Recipe for making raspberry liqueur. Raspberry liqueur at home: quick recipes

You can make tastier alcoholic drinks yourself. Recipes for raspberry liqueur with vodka are waiting for you below.

Homemade raspberry liqueur with vodka


  • raspberries – 500 g;
  • – 5 g;
  • granulated sugar– 700 g;
  • boiled water – 500 ml;
  • vodka – 1.3 liters;
  • vanilla sugar – 5 g.


Pour water over ripe raspberries and cook over low heat until the berries turn light. This may take about an hour. Then remove the berries, add sugar and mix well until it is completely dissolved. Then pour the resulting syrup into a bottle through a strainer. Add citric acid, vodka and vanilla sugar. Close the bottle, shake well and leave in a warm place for 2 hours. The contents of the bottle must be shaken every half hour. We filter the liqueur through several layers of gauze, pour it into bottles and seal tightly.

Recipe for raspberry liqueur with vodka


  • sugar – 1 glass;
  • vodka – 500 ml;
  • raspberries.


IN liter jar pour a glass of sugar, pour in 500 ml of vodka and add raspberries so that the jar is filled to the top. Close tightly nylon cover and put it away to infuse in a dark place. The jar needs to be shaken every day. After 10 days, strain the liqueur.

Raspberry liqueur - recipe for making with vodka


  • raspberries – 350 g;
  • lemon - half;
  • vodka – 700 ml;
  • sugar syrup – 180 ml.


Wash the raspberries and remove spoiled berries. Place it in a jar and mash it to a puree. Add the zest of half a lemon without the white peel and pour in vodka. Let it sit for 21 days, then strain and filter through a cotton filter. Prepare the syrup in a 1:1 portion and add it to the tincture. We keep the drink for a couple more weeks, and then it is ready to serve.

Homemade raspberry liqueur with red currants on vodka



Wash the raspberries and currants, sort them and place them in a jar. Add orange and lemon zest, cinnamon. Fill everything with vodka and leave for about 6 weeks, shaking occasionally. Strain well, filter, add sugar syrup(its quantity can be adjusted according to your own taste preferences), vanilla extract, stir and pour into prepared bottles.

Raspberries are good both on their own and as the main component for jam or compote. Sweet, aromatic, simply divinely tasty, it has earned the love of both children and adults. It’s a pity that the raspberry ripening period is so short!

But on the other hand, we can afford to prepare, for example, raspberry liqueur in the summer, so that we can then savor it over long dark winter evenings. Shall we get started?

This small juicy berry contains many vitamins: C, group B, A, E, tannins, magnesium and calcium. In addition, it has anthocyanin- a substance known for its “ability” to strengthen the walls of capillaries.

In general, if you have a question about whether it is worth making it from raspberries or not, don’t even doubt it - prepare such a drink, because in winter it will save you from vitamin deficiency and help you cope with an approaching cold.

Cooking recipes

Most recipes contain either vodka or alcohol, so you need to stock up on the “alcohol component” in advance. sufficient quantity. The recipes are simple, but the winemaker will need patience.

Raspberries with vodka

You need to prepare:

  • raspberries (350 g);
  • lemon (or rather, its zest - peel half the lemon);
  • vodka (700 ml);
  • syrup made from water and sugar (200 g).

After mashing the berries and zest, pour the mixture with vodka. Leave the mixture in a dark place for 3 weeks. Then filter using cotton wool. Then boil the syrup and add to the filtered drink. Keep in a cool place for a month. The liquor is ready.

Double raspberry

The second name of this liqueur is Replica Chamber. The taste is very rich, the aroma is magnificent. Required:

  • raspberries (0.7 kg frozen or liter jar fresh);
  • honey (120 ml);
  • blackberries (liter jar);
  • vodka (500 ml);
  • cognac (350 ml);
  • zest of half an orange;
  • sugar syrup – 200 g.

A vanilla pod will also come in handy. First you need to mix the berries with honey and syrup and crush thoroughly. Then add vodka, cognac, zest and vanilla. The resulting mixture should be stored in a cool room for a week.

