How to cook yogurt in a slow cooker. Is it possible to make yogurt in a slow cooker? Step-by-step recipes on how to easily prepare yogurt in a slow cooker without jars

Everyone knows about the benefits of such a fermented milk product as yogurt, because store-bought products are increasingly causing concern, and nutritionists and pediatricians do not recommend consuming them for pregnant women and children. Not wanting to give up such a healthy product, women are looking for ways to make yogurt in a slow cooker. There are a lot of recipes that are easy to follow fermented milk product using dry or natural sourdough and adding fillers such as berries, fruits, nuts, muesli. Let's look at the simplest ones that guarantee you will get a store-bought equivalent.

Features of making yogurt at home

To get a real thick fermented milk dessert with natural creamy taste, you'll have to try. In this case, the role of assistant is played by kitchen appliances: the technology for preparing yogurt in a multicooker has a number of features, including the choice of milk and fermenting product. For preparation, it is recommended to use pasteurized milk, but if this is not available, then it is first boiled and then quickly cooled to a temperature of no more than 40 degrees. In addition, there are a number of other features, knowledge of which will help in preparing yoghurts:

  • To obtain thick product, it is necessary to take small containers, perfect option- cups from baby food.
  • To prepare this fermented milk delicacy, it is allowed to use multicookers of any brands, including Scarlett, Orion, Panasonic, Redmond, Bork, equipped with the “Yoghurt”, “Heating” or “Multicook” functions. Such models can not only cook soups and jams, make baked goods (muffins, manna cakes, pies), but also prepare fermented milk products.
  • Before using containers for formula milk, they should be sterilized.
  • During production fermented milk yogurt with fillers, additional ingredients added when the product is already ready. If fruits or berries are added during fermentation, a special microflora may develop in the milk, which can cause poisoning if consumed.
  • For natural sourdough, it is recommended to use a previously prepared fermented milk product, which is recommended to be stored for no more than three days at a temperature of 5 degrees.
  • To obtain thick yogurt you should take full fat milk with the addition of cream up to 40% of the total volume.
  • When choosing store-bought milk for making yogurt in a slow cooker, opt for a product with a short shelf life. “Long-playing” versions lack live bacteria, so it will be difficult to ferment.

How to choose a starter

Those who are interested in how to make homemade yogurt need to choose a suitable starter, because without this ingredient, a fermented milk product will not work. For fermentation, a store-bought equivalent or special bacteria are used to ferment the milk. When choosing the first option, it is recommended to use Activia without additional additives.

To ferment one liter of milk, take one tablespoon of store-bought yogurt or sour cream: like ready-made starter (dry), this method guarantees a high-quality fermented milk product that is healthy. A number of websites offer to purchase starter cultures:,, others. Regular pharmacies also sell starter cultures. Let's look at what types of dry or liquid mixtures will help prepare this fermented milk dessert:

  • Narine. The product neutralizes the aggressive effects of drugs, stimulates the production of interferon, and activates the cleansing processes of the intestines and the body as a whole. The presence of minerals and vitamins in sourdough helps normalize the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. Yogurt prepared using Narine is recommended for pregnant women.
  • Evitalia, containing more than 4 billion bacteria and vitamins (A, C, E, group B), minerals (magnesium, calcium, iron), is used in the recovery process after operations and injuries. Healthy sourdough It contains natural antioxidants that prevent aging of the body and has an antiviral effect.
  • Bifidumbacterin, which is a source of beneficial bacteria, is excellent for introducing complementary foods to babies. Products obtained with its help can be used as food for children after three months.
  • Lactobacterin contains organisms that cleanse the intestines and restore its microflora; this is its main difference. Used to prepare fermented milk products for children, adolescents, and pregnant women.
  • VIVO helps you prepare your favorite yogurt with any additives. Contains 900 times more live bacteria compared to the store-bought equivalent. Helps strengthen the immune system, cleanse the intestines and normalize microflora.

Each of the listed starters contains a large number of bacteria that promote milk fermentation and provide positive influence on human health. To choose the type of sourdough, you must either read reviews or try it yourself. The version of the resulting yogurt you like can be used as a starter.

How to make homemade yogurt - recipes for a slow cooker

To make yogurt at home, you will need good fresh fat milk, cream, starter culture, and having a multicooker or yogurt maker will make the process easier. However, the devices do not guarantee that the product will obtain the desired taste and consistency: in order to make thick, creamy yogurt, you need to know the specifics of its preparation. Let's look at the most successful recipes yogurt in a slow cooker.

Basic recipe

This option can become the basis for any product variant. Based on it, subject to the addition of additional components, it turns out fruity, vanilla or chocolate yogurt. Let's take for it:

  • one liter of ready-made pasteurized milk with a fat content of at least 3.3%,
  • 1 jar of yogurt without filler.

