How to make pea soup step by step recipe. Secrets of making delicious pea soup. Pea soup with garlic croutons

Pea soup, as well as pea porridge, we love it, so I approach its preparation thoroughly. My husband doesn't respect me very much sausages, but, I just adore them, so I have to cook them from time to time, sometimes soup - without cervelat (for my husband), sometimes with smoked meats (for me), but, mostly I cook soup on classical basis(with smoked meats).

Smoked products add flavor to the soup pleasant taste and interrupt the taste of peas. Instead of smoked sausage, you can use ham or brisket, up to your preference.

If someone, in principle, does not accept smoked products, then you can simply increase the amount of meat.

I didn’t prepare a vegetarian version (pea soup), because... I'm confused by the taste of peas, although in principle you can try cooking it. As soon as I dare to take this step, I will definitely describe its step-by-step preparation.

When preparing pea soup, I use meat on the bone, because... The bones add a unique richness to the broth.

Our family prefers soups of medium thickness, so I take exactly this ratio of products. If you like it thinner, then reduce the amount of ingredients. In any case, first prepare the dish according to my description, and then adjust it to your taste.

I try to serve croutons with pea soup - homemade, so I will describe their preparation separately.

Initial composition of products.

As we see our future dish, it has the following composition: meat, smoked sausage, potatoes, peas, onions, carrots, salt, Bay leaf and seasoning.

Step-by-step description with photos

1. Preparation of dry peas with photo.

I prepare the peas in advance because I prefer to save time after work. And the peas get the required swelling.

Take a faceted glass of peas, filled to the rim, pour it into a container, rinse cold water- twice. Drain the water and add 1.5 cups (375 ml) of boiling water. Stir the peas so as not to stick to the bottom, and cover with film or a lid.

I leave the steamed peas on the kitchen table and go to work.

The peas swell (to the desired state) after 4 hours and if you are not at work, but at home, you can start preparing the soup.

2. Cook the broth from the photo.

I cook the broth, I do it in the morning too, because... I have 3 hours left before going to work (from the moment I get up), and the broth only takes 1 hour 30 minutes to cook, so I have time to cook it. You can prepare the broth the night before and leave it in the refrigerator.

So here it is. You need to take defrosted or fresh meat, rinse it in cold water, put it in a pan and add cold water. The liquid should lightly cover the meat. It took me 1 liter 300 ml cold water.

Why cold water?

If you cook meat in cold water, then everything useful material They will gradually pass into the broth and it will turn out rich. If you put meat in boiling water, the pores will immediately become clogged and all the beneficial substances will remain in the meat. In this case, the broth will turn out “empty”.

You can put meat in boiling water if you want to boil the product for salad, gravy, filling for pies, or use it as an independent dish.

As soon as the liquid in the pan boils, reduce the heat, remove the foam and cook under a closed lid (at a low boil) for 1 hour 30 minutes.

3. Let's start preparing the soup with a photo.

Coming home from work, I discovered that the peas had swelled as they should. She took the meat that had been cooked (in the morning) out of the pan and put it on a plate.

Since I didn’t take care of the foam when cooking the broth, it curled into a brown clot and stained the pan. So I had to strain the broth through a strainer (into a separate bowl), and wash the pan. After this procedure, I poured the strained broth into a clean pan. After cooking the meat, I have 950 ml of liquid left.

Then into this broth (cold) I poured in the washed and swollen peas. Place the pan on high gas and let it boil. As soon as the water boils, reduce the heat to low, skim off the foam and leave to simmer for 30 minutes.

The cooking time for peas needs to be adjusted based on the quality of the peas.

4. Preparation of frying onions, carrots and meat products with photos.

Pour 4 tbsp into the pan. spoons sunflower oil(no smell) and turn on the gas at full power. Then place the chopped onion. Fry for 3 minutes. Add grated carrots to the fried onions, reduce the heat to low, and let the mixture fry for another 10 minutes.

After 10 minutes, add the boiled meat, disassembled and cut into squares, a spoonful of butter and smoked sausage- let it fry for another 5 minutes.

Once the frying time is over, turn off the gas and set aside.

