How to make syrup for pear jam. Amber jam from hard pears in slices - recipe with photo. Necessary ingredients for preparing aromatic pear jam for the winter without sterilization

Some people are crazy about apples, others prefer pears, but I love both. But if it's not about fresh fruit, and as for the jam, I’ll choose this pear jam - it seems to me that it’s brighter and more interesting. And if you add lemon to the pears, you’ll get a fabulous dessert! A real “Treat for Angels”! I know what I’m saying - just yesterday I closed this jam for the winter. Would you like me to share the recipe?


  • 1 kg of pears;
  • 0.5 kg sugar;
  • 1 lemon.


Wash the lemon and cut into circles - quite thin, with a thickness of about 2-3 mm.

Remove the seeds from the lemon slices. Place the lemon slices in a small saucepan and add 250 ml of boiling water. Cook over low heat for 3 minutes.

Take out the lemon mugs and set them aside for now. Add all the sugar to the water in which the lemons were boiled. Place the pan on the heat and cook, stirring occasionally, until all the sugar has dissolved. The result is a very tasty and sweet lemon syrup.

Wash the pears, peel and cut into small slices, removing the middle.

Place the chopped pears in a saucepan and add lemon slices. Cut into 4 parts. Pour the syrup into the lemon and pears, mix and leave in this form for 1-1.5 hours.

During this time, the pears will release a lot of juice.

Place the pan with pears and lemon on the fire, wait until it boils, then reduce the heat to low and cook the jam for 2.5 -3 hours. Exact time I can’t say, it really depends on the type of pear. The slices will darken noticeably, and the syrup will be viscous and thick.

The foam that appears on the surface of the jam is very tasty, but purely for aesthetic reasons, I prefer to carefully remove it.

Place the pear jam into previously sterilized jars and close (or screw on the lids).

This jam can be left in the apartment for the winter at normal temperatures; it is not at all necessary to hide it in a cellar or basement; it is stored well. Just keep pear jam away from sun rays so that it does not change its color.

Tips and tricks:

Instead of lemon, you can try making this jam with orange or lime: pears will also make friends with these citrus fruits.

The amount of sugar listed in the ingredients is very relative and depends on the type of pear and how sweet you want your jam to be. I took very sweet pears, so I had enough sugar. But you may need more of it. Taste the jam during cooking to see if you have added enough sugar.

In the middle of summer, pears ripen in the gardens, they are different varieties, but for those who are not indifferent to them this does not matter. Each type of this fruit is tasty in its own way and has its own unique aroma.

If you consider yourself a fan of pears, then you will definitely want to provide yourself with pear pleasure not only in the summer, but also in winter period. This is not at all difficult to do, because pear is good in compote in combination with apple, and in the form of jam, jelly or marmalade.

A piece of bread thinly spread with butter and covered with aromatic pear jam for breakfast is just what you need! And what a delicious combination of pear jam with a cup of milk! Simply heavenly pleasure!

We suggest making clear jam using pear slices using a very simple recipe. This time the lemon pear will be used for the preparation. She has a very tight juicy pulp and if you like jam in the form transparent slices then it will come out of the lemon without using any tricks.

Taste Info Jam and marmalade


  • Lemon pear – 1.2 kg;
  • Sugar – 0.6 kg;
  • Water – 100 ml.

It is better to cook pear jam in a stainless vessel with a wide bottom. From the specified amount of ingredients you should get 2 half-liter jars.

How to make simple jam with lemon pear slices

lemon pear appearance It is not large and when ripe has a bright lemon color. You need to choose ripe, but not overripe fruits for jam. Feel free to ask the seller to cut the pear open and let you try it. Its taste should be sweet with a slight hint of tartness. Unripe fruits will have a greenish color and will not be as sweet. Such specimens are not suitable for jam!

And so we chose the source material and now we begin to prepare the jam. To begin, wash the pears, and then, taking a sharp knife in your hands, cut into slices about two to three millimeters thick.

As soon as we complete this task, put a saucepan of water on the stove, let it boil, add sugar and cook thick sweet syrup. Sugar must be completely dissolved.

Pour the prepared slices into a saucepan in which we will cook lemon pear jam. Fill them with ready-made hot syrup on top.

We leave our pear slices for about 30-40 minutes so that they become even more saturated with sweetness and release some of their juice into the syrup. This procedure will prevent the pear from spreading during further cooking.