How to make yogurt:

  1. Pour the milk into a saucepan and heat it up a little (up to 40 degrees).
  2. Add the starter to the milk and mix thoroughly.
  3. We take small sterilized glass jars and pour milk, leaving about 5 mm at the top. Cover the jars with foil.
  4. We take a Bork multicooker (another one will work too). Cover the bottom of the bowl with a towel, place the jars and pour warm water up to about the shoulders.
  5. Close the lid of the device and set the heating mode for 20 minutes.
  6. Turn off the device and leave the jars inside for one hour. We do not lift the lid.
  7. After an hour, the multicooker needs to be turned on for heating again for 20 minutes.
  8. Then let the yogurt simmer for another hour.
  9. After this (depending on personal preferences), the jars are either put in the refrigerator or left for 8 hours inside the turned off multicooker.

Fruit yogurt recipe

Fans of fruity fermented milk delicacies are interested in milk-based yoghurts with berries, pieces of apples, and pears. This way you can achieve a balance of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. For yogurt with fruit you will need:

  • 1 liter of pasteurized milk 3.2% fat.
  • 1 jar of Activia without fillers.
  • 500 g of any fruit or berries.
  • 10 g powdered sugar.

How to cook:

  1. Take a jar of yogurt and place the contents in a deep bowl.
  2. Put it in Activia powdered sugar, stir with a whisk.
  3. Warm the milk slightly.
  4. Pour small portions into a bowl of yogurt, stirring the mixture until smooth.
  5. Take glasses and pour the mixture.
  6. We place the containers on the bottom of the bowl of a Cuckoo or other multicooker, first line the bottom with a cotton napkin, cover everything cling film.
  7. Close the lid of the device, set the temperature to 40 degrees and the timer to 10 hours.
  8. We take the berries, wash them and dry them.
  9. Ready dessert take it out of the multicooker, mix it, add the berries. Mix again, cover with lids and put in the refrigerator for another 10 hours.
  10. It is recommended to store this product for no more than three days.

How to make vanilla yogurt

A favorite treat for children and adults is vanilla yogurt made from fresh homemade milk. Cream allows you to obtain a thick product with a pronounced creamy taste. For it you will need:

  • Multicooker Dex.
  • Milk – 1 l.
  • Dry starter – 1 packet.
  • Vanilla sugar – 1 tbsp. l.
  • Cream 20% fat – 0.5 l.


  1. Boil the milk.
  2. Let cool to 40 degrees (quickly, using a basin with cold water and ice).
  3. Pour one glass into a bowl and add the starter. Stir the mixture without leaving any lumps.
  4. Pour cream into the remaining milk, add vanilla sugar, bring to a boil again. Cool until the mixture is warm.
  5. Pour the starter into the milk-cream mixture.
  6. Take small jars and pour milk.
  7. Then we place the jars on the bottom of the Dex multicooker bowl. Pour two glasses of water.
  8. Close the lid of the device. Set the “Yogurt” mode.
  9. At the end of the program, leave the yogurt inside for another 4 hours. Do not open the lid.
  10. Place the thickened dessert in the refrigerator. Serve chilled.

Low-fat drinking yogurt in a pressure cooker

Using low-fat milk They prepare drinking yoghurt, reminiscent of the popular Actimel. Dietary product It can be prepared both using a yogurt maker and a multicooker-pressure cooker. For this recipe we will take:

  • Skimmed milk– 1 l.
  • Activia yogurt without fillers – 1 jar.

Cooking process:

  1. Boil the milk. Cool until the liquid is warm.
  2. Pour a glass of milk into deep container, add sourdough. Stir until smooth.
  3. Pour this mixture into milk and stir again.
  4. Cover the bottom of the pressure cooker with a towel.
  5. Pour the milk mixture into small containers and place them in the bowl of the device.
  6. Pour warm water up to the middle of the jars with the mixture.
  7. Cover containers with milk with lids or foil.
  8. Set the “Yoghurt” mode.
  9. After 10 hours, take out the jars and put them in the refrigerator for 4 hours. The finished product should turn out liquid, and if whey appears on its surface, stir it.

