How to set a tea table. How to serve tea. Tea etiquette, tea table setting

There are many special occasions for table setting. Among them are such events as tea parties, buffets, banquets, as well as romantic dinner and Halloween.

Tea party

Most people start and end their day with tea, so setting the tea table correctly will set the right mood for the whole day. Depending on the menu and the reason for drinking tea, serving may vary. However, the sequence suggested by setting the table for tea has certain order actions are the same for everyone.

Order of serving the tea table:

  • choice of tablecloth,
  • arrangement of plates and cutlery,
  • selection of spices, vases and flowers,
  • design of napkins.

Features of table setting

Choosing a tablecloth

The tablecloth is selected based on the tone of the dishes. It is taken ironed, without stains or streaks. If you are planning a festive tea party, then the tablecloth can be decorated with embroidery, ribbons, bows, but still remain snow-white. If the service is white, then you can safely choose a rich tablecloth with ornaments and embroidery.

Linen tablecloth and others look impressive natural fabrics. If the table is glass, then it is better not to use a tablecloth. Sometimes, instead of a tablecloth, you can lay a fabric runner. If the table is round, then you can use 2 tablecloths, and it is better to carefully pin the edges and gather them into original folds. This way the tablecloth will not interfere with guests during the meal. Tablecloths are laid out on a rectangular table at an angle of 45° relative to each other. Fabrics can merge or contrast. Combinations with checks and plain fabrics look great.

Tip: It is better to put a thick, wide fabric under the main tablecloth. This will prevent glasses from knocking on the table surface and will not scratch it when hot food is served.

Dessert plates are placed in front of guests no more than 2 cm from the edge of the table. On the right side there is a knife, fork and spoon, and fruit cutlery is placed above the plate. The teacup should be placed on the saucer with the handle to the right along with the teaspoon. If the menu contains jam and preserves, then to the left of the dessert plate you need to place a rosette for jam, a small saucer for the seeds and a spoon. Snack plates for sandwiches, pastries, and candies are placed along the edges or along the table.

It is better to cover the bread with a napkin from the general set. A saucer with lemon slices. In the central part of the table there is a milk jug on a saucer, a sugar bowl with a spoon and a decanter with syrup, wine or rum. A teapot or samovar, a strainer and tea leaves are usually placed on an additional table on the left side of the hostess.


For tea drinking, 35x35 cm cloth and paper napkins are selected. Individual napkins are beautifully folded and placed on or to the left side of the plate. Napkins can be placed under a bowl of fruit, under cutlery and baskets of bread. The main thing is to try not to completely cover the entire table with them. Cloth napkins are placed on the lap, and paper plates are placed overboard. It is no longer customary to tuck a napkin into the collar of a shirt or dress. You can use paper napkins to blot the corners of your mouth and dry your hands.

If they are not there, then slightly lifting a cloth napkin from your knees, you can apply its edge to your mouth. After finishing the meal, a cloth napkin is left to the left of the plate, and paper napkins are left on the plate. It is inappropriate to specifically fold or wrinkle a used napkin. When using the origami technique for folding napkins, it is worth remembering that the guest must quickly unfold the napkin. Therefore, for tea drinking, you should choose a laconic design in the form of envelopes, a lotus, a cone, or take napkin rings.


A large vase of flowers placed in the center will perfectly decorate the table. It is better to choose vases with a wide bottom, as they are more stable. Flowers should not interfere with the eye contact of guests, so it is worth choosing low compositions. It is better if there are no more than 5 flowers in the vase, matching the tablecloth and cutlery. If you are planning a festive tea party, then the table can be decorated with candles and decorative figures.


The buffet table setting is varied and depends on the place and event. Yes, for wedding table they use one-sided and two-sided table settings at the same time, and for an outdoor banquet other types of table settings will be used.

Features and order of serving the buffet table:

After choosing a tablecloth, glasses and glasses are placed. The types of glass serving are striking in their originality and can be displayed in a row, in groups, in the form of a Christmas tree or a snake.

Serving banquet table longer than 7 meters, it involves a symmetrical arrangement of 2 triangles of glasses (20 cm from the edge of the table) between which containers with juice and water are placed.

It is customary to place glasses around the table in 2 rows at a distance of 25 cm from each other. It will be easier if you first place the 1st row of glasses (vodka), and then place the 2nd row (Rhine wine) at a distance of 2 cm. If you have time, you can create a snake or zigzags from an even row, then the table will look original from the outside. A Christmas tree of glasses is obtained by placing groups of rows of Rhine wine, Lafite and vodka glasses at an angle of 45°.

Jug jugs, glasses and ice buckets are placed on the side of the triangle of wine glasses.

To understand how many plates you will need for the holiday, you need to add up 2 appetizer plates and 1 dessert plate, multiplying by the number of guests. Snack plates are usually placed in stacks of up to 9 pieces, 2 cm from the edge of the table. On the right, closer to the glasses, there are dessert plates, laid out in a maximum of 4 pieces.

To count cutlery, you need 2 appetizer forks and 1 appetizer knife multiplied by the number of guests. Fruit knives are taken at the rate of 1 piece for 2 persons. You can immediately wrap the knife and fork in a paper plate, so it will be easier for guests to find the necessary utensils.

Napkins should be folded first in four, and then in half again and placed in a stack behind the appetizer plates.

Do not neglect multi-level serving. You can create pyramids from glasses, glasses, use stands for fruits and snacks. At home, you can be smart and put assorted snacks on boxes, books, decorated with napkins in the style of the holiday.

Original table settings for Halloween

Lately, Halloween has been actively celebrated in Russia, with many parties being organized and buffet and home tables being set in frightening themes. Pumpkins and all the paraphernalia of horror films are displayed on the table. In order not to spend money on special tablecloths with skulls or plates with spiders, which will then have nowhere to be used, you can create festive table with your own hands. A plain white tablecloth can be covered with gummy worms.

An excellent option for a home party would be to use disposable tableware. This option will be the cheapest, but will fully reflect the spirit of the holiday. Accessories play the most important role in Halloween table settings. You can create a web from ordinary threads or starched gauze, buy rubber spiders, or make panicles from twigs. It is enough to take orange, red napkins and black ribbons for the final stage of table setting and you will have a real Dracula dinner.

When the guests are seated, you can make the main light dim, and place candles on the table, decorated according to the holiday, or turn on a garland with light bulbs under the black cardboard houses.

