Wash the berries thoroughly but carefully. I separate it from the branches. I do this carefully so as not to crush the delicate grapes.

I boil 2.5 liters of water.

For example, I fill a jar with grapes in the oven by a third.

I pour boiling water over the berries. First I pour a little, then to the top. Cover with a clean metal lid. I wait about 13-15 minutes.

I pour the water into the pan. To do this, use a plastic cover with holes. I put the pan on the fire.

While the water drained from the grapes comes to a boil, I add sugar to the jar of grapes.

I pour the boiled water back into the jar. It is advisable that the water flows a little out through the neck. I sterilize the metal lid by boiling and roll up a jar of grape compote. I turn it over and wrap it up, waiting for a day.

Now, quick and delicious compote from dark grape varieties I send them to be stored in a cool place. I always put these homemade preparations in the basement. And in winter, in the frosty cold, I offer a very tasty, aromatic, sweet and slightly sour drink for adults and children. It reminds us all of the warm days of late summer!

Grapes are one of the most ancient crops that humans began to use. Images of grapes were found on frescoes that are already 7 thousand years old! A very long time ago, people learned to make wine from these fruits, dry berries, and cook raisins. We are our own culinary experiments expanded and make jam from grapes, prepare compotes, prepare syrup, confiture, etc. for the winter.

Compote is a fairly popular way to preserve berries and fruits at home for the winter. On the one hand, it is a drink, and on the other hand, it is an opportunity to use berries and fruits for various needs. The fruits can be used to prepare desserts, decorate sweet dishes, or simply eat them.

To prepare green grape compote for the winter you will need (per 1 liter jar):

  • green grapes - bunch
  • water – 1 l
  • sugar – 300 g

Green grape compote for the winter - recipe with photo:

Ripe and juicy fruits are selected for compote. You can use either green grapes, black or purple. It is important that the drink retains its taste, aroma, color and appearance fresh berries. Remove the berries from the branches and wash thoroughly.

Let's put the jars and lids to sterilize.

In the meantime, let's start pouring the compote. To fill, dissolve sugar in water and boil the resulting syrup.

Let's fill sterilized jars green grapes. The best option- a third of the jar, so that there is enough in the jar sufficient quantity and drink and berries. You can fill the jars as you like, but the level of the fruit should be a few centimeters below the shoulders.

The filling for the compote is ready.

Fill the jars with syrup to the very top.

Cover the jar with a sterilized lid.

Next, we need to sterilize the green grape compote for the winter in a water bath. Place a stand on the bottom of the pan, fill the pan with water, and heat the water until warm. Place the jar on a stand and sterilize liter jars for 16 minutes, three-liter jars for 20.

After the sterilization procedure, we roll up the jars with a key or twist them if twist-off jars are used.

Turn it over.

Modern industry produces a wide variety of drinks. But not all of them comply with accepted standards and some of them are not only harmful, but also dangerous. Therefore, it is better to make homemade preparations in the form of compotes. Prepare grape compote for the winter different ways and from different varieties. It turns out rich, aromatic and retains vitamins well.

For grape preparations there are such features:

  1. You can prepare a drink from grapes in whole bunches with twigs or just from berries. If the fruits are large, it is better to remove them from the branches - this way, debris will not get into the compote.
  2. Bunches of small berries are preserved whole.
  3. Some housewives large berries remove the bones.
  4. If the fruits are large, but the seeds are not removed, they are pierced. This way they will not boil over and will remain intact.
  5. Compote can be made only from grapes or an assortment of fruits and berries that ripen together at this time.
  6. Various varieties are used, but those that have delicate aroma.
  7. Citric acid is added to improve color.
  8. You can add cinnamon, vanillin, cardamom. Grapes go well with these spices.

Compotes can be made with or without sterilization.

Which varieties are better to choose?

Currently, breeders have developed many varieties table grapes, perfect for making compote.

From white and green varieties, the compote turns out transparent. To give it color, it is made with other fruits or cherry and currant leaves are added to it.

Red grapes make a beautiful pink compote and can be made without additives. Blue and black berries make the drink dark and rich.

To prepare compote, many housewives prefer the Isabella, Kishmish and Lydia varieties. Muscat varieties are good in home drinks - Hamburg, Queen and Cardinal. You can prepare compote from any available variety, but it is better if the berries are hard.

