What kind of cheese is needed for homemade sushi? Cream cheese for rolls and sushi

Hello, dear readers of my culinary blog! Today I want to tell you a recipe for Philadelphia cheese for rolls at home, the photos will tell you step by step and show the whole cooking process.

Used for cooking simple and available products, which you will probably find in your refrigerator. Cheese, preserves more useful substances and carries great benefit for the body.

Required Products:

1. Milk – 1 l

2. Kefir – 0.5 l

3. Egg – 1 pc.

4. Citric acid – ¼ teaspoon

5. Salt – ½ teaspoon

Step-by-step instruction:

1. We will make cheese, of course, from milk. I'll take it enamel pan and pour milk into it. I have a special saucepan for milk that does not burn.

I would like to advise you that in convenience stores you will find small lids specially made for boiling milk. They are also suitable for cooking milk porridges. Such a simple device will save you from “escaping” liquid and the need to wash the stove.

As soon as I see the milk boiling, I turn off the heat. While actively stirring the milk, pour kefir into it in a thin stream. I watch how the whey separates from the milk, without ceasing to stir. The mixture of kefir and milk must now be strained.

2. Place a large diameter strainer on top of the bowl and cover it with two layers of gauze. I pour out the kefir-milk mixture and wait for the liquid to drain. Then I wrap the edges of the gauze and leave it to drain for another 15 minutes directly into the sieve or hang the gauze over the sink.

3. For rolls, softer cheese is usually used; for other dishes, you can leave it to drip longer. This will change the consistency.

4. While the liquid is being expressed, break an egg into a small bowl. I add salt and citric acid. I beat everything with a blender. If you don’t have one, you can use a regular whisk and actively work with your hand.

5. Add the curd mass without whey to egg mixture and stir first with a fork.

6. Then I blend again with a blender until a creamy mass is obtained, which is perfect for breakfast sandwiches or sushi. Enjoy your meal!

7. Manufacturing will not take you much time, but you get a high-quality, healthy product enriched with calcium. Most importantly, it is very tasty and satisfying.

You can vary the amount of salt and citric acid at your own discretion based on your preferences. You can make baked goods from homemade cottage cheese or add it to a salad.

Benefits of cottage cheese:

Buying homemade cottage cheese in stores is extremely dangerous. The seller must have a sanitary-epidemiological certificate. It is recommended to consume about 150 grams of cottage cheese per day to get required quantities squirrel.

It also contains calcium. To make it better absorbed, it is better to take it in combination with vitamin D and C. Store the curd home production it cannot last longer than 3 days, so it is better to do it in small quantities.

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Traditional Japanese sushi for a long time did you do without cheese? A Japanese American “improved” rice rolls by adding cheese to the famous “Philadelphia”. Delicate taste with spicy notes appreciated by admirers Japanese cuisine, And cheese for rolls pretty soon it appeared in other sushi recipes. If you want to make something similar at home, find out what kind of cheese you should buy.

Cream cheeses are a classic choice for rolls

If you have ever tasted sushi rolls with cheese, then their taste will be associated with Japanese menu. Home sushi lovers are interested in what kind of cheese is needed for sushi so as not to spoil National dish Japan. One that will allow the roll to melt in your mouth like an ice cream and “reveal” the flavor bouquet of the main seafood filling.

Sushi chefs are definitely against it hard cheeses from the supermarket. In a roll, such a piece will turn into a log, and all these “Russian”, “Poshekhonsky” or “Kostroma” ones are stuffed with salt, which will definitely come to the fore in the taste of the roll.

What do they think? professional chefs, perfect option for rolls - cream cheese soft varieties:

  • According to technology, such cheeses do not need to ripen for a long time;
  • sweet milky notes are felt in their taste;
  • neutral creamy white color perfectly contrasts or acts as a background for other components of the roll filling;
  • For variety, garlic and herbs can be added to cream cheeses.

For those who don't know what is the best cheese for rolls?, culinary review cheese products for sushi rolls.

Unrivaled Philadelphia

The product comes from the USA. Here it appeared back in 1872 through the efforts of cheesemakers at the Kraft Foods company from the town of Philadelphia. The product quickly migrated to restaurants and bars of Japanese cuisine, where its airy consistency and light tenderness milky taste appreciated by sushi experts.

