Rabbit kebab. Juicy rabbit meat kebab - recipe with step-by-step photos on how to marinate and cook deliciously

Most people associate rabbit meat with dietary nutrition, which is ideal for feeding small children and sick citizens. But about cooking fragrant kebab made from rabbit meat, no one even thinks about it. But in vain! If you know proven marinade recipes, the dish will turn out simply great.

So let's talk today about how to properly marinate a rabbit so that the meat is juicy.

Preparing wine marinade for rabbit meat

A rabbit carcass can be marinated in various sauces, but the first recipe we will discuss requires the use of wine.

To prepare shish kebab you will need:

  • rabbit meat – 2 kg;
  • white dry wine– 0.6 l;
  • ground red pepper – 1/4 tsp;
  • mustard – 1 tsp;
  • salt – 1 tsp.

Now let’s talk about how to marinate a rabbit in wine step by step:

  • Rinse the meat thoroughly and cut into portions of the desired size. You shouldn’t chop it too much, otherwise the kebab will turn out dry, and no marinade will save it. If possible, remove large bones from rabbit meat;
  • Take a deep bowl and place the prepared pieces of meat into it, having previously coated each with mustard;
  • Sprinkle salt and ground pepper on top of the rabbit meat, mix the contents of the bowl with your hands;
  • Pour the wine into the bowl and stir again. It is recommended to marinate the meat for at least an hour.

This is how you can marinate a rabbit in wine. After the rabbit meat is saturated with the marinade, you just need to put it on a skewer. To keep the meat juicy and flavorful, season it with the remaining marinade during cooking. The taste of the kebab will be incomparable and the question of how to marinate a rabbit appetizingly will disappear by itself.

Marinate rabbit in sour cream

You can also prepare a marinade for rabbit shish kebab using sour cream.

To do this, take the following components (per 1 kg of meat):

  • sour cream not too thick - 500 ml;
  • onion – 2–3 heads;
  • large tomato – 1 pc.;
  • garlic cloves – 2–3 pcs.;
  • favorite seasonings for your taste, about 1 tsp, the same amount of salt.

Pour sour cream into a deep bowl, add chopped garlic cloves, salt and your favorite seasonings (red and black pepper, cumin, coriander, etc. are recommended). Mix all ingredients.

Peel the onion and cut into thick rings. Wash the tomato and also chop into rings.

Place pre-washed and cut into pieces meat into the prepared marinade. Stir the contents of the bowl until the entire rabbit is covered with the filling. Add chopped onions and tomatoes to the container. Stir lightly again and refrigerate for 2-3 hours.

Once the time is up, you can skewer the meat. It is recommended to do this by alternating rabbit meat with tomato and onion rings. That's the whole secret. Now you know how to marinate a rabbit in sour cream, let's move on!

Marinate the rabbit in kefir

Very traditional and a familiar product Kefir is considered to be used for making marinade. Chicken, pork, and, in general, any meat are soaked in it, and rabbit meat will be no exception.

To cook rabbit in kefir you will need:

  • meat – 2 kg (you can take fillet);
  • kefir – 1 l;
  • onions – 2 pcs.;
  • garlic cloves – 2–3 pcs.;
  • olive oil – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • salt and spices at your discretion.

An animal marinated in this way will turn out very tender.

The step-by-step cooking process will look like this:

  • Wash the meat, cut into medium-sized pieces;
  • In a deep bowl, mix kefir, olive oil, pressed garlic, salt and spices;
  • Place the meat into the resulting marinade and mix everything thoroughly;
  • Chop the onion into rings and sprinkle it over the rabbit meat. There is no need to stir the ingredients anymore;
  • Place the bowl of kebab in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours, ideally overnight. After which the rabbit marinated in kefir can be put on skewers and fried over an open fire.

Marinate rabbit meat for smoking

Of course, kebab is tasty and appetizing, but if you eat it constantly, then even it becomes boring. Therefore, if you want to add variety and eat something new, learn to smoke meat.

And for those who don’t know how to properly marinate a rabbit for smoking, let’s talk about the recipe below.

To prepare you need:

  • animal carcass;
  • salt – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar – 1.5 tbsp. l.;
  • bay leaf – 2–3 leaves;
  • garlic cloves – 3 pcs.;
  • grated ginger – ½ tbsp. l.;
  • clean water – 2.5 l;
  • peppercorns – 4 pcs.

