Cherries in their own juice for the winter - the best recipes for delicious homemade preserves. Cherries in their own juice - the best recipes for seaming for the winter

First you need to prepare the cherries. Remove all twigs and leaves. Sort through the berries, discarding spoiled fruits. Dissolve 2 teaspoons of salt in 2 liters of water. Place the berries in water; it should completely cover the cherries. Leave everything for 30 minutes. After half an hour, you will see white worms on the surface of the water. Now you can safely rinse the cherries with running water and start canning. Such simple procedure, will help to avoid an unpleasant surprise in the finished product.

Remove pits from cherries. You can use special devices for this, or resort to a good old cocktail straw or pin.

Sterilize the jars by steaming for 5 minutes. You can also use a microwave for these purposes. Pour 100 ml of water into each jar. Place in the microwave and turn on at highest power for 3 minutes. Place some of the cherries on the bottom of the prepared jars and sprinkle with sugar. Place the cherries again and sprinkle with sugar. For a 0.5 liter jar you need 4-5 tablespoons of sugar.

Fill the entire jar, cover with a lid and shake. Leave for 20 minutes so that the cherries release their juice.

Place a towel in the bottom of the pan and place jars of cherries in sugar, cover with lids. Fill the pan with water. Sterilize the jars after boiling the water for 15 minutes.

At the same time, put the kettle on. You may need boiling water if the cherries don't produce enough juice. The liquid should cover the berries. Therefore, after 15 minutes we look into the jars. If the juice does not cover the berries, pour boiling water. As you can see in the photo, the juice did not cover all the cherries. So we added a little boiling water.

We roll up the jars of pitted cherries and wrap them until they cool completely.

You can store such cherries for more than a year in a cool, dark place. Good luck with your preparations.

How to roll cherries own juice pitted with sugar and sterilization told by Maria Ageeva, recipe and photo by the author.

Berry preparations are a good help for the winter diet, when the body is exhausted by stress and colds. You often have to doubt the quality of a store-bought product, but jam or compote prepared with caring hands is another matter. Cherries in their own juice are especially good for the winter. They prepare it with sugar, without sugar, with and without seeds, with various additives. You can experiment with cherries endlessly, creating delicious recipes with spices, berry additives and even chocolate.

Cherry preserves for those with a sweet tooth

Cherry winter preparations compete in utility with popular products from raspberries and currants. Cherries contain a lot of potassium and other micro- and macroelements. It contains slightly less coumarins, substances responsible for the health of blood vessels and the heart, than in pomegranates and red currants. Cherry strengthens cardiovascular system, reduces blood pressure. Its use reduces the risk of cancer.

Benefits of the drink:

  1. This is the maximum useful preparation for the winter, most of the vitamins are preserved in the berries. Unlike compote, juice-containing preparation does not require water. The berries taste much closer to fresh ones.
  2. Juicy and appetizing cherries are ideal for making jelly and compotes, filling for dumplings, pancakes, pies, buns and other homemade baked goods.
  3. Whole fruits can be prepared for decorating confectionery products.

Those who are used to taking care of their health should learn about (recipes, videos of home treatment).

Recipe for preparing cherries with sterilization

Many housewives prefer recipes without sterilization. However, this procedure is not superfluous; it allows you to avoid damage to the preserved food and unpleasant consequences from its use. The essence of sterilization is to warm the filled jars before sealing. The taste and benefits of the berries remain unchanged, and pathogens die.

Sterilization is mandatory for sugar-free cherry preparations so that they last longer.


  • cherry – 0.5-0.7 kg;
  • granulated sugar – 10 tbsp. l.

Step-by-step preparation:

How long does it take to sterilize cherries?

No matter how the berries are prepared - with or without sterilization - the containers must be sterilized with steam before placing the product in them. The lids are also treated in boiling water.

0.5 liter jars boil for 10-15 minutes, 1 liter jars - 15-20 minutes.

Video from simple recipe preparations.

Two best recipes in own juice without seeds

If you want to receive delicious berries with sugar, then its amount should be 2-3 times less than berries. This distinguishes cherries in their own juice from jam, which contains slightly more sugar than the berry component.

You can remove the seeds either manually using a pin or paper clip, or using special device for the cleaning.

