Popcorn at home. How to make delicious popcorn at home

Hello dear readers. Probably every child has tried popcorn at least once. And I don’t know a single child in my circle who would be indifferent to popcorn. My children also really loved popcorn, and at one time they were so keen on it that I had to “impose” a ban on it. The fact is that we bought puffed corn in the store, with the taste of bacon, cheese, sweet, salty... In general, whatever manufacturers can come up with to increase their sales. And if caramel can be made from sugar, salted caramel can be made with the addition of salt, but I doubt that bacon and cheese are natural flavorings. And my children really liked it better with bacon.

We tried making popcorn from semi-finished products. This is when you cook briquettes in the microwave. I didn’t really like it either, I had to stand and guard. If you don’t hold it, there will be unopened grains, and if you hold it too long, it will burn. So we decided to cook regular corn kernels on the stovetop.

How to make delicious corn popcorn.

In order to make popcorn at home, we need a container, preferably such as a cauldron or a saucepan with a thick bottom, or a frying pan with a lid. We will cook on the stove, not in the microwave.

I took an aluminum casserole, this is the best utensil for making popcorn. Added about three tablespoons of vegetable oil to the bottom, poured half a glass corn grains and distributed the corn in a circular motion along the bottom of the cauldron. The grains should lie in one layer. If they lie on top of each other, then there is a high probability that these grains will not open.

Cover the cauldron with a lid and put on fire. You can, of course, heat the oil first and then add the corn. I did it both ways, and when you add corn to cold oil, it turns out much easier and there’s less chance of getting burned. After all, it doesn’t work faster if you add grains to hot oil.

If we take time, then my grains began to open after the second minute, and depending on the intensity of the fire, they ended opening at a maximum of three minutes and 10 seconds. You yourself will already know, especially when this is not the first time you do it. Turn off the fire after there is silence for about 5 seconds.

Even after turning off, the corn kernels will still open. Even if you turn it off a little later, nothing bad will happen. But if you did this in the microwave, the grains would burn there, but not on the stove.

Once the corn kernels have stopped popping, the popcorn is ready. Now you can think about what taste you will make it with next. The easiest way is to do this salted popcorn. It will be enough to sprinkle a little fine salt on the freshly poured popcorn and mix a little.

Now you know how to make salted popcorn. Let's move on to next recipe. It will be a little different, but not much.

How to make caramel popcorn

Cooking caramel popcorn will be a little different than salted popcorn. But first, let's start preparing the caramel itself, since it takes longer to cook than the corn itself.

How to make caramel for popcorn

To make caramel we need sugar, salt, the juice of half a lemon and a little soda, a little less than a third of a teaspoon. We will prepare the caramel in a saucepan with a double bottom. Pour a glass of sugar into it and squeeze out the juice of half a lemon. This is so that our caramel is not cloyingly sweet.

Then we add ordinary water. The amount of water should be within 1/3 - 1/4 of the amount of sugar. I took a little less than a third of the glass. After the water I added less than half a teaspoon of salt. I use fine salt. In the meantime, you can already turn on the fire under the saucepan.

When our caramel is already cooked, and it will take about 15 minutes to cook, we can start preparing for cooking the corn itself. It differs only in that I take one tablespoon of vegetable oil and add 30 grams of butter. This way we can get more delicious popcorn.

But, I want to warn you, I made it completely with butter, so I liked the option with mixing oils better. Firstly, when the corn was cooking, there was a slightly suffocating smell of butter in the kitchen.

At the same time, when I used a mixture of oils, there was no such smell. And I liked the taste of the option with a mixture of oils. Oddly enough, it was more aromatic and with creamy taste. In general, we already include corn.

While we have the caramel and corn ready, we have a few minutes to prepare the popcorn pan. I take a bowl and a spatula and grease them with butter. Of course, you can grease them with vegetable oil, the main thing is that the caramel does not stick to them when kneading, but I decided to grease them with cream.

When preparing caramel, we never stir it with a spoon. If you stir it with a spoon, the caramel may begin to crystallize. And so we just stir the caramel in a saucepan in a circular motion.

When we have the corn kernels ready, we pour them into a greased bowl. The caramel becomes darker, as can be seen in the photo, and add a little less than a third of a teaspoon of soda. The caramel begins to rise and foam. Turn off the heat and mix the caramel well so that no soda remains.

We do this all quickly so that the caramel does not have time to settle, and pour our caramel onto the popcorn. Before the caramel hardens into pieces, quickly stir it with a prepared spatula. You can also prepare two spatulas, this will make mixing the popcorn a little more efficient and quicker.

