Step-by-step recipe for making royal Easter cottage cheese with photos. Tsar's custard cottage cheese Easter

Very soon Holy holiday Easter. Housewives begin to prepare for the celebration in advance, because there is so much trouble ahead associated with baking Easter cakes, preparing holiday dishes, cleaning and decorating houses and apartments. Children look forward to the moment when they, together with their parents, will paint eggs and make bunnies for eggs.

There are many interesting traditions related to the preparation and celebration of this wonderful holiday. This is a time of pleasant expectations, communication with family, time to receive guests and time to treat.

One of the Easter traditions is making Easter cottage cheese. This dish is prepared only once a year, on festive table. This custom is mainly widespread in central and northern regions Russia, while in Ukraine Easter is called Easter cake ( holiday bread), .

There are two ways to prepare cottage cheese Easter: raw and custard. Because the raw cottage cheese It is not stored for a long time; raw Easter eggs are made in small sizes.

Today's article is about recipes custard Easter.

The main component in each recipe is pureed cottage cheese, to which butter, sour cream or cream, and eggs are added. At your discretion, you can add: raisins, candied fruits, nuts, lemon zest, cocoa, honey or sugar, cinnamon, other spices.

It is convenient to make Easter in a special form, which is sold in online stores, but you can do without it.

So let's get started!

This recipe can even be considered healthy nutrition) Nothing superfluous, nothing harmful. And this delicious dish is very easy to prepare.

To prepare cottage cheese Easter, use natural homemade cottage cheese. If you know how to make cottage cheese at home, it’s better to make it yourself.

Brewed Easter lasts longer than raw Easter, but you still shouldn’t cook it too much in advance. It can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 5 days.

  • Fat cottage cheese – 1 kg.
  • Sour cream – 250 gr.
  • Eggs – 4 pcs.
  • Butter ( room temperature) – 150 gr.
  • Sugar – 200 gr. (less or more to taste)
  • Lemon zest – 1 teaspoon
  • Orange zest – 1.5 teaspoon
  • Vanilla sugar – 1-2 teaspoons
  • Salt – 0.5 teaspoon
  • Raisins – 100 gr.
  • Dried fruits – 100 gr. (raisins, blueberries, cranberries, dried apricots, candied fruits)
  • Nuts – 70 gr.

Important: before removing the zest from fresh lemon or orange, you must first put these fruits in boiling water for a minute. This is due to the fact that to increase the shelf life of these fruits, they are coated with preservatives.

If you don’t have a special mold for Easter, you can use any container with holes so that excess whey can drain, a colander or a basket. You will also need a piece of gauze about 1 meter by 1 meter, or less.

1. In this recipe we use homemade cottage cheese, it must be rubbed through a sieve to make it homogeneous and loose. If your cottage cheese is difficult to puree, you can use a blender and beat it.

2. Add sour cream, sugar, softened butter at room temperature, lemon and orange zest, salt, vanilla extract, eggs to the cottage cheese.

3. Mix all ingredients by hand, and then beat with a mixer until smooth.

4. Now we will brew this curd mass. To do this, pour it into a saucepan with a thick bottom. We cook for real low heat with constant stirring. As it heats up, the mass will become more liquid. As soon as the very first bubbles appear on the surface, turn off the heat.

Tip: Do not boil the curd mass, because the curd will curdle.

5. Cool the curd mass. To speed up this process, you can lower a bowl of cottage cheese into a saucepan with cold water, you can add ice to the water. At the same time, the mass becomes thick again. To cool completely, place everything in the refrigerator for 2 hours.

6. Add washed dried fruits, raisins, candied fruits, and nuts to the cooled curd mass.

7. Place the finished curd mass in the mold. The shape can be any container with holes through which excess whey will escape. The mold must be covered with damp gauze in 2 layers.

8. We put Easter under pressure. To do this, place a plate on top of the cottage cheese, and on the plate something heavy, for example, a jar of water. The cottage cheese should be compacted. Excess moisture that will flow into the plate must be drained periodically. We put the entire structure with pressure in the refrigerator for a day.

Important: lay the gauze in the mold evenly and neatly around the circumference so that the Easter shape is beautiful.

8. After a day, take out the Easter, turn it over and remove it from the mold. Remove the gauze.

We decorate our product with decorative elements.

Important: cutting Easter is easier with a hot, wet knife.

Bon appetit!

Cooking cottage cheese Easter with semolina in the oven

For those who do not want to eat raw cottage cheese for any reason, we offer great recipe cottage cheese Easter baked in the oven. This recipe is perfect for children, it will not contain raw foods, and Easter will taste like cheesecake. Easter is baked for 1-1.5 hours at a temperature of 150-170 degrees; the golden crust will tell us about the readiness of the dish.