Video recipes for delicious homemade yogurt prepared in a slow cooker

There are a large number of multicookers with which it is possible to obtain a tasty, healthy fermented milk product for adults and children without preservatives and other harmful components. Among them are household kitchen appliances - Polaris, Panasonic, Philips, Redmond, Mulinex. Each of them has its own characteristics and recipes for preparing yoghurts with various fillings. You can get acquainted with the capabilities of each of the listed multicookers for preparing fermented milk products using our video selection:

Thick yogurt with dry sourdough in a Redmond multicooker (Redmond)

Recipe for multicooker POLARIS (Polaris) with yogurt function

How to make yogurt in a Panasonic multicooker (Panasonic)

Yogurt with strawberries in a Philips multicooker (Philips)

Natural yogurt Narine in a multicooker MOULINEX (Mulineks)

Preparing dessert with fresh fruits in a slow cooker

Yogurt - unique product. It is a source of protein and calcium, tidies up the intestinal microflora, and promotes better absorption of vitamins. However maximum benefit brings only natural product without preservatives and flavors. It’s not easy to find one in stores - it spoils too quickly, which means it’s not profitable. Therefore, homemade yogurt is beyond competition!

To make yogurt, you only need milk and starter culture. This product is obtained as a result of milk fermentation, which occurs best at a temperature of about 40 °C. The yogurt maker maintains the necessary heat. But in its absence, a multicooker copes with this function perfectly. Models with a “yogurt” mode are best suited for this purpose. However, it is quite possible to do without it.

Milk for yogurt.
You can use almost any kind of milk. One has only to take into account that high-fat milk will produce a thicker and fattier product. For light yogurt It is better to choose low-fat milk.
Pasteurized milk with a long shelf life ferments just as well as whole milk. However, yogurt obtained from “live” raw materials differs more soft consistency and natural aroma. Unpasteurized milk Before use, bring to a boil, cool and strain to remove foam.

Sourdough selection.
As a starter you can use:

  • Natural yogurt without additives, which you can buy in the store. It is worth paying attention to expiration dates. How fresh product, all the better.
  • Previously prepared homemade yogurt. You should not store it for more than a week. You can only use your yogurt as a starter a few times. Over time, its benefits decrease and it becomes more sour.
  • Dry enzymes sold in pharmacies. Their selection is quite large. It is not difficult to ferment milk with them, and their cost is fully justified by the savings on the purchase of ready-made yoghurts.

Features of preparing yogurt in a slow cooker.

  1. All utensils used in the production of yogurt must be clean and the yogurt jars must be sterile.
  2. To avoid damaging the multicooker bowl with jars, it is better to place a small towel or silicone mat on its bottom.
  3. If desired, you can ferment the yogurt directly in the bowl, without using jars.
  4. If there is no “yogurt” mode, you can set the required temperature using the “multi-cook” function or using the heating mode.
  5. Cooking yogurt in a slow cooker can take 6 to 12 hours. It’s good to ferment it overnight so that you have a ready-made delicacy by the morning.
  6. After preparing the yogurt, it should be placed in the refrigerator for at least an hour.
General cooking principle.
The milk is heated to a temperature of 40 °C. A small part of it is mixed with ready-made yogurt or dry sourdough. The mixture is then combined with the remaining milk. It is mixed and poured into jars that are placed in the multicooker bowl. There is no need to screw the jars; you can cover them with cling film. Pour warm water into the bowl to approximately the middle of the containers with the workpiece. Close the lid and turn on the “multi-cook” or “yogurt” mode for 6-8 hours. If you do not have such programs, then you can set the “warm” program for 20 minutes, then wait another 6 hours until ready, without opening the lid. Or, after pouring warm milk and warm water, simply close the lid and use the multicooker as a thermos. In this case, you need to wait about 10 hours for the result. There are many options for preparing yogurt in a slow cooker.
And here are some of them in more detail:

Homemade yogurt with rose flavor from

2 liters of milk 3.5-4% with a shelf life of 5 days
200 ml plain yoghurt
3 tablespoons rose petal syrup or jam

Cooking method:
1. Boil the milk in a multicooker on the “multi-chef” mode for 25 minutes at 100 degrees, add syrup, strain to remove any foam. Wash the bowl and return the milk to it. Cool to 55 degrees and add yogurt, stir. Close the lid tightly and leave to ferment for at least 8 hours without turning on the “warm” function. In my multicooker model, the temperature is maintained for a very long time due to the sealed lid.
2. Place the finished yogurt in a linen bag or gauze folded in several layers and hang for several hours until it becomes completely thick. If it becomes very thick, you can dilute it back with the whey or yogurt you used to ferment it.
3. Transfer the yogurt from the bag to a bowl, puree with a blender until completely smooth and place in jars. Keep refrigerated.

Vanilla yogurt with apples and cinnamon from Orange_Dahlia

To prepare this yogurt, pour a liter of milk into a heavy bottom pan, cut two vanilla pods and put them in the milk. Bring to a boil, remove from heat and cool. Remove the resulting film and pods, add the starter to the milk, stir well and pour into jars. Place the jars in the multicooker for the yogurt program. At the end of the program, remove the jars and put them in the refrigerator.
Peel the apples, cut into cubes, place in a frying pan along with a tablespoon of poppy seeds, honey and cinnamon. Fill a small amount water and cook, stirring, until the apples are soft. Cool and spoon on top of the yogurt before serving.

