Fertilizer for sugar mash: speed up fermentation. Effective methods and types of fertilizing mash

In order for yeast to reproduce, they need building material for new fungi

We add this building material to the mash along with fertilizing.

Yeast reproduces by budding, that is, a shoot begins to grow from the yeast membrane, which then separates and turns into a new yeast fungus

In order for yeast to reproduce, they need a lot of energy and building material; they get energy by eating glucose

There are two ways yeast can respire, anaerobic without oxygen and aerobic with oxygen.

Anaerobic respiration in yeast is fermentation. When yeast does not have enough oxygen, it does not completely consume the glucose and alcohol is formed.

As a result of fermentation, yeast receives little energy from glucose alone and they do not want to multiply.

Aerobic respiration is the most efficient way for yeast to produce energy.

From one molecule of glucose during aerobic respiration, 2872 kJ/mol of free energy is produced, and during anaerobic respiration 234 kJ/mol, 12 times less.

At the beginning of fermentation, when there is oxygen in the wort, aerobic respiration occurs, the yeast eats sugars and produces a lot of energy.

There is enough energy for reproduction, but there is no building material.

Yeast eats sugar when idle; it does not produce alcohol or reproduce.

So you can add building material to the mash in the form of fertilizing.

In this case, one condition must be met: fertilizing should not be more expensive than yeast, since it is easier to add more yeast to the mash for this amount.

Adding fertilizing reduces the ripening time of the mash by a day.

Since yeast multiplies in the presence of oxygen, it is useless to apply fertilizing during fermentation, since there is no oxygen in the wort.

It will then be necessary to aerate the wort, enrich it with oxygen, and the alcohol will oxidize as a side effect.

How much fertilizer should I add to the sugar mash?

Since we have a limited amount of oxygen in the wort and it cannot enter it during fermentation, because the released carbon dioxide displaces it from the fermentation tank, therefore a little yeast nutrition must be added.

If we use expensive ones for fermentation alcohol yeast and our goal is to increase their number, then it is necessary to specially aerate the mash before fermentation to increase the oxygen concentration.

To do this, mix the mash vigorously with a blender to form bubbles or use an aquarium compressor.

If the yeast is dry, then we scatter it over the surface of the wort, do not stir it immediately, so that it floats, swells and breathes.

What fertilizer is best for sugar mash?

The main building materials for yeast are nitrogen and phosphorus.

There is a lot of nitrogen in soybeans, milk, cocoa, lentils, and peas.

There is a lot of phosphorus in soybeans, rye or wheat bran, milk, cocoa.

Yeast also needs magnesium and potassium.

There is a lot of magnesium in the bran of rye or wheat, cocoa, buckwheat, and soybean.

There is a lot of potassium in apricots, potatoes, rye or wheat bran, cocoa, soybeans, peas, raisins, and tomato paste.

Yeast needs B vitamins; there are many of them in tomato paste, rye or wheat bran, corn, millet, and peas.

Ammonium sulfate, a source of nitrogen, is used as a mineral fertilizer for mash.

Ammonium sulfate in Food Industry registered as food supplement E517.

Ammonium sulfate can be bought in stores for chemists, for example RUSKHIM.

In the alcohol industry, along with ammonium sulfate, orthophosphoric acid, a source of phosphorus, is also added to the wort.

Instead of ammonium sulfate and orthophosphoric acid, diammonium phosphate is added to the mash.

Moonshiners add a mineral fertilizer for plants called azofoska to the mash. Azofoska contains nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus and some sulfur.

Add 3-4 grams per liter of wort.

Potassium and magnesium are in pharmaceutical preparation Asparkam.

If the mineral salt has not been used by the yeast, it remains in the stillage during distillation.

Organic fertilizing has a drawback; the mash can turn sour during fermentation.

Yeast sediment from mash with fertilizing is also undesirable to reuse for fermentation due to possible souring of the mash.

