The most fragrant apple jam with grape juice for the winter - photo instructions at home

Apple and grape jam

Thick and tasty apple jam with grapes, to which I added more lemon juice(very pleasantly acidified and refreshed the taste), fragrant cloves, allspice and a cinnamon stick. Spices added magic and a festive feeling to the jam.

Composition and proportions

10 liters per basin (about 6.5 liters will come out)

  • Apples – 5 kg (unpeeled weight);
  • Grapes – 1 kg;
  • Lemon – 1 large or 2 small;
  • Sugar – 4.2 kg;
  • Cinnamon – 1 stick;
  • Cloves – 5-7 buds;
  • Allspice – 3-5 peas.

Apples and grapes for jam

How to cook

  • Wash all fruits well in cool water. Dry. Pick the grapes from the branches; only good grapes, without damage, will go into the jam. Peel the apples from seeds and cut into pieces (if you want, you can also peel them). Sprinkle with lemon juice. Add sugar and let stand for several hours to release the juice. If you don’t have time, you can start cooking right away.
  • First brew: Bring the jam in a bowl to a boil over low heat, stirring frequently. Cook for 5 minutes after boiling. Turn off the heat, cover the jam and let it sit until it cools. During this time, the jam will flow, the grapes will give a lot of juice and it will become very liquid.
  • Second brew: Reheat the jam, bring to a boil, stirring. Collect the seeds from the surface (if the grapes had seeds). Cook for about 30-35 minutes after boiling, stirring until cooked. About 10 minutes before the end of cooking, add cinnamon, allspice and allspice.

Sign of readiness– saucer test: if a drop of syrup does not spread on a cool saucer, then the jam is ready.

  • Ready jam package in prepared jars, close with prepared lids (iron or). Turn over and check for leaks. After about an hour, you can return it to its original position (or leave it like that until it cools completely).

Store at room temperature in a dry and dark place.

Jars of apple jam cooked with grapes

This is hot jam, it is still flowing. The stick is cinnamon. It is not eaten, but it imbues the jam with a festive aroma.

The jam stood overnight and now there is a spoon in it. It gelled and froze.

Spoon of jam with grapes

We pick grapes from the branches and fill the basin
At the beginning of cooking, you need to stir everything with a wooden spoon so that it does not burn while the juice flows.

This is how thick the jam becomes when first cooked.
After the first cooking, the jam began to flow and became very liquid
Ready jam before putting into jars

I have. Of course, it turned out not 3 cans, but 11))

A spoonful of jam, which has already cooled and gelled

This delicious jam made from grapes and nuts, everyone will like it! It is incredibly tasty, and can become worthy decoration any tea table.

Rich in natural pectin apple pulp The syrup even gels liquid jam without additional thickening concentrates.

Juicy, sour apples use as a base, and borrow the taste, aroma, and specificity from berries, tropical fruits, and any fragrant fruits.

To complicate the texture of the delicacy, at the end of cooking, add chopped almonds, hazelnuts, and kernels. walnut or poppy seeds.

Following step by step recipe, try the homemade boiled assortment with a distinct nutmeg aroma.

After cooling, the jam from grapes and apples with nuts sets thick mass, suitable not only for drinking tea as a snack, but also for filling strudel, grated pie, Viennese cookies.


  • grapes – 500 g;
  • apples – 200 g;
  • walnuts – 100 g;
  • sugar – 300 g;
  • citric acid – 2 g;
  • ground nutmeg – 2-5 g.

How to make grape-apple jam with nuts

1. First of all, we wash the fruits, discard rotten and limp grapes - for preparations long-term storage good quality fruits required

2. We pick berries from the bunches. We press with our fingers and easily remove the shell, using a knife we ​​remove the bones inside the soft center. The process is labor-intensive and can be replaced with universal sultanas. But then the brew will not come out so aromatic. Place everything together with the juice in a bowl.

3. Chop strong green apples into small cubes. Leave the thin skin, cut off the hard skin

6. Transfer the floating fruit pieces and at the same time pour the sweet liquid into the pan. Place on high heat and boil.

7. Cook, uncovered, with constant bubbling and under supervision for the next 20-30 minutes. Stir occasionally with a wooden spoon.

8. Add crushed nuts, a little citric acid and season to taste nutmeg, let's try. Bring to a boil for the last time, boil for 5 minutes and remove from the stove.

9. Pour hot into sterile jars, seal hermetically for winter storage, cool and transfer to a cool place.

Serve delicious grape jam with nuts to the table.

