Strawberry jam “5 minutes”: recipe for the winter with photos. Strawberry jam, a recipe for the winter - how to prepare the perfect treat quickly and easily

This is the simplest and most versatile option for making delicious jam from strawberries. Except classic recipe strawberry jam, there are a huge variety of options. For example, it can be prepared with the addition of apples or currants, with rose syrup, even with white chocolate or wine. Here everyone decides how much time they can spend on preparations and what kind of taste they will pamper themselves in the winter.

For implementation you will need the most minimum set ingredients:
1. Strawberry;
2. Sugar;
3. Lemon or citric acid;
4. Fixture and utensils only made of stainless material or enamel basins.

The berries will need to be grated by hand or chopped in a blender. If possible, it is better to use pink rather than red berries to make jam. This is because they contain a large number of healthy pectin. Transfer the mixture into a saucepan, add sugar, add two tablespoons of lemon juice or citric acid.

Regarding the ratio berry puree and sugar, then the proportion is one to one. Cook over low heat and stir constantly. When the jam becomes thick and small bubbles appear on its surface, you can turn off the heat, transfer the jam into jars and roll them up.

Interesting! It should not stick to your fingers, and it will flow from the spoon slowly, like a thin thread.

With gelatin

Strawberry jam: a delicious, thick recipe with a photo; this cooking option includes the use of gelatin. Thanks to this product, it will be possible to achieve the consistency of jelly faster and such jam will definitely not spread: it is convenient to spread it on bread, or use it as a filling for pies.

Strawberries and sugar are taken in equal proportions. Make a puree from the strawberries, add sugar to it and mix everything thoroughly. Place in a saucepan, place over low heat and cook for a few minutes. After this, add gelatin diluted in water, mix again and spread the jam into jars.

On apple juice

To cook this unusual option jam, strawberries will also need to be chopped, covered with sugar and left for several hours. After this, cook everything over low heat and stir constantly. Add juice during cooking sour apples(about 100 ml). Boil for three minutes, then remove from heat and stir for another three minutes. After cooling, spread the jam into jars and roll up.

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With rose wine

Another unusual option, . In addition to the usual ingredients, you will need half a glass of rose wine, a bag of pectin, and 500 grams of sugar. When the berries are mashed and pureed, you need to pour wine into them. Then add sugar, add pectin and cook over low heat: stir constantly until the mixture boils.

Boil for exactly three minutes, then remove from heat, remove foam and let the jam cool. Next, the procedure is traditional - spread the cooled jam into jars and roll everything up.

The advantages of preparing strawberries for the winter as jam:
1. Very delicious preparation, which reminds you of summer no matter what time of year it is outside the window.
2. If everything is done correctly during the cooking process, the berries retain vitamins and beneficial features, which means jam strengthens the immune system.
3. The cooking recipe is extremely simple.

Strawberry jam: the recipe is delicious, thick: recipes with photos will help even a young housewife figure out exactly how this version of the jam is prepared. It is worth paying special attention to the fact that it is recommended to store jam in the refrigerator, because for it, heat and humidity are negative conditions for long-term storage.

