I’m leaving in good hands a recipe for amazing wild strawberry jam. Homemade strawberry jam - five minutes

Sweet preparations for the winter can be made from almost any fruit, berries and even some vegetables. Today I will share with you a recipe for strawberry jam, which has an indescribably rich aroma and taste of the summer sun. Lovers berry preparations for the winter, be sure to take note of the recipe!

Unrealistically aromatic, rich, thick and very tasty strawberry jam can simply be eaten with a spoon, spread on a slice of white bread, used as a filling for baked goods or in homemade desserts. My kids love it with pancakes and pancakes - with a glass of milk it turns out to be a real treat.

It must be said that the peculiarity of this recipe for strawberry jam is that we will prepare it not with simple, but with gelling sugar. Due to this, the temperature treatment time is reduced significantly - only 7 minutes. As a result berry puree is not digested, the original color and taste of strawberries is preserved. From the specified amount of products you get about 750 milliliters of ready-made sweet treat.


Cooking the dish step by step with photos:

The strawberry jam recipe includes only 2 ingredients: fresh strawberries and gelling sugar. Gelling sugar, which contains natural thickener- pectin, I use it in a concentration of 1:1, that is, 1 kilogram of sugar is used for 1 kilogram of berries. There are also other types - 2:1 and 3:1 - with them the strawberry jam according to this recipe will turn out less sweet and more liquid.

To begin, carefully sort the berries, remove the stems, if any, and throw away the spoiled strawberries. After this, we wash the berries in cold water to get rid of the soil.

Add a small amount (about half a glass is enough) of gelling sugar, carefully shake the pan so that the sweet crystals are evenly distributed around the berries. Let stand for 5 minutes so that the berries begin to release juice.

In the meantime, we will definitely prepare jars and lids for strawberry jam. Each housewife has her own favorite method, and I do it in microwave oven- I wash the jars (0.5 liter volume) in a soda solution, rinse and pour about 100 ml into each cold water. I steam them in the microwave at the highest power for 5 minutes each. I also boil the lids on the stove for about 5 minutes.

Then put on the fire and bring the berries to a boil - this will take about 5 minutes. Gradually add gelling sugar, constantly stirring the berries with a spoon.

After boiling again, cook everything together over low-medium heat for just a couple of minutes. And that’s, in fact, all - this strawberry jam is prepared very quickly, while the berries undergo minor heat treatment.

The most delicious and beloved not only by children, but by adults is strawberry jam. Find out how to properly prepare a winter delicacy and preserve it for as long as possible beneficial features, vitamins. Not only the cooking process is important here, but also preliminary preparation used containers and equipment.

How to Prepare Jars for Canning

Clean containers for winter preparations- this is the key to a long and safe storage content. There are several ways to destroy harmful microorganisms in a jar for subsequent food preservation. Most Popular:

  1. steam over the pan or through the spout of the kettle;
  2. in an electric oven (heat);
  3. blowing hot air in a convection oven.

Housewives choose the most convenient and familiar method of sterilization for themselves. Some nuances and rules of each option:

  1. Before sterilizing, jars should be washed with detergent and rinsed thoroughly with running water.
  2. The jars must be kept over steam for at least 10 minutes.
  3. Be sure to place it on a clean towel.
  4. Cover with sterilized lids for no longer than 30 minutes (to prevent the penetration of microorganisms).
  5. Roast the containers in the oven for 20 minutes. With 100 ml of water added to each.

How to make strawberry jam

The main ingredients for jam are berries and sugar. How to cook strawberry jam correctly depends on the proportions of the main composition and the variety of strawberries. Meadow berries contain more natural sugar than forest berries. It is believed that the proportions should be from 1:1 to 1:1.5. The berries are also different:

  1. Intensity of aroma (meadow is more saturated with sun and more aromatic).
  2. Shape and density (meadow is denser, rounder, smaller than forest).

Strawberries produce juice quickly, but their viscosity is high, so the liquid often burns. This is fundamentally different from strawberry jam. There are several ways to avoid the appearance of bitterness in a winter dessert:

  1. constantly stirring from the bottom of the container, lifting the berries;
  2. add 1/6 part of red currants;
  3. place in a cleaned container raw carrots during cooking.

