“Spring” soup from frozen vegetables. Frozen vegetable soup - without losing benefits and time

Soups “from a bag”- a real lifeline for vegetarians and people who find themselves in a situation where they need to cook something tasty, but simply and quickly. The ease of preparation allows you to cook both the first and second courses at the same time, because you hardly have to deal with soup. It has been tested that soups turn out rich (if you follow the proportions of liquid and vegetable mixture) and tasty. Once I cooked soup from a vegetable mixture “Moscow borscht” and treated it to my friend. She thanked me for a long time, praised the borscht and kept asking how I had the patience to cut all the vegetables into such neat cubes. To which I replied, “Imagine - this is a soup made from a ready-made mixture.”

What is good about vegetable “freezing”:

  • As a rule, they are inexpensive and can be stored in the freezer for quite a long time. You can make supplies for future use, and at the right time your cooking problem will be solved have a nice lunch(you can also prepare side dishes and main courses from such mixtures).
  • Frozen mixed vegetables do not contain preservatives. In winter and spring, such frosts are more desirable for consumption than fresh imported vegetables and fruits that come to our markets and stores from Turkey, Italy, Spain, South America and Israel. Vegetables are frozen immediately after harvest, preserving all the vitamins; steamed vegetables are especially useful.
  • A step is excluded from preparing the dish pre-treatment- vegetables and fruits have already been washed and peeled. There is also no need to cut vegetables, while the products are cut into neat, rather small pieces, which certainly has a positive effect on appearance final dish. Vegetables often undergo partial heat treatment– exposure to steam, so they cook quickly. Therefore if you cook the soup not only from frozen, then first cook other vegetables until half-cooked, and add the mixture at the end. All of the above leads to a significant reduction in cooking time.
  • Usually the manufacturer indicates the preparation recipe on the packaging. You don’t have to waste time not only searching for a recipe, but also purchasing each ingredient. And such mixtures as, for example, “ Ukrainian borsch", "Moscow borscht", "Soup with forest mushrooms", etc., represent a complete preparation of a certain dish, in in this case. You don't need to add anything else. All you need is a saucepan, water and salt.

Basic recipe for making soups from frozen vegetable mixtures

One pack of 400 g is enough for a 1.5-2 liter pan. Not only vegetable mixtures designed specifically as bases for soups are suitable for making soup; vegetables for frying are also suitable. In the latter case, you need to add extra vegetables(potatoes, onions, carrots) or pasta for soups (small), cereals, processed cheese, etc.

Cooking steps:

  1. Bring water to a boil (or meat broth), salt and pepper.
  2. Add to boiling water (broth) vegetable mixture(possible without defrosting). Let the dish simmer over low heat for another 10-15 minutes. At the end, add spices and fresh herbs.

Second way. If you would like to add to your vegetable soup other ingredients, use the following scheme.


  1. Bring salted water (or meat broth) to a boil.
  2. Place finely chopped potatoes into the pan and cook for 10 minutes. Along with potatoes you can add large chopped carrots and onions, washed cereals.
  3. Add your vegetable mixture to the broth (you can do it without defrosting). You can add small pasta along with the vegetable mixture, finely chopped (grated) additional fresh vegetables. Let the dish simmer over low heat for another 15 minutes. At the end of cooking, you can also add fried vegetables (optional), spices, and herbs. Mushroom soups can be flavored with melted cheese.


  • Soup made from the “Lecho” mixture with the addition of potatoes and rice.
  • Mushroom soups can be supplemented with additional quantities fresh mushrooms(takes longer to cook, boil them before adding frozen mushrooms).
  • Try making frozen soup" Chinese mixture"It turns out very tasty.

1. How long can soup be stored?

On average, soups and broths are stored in the refrigerator for up to 5 days (fish - no more than 3 days). But in the freezer, soups will last up to 3 months, and broths - up to six months.

2. How much soup should I freeze?

This is what frozen broth looks like

Boil a large pot of soup. Eat half and freeze the other half. Next week, make another pot of soup and freeze half of it. Now you already have them in your freezer. two delicious soups that you can get at any time. This can go on ad infinitum, but 3-4 different frozen soups, in our opinion, are quite enough.

Always freeze soup in convenient portions (1 liter for four people or 200 ml for one).

