How to color eggs with beets. How to color eggs: beets, turmeric, brilliant green and a lot of other original and advanced methods

Preparations for painting eggs begin on Holy Wednesday. /

For the Orthodox it has come

, each day of which is also called Great.

Tomorrow, on Great Wednesday, according to tradition, they begin to prepare eggs for coloring, stocking up with everything necessary (for example, onion skins, if they want, according to the canon, to paint eggs red). The painting itself begins directly on Maundy Thursday.

Easter eggs: drawings

The traditional color of Easter eggs is red (they are painted with onion skins). It symbolizes the blood of Christ.

The tradition of exchanging red eggs on Easter is associated with a story from the Holy Scriptures.

According to tradition, it was not customary for the ruler to appear at the imperial court without a gift. The poorest segments of the population brought gifts regular egg- the simplest and cheapest gift. It was with this gift that Mary Magdalene came to announce to Emperor Tiberius: “I saw the Lord! He has risen!” He responded contemptuously: “This egg would sooner turn red than I would believe that Christ has risen” - and the egg immediately changed color to scarlet. Now the amazed emperor exclaimed: “Truly He has risen!” So the emperor and the entire court, who witnessed the miracle, accepted the Christian faith.

Most often the pysanka is depicted Sun. It means the arrival of spring, renewal of life, liberation from darkness. For Christians, God is like sunlight, all the best things in life are connected with him.

Cross symbolizes the four cardinal directions and four winds. This is also a reference to a bird in flight. Sometimes the sun was also symbolized with a cross. In Christianity, the cross is a symbol of earthly suffering, death and resurrection.

Swastika They are drawn by those whose families have no children. There is a belief that the swastika affects childbirth, wards off misfortune and brings joy to the home.

Training(broken cross) - an image of a figure with three ends - means sunrise, movement during the day and sunset. If the ends of the tring are bent in the direction of the sun's movement, this is a designation of something good and bright. But if, on the contrary, they show movement opposite to the sun, then they indicate something bad and unkind.

Star- a symbol of love, sun and dawn. The star pattern contains the image of a straight and oblique cross, a right-sided and left-sided swastika. Such Easter eggs will be given as a declaration of love.

How to color eggs with beets, turmeric and other natural dyes

How to color eggs with food coloring

White eggs need to be hard-boiled (important: they should not crack), cool and dry.

In small containers that can easily hold one egg, dissolve the contents of one sachet in 50 ml warm water, add two tablespoons table vinegar and mix thoroughly. Bring the amount of water to 200 ml (usually 1 sachet is for 200 ml of water) or the desired color saturation.

Dip the egg into a solution with diluted dye so that the solution completely covers the egg. At the same time, to ensure uniform coloring, the egg must be constantly turned over.

Painting time is about 3-4 minutes.

Place the eggs on a paper napkin or towel and let dry.

Attention! To make it striped eggs– you need to lower the eggs one by one into containers with different concentrations paint on different levels.

/ photo:

How to paint eggs with green paint and peel

How to paint eggs with polka dots

Easter eggs decoupage, or DIY Easter eggs from napkins

DIY Easter eggs made from satin ribbons

Craft "Easter egg made from pasta"

Earlier "Glavred" wrote that . By the way, in Ukraine the holiday of the Resurrection of Christ is approved at the state level.

In preparation for Easter, every housewife must paint eggs. Where did this tradition come from and why are eggs painted at Easter?

Legend has it that Mary Magdalene first gave a colored egg to the Emperor of Rome for Easter. But this egg was not simple, it was painted red, symbolizing the blood that Christ shed in the name of humanity. On the scarlet egg there were only two symbols of H.V., which meant Christ is Risen! It was from that very egg that the custom of painting eggs for Easter began.

How to color eggs for Easter? Myths and reality.

The most common way to color eggs is using food coloring. Fast, convenient, but not always safe for health, especially if the dye is purchased from hand. The safest method is to paint eggs using natural dyes. There is a lot described on the Internet different ways, but not all of them are effective.

