How many grams does a tablespoon hold? A measure of weight in a tablespoon. Weight of food in tablespoon

In order to find out how many grams of sugar are in 1 tablespoon, you don’t have to go into the cupboard behind a kitchen scale or memorize the information. Sugar, as well as other bulk products, weigh approximately the same.

Spoon sizes and capacity

  • tablespoon - we mean standard, 7 cm - length and 4 cm - width - holds 20 g (without top) or 25 g (with top) granulated sugar;
  • a smaller spoon, 5 cm in length and 4 cm in width, holds 10 and 15 g of this sweet product without a slide and with a slide, respectively.

It turns out that not all devices are the same? Just for fun, you can measure your appliances in case you make a mistake when using granulated sugar.

Determine the number of spoons by weight of the product

Many housewives use measuring spoon. It is more accurate than the usual one, since you can swipe your finger and pour out a perfectly even amount of product without a slide.

But what to do if you need to find out: 50, 100, 150, 200 grams of sugar is how many tablespoons? 100 grams of sugar are contained in half a faceted glass, but if you don’t have that, you can get by with a spoon. You will need them:

  • 2.5 incomplete or 2 filled is 50 g;
  • 5 incomplete or 4 filled equals 100 g;
  • 7.5 incomplete, 6 filled - 150 g;
  • 10 incomplete or 7.5 filled equals 200 g.

Please note that 7.5 partial and full spoons differ by 50g and may result in an error in accuracy. For 100 and 200 g it is more convenient to measure sugar with a spoon without a mound, and for 50 and 150 - with a mound.

How many grams of sugar, salt and other products are in a tablespoon

Bulk products do not differ much in weight, they are all approximately the same. The lightest of the products - Wheat flour, which weighs only 10 g, and the heaviest is table salt, which weighs 25 g.

It is worth noting that the value is usually given in full tablespoons, that is, with the top. The list below shows the maximum values.

For dry food:

  • sugar (sand) - 25 g;
  • powder (sugar) - 25 g;
  • table salt - 30 g;
  • white rice - 25 g;
  • wheat flakes - 9 g;
  • oatmeal - 14 g;
  • white flour - 10 g;
  • barley - 20 g;
  • millet - 25 g;
  • pearl barley – 25 g;
  • semolina - 25 g;
  • buckwheat - 25 g;
  • dark raisins - 25 g;
  • rolled oats - 12 g.

For liquid foods:

  • table vinegar 15% - 15 g;
  • tomato paste - 30 g;
  • village sour cream - 25 g;
  • cow's milk - 20 g;
  • condensed milk - 30 g;
  • bee honey - 35 g;
  • melted butter - 17 g;
  • melted butter - 20 g;
  • olive or sunflower oil - 17 g;
  • ordinary water - 18 g;
  • berry or fruit jam - 50 g.

It is worth noting that not all liquid and viscous products You can add a full tablespoon of, for example, butter or condensed milk. In this case, by default it is considered that the device is not completely filled.

In the table below you can see how many grams of sugar and other products are in tablespoons of different sizes:

Typically, sugar in a recipe is indicated in grams. It’s more convenient, of course, to use a kitchen scale, but if you don’t have one, a glass or teaspoon can be a good substitute.

There are several options for measurement:

  1. To weigh a product with a glass, you need to decide what kind of glass it is. If faceted with a rim, then it will contain 250 g, but if without a rim, then only 200;
  2. A tablespoon holds 25 g. A dessert spoon is 10 less than a tablespoon, 15 g. The most inconvenient thing to measure, of course, is a tea spoon - it contains only 7 g.

So, correctly pouring the number of grams of dry food into a glass or spoon is not as difficult as it seemed. All these dishes contain a fairly convenient weight for counting. Perhaps someday you will be able to eyeball required quantity granulated sugar when preparing the dish.

How many grams are in a tablespoon and how many ml are in a teaspoon are frequently asked questions when preparing dishes at home; we suggest using a convenient table of weights and measures.

Everyone knows that the number of grams of flour, salt and sugar in 1 tablespoon is different. At home, without a kitchen scale, it is customary to measure the weight of a product in ml using tablespoons, teaspoons and glasses to determine how many grams flour, sugar, salt and liquid products weigh.

However, for this you need to know how many grams are contained in a tablespoon, a teaspoon, how many heaped or unheaped spoons fit in a glass in ml.