What you need for cooking

Necessary equipment, which is required to prepare delicious winter treat, next:

  • a cooking container made of copper (oxidizes and retains color and transparency) or aluminum;
  • enamel cookware for storing berries;
  • colander for washing;
  • wooden spatula and ladle;
  • fine metal sieve;
  • meat grinder, food processor or blender;
  • pasteurized jars from 200 ml to 1000 ml.

Strawberry jam recipe

It is necessary to prepare ripe strawberry jam for the winter right away, unlike other berries. It is allowed to store the plucked fruit for no more than 8 hours in a dark place, otherwise the product will become sour. Preparing the berries is an important step. If the picking was done in dry weather, then you don’t have to wash the berries. If there is contamination, rinse carefully through a colander. There are many ways to make strawberry jam. Find out the most simple recipes winter homemade dessert– rich in vitamins, with minimum calorie content.

With added water

Classic version with the addition of water, it keeps the berries intact in syrup. In winter, it can be used as a filling for pies and dumplings. Ingredients:

  • strawberry – 3 kg;
  • sugar – 5.4 kg;
  • water – 0.9 kg;
  • citric acid – 5 grams, or lemon juice – 50 ml.

How to make strawberry jam:

  1. Combine sugar and water in a container.
  2. Cook the syrup, stirring constantly (15-20 minutes).
  3. Add berries.
  4. Bring to a boil, turn off for 15 minutes.
  5. Repeat the procedure 4 times, stirring constantly and removing the foam.
  6. During the last procedure, 5 minutes before readiness, add lemon juice.
  7. Pour the jam into jars, cover, and leave to cool.

How to make strawberry jam in five minutes

The less time spent on cooking, the more vitamins and useful substances preserved in your favorite dessert. Main ingredients:

  • strawberry – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 1 kg.

How to make strawberry jam for the winter with maximum benefit? The technology is simple:

  1. Sprinkle the prepared berries with sugar in layers of 1 cup.
  2. Cover with a clean towel and place in a dark place for a day.
  3. Stir gently every hour.
  4. After the sugar has completely dissolved, boil.
  5. Pour into prepared jars.

Strawberry jelly for the winter

Prepare jellies and jams for the winter special recipes. It is necessary to create a thick concentration of juice for beautiful and bright dessert. This effect can be achieved with sufficient quantity pectin, or more sugar using slow boiling of the mixture. It all depends on how much time the housewife plans to spend on cooking. Ingredients for the most quick jelly:

  • strawberry – 1.5 kg;
  • sugar – 1 kg;
  • citric acid – 1.5 g;
  • gelatin – 15 g;
  • water – 3 glasses.


  1. Sprinkle the prepared berries with sugar.
  2. Place on low heat.
  3. Cook, stirring continuously, until boiling.
  4. At the same time, soak the gelatin in water.
  5. Berry mass Place in portions in a colander with a fine mesh.
  6. Grind all the berries.
  7. Put the mixture on the fire and heat it up.
  8. Add soaked gelatin.
  9. Stir for 15 minutes, but do not bring to a boil.
  10. 5 minutes before readiness, add citric acid.
  11. Pour the mixture into hot jars.
  12. From the remnants of processing it will be possible original compote or jelly.

Strawberry jam for the winter without cooking

Harvested fresh, juicy berries retain their characteristics in winter until the next harvest, if you follow the cooking rules and size proportions. Ingredients:

Ripe strawberry jam for the winter without cooking is prepared in stages:

  1. Mix the prepared ingredients.
  2. Stir gently every hour during the day.
  3. After the time has passed, spread the jam into containers.
  4. Sprinkle the surface of the berry mixture with sugar and roll up. After 7-10 days a crust forms, which helps better conservation product.

Strawberry jam in a slow cooker

Modern way cooking jam in a slow cooker is no worse grandma's recipe. Practicing housewives who take into account the advice will get an excellent winter dessert without special troubles. Ingredients:

  • strawberry – 3 cups;
  • sugar – 1 glass.

Strawberry jam in a slow cooker is easy. Cooking steps:

  1. Place berries in a saucepan.
  2. Sprinkle granulated sugar on top.
  3. Let stand for a while until the juice releases.
  4. Turn on the multicooker in the “Extinguishing” mode at a temperature of 180 degrees.
  5. After the characteristic signal for completion of work, allow the jam to cool slightly.
  6. Prepare jars: rinse, sterilize.
  7. Fill finished product, close the lid tightly.

