Apple wine with vodka at home. Apple season – we make a bouquet of wine from apples without pressing. Technology of homemade apple wines without juice - advantages and disadvantages of making wine from apple pulp - Women's opinion - Ekaterina Danilova

Anyone who has tried cider once will not be able to remain indifferent to this light, pleasant, slightly sour drink. And if you were lucky enough to try homemade cider, then no one will buy it anymore. After all, this drink, made with your own hands from homemade apples, will forever remain an alcoholic favorite.

The good thing about homemade wine is that you can adjust its strength and sweetness to your own taste. It’s quite simple to prepare, the main thing is to choose suitable recipe and strictly follow it.

Manufacturing nuances

Like any other alcoholic drink, apple cider has its own manufacturing nuances. Certainly, apple wine Cooking is quite simple, but you should prepare for this process in advance and know its main stages and features.

To make homemade wine from apples, you will need (in addition to raw materials):

  • juicer or meat grinder (for the most simple option grater);
  • two containers where the wine will mature and ferment;
  • air outlet tube.

The process of making wine itself consists of several main stages:

  1. Preparation of raw materials;
  2. Processing raw materials using a juicer or meat grinder;
  3. Infuse the resulting juice for several days in a separate container without a lid;
  4. Removing husks from juice;
  5. Adding sugar;
  6. Fermentation of wine in closed containers and removal of excess oxygen (up to 45 days);
  7. Wine maturation (2-4 months).

There is not much mechanical work in this process; more time is spent on ripening and fermenting the wine. But the result will please you mild taste with a pleasant sourness. This natural wine does not contain harmful preservatives and impurities.

Selection and preparation of raw materials

The taste of wine always (!) depends on the raw materials, so special attention should be paid to the selection of apples and their preparation. Fruits are divided according to the degree of maturity, ripening period, sugar content and acidity. Each variety of apple is suitable for making a specific type of wine, so it is worth remembering that:

  • table wines are prepared from sour varieties;
  • dessert wines – from sweet, non-acidic varieties with increased sugar content;
  • dry wines - from carrion (unripe fallen varieties).

The ideal option for wine would be apples that ripen in the fall and in the first month of winter, since they are stored for a long time, unlike summer ones. A bouquet can be made from apples different varieties for achievement special taste For example, take 3 parts sweet apples and 2 parts sour apples, or vice versa, depending on personal preference. All these nuances should be taken into account in the first stages of selecting raw materials, which must go through the following stages of preparation:

  1. Select apples: not wormy, without foulbrood or damage;
  2. Don't wash them! It is enough to wipe with a napkin or remove dirt with a brush;
  3. Remove damaged areas and core with a knife;
  4. Grind the apples using a meat grinder or juicer, depending on availability and recipe. If these devices are not available, then you can simply grate the apples;
  5. Place the resulting porridge in bottles and begin preparing the wine.

The process of preparing raw materials is not complicated. It is only important to select the correct apples by variety and acidity in order to ultimately obtain the ideal apple wine.

Classic recipe

The most popular and standard Home wine made from apples contains nothing except raw materials and sugar. The result obtained applies to table wines (their strength is 10–12 degrees). This wine can be stored for up to 12 months (provided it is prepared from apples of the sweet and sour autumn variety).

  1. Prepare raw materials: select and sort apples, remove damaged areas and core. Grind them through a meat grinder or juicer;
  2. Pour the resulting puree into a container and cover it with gauze or a thin cloth that allows air to pass through;
  3. Leave for 3 days, stirring the contents every 8–12 hours;
  4. After three days, it is necessary to remove the husk (skin);
  5. Pour in water and add half the sugar;
  6. Pour all the liquid into a separate fermentation container;
  7. The container should have a water seal or its neck should be covered with a glove;
  8. After 4 days, it is necessary to open the water seal and drain 200 ml of wort using a tube;
  9. Dissolve another 400 grams of sugar in the wort and add the wort back to the wine;
  10. Close the shutter and leave for another 4 days;
  11. Repeat the procedure with the wort;
  12. Leave the wine to ferment at a temperature of 20–22 degrees (not lower than 18 and not higher than 24 degrees);
  13. As soon as the wine stops fermenting (after 40 days), the shutter will stop gurgling (the glove will deflate);
  14. Pour the wine into a new container, close tightly and leave;
  15. Every couple of weeks you should separate the wine from the sediment;
  16. As soon as the drink becomes clear, pour it into bottles and put it in a cool place for storage.