The key to success - the right broth. If you always have it in your freezer, the process of preparing first meals will become much faster. The broth also needs to be frozen in portions - 200, 400, 600 ml.

And the broth is convenient freeze in ice trays. But this is no longer an option for soup, but for other dishes where broth is needed in small quantities.

When freezing soup or broth, be sure to leave some room in the container with the expectation that the liquid will expand in volume when frozen.

3. Is it necessary to sign soups?

Yes, this will make it easier for you to find soup that will soon expire. Simply put a small label on the container with the name of the soup or broth and the date it was prepared.

4. What is the best way to store soups?

Tempered glass jars for storing soup in the freezer

Tempered glass jars, special plastic bags for freezing, and food containers made of high-quality plastic are suitable for storage. You can take defrosted and reheated soup with you to work or for a walk in a thermos.

5. How to defrost soups correctly?

If you have time then most The best way - transfer the container with frozen soup or broth to the refrigerator. In 1-2 days (depending on the shape and size of the container) everything will be completely defrosted.

If you're in a hurry , then place the container in warm water until completely defrosted.

Third option - defrost the soup slightly warm water and then cook it over medium heat, without letting it boil.

Do not defrost soup in microwave oven. Most plastic containers are not designed to be heated. Be careful with glass jars- they must be made of tempered glass to withstand sudden changes in temperature.

Chicken bouillon

When soups are stored for a long time, most of them, when defrosted, become like a paste or cream in consistency. If you simply dilute them with water, you may end up with a bland stew. Add half a glass of water or broth, a little lemon juice, salt and fresh herbs, and the taste of the soup will become more intense.

7. Which soups should not be frozen?

Do not freeze soups with starchy foods(rice, quinoa, pasta). It’s better to defrost the broth and add cereals and grains there. Otherwise, when defrosting, the soup will turn into a viscous substance.

Do not freeze thick soups, where there are a lot of potatoes. This does not apply to borscht and other soups with few potatoes.

When frozen, creamy and milky soups separate and become grainy. Nose coconut milk everything will be OK.

It's always best to add fresh herbs after defrosting rather than before.

And etc. Suitable for freezing, but you should take into account the presence flour product– the pasta itself. After defrosting, this soup will take on a slightly gray tint and the pasta will darken accordingly. It's not your fault, but the properties of starch to react to temperature changes. The soup or soup will have the same color. Therefore, if you decide to freeze the soup for future use, choose first course options that are more suitable for this process.

Freshly prepared soup must cool completely while at room temperature. I do not recommend putting the soup in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours and then freezing it. If the soup is cooked with beef, pork or chicken broth, then at low temperatures its consistency will change, and when packing portions for freezing it will be difficult to control its thickness.

To cool the soup faster, you can place the pan with it in the sink, filled to half full. cold water. Naturally, open the lid of the pan, this will allow the soup to cool faster.

To freeze soup, you need to take care of the freezing container itself. Special containers (buckets) with lids are best suited. In stores you can find buckets of the following capacity - 300 ml., 500 ml. and 1 l. Choose the most suitable volume for you and your family, based on the fact that 300 ml is approximately a serving for one person.

Wash the container thoroughly, wipe dry with a towel so that excess moisture does not freeze under the lid.

To begin, place a few pieces of meat in each container. It is important! If you do not control the contents of the bucket, then when defrosting, for example, one portion of it, you can be left without meat.

Be sure to leave room in the container, meaning don't fill it to the top. There should be at least 1 cm of air between the soup and the lid. This space will be quite enough to compensate for the increase in soup volume when frozen.

Label and label the container. Indicate the type of soup (I have, for example, buckwheat) and the date of preparation.

Place the entire container of soup in freezer, placing the buckets on a flat surface. The freezer temperature should be minus 18 degrees or lower. If you have an old-style refrigerator, then place containers with soup closer to the back wall of the freezer, where the temperature is lower and more constant.

Keep meat soups no more than 3 months possible. Soups using dairy products (milk, cream) can be stored for no more than two months. When properly frozen and within the shelf life, such soups do not lose their quality and do not acquire foreign odors.