Preparing the grapes before starting the process

Before preparing grapes in a jar, you need to prepare them:

  1. It is better to collect it in dry, sunny weather. Bunches collected in the rain quickly deteriorate and the harvest may not stand.
  2. If you plan to preserve grapes in whole bunches, they are thoroughly washed under the tap.
  3. Remove garbage and dry berries, if any. They are usually present on small varieties.
  4. Place the bunches on a towel to drain well.
  5. If you are preparing a preparation with individual berries, they are removed from the branches, washed and laid out to dry a little.
  6. The seeds of large berries are carefully cut out.

The prepared grapes are placed in jars and immediately proceed to further actions, otherwise they will begin to deteriorate.

Methods for preparing grape compote at home

Compote made from grapes different ways:

  1. Jars can be sterilized, but this method leads to boiling of the berries, and the preparation loses its appearance.
  2. More often grapes are made without sterilization or with double filling. This way it turns out more aromatic and does not lose vitamins.
  3. They make grapes on their own or together with peaches, apples, and pears.
  4. Can be made with or without sugar. You can also replace sugar with honey.

In any case, it is important that the jars are well sterilized. Then the workpiece will stand well and retain its taste.

A simple recipe for a 3-liter jar

To cook grape compote for one jar you need:

  • grapes - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1-2 cups, depending on the grape variety and taste benefits;
  • citric acid - 0.5 tsp. (for sweet varieties);
  • water - 2 liters.

Place the prepared grapes in a jar, add sugar, citric acid and fill with water to the top. Place on top metal cover and send the container to be sterilized. You don’t need to cook the jars for a long time so that the berries don’t get overcooked. Enough for the compote to boil. Remove the jar from the sterilizer and close it.

Sterilize jars in special sterilizers or in a pan of water. They are filled with water up to their shoulders and the pan is covered with a lid. A cloth is placed on the bottom of the sterilizer to prevent jars from bursting due to sudden temperature changes.

Without sterilization

You can prepare compote without sterilization. It is boiled, as usual, in a large saucepan, then poured into jars and rolled up. In this case, the compote stands well and practically does not shoot.

But the disadvantage of this method is that the berries and fruits become very soft and fall apart the moment they are put into jars.

But if you use hard varieties and remove the pan from the heat immediately after boiling, the berries do not have time to boil. Then it is important to put them in the jar correctly. To do this, first pour the liquid up to half the container, and then carefully lower the berries into it.


Grape compote can be made without using sugar. It is useful for diabetics and better retains useful material. It is also useful for people who want to lose weight.

This type of preparation is performed by sterilization. Sugar itself is a preservative. And if you don’t use it, you need to replace it with something. Therefore, be sure to add citric acid and boil the berries well.

It is better to use sweet and sour varieties. In winter, you can add honey or a sugar substitute to this drink.

Double filling method

Some housewives do berry compotes without sterilization, pouring boiling water or syrup over the berries. In this case, the jars must be pre-sterilized. To do this, they are placed in cold oven, raise the temperature to 150 degrees and hold for 15-20 minutes. If you need a lot of containers, and the oven is not so spacious, place the sterile jars on a clean, ironed towel.

You can also sterilize dishes with hot steam. To do this, place the jars over a boiling kettle with the neck down and leave for 5 minutes.

Place fruits in prepared containers and pour boiling water over them. To prevent the jar from bursting, it is wrapped in a towel. Leave for 15 minutes, then drain the water and prepare a syrup from it from the remaining ingredients. Boil and pour over the fruit again. After that, all that remains is to roll it up and wrap it in a blanket.

You can prepare the syrup at once and pour it over the fruit twice. Or you can only use pure boiling water, and add sugar and acid to the jar after the first filling.

With honey

It turns out good if you do it homemade drink with honey. It is put into compote instead of sugar to taste and cinnamon is added. Otherwise, all actions are carried out as usual.

With apples

If you cook grapes with apples, it is better to cut them into slices, removing the core. If you remove the skin from them, they may become overcooked or darken.

To prevent this from happening, you need to mix them with sugar and citric acid, hold them for a while, and then put them in a jar with the grapes. Fill everything with water and sterilize.

With pears

You can make a delicious drink by adding pears to the grapes. late varieties. They are cored and cut into slices.


  • grapes - 1 kg;
  • pears - 1kg;
  • sugar - 1 glass;
  • water - 1.5 liters;
  • citric acid - 0.5 tsp.

