How to make quince jam with lemon. Quince jam: recipes

Preparation time: peeling and slicing quince - 30 minutes, all stages of cooking - about 1 day.

Output - 1.5 kg

Pamper your loved ones - cook delicious jam from quince. This healthy fruit not very impressive raw, but when cooked it tastes wonderful. You can easily prepare aromatic quince jam that retains the maximum amount of vitamins; the recipe with photos will explain to you all the subtleties and nuances step by step.

How to make quince jam in slices

Wash the quince covered with fluff thoroughly. It washes off easily, just rub with a sponge. Remove the core with seeds and damaged areas, if any, from the quince. Shred quince slices plates 2-4 mm wide.

Please note: when peeling the fruit from the core, the original weight of the product will decrease slightly. Use 1 kg of sugar per 1 kg of peeled fruit.

Place the cut slices in parts into a bowl for cooking and immediately sprinkle with sugar. This is done in order to avoid darkening of the quince in the air.

Leave the cut slices covered with granulated sugar for several hours, during which time the juice should release. To make it stand out more actively, you can stir the sugar-fruit mixture a couple of times. Ideally, the naturally occurring syrup should almost cover all the slices. If you find a quince that is not very juicy and does not release its juice well, add a little water.

Bet the future quince jam on small fire, bring to a boil and cook for 5-6 minutes, stirring occasionally. If foam forms, remove it with a spoon. Now the treat should be allowed to cool. This procedure will need to be repeated two more times. By the end of the third cooking, the quince slices will become transparent, and the jam itself will become a beautiful reddish hue.

Before putting the container on the fire for the third time, wash and sterilize the jars with lids. Place the hot jam into prepared containers, close the lids and cover with a “fur coat”.

You will definitely love this sweetness and, perhaps, next time you will want to cook it with lemon or orange, with vanilla or nuts, with the addition of pumpkin or apples. You may be wondering how to make quince jam in a slow cooker or even in a bread maker, because all these recipes exist.

The step-by-step recipe for quince jam is ready. Enjoy your meal!

Quince jam– fragrant oriental delicacy with amazing aroma and taste. It is also a very beautiful amber sunny color. You need a piece of sun in winter, right? Then be sure to make quince jam to winter evening to please not only the stomach, but also the soul.

Quince is a difficult fruit; in its raw form it is very hard, so when cooking jam it requires additional processing. But it appears in our markets towards the end of October, when everyone else autumn preparations have already been made (of course, by those who make them at all) and we have time to deal with quince. There are several ways to make quince jam, most of them involve cooking in several stages with intermediate cooling, so the process takes almost three days. We offer you an option that we have tested more than once regarding quick recipe preparing this fragrant jam.

Need to:

  • Quince – 1 kg
  • Granulated sugar – 1 kg

It is best to cook any jam in a wide enamel bowl; if you cook a double portion at once, you can take a basin (in our photographs you will see exactly a basin; we made jam from 3 kilograms of quince). A wide pan with a thick bottom will also work. Let us also note that quince is a very dense and heavy fruit, two pieces already “pull” a kilogram, so, from our point of view, it makes sense to cook at least a double portion.


Quince, like any fruit, must first be thoroughly washed and wiped dry.

Next, cut the quince in half (as we usually do with apples if they need to be peeled), then into quarters and remove the core and seeds. Hard quince is difficult to cut, so be prepared to use physical force. Then there are two cutting options: either we cut each quarter lengthwise into three slices, and cut the slices crosswise into cubes, as in our photo, or we cut each quarter (or a quarter cut in half) crosswise into thin, 3-4 mm, slices. The cutting form you choose will not affect the taste of the jam.

Place the chopped quince in a large enough pan and add water to cover the entire quince. Place the pan on the stove, bring to a boil, turn down the heat and cook the quince at low simmer for 15 minutes, then our quince will be soft.

After 15 minutes of boiling, turn off the stove and use a slotted spoon to remove the quince into a bowl. We don’t pour out the decoction (the water in which the quince was boiled), we will need it later.

Pour sugar into the bowl in which we will cook the jam. Pour in some of the quince broth at the rate of 1 cup (200 ml) per 1 kilogram of sugar. Prize tip: Of course, it’s a pity to pour out the quince broth remaining after this step! Add a little sugar to your taste and maybe a little more water, bring to a boil, simmer for 1-2 minutes and let cool. It will turn out wonderful sweet and sour soft drink such as fruit drink or compote.