To feed the mash and add flavor to it, you can use old berries, fruits, and peels; they are less likely to cause the mash to sour.

If you are using for fermentation baker's yeast, then you don’t need to get carried away with fertilizing; it’s easier to add more yeast to speed up fermentation.

Add some old berries or fruits to the mash.

(we recommend choosing a device with a distillation column of the brand or with a steam steamer of the brand). You decide to start with the basics and cook something that will probably work out even the first time. The simplest mash is a mash made from sugar, water and yeast. It would seem that that's all. But experienced distillers know one more “ secret ingredient” to optimize fermentation processes. And this is the so-called feeding.

How to feed yeast in mash and why do it?

Feeding is optional, but highly desirable. However, it only applies to sugar mash. In the case of grain or fruit and berry raw materials, it is not needed, and here’s why. In addition to carbohydrates, yeast also needs nitrogen and phosphorus for growth and development. They are not found in sugar, but in grains or fruits they are quite sufficient. Without these elements, yeast “works” less actively; in addition, it produces much more harmful “waste”.

You need to use fertilizing wisely and in doses, since adding any third-party substances to the mash will affect the taste and quality of the final drink.

The type of yeast does not matter. What you can do to feed mash made with alcoholic yeast is the same thing you can do to help bakery or wine yeast. There are four types of feeding in total:

  • malt;
  • chemicals (phosphorus and nitrogen salts);
  • traditional methods using food products;
  • ready-made special fertilizers.

So, let's look at what to feed the yeast in the sugar mash.

Option one is optimal: malt.

You can buy malt, or you can make it yourself by sprouting grain. For 20 liters of mash you will need 500 grams of any malt. A pleasant bonus will be a slight increase in the yield of the final product, since the malt contains accessible carbohydrates, which will also be processed by the yeast into ethanol. And the aroma of the drink will be much softer.

For feeding:

  1. Grind the malt in a coffee grinder, heat the water for the mash to 63-65°C.
  2. Without removing the pan from the heat, add malt and granulated sugar to the water, stir everything thoroughly. Heat the mash at the same temperature for 5 minutes.
  3. Allow the mash to cool to 30°C and add pre-activated yeast according to the instructions. Baking raw ones can be placed as is.
  4. Remove the mash under the water seal and wait until fermentation is complete.

Option two is chemical: ammonium sulfate and superphosphate.

You will need to add two grams of ammonium sulfate and three grams of superphosphate for every kilogram of sugar. These substances are fertilizers, so you need to strictly adhere to the weights and be careful when purchasing. Can be replaced with nitrophoska, ecohuminate or analogues (level teaspoon for every kg of sugar). Also used ammonia in a proportion of 10 grams per 20 liters of mash. Chemical method very effective, allows you to reduce fermentation time, but still supporters of the use of chemistry in the manufacture of homemade alcoholic drinks not so much.

Option three is folk: black bread, berries and fruits, tomato paste.

A loaf of black bread is enough to feed the yeast in thirty liters of mash. Raspberries, currants, strawberries, grapes (raisins) are also suitable for these purposes: 7-9 crushed berries per 10 liters of mash. For the same volume you can use 50 ml of high-quality fruit juice or 100 grams tomato paste no preservatives. The “grocery” method is slightly less effective compared to the previous two, but is more affordable.

Option four is the simplest: pay for yeast with added balanced nutrients.

The only negative is their price is higher. But the bag of yeast contains the necessary complex of nutrients for it. Typically, such yeast has the word “turbo” in its name, and the presence of nutrients is indicated on the bag.

Thus, feeding will make life easier for the yeast, and you will get shorter fermentation times and optimal product yield. It doesn't matter whether you had to or buy high-tech distillation column: A properly structured fermentation process is also the key to the quality of homemade moonshine.

Homemade alcohol has always been in demand because it is the epitome of quality. For its preparation we used exclusively natural products. At the same time, the use of various impurities that manufacturers love to use is completely unacceptable.