If you have all the ingredients, you can start cooking:

  • Rinse the animal carcass thoroughly, cut it and carefully remove the ribs. To make the meat juicy and melt in your mouth, you need to hang it in a room with good ventilation and a temperature within plus 10 degrees. Rabbit meat should remain in this form for about 48 hours;
  • When two days have passed, you can prepare the filling; it will be warm. To do this, heat water in a saucepan and add salt, sugar, your favorite spices, bay leaves, peppercorns and chopped garlic. When salt and sugar are completely dissolved in the liquid, remove the dishes from gas stove, place the divided rabbit there. The meat should be completely hidden under water. Cover the pan with a lid and marinate for at least 24 hours. You must remember to turn the rabbit meat over, so it will be better saturated with the filling;
  • In a day, the meat will be ready for smoking, however, before the procedure it is recommended to hang the carcass for a couple of hours to ventilate in a draft. This will allow excess liquid to drain. After which you can send the dish to the smokehouse. During the cooking process, it is recommended to sprinkle the rabbit meat with the remaining marinade so that it does not dry out.

That's all the recipes for today. Now you know how to properly marinate a rabbit for barbecue and for cooking in a smokehouse.

How to marinate a rabbit for barbecue?

We offer you several simple and proven methods.

Recipe for rabbit shish kebab in sour cream


  • 1 kilogram of rabbit meat;
  • 0.5 liters of sour cream;
  • 5 heads onions;
  • 1 tomato;
  • 1 teaspoon ground coriander;
  • 0.5 teaspoon of cumin;
  • salt and black pepper to taste;
  • fresh vegetables for garnish.


Cut the well-washed rabbit meat into portioned pieces. Sprinkle it with coriander, cumin, black pepper and salt. Then add the chopped onion and sour cream. Marinate in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours. Thread the meat, onions and tomato slices onto skewers one by one. Fry the rabbit on hot coals until cooked. Serve with fresh vegetables.

Rabbit carcass kebab


  • 1 rabbit carcass;
  • 4 onions;
  • mixture of red and black ground pepper;
  • 4 bay leaves;
  • 2 tablespoons vinegar;
  • 1.5 glasses of water;
  • salt to taste.


We cut the carcass into pieces and begin to prepare the marinade for the rabbit kebab. To do this, add 2 tablespoons of vinegar, red and black pepper, salt and Bay leaf. Mix. Pour this marinade over the cut up rabbit carcass, cut the onion into rings and leave to marinate for 4-5 hours. After this, we string the rabbit onto skewers. It is important to know here that you need to string the pieces along the bone. This way the rabbit will cook better. After this, the kebab is ready for grilling.

Rabbit shashlik recipe with orange juice


  • 1 large rabbit carcass;
  • 1 liter of orange juice;
  • head of garlic;
  • 5 fresh tomatoes;
  • 2-3 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • salt and pepper to taste.


Press the garlic through a garlic press or chop it finely. Add salt, pepper and rub the rabbit parts with the mixture. We water them vegetable oil and then add orange juice. Leave the kebab to marinate for 8 hours in a cool place. We cut the tomatoes into rings and string them onto skewers along with the rabbit. Fry on the grill, periodically basting with marinade.

Rabbit kebab with bacon


  • 500 g rabbit fillet,
  • 100 g bacon,
  • 1 glass round rice,
  • 4 onions,
  • 2 tablespoons margarine,
  • pepper and salt to taste.


Cut the rabbit fillet into small pieces. Salt it and sprinkle with ground black pepper. We also finely chop the bacon and string it onto skewers mixed with the rabbit fillet. Fry the kebab in a hot frying pan with margarine. At this time, boil the rice, place the rabbit kebab on it, and decorate it with fried onion rings on top.

Rabbit kebab with vinegar

Everyone knows that a rabbit is not only valuable fur... You should definitely try dishes prepared from this nutritious, and at the same time dietary meat, especially those cooked in nature. Today we have charcoal-grilled rabbit, it is not only aromatic and tasty, but also very nutritious and healthy meat.

If you are a big fan of barbecue, and you are already pretty tired of barbecue, you can try charcoal-roasted rabbit in sour cream. Rabbit dishes have proven highly effective in nutrition. The resulting dish tastes similar to shish kebab and stewed rabbit. Be sure to try this unsurpassed dish - there will be no limit to your delight.


And so, we need:

Medium rabbit carcass
one onion
one head of garlic
approximately 200 gr. sour cream
spices (thyme, ground black and red hot pepper)
salt to taste.