Authors of culinary recipes in most cases indicate in recipes the amount of food in ml or grams. Therefore, in order not to over-salt or over-sweet the dish, it is more convenient and faster to convert grams into spoons or ml into glasses.

Advice from the Wonder Chef. There is no point in memorizing a long list of tables of weights and measures; you need the table to be in your kitchen, not far from your desktop.

Using the table, it is easy to convert the capacity of a spoon and glass into grams, measure the weight of the product without weighing flour, sugar or salt on a scale.

When weighing bulk products and liquids, be sure to pay attention to the volume of glasses, as they differ in the number of grams.

How many grams are in a tablespoon of sugar?

The generally accepted values ​​for the content of food in a tablespoon or teaspoon are a low-heaped spoon. In rare cases, a spoon without a slide is used as a measure of weight. However, in this case, the author of the recipe must make the necessary clarification in the ingredients.

The first value in the table indicates the capacity of a tablespoon according to generally accepted standards - with a small heap, a tablespoon means a standard size.

The second indicator in the table is the weight of a tablespoon without a slide.

How many grams are in a teaspoon of salt

How many grams in a glass of flour

As a rule, in culinary recipes Two types of glasses are used: faceted and thin-walled. Therefore, due to the difference in volumes, the capacity of each glass is different. A thin-walled glass holds about 50 grams of food more than a faceted glass. The contents of glasses are measured similarly to spoons, that is, with a small heap. The first value indicated in the table is the capacity of a thin-walled glass, the second indicator is the capacity of a faceted glass.

How many grams are in the product

  • 1 small egg– 50-55 g.
  • 1 yolk – 15 g.
  • 1 protein – 35 g.
  • 1 medium-sized egg – 55-65 g.
  • 1 large egg – 65-70 g.
  • 1 potato -150-200 g.
  • 1 onion -150 g.
  • 1 clove of garlic – 5 g.

It is worth noting that the measurements given are relative. In different cutlery sets, the volume of the glass and the length of the tablespoon and teaspoon may differ.

If you need a more accurate weight of food, we recommend using measuring cups or electronic kitchen scales.

In addition to the table, we also suggest watching a video on the topic.

How to measure flour, sugar, salt without scales

We hope the tables will be so useful that you will no longer have questions about how many grams are in a spoon of a particular product.

Do you always measure food when preparing meals? Many people take necessary components“by eye”, not considering accuracy to be a very important factor. And as a result ready dish often not entirely satisfied with the result appearance and taste. Maybe you did something wrong? When baking confectionery or roasting meat and fish dishes you can “sin” for non-compliance temperature regime. Many people think that the result depends on the mandatory presence of all ingredients. But it turns out that the whole secret delicious dishes lies in correctly measured products. From this article you can find out how many milliliters are in a tablespoon or teaspoon, and what is the weight of the minimum portions when preparing for work.

Different liquids: how many grams and how many milliliters in a tablespoon and a teaspoon

Products that have a “fluid” consistency tend to precisely limit volume. After all, you cannot take, for example, a teaspoon of vinegar “on top” like sugar or salt. Therefore, the volume of liquids is almost always equal to their weight. This is confirmed by the example of water, which is considered the standard of measurement. One cubic meter of this clear liquid will always weigh one kilogram. Exceptions may include some vegetable oils, syrups and dairy products, which are more viscous and dense in their properties. Their weight will differ slightly from volume.


Vegetable oil



Tea spoon


Bulk products: how many grams and how many milliliters in a tablespoon and a teaspoon

When measuring dry bulk products such as cereals or herbs, you need to take one thing into account. When scooping with a teaspoon or tablespoon, you usually do not try to level the level of the mixture horizontally. Therefore, the measurement always turns out “with a slide”. This is the method of dialing that is always provided for in recipes. How to understand the required volume and weight if it is indicated that 1 tablespoon is needed to prepare a dish? How many milliliters and grams you scooped up can be found in the table below. It states that the volume of bulk products measured in tablespoons and teaspoons is slightly larger than that of liquids. The additive is provided by the same “slide”.