Homemade apple cider: a simple recipe

Cider differs from wine in lower strength, but its sweetness can always be controlled by adding more or less sugar. This drink is perfect for dinners cold winter or friendly get-togethers.


  • apples – at least 7 kg;
  • granulated sugar - at the rate of 200 g per 1 kg of raw materials.

Time spent: 7 days + 70 days of fermentation.

Calories: 105.

Making homemade wine from apple jam

To prevent the abyss apple jam, which no one has eaten over the winter, you can start making wine from it. This recipe does not involve the use of sugar, so the wine is sour.

  • purified water - 5 l;
  • raisins - 100 gr;
  • apple jam - 3 l.

Time required: 2 hours +1.5 months of fermentation.

Calories: 230 calories.

  1. Remove the jam from the jars and place in a large saucepan;
  2. Add water and boil for 10 minutes. To prevent the jam from burning, you need to stir it constantly;
  3. Remove the jam from the heat and condemn;
  4. Wash wine bottles;
  5. Place the jam in the bottle so that 1/5 of the container remains free;
  6. Distribute the raisins evenly among the bottles;
  7. Cover the neck of the container with gloves or gauze;
  8. Leave the jars to ferment for 1.5 months in a warm place;
  9. At the end of fermentation, the gloves will fall off and the drink will become clear;
  10. Pour the wine into bottles.

How to make fortified homemade wine from apples

Having prepared the wine according to this recipe, available Reviver at 14-15 degrees.

  • apples (sweet and sour) – 6 kg;
  • vodka – ¾ tbsp.;
  • raisins – 200 gr;
  • sugar – 2 kg 200 gr.

Time spent: 2 hours + 3 weeks of fermentation.

Calorie content: 220 kcal.

  1. Grind the prepared apples into puree;
  2. Pour boiling water over raisins, cut into small pieces;
  3. Mix sugar (2 kg), puree and raisins;
  4. Place the puree into a bottle with a narrow neck and close the bottle with a rubber glove;
  5. Pierce a hole in one finger of the glove. You can also use a water seal instead of a glove;
  6. Leave the wine to ferment for 3 weeks;
  7. After 3 weeks, strain the wort;
  8. Pour the remaining sugar into the wort and leave to infuse in a separate closed bottle;
  9. After 10 days, add vodka to the wort, shake well and bottle;
  10. Leave the wine to mature for a couple of months.

Homemade dessert wine recipe

Soft dessert wine (15 degrees) is very loved by women, and when it is prepared by the caring hands of her husband, it seems doubly tastier. After a year of storage, the wine will taste similar to port.

  • sweet apples – 11 kg;
  • pears – 1 kg 200 g;
  • raisins – 200 gr;
  • sugar – 1 kg.

Time required: 8 days + fermentation time.

Calories: 240.

  1. Pass apples and pears through a juicer;
  2. Pour boiling water over the raisins and let them steam;
  3. Cut the raisins in half and add to the juice;
  4. Place the puree in wide-necked containers and tie them with gauze;
  5. Stir the puree 4 times a day;
  6. After 4 days, strain the mixture and pour it into a bottle along with 500 grams of sugar;
  7. place a water seal or glove on the neck of the bottle;
  8. Leave for 4 days;
  9. Add another 300 grams of sugar, after mixing it with the poured wort (this can be done using a straw);
  10. Leave for another 3 days;
  11. Throw in the remaining sugar and wait until the end of fermentation;
  12. Carefully pour off the wine so that the sediment remains in the bottle;
  13. Strain the drink;
  14. Pour it into a clean bottle and seal it tightly;
  15. Wait until the wine turns light, and then pour it again (leaving sediment) into long-life bottles.

Recipe for making dry apple wine

This wine contains a small amount of sugar, so it has a sour but spicy taste.


  • apples – 5 kg;
  • sugar – 100-150 g per 1 liter;
  • water – 2.5 l.

Preparation time: 2 hours + month of fermentation.

Calories: 150.

