Energy value of various types of cereals. The lowest calorie cereals. List of cereals Low calorie dinner

Calorie content of porridge: 100 kcal.*
* average value per 100 grams, depends on the method of preparation and type of cereal

Porridge occupies a special place in the diet. It is no coincidence that in childhood everyone was fed porridge so that they would grow up healthy and strong. They are tasty and healthy for the body.

Porridge - benefits of the product for the body

Except nutritional properties Each porridge has a beneficial effect on the general physical condition of a person. One of the most useful is buckwheat. Along with it, the necessary substances enter the body. Buckwheat normalizes blood pressure and removes excess cholesterol.

A small amount of buckwheat porridge causes satiety, which is why it is consumed when losing weight.

For low calorie diet Rice porridge is suitable for maintaining body tone long time. Oatmeal - source useful substances and medicine for the gastrointestinal system. Fiber, which oatmeal is rich in, cleanses the body. All cereals are healthy, each in its own way.

How many calories are in buckwheat, oatmeal and other porridges?

The nutritional value of all cereals is approximately the same. Crumbly buckwheat porridge is considered the most energetic - 163 kcal. The calorie content of buckwheat porridge is not so high that you are afraid of getting fat from it. Vice versa, buckwheat porridge used in a popular diet for weight loss, it consistently ranks first in the ranking. The energy value of oatmeal is low - only 80 kcal. The rest of the cereals are intermediate in calories.

Porridges up to 100 kcal in ascending order:

  • rice;
  • semolina;
  • corn;
  • millet;
  • pea

Don't forget that calories raw cereals significantly higher, it is important to pay attention to this when drawing up diet menu. read our publication.

We choose porridges with water and milk

Porridges have different nutritional value, depending on which cooking method is chosen. The indicators are especially low in porridges with water. This way you can prepare buckwheat, rice, millet, corn, wheat and oatmeal porridge.

The calorie content of cereals and boiled porridge is not the same: for porridge it is halved.

Porridges with milk contain significantly more calories, but not as much as you might think. The difference is mostly 10-20 kcal. To properly prepare porridge, pour double the volume of water into the bowl and let it boil. Add the cereal and cook over low heat. When the water has boiled away, the porridge will be ready.

Table of calorie content of cereals per 100 g

For a healthy diet, you need to know the calorie content of foods: how many kcal are in buckwheat, what is the energy component of porridge per 100 grams.

It is impossible to do without cereals in your daily diet. By selecting the lowest kcal values ​​from the table, you can saturate your body with useful elements without gaining excess weight.

Oatmeal contains almost all B vitamins, is rich in vitamin E, minerals sodium, calcium, zinc, chlorine, sulfur, manganese, silicon, iron, phosphorus, potassium.

The calorie content of oatmeal with milk and sugar per 100 grams is 84 kcal. A 100-gram serving of this porridge contains:

  • 3.1 g protein;
  • 2.42 g fat;
  • 12.28 g carbohydrates.


  • pour 400 ml of milk into 400 ml of boiling water;
  • 150 g are poured into the resulting milk-water liquid oatmeal. Cook the porridge over low heat for 5 minutes with stirring;
  • Add 1 teaspoon of sugar and salt to taste to the prepared oatmeal with milk. Mix everything thoroughly and let the porridge brew for 3 – 4 minutes.

Calorie content of oatmeal with milk without sugar per 100 grams

The calorie content of oatmeal with milk without sugar is 78 kcal per 100 grams. In 100 g of product:

  • 3.15 g protein;
  • 2.42 g fat;
  • 11.7 g carbohydrates.

To prepare oatmeal with milk without sugar you need:

  • pour 1 glass oatmeal 1.5 glasses of 2.5 percent milk and 1 glass of water;
  • bring the porridge to a boil;
  • Cook oatmeal after boiling for 5 minutes.