Ideally at home too added to rolls exactly this one cheese. Which he's on nutritional characteristics(per 100 grams):

  • calorie content – ​​253 kcal;
  • fat – 24-25 g;
  • carbohydrates – 3.2 g.

Like most dairy products, cheese for rolls and sushi Philadelphia is rich in vitamins and minerals.

High-quality analogues of Philadelphia

The cheese classic has one drawback, but it is noticeable. The brand's production is located in America, there are several branches in Europe, which is why Philadelphia is a rare “guest” on Russian shelves. The cost of the product is high, and housewives are forced to replace Philadelphia another .

Creamy "Buko"

Due to its special plasticity, it is considered cream cheese. Available different fat content. Meet low-fat varieties, which allows you to prepare diet rolls. Nutritional characteristics:

  • white color, uniform consistency;
  • moderate calorie content (250-312 kcal);
  • fat - 21-23 gr.

This soft cheese for rolls– product Russian manufacturers. It is accessible and relatively inexpensive, and its quality is excellent.


Another famous "foreigner". It appeared in Italy, from where production spread to Tunisia and Spain. Moreover, in these two countries, ricotta is also produced from the milk of buffalos, goats and sheep. Nutritional value classic cheese from cow's milk:

  • calorie content – ​​174 kcal;
  • fats – 13 gr.;
  • carbohydrates – 3 gr.

This is the lowest calorie product of all. soft cheeses for rolls. In its production it is used sea ​​water, therefore the product is a leader in the content of calcium and other minerals, and is rich in vitamins. Additionally, cheese is often enriched with vitamins A and B. Its highlight is its pleasant salty taste.

Nourishing Mascarpone

The taste and structure of the cheese are strongly reminiscent of Philadelphia: the same sweetish taste and milky smell, airy consistency. It is the highest calorie of all cream cheeses for rolls:

  • calories – 412 kcal;
  • fats – 42 gr.;
  • carbohydrates – 4.8 g.

Real Mascarpone is made from cow's milk, buffalo milk cream, and sourdough. The shelf life is catastrophic - only 3 days.

Which more cheese is put in rolls instead of Philadelphia? Greek Feta. The consistency of the cheese is similar to compressed cottage cheese. The taste is salty with top sour notes. Russians are still more familiar with it from salads and other vegetable snacks. But cheese is also used successfully for sushi. The nutritional value:

  • calorie content – ​​215 cal;
  • fat - from 30 to 65 g;
  • carbohydrates – 5.6 g.

Real Feta cheese is made from goat or sheep milk.

What else can replace Philadelphia?

In small towns, cheeses traditional for rolls “are hard to find during the day.” Therefore, they will have to be replaced with something more affordable and similar in taste and consistency. Here what cheeses can be used for sushi from the assortment of a small store:

  • "Viola";
  • "Almette" (from "Hochland");
  • "The president";
  • creamy “Rama” or “Bonjour”;
  • feta cheese "Parizhskaya Burenka";
  • processed cheeses in boxes without additives (preferably farm cheese).

Good for rolls cottage cheese. The main thing is that it is soft and flexible.

Making your own cheese dressing for rolls

If there are households nearby with Burenka cows or Mashka goats, try making cheese for rolls at home:

  • take 1 kg of very fatty homemade sour cream;
  • prepare a clean gauze or cotton bag folded in 5-6 layers;
  • transfer the sour cream here, hang it in a dark, cool place for 12 hours (overnight is possible). Place a container under the bag to drain the whey.

When the volume of the contents is reduced by about half and acquires a paste-like consistency, the cheese substitute is ready.

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Some dishes, for example, rolls and cheesecakes, include soft Philadelphia cream cheese. Unfortunately, it is not always easy to get it, but this is not a reason to refuse to prepare the desired dish. Let's talk about How to replace Philadelphia cheese in dishes.

To begin with, it is worth clarifying one point. Philadelphia is just one brand of cream cheese, simply the most famous. In Russia, this cream cheese is considered a premium product and is not sold everywhere, and even if it is on sale, it is not cheap.

However, besides Philadelphia, there are other brands of cream cheese (or, as it is called in America, “cream cheese”). So if Philadelphia cheese is listed as an ingredient, it most likely just means cream cheese. Therefore you can safely replace Philadelphia with other brands of cream cheese.