  1. Prepare the apples and chop them to a puree using any suitable tool;
  2. Fill the fermentation containers ⅔ full with the resulting mass;
  3. Distribute the sugar evenly among the containers;
  4. Wrap the neck of the containers with gauze;
  5. The mass must ferment for at least four days;
  6. Then strain the mixture;
  7. Pour the juice into new clean containers;
  8. Leave to ferment, covering the necks with gloves;
  9. Strain and bottle;
  10. Store in bottles in a cool place.

To make homemade wine aromatic and tasty, you should know that:

  1. You should not wash apples before preparing wine, as they accumulate on their skins. wild yeast. But thanks to these yeasts, the fermentation process occurs;
  2. For homemade All varieties of apples are suitable for wine (the color or ripening time does not matter). It is only important to use ripe, juicy fruits;
  3. Mixing various varieties, you can get interesting blends. The combination of sour and sweet apples tastes especially good;
  4. You can add water only if you are using unripe and sour apples. Then apple wine is diluted in a proportion of 100 ml per 1 liter.

Having decided what kind of wine you want to get in the end, you should choose a variety of apples and start preparing the drink, following the recipe and taking into account useful tips.

In a good year, it is neither possible nor necessary to process all the apples. But what about the remaining fruits? After all, they have a marketable appearance, and it’s a pity to throw them away. And here on help will come apple wine recipe. Craftsman winemakers came up with a large number of recipes for every taste. Some of them are based on apple juice, but many allow you to make apple wine directly from slices or applesauce.
In any case, even a novice winemaker can make wine from apples at home; you just need to follow the recipe and believe in success. Grapes are most often used to make wine, however apple drink no less tasty, and its preparation is much cheaper.

Basic criteria for preparing a drink from apples

Apple wine drink

There are a number of secrets in making wine from apples; in order for a drink made with your own hands to turn out right the first time, you should know a few important rules. They will help preserve the taste and aroma of the drink and make the decoupage brighter and richer. Here are the main ones:

  • Apples are not washed for wine, since microorganisms that promote fermentation live on the skin. If the fruits are completely dirty, you can wipe them with a dry, soft, clean cloth or rub them with a soft clothing (but new and clean) brush.
  • To prepare the drink, cut out the middle of apples and remove the seeds; remove rotten and spoiled areas.
  • The production of an alcohol-containing drink according to any recipe for homemade wine from apples has several stages:
    1. preparation of wort,
    2. fermentation,
    3. bringing to condition
    4. exposure.
  • The containers for making wine from apples (including those for fermentation) must be thoroughly washed with soda and steamed; the container must be dry before use. It is better if it is possible to sterilize it, this will allow you to get a pure apple taste without foreign impurities and bright aroma ripe apples.
  • Apple wine at home always undergoes fermentation, so that it is of high quality and the drink becomes wine, not vinegar, you need to close the reservoir with the wort with a special device called a water seal. It will not allow access to oxygen and will ensure the release of carbon dioxide. You can buy a fermentation seal at the store. For this, they also use a medical glove with a hole, which is made with a needle (to allow gases to escape). It is pulled over the neck of the jar, and while the glove is inflated, the fermentation process takes place. Or a water seal is made using a plastic cap and a needle with a tube from an IV system (you need to buy a new system). The needle is stuck into the lid, and the free edge of the tube is lowered into a half-liter jar of water to a depth of 5–7 cm.
  • For a high-quality fermentation process, you will also need a fermentation room - this room (18–24 0 C) must be dark or at least darkened. Tanks (containers with wort) should not be exposed to direct sunlight. A pantry or kitchen is suitable for these purposes (but here the tank needs to be covered with a cloth on top or placed in a closet).

The Internet offers many recipes, we have selected the easiest but most delicious ones for you.

Applesauce wine (classic recipe)

This is the most famous and simplest recipe for making apple wine. The output will be table wine with a strength of 9–120. Sweet and sour are good for him. autumn apples. You can take sweet and sour varieties in a ratio of 1:2. The juicier the fruit, the tastier the wine will be.

  • Apple slices – 15 kg;
  • Water – 3 l;
  • Sugar – 2.4 kg.

First, prepare the apples: wipe them, remove the seeds and cut them into slices. Then grind the slices into puree (three to fine grater or grind in a meat grinder). Place the apples prepared in this way into an enamel container (with a wide top) and cover the top with a layer of gauze (from insects). Place in a room at room temperature and stir every 12 hours, this is necessary for more intensive formation and connection with the yeast liquid.