5. Assembling pea soup.

Add 1 liter 140 ml of cold water to the boiled peas and bring to a boil.

Let me remind you that I have a 3-liter saucepan, so I take exactly this ratio of water and food. Then add peeled potatoes, cut into triangles, into boiling water and cook for 10 minutes from the moment of boiling. Place 1 tbsp. spoon of salt. At the same time, do not forget to remove the resulting foam.

My dad taught me how to cut potatoes into triangles. And it was like that. 9th grade, I’m in the kitchen preparing borscht. While I was cutting peeled potatoes into cubes, my dad came in, looked at my skill and suggested his own version of cutting potatoes.

Cut the potato in half (lengthwise), and then cut off a corner from each top and do this until all the potatoes are cut.

I cut potatoes the same way when I cook. stewed potatoes, however, in this case the triangles I get are larger.

After 10 minutes, when the potatoes are almost cooked, add the prepared fry and 1 tbsp. spoon of salt. Cook the contents for 10 minutes over very low heat (let it almost simmer).

Pour the finished soup into bowls and serve. I put crackers on the table; they can be prepared from gray bread, and from white. Today we have white bread croutons.

Crackers should be added to the soup in small portions so that they do not have time to swell in the liquid and turn the soup into porridge.

Bon appetit!

Peel the onions and carrots. Chop the onion, grate the carrots fine grater. Melt in a frying pan butter and fry vegetables on it. Add them to the peas 15 minutes before they are ready.

Puree the finished peas, onions and carrots using a blender and return to the heat.

Chop the bacon, fry in a frying pan, add to pea puree and bring to a boil. Add some salt.

Serve with sour cream or cream.


  • 250 g split peas;
  • 2 small onions;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 4 small potatoes;
  • 300 g minced meat;
  • salt, black pepper - to taste;
  • 1 egg;
  • vegetable oil - for frying.


Soak the peas for several hours, then rinse and cook. Peel onions, carrots, potatoes. Chop the onion, grate the carrots on a fine grater, cut the potatoes into cubes.

Salt and pepper chopped meat, add the egg, half the onion and form into meatballs. How to make them tastier, Lifehacker already.

Fry the remaining onions and carrots on vegetable oil before golden color. 20 minutes after the peas start cooking, add the potatoes. After another 10 minutes - meatballs.

After the meatballs are cooked, add onions, carrots and salt to the soup. Bring to a boil and check if the potatoes are cooked. As soon as it is ready, turn off the stove, cover the pan with a lid and leave the soup for 15 minutes. Serve with greens.


  • 1 ½ liters of broth;
  • 1 cup peas;
  • 1 bay leaf;
  • 500 g champignons;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 stalk of celery;
  • salt, curry, black ground pepper- taste.


Pour the broth into the pan, add the peas, add the bay leaf and place on low heat for 30 minutes. You can use any broth: mushroom, vegetable, beef or.

Wash the mushrooms, dry and cut into slices. Peel the carrots and onions and cut into small cubes. Cut the celery stalk into thin slices. Fry onions, carrots and celery in vegetable oil.

After half an hour, add the mushrooms to the peas and cook for another 15 minutes. Add the fried vegetables, bring to a boil and cook for another 5 minutes.

Remove pea soup from heat, add salt, pepper and curry. Serve with sour cream and herbs.


  • 160 g peas;
  • 3 medium potatoes;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • ½ bell pepper;
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil;
  • 1 teaspoon turmeric;
  • 1 teaspoon ground coriander;
  • 1 teaspoon cumin;
  • ¼ teaspoon chili pepper;
  • 1 teaspoon dried ginger;
  • 1 tomato;
  • 2 tablespoons of tomato paste;
  • salt - to taste.


Soak the peas, rinse, cover with water and cook for about 40 minutes. Peel the potatoes and cut into cubes. Finely chop the onion and garlic, cut the pepper into small strips.

Heat a tablespoon of vegetable oil in a frying pan and fry the onion and garlic until golden brown. Transfer to a plate. Add the spices to the pan, fry for 5 seconds, then add the potatoes. Fry over medium heat for 5-7 minutes.

