Kvass from wort and dry kvass. Regular kvass with kvass wort

Kvass can be made traditional way from oats, rye, bread crusts. This takes a lot of time, and your time costs money, so kvass in small quantities is expensive. It’s easier and cheaper to make kvass from kvass wort concentrate bought in a store. Kvass wort concentrate is made at the plant subject to certain saccharification and filtration regimes. The main thing is to choose the right manufacturer of kvass wort concentrate.

Recipe for homemade bread kvass from kvass wort concentrate.

  1. We take a container for kvass, I have a 3 liter glass jar.
  2. Pour boiled water in there, not up to the neck. We boil water to kill foreign bacteria.
  3. Add kvass wort concentrate according to the recipe on the jar label. Usually they write 8-10 tablespoons per 5 liters, if converted to 3 liters, then 5-6 spoons. Add to taste as you like, the taste of kvass depends on the kvass wort concentrate, choose your manufacturer.
  4. Add sugar to taste to kvass. I pour half a glass for 3 liters, if it’s not sweet at the end you can add more. You can add old jam instead of sugar. Those who care about their figure can add fructose; it is 1.8 times sweeter than sugar, which means you need to add less of it.
  5. Pour dry yeast into a jar. The water temperature should not be higher than 38°C, otherwise the yeast will die. The yeast must be fresh, look at the expiration date on the package, otherwise it will not work.

    How much yeast should I add to kvass? We need yeast to carbonate kvass. The choice of the amount of yeast depends on how long the kvass should ferment.

    If we make kvass in the evening and bottle it in the morning, we need the same amount of yeast. If we make kvass in the evening and bottle it in the evening next day, you need less yeast.

    By using the amount of yeast we regulate the ripening time of kvass. The most important thing is that the kvass does not turn into mash, otherwise it will taste bitter, and it will be beer or mead. I sprinkle the yeast in a thin layer over the surface during the night of fermentation.

  6. Those who like kvass sour can add half a glass of kefir. I take it from kefir, selective lactic acid bacteria, which are used on dairy production. Kvass can be made without yeast using kefir alone, but I haven’t tried it.
  7. Stir everything and cover the jar with gauze or a lid to prevent any debris from accidentally getting in there and leave everything to ferment overnight.
  8. In the morning we taste it, if you need to add sugar, add a little bit of it, it will foam. By the foam you can determine whether the kvass is ready or not. Pour into plastic bottles and put it in the refrigerator to carbonate. After a couple of hours you can already drink it.

If your kvass has been left in the refrigerator, it has become sour and there is a lot of gas. You can butcher one and a half liters of kvass again, without yeast, and add our one and a half liters of old kvass to it. Pour everything into bottles and put it back in the refrigerator.

Kvass can be made from apples, beets, any berries and fruits. First, cook a compote of them with sugar, strain and pour into a jar, let it cool and add yeast.

Making kvass at home from kvass wort concentrate, video.

Kvass wort - concentrate useful substances, on which the taste and appearance of not only bread, but also bread.

With its help, they accelerate the germination of dough, improve baked goods and extend their shelf life. The crust on the bread becomes golden and the crumb is fluffy.

The mash also has a beneficial effect on kvass. For fermentation, you can use sourdough, yeast, sugar, honey or wort - each method allows you to get a tasty and healthy refreshing drink.

Product, 100% natural. Dark brown, thick and viscous substance sweet and sour taste- this is the wort for kvass. Can buy finished product in the store or prepare it yourself, although the second method will require time and effort.


Few ingredients: barley or rye malt and rye flour. At enterprises that produce ready-made wort and kvass, malt is crushed, mixed with water and heated for several hours so that grain enzymes have time to break down starch into two types of sugar - fermentable and non-fermentable.

Afterwards, the concentrate is evaporated using special equipment. But for homemade No complicated equipment is required; everything can be done in a regular kitchen.

Making rye bread

A simple and common method suitable for home use.


  • Borodinsky or others Rye bread- 1 kg.
  • Water - 15 l.


  1. Heat the water to 20 o C.
  2. Cut the bread into slices, dry it in the oven and add water to cover the bread.
  3. Stir until no lumps remain and let sit for 20 minutes.
  4. Slowly add boiling water in small portions and continuously stir the mixture. The dough should remain hot - periodically heat it to 70-75 o C. The process lasts about 40 minutes.
  5. Transfer the bread mass to a warm, clean container, cover with a lid, insulate with a blanket and leave to settle for a couple of hours.
  6. Carefully scoop the first wort with a mug or ladle into a boiling container.
  7. Fill the bread remaining in the first container with small portions of very hot, but not boiling water (90 o C), it should be the same amount as you drained after preparing the first wort.
  8. After 20 minutes, scoop out the second wort and mix it with the first.
  9. Cook for 1 hour at a vigorous boil. Cool to 25°C and leave to ferment.

