Outline of a lesson on technology on the topic: Outline of a lesson on technology “Working with salt dough. Salt dough - a recipe for making material for sculpting crafts. How to make salt dough - photo, video

The roots of this type of creativity lie at the origins of Slavic culture. And more recently, the hobby has become popular again, and not in vain. After all, sculpting from salt dough is a pleasure, and it is accessible to many. The components for such crafts do not need to be purchased or prepared from expensive ingredients. Every home has salt, flour, and butter. This material is much more flexible and durable than gypsum and especially plasticine. You will learn how to make salt dough for crafts below.


In modern language, the art of modeling dough is called testoplasty or bioceramics. But no matter what name the salt dough crafts have, they are always beautiful! The creation of a new figurine always becomes an event, because when making them, the craftsmen put effort and soul into them. The plastic material allows you to create products of any complexity, sometimes even complete masterpieces. In addition, over time, crafts do not deteriorate or change, and salt protects them from pests.

Its current popularity is growing, and this hobby has attracted the interest of both children and adults. School circles have become involved in the fascination with this ancient form of art due to its accessibility and the possibility of endless embodiment of ideas. Thematic classes are conducted in kindergartens, and experienced craftsmen create picturesque paintings and realistic three-dimensional figures for home decor.


To create something yourself, you need a creative mood, an idea, and the material itself. On the Internet, many sites are full of ready-made works, master classes, collections of photographs on bioceramics, and write how to make salt dough for crafts. Therefore, you won’t need much effort to get inspired.

From the dough you can create any objects, figures, fruits, vegetables, refrigerator magnets and much more. A three-dimensional still life in real size, consisting of a saucer and some fruits that will be easy to mold and decorate even for a child, will look realistic. may include a composition of a rowan branch created from real pine needles and red dough balls. All this can be arranged in the form of a painting or bas-relief to decorate the walls. It remains to find out for crafts. To prepare it, the ingredients are mixed, and after the toy is made, it is baked.

How to do

You can make salted dough for crafts yourself. To do this, you need to mix all the ingredients and put it on the stove or in the microwave. But there is a method that does not require heat treatment; it is usually used for making large figures when a lot of material is needed. After thorough kneading, they begin to sculpt crafts from salt dough. How to make the dough and which method to choose does not matter, the main thing is that it is thick and elastic, much like for dumplings. The hot cooking option is more flexible and dries better, but it is also a little more difficult to do.

How to make salt dough for crafts? Brewing recipe:

Mix flour, salt, cream and butter in a bowl. Dilute the food coloring in water and pour the resulting solution into the flour, avoiding the formation of lumps.

Place the container over low heat, stirring constantly. As it warms up batter will turn into thick mass. When it has completely thickened, remove from heat and place on the table. Knead the dough until it becomes soft and suitable for modeling. The same can be done in microwave oven. To do this, place the bowl with the dough inside at full power (650 W) for one minute. When the time is up, remove to stir, then put back inside. Watch for a while until the dough begins to rise from the bowl. Remove the container from the microwave and wait about three minutes until the salt dough preparation thickens. It’s now clear how to make the dough, all you have to do is knead it as in the first case.

Second option:

  • 150 g flour;
  • 150 g salt;
  • ½ tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
  • 100 g of water.

Mix the ingredients and knead the elastic material in the same way as making salt dough for crafts. custard method. To make sculpting easy, it is recommended to prepare the material the day before the planned work. It should be stored in plastic bag on the refrigerator shelf, and it does not spoil for quite a long time.

Coloring salt dough

If you want to tint the salt dough, then during the cooking process, drop a few drops of food coloring of the desired color into the water. It should be taken into account that after baking the colors will lighten, but if you varnish the product, the shade will become saturated again.

To make fragile relief crafts, add 20 grams of PVA glue and a little potato starch to the dough.


You don’t have to color the dough during the cooking process, but decorate the already sculpted and baked figure. You can use watercolor, gouache, acrylic paints. Many craftswomen even adapt nail polishes. Finishing touches You can draw on or highlight with regular felt-tip pens. Please note that painting temporarily softens the surface of the figurine. Therefore, after registration, let the finished copies dry a little more in the air or in the oven.

What do you need for work?

To sculpt the figures you will need a working tool, often they are ordinary everyday objects. You can use a knife, rolling pin, comb, pen rods, which are convenient for making various holes. Relief knives and children's sets are well suited ready-made molds for working with plasticine. Everything that is in the house can also be useful. Beads, lace, forks, soles of children's shoes, buttons, designer parts - what can be used to make an imprint on a product.


