How to cook compote from fresh berries and fruit. How to cook compote from fresh fruits and berries

The taste of compote remains in the depths of memory as a bright childhood memory. Real vitamin bomb with varied taste range, offers a wide selection for lovers berry drink. The main advantages of compote are its usefulness and ease of preparation, because anyone can cope with this task.

Compote, as we are used to preparing it, is a “mix” of old Russian uzvar and dessert from French word"kompot" which means " fruit puree" It appeared on the territory of the Russian state back in the 18th century thanks to cooks from abroad who prepared “compote” with a minimum of water, thus actually making fruit puree. Uzvar, on the other hand, was a drink with a generous amount of dried fruit grounds, which was served at celebrations and holidays.

Today's compote may include various ingredients: berries, fruits, vegetables and most interesting cereals. Adding sugar is not necessary and not for everyone. The cooled compote has a brighter and rich taste, so it is best to drink it chilled.

How to make compote?

Whatever the recipes for compote, there is a basis for its preparation, which is important to choose correctly.

First important point Something that needs to be taken into account is the choice of foods to cook. The basis of compote is fruits, vegetables, berries. They may be in in different forms: dried, frozen, fresh, canned. Cereals are often added to them. Depending on the ingredients, you need to adjust the taste, make the compote sweeter or sour. This should be done taking into account the taste of the berries and fruits themselves.

The second is preparing the ingredients. Of course, all fresh fruits are thoroughly washed and the stalks and leaves are removed. It is not necessary to remove peels and seeds from fruits; it all depends on the recipe. Berries are usually boiled whole, soft fruits and vegetables are cut big pieces, and the hard ones are fine. Dried fruits are soaked in advance. Frozen fruits are not completely defrosted, but only given time to thaw for about 20 minutes.

The third point concerns the proportions of the syrup being prepared; it includes water and sugar. The fourth part of the pan, which is taken for preparing compote, is filled with fruits to a fourth part, the rest of the space is occupied by water. Sugar in all compote recipes is used “by eye”, but the average proportion of sugar to water remains 150 grams of granulated sugar per liter of liquid.

The fourth rule is the cooking process. The time for boiling directly depends on the density of the fruit; for soft ones it is necessary much less than for dense and hard ones. Apple and pear belong to the second option; they need to be cooked for at least half an hour, all other fruits and vegetables are cooked for 20 minutes.

The cooking process must be regulated: hard fruits are boiled in advance, and soft ones are added at the very end. It is not recommended to overcook the compote, as it will lose vitamins, rich taste, and the color will become faded. Strawberries and raspberries, since they are quite small and soft, just pour sweet boiling water over them; there is no need to cook them. Dried fruits are sometimes infused with the addition of boiling water.

The fifth point is optional, it is designed to improve the taste of the prepared compote. To do this, you can add citrus zest, honey, vanilla, cinnamon, red wine and other additives. The zest is added during the cooking process and removed after cooling. For frozen fruit compote, citric acid is used, fresh fruits, spices and others natural enhancers taste.

Before consuming the compote, for the richness of taste and aroma, it should “rest” and cool for 12 hours in a cool place.

How to cook compote from fresh and frozen berries?

Berry compote is great for any season. In summer it copes with quenching thirst, and in the cold season berry compote- a real delicacy, familiar to everyone from childhood.

Thanks to its abundance of vitamins, it is not only tasty, but also healthy.

Fresh raspberry compote recipe

Preparation raspberry compote It starts with preparing the berries, 200 grams is enough, they need to be sorted and there is no need to put in spoiled or bruised ones.

Place the raspberries in a saucepan with a liter of cold water + 70 grams of sugar. Boil the compote and remove from heat, then give it time to cool.

Cherry compote recipe

Pour 2 liters of water into a pan, add 10 tbsp. l. or 150-200 grams of granulated sugar, vanilla sugar and bring the resulting syrup to a boil. It is necessary that all the sugar dissolves, so mix thoroughly. At this time, you can start removing the seeds from the cherries, add them to the syrup and boil again, cooking the compote over low heat for about 10 minutes. After the time has passed, turn off the stove, cover it with a lid and leave it to cool and become saturated with flavor.

In the winter season, it is not so easy to get natural fresh berries, so frozen berries are used to cook compote. In order for the compote to retain its beneficial properties, shape, color, and, importantly, taste, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules for cooking it.