Below I will describe my experiments, how you can actually color eggs and which methods are a waste of time.

How to dye eggs with onion skins

Our grandmothers and great-grandmothers also painted eggs with onion skins, modern women also prefer this method.

Painting eggs with onion skins:
- We collect onion peels in advance. The more onion skins we have, the better.
- Fill the husk with water and put it on fire. Cook covered over low heat for at least half an hour. For color intensity, you can cook longer.
- Cool the broth and strain. Prepare onion broth possible in advance.
- We take raw eggs, fill them with a decoction of onion peels so that they are completely covered with natural paint.
- Cook the eggs as usual for 7-10 minutes. It is not advisable to cook longer, since with prolonged heat treatment eggs lose their beneficial nutritional properties.
- Boiled eggs Place it in a beautiful orange color on a plate. When the eggs have cooled, rub them for shine. vegetable oil.

Benefits of painting eggs with onion skins: absolutely harmless to the body. This method can be used to dye eggs from light yellow to intense red-brown. The color saturation depends on the concentration of the decoction. The decoction of onion peels itself is very simple to prepare.

Flaws: are not known.

Conclusion: the method works, it is cheap and reliable.

P.S. I like to experiment, test everything from my own experience. So I decided to paint the eggs with blue onions, they are also called Crimean onions, they have blue-violet skins. I expected the eggs to turn blue or purple, but, as the experiment showed, the eggs acquired Brown color with a slight purple tint. So I think it's better to dye eggs for Easter regular onion, although... for a change you can use blue))))

How to dye eggs with coffee

To be honest, I doubted whether it was possible to dye eggs with coffee. As it turned out, yes, it is possible, and it turns out very well. So, I’m telling you how to paint eggs this way.

Painting eggs natural coffee:
- Natural ground coffee pour into a saucepan, fill with water. For a glass of water I took 4 heaped teaspoons of coffee. For a more intense color, you can use more.
- Bring the coffee to a boil, reduce the heat so that it does not boil over and cook for 10 minutes over low heat.
- Strain the coffee and let it cool.
- Pour the cooled coffee over the eggs. The coffee should completely cover the eggs. We put it on fire.
- Cook the eggs over low heat for 7-10 minutes.
- Carefully remove and place on a plate with a napkin. Thanks to the napkin, which quickly absorbs moisture, dark spots do not form on the bottom of the eggs.

Benefits of dyeing eggs with coffee: natural, completely harmless dye. You can paint eggs from light coffee to dark coffee color, depending on the saturation of the solution.

Flaws: much more expensive than onion skins.

Conclusion: The method works, the coffee hood lays quite smoothly. Experimented with instant coffee. It also works, but not such a beautiful and even color.

How to dye eggs with chokeberry juice

I read on the Internet that Easter eggs can be colored with berry juice, and I immediately wanted to check this method to see if it really works. And I started with chokeberry.

Coloring eggs with juice:
- We take out frozen chokeberries from the freezer. Defrost.
- Press the rowan with a fork to release the juice from the berries.
- Fill raw eggs with water, add crushed chokeberry fruits. The liquid should completely cover the eggs.
- Boil hard-boiled eggs. At the same time, rowan berries color the water dark lilac. Eggs take paint poorly.
- Place the boiled eggs on a plate. As you can see in the photo, the eggs turn out blue-lilac in color.

Advantages: natural way, completely harmless.

Flaws: weak and uneven coloring. If cracks appear during cooking, the protein is also painted in Blue colour, it doesn't turn out very appetizing. It is better to prepare a healthy chokeberry tincture from the berries.

Conclusion: You can dye eggs with chokeberry juice. True, blue-violet eggs with scary streaks are more suitable for Halloween than for Easter.

Despite not very good result painting eggs with chokeberry juice, I still did not lose heart and decided to experiment with blackberries. And, lo and behold, everything worked out!