Ways to set the table for a romantic dinner

To create a romantic atmosphere, you need to decide on the color palette of the table setting. For festive occasions, red, pink and white colors combined with gold and silver are suitable. To make a small table look impressive, you should put contrasting small napkins with lace or a beautiful ornament on the main tablecloth.

Serving plates are placed on napkins to match the tablecloth or contrast with it, if additional napkins were not used. In order not to distract your significant other’s attention by the abundance of cutlery, you should limit yourself to the classic combination - knife on the right and fork on the left. Glass (glasses, glasses, cups) is placed only as necessary on the left side of the plates at an angle. The main thing is to maintain a relaxed atmosphere and not get lost in the abundance of cutlery, sets and accessories.

Decor in the form of napkins and candles will complement the overall composition. It’s worth practicing folding napkins in the shape of flowers. It is better to take non-scented candles on the table, and if flowers are placed, they should not interfere with eye contact. It is worth limiting yourself to one main dish and light snacks so as not to fill the entire table, which will distract attention from the main thing.

Tatyana Spirina
Summary of GCD on etiquette “Setting the table for tea” middle group

Program content:

Educational objectives:

1. Teach children set the table for tea.

2. Introduce the features of the reception "for tea".

3. Develop organizational skills: continue to teach how to prepare for work, select necessary utensils for this serving.

Educational tasks:

4. Cultivate the desire to master labor skills, the ability to achieve intermediate results; develop self-control skills.

5. Cultivate neatness and goodwill.

Devices and materials:

Cloth, paper napkins, flat plate, saucer, cup, teaspoon, treats.

Methods and techniques:

A surprise moment, a problematic situation, a discussion of upcoming work, a conversation, observation of the teacher’s activities, a sample before work, an exercise, an explanation, an explanation, encouragement, children’s answers, guidance of activities, control, a general conversation, evaluation of the result.

Reinforcing content outside of class. Skills and abilities dining room(tea) etiquette reinforced daily during breakfast and afternoon tea. In some kindergarten groups, there is a tradition of congratulating children on their birthday, they, in turn, treat the children with various sweets. You can organize a holiday these days feast with mandatory compliance with the rules table etiquette. Organize a game "Doll Tea Party", during which children sit at a common table with dolls and teach them how to eat sweets and drink tea correctly.

Working with parents. Parents can be recommended to organize holiday tea parties at home with a pie baked by their mother or grandmother. Such tea parties create a friendly family atmosphere in which the child once again reinforces the rules of behavior for table and accumulates positive emotions: tasty, and fun, and all together. In such a situation, the preschooler tries to show his best side.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Guys, today is our doll Katya’s birthday, and she invited her friends to visit. While she bakes the cake, can we help her?

Children: Yes! What are we going to do?

Educator: We will lay the table.

Children: But as?

Educator: Now I will teach you. Guys, what do we need to get started? First, we need to know how many invited guests there will be.

Children: Katya, how many guests will you have?

Katya doll: A bear, a bunny and a puppy will come to me.

Educator: And how many devices should we supply?

Children: 4.

Educator: Correct for 4 devices for 4 persons.

Educator: IN table setting for tea there are such rules:

Tea table setting has its own characteristics. Opposite the chair on a cup is placed on the table, under it is a saucer. The handle of the cup points to the right. Under it on the saucer lies a teaspoon with the handle towards the edge table. To the left of the cup is a pie plate with a linen napkin on it. Tea napkin smaller dining room. To the right of the cup you can place a butter knife with the tip facing the cup.

For tea table put various sweets: cake in a box or on a cake plate, in vases there are cookies, sweets, nuts, cakes - each treat separately. Candy can be served in a box. Sugar is in a sugar bowl, lemon, cut into slices, is on a plate.

Use a special spatula for the cake, tongs for the sugar, and a small fork for the lemon. We use these devices when we take treats from common dish. If there are no tongs in the sugar bowl, take the sugar with your hand, trying not to touch other pieces. You can take bread, cookies, candy, apple, pear, orange from a common dish with your hand.

On table cost two porcelain teapot: large - for boiling water, small - for tea leaves. A kettle in which water is boiled on the stove, on the table is not installed. But on table there may be a samovar from which the hostess pours it to the guests hot tea.

Teacher's demonstration.

Children setting the table. The teacher controls the children's activities.

Katya doll: Thank you guys very much, you helped me a lot, the dishes are beautifully arranged and my guests will be very pleased to sit at this table. And here the guests have arrived. Guys, come and have tea with us.

In conclusion, the teacher plays a song "Birthday" and children treat guests to tea to the music.

Publications on the topic:

Summary of educational activities for the development of cultural and hygienic skills and etiquette in the senior group “Table Setting”

Summary of GCD on etiquette (middle group)“Thumbelina” MBDOU DS No. 74 Educator: Menchinova O. A. Summary of GCD in the middle group “Thumbelina” teacher: Menchinova O. A Purpose: formation.

Abstract of GCD “Table Setting” Target. Formation of children's knowledge about table setting. Objectives: Educational field “Social and communicative development” (cultural.

Summary of the etiquette lesson “Be mutually polite” (middle group) Municipal budget preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 132" of a general developmental type with priority implementation of activities.

Summary of a lesson on familiarization with the surrounding world (middle group) Topic: “We are friends of nature” Program content: Reinforcing tasks: consolidate children's knowledge about trees and wild animals; about vegetables and fruits. Build skill.

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Every self-respecting housewife should know the basic rules of table setting etiquette. This is the art of arranging cutlery beautifully in accordance with the rules of good manners. Table setting has a rich history: each era had its own rules for table decoration, which changed over time. Of course, there are many subtleties and nuances, but it is not at all necessary to apply them all. Enough to know basic rules table setting.

General rules for table setting

A table set according to the rules of etiquette is always pleasing to the eye and is a pleasant place to spend time having a leisurely conversation. The basic serving rules are quite simple.

  • All cutlery must be perfectly clean. To achieve sparkling cleanliness, you need to wipe them with a damp, warm towel. Then wipe dry thoroughly.
  • Make sure that there are no smudges on the cutlery or utensils.
  • An important component of serving is the tablecloth. It must be perfectly ironed. You need to cover the table with it so that the edges lightly cover its legs. They should hang down by about 25-30 cm. There is no need to additionally cover the tablecloth with oilcloth, because this is not accepted by the rules of good manners.
  • The number of cutlery depends on the number of dishes that will be served at the table.
  • Appliances should be arranged the same way for each guest.