After 72 hours, stop stirring. We compact the collected top layer (pulp) a little with a spoon and remove it, leaving only 3–5 mm.

Now pour the contents of the container into glassware(preferably 5-liter jars or bottles). There should be space at the top (1/5 of the volume) for foam and bubbles.

Add water to the resulting mixture according to the recipe, add 1.2 kg of sugar, mix everything thoroughly. Then we close the dishes with a water seal and leave them for 4 days in the fermentation room (dark and warm: 18–240).
On the fifth day, suck out a glass of liquid through a thin tube and mix it with 3 glasses of sugar (600 g), stir until syrup forms, and then pour it back through the tube.

On the eleventh day the procedure with sugar syrup repeat (exactly as on the 5th day).
The fermentation process takes an average of 45 days, its duration depends on the temperature in the storage. You can guess its end by the fallen glove or the absence of bubbles in the glass. If after 50 days the gurgling continues, then you will need to drain the wort from the jar/bottle (without sediment) into a sterile one and seal it again with a water seal.
After the fermentation process is completed, the wort is poured into a glass container with a wide neck and left to settle.
To do this, every 12 days, the settled homemade apple wine is carefully poured into a sterile container, leaving the sediment in the old container. When the liquid becomes light and there is no sediment at the bottom of the container - ready drink packaged in bottles, covered with a crust, and placed in storage with standard indicators (described at the end of the article).

Sweet light apple cider

This homemade apple wine will be slightly fizzy, light (up to 70), sweet. Its name cider is familiar in many European countries. It tastes similar to lemonade. For it you should take summer juicy sweet and sour apples.

  • Apple slices – 4 kg;
  • Water – 6 l;
  • Sugar – 8 cups (1.6 kg).

Before you start preparing the drink at home, stock up on the following items: a 7 liter enamel saucepan, a wire rack or lid with a diameter smaller than the saucepan, a 5 kg weight, a linen bag or gauze.

First, let's prepare the apples. They need to be wiped, the middle selected, cleaned of rot and damage. And then cut into slices. Small and medium-sized fruits are cut into quarters, and larger ones into 6-8 slices.
The prepared slices are placed in a bag or wrapped in 2 layers of gauze.

Then place them on the bottom of a container with a wide top (preferably enamel or wood) and press down lightly. You need to put a smaller lid (or lattice circle) on the bag, and a weight on it. You can use a plastic flask with water as a load. Cover the top of the container with a clean cloth.

Make syrup from half water and sugar. Let it cool and then pour it into the container with the apples. Place the container in a dark pantry with a temperature no higher than +20, but not lower than +18.

After 40 days, drain the liquid using a straw into a separate container, which is closed tightly with a stopper, and the prepared liquid is poured in its place. new syrup from the remaining sugar and water.

It is also drained after 40 days and then mixed with the first portion. Leave for 10 days at room temperature in a dark place under a tight lid.

After 10 days, the young apple wine is drained from the sediment and placed in cold storage for aging for 30 days. After which the cider is ready for consumption, it is packaged in bottles and stored in accordance with the usual requirements.

Quick apple cider with lemon

This is very quick way make apple cider. It can be served almost immediately after the end of the cycle. To prepare such light wine from apples at home, use a simple recipe, and the process itself is very simple. Required:

  • Apple slices – 8 kg;
  • Lemon – 2 pcs.;
  • Sugar – 2 kg;
  • Water – 10 l.

It is better to take apples that are sour and juicy. They should be cleared of seeds and cores, and spoiled areas should be removed. The resulting workpiece must be cut into small slices. Separately, combine the zest of 2 lemons with sugar and grind well.

Then place the apple slices, sugar, and zest in a wide-top container and fill with water. Cover everything with a clean linen cloth (or cotton).
The tank is placed in a fermentation room with a temperature of 20–240 for 7 days.

Then the liquid must be drained and strained through folded gauze several times. Until light wine color.
Ready easy homemade apple wine is packaged in prepared containers ( better than bottles) and seal tightly. Storage conditions are the same as for regular homemade apple wines.

