Homemade gin according to a classic recipe (preparation technology). Making gin from moonshine at home

Gin is one of the most popular alcoholic drinks. It, like rum, is associated with pirates and hot summers. Gin is independent alcoholic drink and the basis for a variety of alcoholic cocktails. Common among moonshiners great amount recipes ranging from quick methods to complex ways to obtain both it and tinctures that imitate the taste. Gin from moonshine at home, best recipes which will be discussed further, is prepared from good quality homemade moonshine double cleaning. To understand the peculiarities of preparing the pirate drink, you need to find out what distinguishes it from the rest.

An interesting feature of gin is that the drink can contain over 100 ingredients, including even exotic components. Regardless of the specific composition, any recipe always contains components such as juniper zest and berries. Thanks to these products, the drink acquires a pine-citrus taste.

Real gin is a drink that requires preliminary distillation. Despite the fact that recipes for pirated alcohol that do not require distillation are popular among moonshiners, these are already classified as tinctures.


Basic component homemade gin is a double moonshine with a strength of 45–50 degrees, which has passed intermediate cleaning. The distillate is infused with a mixture consisting of orange, lime, lemon, grapefruit and pomelo peels. The gin also contains juniper fruits. Fragrant herbs and their roots are another component of homemade alcohol. Moonshiners add fennel fruits, lavender flowers, angelica root and violet to imitate this drink. Enrich the gin recipe and unusual ingredients: rose petals, cinnamon, etc.

Gin recipes

The basic recipe for gin at home is as follows:

  1. Two liters double moonshine of the required strength, pour in 45 grams of juniper fruits, five grams of orange zest, 10 grams of coriander seeds, two grams lemon zest and the same amount of cinnamon. If desired, you can add one gram of violet root to the ingredients.
  2. The resulting preparation is kept for 10 days in a cool place, which will allow you to obtain a tincture.
  3. Alcohol is mixed with clean water so that the strength of the herbal distillate is 35 degrees.
  4. The diluted tincture is poured into the distillation cube, simultaneously connecting the steamer, and the distillation of the future gin begins.

For two liters of distillate, 20 milliliters are “heads”. The selection of the “body” continues until the strength of the stream drops to 50 degrees. Then they continue to kick out the “tails”. Finished product diluted with water so that its strength remains at 45 degrees, but not less. Before drinking, it is recommended to leave the alcohol in the refrigerator for at least a day.

Quick cooking

The pirates' quick drink is prepared using a distiller, but in this case you can do without a steamer. Instead, you will have to prepare a metal strainer, the diameter of which coincides with the same parameter as the neck of the distillation cube. Pour into a strainer:

  • 25 grams of juniper berries;
  • three grams each of violet root, lemon and orange zest;
  • two grams of angelica root;
  • one gram of crushed cardamom.

A strainer with filler is placed under the lid of the distillation cube. Afterwards, the distillate (two liters) is poured through a strainer into the distillation container. The still is placed on very low heat, heating the herbs in the strainer. Two liters of distillate contain 20 milliliters of “heads”. The core is selected until the strength of the moonshine drops to 60 degrees. As in the previous recipe, after distillation the gin is diluted to 45–47 degrees.

No distillation

Gin is a juniper and citrus infusion that requires distillation. But it may be necessary to prepare alcohol without distillation. In this case, you can still make a semblance of alcohol pirates. To get it, you need to take three liters of strong moonshine and pour it into a glass of crushed juniper fruits. To the resulting preparation add 50 grams of lemon and orange zest, as well as 10 dried clove buds.

The resulting alcohol is kept in the cellar for two weeks. After this time, the sediment is decanted and the juniper-citrus tincture is infused for another week.

There is another variation of the tincture that imitates gin, but for its preparation they use a different composition of ingredients:

  • cinnamon stick;
  • two grams of sesame and coriander;
  • a quarter of nutmeg;
  • 0.5 teaspoon of angelica rhizome;
  • star anise;
  • 50 grams of juniper fruits.

The components taken according to the recipe are poured with moonshine and left for two weeks. After this period, the sediment is decanted and the alcohol is allowed to rest for another week.

Pure gin is served as an aperitif, chilled to six degrees. When diluted, the drink is drunk with carbonated water. mineral water, juice and sweet soda. Gin is mixed with soft drink in equal parts.

It is impossible not to mention the gin and tonic - a cocktail consisting of one part pirate drink and two parts of tonic. You can also drink alcohol in different proportions mix with vermouth. Citrus slices and olives are used to decorate cocktails. It is customary to snack on fruits, cheese and smoked meats.

