The best dumpling dough. Dumpling dough: step by step recipes for the perfect dish. Cooking soft and elastic dough for dumplings according to step-by-step recipes

The Urals is considered the birthplace of dumplings - it was from there that this dish came into Russian cuisine. However, similar foods exist in the cuisines of many peoples and have a variety of names, for example, in China they are baozi, in the Caucasus - manti and khinkali, in Italy - ravioli. Dumplings are most often boiled, but they can also be fried, baked or steamed. So let's figure it out...

What is the ideal dough for dumplings?

It is difficult to answer this question unambiguously, since there are recipes great amount. Proportions and ingredients may vary, even consistency ready dough. The main thing remains unchanged - the dough must be elastic, obedient, it must be thinly rolled out, not torn during modeling and further cooking.

The five most commonly used ingredients in dumpling dough recipes are:

To make the dough more tender, it is kneaded with milk and butter. The latter is often replaced by vegetable - sunflower or olive. Instead of water and milk, you can use:

  • kefir or yogurt
  • ryazhenka
  • serum
  • mineral water

If you add turmeric to the dough, it will turn a beautiful yellow color. You can also add finely chopped dried or fresh herbs. Dumplings in this case will look original and acquire an interesting taste.

It would seem that the usual dough, but what scope for creativity and culinary experiments!

What flour to choose for the test?

In the classic recipe, dumpling dough is prepared from wheat flour, water, eggs and salt. In this case, the flour must be chosen premium, With high level gluten content. Thanks to this, the dough will be pliable and snow-white. But there are recipes in which other types of flour are added, for example:

  • rye
  • buckwheat
  • rice
  • corn

There are options for making dough exclusively with one of the listed types of flour. Dumplings made from this dough are especially suitable for those people who follow a gluten-free diet. These types of flour contain less gluten (or no gluten at all), so the dough is more difficult to work with and the finished products hold their shape worse. Dumplings from such a dough are recommended to be steamed, but sometimes they are boiled.

Five of the fastest dumpling dough recipes:

Things to remember while cooking

In the old days recipes good test for dumplings and the secrets of cooking were passed down from generation to generation. Knowing little tricks to cook good dough not difficult:

  • flour must be sifted so that it is saturated with oxygen and the dough turns out to be more magnificent and tender,
    water, milk or other specified liquid must be used warm, excluding recipes for choux pastry for dumplings,
  • dumpling dough be sure to knead well until smooth: it is recommended to knead it for at least 10 minutes,
  • the dough must rest for half an hour so that the ingredients combine well with each other and the gluten swells. The resulting dough will be softer and more manageable.

Recipe Information

  • Cuisine:European
  • Type of dish: Second courses
  • Servings:4
  • 15 minutes
  • Nutritional value per 100 g:
    • Calories: 200.87 kcal
    • Fat: 2.22 g
    • Proteins: 6.65 g
    • Carbohydrates: 39.05 g


  1. Water - 250 ml;
  2. Egg - 2 pcs.;
  3. Flour - 3 cups;
  4. Salt - ½ tsp

Cooking method

  1. We will need comfortable utensils. First, two eggs are broken into it.
  2. Now pour water into the eggs. Add salt to the water. It's easy to do this with a mixer. In order for the mass to become homogeneous faster, water and eggs must be room temperature.
  3. It is optimal to use “extra” salt for the test, it dissolves faster and does not settle to the bottom, as happens with rock salt.
  4. Lastly, flour should be poured into the dough. But first, let's sift it through a sieve. So the components are saturated with air and make the finished dish tender.
  5. The finished mass is pleasant to the touch, soft, plastic and sticks to the hands a little. To prepare dumplings, you need to separate a small part of the dough and work with it. And all that is left - be sure to cover with cling film. Everything dries very quickly in the air.

Cooking time - 15 minutes.

This dough will delight you with its taste and yellowish tint, which appears due to the egg. However, you know that the Mass for dumplings is easy to prepare without this component. And the taste of dumplings does not suffer at all.

The easiest dough for dumplings


  1. Flour - 500 g;
  2. Water - 200 g;
  3. Salt - 3 g.

Cooking method

  1. Sift the flour and pour it into a large bowl.
  2. Let's make a hole in the hill and pour water into it.
  3. Add salt to the water.
  4. Slowly mix the water with the flour with a spoon, gradually increasing the hole until everything is completely mixed.
  5. We start kneading the dough with our hands. We crush it, stretch it, press it in until it becomes completely homogeneous and plastic.
  6. Ready dough store in the refrigerator under a film, or after half an hour we start sculpting dumplings.

Cooking time - 30 minutes. Quantity - for 2 kg of dumplings.

As you can see, with a minimum of supplies, you can easily make dumpling dough with water and no eggs.