15 minutes before the end of cooking, add potatoes to the peas, after another 5 minutes - pepper, onion and garlic. Peel the tomato and cut into slices. Add it at the end of cooking along with tomato paste and salt. Leave for another 2-3 minutes, then remove from heat. Serve with sour cream and.


  • 500 g smoked pork ribs;
  • 500 g dry peas;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 5–6 potatoes;
  • 1 tablespoon vegetable oil;
  • 3–4 tablespoons mustard;
  • salt, ground black pepper - to taste;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • greenery;
  • 100 g bacon.


Chop the pork ribs into pieces, place in a saucepan and cook for about 1.5 hours: you want the meat to easily separate from the bones. Then remove the ribs and remove the meat from them. Strain the broth, add pre-soaked peas and put on fire.

Peel the vegetables. Cut the onions and carrots into small cubes, potatoes into slices.

30 minutes after the peas start cooking, add the potatoes and cook for 10 minutes. At this time, heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan and fry the onions and carrots until golden brown. Add the roast to the pan and cook for another 10 minutes. 5 minutes before readiness, add mustard and meat. Season with salt and pepper.

Wash the greens and chop finely. Do the same with garlic. Cut the bacon into thin strips. Add greens, bacon and garlic to the soup and cook for another 2 minutes.

Remove the pan from the heat, close the lid and leave for 15 minutes.

Publication date: 11/01/2017

On the agenda is a soup made from fruits of the legume family - peas. This one ingredient in the soup contains almost the entire list of the periodic table. Imagine how balanced a diet you can provide yourself by starting to use this product.
Of course, this culture has been used in cooking for many centuries in a row. She has high nutritional value and goes well with meat and other vegetables.

Perhaps not all housewives like to cook this crop, because the peas are initially soaked for several hours so that they become soft in the soup. Although this applies more to whole peas, so choose split peas, they cook faster.

Today we will look at cooking options for both the simplest lean soup and pea soup with smoked meats, because this is a favorite of many families, which has long and firmly taken its place on the kitchen table.

Hearty pea soup

Pea soup with smoked meats: step-by-step recipe with photos

When buying a bag of smoked meat, we sometimes struggle with ideas: to eat all this flavorful meat here and now or to feed the family. The family prevails in most cases. Well, what nourishing and very tasty can you do with them? Of course, cook some soup to which we will add pea fruits.


  • 4 potatoes
  • 1 onion
  • 1 carrot
  • peas
  • crackers
  • vegetable oil
  • spices
  • Smoked meat

1. Pour the peas in advance so that they swell and cook easily; they should sit like this for about six hours.

You need to cook already swollen peas for about two hours.

2. Let's start with a piece of smoked meat.

3. Chop the onion finer.

4. Grind four medium potato tubers.

5. K pea broth after 1.5 hours you can add pieces of meat and potatoes.

6. Fry the onions and carrots until tender and mix with the broth, placing the whole mixture with the peas.

Adjust the amount of salt and other seasonings according to your taste.

Place croutons in a plate with soup.

How to cook pea soup in a slow cooker

The multicooker is simply created to pamper you with pea and pearl barley dishes. My miracle unit has a “Stew” function for 2 hours. And it's great for boiling peas without pre-soaking them. The main thing is to release the steam in time by lifting the lid so that the soup does not escape outside the container.


  • 500 g potatoes
  • 2 carrots
  • 1 onion
  • smoked ribs
  • glass of split peas
  • spoon of vegetable oil
  • a little salt and herbs

1. Prepare an onion and one carrot.

2. Chop all the potatoes and pour into a glass clean water so that it doesn't turn black.

3. Try cutting the meat off the ribs.

In a slow cooker, all the vegetables are fried at the same time, so together we lower the onions, carrots and chopped pieces from the ribs.

Select the mode “Frying” or “Fry”

For a multicooker, you can limit yourself to washing the split peas several times in running water. But, if you use whole nucleoli, then you will still need to let them swell.

4. Add potatoes, seasonings and a spoonful of salt.

The ribs will add richness to the broth and pour boiling water over it all to avoid temperature changes and not spoil the ceramic bowl.

