Fresh tomatoes for the winter with dry mustard. How to keep tomatoes fresh until the New Year: a simple but effective trick

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated


- tomatoes – 600 gr.,
- garlic - 2-3 cloves,
- allspice – 2 pcs.,
- parsley - several sprigs.


- water - 1 liter,
- sugar - 3 tbsp. l.,
- salt - 1 tbsp. l.,
- vinegar - 50 gr.

Recipe with photos step by step:

It’s better to take liter jars for preparations, but my friend closes three-liter jars, her family is large, consists of 6 people, so there won’t be enough tomatoes from a liter jar for everyone.
Take the jars whole, not chipped. They need to be washed thoroughly; I usually wash them with laundry soap or soda, rinse them under running water and put them in the oven. I turn on the oven for 20 minutes and the temperature is 120 degrees. The jars are sterilized in the oven; if you do not have an oven, or you do not trust this method of sterilization, then sterilize the jars over steam.
Place a few cloves of garlic and pepper on the bottom of the jar. sweet pea, parsley, several sprigs.

The tomatoes need to be washed thoroughly and placed as tightly as possible in a jar.
Take tomatoes that are whole, beautiful and without external damage.
While you are putting the tomatoes into the jars, put the lids on to sterilize. Place in a metal bowl or small saucepan required quantity Fill the lids with water and put on fire. Boil the lids for 3-5 minutes. Try to cook these at least once, and no one will pull you away from them by the ears.

Now let's prepare the marinade.
Pour water into a saucepan, add salt and sugar, bring to a boil, when the marinade boils, pour in vinegar. Remove from heat and pour hot marinade into jars of tomatoes. As practice shows, this volume of marinade is enough to fill 2 liter jars.
Cover the jars with lids, but do not need to roll them up yet. Place a towel or clean cloth at the bottom of a large saucepan, place cans of tomatoes, and pour water. So the jars would have “hangers”, the hangers on the jars are where the jar goes to narrowing. Place the pan on the fire, bring to a boil and sterilize over medium heat so that the water does not boil too much in the pan for 12 minutes. If you make a mega preparation in three liter jars, For big family, then the sterilization time should be increased to 20 minutes.

Remove the jars from the boiling water and roll up. Turn the jars upside down and wrap them in something warm. Store in a cool place out of direct sunlight.

Tomatoes for the winter with mustard work just as well as fresh in a city apartment. I advise you to also prepare these

When the season of vegetables passes, we need to try to preserve them as long as possible, so that even the cold does not prevent us from eating vitamins and pampering our loved ones with various goodies. But it is very difficult to save a product like a tomato, but it is possible. The main thing is to purchase (or pick from the garden) high-quality tomatoes, make sure that there are no crushed barrels or damaged, rotten or spoiled places. By the way, you can make delicious food from spoiled tomatoes. tomato juice, which is perfectly stored all winter. In fact, any variety of tomatoes can be stored for a long time; plum tomatoes are best stored; they are strong and last a long time, even without outside help. And the most important advice! don’t make a lot of preparations for the winter at once, try saving a few tomatoes at a time different ways. After all, the cellars are different and the tomato varieties are different, experiment and choose for yourself The best way keep tomatoes fresh until the New Year.

How to preserve tomatoes: Method with mustard

The answer to the question of how to keep tomatoes fresh may be jars. Yes, yes, regular 3 liter jars. It is also necessary to prepare dry mustard powder. We wash the tomatoes, remove the roots, and dry them. We take sheets of paper and use them to transfer vegetables. We stack the tomatoes carefully so as not to crush or press them against each other. There is no need to cram the vegetables too tightly; they should have some space. Sprinkle each layer of tomatoes with dry mustard, add paper, tomatoes, then again. Roll up the lids and immediately hide them in the basement.

How to preserve tomatoes: Method with alcohol

Take jars, tomatoes, a few tablespoons of alcohol, and a thick thread for the wick. So, we sterilize the jars, put the tomatoes in there, pour 2 tablespoons of alcohol, cover with a lid, swirl the jar a little so that the alcohol saturates each vegetable. We light the wick and lower it into the jar, immediately roll the lids tightly. Now we know how to keep tomatoes fresh using jars and improvised means.

There is another opinion on this matter. Tomatoes will last longer if they are not supplied with oxygen. Therefore, simply rolling them into jars without any additives is possible and necessary. But before this, you need to boil each tomato for 2 minutes, dry it and simply lower them, loosely, into jars, roll them up with a lid, and open them in winter. It must be stored in the cellar.

