Lenten vegetarian rice with peas, carrots and corn. Step-by-step recipe with photos. Rice and vegetables - vegetable rice, side dish

Hello, dear reader. It's no secret that we are currently in Lent. But to be honest, I don’t adhere to fasting, but just now I wanted something useful and easy. This dish turned out to be lean rice with peas and corn. I saw it a long time ago, in one establishment, but still didn’t dare to order it. I wanted meat more and more (I ordered lula kebab), but after it it was harder to run. I run a little now, and I noticed that after I eat meat, it’s harder to run. And so I decided to order boiled rice with peas and corn, because at home I switched to lentils. You can see the recipe for lentil soup.

I really liked this light dish, and I thought, why not make this at home, rice with peas and corn. Only I also added boiled carrots to this recipe.

As a result, the dish was not only tasty, but also colorful. Now you can offer children beautiful colorful rice. My children love both corn and peas, and here they also healthy carrots and rice And I will show this rice recipe as usual, with step-by-step photographs.

Lenten rice with peas, carrots and corn

To prepare we need:

  • 2 cups rice
  • 1 cup green peas
  • 1 cup corn (boiled or canned)
  • 1 carrot
  • salt to taste
  • 1 tablespoon vegetable oil

We'll start cooking with rice. It is better to take long-grain rice; our most common varieties are basmati and jasmine, but there are other varieties. This rice contains less starch, it has less calories and does not stick together when cooked (depending on the starch content).

I take two cups of rice because I want to cook more than one meal. And this is not the first time I’ve cooked, a glass turns out to be not enough for our family. Wash the rice well under running water or in a saucepan, changing the water up to 6-7 times until the water becomes clear.

They also recommend soaking the rice for at least 5 - 7 minutes, so it will become moist, and then it will be cooked and will not be soggy. Rice comes in different moisture levels, and because of this, you may not be able to guess the amount of water for boiling. When we soak rice, we can use water even less than 1 to two.

Usually take one part rice and two parts water. Moreover, they take it not in grams, but in volume. There are also different factors for boiling rice so that it crumbles, I tried to use them all. Our rice is not basmati or jasmine, so I want to make it crumbly.

First, we washed it in cold water, secondly, we soaked it for 5 minutes, set it to cook in the same water in which it was soaked. I add 2/3 teaspoon of salt, one tablespoon of vegetable oil. Salt and oil are controversial ingredients for fluffy rice. Some sources say that you can’t add salt, while others say that you can. I tried it with and without salt, I didn't see any difference.

But adding oil to rice helps, but not always. This time I added a tablespoon of vegetable oil, the rice became crumbly, but not as much as I wanted. Maybe you need to add more oil, next time I'll try. I just have this rice left for one more time, for the purity of the experiment.

In general, we put the rice on low heat, and we will cook without opening the lid until the water has completely boiled away. The main thing is not to miss when the water boils away. In my case it is 15 - 20 minutes, this is the average time for cooking rice.

When boiling rice, it increases approximately three times.

In the meantime, while the rice is cooking, I take one cup of frozen peas. It is better to take such peas than canned peas from cans, the taste of the dish will change from this, and the boiled one will be tastier green peas. We wash it and set it to cook. Usually you need to cook it for 5 - 7 minutes.

While the peas are cooking, I take the carrots. My carrots turned out to be about 250 grams.
We peel the carrots, cut them into small cubes the size of a pea, and set to cook. Carrots cook for about 10 - 15 minutes after boiling. When we cook peas and carrots, turn down the heat after boiling. It should be cooked over low heat, just like rice.

You can use canned corn, or just boiled corn. I took the canned one. For two glasses of rice, a small jar of corn or one glass of corn kernels will be enough.

After boiling, my rice turned out to be crumbly on top and a little sticky on the bottom. Pour the rice into a bowl and begin adding our ingredients. While the rice is warm, it is easier to mix it, so immediately pour in the corn - mix, pour in the peas - mix, and of course, the carrots.

You can make this rice tastier if you fry the carrots and onions in vegetable oil, but I didn’t want to fry the vegetables. That's the whole recipe lean rice with peas, carrots and corn. And thanks step by step photos, I hope you don’t have any questions about cooking.

Bon appetit.