Fortified wine made from apple slices

This apple wine recipe allows you to get a drink with a strength of 13–15⁰. It’s easy to make, and you won’t be able to spoil this wine, even if you try hard. Any apples are suitable for this drink: summer, winter, autumn. The ratio of sour and sweet varieties is 2:1, the most delicious is obtained from sweet and sour fruits.

  • Apple slices or cake – 9 kg;
  • Sugar – 3.3 kg;
  • Raisins – 300 g;
  • Vodka – 230 g.

For fermentation, prepare the fruits and grind them into puree. You can make this wine from apple pulp remaining after making juice.

For fermentation, use glass containers with a narrow neck (jar, bottle). First, puree is sent into it, then chopped raisins are put in, and only at the end a portion of sugar (3 kg) is added.

A water seal is put on and the wort is left to ferment in the fermentation room for 21 days. Periodically tilt and rotate the container to mix the contents.

Then the wort is separated from the pulp, another 300 g of sugar is added, stirred and poured into a clean bottle.
Leave the wort in a cool room for another 10 days, closing the lid tightly.

Then carefully drain (leaving sediment), add vodka and bottle it. Bottles are stored horizontally, in a storage facility with standard (for wine) indicators.

Wine made from a mixture of fresh and dried apples

Apple wine

A recipe for homemade apple wine made from a mixture of apples and yeast starter will require a lot of ingredients. This drink is prepared quickly and has a tart, slightly sour taste. Its strength up to 300 depends on the amount of alcohol poured.

It will require:

  • Fresh apples - as many as you can eat;
  • Dried apples – 100 g/1 kg of fresh fruit; Sugar – 200 g/1 kg of apples;
  • Alcohol - 300 ml / 1 liter of wort (you can take vodka after making the appropriate calculations);
  • Yeast starter – 300 g / 1 l of wort;
  • Water – 800 ml/1 kg apples.

To prepare homemade apple wine according to this recipe, prepare the apples, wipe them, remove the seeds, and cut them into small slices. Then add water to them and heat them in an enamel container to 600 C, leave them warm for 2-3 days, then squeeze the cake through 3 layers of gauze. The liquid is poured into a glass tank for fermentation.

Then prepare a starter for wine: take 100 g wine yeast and dilute them in 200 ml warm water, as soon as bubbles appear, the starter is ready.

Sourdough and granulated sugar are added to the fermentation tank to the prepared composition, closed with a water seal (or glove), and left in the fermentation room (20–230) for 21–35 days. The wine is ready when carbon dioxide ceases to be released.

Now you need to carefully drain it (without sediment), add alcohol, and place it in a cold place to age for 10–14 days. If you make wine according to this recipe, you can get any desired strength of the drink by adjusting it with the amount of alcohol poured in. The higher the strength, the more tart the taste.
Then the wine should be carefully drained again, bottled, capped and stored in storage at a temperature from +6 to +16.

Spiced Apple Wine (with cinnamon)

Making apple wine at home has many fans, which is why there are many recipes. One widely used by winemakers is apples and cinnamon. The combination is organic and delicate, and will appeal to women. Wine made this way has a strength of up to 90.
Need to:

  • Apple slices – 4 kg;
  • Water – 4 l;
  • Cinnamon powder – 40 g;
  • Sugar – 1 kg.

Wipe and chop the apples (without seeds or core). Place in a large bowl, add enough water and cinnamon, put on medium heat and cook. The slices should become soft.

Cooking process wine drink from apples

Rub the cooled mixture through a sieve, then place in enamel dishes for 3 days at a temperature of 20–22 0. Cover the top of the dishes with a cloth. When the pulp rises, it needs to be stirred (do this every 12 hours).

After 3 days, the pulp is removed, leaving a thin layer, and the wort is mixed with sugar and poured into a glass container for fermentation. The top of the tank is closed with a water seal. Place in a dark fermentation room for 7 days. Every day the container is rotated and turned to mix the contents. On the 8th day, replace the water seal with a plastic lid, and leave it like that for another 7 days, not forgetting to turn it.
Then it is carefully drained (without sediment) and packaged in bottles. Store bottles in wine storage. Now you know how to make apple wine, but that's not all.

Making apple wine correctly is only half the battle. It needs to be well preserved. Proper storage will ensure good quality wine (even improving its taste) for 2–3 years.

