Casseroles with pasta and cottage cheese are an excellent solution for breakfast and dinner. Recipes for the most delicious cottage cheese and pasta casseroles

Today you can cook a lot delicious dishes. One of these dishes is cottage cheese casserole with noodles, the oven recipe for which I will give today. In the article we will describe in detail all the methods of directly preparing this quite tasty and satisfying dish, we will describe several useful tips, which will help not spoil the dish.

The casserole with this set of products is excellent dish. First of all, it should be noted that the dish is quite filling as it takes a long time to digest (132 kcal per 100 grams). These are the so-called “slow carbohydrates for weight loss”! You can eat this casserole at any time of the day. In order to prepare it correctly and without any failures in the form of boiling, you need to know and master some specific tricks in the field of cooking.

A casserole using various pasta will not only be satisfying, but also quite tasty. You can also add apples to this composition. With their help, the dish will become more fluffy and airy. Later in the article we will look at the preparation in more detail and analyze all the details.

A few secrets in cooking

First of all, you will need to properly prepare certain pasta. The main thing is not to overcook them. There are recipes where it is recommended to cook the pasta prematurely. But it's better not to do this. When preparing such a dish, it will simmer in kitchen stove about an hour. During this time, the pasta will be digested and will be an ordinary sticky mass. In order to implement perfect dish, pasta of one type or another must not be cooked completely. In addition, to protect yourself, take more expensive pasta. They are made using technology and do not boil down as quickly as cheaper ones.

It is better to choose pasta with a ribbed surface. These varieties include various spirals and shells. It is this form of noodles that will ensure that the dish is quite juicy, and the sauce itself remains on the immediate surface. If you use smooth pasta, the sauce will simply drain to the bottom and the taste of the dish will significantly deteriorate.

Many people love it when a casserole of one kind or another is present. beautiful crust golden character. You need to know that if you implement this preparation at the same temperature in the stove, then this crust will not work. Also, if you increase the temperature in the middle of cooking, the top of the dish will simply begin to dry out. Experts in this matter recommend using the so-called grill mode in the last five minutes of cooking. Then the dish will be juicy and the crust golden color. Also at this time you can grease the top of the dish with egg white or just some water.

This or that dish in any case must have a shape. IN in this case Deep type forms are perfect. The material of these forms must be made of glass or ceramic material. It is in this case that the dish will turn out to be as juicy and tasty as possible. Those people who don't want to get high calorie content In this dish, silicone type containers can be used. But this type of container must be lubricated with oil before any use.

The delicate type texture is very important to many people. If you use a lot of eggs, the dish may taste like a rubber product. In order for the dish to be airy, you need to use a sieve through which you need to rub the cottage cheese before cooking. If you want to add something like fruit, then total time cooking will increase. But you will add variety to the recipe! But enough words, how is cottage cheese casserole with noodles prepared in the oven?!

Direct cooking

Of course, before you start preparing of this dish, you need to prepare all the necessary ingredients. There are not so many such elements. There should be the same amount of cottage cheese, like noodles. In our case, 200 grams of both components are used. Next you need to use a chicken egg. There are recipes that use three of them. But we once discussed on the pages of the site how many eggs you can eat a day and therefore we will stick to them minimum quantity in food. For this amount of cottage cheese and noodles you only need one egg. You also need to take one hundred grams of granulated sugar, store bought, or better yet, make butter at home, yogurt pure look, about two tablespoons, a small pinch of white salt, and a little semolina.

Once you have these types of cooking components available, you can begin the actual process.

First of all, it is necessary to resolve all matters with the so-called noodles. It must be cooked until it is half cooked. It must be prepared in water that will be slightly salted in advance. Some housewives drip refined or unrefined into the water sunflower oil about a teaspoon so that the pasta doesn’t stick together and keeps its shape. You too can take note of this secret.

The egg that you prepared in advance must be beaten with the available sugar and butter.

The cottage cheese must be passed through a sieve. A fork will help you with this. You pour it in and wipe it... We wrote earlier that this will help the dish receive “additional airy quality” - airiness.

In the mixture that you have, you need to add pre-boiled noodles and a little table salt, exactly one pinch.