Gin is a purebred alcohol with a pedigree, national pride Dutch and English. Its characteristic taste is difficult to confuse with something, although there are hundreds of recipes with different spices, the main part is played by juniper.

This is one of the few types elite alcohol which can be repeated at home.

Once, about 500 years ago, the Dutch healer Silvius came up with a stomach medicine from juniper berries, but the result exceeded expectations and genever turned out to be tastier than regular alcohol.

In simple ways, gin penetrated into England, where they began to drive it to industrial scale, which almost led to widespread alcoholism - XVII century. In London, juniper vodka was sold in 7,000 outlets. The British were saved from alcoholic degradation by propaganda and the tightening of licensing screws for gin producers and sellers.

For several centuries, the authorities tried to cultivate drinking traditions - “Gin palaces” were opened with beautiful interiors. Gradually, the image of a drink for commoners was erased and gin moved into the category of elite alcohol.

Features of the drink

Juniper berries are the component that gives gin its characteristic taste. A very rich aroma allows you to mask the smell of imperfections.

Important! Before harvesting juniper, make sure that the variety is not poisonous. The berries cannot be consumed raw, and not all types of juniper are suitable for alcohol.

In addition to juniper, the recipes contain many aromatic herbal ingredients. Most often used:

  • zest of lemons, oranges, limes;
  • anise, coriander, vanilla, almonds, cardamom and other spices;
  • orris root, hyssop, lavender, fennel, etc.;
  • fresh cucumbers, rose petals and other unexpected additions.

The method of making gin can be very simple and mega-complex:

  • Genevre(Genever) - juniper is added to the cereal wort and distilled as. This is how gin is made in the Netherlands; the drink is more reminiscent of juniper whiskey.
  • Lazy(mother’s ruin) - moonshine is distilled along with aromatic and flavoring additives without pre-soaking in alcohol.
  • True(True Gin) - all ingredients, together or each separately, are infused in alcohol for a couple of weeks and only then distilled.
  • Plymouth(Plymouth Gin) - the ingredients are suspended under the lid of the still. As alcohol vapors rise, they absorb aromas and enter the cooler.
  • True-true Gin - the process begins with the preparation of aromatic spirits from each ingredient and their distillation. Then the flavored distillates are combined in certain proportions. The quality of the blend depends entirely on the skill of the winemaker.

The best varieties are prepared by infusing alcohol with juniper and other flavorings before distillation. In industrial settings, inexpensive alcohol is made from a mixture of alcohol and infusion of herbs and spices.

Homemade gin from moonshine

Homemade gin can be prepared different ways, if you change the recipe, you will get a drink named after you. Typically, recipes use up to 10 ingredients, but there are brands that include about 20 or more herbs and spices.

The only rule that cannot be broken is the distillate must be of high quality, and juniper is non-poisonous. It is advisable to use double-distilled moonshine.

Dutch (Genevre)


  • 5 liters of moonshine;
  • juniper berries - 100 g;
  • wariander - 50 g;
  • angelica, licorice, cassia, cubeba pepper - 10-15 g each;
  • lemon and orange zest, cardamom, ginger - a teaspoon.


  1. Place all ingredients in a jar, fill with moonshine and leave for about a week.
  2. Filter and dilute with clean water to 35% vol.
  3. Pour the tincture into alcohol mashine with a steamer and set the temperature to medium.
  4. When distilling, cut off the heads, collect the heart to 50% volume, it is better to cut off the tails a little earlier so that the alcohol does not become cloudy.
  5. Measure the strength, dilute to 45-47% vol., but do not lower the degrees below 42, otherwise the citrus aroma will disappear.
  6. Bottle and let rest for a week.

Genevre is good for cocktails.


This recipe is more complicated than the previous one; London gin is made using a similar technology.


  • liter of moonshine;
  • 20-25 g juniper;
  • half a teaspoon each of coriander seeds and orange zest;
  • a pinch of lemon zest, cinnamon, licorice and other spices at your own discretion.


  1. All components must be infused in strong distillate for 24 hours. It is advisable to add lemon zest at the very end to preserve the citrus aroma.
  2. Filter the tincture and pour it into the moonshine still. Start distillation at medium temperature; after selecting 20 ml of alcohol, heating can be slightly accelerated.
  3. Continue selection up to 50% vol. After this, there is no need to remove the alcohol, otherwise the drink will be too bitter and will acquire a fusel smell.
  4. Dilute the resulting alcohol with water to 42% vol. and let it sit for a couple of days.

