How to properly prepare a salad under a fur coat. Recipe for herring under a fur coat “The Tsar’s Gift”. Video recipe for lazy herring under a fur coat in an egg for the holiday table

When preparing dishes, you want them to be not only tasty, but also pleasing to the eye with their beauty. The most common salad on the holiday table is herring under a fur coat. When creating a menu, this dish comes first on the list.

Every housewife, at least once in her life, has faced the question of how to correctly and in what order to lay out the layers in this traditional dish. Over the years, many changes have been made to this recipe and new ingredients have been added. But the very first, classic recipe for cooking herring under a fur coat still remains the most delicious and desirable on the table.

  • Herring fillet – 900 gr.;
  • Egg – 6 pcs.;
  • Potatoes – 3 pcs.;
  • Burak – 6 pcs.;
  • Carrots – 3 pcs.;
  • Mayonnaise – 200 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. If you have a herring carcass. Then cut off the head. Remove the entrails. Rinse cold water. Cut lengthwise. Remove the backbone and all bones. If the fillet is ready, start cooking immediately;
  2. Cut the fish into small cubes. This will be the first layer;
  3. For the second layer. Boil potatoes in their jackets. Cool. When cold, the peel is easier to remove. Take a grater, be sure to be large, and grate;
  4. Place the eggs in a saucepan with hot water, cook for ten minutes over low heat. If you turn on the heat at full power, the water will boil, the eggs will knock against each other and crack;
  5. After the specified time, drain the water. Pour in cold. Cool completely. Eggs are poured with cold water so that they can be easily peeled;
  6. After complete cooling. Remove the shell. Grate. This is the third layer;
  7. Carrots can be cooked together with potatoes, but you just need to take into account that the cooking time for carrots is about fifteen minutes longer. Therefore, you need to get the potatoes earlier. Boil carrots in their skins. After cooking, cool and peel. Grate on a large grater. In the salad, this vegetable is the fourth layer;
  8. Burak is boiled in the skin. Its cooking time is twice that of other vegetables. Check readiness with a knife. If it enters the pulp easily and softly, it means it’s completely ready. Cool, remove the skin, grate. The filling for the fifth layer is ready;
  9. When forming a salad, lay out the layers strictly in order, greasing with mayonnaise. Decorate the top layer with mayonnaise, drawing a mesh.

Herring salad under a fur coat appeared on New Year's Eve and quickly gained popularity among the people. Despite his rich history, it still remains the most desired delicacy not only on the New Year's table, but on everyone family holidays. While preparing this dish, a festive mood is created. Every housewife has her own secret for preparing this salad. Prepared with carrots and apples. Change the order of layers. But the most favorite among the majority of the population remains the classic recipe for herring under a fur coat, assembled in layers.


  • Onion – 3 pcs.;
  • Potatoes – 6 pcs.;
  • Egg – 6 pcs.;
  • Herring fillet – 600 gr.;
  • Burak – 6 pcs.;
  • Mayonnaise – 100 gr.


The main thing is to arrange the layers correctly. The taste depends on this appearance dishes.

  1. The first layer is always fish, which is cut into small pieces. On big dish spread in a thin layer;
  2. The second layer is onion. Add to salad, pre-cut and soaked in hot water onion for ten minutes;
  3. The potatoes are placed in a third layer. First, the potatoes are boiled in their skins. Cool, remove the peel. Grate on a coarse grater;
  4. The top of the potatoes is poured with the oil that was left in the fillet packaging. And lubricate with mayonnaise;
  5. The fourth layer is carrots, boiled in their skins, cooled, peeled and grated on a coarse grater;
  6. The next fifth layer is the egg. Boil hard. Cool in cold water, peel the shell and pass through an egg slicer;
  7. Pour mayonnaise on top;
  8. The sixth layer is main ingredient this dish is beetroot. It is this that gives the dish an unforgettable taste and appearance. Cooked unpeeled. After cooling, peel and grate;
  9. Finally, gently rub the mayonnaise with a spoon, forming beautiful rounded sides.

It is beautiful to serve the dish in a transparent salad bowl. In this design of the herring under the fur coat, all the layers are visible, arranged in order.