Everything you got needs to be placed in a container in which direct cooking will take place. But the container must be lubricated prematurely using olive oil(refined), for example, and after placing the entire dish in it, you need to spread yogurt on top of everything.

After it is ready, you need to let it brew for about ten minutes and serve it to guests or your immediate family.

In total there is quite a large number of various recipes to prepare this dish and its variations. They exist so that every housewife can choose exactly the dish that is suitable for her family and does not become boring. There is such a dish with the addition of various nuts and apples, there is one with olives and cheese...

Many housewives prepare this dish using a multicooker. This, among other things, is simply convenient.

Many people still remember from kindergarten the cottage cheese casserole with pasta, which was always served with jam or fruit jelly; this casserole turned out delicious, and the children liked it. Today this dish is experiencing its rebirth, because it is not only tasty, but also healthy, simple and cheap. Moreover, pasta casserole with cottage cheese allows you to cleverly utilize yesterday's vermicelli, spaghetti, spirals, horns, which is why it is loved by zealous housewives. I recommend using this simple recipe, you can use it to prepare classic version casseroles with pasta and cottage cheese, or you can add a little variety and add raisins and apples.


(1 casserole)

  • 120 gr. dry or 350-400 gr. boiled pasta nal products
  • 400 gr. cottage cheese
  • 4 things. chicken eggs
  • 3-4 tbsp. Sahara
  • 2 apples (optional)
  • handful of raisins (optional)
  • 1 tsp vanilla sugar
  • 1/2 tsp. cinnamon
  • jam or powdered sugar
  • So, for cottage cheese casserole we need about 350 grams. ready-made pasta, it is advisable to use small products. If you suddenly decide to bake a casserole, but there is no boiled pasta, then take dry ones and cook as usual. The only thing is, try not to overcook it))))
  • Beat four eggs with a broom.
  • Add cottage cheese, it can be homemade, it can be from the store, it can be sour. If the cottage cheese is in large flakes, then lightly rub it with a spoon; it’s okay if pieces remain.
  • Add sugar. The amount of sugar depends on the acidity of the curd and your taste. The more sour cottage cheese, the more sugar he will require.
  • Peel the apples, remove the core, and cut into cubes. Add to the bowl, mix everything.
  • Add raisins, cinnamon and vanilla sugar. When you make this pasta casserole, be sure to consider your family's tastes, because some people don't like vanilla or cinnamon, and some love both.
  • Add cooked pasta. In this case, I have spaghetti, but it can be pasta, noodles, shells, spirals, etc.
  • Stir so that the cottage cheese, raisins and apple pieces are more or less evenly mixed with the pasta.
  • Place the resulting curd and pasta mass in a baking dish, pre-greased with butter. It's important that the mold doesn't leak because you don't want it to smell like burnt egg instead of vanilla and apples.
  • Use a spoon to press down any protruding elements so that they do not dry out during baking.
  • Place the pan in a well-heated oven. Cottage cheese casserole bake pasta for 30 minutes at 200°C. We look at the readiness of the eggs; perhaps the casserole will bake faster in your oven or, conversely, it will take a little longer.
  • We take the fragrant, rosy cottage cheese casserole out of the oven. Let it cool a little and remove from the mold. What a beauty it turned out to be!
  • By the way, if you want the casserole to have a golden brown crust, then before putting it in the oven, brush the surface with sour cream.
  • That's all, a very tasty casserole of cottage cheese and pasta is ready. Sprinkle powdered sugar or pour jam over it, serve warm or room temperature. By the way, on the second day the cottage cheese

Pasta casserole - very tasty and hearty dish. It is ideal for both children's and adult menus. Therefore, it can be often prepared for family breakfast. Experienced chefs They know more than one with pasta and cottage cheese. The most interesting options will be discussed in today's article.

Classic version

This recipe is good because it involves the use of simple budget products, the main part of which is always available in any refrigerator. To make tasty and healthy cottage cheese, try to check in advance whether you have everything you need in the kitchen. This time you will need:

  • Half a kilo of cottage cheese.
  • 200 grams of pasta.
  • A pair of chicken eggs.
  • 0.75 cups granulated sugar.
  • A tablespoon of butter.