Video: How to make wild strawberry jam


Date: 06/02/2016


Hello my dear readers! How do you feel about strawberries? I - reverently and tenderly! Now it is collected almost green, with sepals and mixed with last year’s leaves. Half a century ago, each berry was carefully strung onto a blade of grass.
As a child, my mother made me and my brother Slavik bodies from grape leaves. They are also very convenient for picking strawberries.
It was a pity to even eat such beauty.
Although, having admired it enough, we, of course, ate the berry with pleasure. Surpluses were extremely rare. They were doing amazingly fragrant jam from strawberries.

One day we hesitated for a long time in the copse, excitedly hunting for red rough beads.
The immeasurable summer day was approaching evening, the sunset vanilla sky shimmered with all the colors of the rainbow. I was capricious from fatigue, thirst and the usual girlish malice. And Slavik buried his face in the collected strawberries and suddenly said in a completely adult way: “We will never have it as good as it is now!” I froze in surprise and indignation. What, may I ask, is so good here and now? When, as in the song, “your whole life is ahead, hope and wait”? My brother sighed indulgently, and we went home along a barely noticeable, nimble path.

Surprisingly, my dear readers, almost 15 years later I heard the same words from my future husband. But then, in my youth, I again did not perceive the sharpness of this elusive, never felt “now.” But this is the only thing we have in stock... Perhaps, let’s go back to strawberry jam - it’s amazing.

Strawberry jam recipe


  • 1 kg of peeled strawberries.
  • 1.1-1.2 kg of sugar.
  • 1 g citric acid.

How to cook

My comments

Go for strawberries - give yourself such pleasure!

That's probably all for today! How do you prepare strawberries if suddenly such wealth falls on you? Write, I’m very interested, really!

Fragrant, fragrant and incredibly tasty strawberry jam is unlikely to leave anyone indifferent!

This delicacy beckons with its appetizing appearance and incredible taste.

But, in addition to a wonderful taste, this berry has high level vitamins and beneficial properties.

Strawberry jam helps against colds, runny nose, and also improves the body's immunity. Therefore, you should definitely stock up on this delicacy for the winter.

It will especially help in cases where children are sick. After all, it is very difficult to force children to take various pills and medications, but they will eat strawberry jam just for the sake of their sweet soul. Below we look at the most interesting recipes.

Classic cooking method

What you will need:

  • 1 kilogram of fresh strawberries;
  • 700-1000 grams of sugar;
  • Water – 800 ml.

Let's start cooking classic jam from strawberries:

  1. First, wash the berries and remove any debris;
  2. It is better to put strawberries in cool water; all debris and affected fruits will definitely float to the surface. All rubbish and unnecessary things must be thrown away;
  3. Next, pour water into a container, place it on the fire and heat it to a boil;
  4. Place strawberries in hot liquid and cook until boiling for about 5-7 minutes;
  5. Then add sugar and cook for another 10-15 minutes, stirring everything periodically;
  6. Remove from heat and leave for 2-4 hours;
  7. Place the cooled jam on the fire again and boil for another 15 minutes;
  8. Wash jars using a kitchen detergent or clean everything with baking soda powder;
  9. Glass containers must be sterilized by steaming or in the oven;
  10. Place the strawberry jam into sterilized jars and tighten with a seaming wrench;
  11. Ready jam should be stored in a cellar, pantry or refrigerator.

Wild strawberry jam for the winter

What you need for cooking:

  • Wild strawberries – 1000 grams;
  • Sugar – 1200 grams;
  • A little citric acid - about 1 or ½ teaspoon.

How to do:

Five-minute recipe for the winter

What you will need:

  • Strawberries in fresh– 1500 grams;
  • Sugar – 700 grams.

Rules for preparing wild strawberry jam “five minutes” for the winter:

  1. First of all, you need to carefully sort through the fruits, throw out all the garbage, sticks, branches. Wash the berries thoroughly;
  2. Pour the washed strawberries into a saucepan or dish, add granulated sugar and leave for 4-5 hours;
  3. After the juice appears, everything is mixed and put on gas;
  4. We wait for the mixture to boil, and boil for about 5 minutes, remove from the gas;
  5. Wash the jars, then sterilize them by steaming or in the oven;
  6. Place the cooled jam into jars; everything must be closed with metal lids;
  7. Place upside down, cover with a warm blanket and leave to cool;
  8. This jam should be stored in a cool place or in the refrigerator.