Sugar, ground crackers

Salt, baking soda

Flour, cocoa, ground coffee, gelatin, ground nuts,

Dry medicinal herb



Tea spoon


Thick mixtures: how many grams and how many milliliters in a tablespoon and a teaspoon

In addition to bulk and liquid products, of course, ingredients such as sour cream, honey, etc. are used in preparation. They can also be scooped up “heaped”, but the density of all mixtures will be similar or slightly higher than that of thick liquids. A teaspoon and a tablespoon are also used for these products. How many ml and grams they contain is indicated in the table.


Tomato paste

Condensed milk




Tea spoon


Measurement error

Even after accurately measuring all the components of the future dish, you need to understand that the spoons can be different in length and width, which means the weight will also change. Therefore, for large volumes it is best to use with divisions.

When preparing food, sometimes you have to measure sugar by grams. Ideally, you should use scales, but in reality this is very inconvenient. Therefore, traditionally the weight of sugar is measured using spoons and glasses.

Our website already has a table with which you can approximately measure the weight of food in spoons and glasses. But the question often arises: “how to scoop into a spoon: with a slide or without", "into a glass: to the top or to the edge»?

To resolve these issues, we simply took and weighed granulated sugar in tea room And tablespoon, as well as in a standard faceted glass. For clarity, we took photographs so that both the spoon and the pile of granulated sugar could be better seen. All images are “clickable” - a mouse click opens an enlarged copy of the image.

Weight of sugar in spoons and glasses

tea room with slide

Tea spoon sugar " with a slide» weighs 8-9 gram.

Sugar should be collected carefully to get the largest possible pile.

10 g.

Tablespoon sugar " with a slide» weighs 22-24 grams.

To get a spoonful of sugar like this, you need to scoop it deep into the sugar bowl and carefully remove the spoon so as to get the largest possible pile.

* Weight tables show the following values: 25 g.

Tablespoon sugar " with a mound» weighs 13-14 gram.

To get this weight, you need to scoop up the sugar and shake off the excess sugar so that this spoon can be comfortably carried across the table at arm's length or from room to room without spilling a crumb.

Full faceted glass sugar, filled to the brim, weighs 200 gram.

Granulated sugar should be collected level with the top edge of the glass: without a mound. To remove it, you can hold it over the glass with a knife or the handle of a tablespoon.

* Weight tables show the following values: 200 g.

Faceted glass sugar, filled evenly to the edge, weighs 160 gram.

This weight of sugar can be gained by scooping up 7 heaping tablespoons.

* Weight tables show the following values: 160 g.

You can roughly measure any amount of sugar in a measuring cup. To do this, the required weight in grams is multiplied by 1,25 — the result is the required volume of sugar in milliliters. If, on the contrary, you need to convert sugar from milliliters to grams, then you need to multiply the volume by 0.8. We have summarized some correspondences between volume and weight in a table:

* The article indicates the net weight of granulated sugar placed in a glass or spoon.


Add sugar to tea room or tablespoon follows with maximum slide, then its weight will correspond to the table (10 and 25 g). But our measurements showed that in reality, a teaspoon holds 1–2 grams less, and a tablespoon holds 2–3 g less. For most recipes, this difference is not important, but for a person it is only beneficial. Firstly, with numbers of 10 and 25 g it is much more convenient to count. Secondly, this way you will add and eat a little less sugar, and this will undoubtedly result in benefits for your health.

IN faceted glass need to gain sugar without a pot, flush with the rim or edge of the glass.

Often housewives strive to please their family members with something new - aromatic soup or delicious pastries, and maybe a second course. But many experts in the field of food preparation, when compiling recipes, indicate the proportional ratio of products in ml or in other units. What to do if you want to make everything according to the recipe, but there is no way to measure out a certain amount. After all, not every housewife has managed to acquire scales for carrying out measuring procedures. In addition, practice shows that the most convenient way to measure the amount of ingredients is with spoons. Let's consider how many grams are in a tablespoon of sugar, salt and other ingredients: table will answer all of them and help solve any problems. At the same time, the article will discuss the main indicators of certain ingredients.

Housewives add sea or table salt, therefore it is important to know the contents in a particular container so as not to oversalt the food. It's no secret that the content of different components in the same container will vary. Therefore, it is necessary to know their exact number so as not to make mistakes when preparing dishes and create unique recipes. Considering ordinary fine table salt, it can be noted that its quantity is 22 g without a slide. And 28 gr. with a slight, medium slide. If we take into account rock salt, then it fits slightly more due to its light weight. And the indicator is 25/30 g. respectively.