If you don’t have special containers for freezing at home, and you need to freeze the soup as quickly as possible, then durable plastic bags will do. They are, of course, more convenient for freezing pureed soups or other thick and more homogeneous soups, but also ordinary buckwheat soup You can also freeze them in them. You should be careful when using plastic bags if there are bones in your soup (they can damage the integrity of the bag).

So pour it suitable quantity soup into the bag, release the air and seal/close tightly. After gluing the label, fold them compactly in the freezer.

To defrost soup, for example, for lunch, you need to remove it from the freezer in advance (early in the morning) and move it to the refrigerator. The soup in the container will not defrost completely, but it will thaw significantly near the walls.

Before we know it, summer mushroom season will soon arrive. How impatiently we look forward to this time! After all, there will be an opportunity not only to walk in the forest, to breathe fresh air, listen to the birds singing, but also “hunt”. Probably everyone who loves this activity is familiar with the feeling of excitement and pleasure when you find a white, or red-headed, or beautiful boletus.

Having collected full baskets, we usually return home, and first of all we cook the mushroom pickle and prepare the roast. And what a smell wafting through the kitchen at that moment! Oh, I was just daydreaming and almost imagined everything in real life.

But this will not be earlier than in a month. But what can you do to avoid waiting so long? That's right, cook frozen mushroom soup for now.

After all, those who collected them last summer probably froze them in reserve. And if supplies have already run out, then it doesn’t matter, now all year round You can buy frozen champignons in the store, as well as fresh ones. And not only champignons, there are also chanterelles and boletus.

And I must say that frozen mushrooms make soup no worse than fresh ones. And from them you can prepare a lot of delicious dishes in simple and delicious recipes. I propose today to consider their various options.

Mushroom soup from frozen mushrooms - a step-by-step classic recipe

According to this recipe, of course, you can prepare soup using both fresh and frozen mushrooms. Any that exist. The soup made from boletus, boletus and boletus will be especially tasty. At least from one type, at least by mixing them in any proportions.

If you cook it from boletuses (red caps), the dish will also be delicious, but the broth will be somewhat dark. That's why I cook more from boletuses, use them, or cook them.

And of course, don’t forget about champignons. Everything will work out from them as well high level. And today they will make a delicious recipe.

We will need:

  • frozen mushrooms – 300 gr
  • potatoes - 2 pcs
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • bell pepper - 1 piece
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • salt, pepper - to taste


1. Peel the potatoes and cut into long, medium-sized strips. Fill it with water and put on fire. It will be enough to pour 1.5 liters of water.

2. Peel and dice the onion.

Peel and cut the carrots into strips, or even better, grate them to Korean carrots. This way it will turn out thin and you won’t need to keep it on the fire for a long time. This means more vitamins will be preserved.

You can grate carrots using a regular grater, but in my opinion, if you cut into strips, or use a grater for Korean carrots, then general form the soup will be more beautiful. In addition, all other components will be cut in the same way.

3. Pour oil into a small frying pan. Why small? Because the small one is more compact and the oil will not spread over it, and all the components will not be scattered throughout the frying pan.

Place onion on it and fry until golden brown.

4. Then add carrots to it and fry everything together for 2 - 3 minutes over low heat so that the vegetables are stewed rather than fried.

5. Meanwhile, we have boiled potatoes and you can add mushrooms to them. I already had them cut into pieces when preparing them, and so I take them out of the freezer and immediately, without defrosting, add them to the potatoes.

If you defrost them, they will soften and lose their structure. In addition, they will have a double load, first defrost, then cook. And when you put them directly in a frozen state, they better retain their spring appearance and turn out more tasty.

I have already cleaned and processed them, so I don’t need to wash or clean them anymore.

6. Let the water boil again and remove the foam formed from the mushrooms. Reduce heat, add salt to taste and cook for 15 minutes.

7. At the same time, don’t forget to watch your vegetables. We also need to add to them bell pepper. I also have it frozen, and I add it to the pan without defrosting it.

If I used fresh mushrooms, then I wouldn’t add pepper, so as not to interrupt the fresh forest aroma. But when frozen, although they smell delicious, I add pepper to enhance the taste and smell. In my opinion, it does not interfere, but rather emphasizes the taste of all the ingredients.

In addition, together with the carrots, it will give beautiful colour broth. After all, as you know, mushroom soups are not very bright and beautiful. It's only white and chanterelles that make it light clear broth, and of all the others - not very much!