Vegetables go well with rice. I offer you a recipe for a bright and very attractive dish; today we will cook rice with corn and green peas. For the dish we will need rice, preferably long-grain, medium-sized carrots and a glass of peas and corn. I want to say right away that canned peas cannot give the dish the same taste that you get if you add a handful of boiled frozen peas. We prepare this dish in our family quite often, so I stock up on peas and corn kernels ahead of time, even in the summer, trying to freeze them for future use. On the other hand, supermarkets now offer such an abundance of frozen vegetables that problems with finding ingredients for a dish should not arise. But the canned one sweet corn It’s quite possible to use, at least this time that’s what I did.

The dish is also good because it is universal: it can be served as a side dish with meat, fish or chicken. If you are a vegetarian, fasting or just on a diet, then this is also your dish. In a word, everyone can get enough of rice with green peas and corn. Let's cook it together, and step by step photo The recipe will not leave any questions for those who are new to this dish.

Taste Info Vegetable main courses


  • Rice – 1 glass;
  • Carrots – 1 pc.;
  • Peas – 100 g;
  • Corn – 100 g;
  • Salt, pepper - to taste;
  • Vegetable oil – 1 tbsp. l.

How to cook rice with corn and green peas

First, let's cook the rice. Fill it with water and rinse thoroughly, lightly rubbing the grains between your palms and drain the water. This procedure should be repeated at least 6 times, that is, rinse the rice in 6-7 waters until it becomes transparent. Fill the rice with water in a ratio of 1:2, salt it and add spices. Let the rice sit for 20 minutes, or even half an hour. The grains will absorb a certain amount of moisture and thereby reduce the cooking time, in addition, this step helps ensure that the rice turns out crumbly.

Also, in order to make the rice crumbly, it is recommended to pour a tablespoon of vegetable oil into the water. Place the rice on the fire, let it boil for a couple of minutes, cover with a lid and reduce the heat. Simmer for 10-15 minutes until all the water has evaporated. Usually it takes at least 20 minutes to cook rice, but if you pre-soaked it, the cooking time can be reduced to 10 minutes.

In the meantime, let's take care of the vegetables. Wash, peel and chop the carrots. To make the dish look nice, cut the carrots into small cubes, about the size of a pea or a grain of corn.

Boil the carrots in a small amount of lightly salted water. 10 minutes is enough for the pieces to become soft.

We also boil green peas for 5-7 minutes.

Place the vegetables in a sieve to remove excess moisture.

While we were busy with vegetables, rice arrived. About 5 minutes before the end of cooking, I checked the rice for doneness. It is important not to open the lid completely and not let steam out. If the grains are dense, but no longer crunchy, the rice is ready, but if they have become very soft and sticky, it is overcooked. My rice turned out crumbly - a sight for sore eyes!

Now it's time to add to the dish bright colors! Canned and boiled corn green pea, and pour the carrot cubes into the pan with the prepared rice.

Mix rice with vegetables. Voila! Can be served.

Rice with green peas and corn is ready. Place some fresh herbs on a plate and serve them as a stand-alone bright and tasty dish, or turn it into a side dish, serving with meat or a piece of fish. One thing we can say for sure, vegetables made this dish not only colorful, but also lighter: after it you definitely won’t feel heavy in your stomach. I really hope that you will like this dish and become a frequent guest on your table. Bon appetit everyone.

Each of the women at least once did not know the answer to the question of what to cook for dinner. At the same time, who doesn’t want the dish to be simple, healthy, tasty, and also not take up much time. Of course, there are no such housewives. We will tell you further recipes that will pleasantly surprise you. Your dinner will be from familiar products, is suitable for those who watch their figure, and even vegetarians will be satisfied. Today we will cook rice with corn and some other products, but you will learn about this later.

This is interesting! In our country, corn began to be grown in the 18th century, a long time ago, isn’t it? But not so long ago, the Indians and Mexicans began to cultivate it. The ancestors of these peoples used corn for food 10 thousand years ago, but some excavations have shown that the culture existed even 55 thousand years ago.

Recipe one “Budget”

This recipe is really very simple and will not make you spend a lot of time and money, because the products are in every kitchen, well, except that you have to go to the nearest store for a can of corn. The cooking process itself will take literally half an hour, and you will get a low-calorie dish.

We will need:

  • canned corn - can. Anything nearby will do;
  • rice – 250 grams;
  • bulb;
  • salt - to taste;
  • vegetable oil for frying;
  • spices - optional, but often rice is made with turmeric;
  • water – ½ liter.