  • It is advisable to cover the bottled drink with a crust and store it horizontally.
  • (91.43%) 7 voted

Self-made apple wine at home is an excellent alternative store. This product has excellent taste characteristics and does not contain harmful substances and preservatives in the composition. Therefore there will be good addition to the table.

Recipe for apple wine at home video

The fruits can be used to prepare the most various types of this drink - dry and semi-dry, table and dessert. Making wine from apples without yeast with water will require ingredients such as the fruits themselves, up to 10 kg, sugar, at least 1.6 kg and water, about 2 liters. Fruits better to take from sweet and sour taste - this will allow you to get a table drink. The fruit should not have any damage; the core should first be removed so that finished product didn't taste bitter.

For better juice release, apples are crushed and the resulting mass is placed in a glass container for 3 days, stirring from time to time. After this, the pulp is removed, leaving no more than 0.5 cm. Add 0.8 kg of sugar and place it in a fermentation tank, on which there must be a water seal. After a few days, 0.2 liters of the resulting wort is poured through a special tube, mixed with 0.5 kg of sugar and poured back into the container. After a few more days they repeat everything. When vigorous fermentation ends, the wort is drained from the sediment and allowed to brew. Every half month you will need to drain the liquid from the sediment, achieving complete transparency. After which the product is bottled and stored.

Details of preparation, and such questions, do you need wort?, you can watch it in the video.

How can you make making wine an enjoyable and easy experience? In this case, you can use other instructions, which will result in a strong and aromatic drink. To do this you will need only 2 kg of fruit, sugar, and tablespoon yeast. Apples should be taken ripe and undamaged. The juice is squeezed out of them, sugar and a little yeast are added, and then placed in a vessel for fermentation. Next, you just need to wait until the release of gases from the mass ends. Then the product is carefully strained and packaged in bottles. It is worth noting that the shelf life of such a drink is limited, so it should be consumed as early as possible.

It is possible to make a good alcoholic product from these ingredients more quickly. To learn how to make such a drink, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with a fairly simple technology. It is well suited for people who do not want to spend a lot of effort and who do not have much experience in winemaking, but want to make wine.

It is necessary to squeeze the juice out of peeled, undamaged fruits. To do this, you can use a device such as juicer. The raw materials are filtered and sugar is added to it in the proportion of 1 kg of sand for every 2 kg of raw materials. The resulting mixture is left in a special vessel. It is best if the container is glass. After 10 days, it is necessary to mix the fermenting mass well. After a few days, stir again and leave alone for 30 days.

After this period, the drink is carefully drained from the bottle so as not to disturb the fragments that have settled to the bottom, and packaged into vessels. It can be consumed, however, if it is kept for several more months at low positive temperatures, the product will become more noble flavor.

Few people know that it can be made from fresh, just picked fruits, and from dried. The taste characteristics are not inferior in quality to wines made from fresh raw materials, and can even be much superior to them. However, it should be observed the right technology preparing the drink and drying fruits properly so that they retain their unique aroma and taste.

You can make wine from high-quality dry fruits, of which approximately 1 kg is required. In addition, you will need to take 12 glasses of sugar, 20 g of yeast and 8 liters of water.

Before starting work, dried fruits must be lightly soak in warm water. After this, the raw materials are crushed and mixed with granulated sugar, yeast is added and placed in a warm place. The amount of sugar used depends on what strength is needed - large quantity will provide a higher percentage of alcohol content.

After 30-45 days, active processes in the mixture end. In this case, the ambient temperature should not be lower than 20 degrees, as this will slow down the process. Then the resulting liquid is drained from the sediment with precautions. This drink is already considered fit for use, however, taste characteristics and the smell will still be far from ideal. Externally, this wine is cloudy. Therefore, to improve condition, liquid poured through a tube into a ripening container. It should have such a volume that the contents fill it to the top - if air remains inside, this will deteriorate the quality of the product. Thus, the drink is stored in a dark, cool place for up to 4 months. After which he receives good taste, pleasant aroma and becomes transparent. When it is ready, it is poured again without sediment and packaged in glass containers.

Wine from dried apples at home it can be great addition, both for the holiday and for regular table. If follow the correct technology and adhere to all requirements, the drink will be of very high quality and tasty, no worse than traditional varieties.