How to make wort for kvass from malt?

This ancient method has been used in Rus' for many centuries. Suitable cookware- enameled container, glass bottles or jars, steamed oak barrel.


  • Rye malt - 1 kg.
  • Barley malt - 1 kg.
  • Wheat - 1 kg.
  • Rye - 1.5 kg.
  • Dry yeast - 15 g.
  • Water (+80 o C).


  1. Grind the grain and malt into flour.
  2. Knead a thick dough. Pour in a thin stream hot water and stir until thick sour cream forms.
  3. Transfer to a container for infusion and leave for 3 hours.
  4. Boil 7-10 liters of water
  5. Pour boiling water over the dough and cool to room temperature.
  6. Add yeast diluted in warm water to the dough.
  7. Leave warm to ferment.
  8. After fermentation is complete, drain the finished kvass from the wort.

Advantages and disadvantages:

  • Yeast is added to the kvass concentrate or spontaneous fermentation is used - in the first case the drink is sweeter, in the second it is more stable.
  • During fermentation, containers may be open or sealed. It is believed that with the second method the finished product tastes better.

Before fermentation, you can add honey, sugar, molasses, and seasonings. Do this before or after boiling. It is better to administer additives in an aqueous solution.

Making kvass at home

Homemade kvass, prepared with your own hands from start to finish - ecologically pure product , perfectly quenches thirst.

Wort is an optional component of kvass, but with it the drink becomes even tastier and more aromatic.

From the wort


  • Rye crackers - a handful.
  • A packet of dry yeast.
  • 2 tablespoons of kvass wort.
  • 150 g sugar.


  1. Put it in three liter jar dried crusts or crackers. Add sugar, wort, yeast.
  2. Fill with warm boiled water to the shoulders.
  3. Stir and refrigerate for a day.
  4. Strain through cheesecloth into a clean jar. Can be diluted with water and bottled.

The grounds remaining at the bottom are the grounds that can be used by adding only sugar, wort and water. Kvass without yeast will be richer and more transparent. Every other day you can add crackers to the jar.

From kvass wort concentrate


  • Wort - 5‒6 tbsp. l.
  • Sugar - 100-150 g.
  • Pressed yeast - 9 g.
  • Warm water - 3 l.


  1. Pour in three liter jar boiled water.
  2. Add wort, you can choose its quantity - the richness of taste will depend on the concentration.
  3. Add sugar; you can replace it with honey.
  4. Add yeast if the water has already cooled to 38 o C, otherwise it will die. The more yeast, the faster the fermentation. At fast way The kvass will be sweet, but if left for a long time it can turn into mash.
  5. Cover the neck of the jar with gauze and leave for 10-12 hours.
  6. If the kvass is ripe, foam will appear on the surface - the drink can be poured into bottles and left in the refrigerator for several hours until gas appears.

On dry wort


  • Dry kvass from a pack - 5 tbsp. l.
  • Partial glass of sugar.
  • Dry yeast - 1.5 tsp.
  • Raisins - about 10 pcs.
  • Boiled water - 3 l.


  1. Place dry kvass concentrate, sugar, yeast and raisins in a clean three-liter jar.
  2. Pour warm, but not hot, boiled water up to the shoulders of the jar.
  3. Stir, cover loosely with a lid or cloth and place in a warm place for 36-48 hours.
  4. Strain the finished drink. The leaven with raisins remaining at the bottom will be the basis for new kvass - just add water and add a little raisins and sugar.

From wort with rye sourdough


  • Kvass wort - 200 g.
  • Sugar - 6 tbsp. l.
  • Rye sourdough - 20 g.
  • A handful of raisins.
  • 6 l. boiled water.


  1. Pour the starter into a small bowl a small amount boiled water at room temperature. Stir well.
  2. Pour the starter and wort into the pan and stir so that the mass spreads along the bottom.
  3. Fill with water and leave for 12 hours.
  4. When air bubbles appear on the surface, add sugar and stir.
  5. Carefully drain the finished kvass from the sediment, throw a few raisins into each bottle and leave to ripen in a warm place for 12 hours.
  6. After this, the bottles can be kept in the refrigerator for 5 days.