Pour 2 liters of water and press the button for the desired mode. My multicooker is “Soup”, there are “Cooking” or “Stewing” modes.

Our soup cooks for about 59 minutes.

How to Make Pea Soup with Smoked Ribs

Almost everyone likes to devour ribs, but if you cut off some of the meat from them, you might end up with aromatic dish. Just to get a good taste, it’s better to add more of them. By the way, with the bones and tendons from the ribs, the soup turns out more rich.


  • 3 pieces of potatoes
  • smoked ribs
  • A glass of split peas
  • bulb
  • 1 carrot
  • salt, pepper, seasonings
  • 3 cloves garlic

1. After washing the peas, pour boiling water over them.

2. Cut 3 potatoes

3. Separate the ribs lengthwise.

4. Bring a pot of water to boil and then put the ribs in it for 5 minutes.

5. We fry vegetables: onions and carrots with garlic.

Add peas to the ribs, after half an hour, potato cubes and fry.

As the soup begins to boil, sprinkle it with seasonings and bay leaves.

Classic pea soup recipe

IN traditional recipe The soup's ingredients have remained virtually unchanged over time. True, you can take any piece of meat to make the broth meatier.


  • 200 g peas
  • meat - 500 gr
  • onion - 1 piece
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • 5 potatoes
  • Salt, seasonings

Fill a glass of peas with water and leave for 6 hours.

We will cook the meat and pea kernels at the same time.

Chop the vegetables and fry until the carrots are soft.

We also prepare potatoes to add to the soup.

Once half an hour has passed, add some seasonings and potato cubes.

Now you can add the frying.

Enjoy your lunch!

How to make pea soup like in kindergarten

We use the same ingredients as above, only we replace the smoked meats with chicken. And in this recipe there is no fried vegetable dressing. Here the vegetables are dumped immediately so they can be cooked.

Excess fat in children's soup not needed.

Often in kindergartens, carrots are not grated, but finely chopped.

The potatoes should release their starch or, in other words, boil.

For three liters of broth, take only one small bay leaf.

Step-by-step recipe for pea soup with chicken with photos

Chicken is the most popular product in many families. Everything is made from it except desserts.

It fits perfectly in this soup. Especially if you have children who only love light broths and tender meat. Not all kids are ready to chew beef, for example.


  • A glass of split peas
  • bunch of dill
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 onion
  • 3 pieces of potatoes
  • 300 grams chicken fillet

The peas need to be soaked and rinsed under water, which will wash away all the debris and unnecessary starch.

Then pour water into the cereal again and leave for about 20 minutes so that it swells, during which time we cut the rest of the products.

Separate the chicken fillet.

To cook the soup faster, it is better to cut all the ingredients thinner.

Therefore, we cut the potatoes finely.

To the peas, which have absorbed all the water, add pieces of potato and add water, which will become soup.

You can put pieces of fillet into the pea mixture and reduce the heat intensity for about twenty minutes. While we wait for the soup to be ready, let's make the dressing.

Fry the vegetables and herbs until soft, then add them to the soup.

Cook the food for another quarter of an hour.

Pea soup with beef recipe

Beef is very healthy and contains a lot of iron. But you need to cook it no less than peas so that it becomes soft and chews well.

Therefore, simmer it over low heat for two hours before adding all the remaining ingredients according to the recipe.


  • 500 g beef
  • 4 potatoes
  • 250 g dried peas
  • 2 small onions
  • carrot
  • a little butter
  • salt, spices

The peas are already swelling while we are cutting the vegetables. It is better to sauté them in vegetable oil.

At this time it is already cooking on the stove beef broth, to which we pour peas.

After twenty minutes, add chopped potato tubers to it.

It is better to remove the meat, chop it and put it back into the broth.

Vegetable dressing is coming.

Season with spices and salt.

Recipe for pea soup with pork

The pork adds fat and nutrition to the broth. You may not get a golden color, but you will definitely be full for half a working day. You don’t have to put a lot of meat and it’s better to cut off all the skins and fat from it.


