How can you soak a biscuit at home? How to soak a cake with syrup correctly and without hassle. Syrups for soaking cakes - recipes for magical transformations

To prove your culinary skills to everyone and personally establish yourself as a rather talented pastry chef, you need to prepare a sponge cake. Having spoiled a mountain of products, we finally achieved lush cakes, and now we are faced with a new task - how to make the sponge cake juicy and prepare the impregnation for it. In general, the role of this additive to sweet pastries is quite extensive: it moisturizes the product and makes it more aromatic, giving certain notes of taste.

Why do you need to soak the biscuit?

Almost every biscuit masterpiece must undergo “wet” processing. This allows, first of all, to relieve eaters from having to choke on a dry cake, pie or baba. Secondly, such measures make it possible to increase the shelf life of the product, and thirdly, the syrup for impregnating the biscuit is capable of both making the taste of the confectionery more rich and vibrant, and also veiling the egg aroma, because the dough, as you know, contains quite an impressive number of eggs.

To understand the selection of aromatic liquids for baking, you first need to decide on the filling for our dessert. If in the future we are considering options with cream layers, then in this case our choice in the “wet” question is undoubtedly syrups: vanilla, cognac, milk, honey and coffee.

For those products where confitures, jams, jams and other fruit and berry sweet masses are used as a filler, it is better to take fruit, sugar and alcohol syrups.

However, again, a reasonable question may arise regarding those delicacies that are a full-fledged product “without cuts,” for example, rum-baba or cake. In this case, what is better to soak a classic or chocolate sponge cake? Cognac and rum impregnation, this is what you can use for such “buns” and even for cake. In addition, coffee, honey and sugar infusions will become a great addition to them, just like fruit syrups.

Biscuit soaking recipes

When taking a young confectioner's course, we must definitely master the lesson on moistening sponge cakes, otherwise all our previous efforts and achievements will go to waste. To do this, we must familiarize ourselves in detail with the options for preparing various syrups.

In general, if you don’t want to bother too much, you can use the classic one as a basis. sugar impregnation for a biscuit from refined sugar and water, taken in a ratio of 4:6 and boiled until the sweet crystals are completely dissolved, and based on this decoction, add aromatic inclusions to obtain the necessary impregnation.

To prepare a simple syrup, you can use vanilla or lemon juice as a flavoring. However, we are not looking for easy ways, so we will prepare each wetting consistency strictly according to an individual recipe.

However, it is not enough to simply brew aromatic liquid; it is also necessary to comply with the technical parameters for processing biscuits. For example, an extremely important aspect is compliance with the temporary exposure regime. finished baked goods before wetting, which is about seven hours. If patience is not your strong point, and you still “sinned” by moistening the future cake ahead of time, then, alas, the cakes threaten to fall apart, and the product itself loses its attractiveness, and taste characteristics"suffer" significantly.

In addition, the process of applying the aromatic solution itself is important. But first things first. First, let's take a brief look at the recipes for the most popular syrups.

Cognac and rum impregnation for chocolate sponge cake with cognac

  • Granulated sugar – 4 tbsp;
  • Water – 6 tbsp;
  • Cognac – 2 tbsp. or rum 1 tbsp;

Heat the sugar and water and boil a little until syrup forms, then turn off the brew and add alcohol to it. From the stated proportions, the output is 300 g of impregnation.

Strawberry sponge cake impregnation without alcohol

  • Strawberries – 300 g;
  • Water – 320 g;
  • Granulated sugar – 50 g;


Usually, such a biscuit “moisturizer” is prepared with the addition of alcohol-containing drinks, but not every parent will dare to feed their offspring such a cake, so we will prepare a harmless “sober” syrup.

We pass the strawberries through a juicer. Mix the resulting cake with sugar and water, cook for 5 minutes over low heat, then filter and mix with strawberry juice. Boil the aromatic liquid again for no more than 3 minutes and cool.

