Pickling cabbage in jars, simple recipes. Recipe for pickling cabbage in an enamel bucket. main rules for beginners

How to salt cabbage for the winter in 3 steps liter jars to make it crispy and where to store it? Advice from experienced housewives.

* Chop the cabbage and grate the carrots. Place tightly in a jar. For a liter of boiled chilled water, add 1 tablespoon of sugar and 2 tablespoons of salt. Pour the prepared brine over the cabbage. Leave for 3-4 days at room temperature. Then close the lid and put it in the refrigerator. It turns out crispy and can be stored in the refrigerator or on the balcony for a long time. But, as a rule, it is eaten very quickly. From such cabbage you can boil cabbage soup and make solyanka. Just don’t forget to place a plate under the jar while the cabbage is standing at room temperature, otherwise the brine will rise.

* The crunch depends on the type of cabbage; you need white cabbage (white in color). Chop some grated carrots, salt (a handful, one and a half) into a large bowl, mix gently with your hands, slightly pressing, when it becomes wet, transfer to an enamel bucket, pressing each layer firmly, under a load and for 3 days in a warm place, pierce every day wooden stick. Then transfer to 3 liter containers (5 are possible) glass jars and in the cold so that they freeze, but you can also put it in the refrigerator, but there is a risk that the brine will leak (if the refrigerator is not cold enough.)

* I cut cabbage and carrots, fill them into a three-liter (or any other) jar, pour hot brine at the rate of 2 tablespoons of salt per liter of water, 1.5 tablespoons of sugar. Place cabbage leaves at the bottom of the jar. When I lay the cabbage, I gradually pour in the brine, so it compacts more tightly. The cabbage should be mounded. We pour in enough brine so that it begins (when the jar of cabbage is full) to flow out of it, and when the cabbage is already laid, add a little to the very edges. We take into account that when the cabbage is fermented, the brine will pour out of the jar, so it is advisable to put the jar in some kind of container so that it all does not end up on the floor or on the table)))))))) I cover it with a sheet. After a day I pierce it, after 12 hours I pierce it again. Then I try it, if it tastes a little bitter, I leave it for another 6-8 hours. then into the refrigerator. All cabbage is always juicy and crispy. If desired, you can add cranberries, lingonberries, apples, and whatever you like. Leave a little brine, it happens that during fermentation all the brine “goes away”, then you can simply add it. This will not make the cabbage salty, but it will definitely be juicy). And most importantly, it’s convenient, you can make the next jar when the previous one is eaten, it won’t take up much space.

* 1. Cabbage should be pickling varieties. Large.

2. Salt - coarse table salt, not iodized. I won’t tell you the amount of salt, because I add salt by eye. But you should feel the salt in the cabbage.

3. When you chop the cabbage, add grated carrots and salt, mix it well and put it in a bowl, do not grind it too much.

4 Several times a day, pierce it to the bottom in several places so that the bitterness comes out. At the end of pickling, the cabbage can be completely shaken up, and then put back into the container.

5. The oppression falls only when the cabbage is ready.

6. You can’t add sugar right away; the cabbage can become snotty. Kvasha without sugar.

7. If the cabbage does not release juice after a day, add salted boiled water.

8. You can’t take it out into the cold right away. Under normal apartment conditions, cabbage ferments for 4 - 5 days, depending on the room temperature.

9. You can add it to cabbage sour apples, cranberries.

10. I don’t believe in omens, but I love sauerkraut men's days: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday.

11. That's it. Good luck! Cabbage salted in this way has never let me down. I salt and store the cabbage in enamel pan on the balcony. In winter I wrap it up and sometimes bring it into the apartment if it’s very frosty. I ate it - I make a new portion. I buy cabbage.

* I recently tried this miracle at a party. It's simple. Chop the cabbage and carrots as usual, mash them a little, add 1 tablespoon of sugar and 2 tablespoons of salt, put them tightly in the jars to release the juice. And then... pour a shot of vodka or moonshine on top. Store in the refrigerator. I was treated to it last year, I thought it was done recently. I will only salt according to this recipe!

* Products for crispy cabbage:10 kg white cabbage, 500 g carrots, 70 g salt per bucket of chopped cabbage, 5 bay leaves.