Coloring eggs with blackberry juice:
- We freeze blackberries in the summer. On the eve of Easter we take out blackberries from freezer. Defrost.
- Crush the blackberries with a fork, then add water and cook for 15-20 minutes. For every 200 ml. I took one hundred grams of blackberries for water.
- Strain the broth and let it cool.
- Before painting, degrease the eggs. Boil eggs in blackberry juice.
- Ready eggs carefully remove. We make sure that there are no streaks left on the eggs, since blackberry juice continues to color the eggs even after cooking.
- To get stripes on the egg, pour a little juice into the egg cup, carefully place the egg itself and leave it for a few minutes. Then we reduce the liquid level and repeat the operation again.

Advantages: a natural way to color eggs, completely harmless.

Flaws: It is quite difficult to achieve a uniform coating.

Conclusion: Blackberries beautifully color eggs and allow you to create interesting effects.

How to dye eggs with beet juice

From personal experience Everyone knows that beets color meat, potatoes, and eggs in borscht. Therefore, it is quite logical to assume that beet juice is suitable for coloring eggs for Easter. Is it so? Judge for yourself.

Coloring eggs with beet juice:
- Take one large beet or several small ones. Choose dark root vegetables.
- Peel off the peel. Cut into plates or strips.
- Cook the beets in a small amount of water to get a rich beetroot broth.
- Strain the broth and let it cool.
- Wash raw eggs thoroughly; you can use dish soap.
- Boil the eggs in the beetroot broth for 10 minutes, then place the eggs on a plate.

Advantages: relatively cheap. You can color eggs in borscht)))

Flaws: the eggs turn out pale.

Conclusion: the result does not live up to expectations.

Is it possible to color eggs with cherry juice?

I had heard about this method of painting eggs for Easter for a long time; I wanted to try everything, but I didn’t have any fresh cherries. This year I specially froze cherries to conduct an experiment.

Coloring eggs with cherry juice:
- We take frozen cherries out of the freezer. Defrost. I took 12 cherries for each egg.
- Press the defrosted cherries with a fork and remove the pits.
- Take raw eggs, fill them with water, add cherry juice and pulp. Make sure that the liquid level is above the level of the eggs.
- We cook hard-boiled eggs. Despite the bright color of the compote, the colors of the eggs are very weak.
- Remove the finished eggs from the hot water and cool.

Advantages: natural ingredients.

Flaws: eggs are practically not colored.

Conclusion: the result is unstable and depends on the variety and ripeness of the cherries. It’s better to make cherry jam or a delicious compote from cherries, and color the eggs with onion skins.

  • According to church traditions, Easter eggs are painted only on “Maundy Thursday”, this is the last Thursday before the great holiday.
  • To prevent eggs from bursting during cooking, you need to do the following. Leave the eggs out of the refrigerator for an hour or more to allow them to firm up. room temperature. Add one tablespoon of salt to the water. Place the eggs in water at room temperature and then put on the fire.
  • To ensure that the paint applies evenly to the eggs, before painting, degrease the surface of the eggs with vodka or wash the eggs with soapy water. To make the eggs shine and the colors more intense, the next day after painting, rub the eggs with sunflower oil.
  • How to make a pattern on eggs

    There is an opinion that if you wrap eggs with thick knitting threads, braid, or simply attach a flower or parsley leaf, then wrap the egg in gauze and cook it in dye, you will get a beautiful painted egg.

    Honestly, not everything is as simple as it seems at first glance. The dye quickly saturates the threads and fabric, coloring the egg. Leaves and flowers also move away, letting the paint through. Perhaps the one hundred and twenty-fifth attempt will be successful, but usually there is no time before Easter for experiments. Therefore, to make a print on the egg, we use strong electrical tape that sticks well.

    How to make a print:
    - Degrease the surface of the eggs.
    - To obtain a pattern, place pieces of electrical tape on the egg. Carefully press the tape so that the edges stick properly.
    - Boil eggs in dye. Onion peels or coffee give good results.
    - Remove the hard-boiled eggs from the hot water and place on a plate.
    - When the eggs have cooled, remove the stickers.