Bombay Sapphire

For this recipe, moonshine equipment should be upgraded to a double boiler. Hang a basket of spices from the top of the apparatus below the outlet tube. Alcohol vapors will rise and become saturated with aromas. With this technology, the taste of alcohol is soft.


  • liter of moonshine;
  • juniper berries - 45 g;
  • a teaspoon of coriander;
  • a quarter teaspoon each of orange zest, cloves, licorice, anise, cinnamon;
  • on the tip of a knife, lemon, lime and cardamom zest;
  • a pinch of rosemary.


  1. Place the herbal flavorings in a basket and pour the moonshine through them into a distillation cube without a steamer.
  2. Start distillation at a low temperature - this will allow the components to heat evenly. After selecting 20 ml of alcohol, the temperature can be increased to average. Continue selection up to 65% vol.
  3. Dilute alcohol with water to 42-45% vol. Pour water in a thin stream so that the gin does not become cloudy.

Juniper tincture or “bathtub gin”

Bathtub gin - gin from the bathroom. The technique was developed by the Americans during the Prohibition years. To make the production of illicit alcohol as easy as possible, alcohol and herbal tinctures mixed in a bathtub or other large container.


  • 750 ml moonshine;
  • two teaspoons of juniper berries;
  • a teaspoon of coriander (seeds);
  • 2 pieces each of cardamom and spicy pepper;
  • half a cinnamon stick;
  • a pinch of lemon and orange zest.

You can add other additives, such as lavender or rosemary, at your discretion.


  1. Pour moonshine over the dry ingredients and leave for 24 hours in a closed container.
  2. Add the zest and leave for another 24 hours.
  3. Filter.

How to drink gin?

Gin - Reviver With bright taste, which the British compare to cold metal. Slow distillation and juniper create a cooling effect. Drink it pure form, with ice and in cocktails. Recommendations:

  • Pure gin cool to +5-6 o C and served as an aperitif. Snack on lemon or olives, which highlight the juniper flavor.
  • Can be diluted with sparkling water, fruit juice, cola. The strength in this case is adjusted to taste, but usually they start with a 50 to 50 ratio.
  • Cocktails- the most popular method of consumption. High strength and pure taste goes well with alcoholic and soft drinks. The famous gin and tonic was invented by British soldiers serving in India - the drink saved from thirst and malaria. You can mix with liqueurs, vermouth, champagne, etc.

The art of making real gin is much more complex than mixing aromatic plants with alcohol.

The history of alcoholic beverages knows different creators. One of them was the Dutchman Francis Silvius Dubois, an experienced medical chemist who developed the recipe for the first gin. Drinking the drink in the old days had medicinal purposes. Today, people drink Jenever for taste pleasure and to lift their spirits. It is considered a strong alcoholic drink, since its degrees reach 45 units.

What is gin used for?

If you find the most old recipe gin, you can find out that its basis is alcohol - wheat or grain, with the obligatory addition of juniper berries. Other ingredients of the composition are aromatic spices, caramel and citrus zest (lemon, orange). Pleasantly smelling additives leave a unique trail when you uncork the bottle. In the Netherlands, the drink is aged in oak barrels, causing its color to turn golden. The British make Jenever transparent.

How do you drink gin? In its pure form it has a poor dry taste and high strength, so manufacturers alcoholic products We got used to making it a base for cocktails. We will tell you how to make gin at home below. The main thing in recipes is to strictly follow the technology.

Recipes for homemade gin

The recipe for making gin at home is quite varied. Let's look at a few simple ways.

Recipe 1

This option for obtaining a drink involves the interaction of three ingredients:

  • Syrup.
  • Juniper fruits – 10 pieces.
  • Alcohol or vodka – 0.5 l (if unavailable, replace with moonshine 50°).

Jenever is prepared like this:

  1. Juniper is pounded with a rolling pin.
  2. The pulp is placed in a bottle and filled with vodka.
  3. They insist for 14 days.
  4. Boil the syrup without boiling, i.e. remove until bubbles form. Ingredients for syrup: 25 g sugar and 80 ml water.
  5. The filtered contents of the jar are filled with syrup and left for another 2 - 3 days.
  6. Tasting begins on the 4th day or later when the occasion arises.

If desired, the gin recipe can be improved by adding lemon zest and kernels to a jar of moonshine. apricot kernels. The syrup cannot be changed.

Recipe 2

To give the gin more flavor, you can do this: take berries and moonshine according to the first recipe and combine with cumin and coriander. Spices take 1/3 tsp.

Recipe 3 (with distillation)

  1. Half a kilo of dried juniper or 1 kg fresh berries OK pour a liter of moonshine or 70% alcohol.
  2. Spices are introduced at your discretion.
  3. In the dark and room temperature the mixture is infused for 2 - 3 months.
  4. The mass is distilled through a moonshine still and divided into fractions.

