Nutella spread: chocolate or not? Fatty, high-calorie rubbish, why do I love you so much?! Or “What would the world be like without Nutella”...

Heading #ReadLabels Today he will spoil us with something sweet. Namely, Nutella chocolate spread. The idea to analyze its composition came to me after this story:

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My friend’s child at one time suffered from all sorts of rashes and rashes. And mom, that is. A friend of mine, in order to brighten up her child’s life, bought him all sorts of sweets, usually chocolate-based. One day, before my eyes, she took Nutella paste out of her bag and handed it to the child: “Bunny, look what I brought you.” To which the child, with all his childish spontaneity, replied, “Mom! How come you don’t understand?! All these sweets make me itchy even more!”

The topic of allergies and children's immunity is beyond the scope of my blog, but it became interesting to study the label chocolate paste. Is it really chocolate? And is it necessary to refuse it categorically or “sometimes, if you really want to, then you can”?

And before we begin our study of the label, let’s be clear: we do not expect any extra benefits from Nutella paste, as can be expected, for example. Just wondering what's in that jar.

In general, there is nothing wrong with this component. But let’s imagine the process: we take nuts and grind them into paste. Add cocoa and sugar there, as well as a little butter. If you imagine this mass, then there is no special need to add lecithins - substances of the fat class, which should help preserve the compounds of fats and water. The consistency of the nut mass itself is quite suitable for spreading. And the composition is quite enriched with fats.

In my opinion, lecithins are present here solely to give the product an attractive presentation. So that you open the jar, and there is beauty homogeneously mixed. In other words, marketing ploy, moreover, economically very inexpensive and not prohibited anywhere.

The question is, are we willing to eat extra soy fat at the price of a hazelnut for the sake of marketing? Does our body really need it?

  • Flavoring

It is very unclearly written. It can be vanillin, a nut-flavored flavor, or a flavor with creamy taste. I don't like it when ingredients are not listed accurately.

However, I have a negative attitude towards any products with industrial flavors. I'm used to trusting my feelings, but flavorings prevent me from listening to them. I talked about this in more detail in this post.

Nutritional and energy value

And now we come to the final moment. We look at the composition of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Per 100 g of product:

  • proteins 6 g
  • fat 31.6 g
  • carbohydrates 57.6 g
  • Energy value 546 kcal

For comparison, let's look at hazelnuts - after all, our paste is nutty:

  • proteins 15 g
  • fat 61.5 g
  • carbohydrates 9.4 g
  • Calorie content 651 kcal

The first thing that catches my eye is the significant reduction in calorie content in the finished pasta compared to nuts. Do you know what this is connected with? The calorie content of sugar is 399 kcal, i.e. almost one and a half times less than that of nuts. This means that the proportions of sugar and nuts in in this case– not in favor of nuts. Those. a lot of sugar, a lot.

*I’m telling you, we make sugar paste.

Next we see that the amount of fat in pasta is almost two times less than in nuts. This means that there really aren't many nuts. Let's not forget that fats are also given to us by the nameless vegetable fat(second place on the label). This means that there are definitely fewer nuts than half of this jar.

I will refrain from commenting on the calorie content of the product, the breakdown of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in relation to the pasta itself. We determined at the very beginning that this pastry, and it would be difficult to expect any special diet.

To summarize:

1) Nutella paste, despite its pronounced chocolate taste, is nut butter.
2) But the nuts in it are about half the volume or even less.
3) The product initially contains high-calorie components. The situation is aggravated by the fact that most of them are refined and have a high glycemic index. The same nuts pure form and in the same volume will cause less harm.
4) The presence of the words “low-fat” on the label means the class of products - components for confectionery production, and does not mean special dietary properties pasta.

Well, the main conclusion that I would make for family meals: it is more profitable to buy pure nuts and mix them with natural honey. If you want, grind the nuts in a blender to make a paste and add cocoa powder + a little butter to give light creamy taste.

It seems to me that there is no person in Russia who would not try pasta Nutella from the FERRERO brand, which also makes famous candies Ferrero Rocher, Raffaello and Tik-Tak dragees.