Cook in a slow cooker

What you need for cooking:

  • 800 grams of strawberries;
  • Granulated sugar – 400 grams.

How to cook strawberry jam in a slow cooker:

  1. The fruits should be carefully sorted. All dry leaves, twigs, sticks, rotten berries and other foreign debris should be picked out and removed. Rinse the strawberries with water;
  2. Pour the strawberries into a sieve to drain excess liquid;
  3. Next, place the fruits in a slow cooker and sprinkle sugar on top. Leave under granulated sugar for several hours, or better yet, overnight. During this period, the berry will release juice;
  4. How to stand out required amount berry juice, mix everything, close the multicooker with a lid and set the “Stew” mode;
  5. Boil strawberry jam until boiling. After boiling, cook for 10-15 minutes;
  6. During the cooking process, you need to remove the foam from the surface;
  7. Turn off the multicooker and leave the jam to cool;
  8. Meanwhile, wash the jars with kitchen detergent or scrub all sides with baking soda powder;
  9. Then we sterilize the jars by steaming or in the oven;
  10. Place the prepared strawberry jam in jars and close the lids on top;
  11. Turn the jars over and cover with warm material. They must cool completely;
  12. Leave the finished dessert to be stored in a dark place with a temperature no higher than 20 degrees or in the refrigerator.

Cooking rules:

  1. To begin with, we wash the fruits, sort out any debris, dry leaves, stalks, twigs;
  2. Pour the peeled fruits into a container and add half of the granulated sugar;
  3. Using a masher, mash the berries with sugar until pureed. You can also grind everything in a blender;
  4. Next, add the second half of the granulated sugar to the berry puree and mix well;
  5. Let stand overnight until all the granulated sugar dissolves;
  6. Transfer the finished strawberry jam into a plastic container and store it in the freezer. It can also be stored in sterilized jars in the refrigerator.

  • For wild strawberry jam, you need to use a berry of good ripeness and small size. Ripe small berries have subtle aroma and taste;
  • Be sure to sort out all the berries before cooking, remove affected and rotten fruits, they will ruin the entire taste of the delicacy;
  • You can't put too much sugar. Sour jam strawberries for the winter will have a very unusual taste and a pleasant aroma;
  • To prevent the jam from becoming sugary later on, it is best to add citric acid to it at the end of cooking.

It is advisable to store wild strawberry jam in a cool, dark place at a temperature of +7 to + 20 degrees.

Strawberry jam is very healthy and at the same time tasty treat. This blank will excellent prevention for many colds, especially in the cold season.

In addition, it can be used to prepare many desserts, jelly and added to the filling of baked goods. Therefore, quickly go into the forest for this berry and start preparing this amazing delicacy!

Prepare delicious jam You need wild strawberries at least once in your life. This fragrant berry, collected in the forest or fields, will appeal to the whole family. And to preserve the taste of summer until autumn and winter, jam is made from strawberries.

Making strawberry jam is not difficult if you follow the cooking rules. Strawberries are thoroughly washed before cooking, and the jars are heated in a water bath. You can add spices or berries to the jam if desired. To make jam, the jam is first boiled, then rubbed through a sieve and boiled again.

To understand how long to cook the sweetness, you need to look at the thickness of the mixture. Even if the cooking time has expired, and it is liquid, you need to set the jam aside for a while. Gradually it will begin to thicken.

How to Prepare Jars for Canning

Before cooking, jars are prepared in advance. First, they are washed thoroughly with detergent and left to dry. After drying, the cleaned jars are heated. Heat the jars in a water bath for several minutes until the glass becomes hot.

How to select and prepare berries for harvesting for the winter

Aromatic jam is made from wild strawberries. It is large and suitable for cooking sweets. Garden or remontant strawberries are also used to make jams, but the aroma will be less intense. White strawberries produce the same flavor as red ones.

The most delicious jam obtained from meadow or field ripe strawberries.