I wonder if it is possible to make the dough not from wheat flour and will the dumplings be edible after that? By next way can be done almost classic pastry for dumplings without wheat flour.

Buckwheat flour dough


  1. Wheat flour - 1 cup;
  2. Buckwheat flour - 1 cup;
  3. Salt - 4 g;
  4. Egg - 2 pcs.;
  5. Water - ½ cup.

Cooking method

  1. Sift one and the second type of flour through a sieve. We need to get a full bowl saturated with air.
  2. We will make a hole in it and drive eggs into it.
  3. We pour water there.
  4. Now we start to interfere. First, we do this with a large wooden spoon, and then we knead everything with our hands.
  5. The finished dough is suitable for sculpting dumplings after 40 minutes.

Cooking time - 20 minutes. Quantity per 1 kg of finished dumplings.

Here's a way for you to make dumpling dough with buckwheat flour. It is not as sticky as wheat, so, unfortunately, completely replace white flour the highest grade buckwheat is impossible.

The fact that flour should always be sifted, you already understood. It is the sieve that gives the effect of gentle and light finished dough boiled in water and dumplings. What else can you advise when working with flour:

  1. Choose only the highest grade flour. It is desirable that it has already been tested on more than one dish.
  2. Use lukewarm water for the test. It will enable the rapid distribution of flour and make the mass homogeneous.
  3. Knead the dough for at least 10 minutes. It must be pulled, pressed, kneaded with hands strongly enough.
  4. Before you start sculpting dumplings, the finished dough should rest at room temperature under the film for at least half an hour. This is again due to the fact that water and flour should react well with each other.
  5. Before you make dumpling dough, prepare workplace, remove all excess and wipe the surfaces to keep them clean and dry.

Try to work with the dough with love and kind thoughts. Then it will be easy to mix, roll out, and in ready dish open and expand well.

The dough that we prepare for dumplings is easily suitable for dumplings and. The liquid in it can be replaced with kefir or whey, and everything else can be left as described in the step-by-step recipe with a photo of the dumpling test. In addition, if you run out of minced meat, and the mass remains, it can be used in other different options flour dishes.

Now there are some kitchen gadgets that can knead everything for you. This saves a lot of time and effort, however, only you can measure and add components correctly. Each such device, whether it is a bread maker or a dough mixer, has its own recipe book, which you can use and take note of.

It is important that the quantity is observed with high accuracy and there are no errors, then the finished dough will delight you with its appearance and taste in ready-made dumplings boiled with bay leaves. Cook for your family, please them with delicious treats, make sure that no one leaves hungry in the morning and that warmth and comfort will always reign in your house.

Delicious food is the result proper cooking, when skillful hostess all the subtleties of the main culinary process. It is especially important to pay attention to the nuances if you need to prepare dough for dumplings and dumplings, because the secret of its success depends on the smallest details of kneading. Therefore, kneading should be done only in accordance with the right proportions so that the taste of the dish becomes a truly worthy result of a laborious process.

Classic dough recipe

Dumplings will never turn out appetizing and lush if they are made from dough with the wrong batch.

The taste won't even help. meat filling, therefore, when starting to knead the dumpling dough, immediately measure all the proportions correctly. Do not rely on the fact that in the process of cooking you will be able to determine the amount of ingredients “by eye”.

cook delicious dumplings it can be done in different ways, but let's start with the classic recipe for making homemade dumplings.


  • Egg - 3 pcs.
  • Water - 1 tbsp.
  • Salt - 1 tsp
  • Flour - 3 tbsp.


How to make lush elastic dough for delicious dumplings?

The secret of cooking is simple and it is as follows: beat 3 eggs into a glass, then add a little salt to it, after which we add water to the edges of the glass.

  • We mix everything thoroughly, and pour the resulting finished liquid into a large saucepan or bowl.
  • Then we take flour for dumplings, only the highest grade, and add it (3 cups) to the pan (or bowl). Stir the contents with a fork and leave it to “swell” the gluten for 20 minutes.

After that, put the dough on the table, pre-greased with vegetable oil, and knead it well.

Provided that the cooking technology is fully observed, knead homemade dough on the water will be very easy. You do not have to add additional water and flour, so in your hands, as if by itself, an elastic lush dough will be obtained.

Before we start making dumplings, it is advisable to put the kneaded dough in the refrigerator for a couple of hours so that it acquires even more elasticity and “pliability”.

  1. Flour for dumplings must be measured in full glasses. To this end, we collect flour with a slide, after which we carefully level it around the edges.
  2. In order to avoid violating the proportions of the recipe, it is better to measure the water and flour in one glass. This is also necessary so that the dough on the water does not turn out watery. It is important that the dumpling dough is cool, then it will be easier to work with it.