Now we need to cook the syrup. Place a bowl of sugar filled with quince broth on the stove, first at medium or high heat and, stirring, bring to a boil. The sugar will gradually dissolve, the syrup will foam a lot at the beginning of the boil, it is advisable to carefully remove this foam. When the syrup boils, reduce the heat level and cook the syrup at a low simmer for 15-20 minutes. By the end of this time, the syrup will become transparent and will no longer foam. The readiness of the syrup, as well as later the readiness of the jam, is checked as follows: take a little syrup in a spoon and drop it onto a clean plate. If the drop does not spread over the plate, but remains in the shape of a tiny hemisphere, even if the plate is tilted, the syrup is ready.

Without removing the bowl from the stove and without turning off the heat, put the boiled quince into the syrup, stir and again, turning up the heat, bring everything to a boil.

When the jam boils, reduce the heat/heat to medium so that the jam does not “run away”. Cook for about 10 minutes, then reduce the heat to low, and over low heat until it simmers slightly, cook for about another 30 minutes, stirring occasionally (about every 4-5 minutes). Thus, in total, after the moment of boiling, we cook the jam for 40-45 minutes. It is more convenient to stir the jam with a large wooden spoon.

During the boiling process, a foam forms, which at the end of cooking will need to be carefully removed with a spoon (if this is not done, your jam will not be stored for long). There is no need to throw away the foam, just put it in a mug or on a saucer and eat it like jam within 1-2 days.

By the end of the cooking process, yours will acquire a pronounced amber-honey color. Check the readiness of the jam as described above. Don't forget to remove the foam and turn off the stove.

Quince is considered an Asian relative of pear and apple, but the fruit is not particularly healthy if consumed raw. For this reason, many housewives prefer to make jam or jam based on peeled fruits. To prepare the delicacy you only need sugar syrup, water and the fruit itself. As a result heat treatment the pieces become soft and pliable. The finished product is often used as an independent snack and added to desserts. One of the positive characteristics of quince is the increase immune system, combating anemia of the limbs, antipyretic properties.

Features of preparing quince jam

  1. Only ripe fruits are used to prepare the delicacy. It is important to remember that fruits should not be overripe. Suitable quince has a rich yellow color and a pronounced aroma. If you have collected lightly green fruits, leave them under the sun for 1-2 days to ripen.
  2. During heat treatment, quince retains its shape well. For this reason, it is necessary to cut the fruit into beautiful “orange” slices or cubes. Before adding the fruit to the pan, remove the core and stalks. The peel can be removed at will, but it is this that makes the delicacy fragrant.
  3. Like any other jam, the quince composition is prepared in several stages. To begin with, the fruits are boiled in ordinary water, then a syrup is prepared based on this liquid. Next, the fruits are sent back to the sweet filling and cooked until ready. Classic version is considered the longest, but it is the basic one.
  4. Before you start cooking quince, select a thick-bottomed pan (a cauldron will do). This move will prevent the fruit and sugar from burning. If the sand burns, it will spoil the taste and aroma of the finished dish.
  5. To prevent the jam from becoming sugary during the process long-term storage, at the end of cooking, add the treats citric acid. Do not overdo it with the quantity, since the delicacy turns out to be quite sour even without this component.

Quince jam: a classic of the genre

  • drinking water - 720-740 ml.
  • granulated sugar - 760 gr.
  • ripe quince - 1.4 kg.
  1. Rinse the fruits with water and rub them with a foam sponge. Chop into equal sections, core, and peel if desired. Grind the quince into slices or straws of the same size. After preparation, you will have about 850 grams. fruit.
  2. Place the fruits in a saucepan, fill with filtered water and place on the stove. Cook for a third of an hour on medium power, the fruit should partially soften. Remove the quince and leave it in a sieve or colander to drain excess liquid.
  3. Leave the cooking water for syrup. Add sugar, set the burner to minimum, wait until the grains dissolve. As a rule, the process of cooking sugar takes 8-10 minutes. Don't forget to stir the syrup.
  4. After the allotted time has passed, pour the cooled quince slices into the pan, increase the power of the stove to the middle, wait until the first bubbles appear. As soon as this happens, note the time; you need to simmer the fruit for 7 minutes.
  5. Next, turn off the heat, cover the dish with a lid, and leave it warm for 5 hours. During the specified period of time, the quince will be saturated with sugar and become moderately sweet. Now simmer the jam again for 7 minutes, add another 100 grams if desired. sugar, turn off the stove, wait 4-5 hours again.
  6. To finish cooking, place the pan with the delicacy on low heat and simmer for half an hour, stirring constantly. Sterilize containers and lids, pour into jars finished product, cork. Once cooled, transfer to the refrigerator.

