Two legends about how the famous Roquefort blue cheese came to be. The benefits and harms of blue cheese

Unusual product- blue cheese, was discovered completely by accident.

Its homeland is the town of Roquefort in France. It is believed that this product was first made by a shepherd.

Inadvertently, he left a piece of cheese in the cave. Returning a few weeks later, he found his cheese there, which was covered with blue mold. The famous Roquefort in its modern form became widespread after 1070.

However, blue cheese is mentioned by the ancient figure Pliny the Elder.

Exclusive varieties of the product are obtained using special technology. In ancient times, cheese makers left bread in caves for 6 months so that it would become moldy.

Nowadays, mold is obtained in laboratory conditions. Later it is sprayed over pieces of cheese. For better distribution fungi make holes in the cheese. After the mold has worked well on the product, it acquires a unique taste. Not only the French, but also other nations have their own blue cheese. For example, Italians make gorgonzola mold cheese.

An unusual product, blue cheese, was discovered completely by accident.

History of blue cheese

History of blue cheese

Its homeland is the town of Roquefort in France. It is believed that this product was first made by a shepherd.

History of blue cheese

Inadvertently, he left a piece of cheese in the cave. Returning a few weeks later, he found his cheese there, which was covered with blue mold. The famous Roquefort in its modern form became widespread after 1070.

However, blue cheese is mentioned by the ancient figure Pliny the Elder.

Exclusive varieties of the product are obtained using special technology. In ancient times, cheese makers left bread in caves for 6 months so that it would become moldy.

Nowadays, mold is obtained in laboratory conditions. Later it is sprayed over pieces of cheese. For better spread of fungi, holes are made in the cheese. After the mold has worked well on the product, it acquires a unique taste. Not only the French, but also other nations have their own blue cheese. For example, Italians make gorgonzola mold cheese.

Stilton cheese is produced in England.

People began making cheese more than ten thousand years ago. This happened almost simultaneously with the domestication of dairy animals. And the first written mention of cheese dates back to the middle of the sixth millennium BC.

Legends and tales

So far, scientists cannot say in which country or even on which continent cheese was first made. Most likely, like other useful inventions like making fire or farming, it appeared in several regions at the same time. This confirms the diversity of species and national varieties.

One of the most ancient legends says that they were the first to invent cheese. nomadic Arab tribes. Back then, the stomachs of slaughtered animals were used to store milk. Apparently, the stomachs were not thoroughly cleaned and retained a number of digestive enzymes on the walls. As a result, under their influence the first rennet cheese appeared.

According to another legend, cheese was invented in Ancient Greece and was called the food of the gods. The secret of production was owned by a mythical hero and son of Apollo named Aristaeus. And one of the myths calls the goddess Artemis the creator of cheese.

How the cheese business developed

According to historians, cheese was known to the ancient Slavs long before the beginning of our era. The secret of manufacturing came with the Greco-Roman expansion. Nevertheless, it was not appreciated by our ancestors, although it was considered one of the products that were necessarily offered to the altars of the gods.

Cheese owes its popularity largely to the Crusades. Then militant monks brought the first recipes to medieval Europe. The world owes such a variety of varieties today to monasteries. Because it is the monasteries for a long time held a monopoly on cheese production and carefully developed new types and methods of production.

The cheese industry returned to Russia with the arrival of Peter the Great. Under him, the first cheese factories were opened using Dutch technologies. And when former naval officer N.V. got down to business. Vereshchegin, oh Russian cheese they started talking even in Europe.

Cheese making today

Currently, cheese making is developed all over the world, and almost every country can boast of its own traditions. But two countries are competing for the title of main connoisseurs: France and Greece.

In the first one they love it so much that they even came up with varieties with mold and worms. But the second has been holding the lead in terms of the amount of cheese eaten per capita for many years. And this quantity is simply amazing, since it amounts to more than thirty kilograms per person.

The most interesting thing is that the volume of cheese production and consumption is increasing every year. Experts believe that the reason is the fashion for healthy eating, as well as the popularization of pizza.

Do you know who invented the salad and?

Mold saves the French from heart attacks. But many still ask the question: “Blue cheese: good or bad?” We'll sort it out various varieties cheese and shed light on dark side this cheese story.

Introduction to unusual cheese. Is mold healthy?

