Recipe: Fried oyster mushrooms - with potatoes. Fried oyster mushrooms with potatoes

Properly cooked oyster mushrooms with potatoes turn out golden brown with a light crispy crust. However, you need to know the secret of frying, since oyster mushrooms are specific mushrooms that, due to a lack of heat treatment turn out to be watery, and if too strong, they become “rubbery”. Separate or alternate roasting solves this problem. The total time spent is 50-60 minutes.

To reduce the cooking time by almost half, mushrooms and potatoes should be fried at the same time. different pans, and then connect.

Ingredients for 2-3 servings:

  • potatoes – 0.5 kg;
  • oyster mushrooms – 250 grams;
  • onion– 1 piece (small);
  • vegetable oil– for frying;
  • salt, pepper, other spices - to taste;
  • greens - to taste (optional).

Recipe for oyster mushrooms with potatoes

1. Peel, wash, and cut potatoes into strips or slices 2-3 cm thick.

2. Rinse the mushrooms in running water, dry on a paper towel, then cut into 2-3 parts depending on size.

3. Heat a frying pan with vegetable oil (2-3 tablespoons). Add the oyster mushrooms, cover with a lid and leave for 3-4 minutes over medium heat until the mushrooms begin to float in their own liquid.

4. Remove the lid, wait until all the liquid has evaporated, add a little vegetable oil to a dry frying pan, fry the oyster mushrooms over high heat until golden brown, stirring occasionally.

Correct degree of roasting

5. Remove the mushrooms from the frying pan, and in a separate bowl add salt and pepper to taste.

6. Place potatoes on hot frying pan. Fry until golden crust, if necessary, add more vegetable oil.

7. When the potatoes are almost ready, add finely chopped onion, salt and pepper. Stir and cook over high heat until the onion becomes translucent.

8. Add oyster mushrooms to the potatoes, stir. Fry for 4-5 minutes over high heat, trying to stir as little as possible (only when a crust appears on the bottom) so that the potato pieces and mushrooms retain their shape and are not too soft.

9. Ready fried potatoes Serve hot with oyster mushrooms; to decorate the dish, you can sprinkle with chopped herbs.

Oyster mushroom dishes. Today I had potatoes fried with... Yummy! I recommend everyone to try it!

Oyster mushrooms can be cut as you wish, into strips or arbitrary pieces.

Pour a tablespoon of vegetable oil into the frying pan, lay out the oyster mushrooms and turn on the stove. Very soon the oyster mushrooms will begin to release a large amount of liquid, stirring occasionally and waiting for it to evaporate. As soon as this happens, fry the oyster mushrooms in an almost dry frying pan for another minute or two, add salt, mix and set aside.

While the oyster mushrooms are fried, you can start frying the potatoes. Slice beautiful straw and be sure (!) the potatoes need to be dried. What is it for? I answer. When you heat the oil and add the dry potatoes, they will fry evenly and beautifully, while the potato straws will remain dense and will not fall apart into mush. But if you cut and fry wet, this is exactly what will happen, gradually the straw will begin to lose shape and become soft. And, by the way, you don’t need to salt fried potatoes right away, but at the very end of cooking, since salt will also “help” the potatoes quickly turn into porridge. So, potato straws I put it in a deep cup and used a disposable cloth to blot off the excess liquid. The potatoes turned out almost dry.

Now you can put the potatoes in heated oil and fry over high heat. Turn the potatoes over from time to time.

Towards the end of cooking, add chopped onions and fry for a couple of minutes. And only after that we salt the dish.

Then lay out the previously fried ones. Mix.

Potatoes fried with oyster mushrooms are ready.

Today I want to offer you a simple and very tasty dish - in a frying pan, which is perfect for lunch or dinner. Many housewives are skeptical about these mushrooms and prefer champignons to them. Me too for a long time I avoided them in supermarkets, and all because I didn’t know how to cook them so tasty. or as they are also called oyster mushroom or steppe White mushroom just like champignons, they do not require pre-boiling like wild mushrooms.

They can be used immediately in cooking large quantity dishes. Oyster mushrooms make excellent pies, pies, soups, cabbage soup, and casseroles. These mushrooms are incredibly tasty not only fried or boiled, but also pickled. The taste of oyster mushrooms can be compared to young honey mushrooms, and this is not surprising, because both types of mushrooms grow the same in the wild - on stumps and trees and are classified as agaric mushrooms.

From all the variety of recipes fried oyster mushrooms with potatoes and onions in a frying pan I cooked for the first time. This is very, very tasty, you can safely try this recipe. At the end of cooking this dish, you can add 1-2 tablespoons of sour cream. You can also diversify the taste with the help of garlic and spices. Oyster mushrooms with potatoes in sour cream will turn out more satisfying and with a creamy taste.

You can also make fried potatoes with frozen oyster mushrooms. Mushrooms for freezing should be washed. Let the water drain, then separate them and cut into small slices. Place the mushrooms in a container. Put in freezer. Frozen oyster mushrooms can be used after first defrosting.

Now let's move on to the recipe and see how to prepare fried oyster mushrooms with potatoes step by step with photos.


  • Oyster mushrooms – 400 gr.,
  • Potatoes – 6-7 pcs.,
  • Onions – 2 pcs.,
  • Sunflower oil for frying,
  • Salt and spices - to taste,
  • Bay leaf – 1-2 pcs.

Fried oyster mushrooms with potatoes – recipe

Wash and peel the potatoes. Fill it with water. Rinse the oyster mushrooms cold water.