  • 120 g peas
  • 250 g pork
  • 3 pieces of potatoes
  • 3 onions
  • carrot
  • dill, salt, pepper, spices

Cook the pea fruits together with the meat for 25 minutes.

Then we cut the potatoes, which go straight into the broth.

We prepare the vegetables, but do not fry them, but immediately lower them after the potatoes.

Add spices and cook for another half hour.

Delicious lean pea soup

Subject to church holidays, you can also cook during Lent hearty dishes. Prepare the same pea soup, but without meat ingredient. Spices will only reveal the taste of peas, and garlic will add aroma.

Cook this soup until the potatoes and pea halves are tender. You can sprinkle on top garlic bread or croutons. Then no one will notice the absence of meat at all.


  • Half a glass of peas (120 g)
  • Liter of water
  • 2 pcs. potatoes
  • carrot
  • half an onion head
  • garlic
  • greenery
  • spices, bay leaf, salt

We wash the pea kernels.

Pour a glass of water and forget for 2.5 hours. Then we send it to cook.

When boiling, remove the foam.

Chop the vegetables in advance.

It's potato time.

Next comes the turn of carrots and other vegetables.

Cook for half an hour, then add the greens.

Squeeze out the garlic.

Add a yeast-free flatbread to the soup.

Recipe for pea soup with meatballs

It was a discovery for me, but this option for peas can also exist. In my practice, this recipe is new, I have never been treated like this before. They usually cooked either soup with meatballs or smoked meats. And here we get an experiment, which, by the way, turned out great.


  • Chicken mince
  • half a glass of peas
  • bunch of dill
  • garlic
  • Bulb
  • vegetable oil

We put a couple of liters of water on the stove, add salt and wait for it to boil.

Remember that the peas need to be washed and then placed in a container of boiling water. Set the heat intensity to “Medium” and cook for 2 hours.

Be careful that your cereal does not float away; open the lid.

Chop the onion and fry it a little.

Roll the minced meat into balls and lower them into the peas, then lower the golden onions.

Pepper and salt to taste.

Pea soup is one of many people's favorite first dishes. And it doesn’t matter at all what recipe it is prepared according to, with or without meat, with smoked meats or regular chicken. To get rich and delicious soup you only need to know a few secrets of its preparation.

The first concerns the main ingredient, that is, the peas themselves. On sale you can find cereals in the form of whole peas, their halves or completely crushed. The cooking time of the dish depends on this choice, but it is enough to soak the peas for a couple of hours, or better yet overnight, and this problem is solved. By the way, cooking time also depends on personal preference. Some people like it when the peas float in the soup, others like it when they completely turn into puree.

The second secret concerns the richness of the broth itself. Many recipes suggest skimming the foam that appears after boiling. You shouldn’t do this; it’s better to carefully drown it in the broth. After all, it is the foam that gives the dish the desired thickness.

And the last secret states that you need to salt and season pea soup at the very last moment - about 5-10 minutes before the end of cooking. The fact is that while peas, meat or smoked meats are cooked, the liquid boils away, but salt and other seasonings remain and become highly concentrated. And if you add salt to the soup at the very beginning, you can end up with a simply inedible dish.

How to cook pea soup with smoked meats - the most delicious recipe

Hearty pea soup, filled with smoked aromas, will be a worthy offer for have a delicious dinner. To prepare it take:

  • 300 g split peas;
  • about 1 kg smoked pork knuckle or any other smoked meats;
  • 3 liters of cold water;
  • 2–3 large potatoes;
  • onion;
  • one carrot;
  • salt;
  • garlic clove;
  • some fresh or dried herbs


  1. Rinse the peas and add water to cover the grains by one or two fingers, leave for a while.
  2. Place the shanks in a large saucepan and cover with cold water. Bring to a boil and simmer gently for about an hour.
  3. Remove the knuckle, separate the meat fibers from the bones, cut them into small pieces, return the meat to the pan.
  4. Drain the slightly swollen peas and place them in a saucepan with boiling broth. Continue cooking for another 30-60 minutes depending on the initial condition of the cereal and the desired result.
  5. At this time, peel the potatoes, onions and carrots. Cut potatoes into arbitrary cubes, vegetables into thin strips.
  6. Place the prepared vegetables in the boiling soup, add salt and season it to taste, and cook at a gentle simmer for another 20–30 minutes.
  7. A couple of minutes before the end, add finely chopped herbs and a clove of garlic. Serve with crackers or toast.