Calorie content of oatmeal with milk and butter per 100 grams

Calorie content of oatmeal with milk and butter per 100 grams is 133 kcal. Per 100 gram serving:

  • 4.42 g protein;
  • 5.18 g fat;
  • 18.5 g carbohydrates.

Cooking steps:

  • 1 liter of milk is brought to a boil in a saucepan;
  • Add a little salt and 2 tablespoons of sugar to boiling milk. While stirring the milk, pour 200 g of oatmeal into it in small portions;
  • after boiling, the porridge is cooked for 6 minutes;
  • V ready dish add 1 tablespoon of butter.

Calorie content of oatmeal in water per 100 grams with butter

The calorie content of oatmeal with water and butter per 100 grams is 93 kcal. 100 g of product contains:

  • 3.1 g protein;
  • 2.4 g fat;
  • 15 g carbohydrates.

Oatmeal with water and butter - dietary product with a little fat. This porridge is indicated for restoring strength during heavy physical and mental stress, and is an effective source of slow carbohydrates into the body.

Calorie content of oatmeal in water without sugar, with sugar per 100 grams

The calorie content of oatmeal with water without sugar per 100 grams is 14.6 kcal. A 100-gram serving contains 0.5 g protein, 0.27 g fat, 2.52 g carbohydrates. To prepare, you need to boil 500 ml of water, add 100 g of oatmeal to boiling water, cook the porridge over low heat until it becomes thicker.

The calorie content of oatmeal in water with sugar per 100 grams is 87 kcal. 100 g of product contains 3 g of protein, 1.68 g of fat, 15.1 g of carbohydrates.

Calorie content of oatmeal with raisins per 100 grams

The calorie content of oatmeal with raisins per 100 grams is 33.2 kcal. In 100 g of dish:

  • 0.91 g protein;
  • 0.47 g fat;
  • 6.43 g carbohydrates.

Steps for making oatmeal with raisins:

  • 10 g of raisins are soaked for 8 - 10 minutes in boiling water;
  • bring 200 g of water to a boil in a saucepan;
  • pour 4 tablespoons of oatmeal and a pinch of salt into the water. The resulting mixture is stirred and simmered over low heat for 6 - 7 minutes;
  • add 10 g of raisins to the prepared oatmeal;
  • Infuse the porridge under a closed lid for 5 - 7 minutes.

Benefits of oatmeal

The benefits of oatmeal are quite great and are as follows:

  • oatmeal is full of slow carbohydrates that satiate you for a long time the body with strength and energy;
  • Eating porridge regularly reduces cholesterol levels in the blood. A similar effect is achieved due to the cholesterol-absorbing soluble fiber contained in oatmeal;
  • oatmeal normalizes blood sugar concentration. Porridge cooked in water prevents sudden surges in blood glucose;
  • oatmeal is indicated for the prevention of diabetes;
  • porridge is useful for weight loss, is an indispensable component most diets;
  • thanks to a large number in a porridge of vitamins and minerals it is useful for strengthening the immune system;
  • beneficial substances in oatmeal are necessary for the prevention of heart disease, constipation, and regulation of metabolism;
  • Oatmeal helps improve skin condition and stimulates work nervous system, normalizes liver function, indicated in the treatment of diseases of the gallbladder and pancreas;
  • Numerous studies have proven the properties of oatmeal to normalize blood pressure.

Harm of oatmeal

Famous next harm oatmeal:

  • not very much large quantities oatmeal is allowed for celiac disease and diabetes;
  • when overeating porridge, negative effects such as flatulence, bloating, and stomach cramps occur;
  • in large quantities, oatmeal interferes with the absorption of calcium and vitamin D. If you do not restore mineral and vitamin composition, over time, diseases of the skeletal system may develop;
  • It is recommended to abandon packaged “quick” porridge with the addition of various flavors. Such oatmeal can provoke allergic reactions and is strictly prohibited during exacerbations of gastrointestinal diseases.
Calorie content of porridge with milk

Calorie content of porridge with milk

Pearl barley porridge is a valuable addition to healthy eating. One of the main reasons why this porridge is valued among devotees proper nutrition

Healthy breakfast increases energy levels and helps control weight. Wheat porridge from whole grain– quickly prepared and incredibly healthy...