After the specified time has passed, strain the mixture through cotton wool and pour the liquid into bottles. In principle, you can already drink. Store liqueur in the refrigerator.

Ruddy Melba

This liqueur owes its name to the prima donna of the Paris Opera. Nellie Melbe who loved raspberries. True, she preferred raspberry ice cream rather than alcohol, but the liqueur also turns out wonderful.

You should stock up on:

  • fresh raspberries in the volume of half a liter jar;
  • three dried peaches (they need to be cut into 2 parts);
  • 0.5 – liter bottle of vodka;
  • 250 ml rum.

Boil an additional 200 g of sugar syrup. Mix the syrup with the berries, crush, add the remaining ingredients and put in a cool place for 7 days. Filter through cheesecloth. After a week you can drink.

Raspberry plus wine

You will need 500 ml of dry red wine, which must be combined with 350 g of raspberries and mash everything. The mixture should stand for two days in the dark. In a separate container, combine 120 ml of fruit brandy and a small amount of vanilla. Plus the zest of half a lemon.

Strain the raspberry mixture. Take a glass from it. Place the rest in a saucepan, add sugar (250 g), bring to a boil, cool.

Combine the brandy infused mixture with wine. Add here the glass of wine that was previously disconnected. Leave for 2 days, then filter. Put it in the refrigerator.

Raspberries with red currants

There will be a lot of ingredients here. This:

  • 3 cups raspberries;
  • 1 cup red currants;
  • a glass of gooseberries;
  • 5 calendula flowers;
  • a glass of cherries.

Other required ingredients:

  • liter of vodka;
  • 500 ml water;
  • 4 things. carnations.

After removing the pits from the cherries, squeeze out the juice. Add all other products (except sugar and vodka), add water, and boil. Strain and add sugar. Pour in the vodka and bottle the liqueur.

On cognac

A liter will be required. It needs:

  • raspberries (half a liter jar);
  • 500 g sugar;
  • half a liter of water.

Combine cognac and raspberries. Keep in a sunny place for 4 weeks. Then make syrup from water and sugar, add to the raspberries, strain, and pour into beautiful bottles.

On gin

This is a simple recipe. You need to combine 3 cups of raspberries with two cups of sugar and three cups of gin. Let the mixture sit for 3 months. Then it should be strained and can be stored in the refrigerator.

With cherry leaves

You will need cherry and currant leaves (50 pieces of each type), as well as raspberries (50 pieces), a tablespoon citric acid, one and a half kilograms of sugar, 0.5 liters of alcohol. All this will require 1.5 liters of water.

After boiling the leaves for 10 minutes, add berries to them, keep on fire for another 10 minutes, strain and add citric acid and sugar. Bring the mixture to a boil, turn off. Cool, add alcohol, pour into bottles and store.

On alcohol

In order to make a raspberry drink according to this recipe, you will need alcohol - 1 liter. Taking raspberries (2-liter jar), squeeze the juice through 2 layers of gauze. Add a glass of water to the squeeze and squeeze again. Mix both liquids. Fill with alcohol. Close the lid and leave for 10 days.

Lemon plus syrup

In this recipe, instead of raspberries, we will use syrup from them (5 l). In addition, you need 10 g of citric acid, 4 liters of diluted alcohol (or vodka), 5 clove buds. You can also add some freshly squeezed lemon juice. For this amount of ingredients you will need 10 liters of water.

Mix everything and place in a dark place for 7-10 hours. Then we filter. We bottle it. Keep it in the refrigerator.

Currant-raspberry liqueur

You should take a half-liter jar fresh berries raspberries and currants, cook syrup from 150 g of sugar and 100 ml of water. More will be needed orange zest(from one orange) and the zest of one lemon. The last ingredient is vodka (0.5 l).

Mix everything except the syrup and let it sit for 6 weeks. Then add syrup and keep in a cool place for another 5 days. Filtering. We put it in the refrigerator.

