Mushrooms for the winter in jars - a forest aroma in your pantry. Delicious recipes for fried mushrooms for the winter with step-by-step photos

What a joy it is to go to the cellar (or closet) in winter and bring back a jar of rolled up fried mushrooms! Pour this wealth into a frying pan and make the whole house close its eyes with pleasure - the indescribable magical smell will seem to take you back to summer, when you just came out of the forest with full baskets...

And in order to give your family such unforgettable moments, you need not to miss that - not particularly long and quickly passing - period when you can still go to the nearest forest for a mushroom harvest.

When preparing fried mushrooms for the winter, fat is used as a preservative - butter or melted butter, lard (rendered lard) and vegetable oil. Most often, housewives prefer a mixture of fats, not without reason considering such preparations to be the most delicious.

Should you boil mushrooms before frying or not?

A novice housewife will definitely face this question. And many decide that it is better to play it safe than to worry about the safety of their products. To feel confident, of course, it is better to know for sure which mushrooms need additional heat treatment, and which ones are not. Let's take a closer look at the rules.

Does not require pre-boiling

Edible and conditional are prepared differently edible mushrooms. Edible mushrooms You can fry it right away. These include::

  • White mushrooms
  • Butter
  • Mokhoviki
  • boletus
  • Boletus
  • Chanterelles
  • Saffron milk caps
  • Umbrellas
  • Champignon
  • Hedgehogs
  • Rows
  • Oyster mushrooms
  • Russula
  • Honey mushrooms

Naturally, additional heat treatment Edible mushrooms will not harm the human body. But here they are the nutritional value decreases, weakens specific mushroom aroma and the taste deteriorates. And some mushrooms become slimy even after boiling for a short time.

Must be boiled

And here conditionally edible Mushrooms must be boiled before frying. This helps reduce toxicity to a safe level and eliminate the acrid taste: the toxic substances of such a mushroom dissolve in water when heated, we pour it out, and the mushrooms themselves become edible.

Be sure to boil:

  • ordinary stitches
  • pink waves
  • brittle and stinging russula
  • milk mushrooms are black and yellow.

Because of their bitter taste, all those mushrooms that are have a burning milky juice:

  • camphor, alder and sweetish laticifers
  • bitters
  • violinists
  • earrings
  • white loading pads
  • some types of russula, pigs and talkers
  • moths
  • and some other mushrooms.

When cooked, the bitterness transfers to the water, and the taste of the mushrooms improves significantly. Many summer residents explain the need for preliminary boiling by the fact that this will additionally clean the mushrooms from environmental pollution.

Be that as it may, you need to rely both on theoretical data about the group affiliation of mushrooms, and on local conditions and traditions. It is good if this knowledge is passed on from generation to generation. In such families, “mushroom” troubles almost never happen.

Fried mushrooms with pre-boiling

Since many housewives still boil all mushrooms without exception before frying, we will pay special attention to this method. Let's look at the process step by step.

  • Step 1 - cleaning

Mushrooms brought from the forest should be soaked in cold water for 1.5-2 hours. salt water, then rinse and clean.

Advice: The stems of boletuses and honey mushrooms turn out to be harsh when fried, so it is better to cut them off and let them dry - in winter, in a ground state, they are perfect for cooking mushroom sauces and soups.

  • Step 2 - first boiling

Pour mushrooms cold water, bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for 15 minutes, removing the foam that formed during boiling. After 15 minutes, drain the mushrooms in a colander and rinse with water.

Advice: when you cook porcini mushrooms, you can add them to the water Not a large number of citric acid(about 3 grams per 1 liter of water) so that they do not darken.

  • Step 3 - second boiling

Refill mushrooms clean water, bring to a boil and simmer again over low heat for 10-15 minutes. After cooking, drain the water and rinse the mushrooms again.

  • Step 4 - frying mushrooms

When the water drains from the mushrooms after washing, they need to be cut into pieces of the intended size, then put in a dry frying pan (without adding oil!) and kept over low heat, stirring until the liquid evaporates. Then it’s time to add vegetable oil, animal fat or butter (preferably ghee). Fry the mushrooms in oil for 25-30 minutes, remembering to stir. A few minutes before the end of frying, add salt to taste.