Milk and water dough

Sometimes, water is replaced with milk, but some housewives believe that milk is not the best option, because because of it, dumplings often fall apart during the cooking process, and the broth turns cloudy.

To make a culinary compromise, we offer you a recipe for choux pastry with both water and milk at the same time. This combination will help to make elastic, but at the same time dense dough(thanks to the water in its composition) with a pleasant delicate milky taste.


  • Egg - 2 pcs.
  • Milk - 1 tbsp.
  • Water - 1 tbsp.
  • Flour - 750-800 gr.
  • Salt - 1 tsp


  • Add eggs, water, milk, salt and 300 gr. flour. It turns out batter, which we first dissolve with a whisk, and then put on medium heat to warm up.
  • The dough will be heated until it acquires the consistency of a thick pudding. In the process of heating, the unthickened dough will need to be stirred.

* Cookie Tips
The dough on milk and water will be taken in lumps, but this should not be frightened. As soon as you start kneading the dough with your hands, the lumps will immediately disappear.

  • When the dough on the fire thickens - remove it from the stove and, gradually adding the remaining flour to it, begin to knead.

How to knead the dough correctly so as not to make it "sluggish"?

You must first knead it with a regular spoon until the dough has cooled, and only then you can start kneading with your hands.

You can also connect appliances to the cooking process by successfully using the services of a food processor. That will work out even better. After all choux pastry it will practically not stick to the hands and the table, and in terms of consistency it will turn out to be almost perfect - elastic and homogeneous.

Finally, cover the dough for dumplings with dishes and leave it completely alone for 30-40 minutes.

While the dough is coming up, you can come to grips with the preparation of minced meat. And then it’s a matter of technology: rolling, sculpting and cooking. After that, you will get amazingly delicious homemade dumplings with milk, from which your whole family will be delighted.

  1. You need to knead the dough so that, when rolling it out, thin dough layers are obtained. From thin dough dumplings are always delicious.
  2. Whatever you cook the dough on (on water or on milk), it should always be made steep so that it does not stick to your hands. However, you should not abuse an excessive amount of flour, this is not in the best way will affect the modeling and cooking of dumplings.
    It is necessary initially, even at the very first stages of kneading, to do everything correctly, then there will be no need to add additional flour during the kneading process.

Unlike classic dumplings and dumplings with milk, in the dough of which eggs are essential ingredient, in the so-called lean dumplings, there are no eggs at all.

For those who are not used to preparing dumplings this way, at first glance, it may seem that the dough loses its consistency without eggs, and homemade “little favorites” completely change their usual taste.

But this is absolutely not true. Lenten dumplings they turn out no less appetizing than the classic ones, and you are unlikely to find differences in taste. To see for yourself, try to cook dumpling dough without eggs in the simplest and most simple recipe. However, the result of cooking you can hardly be called unremarkable.


  • Flour - 3 tbsp.
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Water - 1 tbsp.
  • Salt - 1 tsp


  1. Pour the flour of the highest grade into the pan, add salt and water to it.
  2. Mix flour with water with hands. We will get a viscous sticky mass, which we leave in the pan for 20-30 minutes. It is necessary to do this in order for the gluten to “ripen” in the flour, which will help us to knead the dough normally.
  3. After 20-30 minutes, start kneading the dough. To begin with, we do this for only half a minute, then add oil to the dough and continue to knead further until the vegetable oil is completely absorbed and a slight stickiness appears on the dough.
  4. It is advisable to hide the dough in a bag and put it in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours, then the dough turns out to be better in elasticity, which will play a huge role during rolling and modeling.

Preparing dough for homemade dumplings is a time-consuming and sometimes difficult task. kneading recipes good test a lot: from the simplest to the incredibly complex.

But if your family cannot do without tasty, hot and delicious dumplings, then you should work hard for the joy of your household. Choose any recipe that suits you and cook your favorite dish with pleasure.

Good luck and bon appetit!

Hi all! I have never met a person who does not like dumplings. We do not count vegetarians. It would seem that there is something special here: the usual unleavened dough and it has meat in it. But despite the simplicity of the recipe, few people refuse such a treat.

If you want to learn how to make dumplings on your own at home, then read below 10 recipes on how to cook delicious, elastic, tender dough. After all, the taste of the finished dish largely depends on the quality of the shell.

I'll start the article with classic recipe on the water. And then you can learn how to make kneading with milk and kefir. You will also see that you can use soda and boiling water. For those who do not like to knead the dough with their hands for a long time, there is a salvation: a bread machine or a food processor.

In general, read the content and get down to business. It will definitely be delicious!