You can serve this delicacy in portions to each person in a separate plate. To do this, use a special round ring, which you can easily buy in stores. If you don't have time to look special device, take a mineral water bottle, cut out a ring. Any tin and even a mug.

During cooking, press firmly on all foods to make it easier to remove from the portion ring.

For creating beautiful view resourceful housewives use salad springform for baking cakes. Transfer to a plate larger than the mold. The location of all layers is clearly visible. On the festive table it takes on the appearance of a cake and decorates the table. The salad, laid out on a dish in the form of a rectangle or square, looks original.

Herring under a fur coat, cooked according to the classic recipe with egg rolled into a roll. For this design option, all products are collected at cling film and are arranged in reverse order. This means that the first layer will be beetroot. Herring, unlike classic version There is no need to distribute it over the entire surface, but rather place the entire portion only in the center. Then, gently pressing with your hands, roll into a roll shape. Without removing the film, let it brew in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. Then remove the film and decorate festive table a beautiful dish.

A less common option is to serve in large red wine glasses. This portioned version looks amazing. All layers are clearly visible, arousing appetite, and the desire to quickly enjoy the colorful dish.

How to decorate a herring under a fur coat

The classic way to decorate a dish is mayonnaise applied in a net over a layer of beetroot. Sometimes they are decorated with grated egg or chopped herbs. Use tomatoes, cucumbers, onion rings or olives. But there are many methods to give a beautiful, unique look to a dish that is familiar to us. Of course, you will have to spend more time and effort, but the result is worth it.

For decoration, you can use regular cookie cutters. Cut out animals from any food, thereby delighting the children.

Mayonnaise is used to draw a trunk, pieces of olives add the image of a birch tree, and parsley serves as leaves. Using caviar and mayonnaise, you get very beautiful fish. You can imitate a real aquarium by adding dill algae.

if you have Silicone molds for cake with beautiful design, for example, a rose or a bear, use it and you won’t regret it. When you turn the salad onto a plate, it will take on the shape and look like a cake.

It is very easy to shape the fish. Make the scales from beetroot, onions and carrots cut into rings.

Flowers are made from boiled beetroot and carrots, placed on a mesh drawn with mayonnaise. Parsley leaves are ideal for flower foliage. For the New Year, it is beautiful to decorate with a clock on which the hands point to twelve o'clock. To do this, spread the mayonnaise evenly over the beetroot layer. Cut out Roman numerals and arrows from boiled carrots. Place them in the correct order. This dish should be placed in the center of the holiday table. You should not draw numbers and arrows with mayonnaise, because they will definitely turn red from beetroot.

In order for herring under a fur coat, prepared according to the classic recipe in layers, to be tasty, you need to know some points:

  1. Choose strong potatoes that do not become watery during cooking. Incorrectly selected potatoes will turn into mashed potatoes and spoil the taste of the dish. Many people boil peeled potatoes - this is wrong, they should only be cooked in their skins;
  2. Burak having veins in the cross section white, not suitable for salad. Also, do not use forage grades. The ideal beetroot is red in color and has a sweet taste. You should opt for medium-sized fruits;
  3. Carrots should be sweet, without bitterness. Medium size, fresh and firm;
  4. If possible, purchase eggs from farmers. They differ in appearance from store-bought eggs. rich color yolk, which will decorate the salad with its appearance;
  5. You need to choose fatty herring. Definitely lightly salted. Salty fish will over-salt the whole salad;
  6. Only fatty mayonnaise is used. With a low percentage of fat, mayonnaise is too liquid, it will not be able to saturate the layers well;
  7. Onions are always soaked in water or pickled. This softens the harsh onion taste. Always placed above the herring;
  8. There is no need to cut the ingredients into cubes; grated ones give soft taste salad and soak well;
  9. If you use ready-made lightly salted fillet herrings, then do not throw away the oil, pour it on top of the potatoes and get a rich and delicate taste salad;
  10. To give spicy taste add an apple with a slight sourness. Grate on a coarse grater. Don't rub it on fine grater, the apple will give a lot of juice and ruin the dish;
  11. Before starting to form the salad, grease the plate with sunflower oil;
  12. Coat the layers well with mayonnaise, otherwise the salad will be dry;
  13. Do not use herring if it has a yellowish tint or foreign odors, which means the fish was not stored properly and may have been spoiled.