To prepare crispy cabbage, late-ripening cabbage varieties are used. Peel the cabbage heads and chop them. Grate the carrots for the cabbage on a coarse grater. Line the bottom of the barrel with green cabbage leaves. Pour a bucket of shredded cabbage into the barrel, add carrots, add salt and Bay leaf. Mix everything thoroughly in the barrel, then add the next bucket of cabbage. When the barrel is full, pour chilled cabbage without tamping boiled water. Pour water over the sides of the barrel so as not to wash away the salt. Take 600 ml of water per 1 bucket of chopped cabbage. Cover the barrel filled with water with cabbage leaves, and cover the top with white cotton cloth. Leave the barrel at room temperature for 1 day. The next day, cover the cabbage in the barrel with a wooden circle, place a weight on the circle, press it lightly so that the brine appears on the surface of the circle. Leave the cabbage at room temperature for 8 to 12 days until fermentation is complete. After this time, place the cabbage in jars, seal with lids and place in the cellar or refrigerate.

Salted cabbage is used both independently and for preparing a variety of culinary masterpieces. It is also very rich in amino acids and vitamins, in particular C. Every housewife knows how to pickle cabbage, and each has her own secrets.

How to pickle cabbage in a jar

To pickle a lot of cabbage in a 3-liter jar, we need 3 kg of cabbage, 1 kg of carrots, and a glass of salt. Before salting, wash the cabbage and carrots thoroughly. It is better to use late vegetables, then they will come out crispy and appetizing. Shred the cabbage lengthwise (thinner), and grate the carrots on a large grater. Mix the ingredients and rub with your hands until the juice comes out. Then we put the cabbage in jars, pressing down each layer forcefully. You need to fill the jar up to your shoulders. To make the cabbage juicy, cover the chopped cabbage with a whole leaf. We place the jar on a plate, because during the fermentation process juice will flow, which can overflow the edges of the neck. We put the jar in a dark and cool place, and we will check it daily. Are there any bubbles? We pierce the cabbage to the bottom with a stick, releasing the air. The fermentation process will speed up. When the rapid gas formation stops and the cabbage wilts a little on top, put it in the cold for storage, covering it with a lid.

How to pickle whole cabbage heads

You will need heads of dense cabbage without external green leaves. It is better to salt in a wooden barrel or enamel tank. We line the bottom with green cabbage leaves, then lay out the halves of cabbage heads. Cover the top with leaves again. Prepare the brine at the rate of 320 g of salt per 8 liters raw water. Pour the cabbage over it and cover with a lid. Along with cabbage, it would be nice to add chopped carrots or beets, eggplants, zucchini and peppers. It is worth piercing the cabbage periodically (as in the previous recipe - to quickly release accumulated air bubbles).

How to pickle cabbage after blanching

Blanch 5 kg of medium-sized whole heads of cabbage for 3-4 minutes in salted boiling water. Cool the cabbage and place it in a barrel, layering it with cabbage leaves and sprinkling it with salt. For 5 kg of heads of cabbage you need to take about 300 g of salt. Place oppression on top of the tightly packed heads of cabbage.

How to pickle cabbage in brine

Cabbage salted this way turns out very juicy and crispy, and it can also be stored for quite a long time. Ingredients for brine: raw water (5 liters), salt (a glass without a slide), sugar (the same amount), vinegar essence- 5 tbsp. First, chop the cabbage and grate the carrots. Mix the vegetables well in a basin, and then compact them tightly into jars. But we won’t crush it, it’s not necessary. Separately, dissolve salt and sugar in a large saucepan and add vinegar. We will fill it with cold brine. Five liters of brine is enough for about 4 jars and half a bag of cabbage. Leave the filled jars indoors overnight. In the morning, pierce it with a stick to remove air bubbles. Cover the jars with nylon lids and move them to a cool place (on the balcony, on the veranda, in the cellar).

Use in cooking

Of course, salted cabbage, drizzled with aromatic homemade butter and sprinkled with onions, is wonderful salad. You can also stew it and stuff it into pies. The world-famous dish of Polish cuisine - bigos - also cannot be prepared without salted cabbage. It is good in Irish stew, Ukrainian borscht, and Russian cabbage soup.

Was not available to our ancestors quick salting cabbage Once upon a time, salt was valued more than gold and was not a frequent guest on every table. Preserving food without preservatives was not easy. Previously existing methods required long-term holding of blanks under strictly specified conditions.

Our capabilities allow us to add various herbs and spices to food, with which the food becomes richer in taste, can be preserved faster and is stored better. The salt that we generously add to the preparations prevents the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms and inhibits fermentation processes. Salted cabbage no longer needs to be kept at room temperature for weeks, waiting for it to become suitable for long-term storage. Various recipes will allow you to bring the product to the desired quality in just a few days or even hours.

Salt or ferment - what's the difference?

Actually there is no difference, the terms refer to the same process. Salting refers to a preservation method in which lactic acid plays a major role.