How to cook pea soup in a slow cooker - step-by-step recipe with photos

To get an hour and a half of free time and at the same time prepare delicious pea soup, use the following recipe for preparing it in a slow cooker. Take:

  • 3–4 pieces of potatoes;
  • about ½ tbsp. dry, preferably crushed peas;
  • a little oil for frying vegetables;
  • 300–400 g of any smoked meats (meat, sausage);
  • 1.5 liters of cold water;
  • one piece each of onion and carrot;
  • tastes like salt, spices, herbs.


  1. Cut any selected smoked meats into arbitrary slices.

2. Peel the onions and carrots, chop into thin strips.

3. Pour vegetable oil into the multicooker bowl, set the program to “Frying” mode and fry the prepared products for 15–20 minutes.

4. For soup prepared in a slow cooker, it is best to choose split peas. Its small pieces don't need pre-soaking. You just need to rinse the cereal well.

5. Peel the potatoes, wash and cut into cubes.

6. Turn off the multicooker, add to the bowl pea cereal, potatoes and water (1.5 l).

7. Switch the program to the “Soup” or “Stew” mode.

8. In an hour and a half, the dish will be ready. You just need to add a little greenery to it.

How to make pea soup with ribs

Smoked ribs themselves go well with beer, but they can be used to make an excellent first course. For this you will need:

  • about 0.5 kg smoked ribs;
  • 300 g smoked brisket;
  • a glass with a heap of split peas;
  • 0.7 kg potatoes;
  • a pair of small onions;
  • large carrots;
  • salt, pepper and other spices taste;
  • 3–4 bay leaves;
  • a little oil for frying.


  1. Cover the peas with water and set aside.
  2. Place the ribs in a spacious pan, pour in about 3 liters of water, boil, skim off the foam and cook on low gas for about 40–60 minutes.
  3. Remove the ribs, cool slightly and remove the meat from them. Cut into pieces and return to the pan. Drain the peas excess water and send him to the meat.
  4. After 30–40 minutes, add the potatoes cut into slices or cubes and bay leaves.
  5. At this time, cut the onions and carrots into arbitrary strips, and the brisket into cubes. Heat a frying pan, quickly fry the brisket (without fat) and transfer it to the boiling soup.
  6. Add a little oil to the fat remaining in the pan and simmer the vegetables until golden brown. Place them in the pan as well.
  7. Continue cooking until full readiness potatoes. Once it is ready, turn off the stove and let the soup rest for 15-20 minutes. Don't forget to remove the bay leaf from the dish later.

How to cook pea soup with meat

A great pea soup can be made with regular meat. And although he doesn't have spicy aroma, in terms of its nutritional and energy value breaks all records. Prepare a set of products:

  • 500–700 g of meat with a small bone;
  • 200 g peas;
  • 3–4 liters of water;
  • 4–5 pcs. medium-sized potatoes;
  • 1 PC. carrots;
  • a couple of small onions;
  • 2–3 tbsp. vegetable oil;
  • salt and pepper to taste.


  1. Pour water into a saucepan and bring it to a vigorous boil.
  2. Wash the meat with the bone and place it in boiling liquid; as soon as it boils again, collect the foam that has formed on the surface. Turn down the heat and cook for about half an hour.
  3. Set aside the same time for briefly soaking the peas. After 20–25 minutes, drain the water, rinse the peas thoroughly and add to the meat.
  4. After another 20–30 minutes, peel the potatoes, cut the tubers into cubes and place in a saucepan.
  5. While the soup is boiling, prepare the frying. Peel the carrots and onions, chop and grate. Heat the oil in a frying pan and fry the vegetables in it for 7–10 minutes.
  6. Add spices and salt to taste, let the food cook for another 10–15 minutes.
  7. Turn off the heat and let the soup sit for 5-10 minutes, then call everyone to the table.