  • To prepare compote, you need to take a galvanized and aluminum pan; it is advisable not to use it for this purpose, since the acid in the fruit can react, and a lot is lost in such a vessel useful substances. Pour water into it and dissolve the sugar, bringing the syrup to a boil.
  • Next is a turn of berries. It is not recommended to defrost them completely; during the defrosting process, a large loss of juice is possible. You can put them frozen in boiling syrup. If, due to your inexperience or for any other reasons, the berries have defrosted and there is a lot of juice left, there is no need to throw it away; at the end of cooking, just add it to the compote. The addition of citrus fruit zest occurs at this stage, to taste.
  • You need to wait until it boils again, then reduce the heat, and after 5 minutes remove from the stove. The compote is ready, after half an hour, you can filter and pour it. It is advisable to give it more time to cool.

Frozen strawberry compote recipe

  • 3.5 liters of water
  • Half a kilo of frozen strawberries
  • 300 grams of sugar

Take the frozen strawberries, place them in a bowl and leave to defrost for about 10 minutes. Put the sugar syrup to boil, bringing it to a boil, put the berries in it, bring it to a boil again, then reduce the heat and cook for another couple of minutes. You can add a little acid to it (citric acid, lemon juice), or taste and citrus aroma(zest of orange or lemon). The compote should steep for at least half an hour.

How to make fresh fruit compote?

To make compote from fresh fruits, you need to wash them and remove the stems; remove the seeds only if they are large and hard (peaches, plums, apricots). Next they need to be crushed. Those fruits that are soft and small in themselves are cut into large pieces, otherwise smaller.

It is advisable to take an enameled pan. Fruits are always flooded cold water. When cooking, you must constantly stir the drink. The compote is considered ready when the fruit has softened and the smell and taste have become bright.

Apple or pear compote recipe

Wash the apples (pears), to cook them you need half a kilogram, cut into slices, removing the cores and seeds.

Place them in a pan of boiling water, about two liters, adding 200 grams of sugar. Bring the compote to a boil and remove it from the heat. Let the apple compote brew for at least two hours.

Apricot (plum, peach) compote recipe

Add a glass of sugar to about a liter of cold water and cook until it boils.

At this time, you can start washing and removing seeds from the fruit. Half a kilogram of fruit is enough. Add the fruit to the syrup and bring it to a boil again, then reduce the heat and continue to simmer for about two minutes. Remove from heat and leave to cool.

Recipe for fruit and berry compote with apples and cherries

  • For 3 liters of water
  • 600 grams of apples
  • 400 grams of cherries
  • one and a half cups of sugar

Cherry berries must be washed and pitted beforehand. Wash the apples and cut into slices. Boil water in a saucepan and add sugar, remembering to stir. After it dissolves, add berries and chopped fruits to the boiling syrup. Cook the compote over low heat until the apples soften, this process takes about 10 minutes. When the apples have become soft, you can add cherries to them. When the compote boils, remove it from the heat and cool.

How to cook compote for the winter?

In winter, fruits and berries are not as available as in the warm season. To prepare compote, they can be dried and frozen, but a lot is lost this way. useful properties. To preserve all vitamins as much as possible for the winter fruit and berry compotes canned.

The main conditions for preserving the drink are good fruit and berries (whole, washed, not rotten), properly sterilized and hermetically sealed jars of compote.

Peach compote recipe

  • Per liter of water
  • 300 grams of ripe, firm peaches
  • 400 grams of sugar.

For this recipe, you do not need to remove the pits from the peaches, you just need to rinse the fruits well. Place the peaches in pre-sterilized jars, not tightly, so as not to damage the fruits.

Now we need to work on the syrup. Measure out how much water is placed in the jar with the packed fruit, carefully drain the water, add sugar in appropriate proportions, cook until boiling. Next, pour the sugar syrup into the jars and cover them with a lid, leave in this form for 20 minutes. After the time has passed, pour the syrup back and repeat the procedure two more times, only after this the jars need to be sealed.

To enhance the aroma and taste, you can add lemon juice or citric acid to this compote during the cooking process. When chilled, it goes well with liqueur and wine.

No store-bought drink can compare with aromatic homemade compote. Now we will tell you how to cook delicious compote from fruits.

Fruit and berry compote


  • apples – 300 g;
  • pears – 200 g;
  • fresh berries – 300 g;
  • sugar – 100 g;
  • water – 3 l.