Raspberries on moonshine

For a liter of moonshine, take 500 g of raspberries and 500 g of sugar. Mix everything and put it in a dark cabinet. Wait 10 days, strain. In the future, keep it in the refrigerator.

How should you drink raspberry liqueur?

This excellent raspberry drink is best consumed from small glasses of 25-50 ml. Experts recommend prolonging the pleasure by taking small sips. You can add a piece of ice.

It is not necessary to have a sweet liqueur, but if you really want to, you can use fruit as a snack. Great snack- lemon slices.

Tell us about yours signature recipe raspberry liqueur, if you know the secret of preparation divine drink. And if you don’t yet have such a secret, prepare liqueur according to any of the options suggested above. Bon appetit!

Unlike tinctures, which imply a decent strength, liqueurs are low-alcohol, soft drinks and are mainly considered for women. But many representatives of the stronger sex also like to sit in nature in the summer with a glass of sweets, aromatic drink or in winter, at the table, remember the hot summer, savoring berry liqueur.

There are a great many recipes for making raspberry liqueur. We will tell you about the three most delicious and simplest ones.

Classic recipe - raspberry liqueur with vodka

So that the end result is tasty, aromatic, and most importantly, soft drink we take the following:

  • raspberries - 1 kg
  • sugar - 800 gr
  • clean water (mineral) - 200 g
  • vodka - 1 l.

When it comes to making liqueurs, it is better to forget about moonshine. If in the case of tinctures moonshine double cleaning could also replace vodka or alcohol, then in liqueur it will not be able to allow the ingredients to fully reveal themselves. It is better to use vodka or food alcohol.

We wash the raspberries, pour them into a saucepan, add sugar and water there. On low heat bring to a boil, cook for 5 minutes, stirring constantly. Then cover with a lid and let cool. After this, pour the resulting raspberry jam into a three-liter jar and fill with vodka. Mix thoroughly, cover with a lid and send to a dark place for 3-4 weeks. Shake the jar once every 2 days. After this, we filter our liqueur through 3-4 layers of gauze and additionally through a cotton filter so that the liqueur is transparent. Bottle and taste. We have created a pleasant, soft, homemade liqueur with a rich raspberry flavor, with a strength of no more than 25 degrees.

Recipe for raspberry liqueur with sugar syrup

This recipe is still easier than the first, but as a result you will get a real “summer” drink with raspberry flavor. To do this we take:

  • fresh or frozen raspberries - 500 gr.
  • lemon zest - 2 tsp.
  • sugar syrup - 200 gr
  • vodka – 700 ml

Wash the raspberries, sort them, put them in a jar along with the zest and fill them with vodka. Shake and put away in a dark place for 3 weeks. Shake the jar periodically. Then add sugar syrup to the future liqueur, mix well and put the jar back in a dark place for 2 weeks. Finally, we filter our homemade liqueur through several layers of gauze and bottle it.

Recipe for “French” raspberry liqueur.

IN this recipe there are more components and the cooking process is somewhat more complicated than in the previous two. But the resulting result will amaze even the most demanding critic or stern mother-in-law who grumbles about the mess in the kitchen and the pantry filled with bottles.

For this homemade liqueur we will need:

  • raspberries - 1 kg
  • blackberries - 1 kg
  • liquid honey – 150 g
  • sugar syrup - 200 gr
  • vodka – 500 ml
  • cognac – 300 ml
  • vanilla sugar - 5 g
  • orange zest - 1 tsp.

We wash the raspberries and blackberries, sort them and place them in a suitable container. Pour sugar syrup into it and mash with a wooden masher until homogeneous mass. After this, add all the remaining ingredients.

You can take the cheapest cognac, or replace it with any fruit brandy.

Then mix the future liqueur thoroughly, close the lid and put it in a dark place for 4 weeks. Naturally, do not forget to shake the container periodically. After this, we filter the liqueur through several layers of gauze or a special filter, bottle it and let it sit for a couple of weeks. During this time, our French liqueur will truly gain royal taste. And may he not be so different beneficial properties, such as, for example, but the wonderful raspberry taste will not leave anyone indifferent.