  • purified water - 25-30 ml.
  • quince - 2 kg.
  • granulated sugar - 1.2 kg.
  • citric acid - 3 gr.
  1. Select a container for cooking in the microwave. Glass containers are suitable for baking dishes in the oven. Wash the quince, peel it, cut it into cubes or “orange” slices.
  2. Place the fruits in a bowl so that 1/3 of the total volume remains free. If you cannot find large containers, reduce the ingredients by half and use smaller containers.
  3. Set the microwave to maximum power and turn on the timer for a quarter of an hour. Place the pan with the fruit inside and bake for the allotted time.
  4. After the expiration date, remove the dishes, sprinkle the contents with granulated sugar, and send them to simmer again. Keep the same power and time. While the mixture is boiling, dilute the citric acid with water, leave for 5 minutes until the grains dissolve, pour into the total mass.
  5. Sterilize the lids and screw-on jars, and dry the containers. Pour the finished treat and seal. Turn the twist over, let it cool, and put it in the cold for storage.

Quince jam with ginger

  • lemon juice - 7-8 ml.
  • quince - 550 gr.
  • lemon zest - 10 gr.
  • granulated sugar - 520 gr.
  • ginger root (fresh) - 7 gr.
  • clean water (drinking) - 230 ml.
  1. Rub lemon zest. Wash the ginger root and chop it very finely. Rinse the quince, remove the peel (you don’t have to do this if the surface is not damaged). Remove the stems and core from the fruit.
  2. Cut the quince into slices or cubes and place in a saucepan with a thick bottom and walls. Pour water into the container and cook at low power for a quarter of an hour. Next, add granulated sugar, add grated lemon peel and ginger root.
  3. Stir the product until smooth, cook for 25-30 minutes, do not allow the mixture to burn to the walls of the dish. During this time, boil and dry the container for twisting (sterilization process).
  4. At the end of cooking the jam, pour in lemon juice, wait 3-5 minutes, turn off the burner. Pour the treat into warm jars, seal, and turn upside down. Wrap in a thick blanket or sweatshirt and let cool for 12 hours.

  • water - 1.2 l.
  • orange - 2 pcs.
  • quince - 2.4 kg.
  • sugar - 1.8 kg.
  1. Wash the fruits under the tap, rub with a foam sponge, and clean the quince from seeds, stalks, and peel. Chop the fruits into cubes, strips or slices and place in a cauldron.
  2. Pour in filtered water, add sugar, heat over medium heat, wait until bubbles appear. After this, simmer the contents for a quarter of an hour.
  3. Next, turn off the burner, cover the dish with a lid, and leave to steep for 7 hours. Start preparing the orange: wash it, chop it into cubes without removing the zest.
  4. Grind the citrus in a blender, meat grinder or food processor, add to the quince. Place the container with jam on the stove and cook for 45 minutes. Sterilize containers and lids.
  5. When the treat is ready, pour it into clean containers and roll it up. Turn it upside down and wash it with a winter blanket. Leave it overnight and transfer the jam to the cellar in the morning.

Quince jam with walnuts

  • lemon - 1 pc.
  • granulated sugar - 825 gr.
  • filtered water - 530 ml.
  • quince - 1.1 kg.
  • vanilla sugar - 2 gr.
  • Walnut- 215 gr.
  1. Wash the quince and prepare it (cleaning, drying, cutting). Pour 250 ml of chopped fruit. water, blanch for a quarter of an hour. Don't throw away the peel, you'll need it.
  2. In a separate pan, mix 200 ml. water and 500 gr. granulated sugar. Place the container on the stove to prepare the syrup and wait until the crystals dissolve.
  3. Pour the hot syrup into the quince, stir and leave for 5 hours. To prevent insects from getting inside, cover the treat with a lid or gauze cloth.
  4. After the allotted time has passed, add the remaining granulated sugar and place the pan with the contents on the stove. Simmer at the middle mark for 15-20 minutes.
  5. The peel that remains from peeling the fruit is poured into 150 ml. water and boil for half an hour. Next, the solution is filtered and added to the main composition. At the same time, add vanilla sugar.
  6. Chop the lemon into slices without removing the zest. Remove the seeds and add the pulp and skin to the jam. Grind the walnuts in a coffee grinder (fry them in a frying pan to prevent the delicacy from becoming moldy).
  7. Now put the jam on the fire again and cook for 7 minutes. Disinfect the containers in which the mixture will be twisted in advance. Pour hot jam over them, seal, turn over.

