Chocolate cheesecake made from cottage cheese without baking. Chocolate cottage cheesecake - a wonderful dream on your plate

It is known that cheesecake was invented by Americans. But everything good is borrowed by someone at some point. Popular dessert, having found its fans all over the planet, has acquired a mass of variations and varieties. The Greeks claim that it was their chefs who gave the world chocolate cheesecake. Without much preamble, we present to you today the recipe with a photo of this masterpiece. The dessert can be prepared in the oven. But there is a recipe for no-bake chocolate cheesecake. Try also making a cheese layer from cottage cheese - it will also be very tasty. You can decorate the pie with chocolate ganache, meringue, or simply leave the soft yellow top uncovered. From kitchen utensils welcome Silicone molds- with it, the process of getting a fragile base will be easier than from a traditional iron one.

Classic cheesecake with a twist

For the base, as for regular cheese pie, take shortbread cookies. But it must certainly be dark and chocolate. Grind 150 grams in a blender into fine crumbs. Melt forty grams of butter over a fire or in the microwave. Pour the cookies over them and stir. Press this mixture into a baking dish (about 15-18 cm in diameter) and put it in the refrigerator. All ingredients for cheese filling should be brought to room temperature. This is a guarantee that the layer will not crack in the oven and all components will interact harmoniously with each other. Sift cocoa powder (10 g) and cornstarch (20 g) into a bowl. Add 20 g of sugar. In a mixer bowl, beat half a kilo of cream cheese. These may be brands such as Philadelphia, Buko or Almette. Add 110 g of sugar and starch-chocolate mixture. Continue beating at low speed, preferably using spatula-shaped attachments. Beat in two eggs one at a time. Without turning off the mixer, add 80 g of 35% heavy cream and a bar of dark chocolate melted in a water bath.

Baking a classic cheesecake

There's just a little bit left to do. Preheat the oven to 160 degrees. We take the base out of the refrigerator and tip the cheese layer onto it. Place the mold in a baking tray with high edges. Let's pour it there hot water, but so that its level does not reach the pie. Chocolate oven cheesecake recipe recommends an hour and a half. This is how we check the readiness of the pie. Tap the edge of the mold with a spoon: the edges should already be hardened, but the middle should still sway and tremble. It will firm up as the cheesecake cools. Don't rush to take it out of the oven. Let it cool completely. After this, keep the pie in the refrigerator for at least another four hours. Then it will easily come out of the mold. Decorate it with meringues and jam if desired.

"Cold" cheese pie

You don't have to put the base in the oven to get a chocolate cheesecake. The no-bake recipe is quite simple - after all, we take ready-made cookies(150 grams). If it's not chocolate, it doesn't matter either. Maybe this is for the best. Let's push regular cookies(you can use the cheapest one, for example, “Maria”) in crumbs. Mix with a spoon granulated sugar and 50 grams of ghee. Mix well and compact the shape with this mixture. We put it in the refrigerator. Melt one hundred and fifty grams of dark chocolate in a water bath or in the microwave. Cool slightly. Whip half a glass of heavy cooking cream into a soft foam, add two tablespoons of cocoa and cooled chocolate. To mix everything well, you can dilute the powder a small amount warm water. Using a mixer, beat two hundred grams of cream cheese with half a glass of sugar. Carefully connect with chocolate mass. Place on top of the cookie base. Place in the freezer for an hour, then place in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. After this, the pie can be decorated.

Cold chocolate cheesecake: recipe with photo

For many, it remains a mystery how we can remove the base from the mold if we previously compacted it with a viscous mass and did not bake it after that. To avoid difficulties, you can use a special cake maker with detachable sides. Better yet, make a stencil. Simply cut a ring approximately 7-10 centimeters wide from a large 6-liter plastic flask. By the way, it will also be useful to you for creating beautiful puff salads- a necessary thing in the household. So, place the ring on a flat plate and begin to lay out the cookie mixture with melted butter. There is no point in making this layer higher than a centimeter. Place the entire structure in the freezer for an hour. Whip half a glass of cooking cream into a strong foam. Set aside. Let's start with cream cheese (90-100 g), mixed with 40 g of sugar. Beat them until smooth. Melt black and white chocolate (total weight 100 g) until liquid state and pour into the cheese. Without ceasing to beat, add a spoonful of cream and a bag of vanilla. Take out the mold and lay out the filling. We put the chocolate cheesecake, the recipe of which is not much different from the previous one, in the refrigerator overnight, after which we remove the stencil ring.