Cut into pieces. Do not chop the mushrooms too finely, as they will become even smaller during frying. The most convenient way to cut mushrooms is as follows. Divide the oyster mushroom cluster into individual mushrooms. Then cut each mushroom individually.

Cut the peeled onion into cubes or thin half rings or quarter rings as in my case.

Drain the potatoes. Cut the potatoes into half-slices or thin slices, depending on what shape of fried potatoes you prefer.

I usually fry potatoes in halves, so this time I also decided to fry them with oyster mushrooms. So all the ingredients for this delicious dish The potatoes, onions and mushrooms are ready and you can start frying the potatoes. Pour into the frying pan sunflower oil. Once the oil is hot, add the chopped potatoes to the pan. After 1-2 minutes, stir the potatoes. Fry it over low heat for 5 minutes.

Place oyster mushrooms and onions in the pan.


Sprinkle salt and spices on top of the potatoes and mushrooms. Add 1-2 bay leaves for scent.

Stir the potatoes and oyster mushrooms again. Over low heat, stirring occasionally, fry the oyster mushrooms with potatoes and onions until tender. The readiness of the dish is determined by the softness of the potatoes - fried potatoes It should be soft and crispy.

Oyster mushrooms fried with potatoes in a frying pan divide among plates. Sprinkle with fresh herbs. Serve fried potatoes with mushrooms on the table before they have time to cool; in addition, not only vegetable salads with mayonnaise and vegetable oil, but also salads with meat and fish. Bon appetit. I will be glad if you like this recipe with potatoes in a frying pan and find it useful.

Fried oyster mushrooms with potatoes. Photo

– this is our everything! Well, all my loved ones love this dish. And despite the fact that we understand that eating fried foods is, in principle, harmful, and fried potatoes are doubly so, not often, but we allow ourselves such joy. We especially like the option with mushrooms - oyster mushrooms with potatoes fried in vegetable oil with the addition of butter.

In general, you can take champignons and chanterelles - here is the recipe, and any other fresh or frozen mushrooms. Depending on which ones are added to fried potatoes, their taste changes significantly. But try to fry it with oyster mushrooms and you will understand that this dish has the right to take its rightful place on your table.

Recipe Information

Cuisine: Russian.

Cooking method: frying.

Total cooking time: 35 min.

Number of servings: 2 .


  • potatoes – 450 g
  • onions – 1 pc.
  • oyster mushrooms – 115 g
  • vegetable oil – 2 tbsp.
  • butter– 60 g
  • parsley and dill (fresh or frozen)
  • salt - to taste.

How to cook:

  1. To make the potatoes tasty, you need to cut them very thin. The thickness of the blocks should not exceed 5 mm.
  2. First heat the vegetable oil in a deep frying pan. Do not add the potatoes right away, wait until the oil is well heated.

  3. Now send in the chopped tubers, but don’t mix right away - let the bottom layer set into a crust, after a minute you can stir.

  4. The potatoes were still just lightly browned on top. Place butter in a frying pan. It is in butter or ghee that fried potatoes turn out incredibly tasty. Reduce heat under the pan and fry the potatoes until half cooked, stirring occasionally, about 5 minutes.

  5. While the potatoes are cooking, cut the oyster mushrooms into wedges and the onion into small cubes.

  6. Almost ready-made potatoes move to one side of the pan and place the oyster mushrooms on the other side.

  7. Fry the mushrooms for 3 minutes, then mix with the potatoes and keep on medium heat for another minute.

  8. Move the “roast” to the side again and add the onion.

  9. Brown the onion, then mix with the remaining ingredients and add fresh or frozen dill and parsley.
  10. And only now can you add salt to everything. After a minute, the salt will dissolve and be absorbed. Everyone please come to the table!

This dish can be

For mushroom lovers I want to offer a very simple recipe. Everyone knows and many people love such a dish as fried potatoes with forest mushrooms. But sometimes it happens that wild mushrooms are nowhere to be found, and you don’t want to deny yourself such a pleasure.
In return, I can suggest cooking at least delicious mushrooms oyster mushrooms with potatoes in a frying pan.

These mushrooms are not only very healthy, but they also cook incredibly quickly. They don't require pre-treatment, they do not need to be cleaned. Simply rinse them under running water.
Let's get started.

We cut the oyster mushrooms as follows. We divide the bunch into individual mushrooms, and then cut them into strips.

Cut the onion into half rings, as in the photo. It is better if the rings are not very thick, so the dish will turn out tastier.

Now cut the potatoes. To make the dish neat and beautiful, cut into strips of medium thickness. It should be similar to how you cut French fries.
If time allows, you can pre-soak the potatoes in cold water before adding them to the pan. This way starch will come out of it, and the potatoes will have a tasty crust.

Having prepared all the ingredients, let's start frying the onions first. This will only take us 3-5 minutes.

Then add the oyster mushrooms to the pan with the onions. Lightly fry them too. Oyster mushrooms up to full readiness it takes no more than 20 minutes. Therefore, we will keep them in the frying pan until they begin to release juice. And then we'll add potatoes.

All ingredients of the dish must be mixed well and fried until the potatoes are almost ready.

Now add salt, pepper, and other favorite seasonings, it’s at your discretion. Cover with a lid and let our dish simmer for a while. No longer than 5-10 minutes.
Well, fried oyster mushrooms with potatoes are ready. Before serving, you can sprinkle them with a little cheese. Bon appetit.

Cooking time: PT00H30M 30 min.

Approximate cost per serving: 30 rub.