The benefits and harms of kvass with kvass wort


Kvass wort - ideal environment for yeast, since in addition to sugar it contains nutrients, beneficial for the growth of microorganisms. Kvass is enriched with amino acids, vitamins and microelements, which the concentrate is rich in.

The natural sweetness of the concentrate is due to its carbohydrate content. Kvass is filled with taste, aroma and looks appetizing.


During the fermentation process it is formed alcohol and acetic acid . These substances are harmful in large quantities, especially children, pregnant women, people suffering from stomach ulcers, gastritis with high acidity and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Russian kvass is a drink that has centuries-old history. The ability to cope well with thirst, the tonic and restorative effect make kvass one of the most favorite drinks in hot weather. The principle of preparation lies in the name itself: the drink must be fermented, that is, fermented. It is the fermentation process that gives kvass its sharpness, effervescence and refreshing taste. There are many recipes for this drink, and a variety of products are used to activate the fermentation process. This could be: yeast, sugar, barley malt, honey, sourdough bread or ready-made kvass wort. From this article we will learn how to make kvass from wort yourself.

Recipes for kvass from wort

Recipe No. 1


  • Wort – 2-3 tablespoons;
  • Black bread – 3 pieces (it’s better to take the crusts);
  • Dry yeast - sachet (20 grams). If you can find special yeast for making kvass, it will be even better;
  • Sugar - a glass up to your shoulders.


Dry the bread in the oven. Let the crackers burn slightly, so the color of the kvass will be more saturated. Boil the water; when it cools down a little, pour 2.5 liters into a 3-liter jar. Add sugar and wort to the water and stir everything thoroughly. Now it's time to add rye crackers. When the water reaches room temperature, add yeast. Do not add yeast to hot water; the bacteria that activate the fermentation process will die. Once the yeast is added, the liquid is mixed well again. Now cover the container with gauze or a loose cloth and place it in a warm place to ferment. This kvass takes from a day to two days to prepare. The readiness of the drink is determined by taste. You should not overcook the kvass, otherwise it will become too sour. Ready drink strain through cheesecloth, pour into bottles, add 3 raisins to each. Now you can cool and drink.

Recipe No. 2

Kvass from wort this recipe perfect for okroshka. To prepare it we will need the following components:

How to prepare.

Dissolve sugar and wort in warm water. When the water has cooled, add yeast to the kvass mixture, add raisins and place in a warm place. Cover the container with gauze and let it sit for a day. Foam should appear on the surface of the drink, and its taste should become sharp and refreshing. Now the drink is decanted and cooled, after which it can be used for okroshka.

Recipe No. 3

Kvass made from wort according to this recipe is called “Starorussky”. The honey included in its composition gives the drink a special piquancy.

To prepare you need to take:


Let's deal with wheat first. The grain must be washed well and left in cold water at 10 o'clock. Then rinse everything well again until the water runs clear. Now the grain is filled with a small amount of water and sent to a warm place for germination. The grain usually germinates in a day or two. To prevent the grains from turning sour, you need to change the water a couple of times. Rinse the sprouted wheat again and pass through a meat grinder.

Add wheat, honey and wort to water at room temperature. Mix well and store in a warm place for two days. If the container is glass, then cover it with gauze on top, and if used enamel pan, then just cover with a lid. The readiness of kvass is determined by the abundant foam on the surface and taste.

How to prepare kvass wort

In order to prepare kvass from wort, you can use store-bought concentrate, or you can prepare the wort yourself.

We will need:

  • Water – 10 liters;
  • Rye bread – 1 kilogram.


Finely chop the bread and pour boiling water (750 ml) over it, let it sit for 30 minutes. Add the slightly cooled mixture with still warm water in the same volume and leave in a warm place for 2 hours. Place the resulting mass in a heat-resistant bowl (preferably clay) and place in the oven for 3 hours. Set the temperature to 180 C°. Break the finished baked dough into small pieces and pour boiling water over it. Let it sit for a while and you can drain it. The drained wort is ready to use for making homemade kvass.

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It's nice to cool off in the heat with kvass! Summer drink No. 1 is already being sold in full force on the streets of the city, it’s difficult to deny yourself the pleasure and not drink a glass We traditionally prepare kvass at home. The recipe is simple: kvass wort, yeast, sugar and water are mixed, and after a day homemade kvass ready! And now more details...