Elastic dough for homemade dumplings on the water with eggs - a classic recipe

I will start my selection of dumpling dough recipes with the classic version. I guess that's what most housewives do. The output is an elastic mass, from which it is easy to sculpt. When rolling out the dough, the work surface should be dusted with flour.

Below is a recipe where additional flour is not needed when modeling ().


  • flour - 650 gr.
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • salt - 1 des.l.
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.
  • water - 250 ml

For minced meat:

  • meat - 700 gr.
  • onion - 300 gr.
  • black ground pepper- 1 des.l.
  • salt - to taste


1. Water is needed at room temperature. FROM cold water it will not be possible to knead a good dough, because the gluten of the flour will not swell and make the mass elastic. Pour water into a deep large bowl.

2. Add an egg, salt and vegetable oil to the water. Stir to dissolve the salt.

3.Now it remains to introduce flour into the dough for kneading. Flour must be sifted. Gradually add flour and stir.

4. When the dough is already steep, go to kneading on the table. This is the most time-consuming process, because it takes a long time to knead the mass, 7-10 minutes. It is in the process of kneading that the mass on dumplings becomes elastic and pliable.

5. The finished dough must be collected into a ball and put in a plastic bag. Leave in this form at room temperature for 1 hour, so that the lump rests and becomes the desired texture.

6. That's all, a simple, classic dumpling dough is ready. It can be kneaded with a mixer or combine, which have the necessary function. In a refrigerator ready product can be stored for about 5 days. You can also stick dumplings for future use and freeze, sprinkling them with flour so that they do not stick together.

7.B classic minced meat All you need is meat, onion, salt and pepper. Take any meat: pork, beef, even poultry or a mixture. The onion should be very finely chopped, you can pass it through a meat grinder. Thoroughly mix all the filling ingredients.

8. When the dough rests, you can start sculpting. Cut off a piece from the finished mass, knead it a little. Sprinkle the table with flour and roll out with a rolling pin into a thin layer.

The thinner the layer, the tastier the dumplings will be. A thickness of about 1 mm will be normal.

9. With a stack or a small round mold, make circles over the entire surface. Remove excess dough.

10. Spread the filling with your hands in the center of each circle. Now blind the edges of the dumplings.

11.Dip in lightly salted boiling water. When all the dumplings float, cook them for 4-5 minutes and you can get them out.

For more flavor in the broth, add Bay leaf, peppercorns.

12. Delicious homemade dumplings are obtained, they do not fall apart during cooking, are easily molded and keep their shape well. You can eat them with sour cream, butter and even mayonnaise. Also adds flavor fresh herbs, finely chopped. Cook dumplings at home and enjoy the natural taste!

Choux pastry for dumplings: a universal recipe

Choux pastry is also very popular. The recipe itself is very similar to the classic one, but the water is not taken at room temperature, but boiling water. And this factor has a strong effect on the softness and structure of the finished product.

It seems to me that it is easier to work with custard dough, it sticks together faster when sculpting. Try this recipe and write in the comments if you get an elastic and obedient mass.


  • wheat flour of the highest grade - 450 gr.
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • salt - 1 tsp
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.
  • boiling water - 200 ml

Cooking method:

1. Beat one egg into a small container, add a teaspoon of salt to it. Whisk well and thoroughly until smooth. This can be done with a spoon or fork.

2. Pour sunflower into a beaten egg refined oil and stir again.

3. Sift all the flour into a large bowl, make a well in the middle. Pour the egg-butter mixture into the resulting funnel and stir.

Not until smooth, but the egg must be stirred in so that it does not curdle when in contact with hot water.

4. Boil water, for this amount of flour you will need 200 ml. Pour boiling water into the dough in parts and stir quickly.

5. Pour the contents of the bowl onto the table and start kneading the dough with your hands. Work carefully because the mass is still hot at this stage. Gradually mix in the flour, collecting the products into a ball. Don't rush, it's not a fast business.

6.Knead the mass until it becomes smooth and uniform. All flour must be mixed in. Already now the lump will be easy to stretch, not stick to your hands.

7. As always, dumpling dough should rest. It will be enough for the custard to lie down for half an hour. It must be wrapped in a film or covered with a towel to protect it from winding.

8. When the lump lies down, it will become very soft and elastic. It can be easily stretched by hand and it will not tear. Now you can start sculpting your homemade perfect dumplings.

9. Roll out the dough into a thin layer with a rolling pin. The thinner, the tastier. You can additionally stretch the layer with your hands, it is very elastic and will allow you to do this.

When working with custard dumplings, you do not need to use flour for dusting. It rolls well and does not stick to the surface.

10. Well, then proceed as usual. Cut out circles with a glass, put the scraps in a bag (they will need to be rolled out in next time). Spread the minced meat and make neat dumplings. As you can see in the photo, the dough does not stick to your hands, you do not need to sprinkle it with flour. It molds like plasticine.