Coffee impregnation for biscuit


  • Natural ground coffee – 2 tbsp;
  • Granulated sugar - 1 tbsp;
  • Water – 250 ml;
  • Cognac or coffee liqueur– 1 tbsp;

Preparing coffee syrup for impregnating the biscuit:

Sugar needs to be mixed with 125 ml of water and heated until the grains of sand are completely dissolved, and as soon as the sweet liquid boils, turn it off. Now brew coffee in the remaining amount of water, and after boiling, set the Turk aside for 20 minutes so that the broth is saturated with coffee aroma and cools a little. After the allotted time, filter Reviver, cool and mix with cognac and syrup.

Milk impregnation for biscuit with condensed milk

Probably the most simple impregnation for the biscuit it is made from condensed milk. Even a baby can cope with this task. All you need to do is dilute a jar of sweets, thick milk with 750 ml of boiling water, decorate everything with vanilla or cinnamon, cool and process the cakes.

If finished condensed milk If you’re not at home, you can prepare an impregnation from milk brought to a boil (2-3 tbsp.) and 1 tbsp. granulated sugar.

Orange and lemon impregnation for sponge cake

Among all exotic fruits The most aromatic ones, of course, are citruses, and this is easy to see. For example, great recipe, how to prepare orange or lemon syrup for soaking a sponge cake, it is ideal for a “tropical” roll or “fruit and berry” cake. For both fruits, the cooking method is identical, the only difference is in the selection of juice.


  • Freshly squeezed orange (lemon) juice – ½ tbsp.;
  • Chopped lemon zest – 1 tsp;
  • Chopped zest of 1 orange;
  • Granulated sugar - ¼ tbsp.;


Before grinding citrus fruit skins, soak them in boiling water for 15 minutes to remove the bitterness.

Mix all the ingredients in a saucepan and put on the fire, where all this aromatic splendor will boil at a minimum temperature for about 15 minutes. After this, we filter the brew to extract the cake from the peel, cool it and use it for its intended purpose.

Honey and sour cream impregnation for biscuit

What a delightful combination! honey syrup and sour cream, together this impregnation gives the confectionery product magical taste and indescribable tenderness.

Preparing this combination is quite easy; for the syrup you just need to dilute honey in a small amount of water, the proportions should be selected based on the consistency of bee nectar. If it is quite liquid, then for every 2 tbsp. product should be 1 tbsp. water, the impregnation itself should be somewhat thick.

Having moistened the cakes, we now need to grease them with cream, which is prepared by mixing a small amount of sugar with sour cream.

Impregnation for jam sponge cake

Jam, for sure, is available in every home, and from this product, Carlson’s favorite, you can make an excellent syrup in a matter of minutes, which goes perfectly with creamy and sour cream. Moreover, we have a wonderful choice of flavors for future impregnation: raspberry, blackcurrant, blackberry, peach or apricot...whatever the handy housewife’s pantry is stuffed with.

We will need:

  • Half a glass of fruit and berry mass;
  • 1 tbsp. water;
  • 2 tbsp. granulated sugar;


  1. Mix the jam, water and sand in an enamel bowl and put on the fire until it boils.
  2. After removing the brew from the stove, we should strain it and cool it.

Cherry impregnation for biscuit

  • Cherry juice – 80-100 ml;
  • Granulated sugar – 2 tbsp;
  • Cherry liqueur – 3 tbsp;

This syrup does not need to be boiled, just combine all the components, mix until the sugar dissolves, and then add water to a volume of 250 ml.

How to properly soak a biscuit with syrup or cognac

Having prepared the syrup to their liking, many hastily rush to biscuit masterpiece and begin to savory pour the liquid over it, mistakenly believing that the more you soak it, the tastier and juicier the cake will be.

You can’t argue that it will turn out juicy, especially when your gaze rests on a real biscuit “blotter”, which leaves a whole puddle of sweet liquid on the plate, and the confectionery “monster” itself looks at least “tired” and wants to collapse on the side. The picture, it should be noted, is not a pleasant one, especially if we remember this whole thorny path along which we followed in achieving beautiful, even and fluffy cakes.