Today I would like to offer you a recipe for apple jam with grapes. I came up with the recipe for this jam myself. As always, I love to improvise in the kitchen. I don’t like to adhere to any boundaries in cooking. Of course, if this is not a classic, where an exact amount of products is required, and one or another of their processing.

Nowadays fusion technique is very common. This technique means that seemingly incompatible products are combined in the preparation of a particular dish. Although, of course, apple jam with grapes cannot be completely attributed to the fusion technique. But you must admit that we have never made jam with grapes before.

One day I got the idea to make jam from plums and grapes. I liked it very much. I decided to continue this theme and this time made apple and grape jam. I'll tell you honestly, it turned out very tasty. Grapes in jam turn out extremely tasty. Just imagine well-swollen raisins, which are completely soaked in syrup. The grapes literally melt in your mouth.

What you need to cook apple jam with grapes:

Apples 2 kg.

Grapes 1 kg.

Granulated sugar 1.5 kg.

Water 1.5 cups.

Sterile jars and lids.

Apple jam with grapes - recipe.

Well, of course, first of all I would like to say that jars must be sterilized. Lids too, of course. You probably know how best to do this. I'm just sure of this. Sterilize jars and lids in any way convenient for you. When you put jam into jars, they must be washed, sterile and, most importantly, dry. Therefore, prepare jars with lids in advance before putting jam in them.

Apples need to be washed well. And cut into small pieces. When you cut apples, you can place them in water. Simply put, I cut apples right into cold water. I pour water into the pan and immediately put the apples in it. The water must be cold.

Pour 1.5 kg of sugar into the pan where the jam will be cooked. Pour 1.5 cups of water there. Mix everything well and put the pan on the fire. The syrup needs to be boiled and reduced slightly.

While the syrup is boiling, you also need to wash the grapes.

The syrup must be boiled until a drop flows from a spoon with difficulty. As soon as you see that the syrup from the spoon begins to flow more slowly, the syrup is ready.

Now you need to put chopped apples and grapes into the syrup.

After mixing the fruit well, you need to continue cooking the jam. As soon as it boils, you need to boil it for fifteen minutes.

After this, the jam must be removed from the stove and cooled completely. And then put it on the fire again and cook until fully cooked.

The jam can be served either hot or cold. Place the jam into jars and seal with lids. I repeat that jars and lids must be dry. And of course, sterile. I store this jam in the refrigerator. But that's only because I add a little sugar. For 3 kg of fruit you need 3 kg of sugar. We don’t like sweet jams and therefore it’s easier for me to put less sugar and keep this jam in the refrigerator.

I would especially like to note that the grapes in the jam turned out very tasty. I'm thinking about making jam from just grapes. But you need to take into account that the grapes themselves are very sweet and therefore sourness will be needed. I think that very soon I will share with you this jam recipe.

Apple jam with grapes ready. Bon appetit.

Greetings, dear readers!
Everyone has probably made apple jam, but try making apple jam on grape juice for the winter, it's such a pleasant pleasure. Unusual combination These fruits give the dessert a special taste.

Apple jam with grape juice: recipe with photos

This winter delicacy It turns out incredibly original, tasty and aromatic. Pieces of apples boiled in natural grape juice acquire a bright, unique taste. Syrup made from natural juice, enriches and complements the taste of apples, makes the jam exquisite and will appeal to people with a delicate taste.

Apple jam with grape juice: homemade recipe

To create a blank, you can use both purchased and homemade grapes any kind. The main thing is that the berries must be ripe, juicy and of high quality. Grape puree can be made in several ways. To do this, you can use a food processor (with a special attachment), an auger juicer, or a blender. Having crushed the fruits in the last way, place them on a sieve and use a spoon to separate the pulp from the skin and seeds.

On a note!

You should know: in order for the preparation to turn out not only appetizing, but also of high quality, to create it you must use only dry, thoroughly washed fruits.

To make jam, use apples of any size, variety and color. The main thing is that they are juicy and of high quality, without bruises or rot.


  • grapes (500-600 grams);
  • apples (500 grams);
  • granulated sugar (500 grams).

How to make apple jam with grape juice

Step-by-step recipe for apple jam with grape juice:

Separate clean and dry grapes from the branches.

We make a homogeneous puree from the fruits, removing the thin skin and seeds.

Pour the prepared juice into a saucepan. From 500-600 grams of berries you should get about 300-350 ml of juice.

Add the required amount of sweetener. We combine products.

Cooking natural syrup 20-22 minutes.

Chop the apples into thin slices. We use the fruits along with the peel. This way they retain their shape better.

Place the slices in boiling grape syrup.