But if you think that the pepper is unnecessary here, then you can exclude it.

8. When the vegetables are lightly fried, you can add a little broth from the soup to them, reduce the heat to minimum and simmer until cooked, that is, until the vegetables become soft.

And to make them more tasty, they also need to be salted.

9. 15 minutes have passed and the potatoes and mushrooms are ready. Now you can add it to the pan vegetable stew. Stir and let it boil. Taste the broth to see if there is enough salt; if not, add salt to taste.

10. Let it simmer for 5 minutes. Then turn it off, close the lid and let it brew for 10 minutes. During this time, the vegetables will exchange their juices and aromas.

11. Pour soup into bowls. Serve with sour cream or mayonnaise. Or eat it just like that.

You don't need to add any spices for this dish. Bay leaf and pepper, so as not to interrupt the taste and smell. Especially if you prepare this soup from fresh mushrooms.

I have another similar option in one of my articles. You can read there. And of course, not only read, but also cook. Moreover, it is good enough for everyday lunch.

Mushroom soup of porcini mushrooms with chicken and vermicelli

A similar soup can be prepared with noodles. The difference between it and the first option is that we will not do any pre-frying.

This soup is best prepared for one serving. If you want to cook it for two days, then in this case, fry the vegetables. In this case, the dish will retain its taste.

And I will cook it with frozen porcini mushrooms. Although, of course, like all other options, it can be cooked from any mushrooms. Not excluding both fresh and salted.

We will need (for 4 - 5 servings):

  • mushrooms - 300 gr
  • chicken – 300 gr
  • potatoes - 2 pcs
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • onion - 1 pc (small head)
  • vermicelli – 50 – 70 g (small)
  • salt - to taste


1. Cook chicken broth. You can use any parts. I took 4 wings. They are quite fatty, and also on the bone. Therefore, the broth will be tasty. And if the broth is tasty, then the mushroom picker itself will turn out just as good.

You can find out from a special article written just on this topic.

I poured enough water into the pan so that the volume together with the chicken was two liters.

2. Cook the broth over low heat, periodically skimming off the foam, for about 20 minutes.

3. Meanwhile, cut the potatoes into cubes. Peel the onion, but do not cut it. You can immediately add it to the pan with the whole chicken. Let it cook and release its juice into the broth.

4. Cut smaller carrots. You can grate it, but it’s better to cut it, or use a grater for Korean carrots to make the soup look more beautiful.

5. When the chicken is cooked right time, add potatoes to the pan and add salt. Let it boil.

6. Then add frozen mushrooms.

There is no need to defrost them, especially if you froze them yourself and they are already cut into pieces. Usually, before freezing, they are thoroughly cleaned and placed in the freezer ready for cooking.

7. As soon as they start to boil, foam will appear, it must be skimmed off. In this case, the fire should be medium, and the contents should not boil too much.

Otherwise the broth will turn out cloudy.

8. After removing the foam, you can immediately add the chopped carrots to the pan. Cook everything together for 15 minutes.

9. Prepare vermicelli, it is better if it is small. Our soup is already quite thick, so we won’t thicken it any further. For the same reason, we add very little vermicelli.

I didn’t have any small noodles, something I didn’t keep track of, so I took spaghetti. Before placing it in the soup, I broke the long pasta into 4 pieces.

10. Cook the vermicelli until done. I will not indicate the time, since I don’t know what variety you will use. I cooked for 6 - 7 minutes.

11. Taste the broth; if there is not enough salt, you can add it.

We do not add spices, pepper and bay leaves so as not to interrupt the mushroom smell.

12. Turn off the soup, remove the onion and discard, and let stand with the lid closed for 5 - 10 minutes.

13. Meanwhile, set the table. Add sour cream and prepare greens.

Since mushroom soups turn out somewhat dark, especially from frozen mushrooms, I add a little greenery when serving to make the dish look beautiful. At the same time, it does not interrupt either the smell or taste.

14. Pour the soup into bowls, season with fresh herbs and fresh sour cream.

The soup turned out to be very aromatic, appetizing and tasty.

And according to next recipe, this first dish can be prepared from frozen champignons.