Stop, stop, stop, curb your impatience, because we are almost approaching the finish line of our epic. And for the result to be stunning, in a good way, you need to follow the instructions, which will tell you how to properly soak the biscuit.

  1. The primary task for us is to determine the condition of the cakes, that is, we need to evaluate whether they are dry or wet, and from the observation results we can draw a conclusion about the amount of syrup we will need. For “crackers” we take more, for “wood lice” - less.
  2. The second point is the method of applying impregnation. Of course, the most the best way is to spray syrup with a spray bottle on both sides of the cake. However, not everyone has such a device, so we will distribute the liquid over the biscuit carefully, using a teaspoon a little at a time.
    The most important thing is the uniformity of processing, otherwise it will be completely bad if dry crumbs fall on one side and Niagara Falls pours out on the other. You can also moisten the future cake using a silicone brush dipped in syrup.
  3. And one last thing. After complete treatment with impregnation, the biscuit should be put in the refrigerator overnight (about 6 hours). Naturally, it should be packaged so that excess aromas floating in the refrigerator do not stick to our product.

Which syrup you choose for yourself is a matter of everyone’s taste; the main thing is that we, like real confectioners, can now prepare any impregnation for a biscuit and apply it correctly.

A photo of this sweet will be presented in this article. We will also tell you how to properly use such impregnation.

Classic version

A homemade biscuit is delicious on its own. But if desired, it can be done much better. To do this, we recommend using the following ingredients:

  • drinking water - about 6 large spoons;
  • fine beet sugar - 4 large spoons.

Cooking process

Classical sugar syrup To soak the biscuit, it is quite simple to prepare. To do this, pour water into a small saucepan and then add sugar. After mixing the ingredients with a spoon, place them on low heat. In this form, the ingredients are brought to a boil. To prevent them from burning, the mixture is constantly stirred with a tablespoon.

You should not boil sugar syrup to soak the biscuit. The main thing is that the sugar is completely dissolved. After this, the finished syrup is removed from the heat and cooled to a temperature of 38-40 degrees.

If you want to get more aromatic product, then you can add various fruit juices, tinctures, liqueurs and even cognac.

Making berry syrup

Now you know how classic sugar syrup is made. How to prepare a more aromatic sweet for soaking a biscuit? To do this, we recommend using:

  • fresh garden strawberries - about 320 g;
  • beet sugar - 50 g;
  • drinking water - 300 ml;
  • any cognac - at the rate of 1 large spoon per 200 g of finished syrup.

How to cook?

Berry sugar syrup for impregnating the biscuit turns out to be very aromatic and tasty. To prepare it, squeeze out all the juice from fresh strawberries using a sieve and a masher. The remaining cake is added to drinking water, where sugar is subsequently poured. After mixing all the components, they are placed on kitchen stove, bring to a boil and cook for about five minutes.

After the described steps, the syrup is filtered and then combined with the prepared strawberry juice. In this form, the ingredients are again brought to a boil and cooked for exactly three minutes.

After removing the impregnation from the stove, cool it. And only after that add cognac to the cooled syrup and mix everything well.

Preparing coffee syrup

Coffee sugar syrup for impregnating the biscuit turns out to be especially aromatic. It can be used to process not only milk cake, but also chocolate cake. For this we need:

  • any cognac - 1 large spoon;
  • ground coffee natural - 2 dessert spoons;
  • drinking water - about 200 ml;
  • fine sugar - 2 large spoons.

Cooking method

Before making such a syrup, you need to prepare a coffee infusion. To do this, pour boiling water over natural ground coffee, put it on low heat and wait until it boils. Next, a container with coffee drink remove from the stove, cover and let sit for ¼ hour.

As time passes aromatic mixture filter. Then sugar is added to it and placed on the stove again. After bringing the ingredients to a boil, remove them and cool completely. At the very end to coffee syrup add cognac and mix thoroughly.