Just keep in mind that you need real cream cheese - soft, sweetish, with a delicate consistency, without additives. Ordinary inexpensive soft processed cheeses such as “Druzhba” and “Yantar” are not very well suited for these purposes. Possibly for making rolls processed cheese and it will do (although it’s unlikely, the taste won’t be the same anyway), but here it is good cheesecake you can't do it with him. Some housewives put cream cheese in rolls instead soft unsalted cheese or Fetaki cheese.

You can substitute Philadelphia cheese for baking. high-quality curd cheese without pronounced curd flavor . Often used, for example, are cheeses such as “Almette”, “Viola”, “President”, “Cream Bonjour”, “Buko”, etc. Just make sure that the cheese does not contain any additives. Often these cream cheeses mixed with cottage cheese in a 1:1 ratio(in the end it should be homogeneous mass): They say the result is similar to the original Philadelphia.

Some housewives manage to replace Philadelphia cheese a mixture of fatty homemade cottage cheese with sour cream or heavy cream . The cottage cheese should not be coarse-grained, so that the mass can be beaten to a homogeneous creamy consistency. While whipping cottage cheese, add cream or sour cream in portions to obtain the desired consistency. This Philadelphia substitute is used for baking; it is not suitable for rolls.

You can try making cream cheese at home. The result, of course, will not be the original “Philadelphia,” but very close to it.

To make cheese, take the following ingredients:

  • 1 liter pasteurized milk
  • 500 ml kefir
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tsp. salt
  • 1 tsp. Sahara
  • citric acid on the tip of a knife

Pour the milk into a saucepan and put on fire. Heat the milk, stirring constantly. Just before boiling, add sugar and salt. When the milk boils, turn off the stove, immediately add kefir and stir until the mixture curdles. Throw the contents of the pan onto several layers of gauze, hang it up and let the whey drain. Beat the egg with a small amount citric acid, add to curd mass and beat until smooth.

A simpler option is homemade sour cream cheese. You need to take thick and fatty sour cream (such that a spoon can stand), pour it into a thick canvas bag or gauze folded in several layers and hang it overnight, placing a container to drain the liquid. Please note that the volume of sour cream will be reduced by half, so initially you should use twice as much cream cheese as you need.

As you can see, there are several options for replacing Philadelphia. Naturally, the substitute will never be able to compare with the original, but if you do not have the opportunity to purchase real Philadelphia, this is not a reason to give up your favorite dishes.

Rolls and sushi are quite popular, tasty and nutritious foods. They like to order rolls in cafes and restaurants, and they also like to cook rolls at home. All this is possible thanks to the fact that now in modern stores and supermarkets you can buy everything necessary products, which will allow the rolls to be perfect to taste.

In order for the dish to turn out no worse than in a restaurant, you need to follow certain rules for preparing rolls and then success will be guaranteed.

What is used for sushi

For rolls and sushi you will need:

rice vinegar;
cream cheese for rolls;
pickled ginger;
crab meat;

There are a huge variety of sushi varieties, as well as fillings and flavors. What is best to use, everyone must decide for themselves, but what you definitely shouldn’t skimp on is the quality of rice, fish and cheese. Cheese is not always added to rolls. It is usually used in American recipe rolls called Philadelphia. These rolls were born in Philadelphia, and they were once prepared by a Japanese chef living there. All visitors to the restaurant liked the rolls so much that the recipe quickly spread throughout the world.

Now rolls containing Philadelphia cheese can be found on the menu of any restaurant and cafe. They are called Philadelphia rolls. We will definitely tell you further what cheese to use in sushi rolls at home, but for now let’s look at the recipe.

Culinary trick

To make sushi you will need a mat, or bamboo mat. If there is no such thing in the house, then it can be prepared from foil, polyethylene and wooden sticks.

The next step is to boil the sushi rice. This kind of rice is more sticky, it doesn’t get overcooked and holds its shape perfectly. If you use rice porridge, then it may turn into puree and the appearance of the dish will be ruined. If you use steamed rice, it may remain crumbly, and then the product will not hold its shape.

The rice is washed several times. Rinse until the water is no longer cloudy. After the rice is washed, it needs to be boiled in water. The amount of rice and water should be one to one. Two cups of rice will be enough for sushi for three or four people.

Cook the rice over high heat for five minutes. After which the rice will boil and then you will need to reduce the heat and cook the rice on low heat, without stirring, for another ten or twelve minutes. During this time, the rice will absorb all the water. It is advisable not to open the dish and let the rice sit for another ten minutes.