This component is released during the natural fermentation of fruits and vegetables, gives the dish a specific taste and is a guarantor of product safety. Only the processing of various types of agricultural crops is described in different terms. So, for example, apples are “soaked,” cucumbers are “salted,” and cabbage is “fermented.”

Despite the differences in names, the essence does not change. Everywhere the preservative is lactic acid and partly salt, which controls the fermentation process, protects the product from souring, speeds up salting, allowing you to reduce cooking time.

In those days when salt was an expensive pleasure, pickling in the villages was used pure form. The cabbage was chopped, placed under pressure and fermented in own juice.

To prevent the product from spoiling, it had to be compacted tightly. At the slightest ingress of oxygen, lactic fermentation could stop, and the cabbage would simply rot. Long aging guaranteed reliable preservation and storage for a long time.

The finished cabbage was placed in a cold room. At low temperatures lactic acid bacteria decreased activity. However, the fermentation process did not stop, and the product became more sour over time.

Salt, which is actively added to modern recipes, not only additionally preserves the product, but also inhibits the growth of lactic acid bacteria. Therefore, cabbage fermented with salt can be stored much longer.

Basics of pickling cabbage

For conservation to be successful, four important conditions must be met:

  • choose a vegetable of the appropriate variety;
  • protect the product from damage;
  • create an environment suitable for the development of lactic acid bacteria;
  • bring all work surfaces into perfect condition.

How does salting happen? Lactic acid bacteria that are present on the leaves of the vegetable ferment the sugars contained in the cabbage. Accordingly, the more in a vegetable simple carbohydrates, the more active conservation is. That is why you need to choose varieties with optimal chemical composition. Otherwise, you will have to add additional sugar.

To prevent harmful microorganisms from developing along with lactic acid bacteria, try to remove as much air as possible from the product.

To do this, the cabbage should be well compacted. It is better to lay out the product in small layers and crush each of them thoroughly.

It is advisable to put pressure on top, then the cabbage will drown a little in its own juice. You can use a well-washed stone or a container of water as oppression. Some kind of press is placed on top of the workpiece. You can use a flat plate or a wooden disk you made yourself. And a weighting agent is placed directly on the press.

For development lactic acid bacteria you need a temperature from 15 to 22˚C. Therefore, after all preparations, the cabbage should be left at room temperature. Next, when the product has gained enough acid, the activity of the bacteria must be reduced by removing the workpiece in a cool place. In villages, it is usually placed in a cellar, where the temperature is kept between 8-12˚C. And already finished product should be stored in the refrigerator at 0-2˚C.

And, of course, don’t forget about cleanliness while cooking. We thoroughly wash all utensils, dishes, and sterilize jars. Clean the vegetables thoroughly. Cut off the damaged parts. In general, we prevent dirt from getting into the product.

The best varieties of cabbage for pickling and pickling

For pickling and pickling in the best possible way Suitable are mid-early and mid-late varieties and hybrids of cabbage, in which the ripening period from the emergence of seedlings to the full formation of a head of cabbage is 115-160 days.

The most popular of them:

  • "Glory";
  • "Present";
  • "Midor";
  • "Merchant's Wife";
  • "Dobrovodskaya";
  • "Krautman."

Cabbage of these varieties forms a large head of cabbage with a small stalk. The weight of one vegetable can reach 3 kg. The inner leaves are white or greenish, very densely packed, strong, juicy, sweet, contain a large number of carbohydrates.

Cabbage of these varieties lies well even without salting. And the fermented preparation, made according to all the rules, turns out tasty and crispy, and can be stored until the next season.

Preparation: place, tools, raw materials

Sauerkraut is not a labor-intensive process. The main part of the work fits into just three stages. Before storing, vegetables must be peeled, cut and salted.

We wash the cabbage. We remove damaged leaves and cut off all defects. Cut out the stalk. Leave a clean white head. We do the same with other ingredients. If we add carrots, we also clean them and remove all spoiled areas.

It's time to prepare cabbage for the winter. This is a rather messy matter, but it is necessary. After all, this one will be easy to use in any dish: first, second or salads. But not only that. Since this great snack How on dining table, and at the holidays. The thing is that as soon as you add oil and onions to salted cabbage, you will get a salad rich in vitamins.

Yes, it is a large amount of vitamins that we need so much in cold weather. And there are a lot of them in it. For those who don’t know, I’ll tell you which ones exactly. These are vitamins A, B, C, P, K and more. It also contains calcium, fluorine, potassium and sulfur. And I’m generally silent about the fact that it consists of fiber, which is so necessary for our intestines.