11. The board on which you will put the finished cakes, dust a little with flour for safety.

12. Cook dumplings and treat your relatives and don't forget about yourself. It will be 100% delicious.

The best dough for dumplings in boiling water - a simple video recipe

Love short and informative video recipes? Then see how to do very good and delicious dough for dumplings. To make everything perfect, you need to measure the flour and water in one glass (the same). It is not grams that are important here, but volumes.

The water used is freshly boiled, so knead the dough slowly so as not to burn yourself.


  • flour of the highest grade - 3 tbsp.
  • boiling water - 1 tbsp.
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • refined sunflower oil - 3 tbsp.
  • salt - 0.5 tsp

Well, is it delicious?

How to knead a thin dumpling dough in milk with your hands?

It is believed that the dough for dumplings should be made on water with an egg. But try to do at least once in milk. And you will see how tender it will be. It is much softer than the classic. It's like water - it's much softer in milk, they just melt in your mouth. Same thing here, the difference will be noticeable.

Few products are needed - only 3 positions. Take the highest grade flour to make the dough elastic.


  • flour - 3 tbsp.
  • milk - 1 tbsp.
  • salt - a pinch

Cooking steps:

1. Milk should not be cold, at room temperature. Therefore, take it out of the refrigerator in advance (at least half an hour). If there is no time to wait, then warm up the liquid slightly. As you can see, eggs do not need to be used.

2. Sift the flour into a fairly deep bowl to saturate it with oxygen and get rid of lumps and possible debris. Mix flour with salt.

3. Pour in the milk and stir first with a spatula or spoon. Then start kneading with your hands on a clean table.

Flour should be taken 3 parts, and liquids 1 part. it ideal proportions for a good home test.

4.Knead until you get a supple, soft, elastic mass that does not stick to your hands. Do not be lazy at this stage, because dumpling dough loves warm hands, loves to be kneaded for a long time.

5. Wrap the finished shaped ball in a bag or film and let it rest right on the table for at least half an hour. You can make the dough in the evening, put it in the refrigerator overnight, and the next day you are already sculpting.

6. In general, milk dough may well become your favorite. Then work with him as usual. Either roll into a layer and cut out circles with improvised means, or roll the flagella and cut them into pads. Then each pillow needs to be rolled out thinly.

From this dough, you can make not only dumplings, but also dumplings.

Preparation of dough for dumplings on a mineral water with vegetable oil

In addition to ordinary water, you can use mineral water. But not any, but highly carbonated. It was noticed that when using such water, the dough for dumplings becomes much stronger and more elastic, it does not tear or stick. When cooking dumplings will not stick.

Another plus is that the kitchen will be clean. After kneading the dough, you will not need to use additional modeling flour to sprinkle the surface. This advantage captivates many housewives.


  • carbonated water at room temperature - 1 tbsp. (200 ml)
  • sunflower oil - 4 tbsp.
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • salt - 1 tsp without a slide
  • sugar - 1 tsp without a slide
  • flour - 4 tbsp. (200 ml each)

How to cook:

1. Beat an egg into the bowl, add salt and sugar to it. Lightly beat with a whisk or fork.

2. Add odorless vegetable oil to the resulting mixture, mix well.

3. Pour soda into the mass, stir. There will be foam, this is normal.

4. It remains to introduce flour. You don’t need to put everything at once, pour it in parts and knead. Work until the lump becomes elastic and stops sticking to your hands.

5.Cover the dough with clingfilm or a towel to protect it from airing. Leave for a while (at least 20 minutes) on the table so that the mass rests.

You can put it in the refrigerator and use the dough the next day. Just take it out of the cold in advance so that it becomes room temperature.

6. Further, everything happens in the same way as usual. Dumplings are molded, boiled in broth and eaten with appetite by the whole family. They look very beautiful, smooth, do not spread, remain dense. All in all, I highly recommend this easy recipe. Just stock up on soda!

How to make the dough for dumplings so that they do not boil soft (recipe for kefir without eggs)

Above, I wrote how to make dumplings with water, soda, milk. It's time for another one good recipe on kefir. This time we will make it without eggs, with only three components. You can knead both by hand and in a combine. You need to knead with your hands for 10 minutes, so be patient. Kitchen appliances will greatly facilitate this task.


  • kefir - 300 ml
  • premium flour - 450 gr.
  • salt - 1 tsp

Cooking method:

1. There is less flour in the dough on kefir than in classic version. Therefore, dumplings are tasty, tender and not clogged. At the same time, they do not melt. But you need to knead it well, for a long time. First you need to mix kefir with salt. If you are kneading in a mixer, then do it with the whisk attachment.