Pears should be taken unripe; they retain their shape better and do not fall apart.

With ranetki

A tasty compote is obtained if you make it with apples of paradise. This is a variety of apples that has small fruits. They can be placed whole in a jar by piercing the skin.

Ingredients per jar:

  • grapes - 1 kg;
  • ranetki - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 glass;
  • water - 1.5 liters.

This compote with berries looks beautiful large grapes white or green.

With peaches

If you cook grapes with peaches, it is better to take dark varieties. They will give the drink a beautiful rich color.

Peaches can be used whole, or you can remove the pit. It is better to take grapes that are large, firm, and without branches.


  • grapes - 1 kg;
  • peaches - 5-6 medium-sized pieces;
  • sugar - 1 glass;
  • citric acid - 0.5 tsp;
  • water - how much will go in.

Place the fruit in a jar, pour boiling water over it and let stand for about 15 minutes. Drain the water into a saucepan, add sugar, acid, boil and pour back into the jar. Roll up and cover with a blanket until completely cool.

With lemon

If you make grapes with lemon, you do not need to use citric acid. Lemon gives the drink a delicate aroma and lasting color. They put a couple of slices in the compote and cook it as usual.

Features of storing grape compote

Grape preparations for the winter are stored in the same way as others. After the jars have cooled, they are placed in a cool, dark place. Basements and cellars are best suited for this. If you don't have them, you can store them in the pantry. The main condition is that there are no heating devices nearby.

I really want to preserve the aromas of summer for the cold season, and preservation recipes provide this opportunity. Among all kinds delicious preparations You can select compotes that are not difficult to prepare at home. But a healthy fortified drink will be great addition both for lunch and for festive table. At the same time, berry compotes will help maintain immunity, and grapes are almost the main crop here.

Before preserving, the grapes must be carefully sorted, removing wrinkled, cracked, wilted berries. They should be firm, fleshy and not overripe.

The bunches are placed in a colander and washed under a cool running stream. Next, the berries are either carefully torn off the brush or left on it - everything will depend on the chosen recipe.

IN home canning glass containers are used for compotes various containers: 0.5 l, 1-3 l. Select jars that are intact, without cracks or chips on the neck. In this case, the container must be perfectly clean and free of foreign odors.

Immediately before use, the jars should be washed with the addition of soda, and then rinsed 2-3 times. clean water and place the container upside down on a towel to drain the remaining liquid.

Before packaging, the jars are steamed in a water bath or fried in the oven.

In some cases, you can do without this - if you use a double or triple filling recipe.

Grapes are so popular that housewives have a large number of various recipes its conservation. It is not possible to cover them all in one article, so only a small sample is given here as an example of what you can do to please your loved ones in winter.

Recipe for a 3 liter jar

3 liter containers are most suitable for rolling grapes in bunches. The entire procedure includes the following steps:

  • the jars are filled with brushes to half the volume;
  • boil the syrup at the rate of 0.5 kg of sugar per 2 liters of water;
  • pour syrup into jars of grapes and leave for 5 minutes;
  • then the syrup is drained and boiled again;
  • the grapes are poured with hot syrup a second time, after adding citric acid to the containers (0.5 tsp for each jar);
  • The compote is immediately rolled up with lids, the jars are turned upside down and wrapped in a warm blanket.

After a day, the capping is removed from under the shelter and transferred to storage.

Compote of grapes for the winter: video

Recipe for a liter jar

One-liter jars are perfect for concentrated compotes, which after opening the container are diluted with water, obtaining 2-3 liters delicious drink. This compote is prepared as follows:

  • the berries are separated from the bunch and placed in jars 2/3 full;
  • make syrup using the following proportion– 0.75 liters of boiling water and 0.450 kg of sugar;
  • pour boiling syrup over the grapes, place the jars on water bath for sterilization within 10 minutes.

After rolling up the lids, the jars are turned over and left to air cool.

The combination of grapes and apples in compote is interesting - these fruits organically complement each other’s taste qualities. To seal such a compote for the winter, for a 3 liter jar you need to take 0.5 kg of grapes (you can use tassels) and 4 pcs. fragrant apples. The cooking algorithm is as follows:

  • First, apples are placed at the bottom of the container, then grapes;
  • in a saucepan you need to boil the syrup (0.4 kg of sugar per 2 liters of water) and pour it over the fruits;
  • lidded jars are placed in a saucepan with hot water(up to the neck) and sterilize, avoiding violent boiling, for half an hour.