    Meanings of symbols on Easter eggs

    Pine symbolizes health
    Oak leaf or oak tree symbolizes strength
    Any berries symbolize fertility
    Plum symbolizes love
    Hop cones symbolize fertility
    Flowers - a symbol of girlhood
    The mesh on the Easter egg is a symbol of fate
    Yellow mesh - symbol of the sun
    Dots – fertility. And the more dots, the more fertility

    When painting eggs, you can come up with your own drawings and patterns, and it is important to do this with joy and an open soul, because Easter eggs This is not just a tradition, it is a symbol that conveys our emotions, energy and wishes.

    Original Easter eggs

    Eggs can be painted by hand. When my son was still little, we painted eggs with honey watercolors. Yes, with this method the drawing does not last long and when wet it loses its outline, but how much joy does the child have)))
    You can also use school gouache to paint eggs, which has been tested for safety for children.

    Eggs can not only be painted, they can be wrapped in colored foil or make an applique using regular colored paper. Colored confetti is great for this.

    Bright multi-colored Easter eggs are both a festive table decoration and a ritual gift for Easter. After all, the egg has long been a symbol of renewed life.

    For the holiday Christ's Sunday Many housewives paint eggs. Some use chemical paints and special synthetic films, while others prefer natural dyes because they are much safer for health, and the colors and patterns also turn out very beautiful.

    • READ: How to dye eggs in onion skins

    Today will tell you a few simple ways how to color eggs with beets.

    Thanks to such a natural dye as beets, eggs acquire various shades of red - from delicate pink tones to rich burgundy. This depends on the amount of time that the eggs will be in the beet juice, as well as on the concentration of the solution itself.

    How to color eggs with beets - method No. 1

    To get a pink shell, place hard-boiled eggs in a bowl with freshly squeezed beet juice. If you leave the eggs in a bowl of juice in the refrigerator overnight, they will take on a richer burgundy color.

    How to color eggs with beets - method No. 2

    Peel 2-3 beets, grate on a coarse grater and add a small amount water. Add 1 teaspoon of vinegar and boil for 5-10 minutes. Place hard-boiled eggs into this broth. The longer they stay in the broth, the better they will color.

    How to color eggs with beets - method No. 3

    Peel the beets and grate them fine grater to make a paste. Rub this paste over hard-boiled eggs. The longer the eggs stay in the beets, the more intense and darker their color will be.

    How to color eggs with beets - method No. 4

    The most economical option for coloring eggs with beets is to boil them together with the beets. This way the eggs will color and the beets can be used to make a salad.

    How to color eggs with beets - small tricks

    You need to cook eggs at room temperature, not from the refrigerator, otherwise they may burst during cooking. You can add a tablespoon of salt to the water.

    To create patterns on colored eggs, you can wrap them with threads, ribbons, or roll them in cereal and wrap them in gauze before dyeing. You can also attach parsley leaves (or other small herbs) to the eggs and wrap them tightly with gauze.

    To painted eggs glistened when you take them out of the beetroot solution, dry them, grease the eggs with vegetable oil and wipe with a napkin made of natural fabric.

    If you use white eggs for coloring, the shade will turn out to be soft pink, and if you use dark eggs, the color will be enriched with darker and more saturated tones.

    Beautiful spring holiday Easter is very close. According to tradition, it is customary to festive table serve colored eggs, and any housewife wants the eggs not to be cracked and to look beautiful.

    I will not go into details, the history of the origin of the traditions - this was a long time ago and different sources interpret the appearance of this Easter attribute differently. One thing is clear - Easter eggs are always colored).

    This is a fun activity with lots of room for creativity. The biggest fans of painting are, of course, children.

    A lot of amazing ways You can find ways to paint eggs on the Internet and here: striped, marbled, speckled, even flowered. All this is interesting, fun, and beneficial. The main benefit is, of course, communication and positive emotions.