There is also a way to make wine from frozen apples. The resulting drink will be no different from analogues made from fresh raw materials, which means we can safely make wine from frozen fruit. It will require ingredients such as the fruits themselves and granulated sugar. In some cases, you can omit sugar or replace it a small amount wine yeast.

The raw materials should be defrosted, crushed, turning into a mass resembling puree, add sugar. After this, the puree is placed in a bottle. Sometimes the resulting mass is diluted with water to obtain the required volume. Next, the same steps are carried out as in other technologies - when it has fermented, it is poured with precautions into another container so as not to disturb the sediment. Then it is infused for some more time and again drained from the sediment. After which, the finished product is poured into containers and put away cool shaded place. It is worth noting that sometimes homemade wine made from frozen fruit still tastes slightly different from a product made from fresh fruit.

For those who prefer stronger, it will be interesting to know how to do fortified wine on one's own. There are a number simple recipes with and without yeast, thanks to which you can prepare strong homemade wine from apples. You need 6 kg of raw apples, preferably sweet and sour in taste. You also need sugar, a little more than 2 kg, about 200 g of raisins and 150 ml of vodka.

You need to make a puree from the fruits, add steamed raisins to the resulting substance, as well as 2 kg of sugar. Place the entire workpiece in a glass container, on top put on a rubber glove, on which the finger should be pierced to remove gases.

When the process is over, the liquid is poured into another container so as not to disturb the grounds at the bottom. Add another 200 g granulated sugar and set for 10-15 days before full readiness. Further add vodka and packaged in glass containers.

The product has a higher strength compared to regular tableware. And the taste is in no way inferior to those made according to other recipes. These wine production methods are distinguished by simple technology and will be accessible even to beginners.

Have you ever made apple wine at home? Leave your opinion or feedback for everyone on the forum.

In a good year, the abundance of apples pleases gardeners with a wealth of supplies, and avid winemakers are already looking forward to fresh aromatic wine from apples! This one is juicy and delicious fruit good in any form.

Apple jams, jams, confitures are waiting in the wings on the shelves. A variety of compotes, juices and fruit drinks from apples have been prepared for several years in advance. Apple pies are included in the daily menu.

But perhaps The best way process valuable vitamin raw materials - make homemade wine from apples. The simplest recipe for wine from apple juice will use the entire ripe harvest and will not allow these tasty, fragrant and useful fruits.

Prepared for future use, apple wine can be stored for a long time, while the bouquet of the drink reveals new fruity notes and acquires an extraordinary richness of taste.

Healthy homemade apple wine: how to make?

First of all, you need to decide on the taste of the future alcoholic drink. If you like sweeter apple wine, then in this case you need to take ripened fruits late varieties, which contain the most sugar. Otherwise, fruits with a pronounced sour taste should predominate. But the most optimal thing is to mix sour and sweet fruits in the required proportion. Making alcoholic drinks fruit drink does not tolerate haste; it requires a thoughtful and serious approach.

So, let's start preparing the future king of parties.

— we take unwashed apples in any quantity. The fruits should not be washed because they contain natural yeast on their surface. If you use fruits collected from the ground for the drink, then wiping them with a damp cloth is enough. The apple core and seeds must be removed.
- chop fruits using any in an accessible way– using a food processor, blender, grater, through a meat grinder.
- received applesauce leave at room temperature for one day in an open container.
- stir every hour.
- from the top apple mass remove the thick thick crust and leave again for a day.
- we repeat the operation.
— squeeze out the remaining softer fraction of the puree, pour the resulting juice into a separate bowl.
- add granulated sugar in the proportion of 250 grams per liter of apple juice and water at the rate of 150 grams per liter.
- Stir the liquid vigorously until the granulated sugar is completely dissolved in it.
- pour into glass, enamel or plastic container With
- place the bottle of wine in a dark place with room temperature.
— the fermentation process takes about one and a half months, its completion is signaled by the absence of carbon dioxide bubbles.
- homemade apple wine is ready, let it sit for about another week.
- after the specified period, the young apple wine is removed from the sediment.
— place the bottle with the drink on the table, and place another dry and clean container under it.
- using a hose, carefully, without stirring the sediment, pour the homemade product into a new container.