By following these basic rules, your table will always be decorated in accordance with etiquette.

Tablecloth on the table

  • A classic and win-win option is snow-white tablecloth . She always looks elegant and solemn.
  • However, there is no need to be afraid to experiment. It should be selected depending on the overall color palette of cutlery, the interior and the type of feast. But one thing Golden Rule yes: the tablecloth should be combined with curtains and upholstery.
  • Usually preference is given to light shades. But they can also be colored, plain or with a pattern. But the pattern should be located along the edge, because excessive variegation can distract the attention of guests. If you prefer a dark-colored tablecloth, then the cutlery should be a light shade.
  • Nowadays there is a large selection of tablecloth shapes and materials, but usually choose it rectangular or triangular shape. It is best to choose one made from fabric, especially from natural materials - it will add even more comfort to the feast. The size should be such that its edges can cover the table legs, and the ends should hang 25-30 cm, but not be lower than the level of the seats.

The tablecloth for table setting is laid out as follows: opened, taken by the ends on one side. Then it is lifted, shaken and sharply lowered down. This makes it easier to level it out. But you don’t need to stretch it too much and pull the corners.

If the surface is polished, then you should put oilcloth under the tablecloth. The main thing is that it is clean and well ironed.

Cutlery - layout diagram

To location cutlery According to etiquette, you need to approach it responsibly. There is no need to put all kinds of cutlery on the table. They must correspond to the holiday list of dishes. Cutlery is divided into individual (which each guest has) and auxiliary - they are needed in order to lay out dishes.

  • IN table etiquette It is customary to first place dishes made of earthenware or porcelain, then place the cutlery, and only then place glass or crystal.
  • Glasses and wine glasses should be placed holding them by the stem.
  • According to the rules of etiquette, the spoon and knife should be placed to the right of the plate, and the fork to the left.
  • You need to use utensils starting from the outer edge, changing them towards the plate as you change dishes.
  • The distance between the cutlery and the plate should be 0.5-1 cm.

The figure shows the location of cutlery. Of course, the set of forks, spoons and knives depends on what dishes will be served on the table. Glasses with wine glasses are also selected depending on the drinks.

Serving plates

There is an order in which the plates are laid out.

  • Snack plate - it is placed in front of each chair at a distance of approximately 2 cm from the edge.
  • Pie plate (bread) - it is customary to place it on the left side of the snack bar at a distance of 5-15 cm.
  • If you serve several dishes, then place a dining room under the snack bar.

It is the responsibility of the housewife to promptly replace the plates with clean ones.

Serving with napkins

They are an integral part of serving. Folding napkins beautifully is a real art. The more solemn the holiday, the more elegantly they can be folded.

The material is chosen depending on the type of feast. You can take it for a holiday cotton or linen e. They are usually intended to be placed on guests' laps.

If you decide to use paper, then they are removed under the right edge of the plate. Or they are placed in general availability.

Napkins can be any color, the main thing is that they are folded beautifully and neatly.

Spice utensils

They are usually placed on the festive table at the very end of the table setting. They are placed on special stands in the center of the table. So you can use small boards or saucers as stands. This must include a salt and pepper shaker, as well as additional mustard, vinegar, vegetable oil and other spices.

Drink glasses

You need to remember about the glasses when serving. They can be made from either glass or crystal. Small glasses are intended for stronger alcohol. Therefore, there should be a wine glass, a glass, a glass, and glasses on the table.

Selected depending on the color of the drink. For red wine they should be larger than for white wine. Champagne is served in special glasses. There are also special beer glasses. Vodka is usually served in glasses.

The following set of cutlery must be present on the table:

  • pie plate;
  • snack bar;
  • wine glass;
  • saucer;
  • coffee cup and saucer.

Bread can be served in a wicker basket, and butter can be served in a butter dish made of ceramic or porcelain - this way it retains its taste properties. Sausage and cold cuts are served in an elongated plate. The cheese is served in one piece on a porcelain board, with a knife for cutting cheese placed next to it.

The snack plate is placed opposite the center of the chair, and the pie plate is placed to the left of it. The knife is placed to the right of the snack plate, with the blade facing it. Fork - on the left side, tines up. The teaspoon is placed with the handle to the right, parallel to the table. Vases with flowers, napkins and utensils with spices are placed in the center.

How to serve lunch and dinner correctly

The dinner table is set in such a way that guests can be served conveniently and quickly. To do this, place the snack plate on a stand, with the pie plate on the left side. Cutlery is placed between them - a knife and a spoon on the right, and a table fork on the left. And in front of the cutlery is a wine glass.

Also, when setting the table for dinner, you should place a ladle with which to pour the soup. This must be done carefully so as not to stain the tablecloth. If you drip a little, you need to blot the stain with a napkin. The main thing is not to attract the attention of guests, so as not to disturb the calm flow of the conversation.

Dessert table setting

For setting the dessert table, it is permissible to choose a brighter tablecloth. The ideal option would be to use a special tea set. It is customary to place beautiful lace napkins in the center of the table and under tea cups. Serving a sweet table according to festive etiquette consists of the following cutlery:

  • cups and saucers (the cup must be turned with the handle to the right);
  • teaspoons (placed on a saucer, it is also permissible to place spoons behind the cup parallel to the table, with the handle on the right side);
  • small teapot;
  • large teapot, intended for boiling water;
  • Setting the table for dessert involves using a sugar bowl in which lump sugar is served along with tongs, or a special bowl;
  • a bowl for jam or preserves is placed on the left side;
  • lemon for tea is served on a special tray with a two-pronged fork for spreading;
  • The milk jug is placed on the pie plate on the guest's right side.
  • A plate for bread and sweets should be placed in front of each guest. Diagonally on the right side of it is a cup and saucer, and a teaspoon is placed next to it. A special spatula for serving the cake should be placed on the right side of the main plate.
  • The saucers are placed on the table, tea or coffee is poured into cups only when all the guests have taken their seats. Sweets served on an elegant table: buns, pies with sweet filling, cakes, muffins, sweets and fruits. From alcoholic drinks Wine and liqueurs are acceptable.