To prepare we will need:

  • Cottage cheese 9% – 1 kg.
  • Sour cream 20% – 1 glass
  • Eggs – 6 pcs.
  • Cream 10% – 100 ml.
  • Semolina – 1 tablespoon
  • Starch – 1 tablespoon
  • Sugar – 180 gr.
  • Baking powder – 1 heaped teaspoon
  • Lemon juice – 1 tablespoon
  • Dried fruits – 100 gr.
  • Vanilla, nutmeg, cardamom, cinnamon - to taste
  • Salt – 0.5 teaspoon
  • Glaze for decoration

1. For homogeneity and looseness, grind the cottage cheese through a sieve or beat with a blender.

2. Separate the yolks from the whites and beat with a blender with half a portion of sugar, the second half of the sugar will remain for the whites.

3. Add whipped yolks, sour cream, cream, starch, baking powder to the cottage cheese. semolina, lemon juice, vanilla, nutmeg, cardamom, cinnamon. Mix everything well with the addition of each ingredient. The more we stir, the more airy our Easter will be.

4. Add dried fruits and leave the curd mass alone for the semolina to swell.

5. Beat the chilled whites with a blender with salt and the remaining sugar until stiff foam.

6. Put 1/3 of the whipped whites in the refrigerator to decorate Easter, mix the remaining whites with the curd mass.

7. Heat the oven to 160 degrees.

8. Cover the prepared baking dishes parchment paper, grease with oil and fill with curd mass to 3/4 of the volume. Can be used paper molds for baking Easter cakes.

9. Cover Easter with foil and place on a baking sheet. It is better to place additional water in the oven; you can pour it on a baking sheet if the pans with Easter are sealed, or place them nearby in some container, preferably an iron one, so that the glass does not burst in the oven.

10. Place Easter in the oven, after 40 minutes remove the foil and leave for another 20-40 minutes depending on the size of your molds.

Don’t rush to take out the Easter eggs; leave them in the turned off oven until they cool completely. If you suddenly take out hot Easter eggs, they will collapse. Let cool completely in the oven. Only after this we take them out and remove them from the molds.

11. Add glaze and a few drops to the reserved egg white lemon juice. We decorate Easter with icing and we can eat.

Happy holiday to everyone!

Step-by-step video recipe

We offer you a wonderful step by step video recipe for royal custard Easter.

To prepare we will need:

  • cottage cheese (fat) – 500 grams
  • 3-4 yolks (or 2-3 eggs)
  • sour cream – 200 grams
  • butter – 100 grams
  • sugar – 100 grams
  • vanilla sugar– 1 teaspoon
  • raisins – 150-200 grams

Cottage cheese Easter with cream

Custard royal Easter on the table is a symbol of well-being and prosperity in the family. This recipe uses cream instead of sour cream, so the Easter is tender and more airy. The main thing is that the products are fresh and of high quality. Use either homemade cottage cheese or proven store-bought cottage cheese. The oil should also be real and tasty.

To prepare we will need:

  • Cottage cheese with fat content up to 9% – 550 gr.
  • Heavy cream – 100 gr.
  • Yolks – 3 pcs.
  • Sugar – 100 gr.
  • Butter – 100 gr.
  • Vanilla extract
  • Raisins, nuts, candied fruits – 70 gr.

1. Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve or beat with a blender until it becomes homogeneous and loose.

2. Prepare the raisins by pouring boiling water over them and leaving for 20 minutes.

3. Add sugar, yolks, butter at room temperature to the cottage cheese and beat for 2 minutes with a mixer at high speed.

4. Place the curd mass in a saucepan with a thick bottom, put it on low heat and, with constant stirring, bring it almost to a boil, until the first bubble appears, and remove from heat. It is important not to overheat the cottage cheese so that it does not curdle. The curd mass will become liquid, this is normal.

5. Add to the mass vanilla extract and if desired, you can beat it with an immersion blender.

Cool the curd mass using a bowl of ice, stirring constantly. The mass will thicken. Place it in the refrigerator for 2 hours to cool completely.

6. Add whipped cream to the thickened curd mass. They need to be cooled first and then beaten well.

8. Add raisins, candied fruits, nuts and mix well.

9. Cover the prepared Easter pan without a bottom with 2 layers of damp gauze. Place the curd mass into it and compact it well.

Cover with gauze and place a press on top. Place in the refrigerator for a day. During the day, pour out the liquid that will collect on the plate.

10. Take Easter out of the refrigerator, remove the uniform, remove the gauze, decorate as you wish and treat your loved ones.

Celebrate Easter and be healthy!