Step-by-step recipes yogurt from TimeCook:

Many people regularly include fermented milk products such as yogurt in their diet. Little children especially love it, because it is not only healthy, but also tasty. Unfortunately, the products that fill store shelves are increasingly questionable due to the presence of various additional additives in their composition, and natural fermented milk products are quite expensive to purchase.

That is why many housewives began to try to do this on their own. light dessert Houses. Some time ago, this process took a lot of time. But now you can create a real one healthy yogurt in a slow cooker and be sure of its naturalness. This multifunctional miracle of technology will easily cope with the task, and you will be able to enjoy your favorite dairy masterpiece, made at home without any chemicals or third-party components.

Let's look step by step and with photos at how to prepare yogurt in a multicooker of various models, as well as using jars and without them.

  • All utensils must be sterilized to avoid the development of harmful microflora;
  • It's better to give preference store-bought milk(ideally super-pasteurized). It will no longer need to be boiled, unlike any other. Of course, fresh homemade milk will be healthier than store-bought milk, but you need to be sure that it is not diluted with anything. Also, a cow’s diet directly affects the taste and quality of the product. Therefore, it is better to choose a trusted seller;
  • Ready-made homemade yogurt in a slow cooker may have different consistency. It depends on the fat content of the base. For making low-fat yogurt, milk with a fat content of 0.5-2.5% is perfect. When cooking for children, you can use fattier milk - 2.5-3.2%;
  • When choosing a sourdough starter, carefully study its composition. The more bacteria it contains, the healthier the finished dish will be;
  • You can use the resulting homemade yogurt as a starter. But do not forget that it should be stored for no more than three days, even in the cold;
  • When cooking, you can also use the Multicook program.

Yogurt recipes in a slow cooker

Now let's move on to the cooking instructions. First, let's look at a recipe for yogurt in a slow cooker - regular and with cream. This scheme is suitable for all models.

Basic option

  1. In a saucepan, heat a liter of milk to 40 degrees, add the contents of one yogurt cup (preferably without additives), stir until smooth;
  2. Place the resulting mixture in jars covered with cling film on the bottom of the multi-device, covered with a cloth;
  3. Fill the cup warm water(about 40 degrees) up to the hangers of the jars, close the lid of the gadget and activate the “Heating” mode for 20 minutes, then turn off the device and leave the product for an hour without opening the lid;
  4. Repeat the same steps again.

With cream

  1. Combine half a liter of milk and 11% cream, add one package of yogurt and three large spoons of sugar, beat well;
  2. Fill the cup of the device with warm water to the bottom line;
  3. Distribute the mixture into cups and immerse them in the device, close the lid, activate “Warming” for 60 minutes;
  4. Turn off the gadget and leave it for another couple of hours without opening the lid;
  5. Place the resulting product in the cold.

Vanilla option

  1. Boil 600 ml of milk, add two large spoons of sugar and a bag of vanilla, stir thoroughly until the bulk ingredients are completely dissolved;
  2. Add three tablespoons of thin starter and mix again;
  3. Distribute the mixture into jars and place them in a bowl. We activate the “yogurt” program for 8 hours;
  4. The dessert must be cooled before serving. It can be decorated with nuts, coconut flakes, jam.

For the Polaris model

Polaris is one of the most common multi-devices. It’s very easy to prepare your favorite fermented milk dessert in it.

  1. Pour two liters of milk into a multi-bowl and boil it;
  2. Next, cool and combine with sourdough (one bag in dry form);
  3. Distribute the liquid among the cups, immerse them in the saucepan of the device, previously covered with a towel. Set the “yogurt” mode for 6 hours;
  4. Place the resulting product in the refrigerator.

Fruit recipe for the Redmond model

Redmond is another popular company that produces multicookers. Let's look at the cooking instructions homemade yogurt in this unit.

  1. Place 250 g of natural yogurt in a 2-liter bowl, add one small spoon of powdered sugar;
  2. Mix the mixture (do not beat) with a whisk, carefully adding milk;
  3. Washed and peeled fruits (200-300 grams) are slightly dried and cut into small squares;
  4. We put them in yogurt containers, fill them with the previously made mixture, stir a little;
  5. We cover the bottom of the multi-saucepan with a napkin, put out our jars covered with lids;
  6. We activate the “Multi-cook” program with a temperature of 40 degrees for 10 hours;
  7. Place the cups with the finished product in the refrigerator. You can also add fruit to the completely finished product.