For a youth company you can do buffet table. It is served with a stack of plates (8-10 pieces in one stack). Cloth napkins are placed behind it. Glasses and wine glasses are placed next to the drinks. If there are people who smoke in the company, ashtrays are placed at the ends of the table.

Festive table setting

Banquet table setting helps create a festive mood. The main thing is not only to serve the dishes correctly, but also to decorate the table beautifully. Table setting for a banquet depends on what dishes are served at the holiday. But there are principles classic design festive table.

Chairs must be placed at a distance of 50 to 80 cm from each other so as not to violate the personal space of guests.
The tablecloth should be light colors, bright and dark colors better left for tea tables. Its edges should hang down no more than 20-30 cm. To prevent the knocking of dishes from distracting guests from the conversation, oilcloth or soft fabric is laid under the tablecloth. But the main thing is that it is perfectly ironed and clean.

A napkin is placed on a serving plate and a plate intended for hot food is placed on it. A pie plate is placed on the left side of the snack plate so that they are on the same line. The serving plate should always remain in its place, and others can be replaced while dishes are being served.

There should be no more than 3 pairs of forks and spoons. To the right of the serving plate, place a soup spoon, a snack knife and a table knife, with the blade facing the plate, and the forks are placed on the left side. Only an oyster fork can be placed on the right. Place the forks with their tines up, and the spoons with their convex side on the table.
The principle of arrangement: the dish that is served first is the distant device.


Setting a holiday table is also an opportunity to show your creativity. You need to pay attention to decorative items - using flowers is a win-win option. Usually they are placed in the middle of the table - it can be a bouquet or composition.
It is important to consider the following nuances:

  • so that none of the guests are allergic to them;
  • the bouquet should not contain flowers with a strong aroma;
  • The vase with the bouquet must be placed at a distance from the cutlery.

On New Year or a romantic date, you can choose more original decoration table. On New Year's feast you can put a composition made from pine needle branches, Christmas decorations, tinsel. For romantic evening Candles will do. On the table, the holiday atmosphere will be conveyed by objects in the form of wedding rings, figurines of the bride and groom, and doves.

You should be especially imaginative when decorating a table for a child’s birthday. You can attach balloons to the backs of the chairs, and pictures from your favorite cartoons will be a bright detail. It is important that all decorative elements are in the same style. They should not be too high so that guests can see each other. The main thing is not to overdo it with decoration, so that the table setting at the holiday and the decoration complement each other.

Depending on the interior and imagination, festive or dinner table can amaze guests with its sophistication. And additional serving elements will add brightness and originality to it. The listed design principles are not complicated and are an indicator of good taste.

Video: how to properly set the table

Table setting is a kind of art. And as in any form of art, there are certain rules. Agree, you cannot seat guests who have come to congratulate the owners of the house on their significant date, at a table covered with oilcloth, serve dishes directly in the frying pan and arrange assorted glasses and mugs.

By and large, it is advisable to spend everyday meals at a beautifully set table. And for special occasions you need to prepare especially. For a festive lunch and evening tea, the table is set differently. This also applies to the rules for choosing a tablecloth and arranging dishes. Here we will talk about how to properly set the table for tea at home.

Serving a festive tea party

1. Tablecloth and napkins.

Prepare a beautiful colored tablecloth, preferably linen or cotton. You can use a tablecloth white, if it is decorated with bright embroidery. Don't forget about napkins of the same shade. If there won’t be very many guests, we recommend decorating the table with fresh flowers in small low vases. Choose modest arrangements, preferably wildflowers. Lush bouquets will block the dishes and faces of those present, thereby interfering with the meal and leisurely conversation.

Festive tea service assumes that each guest will have their own dessert plate. Behind it you can put an outlet for jam. Place a dessert fork to the left of the plate and a dessert knife to the right. Distribute vases with fruits and sweets, dishes with sweet pies, rosettes with thinly sliced ​​lemon, cake, vases with cakes or cookies in the center of the table. Don't forget to prepare a cake spatula and special forceps for cakes and cookies.

3. Treats.

Tea utensils, a samovar or a kettle with boiling water, as well as a sugar bowl should be placed to the right of the place where the hostess will sit. She will pour the tea into cups and give it to the guests. In addition to pastries and desserts, light wine, liqueur, cognac or rum can be served at the tea table. In this case, it is advisable to prepare sandwiches with butter, cheese and meat as a snack.

How to Serve Desserts

Now let's imagine a different situation: tea needs to be served after the main meal is completed. Remove all dinnerware from the table and place dessert cutlery. You can leave glasses, wine glasses, and champagne glasses on the table.

Dessert dishes are usually served either in multi-serve dishes or on separate dessert plates, jam - in rosettes, sweet sauces - in special gravy boats, fruits - in vases. Arrange and pour cold dessert dishes: creams and ice cream - in bowls, mousses - in vases, compotes and jelly - in glasses. If you have prepared apples in dough, baskets of berries, puddings and puff pastries, serve them on metal or porcelain dishes or place them on dessert plates. Sugar or powdered sugar pour into sockets. Serve berries with cream or milk in small deep plates, place to the right of them dessert spoons. Don't forget fruit knives and forks.

Pre-pour the tea into glasses with glass holders or cups and give them to each guest. Serve thinly sliced ​​lemon in small saucers; chocolate candies can be placed on the table directly in boxes.

Serving in traditional English style

If you want to try something unusual, have a tea party in the traditional English style. Start, as always, with table setting.

Lay a plain linen tablecloth - preferably white or blue - so that its edges hang freely from the edge of the table by no more than 15 cm. Be sure to decorate the table with a vase of fresh white flowers.

Bowls are absolutely not suitable for traditional English tea drinking. It was the British who came up with the idea of ​​attaching handles to bowls in the 18th century. They decided to complement the cups with saucers so that hot tea would not drip onto the tablecloth and knees. Therefore, prepare a classic tea set, consisting of several sets of cups and saucers, a milk jug, vases for sugar and jam, a tray for spoons, a teapot with a stand, tin can for storing and measuring tea leaves, a jug or kettle for boiling water, plates for sandwiches or muffins, and also for lemon.

A simplified version of the English service is traditionally silver. It consists of the following items: a kettle for boiling water, a teapot, a jug for milk and a tray on which these utensils are placed. English teapots are distinguished by their elongated shape, and the cups have a short stem at the base. Tongs, teaspoons, strainers, tablecloths and napkins are usually not included in the kit, but are selected separately. A traditional element of English tea drinking is tea-cosy - a woolen or quilted cover for a teapot.