Royal Easter with chocolate Three chocolates

This is very unusual and delicious recipe cottage cheese Easter - Three chocolates. This Easter will decorate the holiday table. She will not leave anyone indifferent, she looks so attractive and appetizing. Compliments to the hostess from guests are guaranteed!

To prepare we will need:

  • Homemade cottage cheese – 500 gr.
  • Cream 20% fat – 200 ml.
  • Butter – 100 gr.
  • eggs – 3 pcs.
  • sugar – 150 gr.
  • dark chocolate – 50 gr.
  • milk chocolate– 50 gr.
  • coconut flakes - 2 tbsp. spoons.
  • Nuts – 70 gr.


1. Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve or beat with a blender. Mix cottage cheese with softened butter at room temperature.

2. Mix eggs with sugar, vanilla, cream and combine with curd mass.

3. We put everything on a very low heat and stir constantly until the first bubbles appear. As soon as the first bubbles appear, remove from heat. There is no need to boil the mixture because the curd will curdle.

4. Divide the curd mixture into 3 equal parts. Melt milk and black chocolate separately in the microwave or in a water bath.

To the first part curd mass add coconut flakes. Add dark chocolate to the second part. Add milk chocolate to the third part. Mix each portion and add nuts to taste.

5. Cool the curd mass and start pouring it into the mold. To do this, cover the mold with wet gauze. Lay out the gauze evenly so that unnecessary folds do not appear on Easter.

6. Lay out the curd mass in layers. First the white part with coconut flakes, then the part with milk chocolate and the last layer with dark chocolate. Carefully cover the top with gauze and place a cardboard the size of the mold on the gauze. We lay the oppression on top of the cardboard and put it in the refrigerator for about a day. During this time, excess whey will drain from the Easter; it must be drained periodically.

7. After a day from Easter, we remove the oppression and turn it over onto a plate. Carefully remove the uniform and gauze. For beauty, you can pour melted chocolate on top and add nuts.

Bon appetit and happy holidays!

Coconut curd Easter

We invite you to prepare this delicious coconut-curd Easter recipe to please yourself and your loved ones. It will be appreciated by those with a sweet tooth exquisite taste. Delicious aroma of coconut, cottage cheese, chocolate glaze- paradisaic delight.

To prepare we will need:

  • Fat cottage cheese – 500 gr.
  • Butter – 50 gr.
  • Coconut oil (organic, coconut scented) – 50 g. If you don't have coconut oil, you can add another 50 grams of butter.
  • Sugar – 100 gr.
  • Cream (20-33%) or sour cream – 200 ml.
  • Yolks – 3 pcs.
  • Coconut flakes – 100 gr.

Chocolate glaze:

  • Milk chocolate – 100 gr.
  • Cream – 80 ml.

1. Grind the cottage cheese through a sieve so that grains are not felt in the finished Easter. You can beat the cottage cheese with a blender.

2. Add yolks, cream to the cottage cheese and mix.

3. Creamy and Coconut oil melt in a water bath with sugar. Combine the butter-sugar mass with the curd-yolk mixture and place on water bath brew.

Constantly stir the mixture until it becomes more liquid and when the first bubbles appear on the surface, immediately remove from the heat so that the curd does not curdle.

Important: Remove the curd mass from the heat when the first bubble appears so that it does not curdle.

4. Cool the curd mass by placing the pan in a bowl with ice.

5. Add salt, vanillin and coconut flakes, mix.

6. If you didn’t buy a special baking dish, prepare it yourself. Using a hot knitting needle, we pierce holes in the existing plastic mold along the bottom and along the perimeter.

7. Cover the mold with damp gauze. Place a plate under the pan with Easter into which the whey will flow.

Important: To make it easy to take out the Easter cottage cheese, cover the mold with damp gauze in 2 layers.

8. Place a press on the curd mass and place it in the refrigerator overnight.

9. Take out the Easter, turn it over, remove it from the gauze and decorate with chocolate icing.

Let's enjoy a tender, fragrant Easter!

Recipe without eggs on gelatin

Very unusual recipe two-layer Easter for lovers of exclusiveness. Easter will be beautiful and delicious! The recipe does not contain eggs, it is suitable for those who are allergic to them. The recipe contains gelatin. This recipe takes a little fiddling, but it's worth it! You can use any berries, such as blueberries, currants or cherries.

To prepare we will need:

  • Gelatin – 40 gr.

Bottom layer:

  • Cottage cheese – 200 gr.
  • Sour cream – 300 gr.
  • Cherry – 100 gr.
  • Sugar – 120 gr.

Upper layer:

  • Cream 20% – 300 gr.
  • Sugar – 80 gr.
  • Vanilla extract or vanillin.