The finished compotes are kept for another 10-12 hours upside down under a warm blanket.

Compote of grapes and apples: video

Recipe with apples No. 2

An interesting recipe using not only apples, but also oranges. The drink turns out tasty and fortified. And to make it extraordinarily beautiful, it is better to take dark bunches of grapes and red apples. Prepare compote in this way:

  • apples and oranges are peeled, cut into slices, removing the seeds;
  • grape berries are carefully removed from the brush;
  • pour boiling water over the fruits, add sugar and cook the syrup for 3 minutes;
  • After removing from the heat, cover the pan with a lid and let the fruit brew for 20 minutes, then pour into jars.

To prepare this drink, 3 liters of water will require 200 g of sugar and 100 g of fruit.

Without sterilization

Grapes and apples can be sealed without sterilization. To do this, the fruits placed in jars are first poured with boiling water and left for 5-7 minutes. Then the water is poured into a saucepan, sugar is added (1 glass for each 3 liter jar) and the syrup is boiled. The hot syrup is poured back into the jars, some of which are immediately sealed with lids. The preservation is kept for a day under a blanket, and then sent to the underground or pantry.

Compotes can be closed from different varieties grapes, and even combine them with each other. But the drink made from dark fruits is especially attractive. If you take the “Isabella” variety, the compote will delight you not only with its taste qualities and ruby ​​hue, but also a surprisingly intoxicating aroma. You can prepare compote in various ways, but this recipe is worth trying:

  • pour 6 liters of water into the pan, add 8 tbsp. sugar and bring the syrup to a boil;
  • Dip grapes into the syrup, boil for 3 minutes, skimming off any foam that appears;
  • turn off the fire on the stove, cover the pan with a lid and a warm blanket so that the berries are steamed;
  • after 1 hour, check - if the grapes have settled to the bottom, leave the pan open and the compote is naturally cooled to room temperature;
  • The drink is filtered, removing the berries, and poured into jars.

Having rolled up the lids, the compote is stored in a cool place. It is recommended to supplement this recipe with one more ingredient - during the process of cooking the compote, you can add the juice of 1 lemon.

Grapes go well with plums. If you take bunches of white varieties and complement them with dark plums, the compote will acquire an interesting shade and unusual taste. It is better to prepare this drink without sterilization so that the fruits do not burst.

  • 3 liter jar fill ¼ with plums, and place grapes (without tassels) on top so that the container is half filled;
  • fill the jar to the brim with boiling water and leave to steep for 5-7 minutes;
  • pour the water into a saucepan, add 0.25 kg of sugar (per 1 bottle) and boil the syrup;
  • Meanwhile, the fruit is poured with another portion of boiling water;
  • Carefully drain the water from the jars, pour syrup over the fruits and seal the jars.

You need to keep the compote under a blanket for 2-3 days, then transfer it to the cellar.

Pear compotes are always very aromatic, and if you combine these fruits with grapes, the result is quite original spicy taste. Prepare a drink better way double filling, taking into account some nuances:

  • you just need to choose pears durum varieties so that they do not crawl away from boiled water;
  • Fruits should not be placed whole in a jar - they must be divided into 4 parts, removing the testes;
  • grapes in in this case It is better to use individual berries rather than in bunches.

For 1 3 liter jar you will need 200 g of sugar for syrup and 2 pinches citric acid, which is added directly to the container before pouring the syrup.

This drink is prepared somewhat differently from traditional recipes, but it turns out not only tasty, but also quite tonic. To prepare it, perform the following steps:

  • grapes (0.2 kg) of white varieties (preferably seedless) are separated from the bunch and each berry is cut into halves;
  • the orange is washed and also cut into slices;
  • add spices to boiling water - for 1 liter of liquid you need to take 2 buds of cloves and 1 stick of cinnamon;
  • after 5 minutes pour into boiling water green tea(1 tbsp) and set the pan aside to let the drink brew;
  • meanwhile, the grapes and orange slices are mashed, then poured into the drink;
  • adding a little honey or sugar (to taste), stir the compote and pour into jars.

Before rolling, the drink must undergo thermal sterilization in a water bath for 10-20 minutes (depending on the capacity of the glass jar).

This drink will give you energy on winter days and help avoid colds. But the recipes for grape compotes described above will fill the body with vigor and protect against many diseases.