So, cups and saucers should be placed in front of the mistress of the house or another woman responsible for filling them with tea. Place in front of each guest a small plate for sweets: cookies, cakes, pieces of cake. Put down the knives and forks. Don't forget about napkins: place them under each plate or place them in the center of the table in a special napkin holder.

Place filled cups to the right and slightly diagonally from the plates. Place the teaspoons on the saucers or to the right of them. Place spoons or forks for pastries to the right of the plate. For fruit cakes, prepare a special spatula, and for dry cakes, use tongs. Don't forget about a separate spoon for sugar: you can put it directly in the sugar bowl.

Beauty and HealthHealthy BodyHealing Tea

How to serve tea

To this day, in Russian villages they believe that a real copper samovar, not an electric one, but a charcoal one, is best suited for drinking tea. And beautiful, and comfortable, and festive! In addition, the tea in it does not cool down for a long time, even if you have a tea party all evening.

In the East, tea is brewed in ceramic teapots with images of a dragon or the Yin-Yang sign. These teapots are made by real craftsmen.

How to properly set the table for tea. Tea table setting

The setting of the tea table depends on the menu, quantity and order of serving dishes. It is recommended to follow a certain order in preparing the festive table. First of all, you should lay out the tablecloth, then arrange the plates, then the cutlery, then containers with spices and vases with flowers, and only then decorate the table with elegantly folded napkins.

You can place a vase of flowers in the center of the table. To prevent guests from accidentally dropping it, it is better to choose vases with a wide bottom, low and stable. Flowers should be selected low so that they do not interfere with the participants of the feast. Vases look beautiful when matched to the service and tablecloth, then the table decoration looks like a single whole, very elegant and noble. Lighted candles will help create a festive mood.

Along the table it is customary to place elongated croutons with buns, cookies and other treats. Sometimes they are covered with napkins to keep the snacks fresh. Plates with lemon are placed next to them. If you plan to serve milk or cream with tea, it is better to pour it into a milk jug and place it on a small plate in the center of the table. There should also be carafes of wine, rum and syrups. A sugar bowl is always placed in the middle of the table so that all guests can easily reach it. The sugar bowl should have a spoon or tweezers for sugar if it is in lumps. Vases with jam, honey and butter in plates are placed closer to the edges of the table. A samovar is still very often used for holiday tea parties. You can provide a separate small table for it or place it to the left of the hostess. A teapot is placed next to it and a tea strainer is placed.

A dessert plate is placed near each guest, level with the edge of the table or at a distance of 1-2 cm. Knife, fork and spoon are placed on right hand from her. Fruit cutlery is placed behind the plate, closer to the middle of the table. To the right, place a tea cup on a saucer, and the handle should be turned to the right, and a teaspoon should be placed on the saucer. When jam or honey is served on the table, it is recommended that each guest be given a second teaspoon and a rosette. If the jam contains seeds, then you should also put a saucer for them.

How to choose a tablecloth for tea drinking

Before serving tea on the table, it would not hurt to take care of the tablecloth. After all, she is the background of the table. A starched white tablecloth goes well with colorful, painted cups. A snow-white service with a gold rim requires a lace tablecloth. And for a tea party with a samovar - a colorful, bright tablecloth with embroidery.

It is better to choose a linen tablecloth for tea drinking, and choose napkins to match it. The best choice is colored textiles in delicate shades, creating a feeling of celebration and solemnity of the feast. Starched white tablecloths decorated with embroidery and lace also look very elegant. In the summer, if the feast is supposed to be outdoors, the edges of the tablecloth can be decorated with ribbons and garlands of flowers. Before covering the table with a tablecloth, it is better to place a soft, dense cloth on it. This is done so that the cutlery does not knock on its surface, and hot dishes do not damage it. If you choose a table with a glass top for tea drinking, you don’t have to cover it with anything at all.

Sometimes the table is decorated with napkins and a small matching fabric runner, which is laid in the middle of the table. This method is undoubtedly original, but with a tablecloth the feast still looks much more comfortable.

The tablecloth can be laid on the table in different ways. Methods vary depending on the shape and size of the table. If the tabletop is round or oval, you can cover it with a tablecloth in two layers as follows. The lower panel of fabric - the so-called “skirt” - should hang from the table by about 25-30 cm, to the seat of the chair. If the descent is longer, it disturbs the guests; if it is short, it looks ugly. The “skirt” can be pinned, folded or gathered. A base is laid on top of this fabric - a tablecloth the same size as the table.

Square tables are usually decorated differently. They look beautiful with 2 square tablecloths, which are placed on the table at an angle of 45° to each other. They can be the same size, but different in color - white goes well with green, beige, blue; or a pattern - the cage is very popular, as well as the ornament around the edge.

A table served with dishes that match the textiles in color and style looks good. For example, colorful white and blue dishes look great on a plain blue tablecloth.

However, no matter how expensive and beautiful the tablecloth is, it must also be immaculately clean and carefully ironed, otherwise all its charm will be lost.

A linen tablecloth in lemon, cornflower blue and soft pink tones perfectly sets off the porcelain. You can sew tablecloths from cotton fabric like sarpinka in a checkered pattern. And don't forget about the treats.

Napkins are an essential attribute of tea drinking

Photo: how to serve tea. Tea etiquette

A napkin is a must-have serving item. For the tea table, it is customary to use colored products measuring 35 * 35 cm. Both linen and paper products can be used.

There are several generally accepted serving rules regarding napkins. They must always be spotlessly clean; stains are absolutely unacceptable. Napkins are placed under guests' cutlery, as well as under vases with fruits, sweets, containers with bread, and so on. Before the start of the feast, they should be placed on snack plates or next to the device. You cannot wipe cutlery with a napkin before a banquet, since considering them not clean enough can offend the hostess. During tea drinking, linen items should be placed on your lap, folded in half, and paper items should be placed under the side of the plate. It is not customary to tuck them into the collar. The main purpose of a cloth napkin is to protect clothes from accidental drops from the table. It is better to wipe your hands with paper products. They should be applied to your mouth before drinking so as not to leave marks. fatty foods on the glass. You can also wipe your mouth after eating if necessary. After finishing tea drinking, it is recommended to leave the linen napkin on the table to the left of the plate. It should not be wrinkled or folded into ironed folds. It is customary to place a paper napkin on a food plate.