  • apple - 550 gr.
  • granulated sugar - 1.1 kg.
  • quince - 1.3 kg.
  • citric acid - ¼ teaspoon
  1. Rinse the fruit, remove the core, remove the peel, and discard the stalks. Chop into pieces, place in a saucepan, sprinkle with granulated sugar. Cover with a lid or gauze and wait 9 hours.
  2. Next, place the dishes on the stove, boil for 5-7 minutes, do not forget to stir the contents. Turn off the burner, cool the mixture and repeat the boiling procedure again. After the second cooling, add citric acid, again bring the mixture until the first bubbles appear and simmer for 5 minutes.
  3. Wash and disinfect the jars and dry them. Pour the jam into containers, seal, and wrap with a blanket. Cool the mixture upside down for 11-12 hours.

Quince jam with almonds

  • sugar - 850 gr.
  • quince - 0.9-1 kg.
  • filtered water - 1 l.
  • almonds - 130 gr.
  1. Prepare the almonds in advance. Fry the nuts in a dry, hot frying pan, crush them into pieces or leave them whole. Rinse, peel the quince, chop into slices.
  2. Pour running water into a thick-bottomed pan, bring the liquid to a boil, and add the quince slices inside. Boil the mixture for 7 minutes, then leave the fruits in a colander or sieve to drain.
  3. Start making syrup using filtered water and sugar. After cooking, cool it and pour the mixture over the quince. Soak the fruits in sugar for 4-5 hours, during which time they will be saturated and become sweet and sour.
  4. When the jam is infused, repeat the manipulations. Place it back on the stove, simmer for 7 minutes, cool until room temperature. Then the procedure is repeated again, at this stage of cooking lemon is added. It must first be washed and chopped into cubes, removing the seeds.
  5. Sterilize containers and lids, dry the container, pour it into ready-made composition. Roll up, turn upside down, cool at natural (room) temperature. Refrigerate and start tasting after 5 days.

Consider recipes for making quince jam with the addition of walnuts or roasted almonds. Boil the delicacy with apple, orange, lemon, ginger. Try making quince jam in the microwave, do not disturb step by step instructions. Add granulated sugar according to personal taste preferences.

Video: vitamin quince jam

Quince jam is considered one of the best. Properly prepared quince jam in slices will retain its taste throughout the winter months. It is necessary to choose firm fruits so that their slices do not become soft during the cooking process. Additional Ingredients in the form of nuts, other fruits and spices will make the treat especially tasty and aromatic.

Ingredients: 1 kg each of quince and granulated sugar.

  1. Fruits are washed well under running water. The core is cut out of them, the skin is left. The quince is cut into small slices.
  2. The prepared fruit slices are poured into a large bowl. Half of the stated amount of sand is distributed on top.
  3. The container is left alone for a day. During this time, the fruits will begin to release juice.
  4. Next, you can pour the remaining sugar into a bowl and leave its contents for another day. There is no need to put the mixture in the refrigerator.
  5. On the third day you can start cooking. First, the contents of the container are brought to a boil, and then the heating under the mixture is reduced to a minimum. Only small bubbles should remain on the surface.
  6. After about 40-45 minutes of cooking without stirring, the delicacy is almost ready. At the same time, its drop should not spread or lose its shape when it hits a flat surface.
  7. If you need to thicken the mixture, leave it on the stove for about 12 more minutes.

You can pour the treat into prepared jars.

Amber delicacy with lemon

Ingredients: a little less than a kilogram of fruit, the same amount of granulated sugar, a large ripe lemon.

  1. Fruits of both types are washed very thoroughly in cool water. You can use a stiff brush.
  2. The quince is cut into quarters and the core is carefully removed. The pulp together with the skin is cut into not too thin slices. Otherwise, they will soften during the cooking process and will not be felt in the finished delicacy.
  3. In a saucepan, the chopped pulp is generously sprinkled with freshly squeezed citrus juice.
  4. Clean gauze is stretched over the dishes in 1-2 layers. The structure is left in this form for 24 hours.
  5. Next, the container is moved to medium heat, and its contents are cooked for 50-55 minutes.

As soon as the syrup begins to thicken, the mass is immediately poured into prepared glass containers and closed with lids.