For me personally, this is a taste of luxury and excess from childhood (yes, mine happened in the 90s). Then on Russian market All foreign goods such as chewing gum, Snickers, Mars, Bounty chocolates and pastes of the same name poured in. These were unknown delicacies, but still available.
But a little later we had Raffaello, Ferrero Rocher and... Nutella pasta! All this was not so accessible, it was rarely bought, and of course, the appearance of a jar of Nutella in the house was truly a holiday! Of course, then other pastas seemed incredibly tasty (like “eternal” rolls for 15 rubles, and Kolokolchik lemonade, and much more), but Nutella was different from all of them very much!
That’s when I fell in love with her, and what’s surprising is that the habits established in childhood still work now, in my 30s. Until now, for me, a jar of Nutella is not for every day, it’s a small holiday, pampering, a delicacy and pure pleasure!

Now in stores Nutella paste is presented mainly in three weight categories - from 180 (smallest volume) up to 350 grams I read in reviews of Nutella that there are also 630-gram jars, but I have never seen such giants.

Package Nutella pasta has not changed, it seems, for many years. This is a familiar, heavy glass jar with a white plastic lid, under which a golden circle will definitely be waiting for you.

It tightly covers the paste from any leaks or damage, but at the same time is easily removed. The truth is uneven.

The jar seems to be slightly flattened in front and behind. The label design is also classic, inspired by numerous fans of Nutella spread around the world.

Concerning prices, then Nutella pasta, of course, a bit expensive. For example, a 350 gram jar costs about 400 rubles here in Samara. But as often happens, it is still more profitable to buy a large package.

You can buy Nutella in almost any large supermarket - Magnit, Pyaterochka, Perekrestok, Karusel and, of course, Auchan. That is, now Nutella paste is quite accessible, although expensive. But of course, many try to avoid it, and then I will write why...

By consistency Nutella is different from other chocolate and nut spreads. First of all, because it is very soft and stretchy. If she stands at room temperature, then spreading it over the sandwich won’t be difficult at all. But at the same time, of course, it will remain on the spoon and everywhere. That is, it is plastic, but sticky. But I don’t think it’s a big problem for anyone to lick a spoon of Nutella!

Aroma she has... mmm! She smells like... Nutella! It's such delicate nut-chocolate smell. Moreover, the chocolate here is not sharp, not 70% cocoa, but gentle and sweet milky, like Kinder chocolate. Ferrero Rocher sweets smell exactly the same, by the way. And they taste very, very similar.

Taste Nutella pasta cannot be confused with anything else. This is chic, very harmonious, I would even say legendary taste! It’s not for nothing that he has been known and loved for decades all over the world!
Taste nutty-chocolate, very tender and a little sugary for me. The paste just melts in your mouth, and once you try it, you can’t stop. That's it, you are captivated by this taste, you are now also a Nutella fan!

By the way, this is one of the reasons why many people try not to buy Nutella pasta - It's like they're adding something addictive to it., seriously! You didn’t think about it for a year and it was good, but then you bought it, ate it - and that’s it, you’ll still want it. By the way, I’m now on my third jar in the last three months...

Here we come to the main thing lack Nutella pasta. You can see in the photo compound pasta.

Yes, perhaps it is not that long, it could be worse. But! In first place (which means the product contains the most of this component) is Nutella pasta. sugar! On the second - vegetable fat! I read that in the Russian version, vegetable fat means that same ominous Palm oil.

And there is no worse combination! Sugar and vegetable fat are utter garbage, that's what I say! This combination doesn’t just mean that every spoonful of pasta will hang fat on the sides, no. Everything is much more serious. This is a huge load on the pancreas, liver, and a “carbohydrate explosion”, the release of insulin. This combination can be very healthy in general disrupt the entire balance in the body, if you frequently abuse such products.

ABOUT harm palm oil , which even seems to be going to be banned from being used in Russia, there is no need to say... You can google and read a lot of things on this topic.

And all these "cheapers" in the form vegetable fats and cream just poured into us in the 1990s. Back then we didn’t know how harmful and dangerous it was! Before this, there were no “spreads” on our tables, cakes with creams made from unknown vegetable low-fat cream, non-drying and non-spoilable biscuits and cookies that were super crumbly from fat. There was already a cake, so cake - s butter cream and heavy, already wet biscuits. In general, you need to be extremely careful with these products!

About the banal calorie content (546 Kcal per 100 grams) and the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, I’m generally silent! 31.6 grams fat– this is too much!

So Nutella paste - It’s really just disgusting and nasty in composition. Well, the benefit here is perhaps that feeling of joy when you eat Nutella, turning off your brain no matter what.