First, prepare the syrup - pour water into the pan, put it on the fire, add sugar and bring to a boil. Add apples and pears, cored and cut into slices, cook over medium heat for 15 minutes. After this, add the berries and continue cooking for another 5 minutes. Now turn off the heat, cover the pan with a lid and let the compote brew. You can serve it along with pieces of berries and fruits, or you can strain it first.

Fresh fruit compote recipe


  • apples – 6 pcs.;
  • pears – 2 pcs.;
  • cherry – 1 glass;
  • lemon - half;
  • sugar - to taste;
  • water – 2.5 l.


Peel the apples and pears, remove the core and cut them into 6 pieces. Wash the cherries and remove the pits. Place the fruits in a saucepan, pour in the juice squeezed from half a lemon, water, and add sugar to taste. Bring to a boil and cook for 7 minutes after boiling. Serve chilled.

Frozen fruit compote in a slow cooker


  • mixture of frozen fruits and berries (cherries, raspberries, black currants, plums) – 300 g;
  • water – 2.5 l;
  • sugar - to taste.


Rinse frozen berries and fruits warm water and put it in a multicooker pan. Pour in water and add sugar to taste. We set the “Stew” mode and the cooking time is 1 hour 10 minutes. After finishing this mode, do not open the multicooker lid, but let it brew for 30 minutes.

Fruit compote with melon



We peel the pear from the core, remove the pit from the peach, and remove the skin and seeds from the melon. Cut the fruit into cubes. Squeeze the juice from the lemon. Bring the water to a boil, add dates, sugar, lemon zest, and spices. Cook for about 2 minutes over low heat. Place the prepared fruits and cook for another 3 minutes. At the very end of cooking, add lemon juice and turn off the heat. Cover the pan with a lid and leave until the drink has cooled. It is advisable to strain it before serving.

Compote... What do you associate it with? That's right, with summer and a most aromatic drink that quenches thirst and satiates. But this one unique drink suitable not only for the period of ripening different berries and fruits. Winter diet families of thrifty housewives, like the summer one, is super diverse and simply fabulous.

After all, they are used to preparing not only desserts with fruits and berries. Having enjoyed the freshness of the fruits, they strive to store more for the winter, and they do not disdain stores, where one or another fruit and berry can always be found.
There are a lot of compote recipes. But they are almost all the same - fresh, frozen or dried berries, and that's it. There are many win-win options for this tasty and healthy drink, which in summer and winter will add variety to your menu and fill you with vitamins, invigorate and lift your spirits.

Subtleties of making compotes?

Fresh fruit compote

We used to call it differently. Uzvar. It was the French who, having infected us, supplanted this name for traditional tasty and healthy Russian drinks with their compote.

What is used to make compotes? Any fruits and vegetables.

Including, not only fresh, but also:

  • Frozen.
  • Dried.
  • In the form of jam.

Did you know that compotes are even made from zucchini, pumpkin or carrots? But today we'll do it interesting recipes. By the way, you can prepare compotes not only from berries and fruits, but also from vegetables - zucchini, carrots, pumpkins and others, but this topic deserves special attention.

By picking berries or fruits from the garden or buying them at the market from summer residents, you can, of course, do a lot of tasty and interesting things with them. Cooking compote is one of the best solutions, because in the summer it’s like this healthy drink perfectly restores the water balance in the body, giving, in addition to quenching thirst, also the most pleasant emotions.

Remember: It is better to cook compotes in advance - 10-12 hours before serving. During this time, the drink “infuses” - the taste and aroma of berries and fruits are fully revealed, which have time to soak well sugar syrup.

Nectarine compote with cardamom

By themselves, they can be either sweet or sour. Hence the amount of sugar. If you come across small or large nectarines, everything is individual here too. To add some flavor, I added some refreshing and invigorating cardamom. By the way, cardamom has other beneficial qualities!
Photo of nectarine compote


  • Nectarine – 100 g
  • Cardamom – 1 star
  • Sugar - to taste
  • Water – 1 glass

We prepare a delicious compote from nectarines and

If you cook peach compote with pits, its taste will be even more unique. But since I had nectarines, I washed them and took out the seeds. Having divided the nectarines into halves, I decided to cut them into small slices - this way they would cook faster and the vitamins would be preserved more reliably.