  • Step 5 - placing fried mushrooms in jars

Transfer the mushrooms directly from the frying pan into dry, hot, sterilized jars. In each of them there should be 1-1.5 cm above the mushrooms for oil (fat). It is best to pour in the oil in which the mushrooms were fried, but if this oil is not enough, you need to add new oil to the pan, heat it and add it to the jars while boiling.

Advice: if you prefer animal fat for preparations, its layer on top of the jar will need to be salted directly while it is hot.

  • Step 6 - sterilization

Roll up the filled jars and sterilize them (completely recessed into salt water) 60 minutes. Then turn over onto the lids, wrap thoroughly and leave to cool for 2 days.

Advice: If the mushrooms are stored in the refrigerator, they do not need to be sterilized and stored under nylon covers.

Fried mushrooms without boiling

Experienced mushroom pickers, knowing well the properties of the mushrooms that “caught” in their baskets, believe that boiling definitely edible mushrooms - porcini, chanterelles, champignons, moss mushrooms or boletus - only spoils their taste, and immediately “throws them into the frying pan.”

Let us now look at this, in essence, rather short-term procurement process.

  • Mushrooms brought from the forest clean, Rinse and place in a colander to drain
  • Slice all mushrooms sliced
  • Pour vegetable oil (or a mixture of fats) into a deep frying pan, heat well and place the mushrooms in the hot oil. With the lid closed fry them on low heat about an hour, keeping an eye on it and stirring. During this time they will be extinguished in own juice. Then you need to remove the lid and keep the frying pan on the fire until all mushroom juice will not evaporate and the oil will not become transparent.
  • Mushrooms straight from the pan post in dry hot banks, leaving 10-12 mm on top for oil. Top up with boiling oil from the frying pan.
  • Then, if it is expected store the preparations in the refrigerator, cover with plastic or nylon thermal lids, leave until cool and place in the refrigerator. If no space in the refrigerator, sterilize the jars in salt water for 1 hour, roll up with metal lids, turn over, wrap well and keep under a blanket for 2 days.

    Delicious recipes

    Of course, who can resist sitting down to the table right away, and, without waiting for winter or a holiday, they will happily “crush” some of the fried mushrooms with fresh herbs and aromatic black bread!

Fried chanterelles

  • Fresh chanterelles - 1 kg
  • Bay leaf - 3-4 pcs.
  • Salt - to taste

Chanterelles Rinse And slice, if so intended. For frying, you can use either vegetable or butter or lard, or a mixture of fats - as you like. Over low heat fry chanterelles 40 minutes, covered.

Remove the lid, salt the mushrooms, add Bay leaf(for taste, you can add onion, black pepper or cloves) and fry over low heat until the juice has completely evaporated and the chanterelles have acquired a beautiful golden color. Transfer them into prepared heated jars and add oil from the frying pan to the top (so, so that the layer of oil above the mushrooms is 1-1.5 cm).

Sterilize in salt water for 35-50 minutes, roll up, turn over onto lids and wrap well until cool. After two days, transfer the jars to a cool, dark place.

Bulgarian fried mushrooms

  • Mushrooms - 1 kg
  • Vegetable oil - 0.5-0.8 cups
  • Table vinegar 9% - 3-4 tbsp. spoons
  • Salt - to taste

This is how definitely edible mushrooms are prepared. All of them need to be cleaned, washed thoroughly, chopped and quickly fried in oil over medium-high heat (do not simmer with a lid!).

Transfer the mushrooms into dry, heated jars, adding slices of peeled garlic and finely chopped herbs.

Add salt and vinegar to the oil remaining after frying and bring to a boil. Pour this oil over the mushrooms so that the layer above the mushrooms is at least 3 cm. Sterilize in salt water for 45-50 minutes. These mushrooms are stored in the refrigerator.

Storing fried mushrooms

Fried mushrooms are stored in refrigerators, basements or cellars. Under plastic lids they remain suitable for 4-6 months, and rolled up with metal lids they can be stored longer.