Cooking dinner

Rice should be washed thoroughly using a colander. The less white water flows from the cereal, the more crumbly the dish will be. Heat the frying pan with a small amount of vegetable oil, while washing, peeling and chopping our onion. It is advisable that it be large or take two. Fry the vegetable in a frying pan until golden brown, at the end add about a third of a teaspoon of your favorite spices or turmeric, as we have already advised.

Boil the water, and while it is boiling, add the rice to the onion and mix everything well so that the cereal is mixed with the malo and spices. The water has boiled, pour the cereal and onions directly into the frying pan, add salt to taste. Now, under the lid, the rice will simmer until cooked, and five minutes before turning off the heat, add a jar of corn, which, of course, needs to be drained through a colander. Very simple and quick, you can serve grilled meat or boiled chicken breast with the dish.

Did you know? The corn we are used to will not be able to grow in the wild without our participation. The fact is that a crop can only grow from seeds, but if the cobs simply fall into the soil, they will not be able to sprout, but will rot.

Recipe two “For the whole family”

Did you find out how to cook rice with corn? But this is not just one recipe, we will tell you others. This time she will prepare a dish with cheese and tomatoes, which will appeal to the stronger sex.

We will need:

  • rice - a glass;
  • onions – 2 medium pieces;
  • can of canned corn;
  • tomatoes – 500 grams or two large ones;
  • cheese – 150 grams, it is better to take a hard product;
  • greens - a bunch. You can take your favorite or a mixture;
  • salt and pepper - to taste;
  • butter – 2 tablespoons.

Cooking dinner

Rinse the cereal using a colander. Cook the rice so that it is lightly salted, the water should cover the cereal in the pan by about two fingers. Wash the tomatoes, cut them into half rings, chop the onions, and drain the corn using a colander. Finely chop the greens and grate the cheese. When the cereal is cooked, put it in a frying pan where the butter has already been heated. Lightly fry our rice, then combine it with vegetables, cover with a lid, add more salt if necessary, and simmer the dish for 7-10 minutes. Before serving, sprinkle with herbs and cheese.

This dish can be either independent or served with meat or fish. But further, we invite you to get acquainted with one more delicious recipe, only now we will cook rice with corn and green peas.

Recipe three “Assorted vegetables”

Very healthy dinner you will succeed, because it contains several types of vegetables, and all of them are known to us.

We will need:

  • green peas and corn - take canned food or ice cream - 200 grams each;
  • a glass of rice;
  • one onion;
  • carrots - one medium;
  • water – 500 ml;
  • spoon butter;
  • vegetable oil – 2 tablespoons (sunflower or olive);
  • salt and spices - to taste.

Cooking dinner

We rinse the cereal until the white water drains away. Wash and peel the onions and carrots, chop them and fry them in vegetable oil. To fry, pour out our cereal, add a spoonful of butter only, mix, lightly frying. Then pour out half a liter of water. We simmer the vegetables and rice until half cooked, then pour in the peas and corn, after draining the water from the cans. Add salt and spices to the dish to taste.

For information! Peas are a culture no less ancient than corn, since excavations have shown in many countries that the seeds were present in the Stone Age.

Recipe four “Hearty”

This is a recipe for rice with corn and carrots. Simple, like the previous one, but the taste of the dish will be different, because there will also be meat - chicken fillet, great option for men who do not like vegetarian and diet food.

We will need:

  • a glass of rice;
  • onion and carrot - one piece of each vegetable;
  • chicken fillet - one;
  • vegetable oil - two tablespoons;
  • canned corn - incomplete can;
  • salt and spices - to taste.

Cooking dinner

Cut the chicken fillet into strips, and to make this easier, lightly freeze the meat. We wash, peel and chop the vegetables. Set the rice to cook in salted water 1:2. Fry the chicken in vegetable oil with spices and salt, then add vegetables and fry everything together. Can be poured into a frying pan tomato paste and simmer for 5-7 minutes. Then we post it here boiled rice, mix, add corn and add a little butter, simmer for about five minutes. The dish can be decorated with fresh herbs and served with a light salad.

Recipe five “In five minutes”

Now let's prepare the dish for busy people, rice and corn will be stewed in a slow cooker. Preparation will only take five minutes, and then everything will be done by smart household appliances.

We will need:

  • one and a half glasses of cereal;
  • onion, carrot and pepper - one piece each;
  • canned corn - can;
  • salt and spices - to taste;
  • oil for frying.