With white chocolate

Prepare the base from cookies and butter, distribute on a baking sheet lined with foil, bake for ten minutes at 170 C. To make white chocolate cheesecake, the recipe recommends using Mascarpone cheese (half a kilo). You need to beat it with one hundred grams of sugar, add 4 eggs to the tender mass and pour in 200 g of melted white chocolate. Place the filling on the crust. Place the mold in a baking tray with hot water and bake for about an hour at 165 C.

Chocolate cheesecake: cottage cheese recipe

Cream cheese is not a cheap pleasure. Not to mention Mascarpone - it makes cheesecakes especially tender and airy. But let's look more a budget option cheese pie. Cottage cheese is not only accessible to the masses, but also useful product. To make it more interesting, let's add this fermented milk product some berries: raspberries or pitted cherries. The basis for curd cheesecake We prepare the chocolate one in the same way as for the cheese counterpart. Grind the cookies with warm butter. We cover the mold with foil or parchment, spread the mixture, compacting it in an even layer one centimeter high. While the base is resting in the refrigerator, let's start making the filling. Rub 450 g of cottage cheese through a sieve. At the same time, put 400 g of chocolate to melt in a water bath. Beat two yolks with 100 g of powdered sugar. Add to fluffy cottage cheese. Add melted chocolate. Separately, beat the whites with a mixer into a fluffy foam. Add them to the filling. Mix carefully so that the whites do not fall off. Let's add some berries. Posting curd and chocolate filling on the basis. Bake for about an hour at 180 C. Decorate with berries and grated chocolate.

Layered dessert

This chocolate cheesecake recipe suggests making it in glass serving bowls. The base and filling for the pie are prepared in the classic way(no baking). With a slight difference. The base is distributed between layers cling film. When the cookie dough freezes, cut out a circle along the diameter of the bowl and place it on the bottom of the bowl. Place some of the filling on top. Next, alternate layers of base and cheese-chocolate praline. The bowls are placed in the refrigerator overnight.

Multicooker to help you

Bread makers greatly simplify the work of a cook. But not many people know that you can cook chocolate cheesecake in a slow cooker. The recipes mainly focus on the question of how to remove the fragile base from the bowl. How to prevent the sticky cookie mass from being tightly welded to the bottom? You can cover the entire bowl baking paper. But then the edges of the cake will come out uneven. The easiest way is to cut the bottom out of paper and place it on two cross strips of parchment. Then the product will be easy to remove from the multicooker and move to the refrigerator. We lay it on the base cheese-chocolate cream. Turn on the “Baking” program and set the timer for an hour and twenty minutes.

Hi all!

Is there anyone here who doesn't like cheesecake? I don't think there are any here.

Although we traditionally consider cheesecake summer dessert, today's chocolate cheesecake turned out to be definitely winter: firstly, it is baked in the oven, and secondly, it turns out rich, dense, very chocolatey, with a distinct cheese taste. Yes, in fact, in the summer he will marry an equally sweet soul.

This is one of the very successful versions of the New York chocolate cheesecake which is baked in the oven. This curd and cream cheese version is not very different in taste from the classic, but it is more economical.

Half the cream cheese we're here replace with cottage cheese. So small but very effective confectionery trick. If you completely replace Philadelphia with cottage cheese, it will no longer be cheesecake, but chocolate cottage cheese casserole(which is also, in principle, not bad)…

And if you prepare this cheesecake only from cream cheese, it will turn out quite expensive.

Therefore, we choose the golden mean - neither ours nor yours, as they say.

Well, everything is very balanced and I assure you, no one will notice the substitution.

By the way, the cheese layer in this recipe is prepared using corn starch, without adding flour. So if you're avoiding flour products, you can use gluten-free cookies for the base and you will have an amazing diet chocolate cheesecake. On iherb you can order these cookies with home delivery . There is simply an endless selection of it. Use my promo code POR7412 to get a 5% discount.

If you don't have cream cheese, feel free to use cottage cheese. You can also use mascarpone, but keep in mind that the level of calories and fat in such a cheesecake will increase significantly.

I’ll say without a twinge of conscience, this is one of the best cheesecakes I’ve ever made!

Cheesecake recipe


For the base:

  • chocolate cookies 160 gr.
  • butter - 80 gr.

For the cheese layer:

  • cottage cheese, ≈10% fat - 250 gr.
  • cream cheese, Philadelphia type - 250 gr.
  • milk - 200 ml
  • vanilla essence - ½ tsp. or vanilla seeds - ½ pod
  • sugar - 120 gr.
  • eggs - 2 pcs.
  • starch - 50 gr.
  • cocoa - 20 gr.
  • dark chocolate - 200 gr.

To get rid of excess moisture, I advise you to first separate the excess whey by hanging the curd wrapped in several layers of gauze for 2 hours, or even overnight. But I assure you, no one will get hurt if you don’t do this and just find drier cottage cheese.