The dessert turns out very aromatic and sweet. Strawberries collected in fields and meadows are sweeter than wild strawberries.

Strawberry jam recipes

Exists a large number of recipes for making strawberry jam. It is prepared with the addition of nuts, other berries and spices.

With added water

The simplest way to cook strawberry jam is by adding water. Cooking in this way allows you to keep the berries intact:

  • Wash the strawberries and remove the stems.
  • Place in a saucepan, add water and add sugar to taste. Put on fire.

  • Stir the jam as it boils and skim off the foam.
  • Cook the jam for 15-20 minutes. The boiling procedure is repeated 3-4 times.

When the jam is ready, it is poured into jars and stored for the winter.

A simple five-minute recipe

Five-minute jam with whole strawberries easy to prepare:

  • To prepare, you need to take strawberries and sweetener.
  • Cover the berries with sugar and leave them for 12 hours so that they give juice.
  • Then pour the jam into the pan and cook for 5 minutes.

When the syrup is ready, it is poured into jars or eaten immediately. The finished syrup should be cooled at room temperature so that the liquid does not become sugary.

Strawberry jam without cooking

Jam without cooking is not only delicious sweetness, but also useful product. To prepare, you need to cover the strawberries with sweetener and leave overnight. Then pour into jars and store in the refrigerator with the lid closed. There is no need to use water in this recipe.

Strawberry jam in a slow cooker

If time is short, and you need to prepare sweets urgently, then you can do this using a multicooker:

  • The strawberries are washed and poured into a slow cooker. Cover with sweetener and add water.
  • The cooking technique is similar to cooking in a saucepan. Set the mode to “stew” and cook for about 35 minutes.
  • When everything is ready, the syrup is poured into jars, rolled up with a lid and placed upside down.

Cool until room temperature and go down to the basement.

Strawberry jam with almonds

You can make jam with the addition of almonds. It will add an unusual flavor:

  • Wash the strawberries and chop the almonds into flakes.
  • Pour water into a saucepan, add sweetener and lemon juice.
  • Bring the liquid to a boil. Then add strawberries.
  • Simmer over low heat until boiling for 25-35 minutes. The consistency of the sweetness should be thick.

At the end of cooking, add 2 tbsp. l. Amaretto and cook for another 5 minutes. Pour into jars and cool.

Strawberry jam with rum

To prepare jam with rum you need to take 100 g of rum, 10 g of citric acid, sugar and berries:

  • Place strawberries on the bottom of the pan, cover with sweetener and sprinkle with rum.
  • Then add another layer of strawberries, sweetener and rum.
  • Place the berries in the refrigerator overnight.
  • Put on fire, bring to a boil and add citric acid.

Remove from the stove and wait until the mixture cools down. Then boil again.

Strawberry jam with mint and lemon

Thick fragrant jam obtained with the addition of mint and lemon:

  • To prepare the sweet you will need 1 lemon, several sprigs of fresh mint, strawberries and sugar.
  • Add sugar and leave overnight. The berries will give juice overnight.
  • The next day they start cooking.
  • Add lemon juice and crushed mint sprigs. Put on fire. Cook for 6 minutes.
  • Then strain the syrup and store it separately until it cools.

When the mixture reaches room temperature, pour the syrup back and cook until tender. Add more before the end of cooking a small amount of mint.

Strawberries with gooseberries

Step-by-step recipe for making sweets with gooseberries:

  1. Wash the berries and add sweetener.
  2. Put on fire.
  3. Cook until boiling.
  4. Then remove from heat, place in containers, cool and place in a cool place.

Strawberry jam with lavender

Making lavender jam correctly is not difficult. To do this, you need to cover the berries with sugar overnight. In the morning, cook the mixture for 6 minutes. Stir constantly. Remove from the stove and cool. Then add the lavender flowers and cook for another 3 minutes. Lemon juice is also added.

Strawberry jam without bitterness

To make strawberry jam without bitterness, you need to add currants to it. Strawberries and currants are covered with sugar overnight, and the next morning they begin to cook. Place the container on the fire, stirring constantly, cook for 6 minutes. When the mixture boils, remove it from the heat and let cool. Pour into containers, refrigerate or lower into the cellar and leave until winter. And in winter enjoy the aromatic sweetness.