Recipe 4 (classic homemade gin)

This recipe is considered the easiest to follow. To make gin at home according to its technology, you will need a unit with a steamer. The peculiarity of the formula here is the distribution of aromas. The first place is given to pine needles, the second to citrus fruits. The remaining components run as background components.


  • Juniper berries – 45 g.
  • Whole coriander seed – 10 g.
  • Fresh orange zest – 6 g.
  • Fresh lemon peel – 3 g.
  • Cinnamon – 3 g. Ground – 2 g.
  • Hyssop, fennel, anise, licorice - 1 g each.

Grain moonshine (double purified) is taken in the amount of 2 liters. If any auxiliary component is missing, it is replaced with a similar one or this position is skipped.

How to make homemade gin for complex cocktails, illuminates technology:

  1. The base product is prepared by infusing all the ingredients in moonshine. The jar is placed in a dark, warm room for 10 days.
  2. The liquid is drained, strained and diluted with clean cool water to a temperature of 30 - 35°.
  3. The substrate is poured into the apparatus, a steamer is connected and the device is programmed to maintain an average temperature.
  4. When using diluted alcohol or high-quality moonshine, the upper fraction is lowered in the amount of 20 g. With average quality raw materials, more “heads” are taken.
  5. The middle is not completely drained, leaving the “body” 50% in the stream. The minimal presence of "tails" spoils the clarity and taste of homemade gin.
  6. Measure the strength and dilute the drink to 45 - 48°. Because Jenever stronger than vodka, it is important not to dilute it below 42°. Otherwise, the presence of citrus fruits will not be felt.
  7. The resulting alcohol is kept for a week or at least 2-3 days and the first sample is made.

Where is homemade gin used?

From natural gin can be done delicious cocktails. For example, the Arno cocktail is made by mixing gin, peach liqueur and dry vermouth. Take 30 g of all components. To cool, throw in 200 g of ice cubes.

Berry cocktail “001” is prepared from Sprite drink (half a glass), juniper product (40 g) and currant syrup (20 g). The mixture is poured into a glass with ice and a straw is inserted.

A grapefruit cocktail is made from 20 ml of gin, 30 ml of bittersweet fruit juice and 200 g of ice. Stir the ingredients in a glass with a spoon.

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From mash fermented on grain, you can make an alcoholic drink such as gin. This can be done at home . The mash is distilled into alcohol, which is then distilled again with the addition of spices. The main flavoring agent is juniper fruit. The stronger the drink is made, the weaker the strength of its aroma and taste. The alcohol content should be between 37.5 and 45%. Gin is usually drunk with ice, accompanied by something to eat. It is not recommended to drink this drink. In addition to juniper berries, coriander or almonds and some other components are added to it. Cocktails are also made from gin; it goes especially well with raw chicken eggs or mineral water.

How to do

How to make gin from home distillate? For this you need. Moonshine is made from it. Then juniper berries are added to it. They can be either fresh or dried. For a liter of moonshine you need a kilogram of fresh berries or half a kilogram of dried ones. The mixture should be infused for up to 3 months in a dark place in the room. Then filter. By reducing the amount of crushed ripe berries up to a 2-liter glass, you can prepare a sweetened alcoholic drink with a mild taste.

Making a mash from juniper berries and then distilling it will produce a juniper liqueur that resembles gin. Pour water into the berries in a 1:1 ratio, add 100 g of sugar and 5 g of dry yeast, ferment for 10 days. Then distill it in a moonshine still. It will work out aromatic drink with a resinous taste. It is good for colds to strengthen the immune system. You should not drink Juniper in large quantities. By adding dried lemon peels and a spoonful of honey to it, you can get an excellent medicine.

About a complex recipe

Another recipe for gin from moonshine involves using alcohol with a strength of 96 degrees. You can get one like this.

The recipe is:

1. Strong purified moonshine – 5 l.

2. Water – 5 l.

3. Juniper berries – 200 g.

4. Coriander – 35 g.

5. Cinnamon – 5 g.

6. Lemon zest – 25 g.

7. Anise – 5 g.

8. Licorice – 5 g.

9. Hyssop – 5 g.

10. Fennel – 5 g.

Adding crushed juniper berries to triple-purified moonshine makes the alcoholic drink elite. To do this, crushed berries are placed in a dark place for 3 weeks, then their juice is filtered through cheesecloth into moonshine. The mixture is infused again for a week. Then you can drink

All of the listed components are poured into a mixture of alcohol and water and infused for up to ten days. Shaking it is done once every 24 hours. This is followed by filtration and adding another 5 liters of water. Subsequent distillation of the mixture lasts until moonshine with a strength of less than 40 degrees is poured into the jar. The resulting alcoholic product contains an alcohol content of 75 - 80% up to a strength of 45 degrees. Then it is placed in a dark place in the room for a week to pick up the aroma.