Your very own apple wine is ready! But it would still be better to let the drink brew and ripen, having previously clarified it. To do this, it is placed in a cool and dark place for a couple of months. Then we repeat the procedure for removing the sediment again.

If there are a lot of ripe fruits and the volume of production of homemade alcoholic beverage is also significant, care should be taken to ensure that the apple wine does not spoil. To do this, place a container of alcohol in a tank, jug or large pan of water and heat it to a temperature of 70 degrees. After this, it is slowly cooled and placed for further ripening.

Aromatic and light wine, produced at home, has a fascinating amber color and is distinguished by a wide variety of flavors, which depends on the type of fruit used. Delicate apple wine - a drink for any occasion and celebration!

This fall in our village, all the corridors and storerooms were filled with apples. The smell was amazing! Antonovka is one of the most aromatic varieties. You can’t put much into storage; it’s impossible to recycle everything. So, after a short argument with me, my husband decided to take up winemaking again.

We argued about the feasibility of this rather labor-intensive process - we have had wine since last year. But since it’s a pity to throw away apples, the husband won.

For about a month and a half, a steady gurgling sound was heard in our warm corner - the wine was flowing well. And since this is the case, I decided to tell Alimero’s readers about how to make this delicious low alcohol drink, which is also called cider. This is not entirely correct, since cider is a carbonated drink, and making it at home is problematic. But their composition is the same - apple juice.

I once tried to make my own apple wine. A friend provided me with a bunch of apples and the corresponding recipe. I got busy. Squeezed 3 liters of juice manually, since I didn’t have a juicer then, I added it to the jar required quantity sugar and started stirring. For this I took a stainless steel spoon. Girls, don't repeat my mistake! One gentle blow to the side of the jar - and apple juice began to gush out in my kitchen. I poured out the rest, threw away the jar, and cleaned up for half an hour. This is where my experiments with making cider ended. Now I'm just my husband's help.

To make apple wine you will need

Apples, or rather, freshly squeezed apple juice

The quantity can be completely different, but the final proportions are as follows:

For 1 liter of apple juice, 280 grams of granulated sugar and 100 milliliters of water. Just don’t rush to mix everything - let’s talk about everything in order.

Cooking time

The wine is prepared in several stages.

From the moment the juice is squeezed until the sweets appear on the table amber drink takes from 2.5 to 6 months (depending on how long you age the wine).


If you have a juicer, it’s not difficult, but you’ll have to tinker.


We pass the apples through a juicer, pour the resulting juice along with the remaining pulp into one container and leave in a warm place to ferment for 3 days.

During this time, stir the wort several times.

After 3 days, strain the juice from the pulp and measure the amount pure juice. Add 100 g of water for each liter of juice.

Pour into bottles or jars, leaving room for fermentation and counting on adding sugar.

Add sugar at the rate of 1 liter of pure juice (we do not take into account water) in 4 doses:

1 day - 100 g.

Day 4 - 30 g.

Day 7 - 30 g.

We close the bottles with corks (this is done on the first day), insert a PVC hose (you can buy it by the meter) so that the carbon dioxide formed during the fermentation process escapes. If your wine ferments in jars, it will spoil nylon cover: punch a hole in it, insert a hose and cover it around, for example, with plasticine.

To prevent oxidation of the juice, which could result in vinegar instead of wine, we make a water seal: gas will escape, but oxygen will not enter.

In a month and a half, fermentation will end, that is:

    gurgling stops;

    the juice becomes slightly clearer;

    pulp particles stop moving;

Carefully drain the fermented juice from the sediment using the same PVC hose. Discard the sediment.

We pour it into bottles or jars (now there is no need to leave room for fermentation), close with corks or lids. We leave the wine material for another month, preferably in a cool place. During this time, it will become transparent and acquire an amber color.

After this, we drain it again from the sediment - bottle it, add sugar to each liter of wine material:

100-160 g to receive dessert wine,
- 200 g to obtain liqueur.

Homemade apple wine is ready. Unfortunately, we don't have a wine meter to measure the strength of the drink, but of course it's not strong. If you want the wine to acquire a fuller and more harmonious taste, cork it and put it away for 2-4 months to age.

This type of wine is well stored in a cool place and does not turn sour or mold. So in apple year You can make this healthy (if you follow moderation) drink for the whole year.

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