Today it is difficult to find a craftsman who would not know anything about making mash at home. But at the same time, every person has own recipe, which seems to him the most optimal. And although there are a huge number various variations alcohol, classic drink considered to be moonshine mash made from sugar and yeast.


Making mash based on sugar and yeast

IN this recipe Only alcoholic yeast will be used. Therefore, if you intend to use any type of baker’s yeast, then keep in mind that you will need to change the proportions of the ingredients. IN in this case you will need 1 liter of liquid for every kilogram of sugar taken.

For cooking classic mash you will need the following products:

  • sugar – 4 kg;
  • water – 16 l;
  • yeast – 80 g.

You can use not only dry yeast, but also pressed. You will need 400 grams of them. For cooking mash With turbo yeast there is no single proportion. You should pay attention to the recommendations indicated on the packaging so as not to make mistakes.

Before you start cooking mash, you should start preparing the sugar. It is highly recommended not to neglect such a procedure as inversion Sahara, to convert sucrose into the form of glucose, which is more accessible to yeast fungi. In other words, if you want the fermentation to happen faster, you need to turn sugar into a monosaccharide because it is quickly digested by yeast.

Remember! If you want some moonshine High Quality and without foreign impurities, it is necessary to invert the sugar.

To prepare the syrup you will need sugar, water and citric acid. Per 1 kg Sahara you should take half a liter of water and 5 g citric acid. The cooking process is quite simple and is divided into several stages:

  • put a pan of water on the fire;
  • when the liquid heats up, pour sugar into it and wait until it is completely dissolved;
  • Stirring the mixture constantly, cook it for 5-10 minutes over low heat;
  • after the specified time, add citric acid to the syrup;
  • after adding the lemon, turn the heat to low and cook the syrup for 60 minutes until fully cooked.

If you doubt that the syrup is ready, drop a little water into it. If the drop diverges into threads, then the cooking is complete.

Important! Before you start preparing mash, you should think about what kind of dishes will be used as containers. This choice largely depends on what kind of yeast you plan to use. For example, baker's yeast foams quite strongly, so it is necessary to leave about a third of the container free. But if you intend to use alcoholic yeast, then you can safely fill the container to 80% of its maximum volume.

  1. Dissolve the amount of yeast indicated in the recipe above and 2 tablespoons of sugar in 1 liter of water (slightly warmed, but not hot).
  2. Place the resulting dough in a warm place. She must stand for a while.
  3. When a foam cap appears on the surface of the dough, you can continue working with it.

In most cases, 20-40 minutes are enough for foaming. But if no foam has formed within 40 minutes, we strongly recommend not to risk it and replace the yeast. If you use alcohol strains, you can skip the step of activating their work. They are poured directly into the wort itself.

Sourdough is a simple step that involves mixing all the components of the mash. And although this stage can be confidently called not only the fastest, but also the simplest, there are several recommendations that should be followed to improve the result. Below step by step The stages of preparing sourdough are described.

  1. Place the bottle that you prepared in advance as a container for the mash on any elevation. This can be a regular chair or table. This is necessary in order to ensure uniform heating of the mixture and facilitate draining of the sediment.
  2. Fill the container lightly warm water and dissolve sugar (invert syrup) in it.
  3. As soon as the sugar or syrup is completely dissolved, pour the yeast into the container and stir the mixture until it is completely dissolved.

Important! To keep the fermentation rate as high as possible, it is recommended to add sugar in portions. The second portion is added after 12 hours, and the third after 24. Some people use a method that involves adding sugar twice with an interval of 24 hours.

, which include starch and fruit, are simpler because they do not require feeding. However, sugar Braga for moonshine, which does not contain the substances necessary to maintain the activity of yeast fungi, it definitely needs feeding. Feed yeast mushrooms We recommend one of the following products:

  • bread;
  • tomato paste;
  • fresh berries or juice;
  • young malt;
  • ammonia.