Since when long-term storage mushrooms under the lids there may be a risk of infection with botulism, it is vital to take all measures that will exclude such a possibility.

Fried mushrooms can also be stored in freezer. To do this, fried cooled mushrooms are packed in plastic containers or in plastic bags, squeeze out excess air from the bags and place them in the freezer.

When frozen, such mushrooms will be stored longer, and there will be no risk of contracting botulism.

  • When frying mushrooms for the winter, there should be enough fat in the pan for the mushrooms to float in it.
  • Regardless of what mushrooms are fried, they need to be salted at the very end of cooking.
  • If the mushrooms were in water - boiled, soaked or simply washed - they must be dried before frying. You can use napkins, cloth or paper towels for this.
  • If you have collected a lot of mushrooms of several types, it is better to sort them by variety and fry each type separately. This way the taste will be more specific and the appearance will be more attractive.
  • It is better to clean the oil beans before washing, while the cap is dry and not slippery.
  • Mushrooms drenched in melted butter may begin to taste bitter over time, but this does not happen with lard.
  • You can use a slow cooker to fry mushrooms.

Fried mushrooms are a real delicacy, which, without exaggeration, is loved in every Russian family. Therefore, we hope that our tips will help you diversify even more winter table through such mushroom preparations, like mushrooms preserved in oil and fat. We will be very glad if you share your recipes and successful “mushroom” finds.

And also - there is a good one folk sign: There are no more mushrooms if the anthill is already closed for the winter. But the ants are still “working”, so we still have time to winter preparations!

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You can prepare a wide variety of mushrooms for the winter, the main thing is that they are edible. Of course, they all differ in taste and aroma, so marinating and salting most often takes place using a special technology. There are also universal methods, how to prepare mushrooms for the winter, which are suitable for all their varieties at once. However, before pickling certain mushrooms, it is better to understand their characteristics, initial preparation, cooking time, frying, salting, etc.

Mushrooms for the winter can be pickled or pickled raw, pre-boiled or fried. For boiled and fresh mushrooms They use special brines, but simply add vegetable or butter to fried ones. Along with the mushrooms, the jars also contain aromatic leaves, herbs, roots, garlic, etc. For the brine, the most plain water and add salt to it. If we are talking about a marinade, then sugar and vinegar are also added to these ingredients. Sometimes they put black and allspice peas

Mushrooms for the winter modern housewives Most often they are placed in ordinary glass jars, where they are stored until required. This simple method of preservation allows you to easily keep food fresh and tasty, regardless of how you prepare it. At the same time, they will feel great in any cool place (balcony, cellar, pantry), without taking up space in the refrigerator.

From prepared mushrooms in winter it turns out delicious solyanka and other first courses, salads, meat, fish, etc. They are also put in pies and pies, added to porridges and sauces. At the same time, pickled or salted mushrooms themselves are great snack for any meal.

This recipe came to Russian cuisine from Siberia and quickly fell in love with all housewives without exception. Find necessary ingredients It is possible not only in northern latitudes, so preparing food will not be difficult. This cooking method is suitable for any edible mushrooms. During the pickling process, the mushrooms will release juice, which will rise above the lid - it should be removed.


  • 5 kg of mushrooms;
  • 1 kg salt;
  • 7 sprigs of juniper;
  • 3 oak leaves;
  • 3 leaves of horseradish;
  • 15 cherry leaves;
  • 15 currant leaves.

Cooking method:

  1. Place juniper leaves in a wooden bowl and pour boiling water over them.
  2. Cover the tub with a towel and leave for 30 minutes.
  3. Take the juniper out of the tub, drain the water, and in its place put some cherry, currant and horseradish leaves.
  4. Clean the mushrooms with a brush and place them in a tub in layers, alternating with leaves.
  5. Add a little salt to each layer.
  6. Fold the gauze into three layers and cover the dish with mushrooms. Pour all the remaining salt onto the cheesecloth.
  7. Place another similar piece of gauze on top of the salt, then cover everything with a lid and place a weight on top.
  8. Store the tub of mushrooms in a cool place for 2 months, then you can put the mushrooms in jars for longer storage.