Dry finished goods possible at fresh air, but usually this takes a long time, so this is often done in the oven at the lowest temperature, changing the sides of the figures from time to time. Drying time depends on the size of the crafts. Sometimes products are slightly browned to give a natural color, for example, Christmas tree gingerbread cookies, people, pies for decoration.


You can start your creativity by making flowers, especially women will like it. Moreover, you already know how to make salt dough for crafts. Making daisies is very easy. Petals can be made by rolling out small strips lengthwise. And decorate the middle with a flattened ball, to which the resulting petals are attached from below. You can take the twigs from a real thuja - they are so similar to chamomile leaves, and also do not spoil. Place the composition in a basket, also made by yourself. It is woven from long strips of the same material as flowers. After everything is dry, you can start painting.


Cat lovers can practice various variations funny cats, like in the photo. At all, this topic Loved by all adults and children, these animals can't help but inspire. You can even make a red cat out of salt dough in a primitive way, it will still look wonderful. And a cat created believably is, of course, a job for more experienced craftswomen.

Creating figures from salt dough is not just fun, but also painstaking work that requires perseverance and concentration. Children make crafts from salt dough; the activity is useful for them because it develops not only fine motor skills, but also creative thinking, artistic taste and many other positive qualities.

Salty dough- the cheapest, most accessible and safe material for modeling (don’t be scared if your baby decides to try a “new” taste, but beware of dough with impurities such as glue or starch). The undoubted positive qualities of this material are its amazing plasticity, delicacy and softness, the absence of greasy marks and stains on objects and clothes, and it is easily washed off from hands, unlike plasticine, and besides, your craft will not be damaged by rodents or bugs. But there is also a minus - salty dough It is quite fragile and the product may break.

The plastic properties of salt dough have been known for a long time: even our great-great-grandmothers sculpted various figures of birds and animals from it, which they gave to their friends and family for the holidays. Dough products were also used as children's toys.

And today... modeling from salt dough, like or from, is a favorite pastime of children and adults. How nice it is to create and give gifts made with your own hands. From the dough you can make something like simple products(mushrooms, flowers, leaves, etc.), and quite complex (animals, people, multifaceted compositions and paintings).

When working with this material you do not need any special tools and accessories (not counting a working board for rolling out dough, a rolling pin or bottle, a knife...), you only need your hands and available tools (various small things will come in handy: beads, buttons, rhinestones, glass, lace, threads, chains, various cereals and seeds, foil for decoration, etc.). I note that products made from salt dough are quite heavy, so large sizes must be avoided.

The main ingredients of the "environmentally friendly" material are flour, salt and water. There are a lot of recipes for making salt dough, we bring to your attention several of them. .

Salt dough recipe No. 1:

1 cup (about 200 g) flour, ½ cup (about 200 g) salt (salt is heavier than flour), 3/4 cup (about 125 ml) water.

Salt dough recipe No. 2:

Wheat flour about 2 cups, “Extra” salt about 1 cup, water about 3/4 cup.

Selection of flour and dough

It is advisable to use fine salt, for example “Extra”; coarse salt is also possible, but it will have to be ground in a coffee grinder.

Flour is selected without raising agents and emulsifiers. Even the cheapest flour would be ideal, but only wheat flour, since it contains more gluten compared to rye flour. Dough mixed with rye flour will be less elastic, will not stretch well and lack elasticity, but the products will acquire a warm brown tint (recipe for salted dough from rye flour will be given below). If you know that the future craft will not have small parts, then you can use mixed dough (50/50 - rye and wheat flour). Knead the dough, stiff, like for dumplings. We use only clean and cold water, not necessarily boiled, but tap water can be used.

But every professional master has his own secrets, thanks to which the dough becomes best quality(more elastic, and this property is necessary for testoplasty - modeling from salt dough).

And to make the craft durable, you can add wallpaper glue (1-2 tablespoons).

Recipe No. 3:

Wheat flour - 1 cup, salt - 2 cups, wallpaper glue (dry) - 1 tablespoon, water - about 1 cup.

The elasticity and plasticity of the dough can be increased by using starch (add 1-2 tablespoons, but be careful with it, as the craft becomes more fragile) or hand cream, vegetable oil (1 tablespoon).

Knead the dough, knead it thoroughly until homogeneous mass so that there are no lumps. If the dough crumbles, you need to add water, and if it sticks too much to your hands, add flour.