Oatmeal with milk - best dish for breakfast to lose or maintain weight. There is no shortage of oats itself...

Millet is an easily digestible and hypoallergenic grain. Dishes made from this grain contain a solid dose of fiber, a relatively high amount of protein, key...

The most high-calorie and low-calorie milk porridge

According to caloric content holds the palm pearl barley porridge with milk, however, it is worth remembering that it is also famous for its high content of fiber, which is necessary for the proper functioning of the body, so you should not be particularly afraid of its energy value and consume it in the same portions as other types of milk porridges.
Milk millet porridge contains the least amount of calories, it can be included not only in the daytime, but also in the evening menu; it is especially suitable for light dinner or a late-night snack. It is also worth paying attention to - it is not only low in calories, but will also help to quickly normalize metabolism and regulate digestion processes.

Milk porridge calorie table

Below is the summary table nutritional value porridge with milk per 100 grams.

Most often, milk porridges are prepared using cow's milk– this way they turn out tastier, more satisfying and healthier.

Almost every person has had a negative attitude towards cereals since childhood. Many do not include it in their menu various cereals, but in vain. Porridge is an extremely healthy and nutritious product.

Let's look at the calorie content of cereals.

Mixtures brewed with water or milk vary in the number of calories per serving. People watching their weight should take this fact into account.

Here is a table showing energy value all cereals in raw form:

Table of calorie content of boiled cereals (in water):

Calorie table for cereals cooked with milk:

Each table clearly showed the nutritional value of all types of cereals.

Based on their data, it is possible to determine the cereals with the lowest and highest calorie content:

  • round grain rice is the most high-calorie and nutritious cereal;
  • millet and golden rice are in second place in terms of calories per hundred grams;
  • oatmeal and buckwheat are the lowest in calories in comparison with all presented;
  • among porridges cooked in water, barley and rice will be the most dietary, and buckwheat, on the contrary, will be the most nutritious;
  • Of the milk formulas, pearl barley contains the most calories, while semolina and rice contain the least.

The energy value of a particular cereal directly depends on what ingredients will be in the finished dish. Porridge very often serves as a side dish for meat, which means it is eaten with fatty gravy, which will significantly add calories to the serving.

If cereals are used in the diet, you need to cook them only in water without various additives in the form of oil, salt or sugar. Only in this case can cereals become an assistant in the fight against excess weight.

Calorie content and benefits of cereals

Many may ask the question - why is the energy value of cereal higher than the calorie content of already prepared porridge boiled in water? We must not forget that during the cooking process, cereals absorb water, thereby increasing their mass. Water does not contain calories, but the calorie content of all additives to the porridge (sugar, butter, fruits or berries) must be added to the overall result. If the mixture is cooked with milk, the calorie content of the milk is also added to the resulting figure.

Porridge – extremely useful product. You should definitely include them in your diet, even though some of them are high in calories. For example, buckwheat contains a lot of iron, as well as calcium and vitamin B. This porridge has an excellent effect on the functioning of the heart and digestion, and also normalizes liver function. Buckwheat contains quercetin, which helps prevent cancer.

Corn porridge is considered the most “slender”. 100 grams contain only 78 kilocalories. Corn porridge perfectly cleanses the body, contains a lot of silicon, and is also enriched with vitamins. Its main advantage is the normalization of cholesterol in the blood. Corn porridge is very popular in Italy (where it is called polenta), it is national dish among Moldovans and Romanians.

Semolina mixture is suitable for people with stomach diseases. It is not suitable as complementary food for children because it contains gluten, which means this porridge is quite allergenic.