Surprise guests with dishes home cooking- a favorite pastime of women and even men. But to do it homemade alcohol, maybe not everyone, but gourmets will appreciate the efforts of those who know how. Liqueurs will be no exception to this rule. Making them is not as difficult as wine, and the result is no worse than store-bought options. Raspberry liqueur is one of the most prominent representatives these drinks.

Why raspberries?

The best alcoholic drinks home production tinctures, wines, liqueurs are considered. The composition is based on berries. Liquor on the raspberry berries considered one of the most delicious.

Thanks to its sweetness, this berry, like no other, is suitable for liqueur, and if it is from the forest and not from the garden, then the aroma is guaranteed.

In addition, raspberries have medicinal properties. She is a source of vitamins. Even its leaves contain useful substances.

Homemade raspberry liqueur has many recipes. The cooking variations are surprising. Even jam is used as the basis for creating an alcoholic miracle. Cognac, vanilla, currants, and diluted alcohol are added to recipes. I make mixed tinctures using several types of berries. Even from yellow variety Raspberries make a decent liqueur.

Liqueur, in which raspberries are the main component, comes in two types. Fermentation of berries with sugar is the first type of preparation. With the addition of alcohol to the composition - the second. Let's experiment.

Recipe without adding alcohol

A classic recipe for raspberry liqueur without alcohol. Its output strength ranges from 18–20%. It is achieved by fermentation.

Ingredients for a 3 liter container:

  • raspberries – 2.2 kg;
  • sugar – 0.8 kg;
  • water – 200 grams.
  1. It’s worth sorting out the raspberries in advance, removing the stalks and clearing the bugs. You can first wash it in saline solution(1 liter of water x 1 teaspoon of salt).
  2. We begin the cooking process. Pour the ingredients into the jar in layers, alternating raspberries and sugar. Add filtered water (do not boil). To let the berries release juice, crush them.
  3. Having tied the top of the jar with gauze, put it in a warm place. Monitor the mixture for 4 days.
  4. When you see the beginning of fermentation, replace the gauze with a water seal - a lid or rubber glove with small holes. Return to a warm place. Wait for fermentation to finish. This is approximately 10–20 days.
  5. Strain. Pour the liquid back into the container, place in a cool, dark place, sealing with a lid. Store under these conditions for 2 days.
  6. Due to rapid fermentation, raspberry liqueur is ready for consumption within a month.

Shelf life – up to 1 year. The sugar content of the drink is 30%. Strength – 20%. Outcome – 2 liters.

To obtain a larger volume, it is enough to increase the initial number of products in equal proportions.

Vodka recipe

In conditions homemade Often liqueur is made with the addition of alcohol. This will increase the strength of the drink to 25–35%.


  • raspberries – 350 grams;
  • lemon - half or small whole;
  • vodka – 0.75 l.;
  • sugar syrup - no more than 200 milliliters.
  1. Mash the berries. Add lemon, first remove the peel. Fill with alcohol. Infusion time is three weeks, then add syrup.
  2. We send the product for 1.5 months instead, protected from direct sunlight.
  3. You can taste the drink when it has brewed.

When preparing the tincture, you can change the proportions. Experiment. Try doubling the amount of raspberries and halving the volume of vodka. The raspberry flavor will be more intense.

If there is no vodka in the house, you can replace it with 350 ml of moonshine.

Recipe: Berry Gin

Prepare for 3 months. The taste is divine, which means it’s worth trying.

Take a container with an airtight lid. Three liter jar at home - perfect.

  • raspberries – 0.5 kg;
  • gin –750 ml;
  • sugar – 450 grams.
  1. Place all the ingredients in a jar (do not crush the berries). Lastly add the gin. We seal the vessel and send it to infuse.
  2. Make sure the area is cool enough. A cellar or storage room is suitable. We've been waiting for a month.
  3. The sugar should completely dissolve. We stir the drink every day.
  4. After another 2 months we wait. It is better to turn the container over periodically.
  5. We filter through a filter, or gauze, folding it several times.