Under a thick layer of selected vegetables
Fish are warming from the endless seas,
Among numerous salads and borscht
It’s not easy to single out recipes that are so original.
The dashing wave of her fate is not fabulous,
Which jumps briskly among others like it.

The old man and the net and karma are not about her, -
Pirate ships from fairy tales, then
She did not see that fabulous beauty
Having plowed the oceans for a short time,
But under a layer of cooked beets
Herring has conquered our countries!

A true classic for all time

Herring under a fur coat has been a favorite dish of residents of Russia and the CIS countries since the times Soviet Union. Traditionally, this salad is associated primarily with the main holiday of the year - New Year. Today, few people remember where the tradition of betting on New Year's table herring under a fur coat. Probably the reason is in analogy with an element of outerwear - a fur coat. Just as a fur coat keeps you warm in severe frosts, so does delicious herring, cooked according to original recipe, “warms up” while covering itself with numerous layers of vegetables. Usually the question is how to decorate this dish, occurs infrequently. Any type of greenery is suitable for decoration; it contrasts well with the bright surface of the salad.

There are many variations on how to cook herring under a fur coat. Moreover, this is relevant both to the order of laying the layers and to the ingredients used. Sometimes the recipe for herring under a fur coat involves preparing a salad even with an apple. But the final top layer is always beets. So classic herring under the fur coat, no matter what sequence the layers have, it always has a dark pink color: the beets color the final layer of mayonnaise. Firstly, beets perfectly represent winter clothing, and secondly, the brown color of boiled beets makes this stand out a traditional dish among other dishes of the New Year's festive table. However, it can increasingly be found on any holiday, regardless of the occasion or time of year.

  • 350 g herring
  • 500 g potatoes
  • 250 g beets
  • 100 g carrots
  • 2 chicken eggs
  • 100 g onion
  • 350 ml mayonnaise

Replaceable Ingredients

The first thing I would like to mention is that the dish requires use large quantity mayonnaise, so it is quite appropriate to replace high-calorie mayonnaise with low-fat mayonnaise. Using low calorie or dietary mayonnaise will reduce the calorie content of the entire dish to a record 1100-1750 calories. It is also recommended to choose the least fatty herring possible. The right fish- no less important point than compliance with layers. I highly recommend not purchasing cut and sliced ​​herring in oil. As a rule, such facilitation of the process affects taste qualities dishes. Moreover, the oil usually contains additional spices that will give the dish a taste that is unusual for traditional herring under a fur coat. Classic version The salad should not contain any spices. But the abundance of greenery is welcome. The final photo shows one of the options for decorating a herring under a fur coat.

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Recipe for making herring under a fur coat

Making the salad is quite simple. First of all, boil the vegetables: potatoes, carrots, eggs and beets. After removing from boiling water, the vegetables must be cooled so that they do not turn into porridge during the cooking process.

Let's start cutting the herring. We cut off the head, clean the fish from scales and rip open the belly. We take out the insides, not forgetting to cut off the ribs.

Now we cut the herring along the spine and separate the meat from the bones.

Cut the herring into cubes. It is important that not a single bone remains.

Cut the onion into half rings.

Grate the potatoes on a coarse grater.

Rub the eggs together with the yolk. You can also put it through an egg slicer or just slice it.

Grate carrots like potatoes.

Just like the previous ingredients, grate the beets.

We begin the actual preparation of the dish. The sequence of layers of herring under the fur coat is important point. Place some of the herring in the first layer on the dish.

Cover the herring with mayonnaise.

Posting onion.

Lubricate the onion with mayonnaise.

Add some grated potatoes.

Carefully coat the potatoes with mayonnaise.

Lay out the eggs.

Cover the eggs with mayonnaise.

Now add the second and final layer of herring.

Lubricate the herring generously with mayonnaise.

Cover the previous layers with the remaining potatoes.

Cover the potatoes with mayonnaise.

At this stage, lay out the carrots.

We also cover the carrots with a layer of mayonnaise.

It's time for the last thick layer of beets.

Pour mayonnaise over the beets, carefully leveling it over the surface.