Oatmeal is very good for digestion. The British love this cereal. Oatmeal should be eaten for gastrointestinal diseases, as well as for ulcers and gastritis.

Barley porridge contains vitamin B. It is gaining popularity, because with its help you can fight allergic reactions and extra pounds. The use of this mixture helps prevent anemia.

Barley porridge is not very popular nowadays, but in vain. It contains many vitamins, it very effectively rids the body of toxins and waste, and also reduces cholesterol.

The wheat mixture will become wonderful breakfast, because it is very satisfying and will charge the body with energy for a long time. However wheat porridge Not recommended for pregnant women and people with digestive problems, as it can cause flatulence.

Cereal diet

Nutritionists have developed a special diet based on cereals, because they contain a huge amount of useful and nutritious elements. This diet cleanses the body and allows you to lose a few extra pounds.

During it, you should adhere to the rule - all porridges should be cooked only in water and without additives. You can add a spoonful of honey to your morning dose. There are two options for this diet. In the first you can eat various cereals, in the second you need to choose only two cereals and eat only them for the whole week. It wouldn't hurt to add a little exercise to your daily routine.

Suitable foods for this diet include: buckwheat, millet, rice (brown or black), red lentils and oats (but not cereal). The calorie content of cereals is minimal, but they contain more fiber, vitamins and nutrients. But pearl barley, semolina, barley, wheat and oatmeal porridge are not suitable for creating a menu, because their calorie content is quite high.

All cereals are absolutely necessary in the human diet. They contain microelements, a huge amount of vitamins and carbohydrates, without which metabolism cannot function. Cereals are high in calories to give your body energy for the whole day.

You should eat them only for breakfast or lunch; it is better to exclude them from the evening menu. With the correct diet and cooking in water, porridge helps to lose weight effectively and without harm to health. overweight for a short time.

Fried potatoes, pasta, porridge with butter... Any of these side dishes is usually considered too high in calories. That is why people who watch their own figure often deny themselves the pleasure of using them. Let's find out whether cereals are really so high in calories and whether there is any point in putting a taboo on them?

Not many people know that you can lose weight with the help of cereals. And it will not only be effective, but also useful. After all, all cereals are complex carbohydrates, which can help our body in the following:

  1. Satisfies hunger for a longer period of time due to long digestion.
  2. Are great source energy so necessary for feeling great during the day.
  3. Unlike regular carbohydrates, complex carbohydrates are able to maintain blood sugar levels. This occurs due to their longer digestion.
  4. Porridges are low in calories and contain a lot of water. Not many people will believe it, but when cooked, its volume almost triples, due to which the calorie content of the finished portion is reduced.
  5. Fills the body with B vitamins and beneficial microelements.
  6. Despite the huge amount of carbohydrates, porridges are a source vegetable protein and fiber, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the digestive system.

How to eat porridge correctly to lose weight?

There are many recommendations for eating cereals. However, in order to fully experience the effect of cereals, you should select them correctly, prepare them, and all this should become systematic. That is why you should listen to these recommendations:

  1. The maximum effect is observed when consuming cereals without salt and sugar. As a last resort, you can add a little salt to the finished dish, or add soy sauce.
  2. It should be remembered that the calorie content of milk porridges is higher. However, this does not mean that they cannot be consumed. Just use reduced fat milk. For variety and at the same time greater benefit you can add honey, flaxseed, grape oil, cinnamon and other natural spices.
  3. For weight loss half daily value calories should come from carbohydrates. It’s better if they are porridge.
  4. To lose weight effectively, you should eat porridge for breakfast. In the evening it is better to ignore them.

Porridge diet

There are several options for porridge diets. However, the most popular is the ten-day one. During the entire diet, you must eat exclusively cereals. Moreover, cooked in water, without adding anything, since the calorie content of porridges made with milk is much higher, and any additives will only increase your appetite. The volume and number of servings are unlimited. You are allowed to drink between meals plain water in an amount of about 2 liters per day. It is recommended to drink half an hour before meals, no later, and half an hour after.