Beautifully folded napkins serve as an indispensable table decoration. There are many different ways and folding styles. Folding a napkin gracefully without preparation is quite difficult. To make this work well, it is better to practice on a piece of paper before the feast. The most common option, suitable for small napkins, is to fold the product diagonally, giving it the shape of a triangle. You can simply place the flap at an angle under the plate so that the other edge hangs over the table. IN special occasions napkins are folded in the shape of a tulip, fan, sail, cardinal's hat, and so on. You can fold both paper and fabric napkins in an original way. When folding, they should be slightly damp, then it will be easier for them to give the desired shape.

No matter how complex the product is folded, it should unfold easily and not look wrinkled. If textiles are used, they need to be starched a little before use. However, you should be careful, as a cloth that is too hard is unpleasant to use.

Tags: how to serve tea, tea etiquette

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There are many special occasions for table setting. These include events such as tea parties, buffets, banquets, as well as romantic dinners and Halloween.

Tea party

Most people start and end their day with tea, so setting the tea table correctly will set the right mood for the whole day. Depending on the menu and the reason for drinking tea, serving may vary. However, the sequence that involves setting the table for tea has a certain procedure that is the same for everyone.

Order of serving the tea table:

  • choice of tablecloth,
  • arrangement of plates and cutlery,
  • selection of spices, vases and flowers,
  • design of napkins.

Features of table setting

Choosing a tablecloth

The tablecloth is selected based on the tone of the dishes. It is taken ironed, without stains or streaks. If you are planning a festive tea party, then the tablecloth can be decorated with embroidery, ribbons, bows, but still remain snow-white. If the service is white, then you can safely choose a rich tablecloth with ornaments and embroidery.

A linen tablecloth and other natural fabrics look impressive. If the table is glass, then it is better not to use a tablecloth. Sometimes, instead of a tablecloth, you can lay a fabric runner. If the table is round, then you can use 2 tablecloths, and it is better to carefully pin the edges and gather them into original folds. This way the tablecloth will not interfere with guests during the meal. Tablecloths are laid out on a rectangular table at an angle of 45° relative to each other. Fabrics can merge or contrast. Combinations with checks and plain fabrics look great.

Tip: It is better to put a thick, wide fabric under the main tablecloth. This will prevent glasses from knocking on the table surface and will not scratch it when hot food is served.

Serving utensils

Dessert plates are placed in front of guests no more than 2 cm from the edge of the table. On the right side there is a knife, fork and spoon, and fruit cutlery is placed above the plate. The teacup should be placed on the saucer with the handle to the right along with the teaspoon. If the menu contains jam and preserves, then to the left of the dessert plate you need to place a rosette for jam, a small saucer for the seeds and a spoon. Snack plates for sandwiches, pastries, and candies are placed along the edges or along the table.

It is better to cover the bread with a napkin from the general set. A saucer with lemon slices is also laid out. In the central part of the table there is a milk jug on a saucer, a sugar bowl with a spoon and a decanter with syrup, wine or rum. A teapot or samovar, a strainer and tea leaves are usually placed on an additional table on the left side of the hostess.

For tea drinking, 35x35 cm cloth and paper napkins are selected. Individual napkins are beautifully folded and placed on or to the left side of the plate. Napkins can be placed under a bowl of fruit, under cutlery and baskets of bread. The main thing is to try not to completely cover the entire table with them. Cloth napkins are placed on the lap, and paper plates are placed overboard. It is no longer customary to tuck a napkin into the collar of a shirt or dress. You can use paper napkins to blot the corners of your mouth and dry your hands.

If they are not there, then slightly lifting a cloth napkin from your knees, you can apply its edge to your mouth. After finishing the meal, a cloth napkin is left to the left of the plate, and paper napkins are left on the plate. It is inappropriate to specifically fold or wrinkle a used napkin. When using the origami technique for folding napkins, it is worth remembering that the guest must quickly unfold the napkin. Therefore, for tea drinking, you should choose a laconic design in the form of envelopes, a lotus, a cone, or take napkin rings.

A large vase of flowers placed in the center will perfectly decorate the table. It is better to choose vases with a wide bottom, as they are more stable. Flowers should not interfere with the eye contact of guests, so it is worth choosing low compositions. It is better if there are no more than 5 flowers in the vase, matching the tablecloth and cutlery. If you are planning a festive tea party, then the table can be decorated with candles and decorative figures.

The buffet table setting is varied and depends on the place and event. So, for a wedding table, one-sided and two-sided table settings are used simultaneously, and for an outdoor banquet, other types of table settings will be used.

Features and order of serving the buffet table:

After choosing a tablecloth, glasses and glasses are placed. The types of glass serving are striking in their originality and can be displayed in a row, in groups, in the form of a Christmas tree or a snake.

Setting a banquet table longer than 7 meters requires a symmetrical arrangement of 2 triangles of glasses (20 cm from the edge of the table) between which containers with juice and water are placed.

It is customary to place glasses around the table in 2 rows at a distance of 25 cm from each other. It will be easier if you first place the 1st row of glasses (vodka), and then place the 2nd row (Rhine wine) at a distance of 2 cm. If you have time, you can create a snake or zigzags from an even row, then the table will look original from the outside. A Christmas tree of glasses is obtained by placing groups of rows of Rhine wine, Lafite and vodka glasses at an angle of 45°.

Jug jugs, glasses and ice buckets are placed on the side of the triangle of wine glasses.

To understand how many plates you will need for the holiday, you need to add up 2 appetizer plates and 1 dessert plate, multiplying by the number of guests. Snack plates are usually placed in stacks of up to 9 pieces, 2 cm from the edge of the table. On the right, closer to the glasses, there are dessert plates, laid out in a maximum of 4 pieces.

To count cutlery, you need 2 appetizer forks and 1 appetizer knife multiplied by the number of guests. Fruit knives are taken at the rate of 1 piece for 2 persons. You can immediately wrap the knife and fork in a paper plate, so it will be easier for guests to find the necessary utensils.

Napkins should be folded first in four, and then in half again and placed in a stack behind the appetizer plates.

Do not neglect multi-level serving. You can create pyramids from glasses, glasses, use stands for fruits and snacks. At home, you can be smart and put assorted snacks on boxes, books, decorated with napkins in the style of the holiday.