I would like to warn you that salt dough dries very quickly in the air, so store it in a closed container or plastic bag. The dough can be stored in the refrigerator for two or three days, but its color will change and it will become grayish. By the way, chilled dough becomes more elastic.

Using natural materials (cocoa, coffee, curry, paprika, cumin, fruit and vegetable juices(parsley juice, carrot juice, beet juice) etc.), food coloring, gouache can be made and colored dough. I would like to warn you that during the baking process the color of the craft may change, becoming lighter and less saturated. But before you color the whole dough, try the “paint” on a small piece.

We remind you of the combination of colors to obtain the required shade:

white/red – pink

white/blue - light blue

blue/yellow - green

yellow/red - orange

red/green - brown

blue/pink - purple

blue/green - emerald

Salty dough made from rye flour

The only drawback is the long drying of the products (about 1-2 weeks in the open air, and then in the oven, but over very low heat).


3 cups (about 300 g) wheat flour, 1 cup (about 100 g) rye flour, 2 cups (about 400 g) salt, 1.5 cups (about 250 ml) water.

A collection of tips for modeling salt dough:

Tip #1: When cutting with molds Before starting the work process, it is necessary to moisten the baking sheet with water with a brush and it is best to sculpt or cut out the product on it, since back side the craft will remain level and will not be damaged when transferring the product from the table to oven. To create a painting, you need to dry the background for several days and only then apply the remaining details. Instead of glue we use salt dough.

To connect the parts into one, we moisten them in advance with a wet brush, and with a toothpick you can connect the head and body of the product.

Tip #2: When cutting according to a template Roll out the dough to a thickness of 0.5-1 cm on a work board/baking tray, place the pre-prepared template on the dough and use a thin sharp knife to cut out a figure along the contour. Separate the template, moisten the edges of the figure with water and trim. Regular cardboard sticks to the dough, so for templates it is better to use cardboard with a waterproof coating.

Tip #3: To create three-dimensional figures, you can use a wire frame. In order to make a fabric print on salt dough (guipure and organza prints will look beautiful), first soak it in vegetable oil.

Tip #4: Don't be afraid to use it in your creativity kitchen utensils and household items, experiment - children really like it: attachments for culinary syringe(decorative patterns of hearts, circles and stars), tea strainer, garlic squeezer ( you get original curly “spaghetti”), a comb (various patterns of dots), toothpicks, etc. (It all depends on your imagination).

Tip #5 - drying: It is better to first dry the product in the open air (several hours) and then fire it. But do not bake the craft - the temperature in the oven should be low, the door can even be opened a little. In this way, we burn the product until “blush” for an hour and a half, maybe two. The dough should not harden, otherwise the craft will crack and bubbles will appear on its surface.

I do not recommend drying crafts on heating radiators, as this will lead to cracking of the surface of the product.

Tip #6: Before firing your items, make sure that your beaded jewelry is glass, not plastic, and that the threads are not synthetic.

After drying/firing, the craft can be varnished, painted with acrylic paints or gouache with the addition of PVA construction adhesive in small quantity(the glue will add shine and will not stick to your hands) or cover with glaze. You can cook egg or saline solution to give a delicate shade. The egg solution will give the product a brown-orange color, and the salt solution will give it a brown-yellow tint. You can varnish with acrylic varnish, which is water-soluble, non-toxic and relatively quick-drying (dries in about 6-8 hours).

Well, the dough for crafts is ready and you can start making your fantasies come true together with your child. I hope that you found the information useful to you.

Salt dough is perfect option for creating various crafts and compositions. With proper adherence to all the technology for preparing salt dough, every housewife can make any figure or toy. with my own hands or Christmas wreath for the upcoming holiday.

From salt dough you can create a very beautiful composition, a basket - a stand for a bottle that will decorate any holiday table.

There are various recipes for making salt dough.

The first recipe is considered the most suitable for sculpting a Christmas wreath, as well as figurines with children. All ingredients that the dough contains are natural and completely safe.
So take:
- 5 faceted glasses of wheat flour premium;

- 1 glass of cold water.
Kneading technique
Pour 200 grams of salt into the prepared dishes. Pour the same amount of water over the salt and stir until the salt is completely dissolved. After this, without stopping stirring, add 500 grams of flour. Continue kneading the dough continuously. You need to knead for a long time, because in the end you should get a cool and elastic dough, which does not stick to your hands.
To prevent the dough from drying out before you start modeling, you need to put it in a plastic bag. If modeling is done immediately after kneading, then a bag is not required.

Ready Christmas wreath baked in the oven and then painted with acrylic paints.