How to preserve tomatoes: Method in the newspaper

We will store the tomatoes in the refrigerator for 2 weeks using regular newspaper. You can wrap each vegetable in paper, you can make envelopes, like for seeds, and store them in 3 pieces. The easiest way to keep tomatoes fresh is to keep them dry, change the newspaper more often, and keep the refrigerator and shelf dry. If each fruit is in paper or newspaper, it will be stored for a very long time and not in the refrigerator. If you wrap the tomatoes individually and change the sheets every week, they will sit all winter just in boxes or baskets. The main thing is not to pile tomatoes one on top of another in numerous layers; 1 or 2 will be enough.

How to preserve tomatoes: Sawdust method

We store tomatoes in boxes using sawdust. If you purchased or harvested a crop that is not yet very ripe, place the tomatoes in a box, preferably a wooden one, just lay them in rows, back to back so that they do not crush each other, with the place where the stalk (tail) was facing up. Layer each layer with paper and sprinkle with sawdust, which absorbs moisture and prevents the tomatoes from rotting or spoiling. To this method how to keep tomatoes fresh was effective, you need to provide the fruits with a minimum of moisture, lack sunlight and temperatures above +10 degrees. Place the boxes in the cellar or basement, or store them on the balcony; if the side is not sunny, cover with paper.

How to preserve tomatoes: The paper method

This method of keeping tomatoes fresh is similar to the previous one. The difference is that green tomatoes you need to rinse well and dry completely on a towel, without the help of the sun. The tomatoes do not need to be wiped; they must dry on their own. Take a cotton swab, moisten it well with alcohol, wipe each vegetable, wrap it in paper, newspaper, put it in a box in rows, roots up. Don't pack tightly, let the tomatoes have some space. Be sure to store the box in a well-ventilated room; the temperature should not exceed +10 degrees. Such fruits can be saved until winter, New Year, and if the variety is strong, then until spring. The main thing is don’t take it ripe vegetables, let them be greenish, dense and strong.


If you have learned how to keep tomatoes fresh using boxes and paper, and decide to use this method, remember that periodically, about once a week, you need to sort through the fruits, take away ripe, overripe, and damaged ones. The same thing is that red tomatoes need to be separated from green ones, since unripe vegetables are not so saturated with folic acid, which contributes to the rapid reddening and ripening of the fruit. And we need to slow down this process. You know about the trick: “If you want green tomatoes to ripen faster, be sure to add a few red tomatoes to them.” Therefore, red tomatoes need to be quickly removed from green ones.

It is also necessary to inspect tomatoes for rot, so that one tomato does not infect the others. Change the paper, it becomes damp, and this is contraindicated for long-term storage. Keep an eye on the boxes and your tomatoes will be stored until spring.

If you have straw, then it is better to lay it on the bottom of the box; it is advisable to periodically change it for a new, dry one. Straw generally helps housewives to save up to New Year's holidays ripe, delicious vegetables, especially on the question of how to keep tomatoes fresh. Therefore, stock up on it and get rid of disposable plastic bags. They collect moisture and spoil the tomatoes.

You can use all the methods how to keep tomatoes fresh. That is, green or slightly ripe fruits put in boiling water for 2 minutes, dry, wipe with alcohol, wrap in paper, fold with the roots up in a row, in two layers, sprinkle with sawdust and cover with straw. This way, in the spring, before the season starts, you will be able to eat delicious, aromatic tomatoes.

First, let's prepare the jar: wash and sterilize it in a convenient way. Place in a dry liter container Bay leaf and allspice peas, add dry mustard powder.

Instead of dry mustard powder You can use mustard seeds.

Additionally, rings can be placed on the bottom onions, carrots and spices (coriander, cumin, garlic cloves). For lovers spicy tomatoes you need to add ½ pod of chili pepper or horseradish root.

Wash ripe tomatoes with thick skin, dry them from liquid, and leave the stems behind. Fill the jar with tomatoes to the level of the top side. Don't forget to prick the tomatoes with a toothpick so they don't burst when filling the container with hot marinade. Additionally, for sweetness, you can put slices of sweet bell pepper in the jar.

Cook the marinade: in a saucepan with cold water soluble granulated sugar and cookery coarse salt, bring the mixture to a boil. At the end of cooking, pour table vinegar essence into the marinade and cook for 2 minutes. So that the tomatoes are in oil filling, you can add vegetable oil.