Oh, there is danger in this too! After all, few people eat Nutella just with a spoon from the jar. No, she demands some bread! A sandwich, or maybe even with butter. I repent and reveal a terrible secret - just for me perfect combination: Nutella + city bread + butter. Yes, yes, and butter too! Oh and delicious! The sweetness of the pasta is smoothed out a little by bread and butter, it turns out great! Yes, with bitter coffee, ah! Rusty ass, simple ass!

P.S. By the way, did you know that there is even B World Nutella Day? It's February 5th. They started celebrating it in Italy - well, actually, the famous Nutella comes from there.

So yes, just like I put the Nutella slogan in the title:

What would the world be like without Nutella?

Nutella chocolate-nut butter, produced since 1964. It has a delicate texture and rich unique taste. Nutella is one of the most popular products worldwide. It is sold in 75 countries.

Calorie content

100 grams of product contains 530 kcal.


The exact composition of Nutella is a trade secret of its manufacturer. The packaging states that the paste contains hazelnuts, low fat powdered milk, low-fat cocoa, palm oil, sugar, whey powder, lactose, soy lecithin, vanilla flavoring.

Moreover, the composition of Nutella varies depending on the country where it is sold: in Italy the sugar content is less than in France, in the USA, Canada, Mexico, Ukraine and Russia palm oil is used instead of vegetable oil, in Greece, Italy and Russia the share of milk powder is 5%, and in Australia and New Zealand - 8.7%.


Nutella is ideal for spreading on sandwiches, waffles, pancakes, toast, croissants, muffins, making cakes, pastries and a variety of desserts.


The Nutella recipe was invented by Pietro Ferrero, the owner of a small bakery in the Italian town of Alba. In the post-war years, culinary specialists were looking for ways to create cheap sweets with a small amount cocoa, which was quite expensive.

Ferrero came up with a paste made from roasted hazelnuts, cocoa butter and milk. Initially, it was quite hard and was a dense briquette, which was cut with a knife. It was placed on slices of bread. One day Pietro Ferrero made a large batch of these cakes, but due to the heat the paste melted. Then Ferrero offered customers New Product, which literally charmed them.

From 1946 to 1951, the pasta was called Gianduja and consisted of bars wrapped in foil.

In 1951–1964 it was renamed Supercrema and began to be packaged in glass jars.

Since 1964, Nutella has received its current name and the familiar original glass jar, the design of which has never changed.

The slogan of the chocolate spread is translated into Russian as “What would the world be like without Nutella?”

A 400g jar of Nutella contains 52g of hazelnuts.

In 2008, in honor of the European Football Championship, Ferrero released an 850-gram jar of Nutella, painted in the colors of the Italian uniform.

In 2002, during the transition to a new currency - the euro - a 1.95583 kg jar of Nutella entered the German market, which corresponded to a fixed exchange rate of the German mark to the euro.


Nutella is a chocolate and nut spread produced since 1964. It has a delicate texture and rich, unique taste. Nutella is one of the most popular foods all over the world. It is sold in 75 countries.

Calorie content

100 grams of product contains 530 kcal.

The nutritional value

  • Proteins, g: 6.80
  • Fats, g: 31.00
  • Carbohydrates, g: 56.00


The exact composition of Nutella is a trade secret of its manufacturer. The packaging states that the paste contains hazelnuts, skim milk powder, skim cocoa, palm oil, sugar, whey powder, lactose, soy lecithin, vanilla flavoring.

Moreover, the composition of Nutella varies depending on the country where it is sold: in Italy the sugar content is less than in France, in the USA, Canada, Mexico, Ukraine and Russia palm oil is used instead of vegetable oil, in Greece, Italy and Russia the share of milk powder is 5%, and in Australia and New Zealand - 8.7%.


Nutella is ideal for spreading on sandwiches, waffles, pancakes, toast, croissants, muffins, making cakes, pastries and a variety of desserts.


The Nutella recipe was invented by Pietro Ferrero, the owner of a small bakery in the Italian town of Alba. In the post-war years, cooks were looking for ways to create cheap sweets with a small amount of cocoa, which was quite expensive.

Ferrero came up with a paste made from roasted hazelnuts, cocoa butter and milk. Initially, it was quite hard and was a dense briquette, which was cut with a knife. It was placed on slices of bread. One day Pietro Ferrero made a large batch of these cakes, but due to the heat the paste melted. Then Ferrero offered customers a new product that literally fascinated them.

From 1946 to 1951, the pasta was called Gianduja and consisted of bars wrapped in foil.

In 1951–1964 it was renamed Supercrema and began to be packaged in glass jars.