1. Pour gelatin with cold water and leave to swell.

2. Prepare the top creamy vanilla Easter layer. To do this, pour the cream into a saucepan and add sugar and vanilla extract.

3. Place the cream on low heat, stirring constantly until the sugar dissolves, but do not let it boil.

4. After the sugar has dissolved, remove the pan from the heat and after a minute add 1/3 of the swollen gelatin to this pan. Stir well until the gelatin dissolves.

It is very important that the gelatin does not overheat, otherwise it will lose its properties.

5. The creamy vanilla mass is ready and we can pour it into the prepared form. To add originality to Easter, tilt the mold and fix it at an angle, pour the mixture into the tilted mold and put it in the refrigerator for 2 hours until it hardens completely.

6. Prepare the bottom layer. To do this, add sour cream, pitted cherries and sugar to the cottage cheese. Mix well and beat with a blender. The mass becomes liquid and pink.

7. Add the remaining gelatin to this mass. Pour the curd-cherry mass into a saucepan with a thick bottom, put it on low heat, stirring well and dissolving the gelatin without boiling.

8. Cool the curd-cherry mass a little. We take the frozen white mass out of the refrigerator, pour the pink mass on top of it as a second layer and put it in the refrigerator overnight.

9. To remove Easter from the mold, we dip the mold in hot water for 2 seconds.

10. Turn Easter over to beautiful plate, decorate with any decor as desired.

Bon appetit!

Best Recipes Easter cakes and Easter Kashin Sergey Pavlovich

Royal Easter (raw)

Royal Easter (raw)


1 kg of cottage cheese, 5-6 yolks, 450 g of butter, 500 g of sugar, 300 g of 30% cream, 100 g of raisins, 100 g of almonds, 100 g of candied fruits, cardamom, vanillin.

Cooking method

Grind the butter and sugar until white, adding the yolks one at a time.

Grind the mixture until the sugar crystals are completely dissolved, flavor with vanilla or finely ground cardamom and sifted through a fine sieve.

Add cottage cheese, raisins, almonds, crushed twice through a sieve candied orange peel or grated lemon zest.

Mix thoroughly, add whipped cream, mix from top to bottom, fill a bowl lined with slightly damp gauze with the mixture, cover with a saucer, apply light weight, put in the refrigerator for 12 hours.

From the book Studies on Nutrition author Mogilny N P

Royal Easter 5 pounds of fresh cottage cheese, pureed through a sieve, 10 raw eggs, 1 pound of the freshest unsalted butter, 2 pounds of the freshest sour cream, put everything in a saucepan, put on the stove, stirring constantly with a wooden spatula so as not to burn; as soon as

From the book Easter cakes and other dishes for Orthodox holidays author Cooking Author unknown -

Raw Easter 2 1/2 kg cottage cheese, 200 g butter, 200 g sugar, 250 g sour cream, salt to taste. Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve twice. Grind the butter and sugar until white, add sour cream and continue grinding until the sugar crystals completely disappear. Received

From the book Easter Table. Cooking like professionals! author Krivtsova Anastasia Vladimirovna

Royal Easter (boiled) 2 kg of cottage cheese, 10 eggs, 400 g of butter, 800 g of sour cream, 600-700 g of sugar, 100 g of almond kernels, 100 g of raisins, vanillin. Rub the cottage cheese and butter through a sieve, add sour cream, move carefully, place the dishes on the stove and bring the mixture

From the book The best recipes for Easter cakes and Easter author Kashin Sergey Pavlovich

Easter “Raw” 450 g cottage cheese 180 g butter 150 g sugar 100 ml cream 2 yolks 1 tbsp. spoon of seedless raisins 1 tbsp. spoon of chopped almonds 1 teaspoon of candied fruits 1 teaspoon of ground cardamomavanillin Grind the butter and sugar until white, adding the yolks one at a time. Mass

From the book Welcoming Guests author Uzun Oksana

Raw Easter 1 kg cottage cheese 100 g sugar 80 g butter 100 ml sour cream salt Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve. Grind the butter and sugar until white, add sour cream, combine with cottage cheese, add salt and mix. Fill out the box ready mass, cover with a lid, put pressure and

From the book Cookbook-calendar of Orthodox fasts. Calendar, history, recipes, menu author Zhalpanova Liniza Zhuvanovna

Easter raw Ingredients2 ? kg cottage cheese, 200 g butter, 200 g sugar, 250 g sour cream, salt. Method of preparation Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve twice. Grind the butter and sugar until white, add sour cream and continue grinding until the crystals disappear completely.