Cooking dinner

Wash and peel all the vegetables, remove the seeds from the peppers, and chop them. Wash the cereal thoroughly. In the multicooker, select the “Frying” mode, pour oil into the bowl, add vegetables and fry, but the pepper will go last. You also add corn to all the vegetables. Now pour out the rice, add water so that it covers the contents by 1-2 cm, add salt, add spices and simmer for half an hour in the “Pilaf” mode. But before serving, try to see if the rice is cooked properly, otherwise you will extend the time. You can add tomato paste and garlic, and ready dish garnish with a sprig of dill or rosemary.

What could be simpler than this rice with corn and other vegetables. You save time, while doing it for yourself and your family healthy dishes. Bon appetit!

All materials on the Priroda-Znaet.ru website are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any product, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

Rice is one of the most versatile side dishes. Adding various vegetables and spices, you can get a completely new side dish every time.

Simple recipe

In this recipe, the rice will be cooked in a frying pan. This method allows you to use a minimum of dishes. First, rinse the cereal well in ice water. We leave it in a colander to drain and dry.

Meanwhile, heat in a frying pan a small amount of vegetable oil. Cut the onion into not too small cubes. If desired, you can add carrots. Fry the onion until soft. Lightly salt and add half a teaspoon of turmeric.

Add the rice and stir the contents thoroughly so that every grain of rice is in the oil. This will allow the side dish to remain crumbly. Bring the water to a boil and pour in the contents of the frying pan. Salt to taste. Cover with a lid.

As soon as the cereal is ready, add the corn from the can. First you need to pour the corn grains into a sieve to drain the liquid. Warm up our side dish for another 5 minutes and turn off the heat.

Rice with corn is ready! Using the same analogy, you can prepare this side dish in the oven or slow cooker.

Read how to cook incredibly tasty - choose your favorite recipe.

Take note of stewed eggplants with meat - this delicious stew, which is also very healthy and satisfying.

How to make an amazing cupcake in a slow cooker. Its taste will simply amaze you.

Rice with corn and green peas

Rice with corn and peas is prepared in almost the same way. However, we will also add red pepper and carrots to the dish. The result is a very healthy and appetizing side dish. We need to take the following products:

  • rice – 1.5 cups;
  • water – 3 glasses;
  • canned corn - half a can;
  • canned peas - half a can;
  • red bell pepper- 1 piece;
  • carrot – 1 small;
  • onion - one small onion;
  • salt and spices - to taste.

Time required – 35 minutes. The calorie content of the dish is 335 kcal per 100 grams.

So, heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan. Cut the onion and carrot into small cubes. Fry until light golden brown. Add some of your favorite spices and salt so that the onions are not tasteless.

Wash the rice grains well and leave to drain in a colander. We also transfer the corn and peas to a sieve and let them drain. The peas can be washed.

Place the rice in a frying pan and fry (lightly). Salt, add spices and fill with water. Cover with a lid and cook. 5 minutes before the end of cooking, add bell pepper cut into small cubes into the dish.

It should remain crispy. A minute before turning off the burner, add corn and peas to the rice. We warm it up and you can serve our side dish.

This rice can be prepared during Lent by adding champignons – a source of valuable protein. Another variation - with the addition chicken breast or pork for meat lovers. A unique version of pilaf with vegetables.

What secrets exist when cooking rice?

  1. For those who like very fluffy rice, you can buy a steamed version. It is worth noting that many simply do not like its taste.
  2. Round rice must be washed until the water is clear. Then, in order for it to be crumbly, it must be left in a sieve to dry. If the water does not become clear, try grinding the rice with your hands.
  3. Fried in oil until lightly golden color the rice will be fluffy and tasty.
  4. The cereal is poured only with boiling water! You can pour cold water over rice only if you rinse it at the end, or if you want to cook a viscous porridge.
  5. WITH rice grains Spices such as turmeric, paprika, curry, saffron, and cumin harmonize well.
  6. The amount of water for rice is usually calculated using the ratio of 1 (rice) to 2 liquid. However different varieties cereals require little different quantities. If the water has evaporated and the cereal is not ready, just add a little more boiling water and cover with a lid. If there is just a little time left until the cereal is ready, you can drop a little boiling water, close the container with a lid and wrap it in a towel. The dish will definitely arrive.

We hope that you and your family will like our recipes. Bon appetit!