How to make pea and chicken soup

If you don’t have smoked meat on hand, it doesn’t matter. You can make equally delicious pea soup with regular chicken. It is only important to know a few secrets. Take:

  • 1.5 tbsp. split peas;
  • about 300 g chicken meat possible with bones;
  • 3–4 medium sized potatoes;
  • one piece of carrot and onion;
  • 0.5 tsp turmeric;
  • salt, black pepper, bay leaf and other seasonings to taste.


  1. Rinse the peas with running water and soak for an hour and a half.
  2. Chicken meat cooks very quickly, so you can cook it together with peas. To do this, place a portion of chicken and slightly swollen peas into a saucepan (don't forget to drain the water from them). As soon as the broth boils, turn on the gas and leave to cook for an hour.
  3. Peel the potatoes and cut them as you like: into slices or cubes. Chop the peeled onion into half rings and grate the carrots.
  4. On small quantity In vegetable oil, fry the onion and carrot until golden brown. Follow the potatoes into the bubbling soup.
  5. Add spices, salt, turmeric, bay leaves and cook until the potatoes and peas are fully cooked. Best served with fresh herbs and croutons.

How to make pea soup with pork

When it’s cold outside it’s so nice to warm up with a plate of rich pea soup and they will help you with this rack of pork ribs. Take:

  • about 0.5 kg pork ribs;
  • 1 tbsp. dried peas;
  • 3 large potato tubers;
  • a couple of small carrots;
  • a large splinter;
  • tastes like salt;
  • for frying vegetables approximately 1 tbsp. vegetable oil.


  1. Rinse the peas in running water and pour in until it covers the cereal. Leave for an hour or two to swell.
  2. Rinse the pork ribs and cut into individual bones. Place in a saucepan and add a couple of liters of cold water. Place over high heat and once boiling turn down to low. Cook at light bubbling for about one and a half hours.
  3. Drain any water that is not absorbed from the soaked peas and transfer them to the simmering ribs. Cook for another 30 minutes.
  4. Grate the peeled carrots on a coarse grater, cut the onion into thin strips. Fry in hot oil until golden brown.
  5. Cut the potatoes, pre-peeled and washed, into cubes and add them to the soup along with the roast.
  6. Remove the ribs, separate the meat fibers and return them to the pan. Salt the soup to taste and add seasonings if desired.
  7. After another 10-15 minutes, turn off the heat.

Lean pea soup - meat-free recipe

During fasting, on a diet and in other circumstances, you can prepare pea soup without any meat at all. And to make it just as appetizing and rich, use next recipe. Take:

  • 0.3 kg round peas;
  • one small carrot;
  • 4–5 potatoes;
  • a couple of medium onions;
  • two garlic cloves;
  • ½ tbsp. flour;
  • salt;
  • a few peas of allspice;
  • a couple of bay leaves.


  1. Cover the peas with water and leave for 10–12 hours. After this, wash it well, put it in a saucepan and fill it with water (3 l). Add peppercorns and bay leaf.
  2. Bring to a boil, reduce gas and simmer for 20–30 minutes.
  3. Cut the potato tubers into suitable pieces and throw them into the pan.
  4. At this time, heat the frying pan, pour flour into it and lightly fry, stirring constantly. Once it turns golden, add the broth little by little and stir constantly to break up any lumps. The resulting mass, reminiscent thick sour cream, spoon into the soup and move it around.
  5. Chop the carrots and onions as you wish and saute in vegetable oil, then transfer to the soup, add salt and add chopped garlic.
  6. Cook it for another 15–20 minutes. Serve with herbs, sour cream and toast.

Pea soup from a briquette - how to prepare it correctly

If there is absolutely no time, then pea soup can be cooked from a briquette. The main thing is to do it right. For this you will need:

  • 1 briquette of soup;
  • 4–5 medium potatoes;
  • carrot and torch;
  • a pair of bay leaves;
  • just a little salt;
  • 100 g of any smoked sausage.