Frozen champignon soup with cheese

Mushrooms are of course good, aromatic and tasty on their own. But in combination with cheese, especially processed cheese, it simply turns out to be an “explosion of taste.”

Moreover, everything today's recipes suits him.

Creamy taste combined with the most tender champignons makes this soup simply unforgettable in taste.

And if you puree the contents with a blender, it will turn out delicious. By following the link, you will find another recipe for frozen mushrooms.

I would also like to bring to your attention a very interesting recipe for mushroom soup from the site http://willcomfort.ru. I know a lot of soup recipes, but this is the first time I’ve come across this one. And although he is preparing from fresh champignons, but I think that it will turn out just as good from frozen!

Here are the recipes. All are simple and tasty, choose any one and you won’t go wrong!

Cook and eat for your health.

Bon appetit!

It has long been widely known that freezing is the best way to store fresh vegetables, fruits and herbs. Unlike canning and drying, this method allows you to lose virtually nothing of the beneficial vitamin components of the product. And dishes made from food preserved in this way are no different from fresh ones. The only thing is that such food must be cooked immediately, just after taking it out of the package, and cannot be put back into the freezer. The shelf life of thawed vegetables, unlike fresh ones, is very, very short.

However, it is frozen vegetable mixtures that are preferable in the cold season than imported vegetables and fruits. The fact is that this storage method does not use preservatives, and “out-of-season” products can contain a variety of harmful substances.

Sets and mixtures are a real lifesaver for busy housewives. With their help, you can very quickly and easily prepare many useful and nutritious meals, such as frozen vegetable soup. The mixtures can be stocked up for future use - they are stored in the refrigerator for a very long time. And the lunch kit will always be available. And all cooking comes down to simply taking the mixture out of the package and boiling or frying it with the addition of your favorite spices. There is no need to peel or cut the food, and in different sets you can find exactly the one whose composition is suitable for your recipe.

Faster and simpler, perhaps, are only “dishes” instant cooking“, but in terms of usefulness they, of course, cannot be compared.

How to make your own frozen mixed vegetables

If you have free time in the summer, you can easily and simply prepare frozen vegetables for future use. During the warm season, the choice of fresh products is wide, they are inexpensive, and you can be sure of the quality of your own prepared products.

For storage, you need to select whole, undamaged fruits and roots and wash them thoroughly. After this, the products need to be dried by spreading them on a paper towel for a few minutes. And then put it in the freezer, dividing it into portions, by type and mixture - as you wish.

It is best to store food in the freezer in plastic containers or plastic bags, glass and metal containers are not suitable for this.

Basic frozen recipe

Frozen vegetable soup - healthy, tasty dish, which will help you get a real boost of vitamins even in winter. By using different broths, spices and additives, you can widely vary the taste of the finished dish. A culinary process while remaining as light and fast as possible.

Purchased sets can be designed for specific dishes - and in this case they do not require additions, except, perhaps, seasonings and salt, and assorted dishes, to which you can add cereals, potatoes, pasta, getting many options for dishes.

Usually the sets are packaged in 400 gram bags - this volume is enough for 4-6 servings delicious soup. Preparing soup from frozen vegetables takes 40 minutes to an hour. To cook it, we need:

  • package of frozen mixture,
  • 1.5 liters of water or broth,
  • salt, spices, herbs - to taste,
  • rice, potatoes, carrots, onions, vegetable oil - optional.


  1. Put water or broth on fire, add salt.
  2. If you decide to prepare soup without additives, remove the set from the bag, rinse under running water, and add to the pan.
  3. If you add potatoes or cereals, place them before the mixture and cook until half cooked.
  4. With frozen vegetables, the soup is cooked for 20-25 minutes.
  5. During this time, you can fry: finely chopped carrots and onions in vegetable oil, add to soup.
  6. A few minutes before readiness, add salt and spices.

Serve ready dish with herbs, sour cream, rye bread or bread coarse. Sour cream dressing will perfectly complement the taste.

  • When choosing a mixture, feel the bag - if the contents are stuck together in large lumps, then there is a high probability of repeated freezing, they may be stale.
  • If you want to add mushrooms to the soup, boil them in advance; they take longer to cook than freezing.
  • You can add fresh food along with the set, but then you need to chop them very finely or grate them.

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