Making syrup with liqueur

How to make a sweet sugar syrup to soak a sponge cake? We will look at the recipe for such a mixture right now. To implement it we need:

Cooking process

To do very sweet syrup To soak a homemade sponge cake, combine all of the above ingredients in a small bowl, and then put them on the fire and cook until the granulated sugar is completely dissolved.

Reducing the heat to low, the resulting mixture is slowly boiled until the volume is reduced by exactly half. After this, the sugar syrup is removed from the stove and cooled slightly. The biscuit should be soaked in this sweetness while still warm.

Orange sugar syrup for soaking sponge cake: recipe with photos step by step

Making this sweetness yourself is not very difficult. The main thing is to adhere to all prescription requirements.

So what components do we need to make sugar syrup at home to soak a biscuit without alcohol? Experienced confectioners It is recommended to prepare the following products:

  • fine beet sugar - about ¼ cup;
  • natural orange juice (preferably freshly squeezed) - ½ cup;
  • orange zest - from one medium fruit.

Step-by-step preparation

Before boiling sugar syrup to impregnate a homemade biscuit, you should carefully separate it from the fruit and then chop it very finely.

Place the peel in a deep saucepan and add freshly squeezed sugar. After mixing the ingredients, place them on low heat and wait until the sugar is completely dissolved.

Reducing the fire to a minimum, flavored syrup cook for another 10 minutes. In this case, the impregnation for the biscuit should decrease in volume by exactly half. After the described steps, filter it through a fine sieve and soak all the cakes.

How to properly soak a sponge cake using homemade syrup?

Above we have presented several options for how to make sugar syrup at home. However, this is not enough for you to get a tasty and maximum delicate cake. Therefore, we decided to tell you about how to properly soak biscuits with ready-made syrups.

First of all, we need to determine what kind of cakes we have. In other words, you should identify the dry ones or In the first case, you will need quite a lot of self-prepared syrup. If your cakes are wet and greasy, then impregnation can be used in a minimal amount.

A regular spray bottle sprays sugar syrup quite well and evenly over the surface of the biscuit. However, you should fill it with still warm impregnation, otherwise it will not pass through the tube.

In the event that a spray bottle is not at hand, then homemade cake can be soaked using usually a dessert spoon. Use it to scoop out sugar syrup in small quantities. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the impregnation is distributed evenly throughout the biscuit. Otherwise, in one place the cake will remain somewhat dry, and in another it will simply flow.

If using a small spoon seems inconvenient for you, then this confectionery procedure can be carried out using a regular culinary brush.

Once the biscuit is completely soaked granulated sugar, and also covered with cream and decorated with various confectionery powders, ready cake cleaned in refrigerator for 5-6 hours, or even better all night. In the morning, the cakes will soften well, become tender and very tasty.

Let's sum it up

What kind of syrup should I soak in? homemade biscuit- it's a matter of everyone's taste. Many cooks prefer to use classic version. But to give the cake special taste and aroma, we recommend using more original recipes. To do this, you can add cherry, chocolate or cherry to the main sugar impregnation. Also, various tinctures, juices, cognac, etc. are ideal for the same purpose. By the way, alcoholic drinks It is necessary to add only to ready-made and cooled syrup. Otherwise, under the influence high temperatures all their aroma will simply disappear.

Chocolate cake is favorite treat many sweet tooths. Due to the bright taste of the cake itself, it is sometimes difficult to choose the right cream or impregnation to reveal all the beauty of cocoa. It is difficult to choose impregnation for chocolate cake, which will emphasize the taste, and not hide or distort it. There is a pantheon of matching flavors and recipes that pair perfectly with a chocolate dessert.