Five-minute seedless and without sterilization


Before canning, the berry mass is washed, sorted, and the seeds are removed. A layer of berries is placed in a wide basin, sprinkled with sugar, then the next layer and sweetened again. Place the container on the stove and bring to a boil. Five-minute cherries in juice should be cooked for the same amount of time as jam according to a similar recipe - no more than 5 minutes.

With prolonged heat treatment, the fruits lose their integrity.

After boiling for five minutes, transfer the product to sterilized dry containers. Close with sterilized lids, then wrap and leave until completely cool.

Cherries in juice with sugar in the oven

Ingredients for a liter jar:

  • cherry – 700-800 g;
  • sugar – 100 g.

Cooking instructions:

It doesn’t take much time, the cherry delicacy turns out delicious and can be stored for a long time.

Cherries in their own juice with pits

This berry turns out to be more tart and aromatic. Sterilization helps protect the product from fermentation.


  • 1 kg of fruit requires 400-500 g of sugar.


You can make canning with juice using a blender. For this, the third part berry mass peeled and crushed in a blender. Place the puree in cheesecloth or a sieve and squeeze out the juice. Add 0.3 kg per 1 liter of juice granulated sugar. Place on fire and bring to a boil. Place the remaining cherries in sterilized jars, pour hot syrup, and roll up the jars.

Cherries in their own juice without sugar with sterilization

This is not only the easiest cooking method, but also the healthiest. This product is recommended for dietary nutrition.

Sugar free recipe:

  1. 1 kg of the collection is cleared of seeds, transferred to a basin, and left in a warm place for 2-3 hours.
  2. The cherries are placed in prepared jars and filled with their own juice.
  3. Sterilize in boiling water for 15 to 25 minutes and roll up with tin lids.

Cherry for decorating cakes

Any sweet tooth will love this dessert with cream and delicious cherries. The combination with chocolate icing. Candied cherries are ideal for cocktails and ice cream. An incomparable decoration option - “ drunk cherry"with the addition of cognac.

Ideal decoration for desserts

Preparing berries for decorating desserts:

  1. The fruits are taken whole, along with the seeds.
  2. 1 kg of collection is washed through a colander, cleared of debris, and dried.
  3. In a saucepan, boil syrup from 0.3 liters of water, 0.7 kg of sugar.
  4. After boiling, add the berries to the syrup and cook for 10 minutes. The foam needs to be removed.
  5. The fruits are removed from the syrup and placed in prepared containers.
  6. 200 ml of cognac is poured into the syrup. When the mixture boils, pour the fruits into it.
  7. All that remains is to roll up the canned food and wrap it until it cools.

Video on how to make cocktail cherries.

The secret of delicious cherry preparation is ripe and whole berries, sterilized containers, a little sugar and good mood during the cooking process. It doesn't take much effort to get perfect dessert for tea, soft vitamin filling in pies, elegant decoration for desserts.

Step-by-step recipes for incredible cherries in their own juice for the winter with black currants and raspberries with the addition of gelatin and vodka, ground and whole with and without seeds

2018-08-02 Yulia Kosich





In 100 grams ready-made dish

0 gr.

0 gr.


50 gr.

200 kcal.

Option 1: Classic recipe for cherries in their own juice for the winter

From different fruits and berries are prepared in various winter preparations. For example, it is better to make confiture from apples, and jam from blueberries. But the presented selection will be dedicated to exquisite cherries in their own juice for the winter, the creation of which requires only two ingredients. Although we will consider other options.


  • 2 kg of juicy ripe cherries;
  • 1.5 kg regular white sugar.

Step-by-step recipe for cherries in their own juice for the winter

Reconsider Cherry. Remove rotten and damaged berries. Remove the branches and discard.

Place the prepared berries in a bowl or suitable basin. Pour in water. Wash each berry and transfer everything to a towel spread on the table.

After half an hour, when it dries, squeeze out the seeds. At the same time, transfer the prepared cherries into the basin.

At this stage, sprinkle the contents of the basin with white sugar. Shake the container gently a couple of times. Leave the berries overnight (at least 12 hours) so that they release a lot of juice.

The next day, place the bowl over high heat and bring the mixture to a strong boil. Then immediately put the berries into the jars, filling them two-thirds full.