Interesting from the network

Many housewives prefer to preserve mushrooms immediately raw, but it’s better to find a couple of minutes and boil them main ingredient dishes. Firstly, this will make the mushrooms stronger, and secondly, it will definitely eliminate the possibility of poisoning. The recipe is suitable for any mushrooms. If you have mushrooms that contain bitterness, increase the cooking time to 30 minutes. We are talking about chanterelles, honey mushrooms, rubellas, etc.


  • 1 kg of mushrooms;
  • 60 g salt;
  • 2 stalks of dill;
  • 2 horseradish leaves;
  • 1 onion;
  • 3 cloves of garlic.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the mushrooms, dry and place in an enamel saucepan.
  2. Pour salted water over the mushrooms and cook until tender (depending on the variety - from 5 to 30 minutes).
  3. Remove the mushrooms from the pan and place in a colander, rinse with water and let it drain.
  4. Grind the onion, garlic, dill and horseradish leaves.
  5. Place the mushrooms in jars, add salt, herbs, onions and garlic.
  6. Place under pressure for 6-8 days, then close the jars with lids and store in a cool place.

This recipe is relatively simple and ideal for marinating chanterelles. These mushrooms are quite unpretentious, so the process does not take much time. By the way, chanterelles are best eaten in pickled form - other methods of preparing them are significantly inferior to such a tasty winter dish.


  • 3.5 kg chanterelles;
  • 3 tbsp. l. salt;
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • ¾ cup vegetable oil;
  • 2 bay leaves;
  • 5 black peppercorns;
  • 5 peas of allspice;
  • 1 glass of vinegar.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash and chop mushrooms large pieces and boil for 20 minutes.
  2. Place the chanterelles in a colander and let the water drain.
  3. Boil water in a separate saucepan, add salt, sugar and bay leaves.
  4. Add both types of pepper, vegetable oil and vinegar.
  5. Boil the marinade a little, then put the chanterelles in it and cook for another 7 minutes.
  6. Place the mushrooms in clean jars, pour in the marinade and sterilize for 10 minutes.
  7. Roll up the jars with lids, turn them upside down and wait until they cool completely.

This method of pickling is suitable for almost any mushroom, but it is the white ones that turn out to be the most delicious and aromatic. In addition, these mushrooms are rightfully considered one of the most beloved and popular. Novice cooks will be pleased with the speed of preparation of this dish. Unlike many pickling options, this one does not require long preparation and sterilization.


  • 2 kg of porcini mushrooms;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 3 ½ glasses of water;
  • 3 sprigs of dill;
  • 3 tbsp. l. salt;
  • 3 tbsp. l. vinegar.

Cooking method:

  1. Sort the mushrooms, rinse under cold water and cut them into large pieces.
  2. Place the mushrooms in a saucepan with water and cook after boiling for 30 minutes.
  3. Add salt and vinegar, stir and boil a little more.
  4. Place peeled garlic cloves and dill into jars.
  5. Place mushrooms in jars, pour marinade over them, and roll up the lids.

Fried mushrooms for the winter will require quite a lot of time for preparation, but in the end it will turn out very delicious snack, which will definitely come in handy during the cold season. Be sure to change the water for mushrooms during cooking so that all unwanted elements and mucus are removed from them. To get more delicate taste dishes, replace vegetable oil with butter. Fry small mushrooms whole, and cut large ones into several pieces.


  • 2 kg of mushrooms;
  • 500 ml vegetable oil;
  • 3 tsp. salt.

Cooking method:

  1. Place the mushrooms in a large saucepan, add salted water and leave for 3 hours.
  2. Change the water, cook the mushrooms for 15 minutes, then rinse.
  3. Change the water again and cook the mushrooms for another 10 minutes.
  4. Rinse the mushrooms and place them in a colander to drain.
  5. Heat a frying pan and place mushrooms on it, fry until the liquid has completely evaporated.
  6. Add oil and continue cooking for 30 minutes, constantly stirring the contents of the pan.
  7. Salt the mushrooms, fry a little more and place in sterilized jars.
  8. Pour the remaining oil in the pan into the jars.
  9. Sterilize jars of mushrooms in boiling water for 2 hours, then roll up the lids.