In previous articles, attention was already paid to cabbage and also how to cook it. But I would like to dwell on this in more detail. After all, there are so many recipes and they all differ from each other. Although the preparation method is almost identical, the compositions differ. The whole point is that someone likes to add some spices. And there are those who can’t stand them. What type of person are you?

If you don't know the answer to this question, make a jar of each recipe and label them somehow. When you taste it in winter, you will definitely answer this question. And you’ve probably already decided on the method of preparing cabbage. Now let's get started!

It's quite classic way white cabbage preparations. Since it contains the most minimum set products. And as far as I know, many people used to do this not only at home. but also in different canteens. Therefore, this is a long-tested recipe not only by me, but also by most housewives.


  • White cabbage - 1 fork (medium size);
  • Carrots – 2 pcs.;
  • Salt – 4 tsp.


1. Remove the top two to three leaves from the head of cabbage. We won't need them as they are usually quite dirty and scratched. The fork itself can be rinsed under running water and dried with a paper or kitchen towel.

Next, cut it into 2 – 4 parts. This is so that it is convenient for us to chop it. This can be done using a special shredder. If you don’t have one, then use your most common and favorite knife. Try to keep the straw as thin as possible. We put the finished product in a large container, but I will do everything on the countertop.

The stalk cannot be used, since it is in it that all harmful substances are collected.

2. Wash and peel the carrots. Three it on a coarse grater immediately into the white cabbage.

At this point you can adjust the amount of carrots. Some people like it a lot, while others prefer less.

3. Now mix thoroughly and knead a little with your hands. Then add salt and continue the process. Only now you need to crush it harder to release the juice.

4. Place in a jar. You always need to press it down with your hands or a spoon. It should lie quite tightly in the container. We fill the whole bottle in this way. Place a glass of water on top. Such a load will put pressure on the cabbage and it will be in juice all the time. If the container is not full, then make cabbage leaves cover. And put pressure on him. Leave it at room temperature for 2 – 3 days.

If you don’t have all the cabbage included, and there isn’t enough for the second jar, then in the future this remainder will need to be added to the jar. After all, our mass will settle.

5. Close the container with regular nylon cover and put it away for storage in a cool place.

This will be stored all winter until summer.

Salting cabbage in a quick way in brine:

This method is quite simple. Moreover, he is very popular. After all, you don’t need to make a huge effort to get the vegetables to release enough juice. Here we will simply prepare the brine with which we will pour all our delicious food. Or let’s do it even simpler, but how? I'll tell you now.


  • White cabbage – 2.5 kg;
  • Carrots – 1 pc.;
  • Salt – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Sugar – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Water – about 1.5 liters.


1. Remove the top leaves from the head of cabbage. We cut it into several parts, so it will be easier for us to hold it in our hands. Next, chop it into thin strips directly into a large bowl using a shredder.

2. Peel the carrots and grate them on a coarse grater. Add to cabbage. Mix well, but do not knead.

3. Place directly into the jar up to the neck, pressing lightly with your hand.

4. Sprinkle salt and sugar on top of the cabbage. We pour water there. It will not pour well, so we help it with a wooden skewer. We pierce it all the way to the bottom. This way we can fill in as much liquid as possible. It should cover the cabbage completely.

5. Cover the top with a lid or gauze and place the jar in a deep bowl. Leave it like this for 2 – 3 days at room temperature. Periodically it is necessary to pierce the mass with a stick so that all the accumulated gas comes out. This is what makes cabbage bitter.

If there is no brine on top, then you need to add the leaked liquid back to the jar. Thus, there should always be brine on the surface.

6. Then close the jar with a nylon lid and put it in the cold for storage.

Using this method, you can add any favorite spices: dill, coriander, bay leaf, etc.

Is it possible to pickle early cabbage for the winter:

Most summer residents try to plant in their garden different varieties. Some are early, but there are also mid-ripening or late. All in order to start eating vegetables that you have already grown with your own hands as early as possible. After all, until this moment you have to buy in stores or on the market.

That’s when the cabbage arrived. Yes, not just one head of cabbage, but many at once. What to do with them? Most people wonder: is early cabbage suitable for pickling? The answer to this question is simple: yes, absolutely! Why not?

The thing is that this type of cabbage is more tender and not so dense than the coarse winter varieties. And our early one does not need to be crushed with such effort. You may not hear that crunch, but it won’t be a mess either. So feel free to choose any recipe you like and go ahead!