Since 1964, Nutella has received its current name and the familiar original glass jar, the design of which has never changed.

Interesting Facts

The slogan of the chocolate spread is translated into Russian as “What would the world be like without Nutella?”

A 400g jar of Nutella contains 52g of hazelnuts.

In 2008, in honor of the European Football Championship, Ferrero released an 850-gram jar of Nutella, painted in the colors of the Italian uniform.

In 2002, during the transition to a new currency - the euro - a 1.95583 kg jar of Nutella entered the German market, which corresponded to a fixed exchange rate of the German mark to the euro.

Benefits of Nutella spread

Ferrero recommends consuming two teaspoons of Nutella per day. This portion contains only 80 calories and is sufficient for the body to receive the necessary portion of vigor and energy. The presence of cocoa in the paste helps to increase tone and stimulates the production of the joy hormone endorphin.

Harm and contraindications

Nutella is a carbohydrate-rich product, so people who are prone to obesity should not lean too heavily on this sweetness. Those who suffer from allergies to milk, nuts and cocoa-containing products will have to give up pasta altogether.

How to make Nutella at home

To prepare chocolate spread, you need to use only hazelnuts; you cannot replace them with other nuts, because you will get a completely different taste and aroma. Hazelnuts need to be roasted, but you can buy raw ones and fry them in a frying pan. So, let's start cooking already.


  • milk – 4 tbsp.;
  • hazelnuts (hazelnuts) – 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • sugar – 4 tbsp.;
  • powdered sugar - to taste;
  • wheat flour - 4 tbsp. spoon;
  • cocoa powder – 6 tbsp. spoon;
  • butter – 200 g;
  • salt – 0.5 teaspoon.


So how to do it delicious Nutella right at home? Take a deep bowl and pour into it granulated sugar, flour and cocoa. Mix everything well. Now pour the milk into the ladle and heat it over low heat until warm. Then carefully, in small portions, pour it into our bowl of cocoa and mix thoroughly so that no lumps form. Now let's take care of the nuts, take the hazelnuts, peel them and grind them using a blender. Add to chopped hazelnuts powdered sugar and mix. Add butter and olive oil to the nuts.

Mix nut mixture with milk and mix thoroughly and quickly. Place on low heat for 5 minutes until the paste thickens a little.

Cool the finished Nutella, put it into jars, screw on the lids and put it in the refrigerator. Of course, it’s not worth storing it there, because it will harden too much and will be difficult to spread on the loaf. It is best to store Nutella at room temperature.

Nutella cooked in this way turns out elastic, homogeneous and aromatic, in a word - this is real bliss for all those with a sweet tooth!

Chocolate lovers will definitely appreciate such a wonderful product as Nutella. This Italian chocolate spread has become very popular in our time and has taken one of the leading positions in the sweets market. Let's talk about the reason for this popularity and look at the composition of this product.

Nutella pasta - composition and calorie content of the treat

The Nutella product does not contain artificial colors or preservatives. This sets this delicacy apart from others similar to it.
The composition of chocolate paste includes:
  • Sugar
  • Vanillin
  • Hazelnut (hazelnut)
  • Skim milk powder
  • Low fat cocoa
  • Vegetable oil
  • Dry whey
  • Soy lecithin
  • Palm oil
The last item on this list may raise questions, because in many countries “palm oil” is considered harmful to health. The manufacturer, however, claims that when properly processed, palm oil does not contain “trans fats,” which are harmful. to the human body. In addition, palm oil increases the shelf life of the product.
The calorie content of this delicacy is 530 kcal per 100 grams of Nutella. Of which – proteins: 6.8 g; Fat: 31.0 g; Carbohydrates: 56.0 g. One 15 gram serving (two teaspoons) contains 80 calories. As you can see, the product is quite high in calories, so the recommended amount of paste is no more than two teaspoons per day.

The benefits and harms of Nutella for the body

Some people believe that everything sweet is extremely harmful, but in fact, chocolate spread in moderation can be beneficial. The base of the paste contains hazelnuts, which in turn contains useful material, which have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart. IN hazelnut minerals are present: potassium, calcium and sodium, as well as many vitamins: A, B, C, E, and others. In addition, this Italian delicacy can energize you and give you strength for the whole day if you eat pasta for breakfast.
You shouldn’t forget about the dangers of sweets either. The product contains great amount sugar and carbohydrates. People with overweight or problems with sugar, you should limit your intake of this treat. Controversy continues over the “trans fats” contained in palm oil. It is believed that this oil clogs blood vessels and disrupts metabolism, and in some cases can even cause cancer. Many countries are actively fighting against this additive, and therefore Ferrero, the company that produces Nutella, has launched an entire campaign to protect palm oil. Unfortunately, there is no clear answer to the question “which side to believe?”