2. It is better to use sifted flour. Pour a third of the norm into kefir and stir with the same whisk until a homogeneous smooth mass.

3.Now replace the whisk with a nozzle for thick dough (hook), add half of the remaining flour and knead the mass with kefir at low speed. When this flour interferes, add the rest.

4.Knead the dough until it becomes soft and slightly sticky.

5. Attach finished mass ball shape and put it in the bag. Leave warm for 40 minutes to dissolve the gluten in the flour. After that, sculpting from such a dough will be much easier, it will become more elastic.

6. After 40 minutes, lightly dust the workplace with flour and quickly knead the dough with your hands. Now it is perfect, does not stick to hands at all.

7. Sculpt dumplings, you may need additional flour to dust the table. You can use a dumpling to speed up the sculpting process. To do this, divide a large bun into several balls. Roll out one ball into a thin layer, put it on the form. Spread the minced meat in the recesses. Top with a second layer of dough.

8. Walk with a rolling pin to separate the cakes.

9. Now cook and try whether the dumplings are delicious on kefir dough. And do not forget to write in the comments what happened.

A step-by-step recipe for a delicious dough for dumplings on kefir with an egg

How to make dough for dumplings with kefir and egg? Now I will describe the cooking process in detail. There is nothing complicated, as, indeed, in the case of other recipes. So let's get started.


  • kefir at room temperature - 500 gr.
  • flour - 1 kg
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • salt - 1 tsp
  • soda - 1 tsp


1. Pour kefir into a bowl, add soda and stir. The extinguishing reaction will start and bubbles will appear on the surface. Then add salt, mix again. Crack in the egg and beat with a whisk until smooth.

2. Now sift the flour and introduce it in parts. You can stir with a whisk first. When the dough is too thick, switch to kneading with your hands.

Do not take cold kefir. Let it stand warm in advance for at least half an hour. Or lightly heat, stirring, so that it does not turn into cottage cheese.

3. Do not add all the flour at once, you may need less. Don't over-flour the dough or it will become too tough. Knead until the lump is soft, manageable and slightly sticky.

4. Cover the resulting workpiece with a towel or put it in a bag. Leave on the table for 30 minutes to rest. During this time, the dough will become denser and stop sticking.

5. Well, now you can start sculpting and cooking. Hope you enjoy this recipe.

Cooking a good dough for homemade dumplings in a bread machine

If you are the owner of a bread machine, then knead the dough for dumplings in it, make your life easier. The kitchen will be clean, hands will not get tired - beauty. I will write how to knead the classic version on the water in this unit.


  • wheat flour of the highest grade - 400 gr.
  • liquid (2 eggs + water) - 200 gr.
  • salt - 1 tsp
  • vegetable oil (olive or sunflower) - 2 tsp


1. Flour should be used sifted, so the dough will be more saturated with oxygen. The proportion of flour and liquid is 2:1. If you take flour 400 gr., Then the liquid should be 200 gr.

2. In the bread machine, first put two eggs and pour water at room temperature. In total it should turn out 200 gr. For a more accurate measurement, use a kitchen scale. Put a bowl on them and weigh the eggs along with the water.

One egg weighs approximately 50 grams. Two eggs - 100 gr. So, water will need 100 gr.

3.Now add the norm of flour, salt and vegetable oil.

4. Place the pan in the bread maker and select the "Dough" program. AT different models this kitchen appliances may be different programs. For kneading, 20 minutes is enough. If you only have the option to yeast dough, designed for an hour and a half, you can select it, but turn it off before the end.

Look at the work of the bread machine. If you see that the bun is poorly formed, you need to add water to a small amount(1-2 tsp).

5. Already after 3-4 minutes, all the products will gather into a lump. And let the dough continue kneading until good elasticity.

6. Remove the finished mass, wrap it in cling film and let it rest for about 20 minutes. After the bread machine, the dumpling dough will be warm, soft and pleasant. It is easy to mold from it, it does not tear.

7.During cooking, the work surface must be dusted with flour, as in the classic version.

The perfect dough for dumplings with vinegar: a juicy and tasty recipe

Vinegar dough will be surprisingly strong. At the same time, it will not be clogged with flour. It will be tasty, juicy, soft. For cooking, you need to observe certain proportions. For 1 kg of flour you will need 0.5 liters of liquid. Therefore, for convenience, take a half-liter jar to accurately measure the right amount.


  • eggs - 250 ml (5 pcs.)
  • vinegar 9% - 50 ml
  • vegetable oil - 100 ml
  • water - 100 ml
  • salt - 2 tsp
  • sugar - 2-3 tsp
  • premium flour - 1 kg

Cooking steps:

1. In a jar with a volume of 0.5 l, beat the eggs so that they fill exactly half of the container. This will take about 5 pcs.