Decorate the finished cheesecake as desired and store in the refrigerator for 1-2 days.

And now, in all its glory, the manifestation of miracles confectionery art. I have no idea how the cookie base ended up on the sides of the pan??? You saw for yourself that I placed the cookies only on the bottom of the mold. And look how well it distributed itself during the baking process! I suspect this was due to the heaviness of the cheese layer collapsing onto the buttery cookie layer once melted in the oven. But I can’t be sure that you will have the same result, so we won’t focus on it.

Well, in general, that's all for now. If you don’t understand anything, ask questions in the comments ⇓

If you have absolutely no access to cream cheese, I recommend preparing it, and for chocolate taste Replace half of the flour with cocoa + throw a bar of melted chocolate into the dough. I think it will be very, very good. Although, to be honest, I haven’t tried it myself. If anyone dares to experiment, write your impressions.

And if you have more sophisticated gourmet ambitions, then I send you straight to.

By the way, I remembered the other day one old good recipe no-bake chocolate cheesecake. I'll have to tell you at my leisure. A very cool and yet simple thing. Yes, Veronica?

With this, let me take my leave.

Good luck, love and patience.

Not everyone loves healthy cottage cheese, so housewives collect different variants his submission. Try making no-bake chocolate cheesecake with gelatin. This dessert can be served with a summer tea party; it is refreshing and cool. It is easy to prepare in a summer cottage, when there is no oven, and there is not much time for cooking. Look detailed recipe from the photo, it is so simple that the making of such a cake can be entrusted to children. And the dessert will turn out to be very impressive, it’s not a shame to serve it to guests, look at the chocolate-curd beauty.

Taste Info No-bake desserts


  • Dark chocolate – 150 g;
  • Cocoa powder – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Cow butter – 60 g;
  • Shortbread– 160 g;
  • Homemade fat cottage cheese – 370 g;
  • Fat sour cream – 85 g;
  • Natural sweet yoghurt – 80 g;
  • White sugar sand – 40-60 g;
  • Gelatin – 30 g;
  • Cinnamon powder to taste.

How to make curd chocolate cheesecake without baking with gelatin

For this dessert you can use any cookies without filling and even ground crackers from white bread. Another option is to buy ready-made shortbread, this will make cooking much easier. But Jubilee or Tea Cookies are the best.
Prepare the oil. You can simply take it out of the refrigerator to soften it. We suggest melting, but make sure the butter does not boil. The butter can be melted in the microwave or in a water bath.

Crush the cookies into fine crumbs and combine with butter. Mash the mixture thoroughly, add cinnamon to taste for flavor.

In the round springform Place a sheet of parchment on the bottom and spread the resulting dough into an even layer. Place in the freezer for 10-20 minutes until the oil base has completely hardened.

For the cake, take homemade fat cottage cheese, it is advisable to rub it through a sieve or grind it using a meat grinder.

Pour cottage cheese, full-fat sour cream or cream into a container and sweet yogurt(for example, strawberry flavored). You can get by with just one cottage cheese, if it is soft enough, but then you need to take more of it.

Add sugar and beat with a mixer or blender until smooth. curd mass.

Melt dark chocolate in a water bath and mix with one spoon of natural cocoa powder.

Add the slightly cooled chocolate into the curd mass (it should not be cold so that the chocolate does not curdle).

Pre-soak the gelatin in half a glass of water and heat in a water bath until completely dissolved. Add gelatin to the chocolate-curd mass and stir with a whisk.

Teaser network

Remove the pan with the frozen cake from the freezer and pour the resulting creamy curd mixture on top of it. Use a spatula to smooth the top of the cheesecake and cover with cling film. Leave the cake in the refrigerator until completely set, 4 hours, or preferably overnight.

Sprinkle the finished cheesecake grated chocolate or cocoa powder, and carefully remove the mold ring.

Cut the cheesecake into pieces and serve; this dessert should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than three days.

Chocolate cheesecake made from cottage cheese without baking will be a real summer hit and a decoration for any tea table. Prepared in advance in the evening, it will be pleasant and healthy breakfast for the whole family.

Chocolate cheesecake – recipe with photos step by step:

First, start with the sand base. To do this, grind the finished cookies into fine crumbs using a food processor or by hand.

Add a tablespoon of cocoa powder to the resulting crumbs and mix thoroughly. By the way, to prepare the base, you can initially take chocolate cookies.

Melt the butter in the microwave or on the stove and add to the cookies. Stir thoroughly.

Place the resulting butter crumbs in a baking dish with a diameter of 20 cm. Press the crumbs tightly to form the base for the chocolate cheesecake. If desired, you can form small sides.