Flavors and types of Nutella

The classic type of chocolate spread is very sweet, nutty taste. The consistency of the delicacy is creamy and easily spreads on toast and bread. This Nutella has been produced since 1964 to this day. Ferrero recently released pasta that comes complete with crispy sticks, which are great for snacking at breakfast. There are also sticks filled with chocolate paste. They are sold in paper packages with the inscription “B-ready” on them.
Interesting! On the shelves of many countries, including Russia, you can find Nutella-like spreads that contain White chocolate. In this regard, there is a misconception that Nutella comes with white chocolate. In fact, Ferrero has never produced such pasta.

What can you eat Nutella with? Snack and bake options

The sweet product is a great addition for pancakes, bread, pies, cookies and other baked goods. This nut dessert has become so popular that it is added to many baked goods and more. Nutella donuts, croissants, smoothies, yogurts, parfaits, wraps and even bacon. The variety of desserts is amazing.
We present to your attention interesting options for snacking and baking with the addition of chocolate paste.
Chocolate cake in three minutes
  • Wheat flour – 4 tablespoons
  • Regular sugar - 4 tablespoons
  • Chicken egg – 1 piece
  • Cocoa – 3 tablespoons
  • Milk – 3 tablespoons
  • Nutella – 3 tablespoons
  • Vegetable oil – 3 tablespoons
  • You need to mix all the ingredients in a mug and beat with a fork.
Place the mixture in the microwave and turn on for 2-3 minutes.
The cupcake is ready.
Cookies with chocolate spread
  • Wheat flour – 250 grams
  • Regular sugar – 100 grams
  • Vanilla sugar – 50 grams
  • Nutella – 250 grams
  • Chicken eggs – 1 piece
  • Mix the egg vanilla sugar And regular sugar before homogeneous mass. Add flour, mix lightly. Add nut butter and mix well
  • Roll the dough into a ball, place on a baking sheet and flatten to form small “pancakes”
  • Bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 7-8 minutes.
  • The cookies are ready and go perfectly with milk or tea

Nutella analogs that are not inferior in quality

Any known product has analogues.
Sometimes these are fakes worse quality, and sometimes they are not inferior to the original.
  • "Nussa" is produced in Germany and is a worthy replacement Nutella. Eat classic version pasta and white chocolate
  • Chocremo Duo Cream – produced in Germany, produced with the addition of white chocolate
  • "Nutti" country of origin: Russia. Available in two flavors: white and regular chocolate
  • “Chocofini krem” is a Polish analogue, sold in two flavors: “nut” and “chocolate”

Interesting facts about Nutella! - you didn’t know about this yet

There are many funny and interesting facts about the popular Italian delicacy.
Did you know that:
  • Nut butter has its day. On February 5th, all connoisseurs of this sweetness unite to celebrate and eat their fill of their favorite product. This initiative was proposed by American blogger Sarah Rosso
  • There are rumors that the American version of the product is radically different from the Italian one. However, there was no official confirmation of this rumor.
  • 25 percent of the world's nuts are used to produce chocolate spread.
  • By the way, Nutella was not always called that way. Initially, the name was much more complex “Gianduia”. The treat was later renamed Nutella. That's much better, isn't it?
  • Now let's disappoint our parents. Due to the copyright of the manufacturer and owner of the Nutella brand, you will never be able to name your child this name
  • In Italy, about 179 thousand tons of nut delicacy are produced daily. That's more than half a billion cans
  • Enough now amazing fact– due to the fat content of the product, Nutella burns perfectly!
  • Sometimes nut butter is made in five-kilogram jars. Jars of this size are an excellent solution for chefs. There are even known cases of producing Nutella in twenty kilogram jars

Volumes of Nutella - how to purchase more profitably

In stores you can find jars weighing from 180 grams to 1 kilogram. 350 gram jars are especially popular in Russian stores. Of course, most often it is more profitable to buy large-volume jars, so if you are lucky enough to come across a 600-gram jar in a store, take it without hesitation.

How to make homemade Nutella: video

Did you know that you can easily make Nutella at home? The video will tell you how to do this.