Cooking process:

Wash the rabbit carcass, previously soaked in water for about half a day, and cut it so that the pieces can be easily threaded onto skewers. Remove the seeds from it. Do not remove the ribs, because they are the most delicious, juicy and delicious parts of the dish. The ridge is of little use for baking. It is better to put it aside with the cut out bones - they will make an excellent soup. Place the pieces of meat in a deep container, add salt and pepper.

Then let's start preparing the marinade. The sour cream is mixed with thyme and mashed garlic, and set aside - let it infuse. Bye sour cream sauce will insist, let's take care of the rabbit.

Cut the onion into large pieces, add to the rabbit and mix. The rabbit should soak in the onion juice for about half an hour. Then add the finished meat to the pieces sour cream marinade and again let the meat marinate in the sauce, about 90 minutes. The duration of marinating should not exceed 2 hours.

Place the marinated pieces of meat on skewers and bake, turning every three minutes.

The readiness of the meat is checked with a wooden stick. If the meat is easily pierced, and not blood, but clear juice is released at the puncture site, then the meat is ready! The rabbit is served immediately. It is advisable to serve any kind of baked rabbit vegetable salad or chopped tomatoes with chopped herbs.

There are many options for preparing rabbit meat. For example, you can take a whole rabbit carcass, soak it, marinate it in the marinade described above, string the legs onto a spindle, wrap them in foil, and fry them over a fire or coals until cooked.

Or this: meat prepared in the manner described above is wrapped in several layers of foil, placed on a grill and fried over coals.

Or pepper the finished pieces of rabbit meat, add a little sugar and pepper. Wrap the pieces of meat in thinly sliced ​​lard plates, secure with thread and fry on skewers like a regular shish kebab.

Then mix a little wine, grated cheese and egg yolk. Place the slices of lard with the meat on thick paper and pour in the prepared mixture. Wrap the paper tightly and secure the ends firmly. Meat preparation bury in coals and bake for about an hour.

I can say that all methods are good, and you can choose which one you like best. Now is the time for picnics, and we must not miss this moment and enjoy the outdoors in whole year, until next summer. We will help you with this in the section you will find recipes to suit your taste, like the ones presented below.

Rabbit meat is considered dietary, but properly prepared kebab from it turns out very tasty and juicy. You can marinate a rabbit for barbecue in mineral water, sauces, vinegar, homemade ketchup or sour cream. Use young rabbit meat for barbecue.

Rabbit kebab in mayonnaise

According to this recipe, rabbit kebab in mayonnaise is aromatic, tender and piquant. Makes seven servings, 800 kcal. It takes 50 minutes to prepare.


  • 1200 g meat;
  • six onions;
  • two tbsp. vinegar;
  • two tbsp. l. mayonnaise;
  • salt - one and a half tablespoons;
  • two tsp mustard;
  • two ;
  • ground pepper.


  1. Cut the onions into thin half rings.
  2. Pour vinegar into the onion and add salt and ground pepper. Stir.
  3. Use your hands to crush the onion to release the juice.
  4. Salt the washed and peeled meat and place in a bowl. Add ground pepper and bay leaves.
  5. Add mustard and mayonnaise to the meat and stir.
  6. Add the onion and juice to the meat, cover and refrigerate for at least 5 hours. Maybe overnight.
  7. Place the meat on the grill grate or string it onto skewers and grill the rabbit kebab over coals for 50 minutes.

Serve the kebab hot or warm with sauces and fresh salads.

Rabbit kebab in tomato sauce

This is wonderful dietary kebab made from rabbit meat, marinated in tomato sauce. You can make the sauce at home from tomatoes or take tomato paste, diluted with water.

Required ingredients:

  • five onions;
  • one rabbit carcass;
  • 500 ml. tomato paste;
  • salt, spices;
  • 20 ml. vinegar 9%;
  • 500 ml. water.

Cooking steps:

  1. Rinse and trim the carcass, cut the meat into pieces.
  2. Thinly slice the onions into rings.
  3. Dilute the paste with water and stir.
  4. Place the meat in a bowl, add onion, spices and salt, pour in tomato sauce and vinegar.
  5. Stir the meat and refrigerate for 5 hours.
  6. Thread the meat onto skewers. String pieces with bones along the bone. You can simply place the shashlik on the grill grate.
  7. Fry the juicy rabbit kebab for 40-50 minutes. Turn the meat over every 5 minutes and baste with marinade.