Now add hot sweet juice and cover with lids. Place the jars of cherries in their own juice into a pan of boiling water for the winter. Sterilize for ten minutes without lowering the temperature.

Carefully, using a mitten, remove the jars and immediately roll up the blanks. Finally, cool on the kitchen counter and place in the pantry.

To get a lot of juice, choose ripe fruits. The main thing is to prevent the ingress of rotten fruits, which will definitely spoil the jam by fermenting after just a few days. And if you are worried that the cherries will be too sweet, add a little to the recipe citric acid.

Option 2: A quick recipe for cherries in their own juice for the winter with pits

To seal the berries in their juice quickly, we recommend not wasting time on removing seeds and sealing the cherries as a whole without sterilization.


  • 2 kg of fresh ripe cherries;
  • 3-4 grams of citric acid;
  • 1.5 kg white (regular) sugar.

How to quickly cook cherries in your own juice for the winter

Pour water into a large basin. Now pour the fresh cherries into the sink. Removing thin strong branches, throw the berries into water.

At the next stage, add regular sugar and mix the ingredients together with two spatulas. Place the container on the middle burner.

Simmer the cherries in their own juice for the winter at medium temperature, and after ten minutes add all the citric acid.

When the last ingredient has dissolved, pour the berries along with the juice into sterilized jars. Immediately screw on the scalded lids.

Since we are quickly sealing a whole cherry with pits, it is very important to pierce (not all the way through) each berry. It is thanks to this procedure that the berries will be able to release enough juice for our sweet preservation.

Option 3: Cherries with black currants in their own juice for the winter

What can you add to today's jam to improve it? taste characteristics? In this recipe we suggest using blackcurrants.


  • 1 kg of juicy black currants;
  • 2 kg of ripe fresh cherries;
  • 2 kg white regular sugar.

How to cook

Carefully examine both cherries and currants, then remove excess (leaves, twigs, tails) and rinse in a bowl of cold artesian water.

Place both berries on a large canvas. While the currants are drying, squeeze out the seeds from the cherries, transferring them to an enamel basin.

At the next stage, I add black currants to the indicated berries. Immediately add all the planned sugar.

Shake a couple of times and leave covered with film on the refrigerator shelf. After 10-12 hours, return the container and place it on the stove.

Turn on the middle burner. Bring the cherries in their own juice to a boil for the winter. Immediately after this, pour the jam into jars washed with soda.

Sterilize the sweet mass for ten minutes in very boiling water. Then roll it up very quickly, using a towel so as not to burn your hands.

Thanks to the addition of black currants, we do not have to include citric acid in the recipe. After all, this berry is already sour, which means it will not only balance the taste of the sweet preparation, but will also play the role of a preservative.

Option 4: Grated cherries in their own juice for the winter

We will make the next jam by grinding ripe pitted cherries in a meat grinder or using a blender.


  • 3 kg of fresh juicy cherries;
  • 5-6 grams of granular acid;
  • 2 kg regular sugar.

Step by step recipe

Rinse the cherries in a large bowl of water. At the same time, remove the branches. Also shake off the moisture from the berries and squeeze out the seeds one by one.

Grind the resulting fruits for a few seconds in a stationary blender. Place the mixture in an enamel basin.

Now pour in the grated cherries regular sugar. Mix with a long spoon or spatula. Forget about the berry for several hours (up to 5).

At the next stage, put the cherries in their own juice over high heat for the winter. Boil, skimming off the foam that appears on the sweet surface.

After turning off the stove after six minutes, add citric acid granules. Mix the contents of the pelvis using circular movements.

Immediately pour the crushed berries into jars. Sterilize, which will take about ten minutes. Then cool.

Thanks to the fact that we chop the cherries in a blender, they will release juice much faster. Especially considering that it will be sprinkled with sugar. But adding acid is important, as for other recipes for sweet berry jam.

Option 5: Cherries and raspberries in their own juice for the winter

Another berry that goes well with cherries is raspberries. This is exactly what we will add to the fifth recipe for our sweet preparation.


  • kilogram of ripe raspberries;
  • two kilograms of juicy cherries;
  • 5-6 grams of acid (citric);
  • 2 kg sugar (regular).