After the time allotted for soaking has expired, we will begin to cook pear lemon jam. Turn on low heat and little by little bring it to the boiling point. Let it simmer gently for 20 minutes and remove from heat.

We proceed to final cooking after complete cooling. Let it simmer over low heat for another 40-50 minutes, and the jam will be ready.

By this time, we are preparing jars into which we will put our delicious lemon pear jam. For this purpose, we wash the container well and then be sure to sterilize it in the oven, slow cooker, or simply over steam.

The jars should be hot by the time you put the jam in. The lids should also be well washed and boiled.

Slices of our pear jam will be good as a filling for pies, bagels, and you can pour the syrup over curd desserts.

Many of us adore ripe, juicy and fragrant pears. However, these fruits cannot be stored for too long, so many housewives prepare them for the winter in the form of compotes, jams and other canned sweets. Today's post will present several interesting recipes amber jam from pears into slices.

For cooking similar delicacy It is advisable to use ripe, but not overripe fruits of any variety and size. However, experts advise giving preference to juicy and sweet fruits with a light honey aroma. To give the finished product a pleasant sourness, shortly before the end of heat treatment, add a little lemon zest to it.

Before starting the process, the selected fruits are washed, freed from all excess and cut into the required pieces. The duration of preparation of amber jam from pear slices depends on the variety and ripeness of the fruit. But usually this time does not exceed one and a half hours. As a rule, the process is carried out in two stages, in between which the product is completely cooled.

To prepare jam, it is advisable to use a wide aluminum or copper container. Thanks to this, the product will retain all its valuable properties and will not burn to the bottom of the pan.

Classic version

We invite you to pay special attention to one of the simplest recipes clear jam from pears into slices. To prepare this delicacy, it is recommended to use fruits durum varieties. Otherwise, you will get a boiled product that looks more like mush. Before you begin the process, be sure to double-check that you have on hand:

  • 2-2.5 kilograms ripe pears.
  • 50-60 milliliters lemon juice.
  • 500 grams of sugar.
  • A couple of tablespoons of natural honey.
  • A pinch of vanillin.

To prepare amber jam from pears into slices, wash and cut fruits are immersed in a soda solution for a quarter of an hour (a teaspoon per liter of water), and then rinsed and placed in a suitable bowl. Vanilla, sugar and honey are also added to it. All this is poured with lemon juice, covered with food grade polyethylene and left for several hours, or better yet, the whole night.

Immediately after this, the future jam is placed on the stove, brought to a boil and simmered low heat for five minutes. hot product put in clean glass jars, sterilized for about a quarter of an hour, rolled up, cooled and sent for further storage.

Almond option

This original recipe amber jam from pears in slices will certainly interest many housewives who are trying to surprise their relatives with unusual homemade preparations. This delicacy has a very pleasant taste and a light almond aroma. To prepare it you will need:

  • 2 kilograms of pears.
  • 1.5 liters of drinking water.
  • 1.5 kilos of sugar.
  • ½ teaspoon vanilla.
  • 100 grams of almonds.

First of all, you need to deal with the syrup. To obtain it, dip washed and peeled pear slices into boiling water and boil them for three minutes. Immediately after this, the liquid is poured into another container, sweetened and boiled until a syrup forms. Then it is again combined with fruit and left for a couple of hours at room temperature.

After this time, bring the future jam to a boil and keep it on the lowest heat for ten minutes, not forgetting to add vanilla and chopped almonds. The finished product is placed in sterilized jars, rolled up and sent for subsequent storage.

Option with lemon

The delicacy obtained using the method described below is different beautiful color and perfectly expressed citrus aroma. And its taste has a pleasant sourness. That's why this recipe pear jam with lemon, with step by step description which can be found a little later, will probably end up on the pages of your personal cookbook. This time you will need:

  • A couple of kilograms of pears.
  • A whole lemon.
  • A couple of kilograms of sugar.

Step 1. The whole unpeeled lemon is poured with boiling water and left for five minutes. It is then cooled and cut into cubes.

Step 2. The washed and peeled pear slices are placed in a suitable bowl and covered with sugar. Add chopped lemon there and leave it all for six hours.

Step 3. After this time, the future jam is sent to the stove and boiled over low heat for at least thirty minutes.

Step 4. After half an hour, the resulting mass is removed from the burner, cooled and boiled again. Hot jam is poured into sterilized jars, rolled up and stored for further storage.