It is not necessary to try to find the optimal feeding yourself. If you have difficulty choosing, you can purchase ready-made fertilizers in powder form, which are sold in stores. Their packaging also contains step-by-step instructions.

We put the mash

So, all preparations are completed. Now you can put on the mash. Remember that the wort contains bacteria that can cause the product to sour. To prevent this, it is necessary to limit the flow of oxygen. This can be done using a medical glove in which holes have been made, or a water seal. Place the glove or closure on the neck of the container and secure it well.

To avoid problems with fermentation, you should choose the right place in which the container with mash will stand. Most the best option is to install a container next to the battery. If this is not possible, then cover the bottle with blankets or install a thermostat inside it that will maintain the set temperature.

Remember! At temperatures below +18 degrees, fermentation stops completely, and at temperatures above +30, the synthesis of fusel oils is activated.

How long will the mash last?

It is quite difficult to answer this question, because exact time depends greatly on what type of yeast was used and on the preparation technology. However, on average the process takes about a week, and extremely rarely stretches for 10 days. To accurately determine the moment of the end of fermentation, you need to pay attention to the signs that indicate this:

  • the liquid no longer foams or makes hissing sounds;
  • the top layer has become noticeably lighter;
  • sediment appeared at the bottom;
  • bubbles do not come out of the water seal (if you used a glove, it should deflate);

When the fermentation process comes to an end, you will feel that the sweetish smell has almost completely disappeared, and Braga started to smell like alcohol.

Do not rush to pour the liquid into the distillation cube after fermentation is complete. Lighten it first to get rid of foreign impurities. You can do this by lowering the temperature to 3 degrees or increasing it to 50 degrees.

If the temperature method is not suitable for you, you can use additional substances such as bentonite. It is worth noting that you can increase acidity using ordinary citric acid or hibiscus tea.

It is somewhat erroneous to believe that for mash it is only important to take sugar, yeast and water, and also maintain constant and optimal temperature in room. Some moonshiners also confidently add that sugar mash needs to be supplemented with other substances. In fact, this is so; it would not be amiss for everyone to fertilize the mash using acceptable methods.

Do you need fertilizing for sugar mash?

Alcoholic yeast depends on water and granulated sugar, but they so badly want to be fed with important microorganisms, which include nitrogen and phosphorus. They are present in the original composition, but their number is negligible. They are the ones who make the mash ferment more actively, and at the same time remove large quantity impurities harmful to health.

Chemical fertilizing

Take only 2 g of ammonium, then 3 g of superphosphate, all this is added to a container with mash. It is possible to replace this composition complex fertilizer, which contains phosphorus and nitrogen. Such fertilizers include ecohuminate and nitrophoska. Add them in the amount of 1 teaspoon.

As one of the alternatives, chicken manure is used; five grams of it are added per liter of mash; ammonia can also be added (take 1 gram per two liters of mash).

Top dressing chemicals increases the effectiveness of mash, but at the same time causes negativity among those who are accustomed to giving preference only to natural ingredients. There is also a category of people who will completely refuse to taste moonshine if they only learn that chicken manure was used in its preparation. Nothing will force them to change their point of view, despite assurances that such substances (in small quantities) will not cause any harm to health.

In this regard, this method is used only by those who prepare moonshine for sale. Feeding will allow the mash to “ripen” quickly and at the same time get incredible amount moonshine.

Adding malt

Malt is grains of rye, barley and millet that are first sprouted and then dried. Malt is purchased either in stores or prepared in advance yourself.

  1. The water is heated to 63 degrees.
  2. Slowly pour granulated sugar into it, stirring constantly, then add malt. Boil the entire mixture for about five minutes.
  3. The resulting malt syrup is cooled to 30 degrees and yeast (previously diluted) is added.
  4. The container with the mash is closed and a water seal is installed. Distillation begins after the smell of grain is clearly audible.