There are two types of mold that are safe to eat. They are introduced into cheese artificially, after which microorganisms begin to multiply and cover the surface of the product.
The most important merit of mold is that it helps normalize the intestinal microflora (which is where the main digestive processes take place) and helps in the fight against dangerous bacteria and viruses.
Blue cheeses contain:
  • Calcium, potassium and sodium
  • Vitamin D
  • Vitamin B12
  • Beneficial bacteria
Mold has been proven to have beneficial effects on the heart. Scientists have identified the so-called “French paradox”, which shows whether blue cheese is healthy. This country has the lowest number of people with heart attacks. This merit is attributed to the taste habits of the French: wine and blue cheese.
Important! Together, these products cleanse blood vessels, prevent the formation of blood clots, and improve heart function.
Blue cheeses are made from cow, goat or sheep's milk. It has long been proven that goat milk contains minimal amount fats and cholesterol, which is bad for cardiovascular system. It also contains iron and calcium, which together lead to good absorption of beneficial elements by the body.
Milk can have two effects on the human body. About the harm cow's milk Nutritionists have been saying this for a long time. They are actively starting to replace him plant products: coconut or almond analogues. The danger lies in large quantities hormones and antibiotics that are fed to animals.
Important! As people age, lactose intolerance increases. And if used to be cheese helped digest lunch, now it can play against the person.
Scientists have found that sodium and potassium contained in cheeses actively help burn fat. But if you take into account the calorie content of the product, you will have to forget about these benefits. One hundred grams of blue cheese will be 340 kcal. At the same time, nutritionists advise consuming an average of 2000 kcal per day.
Separately, it is worth mentioning the salt content. Most blue cheeses have a rich salty taste. About the fact that “salt is White death"Everyone has already heard. If at the same time a person does not drink enough water, this can lead to problems with skin, nails, and hair.
All this can lead to obesity, metabolic disorders, poor nutritional status and increased cholesterol.

Types of blue cheese

There is a rather romantic story associated with the origin of cheese. One day a young shepherd sat down in a cave to rest and dine on sheep's cheese. However, an incredibly beautiful girl passed by, who upset all his plans. The young man was so delighted with the beauty of the stranger that he forgot about lunch and rushed after her.
The young man did not catch up with the girl, and during this time the cheese became moldy. The guy was so annoyed that he bit off a piece of moldy cheese out of grief. Unusual taste He was so impressed that the young man opened his own cheese factory and became famous for his creation.
The most famous varieties of blue cheeses:

  • Caumabert
  • Gorgonzola
  • Roquefort
  • Dor-blue

Blue cheese

The benefits of blue cheese are invaluable: similar products have a whole set useful vitamins and microelements. Zinc, magnesium, calcium, sodium - this is not the entire list of substances that can be found in blue cheese. They also contain high concentration vitamins D and B12.
Such an extensive list useful substances allows you to have a comprehensive effect on the body. Cheeses affect nervous system, improve memory, bones and teeth. Regular use moldy foods help normalize metabolism and regulate the digestion of heavy foods.
The most popular blue cheese in the territory former USSR- Dor-blue. The explanation for this: very restrained taste and smell. Apparently, we are not yet accustomed to the rich chords of Gorgonzola or Roquefort. Its texture is soft, somewhat reminiscent cream cheese. And unlike most similar cheeses, its cost is very affordable.

Interesting fact! According to Dali, it was the taste of Camembert that inspired him to create the world-famous painting with a flowing clock.

Camembert is famous for its pleasant mushroom taste and hard texture. So that the product does not lose beneficial features, it is transported in special round boxes made of natural wood.
Gorgonzola is named after the French village of the same name. This dessert cheese It has a specific smell, and a soft nutty taste remains in the mouth for a long time after the meal. The texture of the cheese is soft, which is why it is often compared to cheesecake.

Green mold cheese

The most popular french cheese produced quite in an original way. In traditional cheese factories it is left in a cave, where after some time a noble blue mold appears.
For industrial production This is not suitable: the cheese takes too long to ripen. Therefore, it is artificially grown on bread, and then transplanted into a dairy product.
Cheese with green mold has a particular effect on brain activity. He can calm you down headache, relieve tension and help fight migraines.

Cheese with white mold

The name of white mold cheese is brie. It has a very specific smell. If you do not pack it tightly, after a couple of hours the entire refrigerator will smell unpleasantly of ammonia. However, cheese is valued precisely for these aromas, as well as for its unusual white mold, which appears on the yellow crust.

Advice! Wrap the brie in plastic wrap and place in a sealable container. This way it will not give off the smell to other products.

How to eat blue cheese correctly to make it delicious? We select wine.