Option in syrup

This dessert is good because it preserves almost everything valuable substances contained in ripe fruits. To prepare pear jam slices with lemon in syrup, you will need a little free time and a little patience. In addition, you should have on hand:

  • A kilo of pears.
  • 800 grams of sugar.
  • 150 milliliters of drinking water.
  • A whole lemon.

Washed and peeled pears are cut into neat slices and transferred to a large dry bowl. The fruits prepared by this method are poured with syrup made from water and granulated sugar and then left for twelve hours.

At the end of this time, the future delicacy is sent to the fire, brought to a boil and after a couple of minutes removed from the burner. Almost finished jam is kept at room temperature for seven hours and again sent to the fire. Ten minutes after the syrup boils, squeeze lemon juice into it. All this is left again for seven hours, boiled, placed in dry, clean jars, sterilized, rolled up and sent for further storage.

Option with spices

This fragrant amber jam made from pear slices has miraculous healing properties. It is recommended to use it to boost immunity and fight colds. To prepare it you will need:

  • 6 multi-cups chopped pears.
  • A teaspoon of soft butter.
  • 3 cups sugar.
  • Tea spoon natural juice lemon.
  • ¾ cup brown sugar.
  • A teaspoon of nutmeg.
  • Star anise.
  • 3 tablespoons grated ginger.
  • Cinnamon stick.
  • 50 grams of pectin.
  • A pinch of salt.

Pear slices are covered with grated ginger and brown sugar. All this is left for half an hour, and then sent to the stove, combined with spices and boiled for seven minutes. Then they add it there butter, white sugar and a cinnamon stick. All this is cooked for another three minutes, removed from the burner, placed in sterilized jars, rolled up and sent for further storage.

Option with cardamom

This simple recipe for pear jam with lemon for the winter is interesting because it involves the use of a frying pan. To prepare this delicacy you will need:

  • 700 grams of ripe and juicy pears.
  • ½ lemon.
  • 250 grams of sugar.
  • Cardamom (2 pcs.).

To make amber jam from pear slices with lemon, you need to select ripe but firm fruits. They are washed, freed from all excess, cut into slices and sent to a heated frying pan, in which lemon juice, sugar and grated zest are already boiling. All this is simmered for five minutes, then cooled and the heating procedure is repeated three times. At the final stage, add cardamom to the almost finished jam and place it all in sterilized jars.

Option with oranges

Using the technology described below, it turns out incredible fragrant jam, distinguished by its delightful sweet and sour taste. To prepare it you will need:

  • A couple of kilograms of ripe pears.
  • 3 oranges.
  • A couple of kilograms of sugar.

Pre-sorted, washed and peeled pears are cut into equal slices and placed in a suitable container. Sugar and pieces of oranges are also added to it. All this is left until the fruit begins to release juice, and then placed on the stove and simmered over low heat for about two hours, remembering to stir occasionally. Hot jam is transferred to sterilized glass jars, rolled up, cooled and stored in a cellar or pantry.


All the recipes described above allow you to quickly and profitably process a large number of fruit. And this is especially important for those who have their own orchard. To diversify the taste ready-made jam You can add spices, apples, lemons, oranges and other ripe juicy fruits to it.

So that the delicious aroma of the fruit is not added bad smell burning, during heat treatment you need to constantly stir the contents of the saucepan. To make the jam homogeneous, pears of the same degree of ripeness should be used for its preparation. To prevent the fruits from darkening, they can be briefly immersed in acidified water.

Pear jam is famous not only for its unique taste, but also with a memorable aroma and beauty. You can cook this delicacy different ways, supplementing it with different ingredients.

Now you can learn a few simple and available recipes, which, thanks to the presented instructions, even novice cooks can master.

  • Pear jam with lemon
  • Pear jam in a slow cooker
  • Reviews and comments

Amber pear jam slices

This delicacy can boast of its benefits, since this fruit contains many vitamins and other substances. It should be noted beautiful colour this jam. It is important to choose fruits with dense pulp for making jam. From the presented ingredients you get 2 jars with a volume of 0.5 liters.

Amber jam is prepared from the following products: 1.25 kg of pears and granulated sugar, and another 200 ml of water.