Next method The method used to knead beautiful homemade dough consists of adding one unusual ingredient.
For this test take:
— 1 faceted glass of premium wheat flour;
- 6 tablespoons of fine table salt;
- 2 tablespoons of wallpaper glue;
- water 1 glass.

If you don't want to use glue, then use thick cream for hands. Baby cream can also act as a replacement for glue.
Kneading technique
Mix salt with glue (cream) and flour. Pour water little by little into the resulting mixture, while continuing to stir the mixture. The mixture should become elastic and not stick to your hands.

If you want to make complex figures and compositions, then use the third recipe.
Dough ingredients:
- flour (1 faceted glass);
— vegetable oil (50 ml);
- small salt(6 tablespoons);
- water (1/2 cup).
Kneading technique
Initially, you need to prepare a mixture of all the ingredients. This mixture should be homogeneous and not sticky. The main thing is that the dough leaves your hands well.
Some people use jelly instead of water. To prepare it, you need to take 100 ml of water, one tablespoon of potato starch. Starch is added to water. Now you should wait for swelling, at the same time, boil another glass of water in another container. After the starch swells, pour this mixture into boiling water. Stir the jelly carefully until it reaches a thick consistency.

To create a Christmas wreath to decorate your festive interior, choose one of the recipes described above. Separate small pieces from the dough, which should be rolled into two flagella. We connect the flagella to each other, twist them as in the photo below, or weave a pigtail from three flagella, then connect them into a ring.

Hello everyone! The ShkolaLa blog welcomes you to our “Home Laboratory”!

Little experimenters Sasha and Artyom are ready for new discoveries, as well as a new batch! What does this have to do with the mix? Well, of course... After all, today they will show how to make salt dough!

Yes, yes... the same thing for sculpting. The very thing that will be useful to you for beautiful and bright crafts. Which will help diversify creative activities with children at school, kindergarten and at home.

On the Internet you can find a lot of recipes for such a dough; they differ from each other in the set and quantity of ingredients. Before recording the video, the guys tried to prepare the dough in three different recipes. And they chose one that turned out to be the best.

Enjoy your viewing)

So that you can see our figures better, we took pictures of them. Here they are still white.

And here they are already painted.

In order to make such figures, we rolled out the dough with a rolling pin to a thickness of approximately 4 mm. And then they came up with different shapes and cut them out with a plasticine knife.

We dried them simply by lying on a plate. We did not use an oven or microwave. After two days they were already completely dry and hard as stone. And then we just painted them with acrylic paints.

But gouache is also perfect for this purpose.

And now I’ll tell you a little about those dough recipes that we tried, but were not successful.

We tried making the dough like this.

In theory, it should have turned out to be a pleasant plastic mass. But we got a nice mass, of course, but not so plastic. While this dough was lying quietly, it looked quite decent. And when they tried to sculpt it, it fell apart. And one more minus - it makes your hands greasy and oily, which is not very pleasant.

Another one of ours bad recipe looked like this.

The dough turned out liquid. It was possible to sculpt something not very complicated from it, such as leaves and flowers from rolled balls. And it even turned out beautifully.

But even after 4 days the mass did not freeze. Although, maybe you just needed to dry it all in the oven?

So we chose the simplest recipe for ourselves. And the most hassle-free. By the way, if you tint the water before pouring it into the bowl, then the dough will turn out colored. And if you use carrot or beet juice instead of water, then such a mass will be both colorful and completely natural and safe even for small children.

Well, it seems like we’ve told you everything) We are sure that among the readers of the blog there will be many “salty” masters, even cooler than us) So we are waiting for your recipes in the comments, let’s share your experience!

And don’t forget to subscribe to blog news and join to our VKontakte group.

All the best to you!

Creative team of the blog “ShkolaLa”

    The recipe is something like this: 200 grams of flour (1 cup), 200 grams of salt (0.5 cups), 125 ml of water. Salt is heavier than flour, so they are the same in weight, and in terms of volume, salt takes up half as much space as flour. For thin and embossed figures, you can add a tablespoon of starch and the same amount of PVA glue.

    Play dough can be prepared uncolored. Make figures out of it, dry them in the oven over low heat and then paint them with any colors, and cover them with colorless nail polish. Only the last procedure should be performed by adults so that children do not breathe in solvent vapors.

    To prepare the dough, you need to take 1 cup of extra salt (or grind stone salt in a mortar first). Stir in 1 cup flour. Add 2/3 cup water. To make the dough pliable, add one or two tablespoons of refined vegetable oil. Knead until the dough begins to stick to your hands. Then, you need to cover the bowl with the dough with film and put it in the refrigerator for an hour. In the cold it will reach and will be plastic. It's even better to work with this dough the next day.