    Chemical food colorings They paint very brightly and quickly, but why do we need extra chemicals on the table? I am for natural and food dyes. You can remember the experience of mothers and grandmothers - no chemicals, only natural products. You can diversify their experience in relation to today's opportunities.

    1. Wash the eggs in soapy water, place them in a saucepan with cold water and cook (boil) for 7 minutes. You can add a little salt at the rate of 1 teaspoon per liter of water.

    2. Cool in cold water, and then wipe with vodka or alcohol so that it is colored evenly.

    3. Boil natural dyes, strain them through a sieve and then boil/place already boiled eggs in them.

    The only way is when the dye needs to be boiled a raw egg- This is onion peel. Other natural dyes use pre-boiled eggs.

    4. Add 1-2 tablespoons of vinegar to the prepared natural dye.

    5. Natural dyes are not very durable, so when the eggs are cooked, you don’t need to wipe them with a towel, just put them on a napkin and let them dry on their own.

    6. After painting, paints can be wiped with vegetable oil for shine.

    If you follow these rules, you will get wonderful Easter colors!

    Natural food colors for Easter eggs

    It’s good when the whole family with children can get together and spend a fun family evening coloring Easter eggs. This exciting process and there is no limit to creativity here. There are many coloring options available on the Internet and I want to try them all.

    So, what and what color can you paint eggs with?

    • IN Orange color colors: turmeric, orange or tangerine zest juice, carrots, paprika (boil 4 tablespoons of paprika for 30 minutes in a saucepan with a glass of water, then place boiled eggs in this broth).
    • Colors brown: coffee, black tea, birch leaves, onion peel.
    • Paints red: hibiscus, beets, red onion peels.
    • Colors blue: red cabbage, blueberries, elderberries, grape juice from dark varieties grapes
    • IN green color colors: spinach, parsley, nettle, chlorella.

    The color largely depends on the time of contact of the eggshell with the dye; the longer, the richer it will be.

    How to color eggs for Easter with beets?

    To color eggs red with beets, cut half the beets into cubes and boil them for 15 minutes.

    Strain the broth and add 2 tablespoons of vinegar to it.

    Dip the eggs into the hot beetroot solution for 2-3 hours, stirring occasionally to ensure even coloring.

    Decorate with red cabbage

    To dye eggs blue we need 300 grams. red cabbage and 1 liter of water.

    Finely chop the cabbage and cook it for 30 minutes, strain the cabbage solution and add 2 tablespoons of vinegar.

    Place the boiled eggs in the solution for 5-6 hours, remembering to stir occasionally.

    We get a dark blue egg. To get a blue color, just keep them in cabbage solution for 3 hours.

    Unfortunately, the color of red cabbage is not very durable; it scratches easily.

    How to dye Easter eggs with turmeric?

    Boil 20 grams in 0.5 liters of water. turmeric for 10-15 minutes, stirring. Turn off the fire. Dip the eggs into the resulting broth for 2 hours.

    The color ranges from yellow to orange.

    The classic way to paint eggs in onion skins

    The most famous and common way to color eggs is using onion peels. This is the only time when raw eggs are boiled in a saucepan along with the husks.

    For a more uniform color, you can boil the husks and remove them from the pan, and boil raw eggs in this broth.

    Take 2 pieces of onion peel per 1 liter of water, boil for 20 minutes, strain and boil eggs in this broth. We get a beautiful red or brown color.

    Compare the color of eggs dyed with turmeric and onion skins.

    The result is a uniform, rich color.

    Paint eggs with green paint

    For this we need.

    • Onion peel
    • Zelenka
    • Eggs at room temperature
    • Threads
    • Cellophane bag
    • Water in a saucer

    Below you can see detailed video how to paint with onion skins and brilliant green.

    How to make a design on eggs painted with onion skins?

    Do you want very beautiful colors without chemical dyes? And also made with your own hands with family or friends?) Double bonus for those who are not lazy!