The dish is served in one large dishes and placed on plates. Before serving, the herring salad under a fur coat should sit in the refrigerator for some time so that all layers are soaked. You can decorate with anything, such as greenery. Green color goes well with the color of the final layer. Bon appetit!

Good to know! IN Lately gain popularity vegetarian salad- an analogue of herring under a fur coat, called the sea under a fur coat. Herring is replaced seaweed, and by replacing chicken eggs Avocado is traditionally served.

And so everything is ready, let's get started:

1st layer - herring.

First, cut the herring, remove the bones and remove the skin. Then cut it into small cubes and put it in a mold and a herring bowl (since I cook in 2 molds).

2nd layer - onion.

Finely chop the onion and place it on top of the herring.

3rd layer - mayonnaise.

Lubricate everything on top with mayonnaise.

4th layer - potatoes.

Cleaning boiled potatoes and grate it on a coarse grater. Then place it on top of the mayonnaise.

5th layer - egg.

Peel the boiled eggs and separate the white from the yolk. Then grate the protein on a fine grater and place it on top of the potatoes. For now we put the yolks aside, they will be useful to us later.

6th layer - mayonnaise.

Lubricate the entire surface with mayonnaise.

7th layer - carrots.

Peel the boiled carrots and grate them on a coarse grater. Place a layer of carrots on top of the mayonnaise.

8th layer - mayonnaise.

Spread mayonnaise on top of carrots.

9th layer - beets.

We clean the boiled beets and grate them on a coarse grater, lay them in a layer on top of the mayonnaise.

10th layer - mayonnaise.

And finally, the last layer of mayonnaise, grease the beets.

Now let's decorate our salad with herring under a fur coat, for this we will need the remaining yolks. We grate them on a fine grater and sprinkle them on top of the herring under the fur coat.

Well, that’s practically all, we need to let our herring brew under a fur coat for 6-8 hours, it’s convenient to cook it in the evening so that it sits overnight and is thoroughly soaked. After which the herring can be served, but the one that we prepared in a homemade form must be removed. If you secured with paper clips, you need to carefully remove them and unfold the form. If you stapled it with a stapler, then you need to carefully cut it on the side with a sharp knife (stationery) so as not to damage our herring under the fur coat. That's it, now you can serve.

You can also cook herring under a fur coat not in such a small form, but make it larger. And then we will get our salad under a fur coat in the form of a cake, the old wonderful taste in a new package. Well, you’ve learned how to make a herring under a fur coat more attractive.

And so let's summarize:

Herring under a fur coat layers in order.

1st layer - herring.

2nd layer - onion.

3rd layer - mayonnaise.

4th layer - potatoes.

5th layer - egg.

6th layer - mayonnaise.

7th layer - carrots.

8th layer - mayonnaise.

9th layer - beets.

10th layer - mayonnaise.

And decoration (sprinkle with yolk).

Herring under a fur coat is considered the most popular dish in Russia, all the people do it for any celebration. But it is considered the most important appetizer for everyone’s long-awaited New Year. Everyone knows perfectly well that salad can be stored for a long time, but they still eat it first from the table. There are several other salads that compete with it. On the most popular holidays this is and. Of course, not counting meat snacks.

Where did this salad come from? It was invented back in the first half of the 19th century and it was called “herring salad.” But it is still not known why it was called “herring under a fur coat” and who came up with this name. It is decorated in different ways, some with greens, and some with fruits. It all depends on your imagination, but it is very rarely decorated.

Classic recipe for herring under a fur coat in layers

New Year is coming and everyone knows how to cook herring under a fur coat. But everyone turns out this recipe differently. I want to offer you my recipe. The process itself is very simple, the main thing is to adhere to the sequence of layers.

And guys, you don’t need to take an already cut fillet, it’s better to take a dense, elastic herring, with which the fur coat will be much tastier.


  • Potatoes – 5 pcs.;
  • Carrots – 2 pcs.;
  • Beetroot – 3 pcs.;
  • Mayonnaise – 150 gr.;
  • Onion – 1 pc.;
  • Herring – 1 pc.