From the book Monastic Kitchen author Stepasheva Irina

Royal Easter (raw) Ingredients 1 kg of cottage cheese, 5–6 yolks, 450 g of butter, 500 g of sugar, 300 g of 30% cream, 100 g of raisins, 100 g of almonds, 100 g of candied fruits, cardamom, vanillin. Method of preparation Butter Grind with sugar until white, adding yolks one at a time. Mass

From the book Festive Table author Iovleva Tatyana Vasilievna

Royal Easter (boiled) Ingredients 2 kg of cottage cheese, 10 eggs, 400 g of butter, 800 g of sour cream, 600–700 g of sugar, 100 g of almond kernels, 100 g of raisins, vanillin. Method of preparation Rub the cottage cheese and butter through a sieve, add sour cream, mix thoroughly, place the dishes on

From the book Easter Table author Kashin Sergey Pavlovich

Royal Easter (raw) - cottage cheese - 1 kg - yolks - 5-6 pcs. - butter - 450 g - sugar - 500 g - 30% cream - 300 g - raisins, almonds, candied fruits - 100 g each - cardamom or vanillin - 1 pinch 5 servings over 12 hours Grind the butter and sugar until white, adding the yolks

From the book Dried Fruit Dishes author Zvonareva Agafya Tikhonovna

Royal Easter (boiled) – cottage cheese – 2 kg – eggs – 10 pcs. – butter – 400 g – sour cream – 800 g – sugar – 600–700 g – almond kernels – 100 g – raisins – 100 g – vanillin – pinch 6– 8 servings over 24 hours Rub cottage cheese and butter through a sieve, add sour cream, thoroughly

From the author's book

From the author's book

From the author's book

Royal Easter 2 kg of cottage cheese, 800 g of sour cream, 10 eggs, 400–600 g of sugar, 400 g of butter, 0.5 cups of sweet peeled almonds, 1 vanilla stick (1 g of vanillin). Mix cottage cheese, eggs, sour cream and butter in a suitable saucepan, put on fire and, stirring continuously,

From the author's book

Easter “Raw” Ingredients 450 g cottage cheese, 180 g butter, 150 g sugar, 100 ml cream, 2 yolks, 1 tablespoon raisins (seedless), 1 tablespoon chopped almonds, 1 teaspoon candied fruits, 1 teaspoon ground cardamom, vanillin. Method of preparation: Creamy

From the author's book

Raw Easter Ingredients 1 kg of cottage cheese, 100 g of sugar, 80 g of butter, 100 ml of sour cream, salt. Method of preparation Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve. Grind the butter with sugar, add sour cream, combine with cottage cheese, add salt and mix. Fill the bean box with the prepared mass,

From the author's book

Easter Tsarskaya Ingredients: full-fat cottage cheese - 500 g, egg - 3 pcs., butter - 100 g, sour cream - 1 glass, sugar - 150 g, vanilla pod - 1 pc., sweet almonds - 1/2 cup, raisins - 1/4 cup, dates (pitted) – 1/4 cup, dried apricots – 1/4 cup, prunes – 1/4 cup,

Views: 4076

I had never made cottage cheese Easter myself before, but somehow I came across it in an old book “Practical Fundamentals.” culinary arts» 1909 under the authorship of Mrs. Alexandrova-Ignatieva P.P. Easter recipe. In addition, the word “royal” appeared in the name, curiosity took over, and I wanted to try to cook cottage cheese royal Easter.
What is Easter? This ritual dish, which is prepared from cottage cheese and only once a year for the most important holiday of Christians - Easter, or the Resurrection of Christ. On the festive table, in addition to cottage cheese Easter, there will probably be Easter cake And painted eggs. Easter, Easter cake and colored eggs can be blessed in church.
Easter has the shape of a truncated pyramid, which symbolizes the Holy Sepulcher; this shape is obtained if it is prepared using a special form - a pasochnitsa. The pastochnitsa not only forms the geometric outlines of the dish, but also allows you to compress the cottage cheese so that excess moisture comes out of it. Usually, on the side walls of the bean box, indentations are made in the form of drawings symbolizing the resurrection of Jesus Christ - the letters “ХВ” (Christ is Risen), an Orthodox cross, the silhouette of a temple or a dove (symbolizing the Holy Spirit).
Easter can be raw, brewed and baked. The most delicious Easter eggs are raw ones, however, they do not last long, since fresh, high-quality dry and grainy raw cottage cheese, eggs, butter and cream are used. If raisins are used when preparing Easter, this further reduces the shelf life.
Easter cottage cheese royal, prepared according to the recipe given below, turned out very tasty, airy, sweet (in moderation), aromatic and satisfying. And the mass that turned out after mixing all the ingredients is absolutely fabulously tasty and tender. The best stores curd cheeses and they weren’t lying next to each other. The result exceeded all expectations. True, I had to look for a bean bag, and the second nuance is a rather tedious procedure of rubbing the cottage cheese through a sieve, but it was worth it. I was pleasantly pleased to see the recipe on the packaging of the pasochny, oddly enough, it turned out to be almost word for word a recipe from the book “Practical Fundamentals of Culinary Art.”