Step 1. Nectarine slices

I boiled water and poured it over the nectarines, bringing it to a boil.

Step 2. Pour boiling water

After turning off the heat, I boiled the peaches for about 5 minutes and added sugar to taste. About 5 minutes later I sent the cinnamon here on the tip of the knife. I didn't bother to strain it. So with nectarines, I poured the compote into a glass, slightly cooling it. By the way, you can remove them and use them for pies and other purposes.

It is difficult to find a healthier drink, especially for those who have digestive problems. Although this drink, properly prepared, will please everyone. Tasty, healthy and easy to prepare, prune compote is indispensable for any meal.

Compote of plums, raisins and lemon


  • Fruits – 5-6 pcs.
  • Raisins – 1 tbsp.
  • Lemon - thin slice
  • Sugar - to taste
  • Water – 1 glass

How to properly prepare compote from plums, raisins and lemon

Wash the plums and raisins thoroughly. By the way, raisins can be lightly soaked in water before cooking. After all, fresh plums do not require prolonged cooking.

Step 1. Raisins

Pour slices of pitted plums with cold water and, bringing to a boil, cook them in company with raisins for about 5 minutes. At the end, add a thin slice of lemon directly to the compote. Strain and add sugar to taste. When it dissolves, turn off the heat and drink this unique drink hot in winter and chilled in summer.

Step 2. Plums and raisins

What, the fruits can be returned to the compote. If they are infused right in the cup, the compote will look even more appetizing, and its taste will become even more intense. Then take them out - it will turn out to be a good dessert if you add... Well, that's another recipe.

Fresh apple compote

Yes, apple compote. But not quite ordinary. After all, there are different varieties of one of the most popular components. Some can be simply brewed, while others require something that will enhance the taste of the drink and make it more aromatic and healthier.

Apple compote


  • Apple – 1 pc.
  • Orange peel – 1 pc.
  • Cinnamon - to taste
  • Sugar - to taste
  • Water – 1 glass

Making a simple compote from fresh apples

As soon as the water boils, put the orange peel there; if it is dried, add fresh orange peel at the very end of cooking. In 2-3 minutes you need to deal with the apples. I like to chop apples finely, i.e. to pieces, after all large pieces, boiled, will not look very attractive.

Step 1. Apple slices

So, cook the slices (peeled from seeds, peel or with such) by pouring boiling water over them. Do not cook for more than two to three minutes. This way, the vitamins will be better preserved, and the apples will not spread right in the cup (although everything depends on the variety!). Add sugar to taste a minute before adding the cinnamon stick to the pan. Pour into cups hot, which is ideal in cold weather, or chilled, choosing an orange peel and a stick.

Step 2. In a saucepan

Dried fruits compote

Which ones? And this is at your discretion. Even if you didn’t have time to dry everything you grew yourself, it doesn’t matter. In the store you can choose high-quality bags with pleasant and useful contents. Moreover, such an uzvar will consist of not one, but several fruits. Well, if you dilute it all with something, it will be tasty and unusual, just like in a restaurant. Especially if you decide not to drink it, but to eat it with a spoon!

Dried fruits compote


  • Dried fruits (mixture) – 50 g
  • Juice – 50 ml
  • Sugar - to taste
  • Honey - to taste
  • Water – 1.5 cups

Making the most delicious dried fruit compote

Dried fruits are a product that needs careful examination for garbage and all sorts of insects and their waste products. So let’s look through everything and wash it.

Step 1. Dried fruits

And then the bay clean water, hold them for a while until the water boils. As soon as this happens, cook the compote over a tiny flame, because dried fruits require more long cooking. The water will boil away in these 20 minutes, and just a glass will remain. A minute before turning off, add the sugar and, as soon as it dissolves, remove the pan from the stove. The compote will be very thick. Pour into a plate and eat as a first course! Superb meal, I must say.

Frozen chokeberry compote

They drink it in cold weather, cool weather, and hot weather. This is so useful and delicious yummy, Very original drink for any time of the year. It's easy and simple to prepare. Indeed, in some situations there is no need to add sugar, but limit yourself to some spices and then season with something sweet.

Rowan compote


  • Chokeberry - 1-2 handfuls
  • Mint – 1-2 leaves
  • Water – 1 cup
  • Sugar - to taste
  • Honey - to taste

Preparation of vitamin compote from chokeberry

Since I didn’t have fresh chokeberries, but frozen ones, I didn’t have to take any special steps to prepare them. After all, I did this at the freezing stage. But still, I examined this beauty so as not to miss anything unnecessary.