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I don’t know about the rest of the world, but in the UK the most popular jam is strawberry. Without it, the afternoon Cream Tea will be colorless, and the Victoria sandwich will be regular sponge cake. How to make the perfect strawberry jam? What should you choose? I never thought that I would make jam, because... there was no need for this - I used to eat what my mother cooked, and then just did without it. But... I got hooked on such a delicious thing as scones, and they are supposed to be eaten with clotted cream (death to the figure) and strawberry jam or jam. I'm tired of store-bought jam, I want it beautiful strawberries for scones, and so that the berries retain their shape and color.))) I wrote the name in question, because you can cook from starting products and jam and jam. It all depends on your preferences. If you need a beautiful whole berry, then be patient and you will have to cook for 2 days. If a homogeneous jam is required, the cooking time will be shortened. For jam you only need a whole, strong berry, but trimmed ones will also work for jam. Overripe ones should be discarded. For jam, I choose a large one, because... during the cooking process, it significantly decreases in volume, and any kind is suitable for jam; it is better to cut large ones into quarters. The problem with making strawberry jam is the lack of pectin, a sticky substance, in the berries. There is enough of it in more acidic fruits, but not in strawberries. Don't despair, you can help strawberries too. There are 3 ways: 1) add the juice of sour fruits such as lemon, lime or red currant, 2) use sugar with pectin (sold in large supermarkets), 3) for opponents of artificial pectin - use large quantity sugar for thickening. I was interested to see what modern British cooking gurus have to offer. Jamie Oliver uses 500g of jam sugar for every kilo of berries, but no lemon juice, and the result is very sweet and the syrup is extremely thin and just drips off the bun. Nick Sandler and Johnny Acton use regular white sugar And lemon juice(2 lemons per 3 kg of berries). The end result is much better, the jam has a rich aroma, the acidity helps to “revive” the jam. The more pragmatic Nigella Lawson mixes in sugar with pectin and lemon juice, which allows you to preserve the berries, making them ruby, but even with 8 minutes of boiling, such jam is stored only in the refrigerator. Ballymaloe suggests using strained redcurrants instead of lemon juice. Jam is really with wonderful aroma, not as "weak" as Nigella Lawson's and spreads well on a bun. Of course, the quality of the jam is also affected by the cooking time, and it varies greatly in recipes - from 4 minutes. for Jamie Oliver to 3 days for Thane Prince, when the berries are soaked for 24 hours in sugar and lemon juice, then boiled for 5 minutes, left for a couple of days and boiled again until the desired thickness is achieved. This is, of course, already difficult process and, in addition, prolonged boiling changes strawberry flavor to caramel, and strawberries become Brown color. In the end, the 15 minutes suggested by Ballymaloe seems ideal - long enough to thicken the jam without robbing it of flavor and freshness. The texture can also be different - some leave the strawberries whole, others chop them or mash them into a puree. There are no whole berries in store-bought jam, but it’s so childishly joyful when you “unearth” them at home!))) For flavoring, Jamie uses vanilla seeds, which adds sentimentality, Nigella complements balsamic vinegar, like in the mid-90s. Although strawberries go perfectly with it, you still want to eat jam that smells like strawberries. Red currants add a subtle tart flavor and, in addition, make the jam a beautiful scarlet color. And yet lemon allows the best way to uncover strawberry flavor"raise" it. By old recipes add a piece to strawberry jam butter, but I’ve still cooked without it. Of course, I don't pretend to perfect recipe, I'm just sharing my observations. I’ve already cooked it 4 times this month, because... I don’t prepare for the winter, but only for pleasure and in small portions.)))

You need the best and most beautiful ones, but for jam you can take worse ones. But it is still desirable that they are not wet. Therefore, we first wash them, and then put them in a sieve or colander to drain the water.

  • Only then do we clean and sort through them; we don’t need really bad ones anyway. Now we weigh and measure required quantity Sahara.
  • For jam we will grind strawberries in a blender. Be careful, there will be a lot of splashing at first! We do everything efficiently so that not a single piece of berry is left.
  • In order to get rid of possible remains unchopped strawberries, as well as some of the seeds, rub the mass through a sieve. Wipe directly into the bowl in which we will cook the jam.

  • At this stage, my thickener needed to be distributed over the surface of the strawberry mass. And for greater effect, they advised to add either the juice of a whole lemon or 1g of lemon. I added the acid by mixing it with the thickener.
  • Place the bowl over moderate heat and, stirring constantly, bring to a boil. Stirring is necessary so that the pectin disperses evenly throughout the mass and does not form lumps. It is important! Then add sugar, reduce the heat and cook, stirring frequently, until it boils lightly (bubbling) for 5 minutes (or as the manufacturer advises). In the process, we remove the foam (by the way, they will also thicken later).

  • We will pour strawberry jam into sterilized glass jars, in which we will put it for storage for the winter. I sterilize the jars in the oven (but everyone may have their own methods), and boil the lids.
  • We take the hot jar out of the oven, place it in a deep plate, under which we put a damp cloth. Why is this needed? If the can bursts, the hot contents will spill into the plate, which will protect your feet and hands. And you will need a cloth when seaming - the plate will not slide on the table.