We will need (for Easter 400 ml):

Cottage cheese - 400 g,
. butter - 160 g,
. sugar - 160 g,
. cream 35% - 80 g,
. egg - 2 pcs.,
. candied mixture- 100 g,
. raisin- 50 g,
. vanilla sugar - 8 g (usually 1 sachet).

There is nothing complicated. You will need some kitchen gadgets and, most importantly, Curd Easter It turned out not only delicious, but also beautiful, you will need a bean bag. This is a collapsible pyramid in which Easter cottage cheese is pressed. This is not a necessary thing, but you still need to press the raw cottage cheese Easter a little (give the required form, and squeeze out a little water). Let's assume that you have it.
Hard-boil two eggs in advance, then cool.

Soak in warm water let the raisins sit for 30 minutes, then drain the water and dry the raisins with a towel. Set aside for now.

Grind the candied fruit mixture into small pieces, although again it’s a matter of taste. Also put aside for now.

IN suitable container Grind the butter (slightly softened, but not completely melted) with sugar. Grind until the sugar dissolves in the butter.

Clean chilled boiled eggs, then separate the white from the yolk (only the yolks will be needed).

In a container with crushed sugar and butter, add one boiled yolk and half vanilla sugar, continuing to beat the mass.

After whipping sugar, butter, egg yolks and vanilla sugar, you will get a white, oily mass. Set aside for now.

The next process - and it is obviously the most labor-intensive, but very important - is rubbing the cottage cheese through a sieve, and this must be done twice. To do this, you will need, in fact, the sieve itself, preferably a metal one, and a spatula-scraper, preferably silicone.

Cottage cheese after first rubbing through a sieve.

And the cottage cheese after the second rub through a sieve. It can be seen that the cottage cheese has become like a curd mass.

Add grated cottage cheese to the butter-sugar mixture and mix until smooth.

Add washed and dried raisins and candied fruits to the container with cottage cheese and mix everything again.

Prepare whipped cream. The cream should be chilled and the container dry. Whip the cream into a stable foam.

Transfer the whipped cream into a container with the curd mass and carefully, from bottom to top, mix the curd mass and whipped cream. No mechanical devices are needed; carefully use a spatula to pick up the cottage cheese from the bottom of the container and bury the cream into the cottage cheese.

You will get this air mass. And how delicious! Tender and airy, you can eat it anyway, without any forming or pressing.

Well, then everything is relatively simple. Molding and pressing process. We assemble our bean bag, place it “on its butt” on a saucer (it is advisable that the sides of the saucer be higher. During pressing, a little liquid will be released, a couple of tablespoons). And we line the inside of the bean bag with clean, damp gauze.

Transfer the curd mass into the pan.

Fill it to the top, level it and cover with the edges of gauze. Place the saucer with the bean bag in the refrigerator. You need to put a little pressure on top. The main thing here is not to overdo it, because if the Easter is pressed more than necessary, it will become denser and, accordingly, less airy. If you do not press at all, the Easter may fall apart when taken out of the mold.
Leave the bean bag in the refrigerator for several hours, or better yet overnight, while watching it a couple of times and draining any water that collects in the saucer.

Remove the bean bag from the refrigerator and bend the edges of the gauze. It can be seen that the curd mass has thickened.

Cover the bean box with a plate on top, so that the bean box stands on the bottom of the plate after we carefully turn the structure over. After turning the Easter box over, carefully remove first the Easter box and then the gauze from the finished Easter. Ready Easter can be sprinkled powdered sugar and even fit a candle from the church.

Greetings to all friends and guests of my blog! Anyone who has looked at this page is obviously already preparing for the main Christian holiday. Just like Easter cakes and colored eggs, Tsarskaya Easter curd is one of the traditional dishes Easter holiday table.

Easter in 2018 will be early and falls on April 8th. Traditionally, believers go to church on Saturday evening for the all-night service and celebrate the beginning of Christ's Sunday in the church with hymns. Pre-cooked and others Easter dishes The priest sanctifies it with prayer and holy water.

Orthodox Christians who observed Lent for 40 days before Easter, and ate only Lenten dishes They break their fast with consecration with pleasure. Fasting is not considered obligatory among Orthodox Christians. But for the holiday, everyone tries their best except painting the eggs, or buy ready-made ones. There is an abundance of various baked goods in stores these days.

However, you cannot buy the main Easter food in the store. You need to try to do it yourself. We have already looked at several. This dish is the main decoration of the table. And the Tsar's Easter is considered especially elegant and festive. Today we’ll talk about it.