Requirements for proper impregnation

Impregnation for chocolate cake and any other sponge cake must meet several requirements that will positively affect the texture of the cake without spoiling it:

  • The impregnation should not be too sweet, as in an ensemble with cream and sweet biscuit it can become cloying, overwhelming all the tastes.
  • The impregnation should not be too liquid, because in the process of combining with the dough it can dissolve it, making it too soft.
  • This component should not be too thick, because due to this texture it will become viscous and will not saturate the biscuit at all.

If all the nuances are taken into account in the process, then the chocolate cake and any other dessert will turn out soft, airy, but at the same time juicy.

How to calculate the amount of impregnation for a cake

In order not to make a mistake with the exact amount of impregnation for the confectionery product, you need to use a special formula: for one part of the biscuit you need to take ¾ of the impregnation and 1¾ of the cream. This formula assumes that approximately 600-650 grams of impregnation will be used per kilogram of biscuit.

Professional confectioners often use special tables to calculate the proportions of impregnation for chocolate cake. It is worth considering that 2 tablespoons of sugar takes 3 tablespoons of water. This produces 100 grams of syrup.

If the composition includes additional ingredients, then the proportions of sugar and water will naturally change. It is worth considering the consistency of the additional product, which will replace part of the liquid or bulk component.

The simplest impregnation recipe for any type of biscuit

Typically, any recipe for a chocolate cake with soaking provides clear instructions regarding the preparation of the cake layers and cream themselves, but a minimum of information regarding the preparation of the soaking. Often the recipe itself for preparing this component of the confectionery product is described in detail, but the proportions are indicated approximately.

  • For a half-kilogram chocolate cake you will need approximately 350-400 grams of sweet syrup, which can be easily prepared from 8 tablespoons of sugar and 12 water.
  • For a biscuit weighing 600-700 grams you will need 450-500 milliliters of syrup, which is prepared from 9 tablespoons of sugar and 14 water.
  • Prepare the base syrup for lubrication chocolate biscuits weighing 1 kg, in a volume of 600 grams, can be made from 12 tablespoons of sugar and 18 tablespoons of water.

The cooking principle is the same for all options. Pour sugar into a saucepan and pour in water. Cook for low heat until the sugar crystals dissolve. Cool and only then grease the cakes.

Alcohol impregnation for a unique chocolate cake

Impregnation is absolutely necessary for chocolate confectionery if the recipe specifies butter cream as a layer between cakes. At the same time, the taste of the cream itself will have no restrictions in choice.

An interesting option A recipe for a chocolate cake with impregnation may include alcohol, which will play a secondary but quite noticeable role in shaping the taste of the dessert. In general, alcoholic beverages are quite often used to impregnate confectionery products. Ideal option will be the impregnation for chocolate cake with cognac:

  • 3 tablespoons of cognac. You can replace the amount of alcohol provided dessert wine.
  • 6 spoons of sugar. An ideal option would be Brown sugar.
  • Half a glass of warm water.

The cooking principle is simple. First, a basic syrup is prepared from sugar and water. It is necessary to cool the syrup to about 30 degrees. After this, alcohol is poured in. Mix all the ingredients well and you can immediately apply to the cakes. If the temperature of the syrup is below 30 degrees, then the cognac will not dissolve in the sugar syrup.

Unique cream impregnation for cake with chocolate notes

Sometimes impregnation is completely unnecessary. This option is possible when the cream itself is sufficiently liquid and saturates the cake deeply and efficiently. Usually the ideal companion for any type of confectionery product is chocolate cream for soaking the cake.

For cooking chocolate cream impregnation you will need the following ingredients:

  • A can of condensed milk.
  • ¼ kilogram of butter.
  • 60 grams of cocoa powder.
  • A pack of vanilla.

Preparing cream impregnation is very simple:

  1. Pour a can of condensed milk into a container.
  2. Add to condensed milk butter, which must be cut into small pieces.
  3. The resulting mass must be whipped with a mixer until the cream acquires an airy consistency.
  4. Add vanillin and cocoa powder, beat the ingredients again with a mixer.