You can also prepare parchment paper a little earlier, on which we will pour the popcorn to harden the caramel. And now that we have mixed the caramel and popcorn, we just pour it onto the prepared parchment paper. If you have good parchment paper, then you don’t even need to grease it. Then the popcorn will come off well.

Leave the popcorn until it cools completely, and then you can collect it in a bowl or glass. In general, in the container in which it will be located finished form. The popcorn will stick together on its own, but it will easily separate into smaller pieces.

This popcorn is crispier and tastier. You can make caramel without soda, but then you will need to stir the popcorn faster. They also add butter to the caramel, but I didn’t do that. If you do make it with baking soda, it’s better to add less rather than more. If you add more baking soda and it doesn't pop, your popcorn will taste a little soda-flavored.

According to my taste caramel popcorn It turns out crispier and tastier. But my kids prefer salted popcorn. And if you are still wondering whether it’s worth making popcorn or not, then I recommend reading my article “.”

And recently we went with the children to see a cartoon at the cinema, and instead of getting the popcorn out of a special machine, they poured it out of ordinary store bags. Moreover, the price was more than 3 times higher. And after the cartoon, we went to the store, and there we found only semi-finished products for the microwave. Apparently all the popcorn was bought from the cinema.

The cost of a small glass of popcorn at the cinema is equivalent to a kilogram of corn kernels. If you love popcorn, then this information will be useful to you. Moreover, you already know how to make delicious popcorn from corn kernels at home.

Hello friends. Do you like to crunch on popcorn while watching a movie? If yes, then you will especially like what I tell you today. And I will share with you how to cook popcorn in the microwave. I'll show you a few interesting ideas how to make it delicious and unusual.

Not all grains can be used. Only special varieties of corn are suitable for this. In our country you can buy different variants, but the most common are “butterfly” and “caramel” (or “mashroom”).

The butterfly variety is very popular. It produces voluminous, airy flakes. This variety of grains can be used to make both sweet and savory popcorn.

Caramel grains open up and form dense, voluminous flakes. They even look a little like a mushroom in shape. Typically, caramel kernels are used to make sweet, caramelized popcorn. Even after the flakes are coated with a sweet mixture, they do not lose their volume and shape.

You can buy such grains at your nearest supermarket. Those intended for microwave use are usually packaged in paper bag. Before purchasing, be sure to check the integrity of the packaging. If there is even one tear in the packaging, this will lead to evaporation of moisture. This means a decrease in the opening of grains. I also saw grains sold by weight at the market.

Just inspect the product before purchasing. If you purchase grains Bad quality, most nuclei may simply not open.

Cooking features

How does a hard grain produce such a tender product? Microwave radiation penetrates the corn kernels and heats the moisture inside the kernel, turning it into steam. The grain shell cannot withstand such pressure and ruptures.

To make popcorn from corn kernels in the microwave, use a paper sugar bag. And if you recently went to McDonald's and didn't throw away the bag of crisps, that will work too. Just check its integrity, especially along the seam. There should be no holes or tears.

You can cook in the bag several times until it comes apart at the seams. Wrap the ends of the paper bag tightly to prevent the popcorn from escaping. If you have plastic clamps at home, close them with them. Just don't use anything metal.

Total cooking time will vary depending on your microwave. Usually it is 2-4 minutes

It is advisable not to leave the microwave during this time. At first, the grains will explode intensely. And after a while, claps will be heard at intervals. When the pauses between claps are such that you can count to 2 (2 seconds), this is a sign. It's time to take out the package.

If you leave the product in the microwave for too long, you will burn it. Just don’t rush to open the package right away. It will give you such hot steam that you can burn your hand. Leave it for a while and then take out the flakes.

Usually not all grains explode. If you find intact kernels, you can try to finish cooking them. To do this, place the kernels in a bag and send them to the microwave again. Just keep in mind that some of them will not be cooked anyway, even if you cook them to the coals.

Microwave recipes

By the way, in general, a lot of things can be prepared in the microwave. I recently learned that you can make it not only from potatoes :)

Well, now I’ll share a few original recipes. You can post a link to the article on your page on the social network. This way you won’t lose the recipe and share it with your friends.

In the package

In this recipe, oil and spices are added after cooking. This way you can use the bag several times without increasing the calorie content.

For this yummy you will need:

  • ¼ cup corn kernels;
  • butter, coconut or any vegetable oil;
  • spices to your taste.

Place corn kernels in a paper bag. Fold the top edge of the bag two or three times so that it stays well sealed. Set the timer for 4 minutes on high power.