At this time, prepare the marinade for the rice. The dressing contains rice vinegar, salt and sugar. You need 1 teaspoon of salt, one and a half teaspoons of sugar, and one and a half teaspoons of vinegar. All this is mixed and infused. After twelve minutes have passed, place the rice in a bowl to cool completely. naturally. Only then can it be mixed with the dressing.

Mixing the rice with the prepared liquid is done with a wooden spoon using upward movements and quite carefully. Such movements will allow the dressing to envelop each grain and remain intact.

The cooked rice is placed on a sheet of nori. The sheet is placed with the glossy side down. Before laying out the rice, you need to wet your hands in vinegar water, then the rice will not stick to your hands. Fish, crab meat, cheese or vegetables are laid out with an indentation of one cm. The far edge from the cook should remain without filling. This is necessary so that the roll sticks together perfectly and holds its shape. The edge of the nori sheet that does not have filling will also need to be brushed with water.

Fish for sushi should be either fresh, if you are confident in its quality, or lightly salted. You can take trout, salmon, perch or other fish of your choice. Cucumber or avocado are great vegetables. The avocado should not be overripe, this is when it will keep its shape.

It is best to buy cream cheese for rolls. Ideal option Philadelphia cheese is considered, but buying it in Slavic countries is quite problematic, since it is produced in the USA, in particular in Philadelphia. Cream and milk are the main products for cheese production, so it is quite easy to find an analogue for this cheese. Therefore, the question of how to replace Philadelphia cheese can be answered this way: any sweetish, creamy, low-fat cheese that is sold in your region. Cheesy taste It feels great in rolls, so it’s not worth saving here.

How to replace Philadelphia cheese

To replace you can use good cheese which is called:
Hochland Creamy;
Creme Bonjour;
any sweetish, low-fat cream cheese;
cheese according to your taste preference or budget.

Soft Philadelphia cheese comes from mysterious France. He is known to be gentle creamy taste, the sophistication of which has earned worldwide respect and veneration. At first it was warmly received by the French, then the British and later the Americans established mass production, which is now carried out by the Kraft Foods company. If the recipe calls for this light and soft cream cheese, but you don’t have it at home, you can replace it with other cream cheeses or make Philadelphia yourself.

What kind of cheese is Philadelphia?

Philadelphia cheese has a creamy taste. Its consistency is dense, but plastic and melting. It can be smoothly spread onto cakes, waffles or a piece of freshly baked bread. It is used to make buttercream. Cheese goes well oily fish- salmon or eel - therefore ideal in traditional Japanese rolls. It pairs well with strawberries and cocoa nibs and is a staple ingredient in cheesecakes. Philadelphia cheese is versatile and suitable for making sweet or salty dishes, forming unexpected combinations. Philadelphia belongs to the category of gourmet cheeses, which cannot but affect its cost.

What is the composition of the product

It is important to remember that Philadelphia and other cream cheeses are not a dietary product at all. In addition to vitamins K, A, B, E and microelements (calcium, magnesium, iron, fluorine, potassium, selenium), it contains about half the mass of fat. Soft cheese contains milk premium(low fat and pasteurized), heavy cream and necessary starters. There are varieties of Philadelphia that are prepared only with cream, without using milk.

The peculiarity of Philadelphia cheese is that, like other cream cheeses, for example, Mascarpone or Boursin, it does not require long ripening.

What is the technology for making soft cheese?

First, the milk goes through a pasteurization process. It consists of the following sequential actions:

  • heating;
  • homogenization (intensive mechanical mixing);
  • cooling;
  • reheating with the addition of starter so that the fermentation process occurs - lactic acid fermentation;
  • whey separation (after curdling of milk protein, a cheese curd is formed and whey is released);
  • giving the remaining cheese mass the desired structure;
  • adding the necessary stabilizers and salt.

Before packaging, herbs, garlic, spices or fruits and berries are added to cream cheese. Other soft cheeses differ from Philadelphia in ingredients and cooking technology. For example, when making Mascarpone cream cheese, lactic acid cultures (sourdoughs) are not used, and more salt is added to Boursin.

How can you replace Philadelphia in cheesecakes, cream, sushi?

True Philadelphia is not sold in all stores, and the price of this cheese is quite high, so a logical question arises - what can replace it? There are several options here:

  • Mascarpone, although this cheese is in approximately the same price category as Philadelphia;
  • budget substitutes - other cream cheeses, Feta, and feta cheese mixed with sour cream in equal proportions.