At this stage, the preparation of the impregnation cream is completed, you can start using finished product.

for sponge cake

A good combination is a citrus base and a chocolate sponge cake with any cream. Making citrus syrup is easy, but it takes about 6 hours to steep. Citrus syrup for soaking chocolate cake is prepared according to the following scheme:

  1. In a 1:1 ratio you need to mix water and sugar. Place the container on low heat and stir until the crystals are completely dissolved.
  2. When the syrup has cooled a little, add finely grated citrus peel to it.
  3. After 5-6 hours, it is worth straining the syrup, removing the zest.

The citrus syrup for the chocolate sponge cake is completely ready.

Cherry impregnation for the original taste of chocolate dessert

The perfect combination is chocolate and cherries, so many recipes for sponge cakes with chocolate cakes also include a cherry cream base. Cherry-infused chocolate cake can also include hints of alcohol.

For cherry impregnation you will need the following products:

  • 100 grams of fresh pitted cherries.
  • 30 milliliters of cognac.
  • Glass of water.
  • 40 grams of sugar.

Prepare aromatic option Cherry impregnations:

  1. Place the peeled cherries in a saucepan and pour water over the berries.
  2. Boil the berries over low heat.
  3. Once the cherries have shriveled and the water has turned red, the berries must be completely removed.
  4. Cool the broth slightly.
  5. Pour into warm water sugar and pour in the cognac, stir well.

When the sugar crystals dissolve, you can start using the viscous substance.

Chocolate impregnation

A real find for chocolate sponge cake there will be chocolate impregnation. There are several options for preparing it:

  1. Chocolate impregnation for a sponge cake can be prepared on the basis of a base syrup to which melted chocolate is added. The proportions of chocolate and syrup can be chosen according to preferences.
  2. Can be cooked chocolate impregnation, which will not immediately penetrate the base of the biscuit, but will turn out no less tasty. Simply mix melted chocolate and butter in a 2:1 ratio. Sometimes melted chocolate is mixed with a small amount water.
  3. Some self-taught confectioners simply melt the chocolate and generously pour it over the slices of the cakes. IN in this case the result can be unpredictable, as it depends entirely on the quality and composition of the tile or confectionery glaze.

When using such impregnations for sponge cakes, it takes some time for the composition to penetrate into the “pores” of the cakes, making them tender and soft.

Non-alcoholic impregnation options

In addition to standard impregnation options, namely chocolate, cherry and cognac, there are huge variety recipes All of them are based on sugar syrup, and additional taste and aroma are obtained through additional additives.

The following impregnations for chocolate cake without alcohol are especially popular:

  • citrus;
  • strawberry;
  • raspberry;
  • coffee shop;
  • dairy;
  • vanilla;
  • banana

Basically, standard sugar syrup is boiled first. When the sticky base has cooled, an auxiliary ingredient is added in the selected proportion. Each option must be ideally combined with the cream, otherwise the taste of the entire confectionery product will be ruined.

In the case of fruits, the ingredient itself is not always boiled in water; puree can be used. Pureeed fruit is poured into the syrup. It is desirable that at the time of joining, the ingredients are already cooled and at approximately the same temperature.

Rules regarding the use of impregnation

It is necessary not only to choose the ideal impregnation to taste, but also to prepare it correctly. When the main points are taken into account, you should not forget about the correct use of impregnation. It is important to apply a softening agent to the base of the cake in accordance with the norms in order to maintain the texture of the sponge cake.

How to properly use chocolate cake impregnation:

  1. It is worth evenly dividing the total volume of impregnation between all cakes.
  2. Divide each mini portion into 2 more parts.
  3. Using a tablespoon, spread one portion of syrup over the surface. Do this procedure with each cake.
  4. A few minutes after distributing the first portion of the sweet spread, you need to repeat the procedure with the second part of the consistency.

In this situation, the cakes will be fully saturated and allow the cream to penetrate into the pores of the biscuit, making it tender and juicy. Another application option involves distributing the first portion over the cake using pastry bag or syringe. It is worth using a nozzle with a fine tip for such purposes.