From the specified amount of products four servings of a sweet treat are obtained. Therefore, if you are cooking on big family, just double all the ingredients.

Process description

So that you get a truly tasty and delicious casserole, pasta with cottage cheese (the recipe with photos can be seen in today’s publication) is subjected to pre-treatment. The first ones are boiled in boiling water, the second ones are thoroughly kneaded with a fork.

After this, put it in a mold, the walls and bottom of which are greased with butter. Spread pureed cottage cheese on top in an even layer. All this is poured with an egg, previously beaten with granulated sugar until white foam is obtained. Prepare a casserole of cottage cheese and preheat it to two hundred degrees, about twenty minutes. It is sliced ​​before serving in portioned pieces, place on plates and top with jam or sour cream.

Option with ground paprika

Using the recipe below, you can prepare delicious food relatively quickly. savory dish. This casserole will become excellent option For family lunch or dinner. To feed your family on time, try to visit the nearest store in advance and replenish your food supplies. In this case, your kitchen should have:

  • 250 grams of thin vermicelli.
  • 5 tablespoons butter.
  • 350 grams of cottage cheese.
  • A teaspoon of ground paprika.
  • Egg.
  • A couple of tablespoons of chopped dill.

So that the pasta and cottage cheese casserole you make does not turn out to be bland and tasteless, the above list should be replenished table salt. Its quantity is calculated based on the personal preferences of the cook and his family members.

Step-by-step instruction

First you should boil the vermicelli. To do this, place it in a pan filled with salted boiling water and wait a few minutes. Ready pasta put in a colander, and after the excess liquid has drained from them, combine in one bowl with a couple of tablespoons of butter.

Then the cottage cheese, pureed through a sieve, is sent into the same bowl, a raw egg and chopped greens. Lastly, the remaining butter mixed with ground paprika is added to the mass. All this is laid out in a pre-prepared form and put in the oven. Getting ready savory casserole from pasta and cottage cheese for forty minutes. Before serving, sprinkle it with ketchup.

Option with apple

This recipe can be used relatively quickly and without unnecessary hassle cook delicious and healthy casserole. As a rule, this dish is eaten with pleasure not only by adults, but also by children. That's why this option will become a real find for young mothers who don’t know how to persuade their child to eat at least a little cottage cheese. To prepare this sweet treat you will need:

  • A couple of tablespoons of sugar.
  • 250 grams of cottage cheese and boiled pasta.
  • Ripe sweet apple.
  • Fresh chicken egg.
  • 5 tablespoons of not too fatty sour cream.

Plus, at the right time you should have at hand a small amount of vegetable oil. It will be needed to lubricate the mold.

Cooking technology

In one bowl combine cottage cheese, pureed through a sieve, raw egg and granulated sugar. Mix everything thoroughly, trying to achieve maximum homogeneity. Boiled pasta and finely chopped apple are added to the resulting mass.

Spread the finished curd mixture in an even layer into a mold lined with foil. Top it all with sour cream and put it in the oven. Prepare pasta casserole with cottage cheese (sweet) at 190 degrees for about 25 minutes. Then it is cooled and only then removed from the oven.

Option with corn flakes

Let us warn you right away that this recipe is very different from the previous ones. It involves the use of non-standard products. To avoid delaying the cooking process, make sure to purchase all the ingredients in advance. So that you get a tasty and aromatic casserole made from pasta and cottage cheese, your kitchen should have:

  • 200 milliliters of sour cream.
  • A couple of glasses of corn flakes.
  • 210 grams of butter.
  • 6 raw chicken eggs.
  • 400 grams of cottage cheese.
  • Partial glass of sugar.
  • 100 grams cream cheese.
  • ½ cup brown sugar.
  • 300 grams of pasta.
  • A pinch of vanillin.
  • A teaspoon of cinnamon.

In one bowl combine grated cottage cheese, half a stick of melted butter, sour cream, cheese, cornflakes sugar, vanilla and beaten eggs. Mix everything well. Pre-boiled pasta is gradually introduced into a bowl filled with the resulting mass, trying to distribute it evenly throughout the entire volume. Ready mixture Place in a mold greased with butter. It is topped with fudge consisting of 50 grams of melted butter, brown sugar, cinnamon and a couple of tablespoons of corn flakes.