Now you know how to cook mushrooms for the winter in jars according to a recipe with a photo. Bon appetit!

Mushrooms in jars are stored for several years, delighting all guests and household members with their spicy taste And forest aroma. With them, any dish becomes more interesting and rich, and festive table complemented by another amazing appetizer. Every caring housewife should know how to pickle mushrooms for the winter, so it’s time to listen to the advice of professionals and start preserving:
  • Before cooking mushrooms, leave them in salted water for a couple of hours to remove all the mucus;
  • To pickle mushrooms, it is best to use wooden dishes;
  • When cooking mushrooms, do not forget to remove the foam;
  • To fry mushrooms, use butter or ghee - this will make the dish more tender and flavorful. However, the mushrooms are drenched vegetable oil, will also be quite tasty;
  • Mushrooms should be boiled before salting so that they do not lose their shape during storage.

Recipe for fried mushrooms for the winter It’s incredibly simple, so any housewife can prepare it. Take note of these cooking variations:

Recipe for fried mushrooms for the winter

For cooking, you can take any mushrooms: boletus, chanterelles, russula, boletus, champignons, etc. You will also need butter, vegetable oil, and salt. Wash the mushrooms, peel them, chop them into large slices. Boil twice for 15 minutes. After each boiling, change the water and rinse the fungi. Drain off the last of the water. Melt the butter in a frying pan, add the prepared products, and simmer for half an hour under the lid. Open the lid and simmer for another quarter of an hour.

At the very end, add salt and taste. While the food is roasting, prepare your canning jars. Pour boiling water over them or keep them in boiling water for 15 minutes. Wash and boil the tin lids. Distribute the workpiece into jars, fill with the oil that remains after frying, and roll up. Store the seams in the basement.

Consider the option of the workpiece described.

Quick fried mushroom recipe for the winter

Place the prepared mushrooms in a hot frying pan and fry over intense heat. Cool and transfer to prepared containers. Between mushroom layers add chopped herbs and garlic. Mix the remaining oil with a tablespoon of vinegar, add salt, bring to a boil, and let cool. Pour into jars with mushroom mixture and roll up.

Find out everything about.

Quick recipe for fried mushrooms for the winter

Wash and peel the champignons, chop them into large pieces, and boil them twice for 15 minutes. After each boiling, be sure to wash them and change the water. Fry the mushrooms in a frying pan with hot oil and simmer under the lid closed. Remove the lid and continue simmering for another half hour. Salt and season with pepper to taste. Distribute the mushroom mixture into sterilized jars, leave a little free space to fill the contents with oil, and screw on the lids.

Recipe for fried mushrooms for the winter in jars

Prepare the boletuses: wash them, clean them with a brush if necessary, cut out damaged areas, chop them into large slices. Boil twice for 15 minutes in water with added salt. Place the finished mushrooms in a frying pan, add chopped onion, and fry for about an hour. Distribute the boletus and onions into jars, screw them on and store them in a dark place.

Recipe with lard

Chop the butter into slices, immerse in salted water and boil twice. Drain off the first water and wash thoroughly. Repeat the procedure. Melt lard in a frying pan, add chopped butter, cover with a lid and fry for half an hour. Remove the lid and simmer for another quarter of an hour, add salt. Sterilize the lids of the jars. Place the butter in jars, fill with fat - it should cover the contents by about 1.5 cm.

Spicy preparation

You will need:

- garlic
- boletus
- acetic acid – 2 tbsp. spoons
- kitchen salt - to taste

Prepare the aspen mushrooms in the same way as in the previous cooking options. Fry them in oil. Please note that the fire should be as strong as possible. Distribute the mushrooms among the jars. Layer with herbs and garlic. Mix the remaining oil with kitchen salt and acetic acid, bring to a boil. Distribute the cooled liquid into jars.

Prepare and.