You should not reduce the amount of spices and tableware vinegar essence, because tomatoes can spoil quickly.

Fill the tomatoes in the jar with hot marinade to the level of the top side. The liquid should be poured slowly so that the glass does not crack.

Immediately close the scalded jar tin lid, turn it upside down, wrap it in a fur coat or a cotton blanket, and leave it to cool for a day.

You can try tomatoes with mustard after 1-2 months. Keep homemade pickles in a dark place, protected from the sun.

Bon appetit everyone!

Cooking time: 1 hour 30 minutes. Number of servings: 1 liter jar.

The jars for preparing this preservation do not need to be sterilized, just wash them well.

Place spices in the prepared jar - garlic, dill, pepper.

After this, we begin to place the tomatoes.

It is advisable to take tomatoes that are ripe but strong. Don't forget to rinse them well and remove any spoiled or damaged ones. Overripe tomatoes It’s also better not to use it, it’s better to take slightly brown ones. Fill the jars with tomatoes until about 5 centimeters from the top. Pour boiling water into the jars and cover with lids, which we will use to seal the preserves.

To preserve tomatoes according to this recipe, we use dry mustard powder - 1 teaspoon per jar. Prepare a brine from salt and sugar while the tomatoes are heated with hot water.

After the jars have stood for about 15 minutes, drain hot water and fill the tomatoes in the jars with hot brine - add vinegar and mustard on top, immediately screw or roll up the jars.

Important: be sure to wrap the jars - turn them upside down and wrap them in a towel or other warm cloth.
Cooking salted tomatoes with mustard
Wash hard tomatoes well in running water.

At the bottom of the dish in which we will salt the tomatoes, place well-washed black currant leaves.

Carefully place strong, undamaged tomatoes on top.

Layer the tomatoes with blackcurrant leaves in a thin layer. Cover with another layer of currant leaves.

You can take any number of tomatoes, depending on the size of your container. For brine we use products per 10 liters. If necessary, you can cook several servings. While we are laying the tomatoes, we need to cook the brine and cool it. When the brine has cooled sufficiently, add dry mustard and mix very well.

Be sure to let the brine settle! Only when the brine becomes almost transparent, pour in the tomatoes and place in a cool place.

Cooking red tomatoes with mustard
A great way to prepare green or red tomatoes, perfect for salads or as a stand-alone snack. Although this recipe requires enough a large number of ingredients, the cooking process is not very complicated.

Wash the tomatoes well - remove damaged or very ripe ones, from them we will prepare another, no less tasty, preparation.

Place half of the spices and leaves on the bottom of the dishes - barrels, buckets or pans.

We clean fresh beets and carrots and cut them into quarters. Place vegetables on top of leaves.

Garlic cloves can be placed on top of unpeeled carrots and beets. However, do not forget to rinse it well. We lay the tomatoes in layers - if you take green or milk tomatoes, start with green ones, ending with riper ones - brown and even pink. Tip: try to place the tomatoes tightly together. The top layer will be exactly the same as the bottom - a layer of leaves, carrots, beets and garlic.
Let's prepare the brine:
Bring the water, salt and sugar to a boil, cook until the sugar and salt are completely dissolved. Cool the brine until room temperature and pour in the prepared tomatoes. If there is not enough brine, cook more - the brine should cover all the tomatoes.

Place pan lids or a large plate on top to press down the tomatoes and lower them well into the brine. Press down with pressure - it’s best to take a regular three-liter bottle and fill it with water.

Leave the tomatoes to ferment for about three days at room temperature.

After the tomatoes have fermented well, take some brine and dilute dry mustard in it. Mix very well and pour into the bowl with the tomatoes and mustard for the winter. After this, you can move the tomatoes for storage to a cooler place. You can try tomatoes already on the third day. Bon appetit!

Step 1: select, sort and prepare tomatoes for pouring.

In order for you to get super tasty tomatoes and enjoy their taste all winter, you need to choose the right variety of tomatoes. Tomatoes are most suitable for fermentation, pickling, canning and pickling. late varieties, which are popularly called “cream” because of their oblong shape and elasticity. Such tomatoes are perfectly preserved and do not burst during any processing or standing in brine, marinade or pouring. And one more nuance, in order for the tomatoes to be salted well and evenly, it is advisable that they be the same size and small with an approximate circumference up to 6 centimeters. Two kilograms of tomatoes, sort, leave only whole, undamaged fruits, rinse under running water to remove any dirt, place in a deep bowl and let dry.

Step 2: prepare jars, spices and herbs.