Making yogurt in a slow cooker without cups

Many housewives do not have special yogurt containers. But it doesn't matter. Favorite treat You can prepare it without jars, right in the bowl of the unit. Let's look at a few instructions.

Recipe with Evitalia sourdough

  1. Boil, then cool to 40 degrees 2 liters of milk. The foam must be collected;
  2. Pour the cooled mixture into a multi-bowl. Pour a little liquid into the glass bottle with the starter and shake it a little, then add its contents to the container of the device;
  3. We start the “yogurt” mode for about 7 hours. After this, the dessert will be ready. Distribute it into sterile glass containers and store in the refrigerator.

Recipe with Activia

  1. Pour a liter of boiled, cooled milk into a multi-pan, add Activia (150 ml), mix everything thoroughly.
  2. We ferment the mixture at the desired mode for 6 hours, then keep it in the cold for a couple of hours before using it.

Option with sourdough starter “Prostokvashino”

  1. In a multi-cooker container, combine a liter of milk, 100 ml of Prostokvashinskaya starter culture (shake well) and 100 g of sugar.
  2. Mix all ingredients until sugar is completely dissolved.
  3. Turn on the “Yogurt” program for 6 hours for a liquid consistency, for a thicker consistency – for 8 hours.
  4. Cool the finished treat for 2-3 hours.

Now you know how to make yogurt in a slow cooker. This modern, functional device will help you save time, and as a result, you will be able to enjoy your favorite fermented milk miracle without chemicals.

Video: Recipe for homemade yogurt in a slow cooker

Making yogurt in a slow cooker is an incredibly simple process. If you try to do this at least once, you will see for yourself how easy and accessible everything is. And the taste of homemade yogurt from a slow cooker is not even worth comparing with store-bought counterparts. It will surprise you with its soft and delicate texture. In addition, the product turns out to be quite nutritious and satisfying - one glass of such yogurt can easily replace your usual portion of dinner, and the feeling of hunger after it will not bother you.

For some reason, many housewives believe that homemade “sour milk” can only be made in multicookers with a yogurt function, and are terribly upset because their own “miracle pans” do not have such a program. But there is absolutely no reason to be upset, believe me!

“The Fair Half” reveals to you a “terrible secret”: you can make yogurt in any slow cooker. The main thing is that it has a “Heating” function. And it is available in all models, without exception, since every multicooker, after finishing cooking, is simply obliged to keep the food warm until it is turned off from the network.

What products are needed to make yogurt in a slow cooker?

All you need is milk and starter. The latter can be purchased in supermarkets or pharmacies in your city. Sales of yogurt starters via the Internet in specialized online stores are also now actively developing. This starter is a dry powder in a package that just needs to be diluted with milk. You can also use ready-made yogurt purchased in a store as a starter. It is only important that it is a natural living product, and not “something” from the category of cheap surrogates.

Tips for choosing products:

  • Milk. It can be either pasteurized (from a package) or homemade. Yogurt made from high-fat milk has a denser texture and is more rich taste, but for diet menu doesn't fit. Before preparing homemade yogurt in a multicooker, it is recommended to boil fresh milk and cool until room temperature.
  • Leaven. Nowadays, in offers from manufacturers you can see the most popular sourdough starters. different types– for example, with lacto- and bifidobacteria or symbiotic. For yogurt that will be prepared in a slow cooker, any of them is suitable. Before use, be sure to read the instructions for the package - the proportions and sequence of actions are clearly described there.
  • Store-bought yogurt. The main condition: it should not contain any additives of fruit, berries, chocolate, vanilla, etc. Look for a product with a name like “Classic” or “Natural” - such yoghurts are available in the “Activia”, “Danissimo” and other series from the manufacturer “Danone”.
  • Cooking yogurt in a slow cooker: step-by-step recipe with photos

    And now we present to you a master class with step by step photos, from which you will learn how to prepare yogurt in the Vitesse VS-525 multicooker. It does not have a special program for yogurt, but it does have a universal heating function.


    Preparation. Store-bought yogurt "Activia" in in this case we will act as a starter. Place it in a wide bowl, pour in the milk (it can be straight from the refrigerator) and stir the mixture with a broom until the yogurt is completely dissolved in the milk.

    Now you just need to pour the milk into clean glass jars or glasses. Choose dishes of such volume that they can be placed in the multicooker bowl. In any case, the capacity of the jars should not exceed 0.5 liters.

    Pour some water at room temperature into the bottom of the multicooker bowl. Cover the top of each jar with cling film (it is better to use film for microwave ovens). Place them in the slow cooker and cover the pan with a lid. If you have a lid with a valve (it is found on multicookers capable of cooking under pressure), then you do not need to install it in a sealed position, and you can even remove it completely.