It should be prepared as follows:

  • The fruits should be washed, and then carefully remove the skin and it is best to use a housekeeper knife. Then they should be divided into 4 parts and the seeds removed. After this, each part must be cut into slices, the thickness of which should be about 3-4 mm;
  • pour water into a saucepan and place on the stove. After it boils, add granulated sugar and stir until completely dissolved. Don’t worry, even in such a small amount of liquid the sugar will dissolve and you will end up with a thick syrup;
  • Pour pear slices into the pan and pour in the prepared syrup, which should boil. Leave for a while so that the slices are thoroughly soaked and everything cools down. The next step is to put everything on low heat and boil for no more than 5 minutes. After this, turn off the heat and wait until everything has cooled completely. The process of boiling and complete cooling must be repeated 2-3 times;
  • the last stage involves cooking for an hour. It is precisely such manipulations that will allow the slices to acquire an amber color. It is important that everything boils over low heat, and also do not forget to stir everything using a wooden spoon. You can eat right away tasty treat or close in jars.

Recipe for clear pear jam slices

Many people prefer to prepare a transparent delicacy, which to some extent even has a cloying sweetness, which is why many people add lemon. It can not only be eaten separately, but also used as a filling for baked goods. The disadvantage is the long heat treatment- 3 days.

Transparent jam should be prepared from the following products: 1 kg of peeled fruit, 800 g of sugar, 500 g of lemons, 100 ml of water, a little cinnamon and a couple of cloves.

  • First you need to prepare the syrup, for which you need to bring the water to a boil and pour granulated sugar into it. Stir until completely dissolved, and then squeeze the juice out of the lemons. Turn off the heat and cool everything to 40 degrees;
  • Peel, cut and core the fruit. After that, cut them into small pieces, such as slices and cubes. Place the pieces in warm syrup and leave for 13 hours. It is important to stir gently from time to time. Thanks to this process, the pieces will decrease in size, and juice will also be released from them;
  • Place the container on the stove and bring the contents to a boil. After this, add cinnamon and cloves and turn off the heat. Leave everything for 12 hours at room temperature. After the time has passed, place the container back on the stove and cook for 5 minutes. Repeat the procedure a couple more times. As a result, it will take 3 days. All that remains is to seal the jam in the prepared jars.

Pear jam with lemon

This version of the delicacy is called “Tsarsky” and it is prepared with the original lemon syrup which adds sweet pear a refreshing note. It is also worth noting the fact that citrus increases the benefits of jam.

To make jam, you should take the following ingredients: 1 kg of peeled pears and granulated sugar, a large lemon and 250 ml of water.

  • You need to use fruits that should be washed, peeled and seeds removed, and then cut vertically into slices 2 cm thick. Keep in mind that the recipe indicates the weight of already peeled fruits;

  • Let's move on to the syrup, for which the lemon should be cut into thin slices. Be sure to remove any existing seeds. Place them in a saucepan, add water and place on the stove. After boiling, cook for 3 minutes, then drain the liquid and squeeze out the lemon. The released juice must be filtered through a fine sieve and poured into a saucepan, which should be placed on the fire. Add granulated sugar in portions and stir until completely dissolved;
  • Take a large saucepan where you will cook jam for the winter, and lay out the prepared slices, and then pour in the boiling syrup, distributing it over the entire surface. Leave everything for a couple of hours, which will lead to the release of liquid;
  • Place the container on the stove and boil the contents. Reduce the heat to a minimum and cook everything for 15 minutes. It is important to periodically remove the removed foam. Leave everything for 2 hours and repeat the process of cooking and cooling 2 more times. After this, you need to cook everything for 20 minutes. Distribute the jam among the jars, roll them up and set the jars with the lids down to cool.

Pear jam in a slow cooker

Thanks to the use of technology, the cooking process is greatly simplified. At the same time, the taste of the delicacy does not deteriorate in any way, and the aroma becomes even more intense. The prepared quantity is enough for about 20 servings.

Prepare the following set of products: 1 kg of pears, 800 g of granulated sugar and lemon.

Step-by-step cooking process:

  • Peel the fruit, remove the core, and then cut the pulp into slices or cubes. Place them in the multicooker bowl, add granulated sugar and select the “Stew” program, but set the time to an hour. This will release a lot of juice. By the way, if you cook everything on the stove, this recipe will take 5 hours;
  • After the sound signal, you need to cool everything for a couple of hours. The jam should be boiled in three more steps, but only in the “Steam” mode, not forgetting to take a break. During the second process, lemon juice should be added. Always ensure that excess liquid evaporates, otherwise finished product it won't be thick. As you can see, the cooking process is quite simple and faster than the stovetop option. All that remains is to distribute everything into jars and roll up.