Recipe for homemade kvass with yeast

In the first option, we will use “raw” yeast, that is, fresh pressed. They are sold in briquettes of 100 g, and are usually used in classic recipes homemade baked goods. You will also need kvass wort - it is sold in 500 ml jars. Often a recipe for making kvass is written on the jars, making the task easier for housewives (by the way, the most delicious kvass Dad cooks in our family). The last ingredient is sugar.

1. We will cook in a 3-liter glass jar. Pour WARM boiled water into it (not hot, but not at room temperature) in the amount of 2.5 liters, leaving room for other ingredients.

2. Place 5-6 tbsp. spoons of kvass wort, 5-6 g of pressed yeast, 1 cup of sugar. It would be more convenient to first thoroughly mix the wort and yeast in a glass until completely dissolved, adding a little warm water. And then pour the starter into water and add sugar.

3. Mix everything thoroughly and put it in a warm place for a day ( optimal temperature 25-30 degrees).

4. Cool the finished kvass and drain it from the sediment. You can drink!

Homemade kvass with dry yeast: recipe

First, we proceed similarly to the first recipe: pour 2.5 liters of warm boiled water into a jar. Then put 6 tbsp in water. spoons of kvass wort, 1/2 teaspoon of dry yeast, 1 cup granulated sugar. Close the lid and leave to ferment for a day in a warm place. Pour the finished kvass (2/3 jars) into bottles and put it in the refrigerator. Chilled kvass tastes much better!

Fill 1/3 of the leaven left in the jar with water, add kvass wort (this time 4 or 5 tablespoons), 2/3 cup sand, but no yeast is needed. A day later it merges again and the process repeats again

There are recipes for making homemade kvass without yeast. We haven’t tried them yet, but if you have a recipe, share it in the comments. We will be glad!

Before summer has had time to bestow its warmth on us, we are already reaching out to different drinks. For me, there is nothing better than kvass, tasty and perfectly quenches thirst, especially if it is real homemade kvass. And if you are interested in the question - how to make kvass at home, then you are in right time, in the right place.

I decided to offer you a selection interesting recipes this delicious drink, choose the one that you like.

This is not always the case fast process, but in any case, making homemade kvass is not difficult - there are a minimum of ingredients and low labor costs. And then the kvass is made on its own, without our intervention, we just have to wait for the tasty result.

Kvass was made in ancient times and is still made today. And it gained such popularity not only as a drink that quenches thirst, but also as a drink that is beneficial for our body. In Rus', everyone drank kvass, both poor people and rich people, they believed that it added strength and energy, and was good for digestion.

But for it to be truly useful, you need to know the intricacies of making kvass at home.

Secrets of making homemade kvass

  • If you make bread kvass, it is important to know that the bread must be natural (flour, yeast, water). Newfangled additives that are added so that, for example, it can be stored longer, can ruin the fermentation process.
  • As a rule, crackers are made from bread, and kvass is made from them. The color of the resulting drink will depend on the degree of browning of the crackers. But in an effort to get dark saturated color remember that burnt crackers will give not only color, but also bitterness.
  • If you make kvass with yeast, check it for freshness.
  • To ferment kvass, use glass or metal containers (enameled without chips, stainless steel). Ready kvass can be poured into plastic bottles.
  • Raisins are also an important ingredient in cooking. invigorating drink, it enhances fermentation and makes it vigorous. The main thing is that you don’t need to wash the raisins before storing, as you will wash off the so-called wild yeast, which are present on the surface of the berries.
  • Sugar in kvass releases carbon dioxide and makes the drink carbonated. But here, too, there is no need to overdo it. After all, one of the advantages of kvass is its low calorie content, sugar, accordingly, increases this calorie content. Therefore, everything should be in moderation if we want to benefit from the drink, and it’s unlikely to quench our thirst with very sweet kvass.
  • If we want to get kvass and not mash, then the fermentation process must be stopped in time. Therefore, the fermentation period should not be more than 4 days, the starter must be removed, and the strained kvass must be placed in the refrigerator.
  • It is recommended to store finished kvass in the refrigerator for no more than 7 days.
  • Although why store it, that’s not why we made it. Drink this wonderful homemade drink, it will not only quench your thirst, but also benefit your body. But first you still need to do it.

Kvass without yeast at home

Kvass without yeast, also called kvass double fermentation, one of the most the right recipes, the one that our grandmothers and great-grandmothers prepared. In it, fermented milk fermentation predominates over alcoholic fermentation; accordingly, a balance of nutrients and vitamins is maintained, which makes it useful for our body.