In a slow cooker

Ingredients: kilogram of dense fruits, ½ kg of granulated sugar, 170 ml hot water. How to cook jam in slices in a “smart pan” is described below.

  1. The quince is washed in cold water, after which it is cut into quarters along with the peel. It is most convenient to use a wide knife or a miniature hatchet for this, because the fruit is dense and hard.
  2. Each quarter gets rid of the seed pod and washed in water. All actions must be performed very quickly until the fruit pulp darkens.
  3. The quarters are cut into medium-sized cubes and immediately placed into the bowl of the device. Sand is distributed on top. If desired, you can add a little cinnamon to the slow cooker at this stage.
  4. Hot water is poured onto the food.
  5. The “Extinguishing” program is activated for 25 minutes.
  6. The jam is left to cool right in the bowl overnight.
  7. In the morning it is stewed for another 13 minutes. After the next cooling, the procedure is repeated again.

With the addition of apples

Ingredients: a cut glass of filtered water, half a kilogram of granulated sugar and sour apples, a medium lemon, a kilo of quince.

  1. The apples are washed, cored and cut into miniature cubes.
  2. You need to process the quince in the same way. It is cut into medium slices.
  3. The prepared fruits are mixed in one bowl and filled with the entire volume of sugar at once.
  4. After about 40 minutes, the container with the ingredients is sent to the fire. This is where the water pours out.
  5. After 5-6 minutes, citrus juice is squeezed onto the fruit. The mass is brought to a boil. With frequent stirring, it cooks for 90 minutes. The finished syrup should not spread over the plate.

The resulting sweetness is rolled into jars.

Citrus flavor with oranges

Ingredients: large orange, 2 kilos of quince, 1.5 kilos of granulated sugar, a large spoon of ground cinnamon.

  1. Dense ones are selected ripe fruits quinces without rotting or cracks. They are washed, wiped dry, removed the core and cut into medium slices.
  2. The orange is crushed directly with the zest using a special blender attachment or passed through a meat grinder.
  3. The prepared fruits are mixed and filled with the entire amount of sand at once. The mixture is left for a couple of hours so that the fruits have time to release their juice.
  4. Cook the mixture over low heat until thickened. About 7-8 minutes before full readiness You can add ground cinnamon into it.

All that remains is to roll the delicious quince and orange jam into sterilized jars.

With walnuts

Ingredients: 320 ml of filtered water, a kilogram of quince, 2 large spoons of lemon juice, 17-18 walnuts, 370-390 g of granulated sugar.

  1. You need to use ripe ones strong fruit. They are thoroughly washed and, together with the peel (but without the core), cut into large slices.
  2. The kernels are extracted from the nuts and divided into 2 halves.
  3. The crushed fruits are sprinkled with sand. Nuts are also poured here.
  4. The ingredients are poured with water and lemon juice, after which they are sent to cook for 20 minutes after boiling. The delicacy is prepared with low bubbling. Periodically, the contents of the container must be carefully mixed.

The finished sweet is rolled into sterilized jars.

Cooking with quince and pumpkin

Ingredients: half a kilogram of fresh pumpkin pulp, 270 g of quince, 270 g of sugar (sand).

  1. The vegetable gets rid of hard peel and seeds. The pumpkin is cut into thin slices.
  2. The quince is crushed larger. You need to cut it into transverse slices along with the skin.
  3. The crushed ingredients are combined in a saucepan and sprinkled with sand. The container is covered with a towel and left for 3-4 hours. During this time, juice from the fruit will begin to actively release.
  4. When the stove is heated strongly, the mass is brought to a boil. The fire decreases and the mixture simmers in this mode for about half an hour.

The jam is placed in sterilized containers and rolled up hot. After cooling, it is sent to storage and a cool place.

Features of the technological process

  1. To make the jam tasty with clearly visible slices, you need to choose the right fruits for it. Only strong, dense fruits of bright yellow color are taken. Green and overripe quince are not suitable for such jam.
  2. The fruit in question burns very quickly. Therefore, for cooking it, choose dishes with a thick bottom and walls.
  3. Periodically, you need to carefully mix the contents of the jam.
  4. If you plan to store the finished delicacy for a long time, then it is better to choose a recipe that alternates boiling and cooling. However, in this case, the preparation process can last for a day.
  5. An enamel basin or the same pan is great for making quince jam.
  6. You can only roll the finished treat into pre-sterilized jars.

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