The most important cereal on the planet is rice, the basis of nutrition for entire countries and continents. Historically, in our country, rice falls into a category called cereals. Mainly exported from warm countries with a warm and humid climate. Some 20 years ago, during the time of a country that no longer existed, rice was divided into “overcooked” and “not overcooked” for the population.

It never occurred to anyone that the varieties of rice with different properties, there are many. Well, we're not used to it. For us, the main grains are pearl barley, semolina and peas. Considering that this is almost the very first of the first courses. However, after all, rice soup has always been respected, and without rice it won’t quite work.

In countries where vegetarianism is traditionally accepted, for various reasons - ethical, religious, economic, and more often - simply because of personal beliefs, the use of rice in cooking is very widespread. Rice is generally healthy, but medical purposes- even more useful. Unfortunately, the vast majority of people eat polished rice (white), and polishing removes useful material, along with the shell.

A very popular food in Asia is risotto. folk dish. And pilaf, rice with meat, etc. are popular all over the world.

Usually, I know from myself that if there is a choice of side dish - mashed potatoes or rice, they always choose potatoes. But in vain! Well-cooked rice as a side dish, especially with vegetables and balanced spices, is much tastier. It is always something unique and surprising, especially if rice and vegetables are harmoniously combined. I have already published the recipe.

In the preparation of vegetable rice - rice and vegetables, which can serve a separate dish, and not just a side dish, there is nothing complicated. It's no more difficult than making a simple one. You only need vegetables, and while they are stewing, you need to boil them fluffy rice.

Rice and vegetables. Incomparable side dish

Ingredients (2 servings)

  • Rice (parboiled) 200 gr
  • Green peas and green bean 100 gr
  • Broccoli 100 gr
  • Carrot 1 piece
  • Corn (canned) 1 jar
  • Onion 1 piece
  • Garlic 1-2 cloves
  • Salt, ground white pepper, dry herbs taste
  • Olive oil to taste
  1. Before you start preparing vegetables for the dish, you need to boil the rice. The rice should be crumbly, preferably parboiled, or as we call it “steamed”. You can use “basmati”, probably even better, because... Basmati is very aromatic on its own. You shouldn’t take sticky varieties, otherwise you’ll end up with porridge, and you definitely shouldn’t use the cereal called “Rice,” which is full of store shelves.

    Ingredients: rice and vegetables

  2. Be sure to rinse the rice under cold running water to remove any turbidity caused by the presence of the so-called “ rice flour- swam away with the water. Bring water to a boil in a saucepan. The amount of water is twice as much as the amount of rice. If there is a glass of rice, then two glasses of water. Add salt to the water to taste. Pour rice into boiling water, stir and leave covered low heat so that the liquid barely boils. Rice actively absorbs water because... consists almost of starch. Once the rice has completely absorbed the water, it is ready. In time it is usually 18-20 minutes. Remove rice from heat and transfer to a deep plate. Cover so that the rice does not dry out.
  3. To cook rice and vegetables, it is very convenient to use a cast iron wok with a lid. Amazing frying pan.
  4. Pour 3 tbsp into the wok. l. olive oil and heat it up. Peel the garlic and crush the cloves with a knife. Fry the garlic in oil until the oil is aromatic. Next, carefully remove the garlic and discard.

    Fry garlic in oil

  5. Peel the onions and carrots. If the onion is large, cut it into large cubes, if the onion is small - a seedling, then you can leave it whole. Chop the carrots fairly large.

    Fry carrots and onions in oil

  6. Fry on flavored oil onions and carrots until soft. As soon as the vegetables begin to brown, add salt and white pepper. ground pepper and add a couple of pinches of dry aromatic herbs - mint, savory, basil, oregano. Dry mixtures of herbs are very suitable - Provençal or Mediterranean.

    Salt and pepper, add dry aromatic herbs

  7. Add frozen green peas and green green beans, which is mistakenly called "asparagus". Fry all vegetables for 5 minutes, stirring constantly.

    Add and fry green peas and beans

  8. Add the contents of the canned corn. The size of the jar is at your discretion, I’ll just say - it won’t be too much, it’s been tested!!!

    Add canned corn

  9. After 5 minutes, add the inflorescences. Fry for 5-6 minutes, then add about half a glass of boiling water or vegetable broth and simmer covered. All vegetables, especially carrots and green peas, should become completely soft. This is up to 15 minutes. If there is some liquid left in the wok, you can remove the lid from the wok and let the water evaporate.