    Connect the multicooker to the network and put it in the “Warming” mode. Now you just need to wait until the yogurt is ready. This will happen in about 4-6 hours. During the cooking process, you can periodically remove the lid and see if it has reached the desired condition. Remove the jar of yogurt from the multicooker and tilt it slightly to one side: the finished yogurt will not flow out of it, as it will acquire a jelly-like consistency. If the contents of the jar remain liquid, then put it back in the multicooker and let it continue to heat up. Once cooking is complete, remove the yogurt from the multicooker, allow it to cool and place it in the refrigerator. In principle, you can eat it right away, but it tastes better when cold. When serving, add fresh, frozen or canned berries, pieces of fruit, pour over jam syrup or chocolate sauce.

    In the same way, you can prepare yogurt in other models of the Vitesse multicooker, as well as in the Redmond, Polaris, Orion, Supra, Moulinex and all the others.

    The yogurt recipe that we have offered you here has been tested from personal experience. So everything should definitely work out for you. Finally, here are some more tips and tricks:

  • jars of milk and sourdough must be covered with cling film before placing in the multicooker - do not miss this moment. The fact is that during the heating process, condensation will accumulate under the lid of the multicooker, and it is undesirable for it to get into containers with yogurt;
  • Ferment the yogurt directly in the container from which you will later eat it. If you transfer it - for example, from a jar to a bowl - then it will simply break and outwardly become like sour kefir. This is completely normal - it’s just such a delicate texture. So don’t worry and don’t think that the problem is with the quality of the milk or the starter. But even with unsightly appearance it will remain incredibly tasty. And the problem of lumps can be solved, in the end, by whipping the “broken” yogurt with a broom or mixer at low speed;
  • when added to prepared yogurt fruit puree or berry mass Keep in mind that its consistency will become thinner.
  • P.S.: If this master class was useful for you, you can say “thank you” to its author by writing a comment or clicking your favorite button social network under the publication.

    7 most delicious recipes Making homemade yogurt in a slow cooker. And also all the secrets and features of its preparation, so that you can enjoy delicious and very useful product at home.

    I once dreamed of making yogurt at home, without any preservatives or stabilizers. I already wanted to buy a yogurt maker, but for my birthday I received a Polaris 0517 multicooker, which has a program for making yogurt and even comes with special cups. Cooking in a slow cooker is a pleasure.

    Unfortunately, I haven’t yet found the opportunity to buy special starters for yogurt in our city, but I really wanted to try it, so I went the very common route - I used ready-made yogurts in the preparation.

    In turn, I took three products to try as a starter: natural “Activia”, “Actimel” and “Bio-max”. Of course, I understand that on this basis you won’t find particularly beneficial bacteria in yogurt, but, on the other hand, I’m not afraid of any horror stories about the fact that something else scary and terrible will grow there. The main thing is to buy freshly delivered yogurt.

    What can grow there? For centuries they drank yogurt (sour milk), and were not afraid that something pathogenic had grown there. So, using ready-made yoghurts simply produces a tasty product that is no more or less healthy than any fermented milk.

    I made the first yoghurts only from milk and a jar of yoghurt, but my sweet tooth asked me to add a little sugar, so the next batches came with a slightly different composition.


      1 tbsp. Sahara.

    A short version of the step-by-step recipe:

      Add yogurt and sugar to milk.

      Stir thoroughly and pour into glasses.

      Place in the multicooker and turn on the “Yogurt” mode for 8 hours.

      Keep the finished yogurt in the refrigerator for 2 hours.

    I took ultra-pasteurized milk because I read that yogurt often cannot be made from regular milk, and besides regular milk you need to boil and then cool. I didn't boil or heat anything. I have both milk and yogurt from the refrigerator door, that is, at the same storage temperature.

    Add sugar and yogurt to the milk and stir well. I do this in a glass teapot to make it easier to pour into glasses later. Here it is important to ensure that the yogurt is well mixed in the milk and does not remain in clumps at the bottom.

    I pour the resulting mixture into cups (they are plastic with a lid) and close the lids.

    I put the cups in the slow cooker.

    I turn on the “Yoghurt” program for 8 hours. I usually do this in the evening so that the yogurt is ready in the morning. The multicooker will heat up on its own. desired temperature and will retain the necessary heat in this mode.

    The finished yogurt should be kept in the refrigerator. After a couple of hours it becomes dense and completely homogeneous. You can even turn the jar over; without a spoon it won’t leak out on its own. I have never been cut off by serum or pulled by slippery threads, as people sometimes complain about.