A simple recipe for making winter pear jam with orange

Another version of the delicacy that uses oranges, which give the final the product is lightweight citrus flavor. It is worth noting the high benefits of such jam

This recipe includes the following products: 1 kg of pears and granulated sugar, 2/3 water and half an orange.

  • Wash the fruits, remove seeds and thick peels. Cut them into thin slices and cover with salted water, leave for 10-15 minutes. and drain;

  • To boil the syrup, combine water with sugar and place on the stove. Cook until completely dissolved over low heat. Pour the syrup over the pears and simmer over low heat for about 7 minutes. Cover the container with gauze and leave for 10 minutes. Then the process with heating and cooling should be repeated 3 times;
  • Wash the orange and cut into thin slices, which should be put into jam. Place everything on the stove and cook for half an hour, remembering to stir the contents periodically. By the way, to check the readiness of the syrup, you need to drop a small amount of on a saucer and see whether it spreads over the plate or not;
  • All that's left to do is distribute everything into jars and roll it up. Place them on the lids until they cool completely, and then move them to a dark place.

Submitted step by step recipes pear jams with pictures will allow every housewife to cope with the task and prepare delicious and aromatic delicacy. Be sure to prepare this treat for your family.


Pear jam, especially the recipe where the fruit is cut into slices, will be very tasty. Anyone who has ever tried it will confirm this. Preparing a fragrant delicacy is not so difficult.

If the trees in the garden made you happy big amount pears, then you can safely start preparing such a wonderful delicacy as jam. Most housewives prefer to cook from fruits cut into slices. This is how you save rich taste, and the jam will not turn into a mushy mixture.

Sweet ones are best suited for this preparation. juicy pears. So let’s prepare the basic ingredients and get down to business. For one serving of jam you will need 3 kilograms of ripe pears, half a liter of water, one and a half kilograms of sugar, a little citric acid (at the tip of a teaspoon). And, in fact, that’s all. Although no one is stopping you from experimenting with seasonings and spices and inventing your own own recipe– they say that vanilla sugar goes very well with pears.

First, wash the pears and cut into slices. Be sure to remove the seeds and core, but do not touch the skin of the fruit - it will create an additional taste for our jam, and after the cooking process it will become soft and sweet. Clean and ready to cook pears are transferred to a stainless steel pan. You can also use a traditional copper-brass basin for this.

Cook in a separate container sugar syrup– adding sugar to boiling water, stir constantly with a spoon until homogeneous mass. Now pour the resulting sweet mixture over the pears and wait until the fruits cool, release their juice and become a little softer. This will take a lot of time – about 8–9 hours. As soon as the scheduled time has arrived, put the resulting mass on the fire and boil, stirring vigorously. You need to keep the pears in a boiling state for 10 minutes.

After this, we leave our container with jam to cool, and after a certain period of time we repeat the boiling procedure again - and so on twice. Then we add to our delicious jam lemon juice wedges or citric acid. Don't forget to prepare the jars in advance. They should be washed and sterilized for 6–7 minutes. Pour the contents (pears with syrup) hot into jars. Then, according to the traditional scheme, we roll up the lids.

By the end of all manipulations with pears, your fruit slices should become softer and not overcooked. The first indicator that the jam is ready to move into jars is that the pears have begun to darken and the jam has become a little viscous. The delicacy prepared according to the above recipe has an aromatic taste with sourness (thanks to lemon juice). Another important plus is that this dish is not too high in calories.

By the way, in addition to classic version this jam, there are plenty of others. Instead of lemon juice or acid, you can use lemon, also cut into slices. In this case, you will need: a kilogram of sugar, 2 kilograms of pears, 4 slices of lemon. IN this option The recipe is the same, only chopped lemon is immediately added to pear slices. Pear jam in this variation also needs to be boiled several times.

After the second boiling, the lemon slices should be removed, leaving only the syrup with pears for the third boiling.

It is possible to make jam from such jam - the recipe requires longer cooking and grinding the mass using a strainer. Only if you initially plan to get jam, then before starting the procedures on the stove, remove the skin from the pears - then it will be much easier to get the desired result.

Let us dwell on some of the features of making jam, the recipe for which we have already described to you above. IN in this case the resulting mass should be poured into jars while hot – i.e. There is no need to wait for the mixture to cool completely. Sterilized jars must be dry - after sterilization, turn them upside down, placing them on a cotton towel so that all the moisture is glassed and absorbed into the fabric.