We all celebrate this bright Orthodox holiday in high spirits. And we think about which ones are special delicious dishes prepare so that the festive table will delight our guests and family.

Recipe for Royal Custard Easter from cottage cheese with cream

As the holiday approaches, Orthodox Christians prepare Easter cakes, Easter cakes, and colored eggs. IN Bright Sunday All this is carried to the church for consecration. And upon returning from the temple, everyone sits down at the table and breaks their fast with these blessed products after Lent.

If the laity did not observe fasting, then they are in no way prohibited from preparing and tasting delicious Easter treats.

Today we’ll look at how Tsar’s Easter is prepared from homemade cottage cheese and heavy cream. I will make it in a special pan, a mold 17 cm high. If there is no mold, use a regular colander.


Since the dessert will sit in the refrigerator for up to a day, I only rinse the dried fruits hot water. But if you are used to pouring boiling water over them, do so. This is not important.

My cottage cheese is fatty and has large flakes. It's even a little dry.

Store-bought cottage cheese should be thoroughly squeezed through gauze, because it is full of water.

You can grind it in a blender. The main thing is that the curd mass becomes soft and tender. I rub the cottage cheese through a strainer in small portions. Add soft butter.

In a separate bowl, beat the eggs and add vanilla and cream to them. I add sugar. I stir it all using a simple whisk. Now I put this mixture on the stove and bring it to a boil over low heat.

It is necessary to constantly stir so that it brews, but does not stick to the bottom.

As soon as the first bubbles appear, remove from heat and let it cool.

I wash the dried fruits and dry them on a napkin. I crush the nuts in a mortar. I cut the candied fruits into small pieces. I combine this beauty with cottage cheese and cooled brewed mass.

I put the assembled bean bag on a plate. I line it with two layers of wet gauze so that the edges hang out.

When you line the mold with gauze, try to keep the folds in the corners.

Fill with curd mass and cover with the edges of gauze. And I put a suitable sized lid or saucer on top.

I put a jar of water on top as a pressure and put this structure in a cold place. It is necessary to periodically drain the whey, which will be squeezed into a plate. A day later I take out the structure and disassemble the mold.

I put the pasochka on a beautiful plate and carefully remove the gauze. This is such a beauty. All drawings and letters printed very well.

Decorate as you wish - with berries, colored confectionery sprinkles or chocolate chips. Everything will be beautiful and tasty.

Video on how to prepare raw cottage cheese Easter

The video from the channel “Simple and Tasty” shows how to prepare Tsar’s Easter without cooking. Since we won’t be boiling or brewing anything, this recipe excludes the addition of eggs. But, if you are not afraid to eat the product with raw eggs, you can add 2 eggs when mixing the ingredients.

  • 0.5 kg. cottage cheese,
  • ½ tbsp. Sahara,
  • 1 packet of vanilla sugar,
  • ½ tbsp. sour cream (20-25%),
  • 100 gr. butter,
  • ½ tbsp. raisins,
  • ½ tbsp. candied fruits,
  • zest from half a lemon.

The video shows the preparation of a large portion and uses 1 kg. cottage cheese. I wrote the proportions for half a kilo of cottage cheese, because the pasta box contains just such a volume of curd mass. Do as you see fit.

Tsarskaya boiled with candied fruits and raisins

To prepare this Passover we use the most fat cottage cheese. And as many sweets as possible. I took traditional dried apricots, raisins and also added candied pineapple. You can add others according to your taste. Sour cream can be replaced with cream.

What you will need:

  • Fat cottage cheese - 500 gr.
  • Sour cream with at least 20% fat content - 120 ml.
  • Butter - 100 gr.
  • Sugar - 100 gr.
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 sachet
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Lemon zest - 1 tsp.
  • Raisins - 80 gr.
  • Dried apricots - 80 gr.
  • Dried pineapples - 80 gr.
  • Salt - a pinch.


Let me make a reservation right away that I took all the products out of the refrigerator in advance so that they came to room temperature. My homemade cottage cheese is very fatty and large. It is necessary to grind it through a metal sieve.

This is necessary so that it becomes tender and airy.

You can pass it through a meat grinder or beat it with a blender. Do what is most convenient for you.

I add salt, lemon zest, regular and vanilla sugar to the crushed cottage cheese. Soft butter and sour cream should be mixed in there too. Using rubbing movements, all this goodness is mixed.

Next, take a mixer and beat this mixture into an airy and tender curd mass. Which we put in a saucepan with a thick bottom. Our Royal Easter is boiled, so now we will cook it over low heat.

Heat the mixture in a saucepan without stopping stirring. Bring almost to a boil, but under no circumstances should it boil!