You can also make your own Philadelphia.

Feta cheese goes great in rolls, sushi and soups, greek salads and canapes - unsalted cheese. Many chefs recognize Buko cream cheese as a good substitute for Philadelphia and claim that the difference is completely unnoticeable: it has the same creamy structure, and the shelf life is longer, which allows you to use this cheese not all at once, but in several stages.

In baked goods, instead of Philadelphia, add fatty fine-grained cottage cheese mixed with any other cream cheese or cottage cheese with sour cream or thick cream. This option is not suitable for sushi due to its fat content and thinner consistency than Philadelphia.

Processed cheese is not a good substitute for Philly. They give a completely different taste, they have more salt and they are not as soft and tender. The most you can cook with them is budget rolls.

Philadelphia Substitutes - gallery

Cream cheese Mascarpone is used to make cream for cakes. Cremette is a budget substitute for Philadelphia. The creamy structure of Buco makes this cheese an ideal substitute for Philadelphia in rolls.
Boursin cheese has a delicate salty taste Brynza is used instead of Philadelphia in salads Feta is suitable for making rolls and sushi

Video: Philadelphia and its substitutes - other cream cheeses

Mascarpone is an ideal substitute in buttercream

Mascarpone is a good substitute for Philadelphia in production buttercream for cakes and pastries, cheesecakes, tiramisu. The taste of the products remains the same soft and delicate. This is a fatty and unsalted buttercream with a soft and plastic consistency. To prepare the cream, use various additives- sour cream, eggs, chocolate, cream, condensed milk, etc. Classic recipe cream includes cream.

Ingredients for cream:

  • Mascarpone cheese - 350–400 g;
  • cream - 300–350 g;
  • sugar - half a glass;
  • vanillin - to taste.

Preparation procedure:

  1. Beat cream and sugar for 3-5 minutes. To prevent the cream from separating, do not whip longer!
  2. Divide the cheese into small portions and carefully add the cream into each, stirring slowly with a whisk. The mass should become pliable, uniform and viscous.

Homemade Philadelphia cheese

Homemade Philadelphia is used in cheesecake, sushi, and buttercream recipes. There are several ways to prepare it.

Quick recipe

To prepare the cheese according to this recipe, it only takes half an hour.


  • milk - 1 l;
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • sugar - 1 tsp;
  • kefir - 0.5 l;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • citric acid - on the tip of a knife.


  • put milk on medium heat, add salt and sugar;
  • bring the mixture to a boil, then pour in kefir and stir;
  • continue heating and stirring until the mass curdles;
  • put the resulting cheese in cheesecloth and hang it for half an hour - this will allow the unnecessary whey to drain off;
  • In a separate bowl, beat with a whisk egg and citric acid, combine with cheese and beat until fluffy.

Video: a quick way to cook Philadelphia at home

Recipe with enzymes and sourdough

A more complex way to prepare Philadelphia at home is to use ready-made starter (Vivo, GoodFood) and enzymes (ExtA, Hobbe Cheese).


  • homemade milk - 3 l;
  • sourdough and enzyme - 1 sachet each;
  • salt - to taste.

Preparation procedure:

  • heat and bring the milk to a boil, then cool to room temperature;
  • add one packet of starter and enzyme;
  • leave the milk with enzymes for 12 hours;
  • pour the resulting mass into gauze and hang for 2–3 hours;
  • Place the gauze in a shallow container and place under a press in the refrigerator for 3 hours;
  • remove the cheesecloth and salt the finished cheese.

Recipe with sour cream and cottage cheese

This method produces high-calorie and delicate butter cream.


  • 1/2 kg fat cottage cheese(preferably not having a strong specific odor);
  • a glass of fat sour cream (25%);
  • a glass of cream;
  • salt - to taste.


  1. At maximum mixer speed, beat cottage cheese, cream, sour cream and salt.
  2. Leave the whipped mixture for 24 hours.
  3. Place in the refrigerator for 3 hours.
  4. Soft cream cheese is ready.

Homemade cream cheese recipe made from yogurt and sour cream

Delicious cream cheese comes from natural yogurt and sour cream. Homemade cream cheese - great alternative dear Philadelphia. In addition, you will know for sure that it is made from natural products.