How to cook

Carefully sort and wash the raspberries and cherries. Place the first berry in a bowl. After this, remove the seeds from the second one with a pin.

Add cherries to raspberries and sprinkle with sugar. Shake gently to distribute the crystals evenly among the berries.

Leave, covered with film, for 12-14 hours. During this time, do not touch the contents of the basin so that the raspberries and cherries release juice but do not turn into mush.

After the specified time has passed, place a bowl of cherries in their own juice on the middle burner for the winter. Boil.

Cook after bubbles appear for about three to four minutes, skimming off any foam as you go. At the end, dissolve the acid, add sweet Cherry jam into sterilized jars and roll up immediately.

Raspberries will be added to sweet preparation unique aroma and delicate notes that will be appropriate when it comes to bright tart taste cherries. But you need to mix the berries as carefully as possible so as not to damage their surface.

Option 6: Cherries in their own juice with gelatin for the winter

To make the liquid component of the jam more like jelly than simple juice, we recommend adding this option granulated gelatin preparations.


  • 2.5 kg of ripe cherries;
  • sachet (15 g) gelatin;
  • 110 grams of filtered water for gelatin;
  • 2 kg sugar.

Step by step recipe

Sort and process ripe cherries. Wash. Use a scalded pin to remove the seeds and place the berries in a clean bowl of a suitable size.

Cover with a simple top layer white sugar. Gently but persistently shake the cherries. Cover up. Let it release its juice, which will take about 5-6 hours.

When the specified infusion time is up, steam the gelatin. After ten minutes in a water bath, slightly heat it and, stirring with a spoon, achieve homogeneity (but do not boil!).

Place the basin with the cherries and the sweet juice that has formed on the large burner that is turned on. Boil.

Pour a few tablespoons of hot cherry juice into the container with the jelly mixture. Stir and pour into jam. Mix carefully.

Immediately pour the cherries in their own juice into sterilized jars for the winter, immediately roll up and cool. Keep refrigerated.

Having decided to create a similar option berry preparation, be prepared for the fact that it must be stored in the cold (cellar, basement or refrigerator). As soon as this jam hits the straight lines Sun rays or it will be in the heat, the gelatin will begin to melt, which will undoubtedly spoil the characteristics of the jam.

Option 7: Cherries in their own juice with vodka for the winter

We left for last unusual recipe cherry preparation, which we will prepare with the addition of pure white vodka. It will turn out very delicious drink, which are definitely worth your attention.


  • 1 liter of white vodka (without additional taste);
  • 3 kg cherries;
  • 1 kg regular sugar.

How to cook

Process the cherries, then wash them thoroughly in a basin of artesian water and dry them, spreading them out on a clean, large cloth.

When the berries are dry, squeeze out the seeds. Place the prepared cherries in a dry bowl. Sprinkle regular white sugar on top.

Leave to ripe berry I let some juice in for a couple of hours. During this time, scald several glass bottles.

Now place the cherries in each container, filling it one-third full. Having completed this process, pour the remaining sweet juice in equal parts.

Now introduce (also in the same volume) clean white vodka. Screw or cap bottles. Shake lightly.

Leave the cherries in their own juice over the winter in vodka for 15-17 days in a dark, cool place.

Depending on how strong the drink you want to get, adjust the ratio of vodka and cherries. Although it should be taken into account that the longer the drink is stored, the weaker it becomes. But in addition to berries, it is permissible to add a small chili pod to such a preparation, which will make it quite piquant.

By canning cherries in their own juice, you will gain strategic reserve for the winter for preparing drinks - compote and jelly. Berries are useful for various baked goods, will be used for filling and decorating cakes and pastries. I offer several of the most good recipes preparations, with and without sugar.

The advantage of natural preparation is that it is preserved more benefit cherries. Thanks to a very modest heat treatment, the vitamins do not have time to die, which means we have achieved the main thing - we have received a tasty and healthy dessert. Five minutes can rest.

How to roll cherries in your own juice - preparation secrets

  • As a rule, the preparation is made in small jars for one-time use, since open dessert It doesn’t last long, especially if it’s without sugar.
  • Take only the ripest berry.
  • Remove the seeds. The exception is the preparation of cherries in natural syrup for cakes. There are several recipes for preserving fruits with seeds; this is not forbidden. But you should know that long-term storage jars are not eligible. The seeds contain hydrocyanic acid, which is released into syrup over time.