3. Pour the contents of the jar into the bowl where you will knead. Pour in salt and sugar (to compensate for the acidity of the vinegar). Stir everything until smooth.

4. Pour in the flour, it is advisable to sift it first. Stir first in a bowl, and then pour on the table.

5. Now the hardest thing physically is kneading the dumpling dough with your hands. Do this until the bun becomes elastic.

6. Let the dough for dumplings rest for half an hour on the table under a towel, then you can roll it out and sculpt meat cakes. No flour is needed for modeling, nothing will stick to the table or to the hands.

7. Boil dumplings in water without salt, otherwise there will be oversalting.

Video on how to make colored dough for dumplings at home

Colored dumplings are always a holiday in the house. Many children will be pleasantly surprised by this unusual dish. It is not difficult to prepare this bright dish. In principle, everything is done, as in the classical version. Only instead of water are taken vegetable juices. For example, pink is obtained with the help of beets, yellow is carrots, green is spinach, purple is red cabbage.

You can also tint the dough with turmeric or tomato paste. You can also use parsley instead of spinach. In general, it will be beautiful, and tasty, and useful. Watch the detailed cooking process in the video below.


  • flour - 600 gr.
  • vegetable juice - 240 ml
  • egg - 2 pcs.
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp.
  • salt - a pinch

It would seem that what could be new in such an old topic as dumpling dough? But as you can see, there are several different recipes. Everyone can choose according to their taste. If you want variety, then cook a new version each time and your family will be pleasantly surprised by new tastes.

You can also cook a lot from minced meat. I wish you all bon appetit!

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Not every professional culinary specialist, and not every experienced hostess know how to make delicious tender dough for dumplings. In our article we will try to describe how to prepare a simple, but delicious dough for dumplings and tell a few little tricks. And, despite the fact that the dough is just the basis of dumplings, the approach to preparing it should still be not only creative, but also filled with love! After all, everyone knows that food made with love is much tastier!

Dumpling dough: what does it hide

Let's first understand how dumplings begin. Perhaps someone will say that you should start with meat, making minced meat out of it and then mixing it with onions and spices ... But no! Any dumplings start with dough. Moreover, the dough for dumplings should not only be properly cooked, elastic and elastic, but also soft, smooth and tender. All these qualities are simply necessary in order for a piece minced meat, which would have previously been flavored with vegetables and your favorite spices, was cooked in a strong, impenetrable and deliciously tasty bag. And only if the dough for dumplings is prepared correctly - it does not break.

And this gives our piece of minced meat inside the bag to cook in own juice- broth that releases minced meat during heat treatment. This is what gives dumplings that delicious and indescribable taste. And if the dough for dumplings was cooked incorrectly or the wrong ingredients were used ... Or, perhaps, even a small mistake was simply closed and the proportions were already incorrectly observed, then the result will be rags of dough floating in a saucepan in the broth along with completely tasteless lumps of minced meat .

Tricks of making dough for dumplings

Here, for example, is how our grandmothers and mothers simply acted: they sifted flour in a slide on the table or into a bowl, or into some deep saucepan. If it was a table, then a recess was made in a hill of sifted flour, into which they then drove an egg (if it was used) and beat it with a pinch of salt (although you can do without this “white death”), and then add a glass of water and start mixing egg with water and flour. By the way, this is one of the most crucial moments! Water every now and then will try to break through the walls of your flour "crater"! And, especially if there is little flour, the water will try to escape along with the eggs. To prevent this from happening, water should be “linked” with flour. First, all this mass is mixed with a fork or whisk, and now, when it thickens a little, it can already be kneaded with your hands. Usually, two or three glasses of flour are enough. This is approximately somewhere between four hundred and six hundred grams.

And for those who are not preparing the dough for the first time, it will not be difficult to understand how to make dough for dumplings. But those who cook for the first time may accidentally overdo it. When kneading, the dough for dumplings will not take in excess flour, only if the cook knows when to stop. A piece of dough should be elastic, smooth, without a “coat” of dry flour. And if you throw it from palm to palm, then a lump of dough should barely noticeably stick to the skin. And if too much flour is mixed into the dough for dumplings, then there is a danger that it will not be possible to roll it out or it will not hold during modeling: all the filling, as we have already said, will be in boiling water. However, you can avoid this with the help of egg white, which should be lubricated with each round of dough for dumplings. But this is still not a very bright prospect and a rather dreary task.