How do gourmets eat blue cheese correctly? Experts advise warming it up to room temperature before serving. To do this, just leave the dish with the covered cheese out of the refrigerator for a couple of hours.
Blue cheese, no matter what wine it is served with, will subtly highlight the taste of the drink. To make sure you don't make a mistake, keep a bottle of white wine for this occasion. You can serve jam, nuts, and fresh berries along with the cheese.

Many of us know that blue cheese is considered a delicacy. What is so unusual about this cheese? It turns out that real cheese with mold are produced only in France.

Other countries also do something similar, but the most best cheeses- specifically made in France.

Blue cheese and its legend

Interestingly, there is a beautiful, romantic legend about blue cheese. One day, a young man, a shepherd, on the slope of Mount Combalou (not far from the village of Roquefort) sat down to have a snack of cheese and bread. At this time, a beauty passed by. The young man wanted to meet the girl and rushed after her, but there was no trace of her.

Returning to the cave a few days later, he saw the cheese left behind, covered with mold. The young man tried it and was pleasantly surprised: the cheese became completely new taste. So, according to legend, appeared Roquefort cheese, one of perhaps the most famous blue cheeses.

Where is blue cheese made?

It is clear that these are just legends. But in fact, blue cheeses have rich history. Roquefort cheese is produced in caves in the Rouergue region of France. If you find cheese from another manufacturer on store shelves, then you are looking at something other than an ordinary fake.

The fact is that Roquefort cheese is produced in relatively small batches, because... There is not so much space in caves, and its cost is several times higher than its analogues. It is not at all necessary that such cheeses will be less tasty than real Roquefort.

Is mold in cheese harmful?

Many people unknowingly claim that mold used in production is harmful to health. This is wrong. Penicillium roqueforti mold is completely harmless the human body, it just sounds similar to penicillin. It is one of the most important factors that gives cheese an original, incomparable taste.

Types of blue cheeses

In addition to Roquefort, there are also varieties of blue cheese such as Stilton, Gorgonzola and others.

Blue cheese - Gorgonzola

Gorgonzola, like Roquefort, is one of the most famous varieties blue cheese. Italy (more precisely, the regions of Piedmont and Lombardy) is considered its homeland. These two cheeses are very different in taste, because... Italians use sheep's milk to produce cheese.

In addition, manufacturers also use different kinds mold. If in Roquefort it is Penicillium roqueforti, then in Gorgonzola it is Penicillium glaucum and two types of bacteria Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus bulgaricus. While the cheese is ripening, metal rods are inserted into the mass to ensure good ventilation. The ripening time for Gorgonzola is about four months. It is known that the Gorgonzola variety is more than 200 years older than Roquefort.

Gorgonzola has a copy called Bavaria blue.

Blue cheese - Stilton

Stilton cheese comes from England, from the counties of Lesteshire, Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire. This type of cheese is made only from pasteurized cow's milk. It is aged for at least 9 weeks.

There are 2 types of English stilton - blue (the most popular) and less known - white stilton. Unlike other cheeses, in the total mass of cheese there are many passages made by mold.

In order to receive the proud name of Stilton, the cheese must meet a whole range of requirements. Real Stilton cheese must have specific blue veins running from the center.

Stilton cheese is considered the youngest(compared to the two previous varieties we describe) it appeared relatively recently - in the 18th century.

Blue cheese - Danablu

There is also a younger cheese - danabla, which appeared already in the twentieth century. It replaced the expensive Roquefort.

Because Blue cheese has a rather sharp taste and is usually served with tannic wines. Some gourmets and cheese connoisseurs tend to argue that blue cheese is incompatible with wine, with the exception of some types of white wines.

What do you eat blue cheese with?

Before serving, blue cheese is warmed to room temperature. It goes especially well with fruits, vegetables, crispbreads, crackers, etc. The British eat this cheese with vegetables and fresh herbs, and also add it to soups; The Danes use it with bread, the Italians add it to sauce and pizza.

Blue cheese - great ingredient for salads, with the exception of Roquefort cheese. This elite variety Cheese is best eaten as a separate dish.

Is blue cheese healthy? Is there any benefit to it?

  • Yes, if you eat it not very often and in small portions. It contains phosphorus and calcium, as well as other vitamins, as well as protein and amino acids necessary for humans.
  • Many nutritionists claim that blue cheese also contains beneficial bacteria., which improve intestinal function.
  • Turkish scientists made a discovery, it turns out, in the composition noble mold contains special substances that can protect the skin from harmful effects sun rays. Eating blue cheese causes substances to accumulate in the subcutaneous layer, resulting in the body producing more melanin, which significantly reduces the risk of sunburn.