For those who are afraid of overcooking, place the saucepan in a water bath. It will take more time, but the dish will not burn or overcook.

When heated, the mass becomes liquid. After about 10 minutes the first bubbles appear. And then we immediately remove the saucepan from the heat and lower it into a bowl of cold water to cool it faster.

When the mixture has cooled, it needs to be put in the refrigerator. After 2 hours, take out the thickened mass and add washed and chopped dried apricots, raisins and candied fruits into it.

Line the mold with damp gauze and fill with curd mass. We place the oppression on top and the entire structure in a cold place for a day. Periodically drain the whey that has accumulated in the plate.

For tomorrow we take out the prepared food, put it on a dish, disassemble the mold and remove the gauze. All that remains is to decorate with marmalade, confectionery sprinkles, or as your imagination tells you.

Custard with cream and almonds in a saucepan

The Royal Easter presupposes the presence of fatty and sweet foods. You can’t eat a lot of this treat, but you can treat yourself a little after Lent. She is distinguished by her gentle creamy taste and vanilla aroma.

We will not brew the entire curd mass, but only the butter cream.

Therefore, whoever does not like raw cottage cheese, take the above completely boiled recipe. And for this dessert I also take a lot of raisins, almonds and other dried fruits. Sometimes I add frozen berries.

How to cook:

Do not forget to periodically drain the whey that accumulates in the plate.

This is real royal dessert. The taste is simply delicious! Be sure to serve it to all your guests.

Homemade cottage cheese dessert recipe

This video recipe is from the Tasty Corner channel. I liked it because it shows in great detail how easy it is to make homemade cottage cheese from kefir. And here we see how convenient it is to pack the curd mass in a colander.

Congratulations to everyone on the upcoming Resurrection of Christ! I hope that one of these methods of making the main holiday dish will be useful to you.

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Cottage cheese Easter - festive decoration Easter table. And, of course, I want it to taste great, to succeed the first time, without trial and error. For the first experience, we recommend taking recipes wet easter, because it does not require special culinary skills. Enough to buy quality cottage cheese, have a verified recipe and everything will work out. I want to offer you wonderful recipe cottage cheese Easter - this is the “Royal” Easter made from cottage cheese. I took the step-by-step recipe with photos in a real bean bag so you can see how to use it correctly. Believe me, there is nothing complicated, on the contrary, it is very convenient. “Royal” Easter is made without raw eggs, which is very important for those who care about their health. Boiled yolks are added to the cottage cheese. You will be surprised how delicious it turns out! Tender, soft, dense Tsar's Easter from cottage cheese is perfectly cut into pieces and slices, and does not crumble at all.


  • Cottage cheese - 500 gr.
  • Butter – 160 gr.
  • Sugar – 150 gr.
  • Sour cream 20% - 100 gr.
  • Egg – 2 pcs. (only yolks are needed)
  • Dark raisins (or candied fruits) – 100 gr.
  • Vanilla sugar – 1 tsp.

How to make “Royal” Easter from cottage cheese

To prepare Easter you will need special form- beekeeper. There are already a lot of them in stores, and they are not at all expensive. I recommend buying it. But if you weren’t able to buy it or simply didn’t have time, you can try to make Easter using any other elongated shape. In this case, you need to think about how you will remove the curd mass from the mold. Everything in the bean bag is thought out in advance; it has detachable side walls.

I measure and prepare all the products for Easter. I boil hard-boiled eggs. I separate the yolks. The whites can be eaten or used for another dish; we won't need them.

I rub the cottage cheese through a sieve. I advise you not to skip this very important step, since the texture of the Easter itself will depend on it. With pureed cottage cheese, Easter turns out very tender and silky. If you don't wipe, you'll end up with a more lumpy version.

I assemble the form for Easter (after washing it with soap if it is new). I cover the mold with damp gauze in one layer.

Grind butter at room temperature with sugar until white.

I add vanilla sugar and boiled yolks. I rub everything together again.

Wash the raisins thoroughly and pour boiling water over them. Place the oil mixture in a deep saucepan, add grated cottage cheese and raisins.

Mix thoroughly.

Add sour cream and mix again.

I put the curd mass in the pan. I compact it tightly with a spoon.

I cover it with the edges of gauze. I put a small saucer on top, and place a weight on it (I had a 0.8 liter jar of water).

I put all this in a deep plate. This is necessary, since excess liquid will seep through the gauze from below during the compaction of the curd mass. If possible, this liquid will need to be drained once. In general there will be little of it.

I put this design in the refrigerator overnight. I needed to remove one shelf, otherwise it wouldn’t fit.

The next day is the Royal Easter on boiled yolks ready! Bon appetit!