  • rye bread crackers
  • sugar

How to make yeast-free kvass:

It is important to know that if you don’t really like the taste of the first kvass, this does not mean that the recipe is bad, this is normal. Real taste appears during subsequent fermentations and the older the kvass, the tastier it is.

Watch the video for another recipe for kvass without yeast; it is made without leaven and therefore the process is a little faster.

Bread kvass with yeast

This recipe is very popular in home cooking— yeast accelerates the ripening of the drink and the kvass turns out very tasty. If anyone is bothered by the smell of yeast, then it will only be felt in young kvass. Yes, and we will use yeast only once, then we will add sourdough and the smell of yeast will go away.


  • crackers from different breads- 300 gr
  • sugar - 5 tbsp. l.
  • yeast - 10 g fresh or 1 tsp. dry
  • raisins - 1 tbsp. l.

How to make homemade kvass with yeast:

We leave half of the swollen crackers as a starter and make the next kvass using it; there is no need to make yeast starter, but otherwise we prepare it the same way.

Homemade kvass from wort

Kvass from store-bought kvass wort is a simpler option for preparing delicious summer drink. To make kvass that tastes good, you need to buy a good concentrate, for example, prepared according to GOST 28538-90. If there is no such marking, pay attention to the composition of the wort so that it is natural without unnecessary additives. It’s good when the wort contains different types malt, such as barley and rye, then the kvass has a richer taste.


  • water - 4 liters
  • kvass wort - 160 gr.
  • sugar - 235 gr.
  • dry yeast - 10 gr.
  • raisins - 10 gr.

How to make kvass yourself from store-bought wort:

Flour kvass - a real Russian recipe

Flour kvass is a real Russian drink, it is also called rustic. This recipe is also popular for its ease of preparation and the fact that this drink perfectly quenches thirst and is perfect as a small kvass, and in terms of usefulness it is ahead of all types of kvass.


  • rye flour (preferably coarsely ground);
  • Wheat flour;
  • water;
  • sugar;
  • dry yeast or raisins
  • mint (optional)

Cooking method flour kvass:

  1. Here you also need leaven, it is called grounds - take 150 ml. warm water, add 1 tbsp. l. sugar, stir until it is completely dissolved and add rye flour until the sour cream becomes thick, add 5 - 6 raisins. The grounds should stand for a day at room temperature. The presence of bubbles on the surface and a sour smell indicates the readiness of the starter. The raisins must be removed from the finished starter.
  2. Let's start preparing kvass. It can only be made from rye flour, but wheat flour makes the drink more delicate and pleasant to the taste. For 5 liters of water we need 0.5 kg of flour. Mix rye with wheat in a 2:1 ratio, where two parts are rye and one part is wheat.
  3. Pour the flour into a container and gradually pour in water (40 - 50 0), you should get a homogeneous mass without lumps, similar in consistency to sour cream. The remaining water must be brought to a boil and poured over it flour mixture, mix everything thoroughly, add sugar to taste and, if desired, a small bunch of mint.
  4. As soon as the base for flour kvass has cooled to 40 0, add the starter and mix thoroughly. Cover the container, you can wrap it in a blanket and leave it for 4 days. The appearance of foam, bubbles and the smell of freshly baked bread indicates that the kvass is ready. It must be strained through 4 layers of gauze, bottled and refrigerated. Adjust the taste with sugar.

If you replace sugar with honey, then such kvass will be healthier and tastier.

The grounds that have settled to the bottom will serve as leaven. But she needs to be revived. After decanting the kvass, add a little flour, sugar, warm water and leave for a couple of days. In the refrigerator, kvass grounds made from rye flour retain their qualities for quite a long time.

These were the recipes bread kvass, but there are many other interesting recipes, for example. About him beneficial properties, as well as I already talked about the preparation method, we really like this kvass.

If you have the opportunity to collect Birch juice, then you can prepare kvass based on it.

How to make birch kvass - video recipe

This is where I will probably finish the conversation about how to make kvass at home, choose the recipe you like and enjoy the tasty and healthy drink.

As it turned out, there are a lot of recipes for kvass; they make such a drink from berries, chicory, ginger, rice, cleansing beet kvass, healthy kvass from celandine. So the topic is inexhaustible and maybe we will return to it with new experiments.

Elena Kasatova. See you by the fireplace.