Gin is one of my favorites alcoholic drinks many people. This type of alcohol is consumed as an independent drink, but in addition, gin is included in many alcoholic cocktails. Experienced moonshiners can easily prepare gin at home, and base ingredient this drink is high-quality moonshine. Gin from moonshine at home, the recipe for which is quite common, is made in several ways.


Regardless of which homemade gin recipe you choose, this drink will require distillation during the preparation process. If you ignore this stage of preparing gin, then instead you will get the usual tincture of juniper berries.

Moonshine gin

Gin is made at home from a variety of spices and fruits. Most popular recipes gin is considered to be those in which citrus fruits (lemon, grapefruit, orange zest), spices (cinnamon, vanilla), etc. are used to prepare the drink.

Recipes for making gin can be divided according to the degree of complexity of their preparation:

  • According to this recipe, juniper fruits are added to a cereal wort, after which the drink is distilled.
  • Lazy: get such a drink from, but in this recipe maceration of the drink components is excluded.
  • Tru Gin: This drink has the characteristics of real gin. It is prepared as follows: juniper and citrus fruits are infused separately in alcohol. After this, both types of liquid are poured into the distillation cube of the moonshine still and distilled twice.
  • The real gin: this is the most complex recipe preparing the drink, as it involves saturating the moonshine with the aromas of citrus and spices. At the next stage, the aromatic moonshine is blended.

How to make gin?

There are several recipes for making excellent gin at home, but it doesn’t hurt to consider first classic way production of this type of alcohol. For getting classic gin You will need a moonshine still equipped with a steamer. The homemade gin recipe looks like this:

  1. First they select everything necessary components to prepare the drink: 2 liters of high-quality purified double moonshine, 45 grams of juniper, 6 grams of fresh orange zest, 8 grams of coriander. Also, to prepare gin you need to take 3 grams of lemon zest, cinnamon and, in addition, only one gram each of anise, fennel and licorice.
  2. The first step in preparing gin is classic recipe is the preparation of the tincture. It’s easy to get - just pour all the ingredients into a jar and fill them with moonshine. The product is stored for 7-10 days in a cool, dark place.
  3. When the liquid has settled, it can be filtered and diluted with clean water to a strength of 35 degrees. The resulting tincture is poured into the distillation cube of the distiller and the steamer is connected to operation.
  4. During distillation, at least 20% of the “heads” should be selected. If the moonshine is of average quality, then the number of “heads” can be increased.
  5. The “body” of moonshine is selected until the strength in the stream is reduced to 50%. If you continue distilling the “body” at a lower strength, then the gin will get fusel oils, which will spoil the taste of the drink.
  6. After measuring the strength of the drink, it should be diluted to 45-48 degrees. Ready drink it must be left to settle for 7 days, after which it can be served.

This gin can also be used as a component of alcoholic cocktails.

At home, you can prepare gin according to a recipe that was invented in the city of Plymouth (England). If you taste this drink, you can note that it contains a large number of juniper and a slight citrus flavor.

Making Plymouth gin can hardly be called easy, but only if you have a high-quality moonshine still at home. How to make gin using this recipe? To prepare gin according to the Plymouth recipe, you need to take 2 liters of moonshine:

  • 25 grams of juniper berries;
  • 5 grams of orange zest;
  • 4 grams of violet root;
  • 3 grams of angelica root;
  • gram of cardamom.

The difficulty with this gin recipe is that any amount of any ingredient in excess will cause the gin to become cloudy because it contains excess essential oils. Therefore, all ingredients should be taken strictly according to the recipe.

First, place a sieve on the neck of the distillation cube and put all the components into it. The moonshine is poured through the spices directly into the still of the distiller. The apparatus is closed and distillation of moonshine begins at low temperature. In the process, 20% of the “heads” are selected and the heating temperature of the moonshine is increased. The “body” of alcohol is selected before the strength drops to 65-70 degrees. It is important to ensure that you complete the selection of the “body” in time, because this will avoid fusel oils getting into the alcohol.

Gin is diluted to 48 degrees. It is recommended to let the drink sit for a week before drinking.

Homemade gin, if prepared according to all the rules at home from moonshine, is no different from the original drink.