You need to pour the tomatoes in some container, for this I use 3-liter jars, but you can use any enameled deep container, for example, a large saucepan. First, rinse the jar with any detergent or soda. Then boil water in a kettle on the stove, treat the jar with boiling water and let it dry inside and out. Now, in order for the tomatoes to be spicy and aromatic, prepare spices and herbs. Place 10 black peppercorns, 7 peas in a dry jar allspice, 6 laurel leaves, 6 cloves of previously peeled garlic. Then take 4 fresh branches of dill, 3 leaves of bitter horseradish, 2 pieces of red chili pepper, rinse them under running water and shake off excess liquid over the sink. Tear the horseradish leaves with your hands for more small pieces, leave the dill branches as they are, and cut the chili pepper into 2 halves with a knife, remove the stalk, peel off the seeds and veins, place the herbs and pepper in a jar with all the other ingredients. Pack the tomatoes tightly into a jar with spices and herbs, so that there is no more than 2 centimeters free space. If you took dry dill and horseradish, there is no need to rinse them under running water. Simply break the dry herbs with your hands and place them in a jar.

Step 3: prepare the filling.

Place a deep saucepan with 2 liters of clean distilled water on the stove, turned on, at a high level, bring to a boil and pour into it 60 grams of table salt and 2 tablespoons of sugar. Boil water for 2 – 3 minutes until sugar and salt are completely dissolved. Then turn off the stove and cool the pouring.

Step 4: pour in the tomatoes.

Pour 1 tablespoon of mustard powder into a jar of tomatoes, pour in the cooled filling so that it covers the tomatoes, but does not reach the neck of the jar by 5 - 7 millimeters. Do not pour out the remaining filling, pour it into any clean container and place it in the refrigerator. Carefully place the jar in a deep bowl and pour 1 tablespoon of 9% into it. table vinegar. Take 20 – 25 centimeters sterile gauze, fold it in half and place it on the surface of the jar so that the edges of the square extend beyond the neck of the jar. When the gauze is wet, carefully insert the edges of the gauze into the jar with the back of a tablespoon and pour 1 tablespoon of mustard powder on top of it. Leave the tomatoes for 1 - 1.5 weeks, during which time they will begin to ferment and absorb a small amount of fills. Remove the remaining filling from the refrigerator, lift a corner of the cheesecloth, pour in a little brine, cover the cheesecloth again and leave the tomatoes to bubble. When you lift the gauze, be careful not to damage the layer of mustard; if this happens, sprinkle the damaged area with a small layer of mustard powder. After 1 – 1.5 weeks After settling and salting, remove the gauze with mustard and throw it away, it will no longer be needed. Stretch plastic wrap over the surface of the neck of the jar and cover with a clean plastic lid scalded with boiling water. Place the jar of tomatoes in a cool place, this could be a cellar, basement, or put it in the refrigerator. After 30 - 40 days, the tomatoes will be ready for tasting.

Step 5: serve tomatoes with mustard for the winter.

Tomatoes with mustard for the winter are served cold as an addition to any hot dishes. This type of tomato is also served with other canned and sour vegetables as pickled vegetable mix. Tomatoes with mustard go great as an appetizer with aperitifs such as vodka, moonshine and sometimes even cognac. Enjoy! Bon appetit!

- − If the tomatoes begin to ferment, drain the filling, boil and cool to room temperature. Transfer the tomatoes to a clean bowl, treat the spices and herbs with boiling water. Rinse the jar, give it time to dry, put scalded spices and herbs into it and fill it with cooled brine. Stretch a new plastic film over the neck of the jar and close it with a lid pre-treated with boiling water.

- − This type of tomato can be canned; to do this, sterilize the jars, put all the spices and tomatoes in it, fill it with chilled brine, let it brew for 1 - 1.5 weeks, drain the brine and boil it. Pour hot brine over the tomatoes and cover with sterilized metal lids using a preservation key. Turn the jars upside down, place them under a woolen blanket and cool them this way for 1 - 2 days. Then the cans of tomatoes can be placed in the pantry. Basement or cellar for further storage.

- − In addition to all the spices and herbs listed in the recipe, you can add sweet bell pepper, grated celery root, carrots cut into pieces, parsley. You can complement the aroma with such dry ground spices like cloves, cardamom, saffron. Also, for greater elasticity, you can add currant, oak and cherry leaves.

- − Tomatoes can be poured into large 10 liter pans or barrels, then sorted into smaller containers for greater ease of use.