As soon as the interval between kernel explosions increases to 2 seconds, this is a signal that the popcorn is ready. Depending on your microwave, the popping may end prematurely. Place the puffed cereal into a bowl. Sprinkle spices or salt on top, pour oil and stir. Now turn on the movie and enjoy :)

Without package

You will need:

  • 50 g corn grains;
  • spices;
  • 40 ml vegetable oil.

Pour the kernels into a large bowl. They should cover the bottom in an even layer, pour oil on top and mix the grains thoroughly.

Cover the bowl with a lid and place in the oven. Then set the maximum power and the timer for 3 minutes. Next, listen carefully to what is happening inside the unit. Fading shooting (every 2 seconds) is a signal that the air flakes are ready.

Remove the dish from the microwave and let the popcorn cool slightly. Then sprinkle spices on top. Everything is ready: it’s time to call your family to eat :)

Watch another video on how to cook with sweet caramel

Popcorn Topping Options

I think most of you will agree - without spices, popcorn is boring. Only spices and all kinds of additions I advise you to add it while the cereal is still warm. That is, we took it out of the microwave, let it cool a little and flavor it with “flavors”. Try making it with the spices listed below, it will turn out really tasty.


If you love sweet popcorn, mix the prepared air flakes with ½ tsp. salt without a slide and ¼ cup of honey. Do not pour in all the honey at once. First add half, cover the bowl and shake it. Then add the rest of the honey and do the same.

Chili with cheese

With this addition the delicacy will be irresistible. Mix 1 tsp in a bowl. chili, 0.5 tsp. salt and 100 g of finely grated cheese. Drizzle the puffed flakes with oil and sprinkle aromatic mixture. Then stir everything until the popcorn is evenly coated with the spices. If you don't like it too spicy, you can reduce the amount of chili you add.

Matcha with dark chocolate

For this “aroma” you will need:

  • 80 g dark chocolate;
  • 1 tbsp. coconut oil(or creamy);
  • 1 tsp coarse sea salt;
  • 2 tsp matcha tea powder.

Melt the chocolate and butter over low heat. In this case, the contents of the container must be constantly stirred. By the way, this can be done in the microwave, just read first.

Sprinkle the finished flakes with matcha powder and mix everything thoroughly. This additive will give the popcorn a slightly greenish tint. Then pour the treat on top chocolate mass, add sea ​​salt. Yes, yes, you heard right - sprinkle salt. The fact is that it helps dark chocolate stand out from other spices.

You can eat the finished delicacy right away - warm. Or you can put it in the refrigerator for 10 minutes. During this time, the chocolate will cool down and the popcorn will be saturated with aromatic additives.

White chocolate cookies

Melt 300 g white chocolate and 2 tbsp. coconut oil. Drizzle the buttery mixture over the puffed corn flakes. Then sprinkle the popcorn with crushed Oreo cookies (you will need 10 pieces) and mix thoroughly. It will turn out incredibly tasty.

Fragrant herbs

For spices and additives you will need:

  • 0.5 tsp citric acid;
  • 0.5 tsp onion powder;
  • 2 tsp dried dill;
  • 0.5 tsp mustard powder;
  • 2 tsp chopped coriander;
  • 0.5 tsp garlic powder;
  • 1 tbsp. salt;
  • ¼ cup ghee.

Mix spices in a bowl. Melt the butter and pour it over the popcorn. Then sprinkle the air flakes with the mixture aromatic herbs and mix everything.

If you only have one spice from this set at home, it doesn’t matter. Mix it with salt, oil and add to the air flakes. Only then write down what you did. I look forward to your comments :)

And on New Year you can make a decoration. Just string popcorn onto a regular thread, piercing each piece with a needle. It will be nice to eat too :)

Maybe your “treasury” of advice has its own secrets? Share them, friends. And on. And I take my leave and say: see you soon!

Recipes for making sweet, salty and caramel popcorn at home.

Popcorn is considered a traditional snack that is consumed while watching movies. In our country, the delicacy became famous not so long ago, but the first mention of puffed corn was found in 1492. When Columbus arrived in America, he saw on the neck local residents popcorn beads.

What corn is homemade popcorn made from?

Not every variety of corn is suitable for making popcorn. This special kind, which contains starch and droplets of water. The inside of the corn grains is not hard, but quite soft, but the outer shell is strong and glassy. This prevents damage to the grain. When exposed high temperatures, droplets of water inside the grains boil, breaking the shell. The pulp ends up on the outside.

How to make salted popcorn at home: recipe

There are many cooking options popcorn, it all depends on what kind of cookware you have available. Special devices have been created for making popcorn, which provide optimal and uniform heating.