It is important to know!

Index sea ​​salt and its other types differs from the content of the given type. Therefore, during cooking, the housewife must clarify what kind of salt is contained in the recipe.

How many grams of flour in a tablespoon

Sometimes flour is not added to dishes by the glass. For example, to make a thick gravy or puree soup, as well as for other purposes. Recipes usually call for wheat flour. premium, for a container it’s 20 grams. in the minimum case, and 30 g. Sometimes you have to make a replacement (if you are “on a diet” and the ingredient in the recipe is contraindicated for you, and also if you do not have a suitable type of ingredient at home).

It is important not only to carry out the replacement correctly so as not to disturb the taste, but also to maintain the proportions. Therefore, it is important to take the correspondence table into account. It is relevant not only for flour, but also for sugar, salt, and other products. For example, 1 kg soy flour equal to 1 kg of wheat. However, 1 kg of refined sugar does not equal 1 kg of granulated sugar or powdered sugar.

It is important to know!

Using the case, consider the proportional content of some other products: 1 kg butter 850 gr. is presented. powdered milk, 1 liter whole milk contains only about 4 liters of condensed milk and so on.
Knowing how much flour to put in a dish, you can cook delicious food.

Honey is a product that has proven itself in the field traditional treatment, as well as in cooking delicious baked goods and other dishes. When weighing honey, special attention should be paid to the volume of the glass, since the amount of weight of the product can be completely different.

It is important to know!

For ease of use various ingredients there is a special table. Of course, you can remember its meanings, but this is not necessary: ​​it is enough to store this tool in the kitchen near the work table so that during cooking you can look at it at any time and find the necessary contents of any components.

The following summary record will help convert capacity into weight indicators from volumetric criteria. And also measure weight characteristics without the need to use scales. Based on the tabular data, it turned out that the presented container contains 25 g of honey without a slide.

9% vinegar is widely used in baking to extinguish soda, as well as in the preparation of canned food for the winter. Apple cider vinegar(of course, the slide is not taken into account here) contains 13 g. This indicator is of particular importance, since too much vinegar usually negatively affects the general taste qualities any dish. And also on the health of people who eat it.

How many grams of sugar in a tablespoon

The generally accepted meaning of “Art. l. sugar" means there is a small mound of sugar in it. In rare cases, it is absent; this is necessarily stated in the recipe. In this case, standard size dishes are taken into account. Based on the calculations of specialists, the following data were obtained.

  • 1 container is 20 and 25 g. respectively;
  • powder “hiding” 22 g and 28 g. without and with a slide.

There are other types, for example, crushed product or refined sugar, their quantity is different, but powder or sand is usually used for preparation. Knowing this indicator for sugar plays an important role. Since many have tried dishes with big amount sugar and they don't taste good. Therefore, it is necessary to strictly observe proportions.

More often used vegetable oil olives and sunflowers, but other varieties can often be used. For sunflower oil for one dish the weight indicator is 12 g. This is necessary to know for preparing salads and dressings for them. And also in order to create delicious soups, side dishes and meat dishes.

If there are no scales in the kitchen, our sign is always available to housewives. In which it is clearly marked how many dimensional units are in the container. This tool is convenient to use in any situation. We recommend printing out the values, putting them in your kitchen and keeping them on hand for all occasions.

Weight characteristics of other products table

It also shows how many other types of food are contained in the offered dishes.

  • Regular tap water – 18 g;
  • Shelled peanuts - 25 g. This weight also contains raisins, lemon acid, cocoa powder, fresh strawberries, sour cream, egg powder (melange);
  • Any jam is placed in an amount of 50 grams, the same applies to strawberry puree and some other products.
  • If you decide to please yourself and your loved ones with an exquisite cherry dish, then it contains 30 grams. V fresh. The same indicator is found in almond kernels, condensed milk, potato and first-grade wheat flour, and salt.
  • 20 g are contained in following products: ground cinnamon and coffee, liqueur, poppy seeds, powdered milk, sago

Possession of this information will allow you not only to cook deliciously, but also to develop your culinary skills in the future.

Have you yourself estimated how many grams are in a tablespoon of sugar, salt and other bulk products? Did our table help you? Leave your opinion or review for everyone on the forum!