Make a few sample jars and you will immediately understand that it is the same as any other varieties. Maybe even better. After all, it also stores everything healthy vitamins and minerals that are so necessary for our body. But still, I recommend that you eat this yummy first, and only then start preparing preparations from later varieties.

How to salt early cabbage so that it is crispy:

Don’t know what method to use for such a young vegetable? Then I will be happy to share my option with you. It's simple, but the result is so delicious that you just can't resist it. I have never had a jar sit for a long time. Everything is eaten so quickly that the crunch alone is enough to fill the whole house!


  • Early cabbage – 3 kg;
  • Beets – 2 pcs.;
  • Salt – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Sugar – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Water – 1.5 l.


1. Prepare the head of cabbage. To do this, remove the top leaves. We cut it into 4 parts for our convenience. Using a simple knife, chop the cabbage into thin strips. If you have a special shredder, use it.

2. Peel the beets and grate them on a coarse grater, or on a special grater for Korean carrots.

3. Mix our vegetables, while trying not to crush them too much, because our cabbage is young and quite juicy.

4. Transfer the mass to a jar and press down a little.

5. Dissolve salt and sugar in water at room temperature. Pour the brine into the contents of the jar. To get more liquid in, pierce the cabbage with a wooden skewer.

6. Cover the neck of the container with gauze and place in a deep bowl. Leave to salt for 3 days. If there is not enough brine, then add the liquid that has leaked into the bowl. Then we close it with a nylon lid and put it in the cold for storage.

How to pickle cauliflower in jars: a simple and very tasty recipe

For some reason, we are accustomed to the fact that only white cabbage is salted for the winter. What about the colored one? Can it really only be eaten frozen in summer or winter? Not at all! They also salt it, but they try to do it in an unusual way. So that it differs in taste.


  • Cauliflower – 1 kg;
  • Carrots – 500 gr.;
  • Bay leaf – 6 pcs.;
  • Dill umbrella – 6 pcs.;
  • Hot pepper - to taste;
  • Salt – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Sugar – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Water – 1.5 l.


1. First, let's prepare the brine. We will need the most common one cold water, not even boiled. Pour it into any container. Add salt and sugar there. Mix well and set aside for a while. We need everything bulk products dissolved in it. Therefore, stir periodically.

Try to use bottled or well water. But not from the tap - chlorinated. Otherwise, there is a chance that our workpiece will deteriorate.

2. Now let's do the vegetables. They need to be washed under running water and cleaned. We separate the cabbage into inflorescences. They should be small so that more can fit into the jar. Cut the carrots into slices about 1 cm thick, or you can also cut them in half.

3. Now let’s fill our clean jars. There is no need to sterilize them, just wash them with any detergent.

So, it’s best to alternate layers: cabbage, carrots. And in the middle of the jar place dill, bay leaf, and, if desired, hot pepper. Pack everything tightly so that the container is not half empty.

4. Now fill the contents with brine right up to the neck. Close with regular nylon lids and leave at room temperature for 2 – 3 days. Afterwards you can put it in the refrigerator or any cool place.

This cabbage can be eaten after 2 – 3 weeks. But it keeps well all winter.

On what days according to the lunar calendar is it better to salt cabbage?

There are varieties that ripen as early as September. By the end of October, winter varieties of cabbage are already completely ready, as they were caught by the first frosts. She has already collected enough sugar to be fermented. And our grandmothers and great-grandmothers knew very well when it was better to salt cabbage so that it was tasty and crispy. Therefore, they prepared it only for the waxing moon and on certain days.

The most suitable days are considered women's. This is Wednesday, Friday and Saturday.

Everyone has long known that the Moon influences almost everything that happens on earth. Therefore, microorganisms involved in the fermentation process of cabbage are very active during the full moon. It's not bad! but those microbes that harm cabbage are also active. the same goes for the new moon. Only here it’s the other way around. That is, all the bacteria are not so active, which means the cabbage will take much longer to cook than usual. Therefore, in order for the results to be pleasing, you should not add salt during the new moon or full moon.

In general, they believe that the 5th - 6th day of the waxing Moon is the most suitable.

According to lunar calendar in September, the new moon begins from the 10th to the 24th. But the most favorable: 14, 15 , 19, 21, 22.

In October falls 10 - 23. Favorable: 10, 12, 13, 17, 19, 20.

In November from 8 to 22. The best: 9, 10, 14, 16, 17, 21.

And for those who pickle in December: 8–21. Choose: 8, 12 , 14, 15, 19, 21.

I hope you find our calendar and more useful. All recipes are quite simple and at the same time quick. You can use them to cook cabbage all year round. And I say goodbye to you for today, see you later!