Popcorn options:

  • Hot air machine. The operating principle of the device is very simple. Hot air is supplied, which acts on the grains and they explode. The principle is similar to how a hair dryer works.
  • Stove boiler. This is a kind of vessel with a handle that needs to be constantly rotated. Makes great popcorn. The risk of burning is really high.
  • Pan. The simplest option. The corn is simply heated in a frying pan with constant stirring. There is a risk of burning.
  • Microwave. The ideal device for making popcorn. Now varieties have been created specifically for cooking in the microwave.


  • We'll cook it ourselves simple recipe in a frying pan
  • Pour some oil into the pan and heat it well
  • Add a handful of popcorn and stir constantly
  • As the kernels heat up, they will explode to form popcorn.
  • Sprinkle the finished popcorn fine salt and stir

How to make sweet popcorn at home: recipe

Perfect option low-calorie dessert. Many people consider popcorn to be a children's dish, and rightly so. It is absolutely harmless.


  • Place the frying pan on the fire and heat it well
  • Add a handful of corn and cover the container with a lid.
  • It is necessary to constantly shake the vessel so that nothing burns.
  • When all the grains explode, you can remove the lid and stir
  • Sprinkle some powdered sugar on top and shake the corn

How to make caramel popcorn at home: recipe

There is no difficulty in preparing such corn.


  • 250 g sugar
  • spoon of lemon juice
  • 2 spoons of water
  • Corn
  • 40 ml oil
  • 1/4 cup corn kernels
  • A pinch of soda

R recipe:

  • Pour the grains into a frying pan with oil and simmer a little on the fire, stirring constantly
  • Cover with a lid and wait until all the grains open
  • Now remove from heat and make caramel
  • In a large bowl, mix sugar, lemon juice and water, put on fire
  • Stir constantly until the sugar melts
  • Cook until you get a viscous transparent mass with characteristic odor caramel
  • When ready, place the popcorn on parchment paper, spreading it on a baking sheet
  • Pour baking soda into the caramel, the mixture will begin to bubble and sizzle, at this very moment pour it onto the popcorn
  • After hardening, you will get popcorn with a crispy glaze.

How to cook popcorn from corn in the oven, microwave, frying pan, multicooker: cooking features, tips

Multicooker - a kitchen assistant modern housewives. You can easily make popcorn with it.

Instructions for cooking in a slow cooker:

  • You need to take a dry bowl and pour about 20 ml of oil into it, immediately add the corn
  • Close the lid and turn on the “baking” mode for 7 minutes
  • You need to control the crackling sound, as soon as it stops, remove the bowl from the device

AND Microwave cooking instructions:

  • Pour 2 tablespoons of oil into a glass or ceramic container and add the grains
  • Shake the bowl well to distribute the oil in a thin layer
  • Add corn kernels and cover and cook for 4 minutes.
  • Be careful not to burn the grains microwave oven this happens often

Oven cooking instructions:

  • Pour 20 ml of vegetable oil onto a baking sheet and pour out the popcorn
  • Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and place a baking sheet in it
  • Cook in a closed cabinet with the heat turned down
  • When the kernels stop popping, remove the popcorn.

As you can see, everything is very simple and fast. The cost of the snack is 10 times cheaper than in the cinema.

VIDEO: Popcorn at home

Popcorn has long been an integral attribute of cinemas. It's hard to imagine going to the movies without a bucket of crunchy treats. What children's session would be complete without sweet popcorn. Not only kids, but also their parents adore her. Sometimes you want to get your whole family together in front of the TV in the evening and watch a good family comedy. To recreate the atmosphere of a movie theater at home, you can't do without popcorn. Many people love salty popcorn, but if there are small children in the house, then, of course, the treat should be sweet.

Preparing sweet popcorn is quick and easy. It's exciting and fun activity, therefore, taking precautions, you can involve children in it. They will love watching the corn kernels explode and turn into their favorite treat. You can make sweet popcorn in different ways.

1 way. Sweet popcorn

Corn – 150 g
Vegetable oil
Powdered sugar – 100 g

How to make sweet popcorn:

    Special corn is used to make popcorn. Do not buy ready-made mixtures in microwaveable bags. They contain many artificial additives, flavor enhancers, etc. This corn should not be given to children.

    For cooking corn flakes It is best to use a non-stick saucepan or deep frying pan with a glass lid.

    Pour a little oil into the bottom of the pan and place it on the fire. When the oil is hot, remove from the heat and add the corn kernels in a single layer to just cover the bottom.

    Cover the pan with a lid, shake it to coat the grains with a thin film of oil, and return the pan to the heat.

    Watch the process carefully; soon the grains will begin to explode. At first, individual clicks will be heard, then the crackling will intensify.