Place the shortbread base in the oven and bake it for 15 minutes at 180 C. Remove from the oven and leave to cool.

Meanwhile, make the cheese layer. Break the chocolate into pieces and melt it in microwave oven or in a water bath. Let cool slightly.

In a bowl, combine cream cheese and powdered sugar. Mix thoroughly with a whisk until the powder dissolves.

Beat three eggs into the cheese mixture, one at a time. Do not beat the cheese mass, but simply stir until smooth.

Add melted chocolate and stir until smooth.

Pour in heavy cream(from 30%) or sour cream.

Stir until light cheesy masses.

Since our chocolate cheesecake will be baked in a water bath, carefully wrap the pan with foil to prevent water from getting into it, as shown in the photo.

On top sand base add chocolate cheese mixture.

Transfer the cheesecake pan to deep baking tray and fill it with boiling water so that the water level reaches the middle of the mold.

Place the chocolate cheesecake in the oven and bake it for 1 hour at 150-160 C until done. To determine if the cheesecake is ready, simply shake it slightly; the center should jiggle a little.

Cool the finished cheesecake completely. You need to cool the cheesecake gradually, as a sudden temperature change can cause the top to crack, so ready cheesecake remove from pan with water and return to warm oven, leave it in it until it cools completely. Cover the cooled chocolate cheesecake with film and refrigerate for 4-5 hours.

If desired, decorate the finished dessert with chocolate ganache. To prepare it, break the chocolate into small pieces and pour hot cream over it.

Stir the chocolate until it is completely melted. The ganache is ready.

Spread the ganache over the top of the cheesecake.

Carefully remove it from the mold and place it on a plate. Chocolate cheesecake is ready!

Cut the dessert into small pieces (it is very filling) and serve with a cup of tea or coffee.

Welcome to the site, dear visitors!

Curd cheesecake can be prepared without using an oven, which is very popular in the summer; it can be additionally decorated, for example, in the “Pink Zebra” style. The flight for creativity knows no bounds.

In the recipe presented, I added chocolate to the list of ingredients. Thanks to this, I got an amazing cake, look how excellent and appetizing everything looks together. This sweetness is appropriate both for a regular lunch or dinner, and as a holiday dessert. All of the above advantages are complemented by the incredible ease of preparation.

So, let’s collect everything you need and start the recipe...

Nutritional value of the dish per 100 grams.

BZHU: 8 /18 /43.

Kcal: 355.

GI: high.

AI: high.

Cooking time: 60 min.

Number of servings: Serves 5, cheesecake 16 cm in diameter (1.1 kg).

Ingredients of the dish.

Sand base.

  • Shortbread sugar cookies - 250 g.
  • Butter - 70 g.


  • Cottage cheese - 250 g.
  • Sugar - 150 g (3/4 tbsp).
  • Egg 1 C - 2 pcs.
  • Cocoa powder - 12 g (1 tbsp).


  • Bitter chocolate - 90-100 g (1 bar).
  • Cream 20% - 50 ml (2 tbsp).
  • Sugar - 20 g (1 tbsp).

Recipe of dish.

For this recipe no special preparation of ingredients is required; any cookie of the “For coffee” or “Baked milk” type can be used as a base. Cottage cheese is suitable, both country and store-bought. I recommend using cream with a fat content of 20%, with less high-calorie product The glaze will be very runny.

Set the oven to warm up to 200 C.

Grind cookies (250 g) into crumbs. I use a blender for this purpose.

Heat butter (70 g) to a liquid state using a water bath or microwave. According to the second option, it took me 60 seconds at a power of 800 W.

Connecting sand crumbs with butter, mix the mixture until smooth.

Place the flour base in a mold with a diameter of 16 cm. Compact the mixture, creating a flat surface. Bake the dough at 200 C in a preheated oven for about 5 minutes.

Then we take out the crust and cool it, while at this time we prepare the filling. Reduce the oven temperature to 170-180 C.

Mix cottage cheese (250 g), eggs (2 pcs), sugar (3/4 tbsp) and cocoa (1 tbsp) in a deep bowl until smooth.

Heat the chocolate bar in a water bath or in the microwave (25-30 s at 800 W). The surface of the dish in which you place the chocolate must be perfectly dry, otherwise the product may separate.

Add liquid chocolate into the filling and mix the mass, the consistency should be 20% sour cream.

Spread the chocolate-curd mixture onto the crust and smooth its surface. Bake the cheesecake at 170-180 C for about 50 minutes.

The finished cake must first be cooled to room temperature and then placed in the freezer for 10-15 minutes.

In the meantime, let's prepare the glaze, this time I melted the chocolate (100 g) in a water bath.