    You need flour, salt, utensils that you don’t mind, for colored gouache dough, the right color. Mix all the ingredients. Mix flour and salt, add water and a little cream, mix everything. Add water as needed.

    The main ingredients of salt dough are salt + flour. We take them in a ratio of approximately 1:2 (a cup of salt to two cups of flour). Then you need to add water and knead a stiff dough.

    It is imperative to take fine salt, Extra grade. If the salt is large, crystalline, then it will have to be ground in a coffee grinder, otherwise the texture will be rough. You can take cheap flour, and it definitely contains a lot of gluten. If there is not enough wheat flour, you can add a little rye flour, but in a small amount, less than half of the wheat flour.

    Clean, cold water is used for mixing.

    For the strength of the future product, you can add wallpaper glue (one tablespoon).

    The plasticity of the salt dough will be increased by starch, also added in the amount of one or two spoons. But if you put a lot of starch, the craft can become fragile. Also, body or hand cream and a spoonful of vegetable oil will increase plasticity.

    To make salty colored dough, you can use chemical or natural materials. Cocoa, instant coffee, paprika, cinnamon or curry powder will give the salt dough a delicate color tint and light nice smell. For crafts in bright colors, gouache and food coloring, for example, for eggs, are also used.

    The finished salt dough is stored in the refrigerator. After cooling, the dough becomes slightly more elastic.

    For good test need to cook fine salt extra, mix it with the same amount of flour. Then gradually pour water into the resulting mass and mix thoroughly all the time. The dough should be dense, but tender to the touch, and should not stick to your hands (to do this, we knead it thoroughly and mix it). If you want to get a colored dough, you can add food coloring to the water or use natural product(juice of carrots, beets, spinach, etc.

    Store the finished dough in the refrigerator in a plastic bag or on a plate covered with paper. But do not forget that during storage it dries out a little.

    Let's make our own SALT PLAYER DOUGH!

    We need one glass of salt (it’s better to take fine salt), into which we add water (about 3/4 glass) and mix. Next, add flour (2 cups). The dough should be plastic and pleasant to the touch. Mix well! And then we just put the dough in a bag so that it doesn’t dry out. If there is any dough left after work, store it in the refrigerator. It is stored for two days.

    My daughter and I go to Montessori classes and she happily sculpts with sol dough, the recipe for which the teachers generously shared with us. Here he is:

    I haven’t gotten around to making it at home yet (I want to make it any day now), but from experience in classes I can say that it’s easy incomparable dough! It doesn’t stick to your hands, it’s easy to sculpt with, and - most importantly - it’s simply airy, just somehow weightless! When cooking, if desired, you can also add one tablespoon of vegetable oil and citric acid to the dough.

    Salt dough is made from flour, salt and water. To color the dough, add a little gouache (you don’t need a lot of gouache, otherwise it will stain your hands too much). The consistency should be approximately the same as dumpling dough, it should turn into one solid lump.

    Here are video tips on how to properly make salt dough for crafts.

    Each homemaker has her own recipe for salt dough, sometimes something goes wrong and you have to make your own adjustments :). Through trial and error I got this dough:

    • 1 cup flour
    • only fine salt half a glass
    • 2 tbsp vegetable oil, so the dough sticks better from your hands and from the surface, just remember that in this case you need to sculpt on a board or special oilcloth. And wash your hands, otherwise there will be oil stains not only on clothes, but also on furniture :)
    • water 6 tbsp

    If you decide to use food coloring, then first we dilute it in water. In our case, 6 tbsp. water.

    I knead the dough in the bread machine. There the order is as follows: water, oil, flour, salt. Next, I press the button to knead the dough and that’s it, I go answer questions from my favorite BV site :)

    Salt dough is a wonderful material for modeling. Especially when it comes to small children. After all, such material is completely safe. And it is made quite easily and simply. For it we will need:

    1. Flour in the amount of 2 cups
    2. Salt in the amount of 2 cups
    3. Water - half a glass
    4. Sunflower oil - a tablespoon. If desired, you can use a hand cream with a greasy consistency.

    All these ingredients will need to be mixed thoroughly, and the resulting dough should be placed in the refrigerator for forty minutes. You can start sculpting. Sometimes pieces of dough remain; you don’t have to throw it away, but leave it until next time. To store, place the dough in a jar and place in the refrigerator. For a few more days you can sculpt figures from it.