1. Boil potatoes, carrots, beets until tender. Then cool and peel.

2. Using a coarse grater, grate the vegetables into separate bowls.

3. Finely chop the onion.

4. We fillet the herring, take out all the bones, chop it into small cubes and put it in a salad bowl.

1st layer – fish.

2nd layer: onion.

3rd layer: Mayonnaise, and potatoes on top.

4 layer. Top the potatoes with mayonnaise and then carrots.

5 layer. Again, coat with mayonnaise and add beets.

6 layer. Final. Spread the mayonnaise and start decorating. You can sprinkle the tanks with herbs and put lemon slices on top.

Place the salad in the refrigerator and let it soak.

Correct sequence of layers

To make the salad very tasty, you need to place all the ingredients in order on a plate. correct sequence. People wonder: So what is the first layer? I can definitely answer that someone puts potatoes at the bottom of the salad bowl, then fish, and then the main ingredients. The potatoes are soaked in fish and the salad turns out very tasty.

But there are cooks who put pieces of fish first, then onions, and then a little bit on the onions. vegetable oil and only then vegetables. So it’s all the same, how to do it, and how it tastes better and better for you, that’s how you cook it, it makes no difference. Delicious in both versions.


  • Salted herring – 1 pc.;
  • Beetroot – 3 pcs.;
  • Eggs – 5 pcs.;
  • Potatoes – 6 pcs.;
  • Onion – 1 pc.;
  • Carrots – 3 pcs.;
  • Mayonnaise – 150 – 200 gr.;
  • Salt - to taste.

1. First, cook the potatoes, beets, carrots, when the water boils, add a little salt and let it cook over low heat. Then drain the water, peel and grate them.

2. Hard boil the eggs. Cook when the water boils, 8 - 10 minutes.

3. Salted herring remove the bones and cut into small cubes.

4. We begin to assemble our salad, in layers.

1 layer. First, put the herring in a salad bowl and mix it with mayonnaise.

2nd layer. Onions, potatoes and also pour mayonnaise, but do not mix, just spread.

After putting the onion on the fish, before adding the potatoes, drop a little vegetable oil on it, this will make the dish tastier.

3 layer. Place carrots and also spread mayonnaise on top.

4 layer. We'll have grated eggs and, of course, mayonnaise.

5 layer. And the final layer will be beets, again coated with mayonnaise.

Next, we put the salad in the refrigerator so that it is well soaked, and when you serve it, you can decorate it. By the way, if you want, you can conduct an experiment: instead of herring, add mackerel, it also turns out very tasty.

These salads can be prepared at any time. They are easy to prepare, but the most troublesome part is still cleaning the fish. And almost all of you will agree with me. But the result is worth it. And now I say goodbye to you, see you soon!

Herring under a fur coat is as interesting and traditional a dish in Russia as Olivier salad. These dishes are prepared in every family from the same ingredients, but the taste is different for everyone. This is understandable because everyone has their own tricks in preparing these dishes.

What should it be? the right herring under a fur coat? Most likely you will not find people who will have a clear opinion on this issue.

So my advice: try it different variants and you will definitely find that recipe for this delicious salad, about which you will begin to say that this is how the correct herring under a fur coat is prepared.

Well, in the meantime, I’m sharing my recipe for my favorite salad.

My signature recipe for herring under a fur coat.

Ingredients: herring – 2 pcs., potatoes – 5 pcs. medium size, eggs – 4 pcs., beets – 2 pcs. medium size, onion - 1 head, mayonnaise.

  1. Boil eggs and vegetables. This can be done even the day before the day you plan to prepare the salad.
  2. The most difficult thing in preparing this dish is peeling the herring. But if you know how to do it correctly, then 5 minutes will be enough for you to get a clean fillet.

If for some reason you don’t want to bother with fish at all, then you can use preserves. We cut the herring fillet or preserves into small cubes, although you don’t have to cut the preserves if you’re really lazy.

  1. Put the salad in the refrigerator for several hours, and ideally it is better to let it stand for 12 hours. Then you will definitely get the right herring under a fur coat.

P.S. And for those who, like me, love this salad very much, I have a small gift - options for it festive decoration . By the way, friends, soon New Year! So when planning your menu, don’t forget about the herring under your fur coat!