How to fix the situation if the dough for dumplings is made incorrectly

The only case when it is worth correcting the situation in this way is if the minced meat is laid out into a half of a large diameter piece of dough and then covered with the second half on top. In this case, dumplings are cut either with a glass or a glass of a suitable diameter, or special device for this method of preparation - a manual dumpling. By the way, there are two more ways to save the day so that neither the time spent nor the products end up in the trash can. The first way: sprinkle the dough with water, put it in a bag or wrap it in cling film and leave it for a while in the refrigerator. If there is not too much flour, this method may work. Second: put the dough for dumplings in a saucepan, pour a little warm water and knead thoroughly, trying not to repeat the mistake with large quantity flour.

In addition to just knowing how to properly make dough for dumplings, you also need to know some tricks. For example, if you add a tablespoon of potato starch to flour, it will turn out to be smoother and more elastic, and its taste will be soft and tender. And when using such proportions for kneading dough as four glasses of flour, a glass of water, then half of the water can be replaced with milk. Milk will not only give tenderness to the dough for dumplings, but also give a denser consistency, which will have a very positive effect on the overall taste of the finished dumplings. Oddly enough, but in preparation different test for various culinary products there are still many similar processes and common features. For example, preparing dough for pancakes. There are a lot of options for their preparation, but among them there is one that lovers of dumplings should take note of.

In that recipe plain water replace mineral water (precursor mineral water- beer, which also replaced yeast). Chemical reaction improves carbon dioxide with flour taste qualities dough, and the consistency for sculpting dumplings becomes just perfect. You can also add sour cream, butter, kefir, whey to flour ... Even yogurt will not spoil the dough for dumplings, but only then you need to be prepared for the fact that homemade people will ask you to cook dumplings every day. By the way, an important point in the preparation of dumplings is the “ripening” or “rest” of the dough: who calls it what. It should either be covered with a slightly damp towel and set aside, or put in a bag or wrapped in cling film and put on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. After 40 - 60 minutes, you can get, roll out and sculpt delicious dumplings!

Dough recipes for dumplings

Dough for dumplings based on milk:

The peculiarity of the finished dough in milk is that, as we wrote above, dumplings have a soft and the most delicate taste. And the cooking process itself is quite simple, although you can’t call it ordinary.


  • 1 kilogram of white flour;
  • 500 milliliters of milk;
  • 1 (but not full) teaspoon of salt;
  • 2 eggs.

Please note: this a large number of ingredients is designed for a large batch of ready-made dumplings. However, you can, of course, immediately stick dumplings from the whole dough and then store them in the freezer. But you can also store just a supply of dough, just in case. However, you can of course take less products, but in strict proportion.

Cooking method:

  • Mix in a separate bowl (deep saucepan) milk, salt, eggs and a little flour. The mixture, although it should turn out to be liquid, but not the same as for pancakes;
  • Put the resulting dough on a small fire and monitor its ripening. The mass will thicken, so do not forget to mix it constantly. This prevents the formation of lumps. And remember that you can’t bring it to a boil, otherwise your eggs will curdle in your dough!
  • Remove the finished homogeneous thickened mass from the stove;
  • Pour the rest of the flour and knead the dough well (it should be dense, elastic and not sticky); Leave alone for about thirty minutes - that's it! Your dough for dumplings is completely ready for cutting and sculpting.
Dough for dumplings based on kefir

About this recipe, we can say that it is the easiest. And no wonder, because it has only two ingredients - flour and kefir. But the most interesting thing is not even in the number of ingredients used, but in the fact that such a recipe can be called universal. The resulting dough will be equally suitable not only for dumplings, but also for dumplings and even pasties! And if you have leftover dough, then you can bake from it delicious tortillas For dinner. Another feature of this dough for dumplings is that although you can’t roll it thinly, it is unlikely to tear during cooking. And after, on taste, it turns out gentle and soft. By the way, such a dough for dumplings can be prepared for the future - just freeze it in the freezer. And if necessary, take it out and sprinkle with a little flour, because it becomes too sticky.


  • 250 milliliters of kefir;
  • 400 grams of flour;

Cooking method:

  • Pour the kefir into a bowl specially prepared for it and then add about half of the flour that you prepared for the dough. Mix everything well with a spoon or whisk.
  • Gradually add the remaining flour to the dough, gently kneading it with your hands. Please note that you do not need to pour out all the rest of the flour at once, you need to pour it out in small portions.
  • Leave the finished dough for dumplings to rest in the refrigerator for about forty minutes, although a little more is possible. And after, you can get it and sculpt dumplings.

Classic dumpling recipe

Well, where without the classic recipe?


Cooking method:

  • Pour the flour onto the table into the slides, making a small recess in it.
  • In this recess you need to drive eggs and pour a spoonful of vegetable oil. Pour pre-salted water there.
  • Mix everything, gently collecting flour from all sides, until your dumpling dough is cool.
  • Knead all the dough until it seems homogeneous enough to you, and after that you can start sculpting dumplings.