  • Having rolled up, turn the jars upside down, wrap them up and leave to cool first to room temperature. When the jars have cooled, you will turn them over and you will already see that the strawberry mass in them is not liquid. Over time, during winter storage in a cool place, strawberry jam will thicken completely, and in the refrigerator this will happen even faster. That's the whole secret of how to cook strawberries thick jam for the winter.
  • Strawberry jamwonderful dessert, which can be used with baked goods or on its own. Strawberry jam, like strawberry jam, has positive influence on the body if you do not abuse it. The fundamental difference between strawberry jam and jam is that when preparing jam there is no need to maintain the shape of the berries. In addition, gelling products are often added to the jam to ensure its consistency is as viscous as possible.

    The benefits of strawberry jam are due to the fact that it contains strawberries. After all, strawberries are a wonderful berry both in appearance and in taste. It is used not only for making jam and preserves. It is used to make ice cream, jellies, syrups, drinks, confectionery. It is added to baked goods and even used in making medicines.

    Like all colorful berries and fruits, strawberries contain many antioxidants. They, for example, vitamin C, as well as phenolic compounds, flavonoids and organic acids, which strawberries are rich in, will help avoid many diseases. The potassium contained in strawberries will help normalize intraocular pressure. And this factor is very important for vision.

    Strawberries help maintain joint mobility. Daily use This wonderful berry will protect the body from the occurrence and development of tumors. Iodine, which is also found in strawberries, will help older people protect their brain and nervous system from showing signs of aging.

    Everyone knows that excess salt intake can cause increased blood pressure. The potassium and magnesium in strawberries will counteract this phenomenon. A number of vitamins belonging to group B, which are also present in strawberries, help the effective functioning of the heart muscle.

    In order for the beneficial properties of the berry to be most fully preserved in the jam, it is important that it is subjected to as little heat treatment as possible. For tasty and healthy jam, you need to select only the ripest strawberries.

    Strawberry jam - preparing dishes

    To ensure that the berries retain their beneficial properties and that unpleasant additives do not end up in homemade preparations, you should not cook jam in copper or aluminum basins.

    A stainless steel basin will help make your preparations for the winter truly safe. If you don't have one, you can use enamel cookware. It is also safe for making jam. But when using it, you need to be as careful as possible so that the enamel does not break off. You need to stir the jam with a wooden spoon or a special spatula.

    To store cooked jam, jars should be properly prepared. They must be washed thoroughly hot water with laundry soap. Clean jars must be sterilized. There are several ways to do this.

    For example, you can sterilize jars over steam. To do this, pour water into a small saucepan and bring it to a boil. Place a colander on top of the pan, and place the jar on top of it, neck down. Steam will flow from the pan into the jar, sterilizing its inner surface. For such processing liter jar Five minutes is enough. Next, the jar should be carefully removed and the next one installed in its place. Ready jar Place on the table, cover the neck with a sterilized lid.

    The lids are sterilized by boiling in a small container. It is important that the lids are completely covered with water during the sterilization process.

    Strawberry jam - fruit preparation

    Strawberries must be thoroughly washed before making jam. To do this, you need to put it in a sieve or colander and immerse it in a bowl of water. It is better to rinse in several waters. The berry must be absolutely clean. Sepals, stalks and damaged berries must be removed.
    Before combining with sugar, the strawberries should be crushed. This must be done in any convenient way. You can mash the berries with your hands, mince them, use a blender, or crush them. Cut the berries into small pieces with a knife too a good option.

    Strawberry jam - recipe 1

    Add the zest of 2 lemons to the prepared kilogram of strawberries and add juice from the same lemons. The mixture is brought to a boil and boiled for no more than five minutes. Next, heated sugar is added to the mixture. Bring the jam to a boil and cook for 20 minutes over low heat, constantly skimming off the foam. The finished jam is kept for 10 minutes, then it is filled into warm sterilized jars and closed. After two weeks, you can take a sample from the workpiece. Why sugar needs to be heated and how to do it correctly, read at the end of the article.

    Strawberry jam - recipe 2

    A kilogram of prepared berries is poured with boiling water sugar syrup, which is cooked at the rate of 0.8 kg of sugar per 0.3 kg of water. Next, cook the jam until tender, stirring and skimming off the foam. The boiling jam is packaged in dry hot jars, which are hermetically sealed and, turned upside down, left to cool.