  1. Pour the amount of water indicated on the package into the pan. Turn on the gas and boil it.
  2. Peel the potato tubers, cut them as desired and place them in the pan.
  3. Chop the onion and carrots and fry in vegetable oil. Cut the sausage into strips and throw it into the pan with the vegetables, simmer for a few minutes on low gas.
  4. Mash the briquette almost into crumbs, pour it into the pan, stirring well. Add the frying with sausage there.
  5. Let it simmer for 10-15 minutes. Now taste it, add a little salt if necessary. All store-bought briquettes necessarily contain salt, so it is very important not to oversalt the dish.
  6. After another 5-10 minutes the soup is ready.

Recipe for pureed pea soup

And finally, original recipe puree pea soup, which delights with its creamy taste and the most delicate consistency. Take:

  • 1 tbsp. dried peas;
  • 3–4 potatoes;
  • one onion and one carrot each;
  • one clove of garlic;
  • 200 ml cream (15%);
  • a small piece (25–50 g) of butter;
  • salt;
  • a pinch of red paprika and black pepper.


  1. Soak the peas overnight.
  2. Place it in a saucepan, add 2 liters of water, after boiling, reduce the heat and cook for about half an hour.
  3. Peel, wash and chop all vegetables, including potatoes and garlic. Add to soup and cook until fully cooked.
  4. Remove from heat and add warm cream and butter. Beat with a blender or mixer.
  5. Place over medium heat, bring to a boil and remove immediately. Add a portion of dry or fresh herbs and serve.

by Notes of the Wild Mistress

How to make delicious pea soup?

First, decide on a recipe, because there are so many ways to prepare pea soup that it’s easy to get lost.

Now decide whether you will cook pea soup with meat or chicken broth, with smoked meats or lean, with vegetable broth.

A classic version of pea soup, which has been prepared in Rus' for a long time, is soup with dried peas.

You now have to choose a specific recipe and start preparing delicious pea soup.

Features of cooking delicious pea soup

It turns out that cooking delicious food is not so easy, because if prepared incorrectly, it will cook for too long, and besides, it will not have a very pleasant specific taste and smell.

First of all, you need to choose peas - shelled or whole and worry about this in advance, since before starting cooking, the peas should be soaked in water.

Peas are soaked for 5-7 hours. It is most convenient to leave the peas in water overnight. In the morning, the water is usually drained, the peas are washed, filled with fresh water and cooked until tender.

But if you forgot to soak your peas, don't despair! Many housewives use a special technique: prepared peas are placed in boiling water, boiled for 15-20 minutes, and then about 150 ml of cold water is poured into a pan with boiling peas. The peas will cook quickly and will be well cooked.

Classic recipe for delicious pea soup

The proposed recipe is the simplest; it will not pose any particular difficulties even for inexperienced housewives.

Products: 500g of meat (or 250-300g of smoked meats), 250g of peas, 2.5 liters of water, 1 carrot, 1 onion, 2 tablespoons of butter, salt, spices and spices to taste.

Rinse the peas, cover them with cold water and cook over low heat, tightly closing the lid. After 1 hour of cooking, add chopped and lightly fried carrots and onions to the soup and continue cooking until the peas are completely cooked to a puree.

If you want to make delicious pea soup with meat or... mushroom broth, then first boil the peas in plain water (using about 3 cups), then, at the same time as the fried roots, transfer them into a pre-cooked boiling broth.

You can cook pea soup with potatoes - you need to peel them, cut them into cubes and put them in the broth along with peas and roots.

You can prepare delicious pea soup using smoked meats: smoked chicken, raw smoked or smoked ham, as well as brisket, etc.

How to make delicious pea soup

Delicious pea puree soup can be prepared using either broth or vegetable broth. Peas for puree soup are boiled until fully cooked, and then rubbed through a sieve or passed through a meat grinder. To ensure that the puree is homogeneous and the mashed products do not settle to the bottom, but are distributed evenly in the broth, and to achieve the required thickness, you can add flour lightly fried in butter to the puree soup, which then needs to be boiled for 20-30 minutes.

To improve the taste of pureed pea soup, you can season it with butter. To do this, immediately before serving, remove the soup from the heat and add butter divided into small portions, stirring well.

White bread croutons are usually served with creamy soup.

Bon appetit!