The raspberry liqueur turns out incredible. Feel free to invite your friends over and try it.


The classic recipes given in this article will be a good reason for you to show your abilities in creating elite drinks at home. Step by step description making the tincture will allow you not to bother searching for various videos with methods for preparing this miracle drink.

Feel free to stock up on berries. Improvise, play with components. Create a tincture according to your preferences.

Once you try it, you won't want to buy wine in a store. Taste home product several times higher. The aroma preserves the taste of summer. Saturated color- pleasing to the eye. The effort required is minimal. The main thing is to be patient and give the drink a chance to brew.

It is best served chilled.

It is suitable for any holiday and will become a table decoration. Friends will appreciate you and will try to find out the secrets of creation delicious liqueur. To appear new topic for conversation. Share your secret with them.

Enjoy your tasting.

Hello, dear readers. This year we are stocking up on liqueurs. We were disappointed in store-bought wines and alcoholic drinks in general, so we began to work hard on preparing our own homemade drinks. I have always liked homemade, or rather my own preparations. You could always adjust it to your taste. At one time there was no time to do it, so we started buying it, but the more we tried it, the less desire we had to drink it. Moreover, I’m talking about drinks not only from the inexpensive segment, but from the expensive ones too. Elite alcohol I don't see any point in buying it at all. I tried it too, but I have never tasted anything as delicious as homemade.

I tried to do it and raspberry liqueurs, and liqueurs, and even had to make wine, but I don’t like the taste of pure raspberries in strong drinks. Sometimes it even causes heartburn. But sweeter and weaker drinks turn out to be very tasty. And I will share my favorite recipe with you today.

This was the recipe we made for the first time this year, but it turned out to be exactly the taste we were looking for.

  • Raspberries - 1 l. jar (700 gr.)
  • Sugar - 1 l. jar (950 gr.)
  • Water - 1.5 liters
  • Vodka – 1 liter
  • Cherry leaves - 30 pcs.

Raspberry liqueur recipe

1. Prepare the ingredients. Wash raspberries and cherry leaves.

2. Pour water into the pan and put it on fire. Pour raspberries into the water.

3. Be sure to put cherry leaves. They are the ones who give unique taste our liquor.

4. Bring to a boil and cook over low heat for about 10 minutes.

5. Then filter. I do this in another pan, putting a colander and two layers of gauze on top.

6. Pour sugar into the broth and bring to a boil. After boiling, leave to cool.

7. Add vodka to the cooled syrup and pour into a bottle. This makes an almost full 3 liter jar of raspberry liqueur. Cover, sign and leave to infuse.

You can try it after a few weeks, but I always recommend letting the liqueur brew for at least a few months. During this time, all the ingredients will “make friends” and a small sediment will settle. That's why I don't recommend bottling it right away.

A little bit of history. Raspberry liqueur The first time I tried to do it was more than 25 years ago. But then I didn’t follow this recipe and didn’t use cherry leaves. I first learned about using leaves even earlier, in a recipe for cherry liqueur. In it, the leaves give a very divine and unique taste.

I tried adding leaves to raspberry liqueur, but they were raspberry. I personally didn't like the taste. So I stopped making raspberry liqueur altogether. And this year, we decided to make delicious liqueurs from cherries, strawberries, strawberries, blueberries, and currants. But my wife asked me to also make it from raspberries.

And since I remember that I didn’t like pure raspberry liqueur, I decided to add cherry leaf, and did not regret it. The taste was not just pleasant, but simply unforgettable. My wife liked it, and I decided to share it with you.

And in conclusion, I would like to present you with video recipes for our preparations. Choose according to your taste and berries.

Berry liqueur recipes

The first recipe I want to offer is raspberry liqueur, the same one described above.

Raspberry liqueur video recipe

Video recipe for making strawberry liqueur

How to make a delicious liqueur from cherries video

Blackcurrant liqueur video recipe

How to make strawberry liqueur with vodka video recipe

Homemade blueberry liqueur video recipe