    Then watch and read below:

    This beauty is very easy to make. For this we need:

    • white eggs
    • parsley leaves or dill
    • nylon tights
    • regular thread
    • onion peel
    • vegetable oil

    1. Pour the husk (2-3 zhmen) into a saucepan with water (about 1 liter)

    2. Wash the egg and place a parsley leaf on the wet surface. Press it tightly and level it out.

    3. We put a nylon net from tights or a sock on top of the egg with a leaf. Do this in any convenient way. For example, cut the tights into pieces of a size that will be convenient for wrapping the dye.

    Tie the edge of the nylon shred with thread.

    You can use smooth tights, or with a pattern, this is additional space for creativity.

    4. Place the prepared eggs in a saucepan with the husks, put on the fire and cook for 9-10 minutes.

    5. Cool the eggs on a plate, remove the mesh and leaves. If desired, you can wipe the surface of the shell with vegetable oil, then the color will be brighter and the surface will shine.

    Set the table and celebrate Holy holiday Resurrection of Christ!

    How to boil eggs so that they don't burst and peel well?

    Here are a few rules on how to properly boil eggs so that they do not crack. After all, it would be very disappointing if during the creative process eggshell will crack and ruin all your efforts.

    It is also important that the eggs are fresh enough, you need to be sure that there is complete order inside, and no unpleasant surprise awaits you.

    How to determine the freshness of eggs?

    If you put a raw egg in a bowl of water:

    • the fresh one will sink to the bottom
    • a week old will float vertically in the water
    • egg that is not fresh, older than three weeks will float to the surface

    It is best to boil eggs not the freshest, but those that were laid a couple of days ago. Very fresh eggs The shell often does not withstand and cracks during cooking. Yes, they are worse to clean.

    • Egg shells break due to temperature changes, so do not put them cold, straight from the refrigerator, into hot water. It is best to let the egg reach room temperature and then place it in a saucepan with cold water, only then light the fire.
    • Use a little salt when boiling them. Our grandmothers used this method. Salt the water before you start boiling the egg. You will need approximately 1 teaspoon of salt per liter of water.
    • When cooked for too long, the yolks of eggs become covered with a gray-green coating, and the whites become rubbery. In order to paint we need hard-boiled eggs, this takes about 7-8 minutes. Below in the picture there is a visual illustration of eggs boiled for different times.

    Happy Holidays!

    Before you start creating paints, make sure that all eggs have white shells. This way their color will be bright and uniform.


    The gradient effect is a smooth transition from a rich shade of color to a light one. This egg looks very original. So, dilute the paint in a small container or glass and then, using a ladle, lower the egg a little more than halfway for 3–4 minutes, while constantly raising and lowering it slightly. After the time has passed, lift the testicle halfway and leave for 5–6 minutes, lifting and lowering again. After this, keep only the lower part of the egg in the paint for 10 minutes. And now the gradient is ready!

    Lace patterns

    To get a delicate and beautiful pattern, wrap the eggs in a piece of lace fabric, secure the ends with a thread and dip them in a solution with paint for 10–15 minutes. Later right time take out the dyes and remove the fabric - the lace patterns will remain on the shell.

    With bright sprinkles

    Multi-colored food sprinkles in the form of small dragees are often used to decorate Easter cakes. But why not decorate Easter eggs with it. How? Just dip it in the egg white and then dip it in the saucer with the sprinkles. It turns out very beautiful and impressive!

    Splashes of gold

    This one is beautiful and original way for painting eggs is quite simple. Take an old toothbrush or paintbrush and dip it in golden food paint. Splash onto the colored egg by running your finger through the fibers. Incredible, don't you agree?

    Grandmother's method

    Many people remember how they used to color eggs by boiling them in. Apply a small flower or piece of dill, wrap it in cloth and place in the broth. Beautiful paints are ready!

    Mosaic effect

    The mosaic effect is one of the easiest ways to color Easter eggs in an original way. Beat the shell with a spoon, and then dip it into the solution with natural dye for a couple of hours. All is ready!

    And if you don’t know how to make dye at home, here are a few options that you can use to color eggs harmlessly.