    I liked the taste most of all based on “Actimeli”, it has a soft, yoghurt-like taste, and based on “Bio-Max” it has a sour taste. We ate yoghurts simply without any additives, and with fresh fruit (bananas and oranges), and with homemade preparations from berries ground with sugar, and with canned apricots and peaches.

    I noticed that when added, the whey slightly separates the whey when stirring, apparently due to the fact that liquid gets in, but fresh fruits and berries ground with sugar do not affect the consistency of yogurt.

    According to storage conditions: we don’t store yoghurts for more than a day, we eat 6 jars a day, so I’m not worried about their quality.

    How to make thick yogurt

    I’ve heard many times that it doesn’t turn out thick in a slow cooker. It seems like you look under the lid - it’s beautiful, but when you scoop it up with a spoon, it turns out that it’s useless - the product turned out to be liquid. So how to cook it thick in a slow cooker? Here is a recipe for thick yogurt.



      Pour the milk into the pan and, stirring constantly, boil for 5 minutes.

      Cool to 38°.

      Heat yogurt and cream to 20-23 degrees.

      Mix all products in a sterile container.

      Mix with a whisk until smooth and pour into glasses.

      Place in a multicooker, fill with warm water (37 degrees) to the maximum mark.

      Select the “Oven” program for 2.5 hours. After it expires, “Oven” again, but for 1.5 hours.

      At the end of the program, immediately remove the glasses.

      Wipe them and put them in the refrigerator for 2 hours.

    Getting ready to drink

    Choice on supermarket shelves drinking yogurt simply huge. But oh, how I doubt its naturalness. So if you prefer this type, let’s cook it ourselves, and you won’t have to doubt the quality.

    We take:

      granulated sugar, 2 tbsp;


      Mix the products in a separate bowl.

      Beat with a mixer.

      Divide the mixture into jars and close them.

      At the bottom of the bowl we place a cloth on which we place the jars.

      Leave in the “warm” mode for an hour.

      Cool for two hours.

    Yogurt with sourdough

    This sourdough product is a real living treasure. And contains a large number of beneficial bifidobacteria. And what could be better than preparing real goodness at home?

    We use:

      dry sourdough, one gram.

    We do this:

      Boil the milk, then cool to 37°.

      Add the starter and stir until there are no lumps left.

      Pour into glasses, close with a lid, and place them in a slow cooker.

      Cook in “yogurt” mode for 7 hours.

      We send finished product in the cold for 2 hours.

    Low fat

    Ideal for those who watch their figure and nutrition. I regularly prepare this for my family with the arrival of spring, when we all diligently begin to prepare for the beach season.



      Warm the milk to 37°.

      Pour in yogurt and stir.

      Pour into glasses, cover with cling film.

      Place in a multicooker, pour water (it should be about 40°) to the middle of the glasses.

      Set it to “yogurt” mode for 10 hours.

      Place in the refrigerator for 4 hours.

    Recipe with fruits

    Perhaps fruity is one of my favorite summer options for this fermented milk product. It turns out incredibly tasty. Oh, how the children gobble it up!


      powdered sugar, 1 tsp.


      In a bowl, mix yogurt and powdered sugar using a whisk.

      Gradually pour in milk.

      Pour the resulting mixture into glasses.

      Place in a multicooker, select the “multi-cook” mode, 40° for 10 hours.

      Then place the glasses in the refrigerator for another 6 hours.

      Cut the fruits into small cubes.

      When serving, mix with fruit.

    Recipe without using jars

    Perhaps this recipe, just for me, is the simplest and most easy option preparations - in a slow cooker without jars. I also call it the “lazy” way. Why? Judge for yourself.

    We use:

      sugar, 5 tbsp;

    Let's prepare it like this:

      Bring the milk and cream to a boil in the “steaming” mode. Cook for 5 minutes, stirring.

      Then turn off the oven so that the mixture cools to 40° with the lid closed.

      Add yogurt.

      Set the heating mode for 2 hours. Leave it like this for 6 hours.

      Then pour it into glassware, add sugar and “forget” in the refrigerator for 4 hours.

    Cooking without the “yogurt” mode

    Unfortunately, some models of multicookers do not have a special mode for preparing delicious homemade fermented milk products. But this is not a problem at all, since it can be prepared without a special mode. Read exactly how!



      Boil milk, cool to 40°.

      Add yogurt and mix thoroughly.

      Pour into glasses, cover with film.

      Place in a slow cooker, add water so that the glasses are half in the water.

      Turn on the “heating” mode. After 4-6 hours, check readiness.

    Cooking in four popular multicooker models

    Depending on the model, the cooking process may differ in some nuances. Therefore, to ensure that you get a fermented milk product regardless of what kind of miracle oven you have at home, use the recipes given.