Winter salad “Miracle”

Tomatoes – 1 kg
- fresh mushrooms- 1 kg
- zucchini – 3 kg
- 45 g butter
- parsley with dill - a bunch each
- vegetable oil – 0.2 l
- black pepper - ? tsp
- table salt – 2 large spoons

Subtleties of preparation:

Wash the young zucchini, peel them, and chop them into slices. Place the slices in a bowl, add salt and stir. Roll each circle in flour. Heat a frying pan, pour 4 tbsp onto the surface. spoons of vegetable oil, fry the zucchini slices on both sides. Place a serving of vegetables in an enamel bowl, add oil as needed.

Wash the mushrooms, put them in a saucepan, pour water on top, and boil in salted boiling water. Transfer the mushrooms to a colander and finely chop. Place the mushrooms in a clean, dry frying pan and simmer for a couple of minutes until the liquid evaporates. Pour in a little butter, fry for a couple of minutes, sprinkle with pepper, stir. Place the mushroom mixture along with the zucchini in a cauldron, stir and simmer over the fire for literally 5 minutes.

Chop the tomatoes into slices, salt and season with pepper. Add 2 tablespoons of oil to the pan. Fry the tomatoes in a frying pan on each side. Place tomatoes in a common bowl with vegetables. Wash the greens and chop finely. Add chopped herbs and simmer for 3 minutes over very low heat.

Wash jars with added baking soda, rinse thoroughly, distribute the hot salad, cover with tin lids. Dial cold water into a large container. Place the jars here. The water should be 2 cm below the neck. Place the container on the fire, bring to a boil over medium heat, and sterilize for 35 minutes.

In the most mushroom season, when only the lazy do not go on a “quiet hunt,” I would like to offer a simple and tasty recipe for preparing mushrooms for future use. If you have collected a large number of mushrooms, in particular champignons, be sure to make several jars delicious preserves. In this form, fried champignon mushrooms are perfectly stored in jars for the winter, and with them you can prepare any dish: first course, second course, salad, baked goods, etc. Fried champignons They turn out very tasty and aromatic, the main thing is to fry them exclusively in butter. If you are going to eat mushrooms during fasting days, then of course it is best to fry them in vegetable oil; this will not keep them worse, but will also turn out to be very healthy and tempting. I think that mushroom lovers know that this “forest dweller” can replace eating meat for the body. That is why vegetarians and people who observe them love them so much. fast days and, of course, losing weight.


How to prepare champignons for future use

Champignon mushrooms collected in a forest or clearing should be carefully examined so that there is no damage on the cuts (for example, holes from worms). Otherwise, it is better to discard the affected mushrooms and not use them for harvesting. Also, you should not use overgrown mushrooms, since they have absorbed all the bad things and eating such mushrooms can cause poisoning. It is best to use medium-sized champignons that have not opened at all. Wash each mushroom thoroughly under running water. Some people remove the top part (layer) from the mushroom cap, but this is not necessary. Just rinse it well.

Place butter (or ghee) in a frying pan and heat it well.

Add chopped champignons.

It is better not to cover the mushrooms with a lid, as they will release even more water.

Fry the champignons, stirring from time to time so that they do not burn. Frying time can take from 15 to 40 minutes, depending on the size of the pieces.

When the mushrooms are ready, you can add a little extra butter so that when adding them they are completely covered in oil.

While the mushrooms are frying, sterilize the jars.

Ready fried mushrooms place in jars, compacting with big spoon or a culinary spatula.

It’s very nice in winter to open a jar of prepared fried mushrooms and then cook delicious dinner for your family. The indescribable mushroom aroma, which was preserved in jars along with fried mushrooms, spreads throughout the house. During the mushroom season, many housewives massively stock up on fried mushrooms for the winter. We will discuss below how to preserve such preparations and the shelf life in refrigerators and freezers.

How to properly fry mushrooms before storing them for future use.

  • Before heat treatment, they need to be sorted, cleaned of dirt and soaked in salt water.
  • Afterwards, be sure to dry it so that there is no water on the mushrooms before frying. To do this, use a cotton kitchen towel and disposable paper towels.
  • Fry the mushrooms in a well-heated frying pan in oil or fat.
  • It is better to add salt at the very end, when they are almost fried. This is what most housewives advise doing.