The syrup is ideally absorbed into cakes that have stood for about 10 hours. After moisturizing with syrup, you need to wait another quarter of an hour and then apply the cream. In order for the flavors of the cream, chocolate sponge cake and impregnation to combine, the cake needs to stand for another 5 hours before serving.

Cocoa powder and coffee base for soaking the cake

Often, for chocolate biscuit cakes, creams that do not contain fresh fruits or berries. Therefore, they are often used as an impregnation for standard types of creams. coffee base. Cocoa chocolate cake impregnations are especially popular.

Chocolate glaze can also be an ideal substitute for impregnation. Just melt the butter in a water bath. Add sugar and gradually add cocoa powder. The consistency depends on the proportion of oil in the total mass.

The coffee version is just as easy to prepare. First, a basic syrup is prepared from sugar and water. Next you need to brew natural ground coffee. It is enough to use only 30-50 grams of coffee as an additive. Sometimes the product from coffee machines or coffee machines is used. This is an alternative with a question that concerns quality.

You can immediately use two presented options within one confectionery product. The cut cakes are greased one by one. In this case, application rules are observed. One cake must be lubricated with one type of impregnation.

Biscuit is the basis of many confectionery masterpieces. But it’s not enough to cook tender and airy sponge cake, you still need to make it tasty. In order for the confectionery product to acquire juiciness and unique taste, it is worth taking care of the impregnation for the biscuit. Confectioners know many options for preparing the constituent confectionery product. Some recipes require special skills, but in general even a beginner can cope with preparing the impregnation.

How to make a sponge cake tender and juicy

Biscuit is airy dough, which during the preparation process requires special attention and strict adherence to recipes. But during baking, moisture evaporates from the dough. This makes the cakes too dry, and the note of originality in taste is lost.

In the process of preparing a confectionery masterpiece, it is worth correctly combining the taste of cream, biscuit and impregnation. Currently, impregnations made from elite alcoholic beverages are mainly used. This component will add piquancy and originality to the taste of the dessert, softening the cream cakes.

In order not to spoil the biscuit, you need to strictly adhere to the proportions at the time of applying the impregnation to the cakes. Ideal proportion is 1 part biscuit to 0.7 parts soaking and 1.2 parts cream.

What impregnation is better to prepare at home?

With development confectionery art Methods for preparing and processing sweets from this type of dough began to evolve. To avoid dryness of the cakes, in addition to cream, they also began to use sponge cake impregnation.

Preparing any impregnation for biscuit at home is very simple. No special devices or ingredients are needed. Most often, syrup is used as impregnation. The most standard option is sugar concentrate, which is prepared in 15 minutes. To diversify the taste characteristics, minor components are added: zest, alcohol, confectionery spices, flavorings.

Recipe for making a classic sponge cake topping

There is no problem with preparing the impregnation. Sometimes, due to lack of experience, the result may not meet the needs. The consistency may be too liquid or, conversely, thick and viscous. To avoid annoying mistakes, you should strictly adhere to the proportions.

Standard recipe Biscuit impregnation is the simplest option for preparing sugar syrup:

  1. Place sugar and water in a small saucepan. It is advisable to take products in a 1:2 ratio.
  2. Cook the mixture over low heat. Bring the contents to a boil and cook until it thickens.
  3. During the cooking process, you need to constantly stir the syrup and remove the foam if necessary.
  4. Remove the pan from the heat and cool the contents completely.
  5. When the impregnation has completely cooled, add flavorings or other components to it. Mix the ingredients well.

You cannot add additional ingredients to a hot mixture of sugar and water. Especially if these are flavorings, since the entire smell will disappear with the steam.