    In Redmond

    Typically, Redmond multicookers do not come with special cups for yogurt. But is this really a problem? You can use any miniature glass jars of the same size that you have.

    We take:

      dry sourdough, 1 g.


      Boil the milk, then cool.

      Pour in the starter and stir. Pour into jars.

      Cover the bottom of the multicooker with a cotton napkin. Place the jars.

      Turn on the “multi-cook” mode, time - 2 hours.

      After completing the “forget” program in the multicooker for another 2 hours.

      Place in the refrigerator for an hour.

    In Scarlett

    The Scarlett multicooker makes excellent yogurt with dry starter. Therefore, I propose a recipe with it.


      dry sourdough, 1.5 g.


      Homemade milk must be boiled and then cooled to 38°. If the milk is store-bought, then simply heat it to this temperature.

      In a separate glass, dilute the starter in milk. And pour it into the rest of the milk.

      Mix and pour into jars.

      Place a napkin on the bottom of the multicooker, place the jars, pour water to 2/3 of the height of the jars.

      Turn on the “yogurt” mode for 6 hours.

      Place in a cool place for 4 hours.

    At Panasonic

    If you have a Panasonic in your kitchen, which has a special mode for making yogurt, then it will be difficult to prepare delicious product you won't have any problems!


      sugar, 2 tbsp;

      liquid starter, 3 tbsp;

    Do this:

      Boil the milk.

      Cover the bottom of the multicooker with a towel and place the jars on it. Pour in warm water.

      Keep on heating for 20 minutes.

      Leave for an hour, then turn on the heating mode for 15-20 minutes.

      Keep the slow cooker closed for an hour.

      Place the jars in the refrigerator.

    Yogurt is definitely worth making. Do you know why?
    Firstly, the beneficial bacteria it contains suppress unhealthy intestinal microflora, and, therefore, our gastrointestinal tract works correctly. Some studies even say that those who regularly consume natural yogurt prepared at home have virtually no chance of developing bowel cancer.

    Secondly, natural fermented milk product contains calcium, which we need at any age. And thirdly, only 300 ml per day of this natural product will strengthen the immune system and completely improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

    Secrets of making yogurt at home

    On the one hand, preparing yogurt in a slow cooker is a simple and easy process. But still, sometimes I hear that some of my friends don’t succeed. And all because in cooking you need to know some secrets and follow simple rules.

    Choosing the right starter

    The right starter is the key to success in making yogurt. I use it as a starter either natural yoghurt from the store without additives, or store-bought ready-made sourdough. And, of course, from time to time I use dry starter cultures, which are sold at the pharmacy. I tried the 3 most popular sourdoughs, and I really liked them all. I even have this useful table with data for dry starters.
    Sourdough nameUseful materialPositive effect on the bodyWhat bacteria does it contain?
    NarineVitamin C, B vitamins, folic acidNormalizes work of cardio-vascular system, gastrointestinal tractLive cultures of acidophilus lactic acid bacteria(lactobacteria - Lactobacillus acidohilus strain Er 317/402)
    EvitaliaVitamins A, C, E, B vitamins; magnesium, calcium, ironHas an antiviral effect; prevents the aging of the body; eliminates side effects from medications takenSpecial strains of lactic acid microorganisms (Lactococcus lactis, Lactobacillus acidophilus, etc.)
    VIVOVitamins A, C, calcium, amino acidsStrengthens the immune system, normalizes the gastrointestinal tract, removes toxinsLactic streptococci, Bulgarian bacillus, three types of lactobacilli, acidophilus bacillus

    What you need to know about milk

    Milk needs to be given special attention, because the key to success in this matter is the right starter and milk.

      Milk with a high percentage of fat produces a thicker fermented milk product.

      You need to use pasteurized milk; if you have homemade food, then you need to boil it and then cool it to 37-40°. But from personal experiences I can say that yogurt made from store-bought UHT milk tastes the best.

      When choosing milk in the supermarket, carefully look at the expiration date - the shorter it is, the better. Milk with a long shelf life does not contain living bacteria and it will be very difficult to ferment it.

      If you mix milk with cream in a 1:1 ratio, the yogurt will be fatty and have a wonderful creamy taste.

    And 5 more important points

      All utensils in which you cook must be sterilized.

      If you want to get thicker, then take smaller jars.

      It is better to store no more than 3 days and it should be in the refrigerator.

      It is better not to place jars directly on the bottom of the multicooker - you need to put a cotton napkin.

      The starter must not be added to hot milk. optimal temperature at 37-40°, otherwise all the beneficial bacteria will simply die.

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