Cherries in their own juice with sugar, without seeds

I think this is the most successful and The right way preparations in their own nectar. The dessert can be stored without complications all winter.


  • For 1 kilogram of berries 300 gr. granulated sugar.

Preparation of the workpiece:

  1. Place the jars to sterilize and boil the iron lids.
  2. Remove seeds from washed cherries.
  3. Place the fruits in a cooking container. At the lowest heat setting, start heating the contents. This is important - high heat is not needed.
  4. Immediately after the first signs of boiling appear, quickly transfer the cherry mass into jars and roll up.

Cherries with sugar without sterilization

The preparation is also made without seeds, but is somewhat different. You don’t have to bring the berries to a boil for a long time. The method is very simple, but the preparation technology will allow the preservation to stand all winter.


  • A glass of sugar per kilogram of fruit.


  1. Place the cored cherries in a saucepan. Sprinkle with sugar.
  2. Set aside for 12 hours. During this time, the berries will become saturated with sweetness and release a lot of juice.
  3. Prepare the jars - wash and sterilize.
  4. Turn on the gas at full power, let the mixture boil quickly and strongly.
  5. Remove, quickly pack into jars and seal.
  6. For storage, choose a pantry or refrigerator shelf.

Cherries in juice syrup with sugar

You can prepare cherries in your own juice so that you get a thick, pomegranate-colored syrup in which stunningly beautiful whole berries will float.


  • Per liter of cherry juice – 300 g. granulated sugar.

How to cook:

  1. Divide the washed cherries into 2 unequal parts. Free the smaller part from the seeds. Place in a blender bowl and grind.
  2. Drain the juice, add sugar and place on the stove.
  3. When the pulp boils, check if the sugar has dissolved.
  4. At the same time, distribute most of the cherries into the jars without removing the pits.
  5. Pour in boiling juice.
  6. Sterilize a liter container for 25 minutes, for containers of 0.5 liters – 20 is enough.

Cherries in juice with pits, recipe with sugar

There is no recipe exact proportions. But a large number of sweetener and sterilization will ensure that the product is protected from rapid fermentation.

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. Fill the jars in layers. At the bottom there is a layer of cherries about two centimeters thick. Then 2 tablespoons of sugar. And so on to the very top.
  2. Shake the jar periodically to ensure the contents fit tightly. The top layer must be sugar.
  3. The last step is sterilization. How long to sterilize: liter 20 minutes. Half liter jars – 15.

Cherries in their own juice – preserved without sugar

By this recipe It will be possible to preserve many berries in one jar. Another one strong point recipe - the fruits do not lose color, the result is aromatic, almost natural taste.

  1. Before cooking, do the prep work - pour over the cherries cold water and hold for exactly an hour. During this time, it will be saturated with water and become more juicy.
  2. Discard the core and place the pulp in jars.
  3. At the same time, start sterilizing the jars and lids.
  4. Sugar-free preparations in their own juice must be sterilized. Place the jars in a saucepan with hot water. Let the liquid boil and sterilize. For a 0.5 liter jar, 15 minutes is enough. Process a liter container for 20 minutes.
  5. After rolling, the workpieces are turned over, wrapped and waited to cool.

Cherries with pits - sugar-free recipe

I have already drawn your attention to the fact that it is advisable to harvest berries in their own juice without the core. However, if you plan to quickly use the content, it is acceptable to do so without deleting it.

  1. Fill the jars with washed berries. Place in a saucepan with hot water.
  2. Place a towel on the bottom of the pan to prevent the jars from bouncing around too much. Don't forget to cover the jars with lids.
  3. Preservation requires constant monitoring, since the cherries will soon begin to sag. Enclose required amount, filling the jar to the top. If it settles again, add a new portion.
  4. Soon the settling will stop, this is a signal that no more fruit will enter. Take it out and roll it up. Cool by turning it upside down.

Happy harvesting! Winter evening open the jar delicious preparation, and make any dessert with cherries that look like they were just picked from a tree. Video with a recipe for cherries in their own juice in jars for the winter.