Step 1. Prepare chokeberry

Let's boil the water. Let's send the berries into it. Let them simmer for a short time. After all, when infused, they will fully share both taste and color. At the very end, I put mint (there was no fresh mint, only dried), because rowan, by itself, is not so fragrant. I always strain the compote, because the berries are tart if you bite into them. Therefore, having squeezed everything I can out of it, I put it on a plate, pouring it with honey. A bite with compote - beauty!

Step 2. Berries and honey

What you need to know about making compotes?

  • Compotes are prepared from different fruits and berries with and without seeds. The compote made from grapes, and especially from dark varieties. But keep in mind that it is better not to try to make anything from pomegranate, bananas, persimmons, quinces. Unless you use them as a supplement.
  • Each fruit taken for preparation homemade compote, must be complete and beautiful to look at.
  • Don’t skimp on berries or fruits – the more there are, the richer they turn out! But even here, remember moderation.
  • You cannot digest the fruits during cooking, otherwise they will not only lose their vitamins, but also lose their shape and look unappetizing. Apples are boiled for up to 10 minutes (depending on the variety), plums - up to 15, raspberries and blackberries - 2-3 minutes, cherries are boiled for 5-7 minutes.
  • Hard and large fruits are cut smaller, and soft and small fruits are cut larger, but berries are not cut.
  • The presence of very sweet berries can be smoothed out with something sour (berries or lemon juice, etc.).
  • Sugar is added to taste. You can not put it at all, as, for example, in a compote with chokeberryrich drink unique. But there are standard proportions, depending on the acidity and sweetness of the products (a liter of water - 150-200 g of sugar).
  • Do not add sugar directly to the compote if you do not intend to serve it with fruit. After straining the uzvar, add syrup or honey.
  • To make “boring” compotes, like apple compote, play differently, they add spices, wine, juice, citrus peels, honey, thyme, rosemary, lemon balm, etc.

Pumpkin-apple compote Peel and seed the apples and cut into strips. Cut the pumpkin, remove the skin and remove the seeds. Cut the pumpkin pulp into strips. Pour vinegar over apples and pumpkin and leave for 3 hours, stirring frequently. Then drain in a colander and...You will need: pumpkin - 300 g, apples - 3 pcs., sugar - 1 cup, juice of 1 lemon, wine vinegar - 1/2 cup, apple juice - 1 cup, cloves - 2 buds

Compote of canned and fresh fruits Peel and core the pear and cut into slices. Peel the peaches and plums and cut them into slices. To prepare sugar syrup, combine water with sugar, fruit syrup, citric acid and bring to a boil. Cut the melon pulp into slices...You will need: pear or apple - 1 pc., melon - 1 slice, grapes - 1/2 cup, canned peach - 1 pc., canned plum - 3 pcs., canned cherries - 3-4 pcs., fruit syrup - 2 Art. spoons, sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons

Canned fruit compote Canned apple and cut the peach into slices. Place the fruits and berries in a mound in bowls or vases, alternating sequentially in color. Add 1 cup of water to the fruit syrup and sugar. Bring the syrup to a boil, cool and...You will need: canned apple - 1 pc., canned peach - 1 pc., plums - 3-4 pcs., cherries - 1/2 cup, fruit syrup - 2 tbsp. spoons, sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons

Fresh fruit compote (2) Bring the water to a boil, add sugar and fruits and berries. Boil the compote for 5 minutes, then let it brew under the lid for at least an hour.You will need: fruits and berries - 150 g, water - 1 glass, sugar - 2 teaspoons

Fresh fruit compote Wash the fruits, remove the seeds, place the fruits in boiling water to which sugar has been added, bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes. Yield: 210 mlYou will need: fruit - 100 g, water - 100 ml, sugar - 15 g

Fruit and berry compote Wash and dry selected fruits and berries. Then cut large fruits (such as apples, pears, etc.) into slices, cut apricots and plums into halves, and prick berries such as gooseberries with a toothpick. If apples are selected durum varieties, their...You will need: fresh fruits, to taste, fresh berries, to taste, sugar - 2 cups, water - 2 l