Original table settings for Halloween

Lately, Halloween has been actively celebrated in Russia, with many parties being organized and buffet and home tables being set in frightening themes. Pumpkins and all the paraphernalia of horror films are displayed on the table. In order not to spend money on special tablecloths with skulls or plates with spiders, which you will then have nowhere to use, you can create a festive table with your own hands. A plain white tablecloth can be covered with gummy worms.

An excellent option for a home party would be to use disposable tableware. This option will be the cheapest, but will fully reflect the spirit of the holiday. Accessories play the most important role in Halloween table settings. You can create a web from ordinary threads or starched gauze, buy rubber spiders, or make panicles from twigs. It is enough to take orange, red napkins and black ribbons for the final stage of table setting and you will have a real Dracula dinner.

When the guests are seated, you can make the main light dim, and place candles on the table, decorated according to the holiday, or turn on a garland with light bulbs under the black cardboard houses.

Ways to set the table for a romantic dinner

To create a romantic atmosphere, you need to decide on the color palette of the table setting. For festive occasions, red, pink and white colors combined with gold and silver are suitable. To make a small table look impressive, you should put contrasting small napkins with lace or a beautiful ornament on the main tablecloth.

Serving plates are placed on napkins to match the tablecloth or contrast with it, if additional napkins were not used. In order not to distract your significant other’s attention by the abundance of cutlery, you should limit yourself to the classic combination - knife on the right and fork on the left. Glass (glasses, glasses, cups) is placed only as necessary on the left side of the plates at an angle. The main thing is to maintain a relaxed atmosphere and not get lost in the abundance of cutlery, sets and accessories.

Decor in the form of napkins and candles will complement the overall composition. It’s worth practicing folding napkins in the shape of flowers. It is better to take non-scented candles on the table, and if flowers are placed, they should not interfere with eye contact. It is worth limiting yourself to one main course and light snacks, so as not to fill the entire table, which will distract attention from the main thing.

Paradox modern world is that today we are used to drinking a cup of tea almost on the run, but once upon a time entire ceremonies were dedicated to this drink. The leaf of the Camelia Sinensis plant is still surrounded by many legends in its homeland. In the Celestial Empire, there are certain traditions of the tea ceremony. It is often accompanied by meditation (after all, this drink allows you to concentrate your consciousness), as well as conversation. About what? Of course, about tea. The guest is simply obliged to pay tribute to its aroma, rich color, delicate taste. Why don’t we renounce the hustle and bustle of life and turn tea drinking into some kind of solemn ritual? This way we will not only have a feast for the soul, but also experience the taste of the drink more deeply.

Some secrets of tea

Did you know that despite huge variety varieties, almost all of them come from the same plant. Yes, both black and green tea, and oolong are the leaves of the same bush - the Chinese camellia. Why do the raw materials for brewing have different colour, richness, strength, aroma? It's all about ability tea leaf oxidize in air. Once it is picked, it begins to turn brown (similar to the flesh of an apple, which also changes color when exposed to oxygen). If freshly picked leaves are immediately fried or steamed, the result is green tea. If you wait a little, let it oxidize, and then heat it up, oolong will come out. This happens when the leaves are given time to turn brown in the air. Tea table in European traditions mainly deals with the latter variety. This is what we will talk about.

Evolution of ceremony

In China, tea is surrounded by many ancient legends that claim that this divine drink was known as early as the 5th millennium BC, and was enjoyed by the Buddha himself. But the first written sources about the wonderful bush date back only to 770 BC. e. The name of the author is known - Lu Yu. But at that time there was no single tradition of brewing tea. Everyone drank whatever they wanted. Since the 10th century AD e. began to dominate next way: Tea leaves were ground to a fine powder and then whisked in water until thick foam. But in our time, this method remains only in Japan. And why all? Because in the 13th century, China was conquered by Mongol tribes. Nomads had no time to grind tea leaves and beat them with special devices. It was much easier to pour boiling water over them. The Mongol invasion radically changed tea traditions not only in China, but also in Europe, where the drink penetrated in the 17th century.

Classic ceremony

Until the 19th century, Japan was a country closed to foreigners. Therefore, Europe borrowed the culture of drinking tea from China. English and Dutch traders, and after them the aristocracy and common people, began to brew the leaves as they had done in the Celestial Empire during the Ming Dynasty, that is, they poured boiling water over them and infused them a little. But Chinese tea drinking is not just the consumption of a drink, but a whole philosophy. And it was lost by importers who brought Camellia sinensis leaves to Europe. In China, even setting the tea table - a shepherd table, bowls, a porcelain vessel for brewing gaiwan - has a symbolic meaning. Low chabei cups mean feminine energy, and tall wensyabei cups mean masculine energy. It is unlikely that European merchants suspected all these subtleties. Therefore, tea acquired its own traditions on a new cultural basis. Let's take a look at them.

Any imported product becomes popular if it is popular among the nobility. This happened in France, where tea was presented as a gift to King Louis the Sun. The presentation was accompanied by explanations that the drink supposedly treats gout. The king, who suffered from this disease, began intensive treatment. And soon, as they say, I “got into it.” He began to drink the drink because of its taste. And the king and the whole court adopted this fashion. Soon, drinking tea became a sign of belonging to high society. And since France was considered a trendsetter at that time, the drink became popular in other countries. But even there, consumption ceremonies gradually began to differ from each other. This is how English, German, and Russian tea drinking appeared.

Pan-European traditions

Since tea was a bon ton drink, a sign of taste and belonging to good society, the surroundings in which it was enjoyed were also appropriate. However, philosophy of life, meditation and other accompanying things were absent in the Old World. It all boiled down to small talk in the richly decorated living room. It was considered especially chic to drink tea in a room decorated in a “Chinese” style - with vases, carpets. It is noteworthy that they did not put sugar in the drink. In this regard, tea for a long time shared the fate of coffee and cocoa. Tart drink for a long time was considered purely “male”. The fair sex ate their tea with all sorts of cakes and pastries. The drink has evolved from a pre-meal drink into a “digestif”. This is what a typical European tea table looks like. The photo shows exquisite china surrounded by vases with various desserts (often biscuits).