Preparing home canned food for the winter allows you to provide your body with useful substances in the cold season and diversify winter diet, so many housewives make all kinds of supplies in the form of compotes, marinades and jams. Cherries are especially popular due to exquisite taste and unique composition. Fresh or processed, it is an excellent raw material for preparing a variety of baked goods, desserts and other dishes. But most often cherries are prepared in their own juice for the winter, since in this state they retain their original nutritional composition.

A little about the benefits of cherries

Experienced housewives, using their ability to roll cherries in their own juice, try to provide their family with nutritious products all year round. And it is she who is rightfully considered the queen of summer, as she pleasantly refreshes and quenches thirst. In addition, its composition contains glucose, fructose, organic acids, pectin, carotene and folic acid. The composition includes minerals: potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, fluorine, iron, manganese and iodine. Ripe fruits are rich in vitamins C, E, PP, B1 and B2.

With the help of this fruit you can treat anemia, constipation, gout, kidney disease, lung disease, stomach disease, as well as arthrosis and arthritis of the joints. Coumarin present in sufficient quantity, has the ability to reduce blood clotting, which prevents the formation of blood clots, and elagic acid reduces the likelihood of developing cancer cells, and therefore prevents the risk of developing cancerous tumors.

Rolling technology in own juice

Canning cherries in their own juice recipe without sugar.

    For canning, it is necessary to select whole berries, discarding overripe and greenish, as well as spoiled specimens. The leaves and stalks of the selected raw materials should be removed. Then you need to soak it in cold water for about an hour, and place in a colander to drain excess water.

    The next step is to remove the seeds, otherwise much of the juice needed during the cooking process will not be released. To do this you should use special device, and in the absence of the latter, you can use a bent hairpin, a paper clip, a toothpick or a manicure stick.

    The pitted fruits should be placed in a bowl with high sides and then used for their intended purpose, depending on the recipe for cherries in their own juice.

Methods for rolling fruits according to various recipes

Option one. Sugarless.

    Fruits prepared for future use retain all their fresh properties and are successfully added when cooking compotes, jelly, making pies and dumplings. To preserve cherries in their own juice without sugar, it is advisable to follow the following recommendations.

    Pack the prepared peeled berries into dry, sterilized containers, filling to the top. Gently compact them lightly to release the juice. Pour the juice remaining in the container up to the neck to remove all existing air. In this form, pitted cherries in their own juice can retain their properties for a long period.

    Place a large, capacious container on the stove in which to place a stand for cans. Place the glass container in a saucepan, fill it with cold water up to the hangers and leave it to sterilize after boiling for 10-20 minutes (depending on whether the jars are half-liter or liter). At the end of the sterilization process, the containers should be hermetically sealed with lids and left to cool completely.

Option two. With sugar.

    Prepared cherries in their own juice with sugar seem a little different. It has a pleasant tart, but slightly sweet taste. In general, the canning process is different from the previous one, since there is no sterilization step.

    Place the prepared and pitted berries in an enamel bowl with a wide bottom and high sides, sprinkled with sand. For every kilogram of raw material you should take a glass of sand. Keep the basin in a cool place for 10-12 hours. This is done to ensure that the juice is released as much as possible. After standing, place the container on the stove and bring the contents to a temperature of 90-95°. After removing from the heat, place the mass into a sterilized container and pour in the sweet liquid that has been released.

    Jars of cherries in their own juice without sterilization must be rolled up immediately, and then immediately turned upside down. Cooled canned food can be stored either in a cool place or at room temperature.

Option three. With bones.

    Of all the variety of recipes, only cherries in their own juice with pits roll up the easiest and fastest. This is due to the fact that there is no need to peel it, leaving only the pulp, which takes a lot of time.

    Whole berries should be sorted, rinsed under running water and allowed to drain. During this time, prepare a glass container in which to place the prepared raw materials. Separately, you need to boil water and pour it into filled jars. They need to be subjected home process sterilization, then immediately roll it up and turn it upside down. Canned cherries in its own juice, prepared in this way, can be stored for more than one year, maintaining its taste.

Each housewife has her own secrets and subtleties of preparing supplies for future use, but almost all of them use simple and affordable recipe cherries in their own juice without seeds, since these fruits can provide the body with vitamins all year round.

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