Assorted compote Wash fruits and berries and chop large ones finely. Place fruits and berries up to half of the sterilized jar. Boil water and pour into jars twice for 15 minutes. For the third time, add sugar to the drained water. Boil the syrup for 3 minutes and pour into jars. Close them...You will need: any fruits and berries, syrup: 300 grams of sugar per 1 liter of water

Soufflé cake with fruits Bake the biscuit: beat eggs with sugar, add mayonnaise, flour, salt and soda. Bake for 20-30 minutes at 200 degrees. Cool and cut into 2 parts, which are soaked in sugar syrup. Cook the syrup: add sugar to water, boil for 10 minutes and cool. You can add any fruit...You will need: Sponge cake: 3 eggs, 2 tbsp mayonnaise, 100 g sugar, 100 g flour, 0.5 tsp salt and soda, Soufflé: 200 g cherry yogurt, 250 g cream (in my version "House in the Village" 33%), 2 tbsp gelatin, 100 ml cold boiled water, 3 tbsp powdered sugar, Jelly: 2 tbsp jelly...

Compote of red fruits around curd cream Heat the oven to 180C. Pour cold water over the leaf gelatin and leave to soak until it swells, about 5 minutes. At the same time, cut the vanilla pod lengthwise, remove the seeds, add to the milk and heat together with the sugar until it is completely dissolved. Removed...You will need: Compote: 225g fresh or thawed plums, 225g fresh or thawed cherries, 225g fresh or thawed blueberries, 225g fresh or thawed strawberries, 225g fresh or thawed raspberries, Brown sugar according to your taste, -------------------...

Jelly cake with fruits 1. Prepare the jelly as usual (as indicated on the package, but add a little less water, so that it freezes better). Place in the refrigerator to harden. 2. Wash and peel the fruits, cut them into pieces. 3. Thoroughly beat sour cream with sugar. 4. Dissolve gelatin in 1.5 cups...You will need: Gelatin - 3 packs, Sugar - 5 tbsp. with top, Cracker - chocolate and cream, Fruits (kiwi, bananas, strawberries, strawberries, apricots, peaches are ideal), Sour cream - 0.5 l, Packs of jelly - 3 pcs. (I take strawberries, pineapple and orange)

Delicious fruit compotes very useful for human body. There is not an ounce of preservatives, flavors or other artificial additives in homemade drinks. Plus, they have an excellent refreshing effect and are ideal for roasts. summer day. Today we will tell you how to properly cook fresh fruit compote.

Absolutely any seasonal berries and fruits are suitable for preparing aromatic homemade drinks. These could be apples, feijoas or pears. Here everything depends solely on your imagination and on what is grown on your personal summer cottage. To cook compotes, you can use one type of fruit. But many housewives who are not afraid culinary experiments, more often than not, several varieties are combined.

It's important to choose ripe fruits, on which there are no traces of mold or other damage. Before making compote from fresh fruits, they are washed and pitted. And only after all these manipulations can you proceed to the main stage. The base for the drink is filled with sweet hot water, really boiling low heat for a few minutes and remove from the stove. To ensure that the fruits release juice evenly, it is advisable to cut them into approximately equal pieces. And to preserve the maximum amount of vitamins, you can add a little citric acid to the bubbling water.

For those who do not know how long to cook fresh fruit compote, you need to remember that the duration of heat treatment largely depends on the type of plant material used. Soft fruits are cooked for no more than ten minutes, and hard ones - from 10 to 20 minutes. Bananas, quinces, pomegranates and persimmons should not be used as a base. The finished compote should be stored at a temperature of 2-14 degrees. And so that it acquires a rich taste and pronounced aroma, it is first infused for several hours.

Option with pear

This fresh fruit compote contains only natural and very healthy ingredients. Therefore, they can be fed not only to adults, but also to children. To prepare it you will need:

  • half a kilo of ripe pears;
  • liter of filtered water;
  • juice squeezed from a whole lemon;
  • mint and sugar (to taste).

You need to start cooking compote from fresh fruits by preparing syrup. To do this, add to a pan of boiling water required quantity sugar and wait until the grains are completely dissolved. Then the washed and cut pears are carefully immersed in the bubbling syrup. Bring all this to a boil and cook for ten minutes. Shortly before the end of the heat treatment, mint is added to the pan with the drink. Immediately after turning off the fire, pour it in lemon juice. Ready drink leave to infuse room temperature, and after a few hours they put it in the refrigerator.