Part of the stem of sponge mushrooms (boletus and boletus) needs to be cut off, because they become tough when cooked. They can be dried using a dryer and ground to a powder. Use as an additive to sauce.

Boil or No?

Young inexperienced housewives They usually play it safe, so they boil all the mushrooms before frying and storing them.

  1. Edible mushrooms do not require preliminary boiling: they can be immediately thrown into a frying pan with oil and fried until tender. These include the well-known boletus, boletus, porcini mushrooms, champignons, oyster mushrooms, chanterelles, honey mushrooms, russula, and boletus. Pre-heat treatment is not prohibited, but experienced mushroom pickers and housewives say that cooking will only spoil taste qualities. It will be useful for a housewife who previously constantly boiled and then fried to know about this
  2. Conventionally edible mushrooms must first be boiled. These include volushki, some types of pork and russula, milk mushrooms, etc. All the bitter, poisonous juice will go into the water during cooking, and the product will become safe for consumption. You need to add salt to the water. You can change the water several times during cooking for your peace of mind.

How to store fried mushrooms in the refrigerator

Fried mushrooms can be stored in the cellar, cool pantry, refrigerator and freezer.

How long can you store fried mushrooms in the refrigerator? In the refrigerator in fried They retain their qualities for up to 3 days, but it is advisable to eat them within the first 24 hours in order to definitely avoid digestive problems and not get poisoned.

  1. To do this, use a glass container with a hermetically sealed lid and place it in the coldest place on the shelves.
  2. Sponge mushrooms (porcini, boletus, late butterfly, moss mushroom, boletus) are stored better than others.
  3. After they have been pre-cooked, they need to be placed in jars in such quantities that there are no voids left.
  4. Pour butter, melted butter, any vegetable oil or animal fat (lard - melted) on top interior lard) so that the product is approximately 1 cm covered.
  5. Sterilize in a saucepan with hot water about an hour and close the lid.
  6. So store the mushrooms in the refrigerator or other cool place. They can retain their properties and not deteriorate for at least six months.

For long-term preservation of the product, all jars and lids must be sterilized before use in any way convenient for you: pour over boiling water, use water bath or oven. Lids can be made of plastic or metal to extend shelf life.

Is it possible to simply store fried mushrooms for the winter in an apartment, for example, on a kitchen shelf?

  • Some housewives do this. This is acceptable, but then such a product must be eaten first, because it will not be possible to establish an exact expiration date. But it is definitely less than the standard 6 months.
  • It is better to carry out measures (sterilization, metal lids), to avoid unpleasant consequences, i.e. reduce the risk of contracting botulism.

If you use interior fat instead of butter or ghee, then fried mushroom preparations retain their taste longer and their shelf life is extended.

Storage in the freezer.

Another storage option, which is more convenient, simpler and, according to many, eliminates botulism, is storing fried mushrooms in the freezer.

Here they do not need to be filled with fat or oil. Need for use excess fat, oil disappears. In addition, using the freezer as another way to store mushrooms extends the storage time to up to a year (temperature minus 18℃). Freezer with blast freezing and temperatures below minus 20℃ can preserve the product for almost 2 years.

How to store fried mushrooms in the freezer? It's actually easiest to use the freezer for this.

  1. After the cooking and frying stage, they need to be cooled to room temperature.
  2. For freezing you need to take special plastic bags or containers. Place the workpiece in them, close the lid well (tie the bag tightly, to be safe, use another one).
  3. Before storing, it is advisable to divide the product into portions so that you can immediately take required quantity, because re-defrost, do not freeze.
  4. We label each package or container in order to strictly adhere to the shelf life, and store it for about a year, until the next forest harvest.

If you have a large freezer, you can prepare a lot of product, and then delight yourself and your loved ones all winter with delicious mushroom pizza, julienne and others. culinary masterpieces. I often fry pies with mushrooms.

Regardless of which method you choose to preserve a rich harvest (cellar, basement, Kitchen Cabinet, refrigerator or freezer), it is important to choose the right preparation method. Quality product, correct Preliminary processing will make you rejoice delicious dishes all year until next season.