Alcohol impregnation from jam

It’s easy to prepare syrup for soaking sponge cakes at home, but you can simplify the preparation procedure even more of this component confectionery product. The principle of preparing impregnation:

  1. You need to prepare 50 grams of vodka, 50 grams of jam or marmalade, 1 glass of water.
  2. First you need to mix water and jam. It is better to take warm liquid - the jam will dissolve quickly and completely in it. Stir it until you get it homogeneous mass.
  3. After stirring, you need to heat the mixture of water and jam over low heat. It is necessary to constantly stir the impregnation so that it does not stick or burn.
  4. Remove the pan from the heat and cool the mixture completely.
  5. When the jam and water have cooled, you need to pour vodka into the container and mix all the ingredients well.

The biscuit will acquire fruity notes and bright taste with a tart aftertaste.

The most popular types of syrups for impregnation

Syrup for impregnating the biscuit can be an original addition to the cream. There is a list of the most popular recipes, where the base is regular sugar syrup:

Several options for auxiliary additives are often used in one syrup. The ideal combination is alcohol + syrup + citrus fruits. Coffee can harmonize with vanilla. White wine goes well with Cahors or cognac.

How to properly soak a prepared biscuit

Properly prepared sponge cake, ideal consistency of impregnation and delicious cream- this is not yet a guarantee of an ideal confectionery product. Impregnation for a biscuit can not only save it, but also significantly worsen its taste and appearance. To prevent this from happening, you need to properly process the cake.

The biscuit must be completely cooled. Even when the cake has completely cooled, you should not immediately apply impregnation - the product must stand and become more elastic. The exposure must be at least seven hours.

In order for the syrup to evenly saturate the cake, it is worth carrying out the procedure on a flat surface. To ensure that the impregnation completely passes through all the pores of the biscuit and does not collect in one place, it is better to cut off the top part of the cake. The procedure can be done with sewing thread. First, use toothpicks to make markings that will determine the level of the cut.

The cream is applied for impregnation after 2-3 hours. Confectionery product you will still need several hours of exposure in general view. Only after this the product will be saturated and combine all the tastes.

The biscuit is very tender and airy dessert. Both adults and children love him for his softness and unique taste. Creams and impregnations can be so varied that this delicious dessert will always remain welcome on any table.

You can make a sponge cake yourself, or you can buy a ready-made one, but so that it does not seem dry and emphasizes the taste and aroma of the filling, use sponge cake impregnation. Impregnations do not take much time to prepare, and the number of ingredients for them is minimal, but later you do not risk getting a dry and hard sponge cake that cannot be saved even a large number of cream.

To give a special aroma to the impregnation, alcoholic drinks are used. For impregnation light sponge cake better use light wines, liqueurs or cognac, and for dark ones (coffee or chocolate) it is better to add red wine or cognac. Well, to fruit biscuitsfruit impregnations. As for the cakes, you can.

Below are recipes for impregnations with cognac:

With lemon juice

Required ingredients:

  • Sugar (half a cup)
  • Lemon juice (1 tsp)
  • Water (half a glass)
  • Vanillin
  • Cognac (3 tsp)

With cherry juice

Required ingredients:

  • Cherry juice (half a glass)
  • Water (half a glass)
  • Cognac (3 tbsp)
  • Sugar (1 tbsp)

Dissolve sugar in boiling water. Add to syrup Cherry juice, cognac. Stir.

With coffee

Required ingredients:

  • Cognac (2 tbsp)
  • Water (1.5 tbsp)
  • Sugar (1 tbsp)
  • Coffee (2 tbsp)

Pour water (1 tbsp) into the pan. Dissolve sugar in it, remembering to stir. Bring to a boil. Brew coffee in the remaining water (don't forget to strain), add it to the syrup. - other cooking methods coffee impregnations for the biscuit.

The video shows everything about soaking cakes:

Orange juice

Required ingredients:

  • Sugar (half a cup)
  • Orange juice (1 tbsp)
  • Cognac (2 tbsp)

Dissolve sugar in orange juice over heat, stirring. If you have orange zest, add it to the syrup for more flavor and aroma by cutting it into small pieces. Add cognac at the end. To make crusts you can try