Option with feijoa

Thanks to unusual combination fruits used, this drink has amazing taste and easy pleasant aroma. In addition, it has a rich vitamin and mineral composition. This means it is equally useful for both the older and younger generations. For preparing this compote from fresh fruits you will need:

  • a dozen feijoa fruits;
  • a couple of ripe apples;
  • 200 grams of sugar;
  • 2.5 liters of filtered water.

As in the previous case, you first need to deal with the syrup. Dissolve in a saucepan filled with boiling water granulated sugar. Carefully place the washed fruit slices into the resulting liquid and cook it all over low heat for no longer than ten minutes. The resulting drink is equally good both warm and cooled.

Option with cherries

This fragrant summer drink has a pleasant sweet and sour taste. It is ideal for quenching thirst and eliminating vitamin deficiencies. For preparing such a compote from fresh berries and fruits you will need:

  • 300 grams of ripe apples;
  • liter of drinking water;
  • 4 tablespoons sugar;
  • 300 grams of cherries.

Add sugar and apple slices. All this is cooked over low heat for five minutes. Then the washed cherries are placed there and cooking continues. After ten minutes, the finished drink is removed from the burner and infused for several hours.

Option with plum

We invite you to pay attention to another recipe for fresh fruit compote. The drink brewed using it is much tastier and healthier than store-bought soda and packaged juices. It lacks various chemical additives, so it can be safely given even to children. To prepare it you will need:

  • 400 grams of plums;
  • half a kilo of peaches;
  • 400 grams of apples;
  • a couple of glasses of sugar;
  • 400 grams of cherries;
  • whole lemon;
  • 6 liters of drinking water.

Washed fruits and berries are pitted, cut into approximately equal slices and placed in a large saucepan. The required amount of cold water is poured there and sugar is added. Place all this on the stove, bring to a boil and boil for seven minutes. Then remove the pan from the burner, squeeze the juice of one lemon into it, cover with a lid and wait for the drink to cool.

Option with apricots

Compote prepared using the technology described below has not only a pleasant taste, but also a delicious aroma. Plus he's rich big amount valuable vitamins and microelements necessary for the normal functioning of the human body. To brew this drink, you will need:

  • kilo of apricots;
  • 1.5 cups sugar;
  • liter of purified water.

Before making compote from fresh fruits, they are washed, sorted and pitted. Apricots prepared in this way are placed in a saucepan, covered with sugar, and poured drinking water and send it to the stove. As soon as the first bubbles appear on the surface of the liquid, reduce the heat to a minimum. Boil the contents of the pan for two minutes and remove from the burner. In order for the finished drink to acquire a rich taste, it is infused at room temperature for at least an hour.

Option with peaches

A drink brewed according to the method described below has pleasant taste and a light fruity aroma. Its preparation does not take much time and does not require specific culinary skills. To make such a compote, you will need:

  • 200 grams of sugar;
  • 3 liters of filtered water;
  • kilo of ripe peaches.

In a suitable enamel pan connect pure drinking water and sugar. All this is sent to the stove and brought to a boil. As soon as bubbles begin to form on the surface of the liquid, carefully place peaches cut into slices into it. Literally after a minute, remove the pan from the burner, cover with a lid and leave at room temperature for about a quarter of an hour.

Option with red currants

This drink is considered an excellent source valuable substances. He has a nice sweet and sour taste and light berry aroma. To prepare it you will need:

  • 300 grams of juicy peaches;
  • 5 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 200 grams of red currants;
  • a couple of liters of drinking water.

You need to start the process by preparing the syrup. To do this, add to the pan cold water and sugar. All this is sent to the fire, boiled until the sweet sand is completely dissolved and removed from the burner. Washed currants and thin slices of peaches, previously peeled, are added to the resulting hot syrup. Cover all this with a lid and leave for at least three hours.

Option with apples

This simple and tasty fresh fruit compote can be cooked not only in summer, but also in winter. He will become a great alternative packaged juices or tired tea. To prepare it you will need:

  • 600 grams of apples;
  • a couple of liters of drinking water;
  • 200 grams of sugar.

Add washed and chopped apples to a pan of boiling water. The required amount of sugar is also added there. All this is kept on low heat for a quarter of an hour. As a rule, this time is enough for the fruit to become soft. The finished drink is removed from the burner and infused under the lid for at least four hours.