It is the addition of malt that is not considered easy effective way, but also environmentally friendly. The only downside is that you have to buy the malt or spend precious time brewing it.

Yeast with additives

On sale you can find yeast that already contains additives with nutrients, as well as important microelements. You can find out about this by reading the label on the package. When purchasing such yeast, simply mix heated water with granulated sugar, then immediately add yeast.

Such yeasts are considered the best option for those who always strive to prepare only high-quality moonshine.

Folk remedies

Many people feed yeast with black bread, while just one loaf is enough for 30 liters of moonshine. Second good remedy is to add crushed 10 raspberries, grapes, currants or strawberries to the mash (10 liters). A good result is obtained after adding it to the mash fruit juice(freshly squeezed only) or 100 g of tomato paste.

Home brewing is a classic sugar moonshine but the taste of this product may not always please the distiller; to improve it, you can use different wines top dressing: malt, apples, grapes... In this article I will tell and show how to improve the taste and aroma of moonshine, how to speed up the fermentation of mash, how to get more yield finished product. All these aspects are summarized below with grape yeast nutrition, which is made on moonshine still“Sapphire” from the company “Hmelnaya Charka”.

Recipe for moonshine made from sugar with top dressing

  • Sugar - 3 kg.,
  • Water - 15 l.,
  • Baker's yeast - 300 g.
  • Grapes - 1 kg.

Making mash from sugar

The principle of feeding is that the yeast receives additional elements for better and faster fermentation; in addition to grapes, you can use green malt, apples, and berries. This time I decided to try grape fertilizer, thereby finding out how this fertilizer will affect the taste and aroma of the original product.

For making mash from sugar The first step is to prepare the confusion. To do this, you need to dissolve 30% sugar in 70% water for the recipe, then pour all the yeast with warm water for 15 minutes, add to the dispersion. Wash the grapes, separate them from the ridges, crush them into porridge, add to the scattering, leave the container in a warm place for 2-3 hours, the temperature of the scattering should be in the range of 25-30 C. After a certain time, vigorous fermentation will begin, which means it’s time to add the remaining 70 % sugar dissolved in 30% water, the temperature of the syrup should be 30 C. Leave the mash to ferment in a warm place, without a water seal. My mash fermented for 3 days, then the fermentation suddenly stopped, I left it to lighten for 3 days.

Distillation of sugar mash. Double distillation

The finished mash tastes dry, without sweetness, and clarified. Using a hose, carefully pour the mash into the distillation cube, so as not to touch the yeast sediment. The first distillation is the selection of raw alcohol at maximum heating, selecting up to 7-5% alcohol in the stream.

The second distillation is fractional, we dilute the raw alcohol to 25-30%, we select the head fractions at low heat, the number of “heads” is approximately 5-7% of absolute alcohol, we also focus on the smell of the distillate when selecting. I took approximately 170-200 ml of head fractions. Next, we select the “heart” of the distillate to 70%, the degree depends on the design of the apparatus. As a result, I received 1550 ml of 82% distillate, which was diluted to 44% with pure water.

Cleaning moonshine with coal

Already in the diluted moonshine I poured activated carbon of the BAU-A brand, at the rate of 1 tablespoon per 1 liter of moonshine, mixed everything well for 10 minutes, left it alone for 12 hours. Then I filtered out large parts of the coal using 4 layers of gauze, then through a cotton filter. The moonshine rested in the glass for a couple of days before tasting.

Sugar moonshine with grape dressing, purified activated carbon It has a neutral aroma with light sweetish grape notes, the taste has a slight sharpness from charring, it is easy and pleasant to drink.

Separately, I recommend that you familiarize yourself with the recipe for moonshine with green malt and the original recipe for homemade chacha made from grapes. Below is a video recipe for moonshine made from sugar with grape dressing, which clearly and in detail describes the entire process of home brewing.