Ten-day diet menu:

  • 1 day – oatmeal;
  • Day 2 – rice porridge;
  • 3 d len – buckwheat porridge;
  • Day 4 – millet porridge;
  • Day 5 – barley porridge;
  • Day 6 – pearl barley porridge;
  • Day 7 – millet porridge;
  • Day 8 – oatmeal;
  • Day 9 – rice porridge;
  • Day 10 – buckwheat porridge.

However, it is worth remembering that the essence of the diet lies not only in strict adherence, but also in the correct exit from it. After 10 days on porridge, you must avoid spicy and fatty foods for 4 days. Based on reviews from those losing weight, this diet is one of the most gentle. On it you will not feel hungry and will remain fully functional.

Calorie content and beneficial properties of porridges

Below is the calorie content of cereals per 100 g of dry cereal.

Oatmeal. Calorie content and beneficial properties

Calorie content oatmeal porridge or oatmeal – 345 kcal. It is rightly called “beauty porridge”. It is a storehouse of such useful substances as fiber, protein, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, vitamin B, C, A, E, PP. Thanks to the cleansing properties of fiber, it is great for those who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, it is an excellent assistant in the fight against bad mood and depression. Suitable for use by even the youngest children. For women, it is unique due to its ability to restore skin color and improve its overall condition.

Wheat porridge. Calorie content and beneficial properties

Calorie content wheat cereal- 319 kcal. Due to its easy digestibility, it is a product of dietary and baby food. Its calorie content is one of the lowest among cereals, so it is ideal for those losing weight. A real storehouse of protein is what wheat porridge is. It promotes the removal of toxins, reduces blood pressure and helps tissue regeneration.

Buckwheat porridge. Calorie content and beneficial properties

The calorie content of buckwheat porridge is 329 kcal. Perhaps buckwheat is a special cereal. She is the most useful among the rest. Great amount calcium, iron, B vitamins, easily digestible proteins - this is not the entire list useful elements. Her regular use- this is the key to normal blood pressure, the desired level of cholesterol and excellent digestion. Its quercetin content also helps prevent cancer. For those losing weight, it will be an excellent help, because even a couple of spoons of it will already make you feel full.

Corn porridge. Calorie content and beneficial properties

Calorie content corn porridge– 325 kcal. It is a low-calorie cereal and, based on this, is excellent for those losing weight. Like other cereals, it improves intestinal function. Thanks to the silicon it contains, it has a beneficial effect on the condition of teeth.

Barley porridge. Calorie content and beneficial properties

Calorie content barley groats– 343 kcal. This porridge is an excellent dietary product that cleanses the body of toxins, which also affects the condition of the liver. It perfectly fights cholesterol levels in the blood and can even get rid of cholesterol plaques.

Rice porrige. Calorie content and beneficial properties

Calorie content rice porridge– 330 kcal. It contains vegetable proteins and starch. And also vitamin of youth - E, vitamins of group B. Rice porridge is easily digestible and due to this it is often found in recipes dietary dishes. Also, such porridge can rid the body of excess salt and improve joint function.

Semolina. Calorie content and beneficial properties

The calorie content of semolina is 336 kcal. It has an enveloping effect and is therefore suitable for those with a sore stomach. Due to its low fiber content, it does not weigh you down gastrointestinal tract. It is not as rich in vitamins as others, and reduces the absorption of vitamin D, making its consumption more than 2 times a week unacceptable.

Millet porridge. Calorie content and beneficial properties

The calorie content of millet is 334 kcal. Its use promotes the removal of excess fat and mineral salts, as well as the regeneration of the skin. A huge amount of magnesium and calcium has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. However, when purchasing, you should pay attention to the color of the cereal. Pale yellow indicates that there are almost no nutrients left in it.