Turkish tea table

There was a definite trend in the consumption of this drink. Northern peoples (English, Scandinavians) loved tea very much. In the south of Europe (Italy, Spain) this drink is inferior to coffee. This is understandable: when it’s hot outside, you’re somehow reluctant to drink hot tea. Of the southern peoples on the European continent, only the Turks remained faithful to the traditions of the Seljuk nomads. In this country, tea consumption outpaces coffee consumption. Turks prefer black varieties with the addition of apple or mint. Brew tea in a small teapot, which is placed on top of a large container of boiling water. The drink is poured into small 8-shaped glasses, which are called “bardak” in Turkish. Traditionally it is served with lump sugar.

Traditions of Russia

Tea came to our country directly from the north of China. The word itself testifies to this. Europeans borrowed tea from the southern Chinese dialect, while we borrowed our “tea” from the northern one. Also, the fashion of adding some herbs to the leaf - mint, thyme, lemon slices - has firmly entered into the Russian tradition. This is a modified method of brewing tea in China, where pieces of dates, jasmine or lotus petals are added to it. But the Russians borrowed samovars from the Turks. But tea traditions in Russia have enriched world culture consumption of this drink... saucers. The scalding drink cools faster in flat and wide plates. It is also delicious when eaten with sugar. The Russian tea table in ancient traditions requires the presence of a samovar, pot-bellied cups, saucers, bagels, and many vases with various jams and honey. A porcelain or clay vessel with tea leaves is often accompanied by a “warmer” - a quilted mitten in the shape of a doll. Popular with us Chinese varieties, but still the palm belongs to leaves native to Ceylon or India.

Traditions of Foggy Albion

This nation hardly drinks coffee. Tea is drunk for breakfast ("English breakfast tea"), for lunch, at 16.00 (5 o'clock tea) and even for lunch (high tea). The British, by the way, developed a new variety of Chinese begonia bush, acclimatizing it to the conditions of India and Ceylon. Naturally, they prefer these varieties. Unlike the Russians, who, according to Chinese tradition, prefer crushed tea, the British brew whole leaves. English Breakfast Tea - dark invigorating drink- served with the great British breakfast. The most well-known events occur between 16.00 and 17.00 every day without fail. Here the drink does not serve as an accompaniment to other dishes, but as the main character. Biscuits and other sweets are served with tea. But hallmark The “5 o’clock tea” ceremony consists of milk or cream in a special jug.

French ceremony

In this country, tea is not an everyday drink, and therefore there is a special attitude towards it. Let’s not forget that French tea traditions originate from the royal court, and therefore the surroundings should be truly royal. For Russians and English people, drinking tea is a very everyday activity. The Frenchman goes to the Salon du Te for this. This salon is a pastry shop, which, in addition to a huge selection of cakes and desserts, has a wide assortment. For a Frenchman, this festive drink is akin to fine wine. Therefore, they are sensitive to the quality of tea. Varieties with different flavoring additives- bergamot, rose petals, jasmine, pieces of zest and others. By the way, there are more such Salons du Thé in Paris than in London. The most famous teahouse, continuously operating since 1854, is the capital's Mariage Frere establishment. The drink is served with chocolates and desserts.

German traditions

When tea was just gaining popularity in Europe, some German medical luminary issued a verdict that this drink dries out the face. But still, fashion trendsetter France influenced the morals of the Germans, and tea began to be consumed more and more often. Residents of the northern federal states have especially succeeded in this. They were influenced by the traditions of the Dutch. During the time of Frederick the Great, the Prussian Trading Company was founded, which specially equipped ships to China for loose leaf. And even now the largest importers of this raw material are located in Hamburg. For a long time tea could only be purchased in pharmacies. It still has a reputation as primarily a warming drink. The Germans prefer black varieties, to which they add alcohol - rum, Madeira - to “increase the warming”. Tea is included in punches. At Christmas, it is customary to brew a drink with spices - ginger, cinnamon, cloves.

We invite you for tea

There are several formats for honoring guests. One of them is a tea table. In European traditions, this format assumes a more relaxed atmosphere, not such a strict dress code as, say, for a banquet or cocktail party. But still, you need to prepare thoroughly for the arrival of guests. The same is unspokenly expected from visitors. If you are invited to tea, take something from the pastry shop with you. One rule is important for the owner: the table is set before the guests arrive. But tea is brewed only when everyone has gathered. It would be tactful for the receiving party to ask: maybe someone prefers coffee? There are people who cannot tolerate tannins. In this case, stock up on herbal “tea”. If it's hot outside, make sure to give your guests an ice-tea. This is an invention of Americans who came from England. In hotter climates (especially in the southern states), they cooled the tea and drank it from glasses with ice cubes.

Setting the table

Before we begin, let's think about what tea drinking traditions we will inherit? Japanese? Shall we invite guests to sit on bamboo mats and whisk the tea foam? Then to the Russians! How many people? modern people is there a samovar available? You can, however, make a tea table in European traditions “with a Russian accent.” How? Very simple. In this case, the samovar will replace a large kettle. The table for receiving guests can be a very ordinary dining table. But it is recommended to take an embroidered tablecloth. You need to match the tone with napkins - decorated with national ornaments. The cups must be served with saucers - deeper than usual. Place a sugar bowl with refined sugar on the table - the Russian method involves drinking tea as a bite. Place jam and honey in bowls. Slice the lemon in a saucer. Both teapots - the large one and the one with tea leaves - should not be placed on the table. They are located to the right of the hostess, who kindly pours the drink into cups for the guests. And if you are the happy owner of a samovar, place it in the middle of the table on a painted tray.

5 o’clock tea and French tea banquet

This format involves a linen tablecloth in pastel colors to match the service. The table for a tea ceremony in English should be small, slightly lower than the dining table. Candles in candlesticks are placed on the tablecloth and dessert plates are placed. Napkins are placed on top of them - also linen, folded into a pyramid or envelope. Small wine glasses are placed above the plates (if liquor is to be served). For English tea drinking, a jug of hot milk is required. By the way, it is tea that is added to it, and not vice versa. Muffins, biscuits, and small cakes are a must. If there is no free space, place desserts in a multi-tiered dish. If you sprinkle the raw tea with whiskey before brewing, you will have an Irish tea party. Before the French banquet, an aperitif is served - light wines and snacks. The tea table should be oval or round shape with a tablecloth in pastel colors and matching napkins. Everything is served on a large cupronickel tray: teapot, sugar bowl, creamer. Desserts are placed separately. Enjoy your tea!