Then the future dessert is sent to a preheated oven. Bake it at 180 degrees for about an hour. The readiness of a dish can be judged by the presence of appetizing food on its surface. golden brown crust. Before serving, cool slightly and cut into portions.

Recipe for pasta with cottage cheese sour cream crust I found it in my grandmother's old cooking notebook. I instantly remembered how, as a child, my grandmother prepared such a dessert for us and it spread throughout the house. unique aroma cottage cheese and vanilla. It’s hard to put into words how delicious this casserole with cottage cheese turns out. Simple and delicious sweet pasta I decided to cook it with cottage cheese and sour cream for my household. It turned out tender, rosy, tasty and filling, and it’s prepared, well, very simply. I am happy to share my proven recipe with step-by-step photos taken with the cooks.

The products required for the pasta maker are the simplest:

  • pasta (any) - 300 g;
  • cottage cheese – 400 gr;
  • eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • sugar – 100 g;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 packet;
  • salt – ½ tsp;
  • butter – 20 g;
  • sour cream – 100 gr.

How to make pasta and cottage cheese casserole

Let's start preparing pasta by preparing cottage cheese. It needs to be ground through a fine sieve. With this simple manipulation we will get rid of large grains and make the cottage cheese more homogeneous.

To prepare our casserole, the pasta should be slightly undercooked. Place them in a colander and rinse with cool running water.

In a large bowl, mix pasta with cottage cheese, sugar, salt and vanilla.

Add two chicken eggs and mix well.

It is better to bake pasta in springform, which makes it possible to easily remove it without damaging it. Place on the bottom of the mold parchment paper and generously grease the bottom and sides of the pan with butter.

Place the pasta-curd mixture into a greased pan, spread sour cream on top and carefully spread it over the entire casserole with a spoon.

Place the pasta with cottage cheese in a preheated oven and bake over medium heat for thirty minutes. Then, turn up the heat and cook the casserole for another five to seven minutes. Remove from the oven and let it cool completely without removing from the pan.

This is how our pasta with cottage cheese under a sour cream crust turned out so ruddy and beautiful.

Feel free to cut our dish into pieces and call your household to take a sample.

I am sure you will be surprised how tasty, tender and aromatic the casserole turned out, prepared quickly and simply from regular pasta and cottage cheese. In addition to our casserole, you can serve cold sour cream, jam, jam or just thick fruit jelly. Bon appetit everyone. Cook simply and eat with pleasure.

If you have leftover pasta from lunch, find a whole new use for it! The point is that from boiled pasta you can cook delicious casserole with cottage cheese and berries. Of course, you can boil some pasta especially for this dish. In winter, you can use frozen berries and fruits, as well as canned or thick jam. But of course, the main ingredients are pasta and cottage cheese. Pasta Any kind will do, even vermicelli, and you can also choose any cottage cheese, it’s whatever you like. This turns out very tender and satisfying and delicious in warm and in the cooled state. Step-by-step preparation sweet casserole with pasta and cottage cheese with photo Suitable for serving in portions.

Ingredients for making sweet pasta casserole

Step-by-step preparation of sweet casserole with pasta and cottage cheese

  1. Grind cottage cheese, store-bought or homemade, with sugar, adding regular sugar. You can use a blender to make the mixture more homogeneous.
  2. Add eggs to the cottage cheese and stir or beat again.
  3. Now add sour cream and mix again. All these products can be combined at once and whipped.
  4. Gently mix the boiled and then cooled pasta with the curd mass.
  5. Grease a baking dish with oil. Pour the mixture into the mold and smooth it out with a spoon or spatula.
  6. Sprinkle berries, frozen or fresh, directly onto the surface of the dough. Frozen ones do not need to be thawed first.
  7. Cut the butter into small pieces and scatter on top of the dough and berries. Oil will give the casserole more juiciness and flavor, and the crust will not be dry.
  8. Preheat the oven to 190 degrees and bake the casserole for 35-40 minutes. It will not become very fluffy, but the crust will be golden.

Serve the casserole warm or cooled with jam or honey for tea. Bon appetit!