    Shake the pan occasionally to avoid burning. When the popping noise stops, immediately remove the pan from the heat, wait 10 seconds and pour the popped popcorn into a large bowl.

    Sprinkle the cereal generously powdered sugar, cover with a lid and shake several times to distribute the powder evenly.

Method 2. Caramel popcorn

Corn – 150 g
Vegetable oil
Butter– 150 g
Brown sugar – 2 cups
Honey – ½ cup
Soda – ½ teaspoon
Salt – 1 teaspoon

How to make caramel popcorn:

    The flakes themselves are prepared in the same way as in the first method. Next, place the popcorn on a baking sheet lined with parchment, distribute it evenly and place in an oven preheated to 120°C.

    To prepare caramel, melt butter, add sugar, honey, salt. Heat over low heat, stirring, until the sugar is completely dissolved and a homogeneous mass is formed.

    When the caramel begins to boil, remove it from the heat and cool for 5 minutes. Add soda to it and stir the resulting mass until it begins to lighten and foam. At the same time, the caramel will increase in volume.

    Remove the popcorn from the oven and pour the caramel mixture over it, stirring until it is evenly distributed throughout the cereal.

    Place the pan back in the oven. Dry popcorn at 120°C for an hour. Every 10-15 minutes, take it out and stir.

    Pour the finished popcorn into a large bowl, turn on the cartoon and call the children. Enjoy watching!

Today we will tell you how to prepare the favorite treat of cinema goers - popcorn. To do this, you need to purchase or grow corn for popcorn on your plot, and devote very little time to preparing the product. Homemade popcorn it turns out no less tasty than store-bought, and its ridiculous cost will be an excellent motivation for cooking it yourself.

How to make sweet popcorn at home in caramel in a frying pan?


  • – 60 g;
  • vegetable oil without aroma – 55 ml;
  • granulated sugar – 220 g;
  • purified water – 40 ml;
  • baking soda– 10 g;
  • – 4-5 drops.


First, let's prepare the popcorn itself. To do this, pour flavorless vegetable oil into a frying pan with a thick bottom and high sides and place it on the fire. Its intensity should be slightly above average. Now pour the popcorn corn into the pan and immediately cover it with a lid. After a few seconds, characteristic popping sounds will be heard, which will indicate correct flow process. The kernels open up and turn into popcorn. During the entire frying period, periodically shake the pan so that the unopened grains sink to the bottom and the opened grains do not burn. After the frying stops, remove it from the heat and begin preparing the caramel.

Pour into a thick-walled saucepan or cauldron granulated sugar, pour in just a little water and add lemon juice. We put the vessel on the fire slightly below average and leave it alone for a while, only observing the processes taking place from the side. When the sugar begins to melt, taking on a liquid consistency, we tilt the vessel little by little in one direction or the other, wetting the undissolved crystals to speed up the process. It is not recommended to stir the contents of the bowl at this moment until all the sugar has melted. Then we begin to stir the caramel carefully so that it does not burn, and heat it until a beautiful amber color is obtained.

Now very quickly pour soda into the caramel mass, also quickly stir the foamed substance and pour it onto the popcorn, trying to distribute it evenly. Mix everything quickly and carefully, quickly transfer it to a baking sheet lined with a parchment sheet and level it, spreading the caramel-covered popcorn in one layer.

We leave the popcorn in the caramel to harden for about seven minutes and we can try it.

The process of making sweet popcorn can be greatly simplified. Taste finished product V in this case slightly different from what is prepared using the technology described above, but in the absence of free time this method just a find. Pour the corn kernels into the pan, stir until the oil coats them evenly, then add the powdered sugar and stir again. After this, cover the frying pan with a lid and wait until the end of the cooking process and the opening of all the grains. When heated, the sugar will melt and give the popcorn a caramel flavor.

How to pop salted popcorn at home in the microwave?


  • corn for popcorn – 25 g;
  • vegetable oil without aroma – 25 ml;
  • fine salt “Extra” – to taste.


When starting to cook popcorn in a microwave oven, and choosing dishes for this, we take into account that the corn significantly increases in volume and from the proposed amount you will get popcorn with a volume of approximately like one liter jar.

Place the corn in a glass bowl and sprinkle with vegetable oil, add salt to taste and mix. Cover the vessel with a glass lid or a second plate and place it in the device. We set it to 800 W and set the timer for five minutes. After the allotted cooking time has passed, leave the container with popcorn in the microwave for a couple more minutes. And only after that we remove it from the microwave and enjoy.

You can cook sweet popcorn in the microwave in a similar way, replacing the salt with powdered sugar. It is necessary to generously sprinkle the oiled corn kernels with it.