Combine puree and apples.

Cook the apple and grape jam for another 50-57 minutes.

We pour out a unique and aromatic confiture into a pre-prepared jar and seal it. We use apple jam with grape juice for its intended purpose.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

You've probably heard about. Yes, and it’s unlikely to be a novelty for you. What would you think if I offered you to combine apples and grapes in one recipe? This combination is a classic, which we most often find in the form of juice. But the jam turns out great! And very beautiful: an amber-colored syrup in which translucent pieces of apples float. Well, and the taste... You understand that the original ingredients simply oblige the jam to be moderately sweet, tender and very pleasant, so the taste will not let you down, I assure you. I also add a little lemon juice to the syrup: with its slight sourness, it successfully sets off the apples and grapes. Prepare apple jam grape syrup not difficult at all: just follow our detailed recommendations, and you will certainly succeed!


- 1 kg of unpeeled grapes;
- 300 g sugar;
- juice from 0.5 lemon;
- 0.5 kg of peeled apples.

Recipe with photos step by step:

We begin the process of preparing jam from apples and grapes by preparing the latter. Carefully remove the grapes from the branches, removing at the same time damaged, dried, and rotten grapes. Then wash it thoroughly.

To cook the syrup, choose a wide pan. Pour 2-3 tablespoons of water into the pan, just to moisten the bottom. And pour out the grapes. Cover with a lid and cook over low heat for 30-40 minutes until the grapes become soft (cooking time depends on the grape variety - the density of its skin). Stir periodically, after 10 minutes, so that all the grapes are evenly heated. I have a thick-walled pan, I stirred it only a couple of times - there was no hint that it would burn.

While the grape syrup is cooking, let's prepare the apples for jam. Wash the apples thoroughly. Clean the peel. Cut into 4 parts and remove the seed capsule with seeds. Carefully cut out damaged areas (if any). Apples quickly darken in air, so as soon as you prepare the apple, immediately dip it in a 1% salt solution (10 g of salt per 1 liter of water). Don’t worry - the apples won’t absorb the salt and will remain tasty and sweet. Then chop the apples. We cut them into approximately equal small pieces - up to 1 cm and again, to avoid darkening, immerse them in the same saline solution.

While the apples were being cooked, the grapes were cooked, became soft, and released a lot of juice. Set it aside for a while to cool. Then we mash the grapes with a masher - our task is to separate as much juice as possible from the grapes.

Then strain the grape juice - first through a holey colander, then through a fine-mesh one. After a regular, perforated colander, small particles of pulp and pieces of skin will remain, which will spoil appearance syrup. The straining process does not take much time - first we help ourselves with a spoon, and then the remainder can simply be squeezed out with our hands. It will be much faster this way, and the waste will be minimal.
And everything will pass through a fine-mesh colander very quickly, since after a perforated colander there are very few solid particles left.

Pour the resulting juice into a saucepan, add sugar, add lemon juice, mix and put on fire.

Bring to a boil, then reduce the heat to low and cook the syrup for 20-30 minutes until it acquires a pleasant amber color.

Place apples in boiling syrup and bring to a boil. Then remove from heat and leave for 3 hours. After this time, drain the syrup (through a colander) and bring it to a boil again. Place the apples in the boiling syrup and cook for another 5 minutes. Apples in grape syrup float in the same pieces, the syrup remains transparent. And again set the pan aside for 3 hours. Then put the pan on the fire and cook for 10-15 minutes until the syrup begins to gel. The apples remain light, almost white, and the syrup becomes much thicker.

While the apple jam is infused in grape syrup, let's prepare the jars and lids. You can put this jam in any jar and seal it metal lids(screwed or rolled). We definitely sterilize jars and lids. I would like to warn you that jam should be placed in hot jars, so it is better to carry out the sterilization process at the end of cooking.

Place the jam in hot, sterilized jars, wiped dry.

And immediately close the apple jam in grape syrup with lids. Turn the jars upside down until they cool completely. This jam should be stored in a dark place, perhaps at room temperature, but away from radiators and the stove.

Tips and tricks:
For this type of preservation, grapes should be taken white; the resulting syrup is a pleasant amber color. From blue grapes the syrup turns out dark, the pieces of apples in it look unappetizing.
It is better to choose grapes with thin skin– it will become soft faster. But in principle, any white grape will do.
You can take any variety of apples, but not sour ones so that they don’t get overcooked during processing. Pieces of sweet apples will remain intact after cooking, but sour apples (for example, the Antonovka variety) will be completely boiled.
Author – Natalia Tishchenko