    Strawberry jam - recipe 3

    Place the prepared berries (1 kg) in an enamel pan. Add half a kilo of sugar. Next, you need to leave the berries to juice for 16 hours. Add another half a kilo of sugar to the resulting mixture and cook the jam until full readiness. The heat during the cooking process must be strong, so you must not forget to constantly stir the jam and skim off the foam. If you use 1.2 kg of sugar instead of a kilogram, it will turn out even tastier. Pack the jam while hot, close the jars and leave them to cool.

    To make the jam last longer, you can pasteurize it. To do this, pour hot jam into warm, dry jars, cover them loosely with lids and place in a large saucepan, the water in which has already been warmed to 70 degrees. For proper pasteurization, the water temperature in the pan must reach 95 degrees. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes for half-liter jars and 25 minutes for liter jars.

    The pan must be covered during the entire pasteurization period. The water should not reach the neck of the jars by 3 cm. At the end of the process, close the jars completely and leave to cool without turning them over. To make real jam, you need sugar, pectin and acid. Pectin is released from the berries during the heating process, the acid of the lemon preserves the color of the product and makes its taste not cloying. It is better to warm the sugar before using. Cold sugar may dissolve less well and will lower the temperature of the product. You can reheat it by pouring it onto a baking sheet and keeping it in the oven for 10 minutes at 100 degrees.

    Today I'm sharing my favorite recipe for delicious, thick strawberry jam, where the berry will be cooked in own juice, without adding water. I will cook using the double boiling method. First, I'll sprinkle the fruits with sugar so that they give juice. Then I boil the berries in the resulting syrup for 10 minutes - during the first heating they will completely release their aroma and taste, and the process of pectin release will begin. I will puree the resulting jam in a blender until it becomes puree and cook for another 25-30 minutes until thickened. Due to double heating, the pectin needed for hardening is released from the berries faster. Therefore, there is no need to cook strawberries for a long time; the jam quickly becomes viscous and does not burn. In just 30 minutes you will get a thick and viscous jam, jelly-like, smooth, very tasty and richer in taste than regular strawberry jam.

    Total cooking time: 40 minutes + 2 hours in the first stage / Yield: 750 ml


    • strawberries – 1 kg
    • sugar - 1 kg
    • lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l.

    How to make strawberry jam

    I wash the strawberries, remove the stems and dry them to get rid of excess moisture. Any berry is suitable for making jam: large, small, overripe and slightly crushed. It may not be selected, but it must be sweet and ripe, then the jam will turn out very tasty and aromatic. The largest specimens can be cut into pieces, but this is not necessary as you will end up using a blender anyway.

    I add sugar in a 1:1 ratio. I leave it at room temperature for 2 hours, stirring from time to time, so that the berries release juice.

    Stand out Strawberry juice I pour it into the pan where I plan to cook it. It is advisable to use wide dishes, then due to the large evaporation area, the moisture will evaporate faster. Stirring with a wooden spatula, bring the syrup to a boil.

    I add strawberries and undissolved sugar to the hot syrup. I add freshly squeezed lemon juice - it will preserve the color of the product and make the taste less cloying. Boil for 10 minutes, stirring and skimming off the foam. During this time, the strawberries will give even more juice; they will literally float in syrup.

    Cook the jam until thickened over medium heat (boiling should be active), stir with a spatula. This takes 20-25 minutes. The jam will gradually become more viscous, and after complete cooling it will thicken even more.

    I pour strawberry jam into jars, which must be sterilized and dry. I close it clean tin lids. I turn it upside down, wrap it up and leave it like that until completely cooled. I transfer it for storage to a cellar or other cool place, isolated from sun rays. The preparation is perfectly stored for 1 year.

    On a note

    The strawberry jam recipe turns out delicious, thick, viscous and jelly-like. If you want to prepare a product with an even denser consistency that can be cut with a knife, then add pectin or a jam thickener based on it. For 1 kg of strawberries you will need 10-15 g of pectin powder (read the exact ratio and detailed instructions from the manufacturer on the packaging). In this case, the amount of sugar can be reduced to 600-700 g.