  • one ;
  • liter of juice;
  • head of garlic;
  • ground pepper, salt;
  • five tomatoes;
  • three tbsp. rast. oils


  1. Trim the carcass and cut it into pieces, place the meat in a large bowl.
  2. Crush the garlic or chop it very finely.
  3. Add spices to the garlic, salt and rub the pieces of meat with the prepared mixture.
  4. Pour oil over the meat, add orange juice and stir. Leave to marinate in the refrigerator for 8 hours.
  5. Cut the tomatoes into circles and string them with meat onto skewers, alternating.
  6. Grill the kebab for 50 minutes, turning the meat over and pouring the marinade over it.

Better use Orange juice, made from fresh citrus fruits.

Required ingredients:

  • rabbit - carcass;
  • two onions;
  • one and a half tbsp. vinegar 70%;
  • spices for meat, salt;
  • four bay leaves;
  • 400 ml. water.

Preparation step by step:

  1. Cut the meat into medium-sized pieces and place in a bowl.
  2. Cut the onions into large pieces, add to the meat and add bay leaves, spices, and salt.
  3. Dilute the vinegar in water and pour over the meat.
  4. Mix the kebab with your hands, remember and leave in the cold for 4 hours.
  5. Thread the meat onto skewers and brush each piece with vegetable oil to make the kebab soft.
  6. Fry for 50 minutes, turning the meat, and baste with marinade.

Serve kebab with baked potatoes and fresh vegetable salads.

If you want to get an extraordinary kebab, rabbit meat will be the most successful option. The meat of this small animal is nutritious and great taste. Therefore, it is worth trying to cook such a kebab - the result will pleasantly please you and will certainly surprise you.

There are many options for marinades, but the most common and delicious are those based on wine vinegar, sour cream or kefir. Simple marinating of meat with the addition of water, table vinegar and favorite seasonings is also often used.

Very rarely do people perceive rabbit meat as an option for cooking barbecue. More often this meat is used as dietary product. When preparing such a kebab, you need to know some subtleties that should not be missed.

There are some secrets and subtleties in cooking rabbit that are worth paying attention to:

  1. For different parts a small rabbit is needed different preparation. For shish kebab, it is advisable to use only the back part;
  2. Now about cutting up the animal. First of all, you need to rinse thoroughly under very cold water carcass Then divide into two parts: front and back. To mark, use the last lumbar vertebra. Both parts must be cut into small pieces, the hind legs must be divided into two parts, and the front legs must be left in their original form;
  3. Be sure to soak the meat before direct cooking. For this purpose it is used plain water or whey. In the presence of unpleasant odor, you can add a little wine vinegar to the water, which will eliminate this trouble. You can also use milk for soaking. On average, soaking time should be from 6 to 10 hours;
  4. During the marinating process, the use of spices is mandatory. They can be added during marinating or during direct cooking. Most used and suitable spices for rabbit meat: dill, basil, bay leaf, black pepper (ground or peppercorns), garlic, cinnamon, rosemary, lemon.

Recipes for making marinades

There are a considerable number of marinade warrants for preparing rabbit kebab. But to get juicy and good meat we can talk about just a few of the most successful types. So:

  1. Wine marinade requires the following list of ingredients:

  • dry white wine 600 ml;
  • a quarter teaspoon of ground red pepper;
  • a teaspoon of mustard;
  • a teaspoon of salt.

During the cooking process, the meat is smeared with mustard, sprinkled with salt and mustard, and everything is mixed thoroughly. Add wine, stir. Minimum cooking time – 1 hour.

  1. Marinade with sour cream:
  • medium fat sour cream with a volume of 200 ml;
  • three garlic cloves;
  • salt at the discretion of the cook;
  • seasonings: coriander, ground black and red pepper, cumin;
  • three large onions;
  • one large tomato.

All components are mixed in a common container. The garlic is very finely chopped, the onion and tomato are cut into rings. The marinating time will be two to three hours.

  1. Marinade with kefir will require the following ingredients:
  • 500 ml kefir;
  • olive oil – one tablespoon;
  • two cloves of garlic;
  • salt and spices at the discretion of the cook;
  • three large onions.

Add olive oil to kefir, chop the garlic, cut the onion into rings. Marinate the meat for three hours.

How to cook rabbit kebab

In the cooking process, the soaking process is considered the most important, since this meat has a specific taste and smell.

The process of preparing the future kebab:

If necessary, rabbit meat can also be fried on skewers.

In fact, there is nothing complicated in preparing rabbit kebab. The main thing is to follow all the rules and everything will definitely work out.

Rabbit meat shish kebab is not only tasty and original dish, but also healthy, dietary, containing many useful substances and microelements. Therefore, you should definitely try this extraordinary kebab.
