Sweet clover honey beneficial properties. What is the difference between different types of honey? At low pressure

Sweet clover honey is considered one of the most useful varieties not only for adults, but also for children. Sweet clover is a wild plant from the legume family whose small flowers are white or yellow. It is a valuable honey plant; from its nectar bees produce unique taste and healing qualities honey.

Beneficial features

Sweet clover honey owes its beneficial properties to the honey plant, from which it absorbs many vitamins, microelements and biologically active substances. Under the influence of bee enzymes, new properties are added to the properties of the plant itself. The chemical composition of this natural product allows us to rightfully call it dietary. This honey has an immunomodulatory and antiseptic (antimicrobial) effect.

It is useful for nursing women to take it to maintain lactation and improve the vitamin qualities of milk. Thanks to its antispasmodic effect, it relieves abdominal pain during menstruation, constipation, and flatulence. Honey also helps with diseases of the mammary glands (mastitis, lactostasis, cysts, etc.), as it has a resolving property. It is used in rheumatology for arthritis and arthrosis, tumors of joints and bones.

Sweet clover honey due to its ability to normalize activity immune system Helps in the treatment of autoimmune diseases, immunodeficiencies and other immune disorders. It also has a general strengthening effect; it can be called a natural energy drink. About others useful qualities honey can be found in the video at the end of the article.

Methods of using sweet clover honey

Honey from the nectar of yellow or white sweet clover is used for the treatment and prevention of colds (pharyngitis, sore throat, tracheitis, bronchitis, etc.). To stimulate the immune system, it is enough to consume 25 g daily for adults and 10-15 g for children. There is no need to increase the dose, as this does not affect the quality of the immune response.

Sweet clover honey has a medicinal property, which is to improve peripheral blood circulation, including in the mammary glands. To enhance milk production, nursing women are advised to take one dessert spoon honey after breakfast, lunch and dinner. You can drink it with special herbal teas and decoctions of herbs that improve lactation. These drinks must be warm.

Important: during lactation you need to monitor the baby’s reaction. If an allergy occurs, you should immediately stop taking honey.

Sweet clover honey supports the body in hypothyroid conditions, when there is a deficiency of thyroid hormones. 1-2 table is enough. spoons a day. The same dose restores the body after a long illness.

Treatment of bronchopulmonary diseases

For bronchitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, pneumonia, traditional medicine offers the following remedy. Take a fairly large black radish, wash it thoroughly and cut out its core in the form of a cone. Place a tablespoon of sweet clover honey in the hole and leave for 24-36 hours. Gradually, juice begins to secrete in the cavity, in which the honey dissolves. Drink the product 1 table at a time. spoon 15 minutes before main meals.

External use

Honey based on sweet clover nectar helps well with skin diseases and improves the condition of the skin by cleansing it. For dousing and washing, honey is added to warm water. Washing with honey water gets rid of boils, pimples, blackheads, and eliminates excess fat.

At problem skin It is useful to make a face mask from cucumber and honey. For this 200 g fresh cucumbers grate on a coarse grater and add 1 teaspoon to the mass. a spoonful of sweet clover honey. This composition disinfects, nourishes and moisturizes the skin, eliminates oily shine, but does not dry out, like many alcohol lotions and tonics. For dry skin, add a little cream to the mask.

Treatment of tuberculosis

Sweet clover honey can be used in the complex treatment of tuberculosis and various autoimmune diseases, as it normalizes the activity of the immune system. For these purposes, sometimes daily dose increase to 50 g for adults and up to 30 g for children.

Application in cardiology

There is an opinion that sweet clover honey is harmful for hypertension and many other heart pathologies, since honey-bearing flowers contain coumarin. This substance can increase blood systolic pressure and stimulate the heart. But in some sources, sweet clover honey is recommended for dilating the coronary vessels of the heart in case of coronary disease and improving peripheral circulation.

Important: if you have cardiovascular pathology, you should consult a doctor about treatment with beekeeping products.


Regular consumption of sweet clover honey – great benefit for good health. But like other honey varieties, it is not recommended for children under 2 years of age. You should avoid it if you are allergic to bee products (including bee venom) and legumes, because sweet clover belongs to the legume family. Use with caution when diabetes mellitus, hypertension and excess weight.


Sweet clover honey has a pale yellow or slightly greenish tint. It candied quickly, so it is rarely found on sale in liquid state. Its aroma and taste contain a delicate vanilla note. This kind of honey can easily be confused with rapeseed honey, but the latter has a cloying taste and lacks the aroma of vanilla. The sweet clover honey in the photo below has already become candied and has become lighter in color.

How to choose

There are not many contraindications, but medicinal properties The product is very varied. If you want to improve your body’s health and make sure your children get sick less, just buy a jar of sweet clover honey for the winter.

When choosing, you need to look at the color and consistency of the product. Candied sweet clover honey is similar in color to melted butter butter, less often - on lard(especially from white sweet clover). It is almost homogeneous in consistency, the grains are practically invisible to the naked eye. Well, you should pay attention to the smell. The vanilla aroma should be barely noticeable, very faint. If you smell a strong vanilla odor, it means it's a fake. To avoid purchasing such a product, it will be useful to know everything about honey adulteration. To do this, we suggest you read the article:

All materials on the website are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any product, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

Donnikovy flower honey- bee product upper class and quality, it is not for nothing that it is considered first-class. It has a lot of useful properties, and taste qualities worthy of the nectar of the gods of Olympus.

This unusual variety, its color is almost white, which is very rare, and its taste has vanilla notes. Bees collect nectar from white and yellow sweet clover.

This nectar has a faint odor and is very mild taste. But collected from a white plant, it conveys all the colorfulness and versatility of taste sensations and indescribable notes of vanilla are felt in it.

Yellow sweet clover honey is in great demand, because it is incredibly nutritious and healthy, and its medicinal properties exceed the boundaries of what is possible.

How to recognize a miracle treat?

The color of sweet clover honey is very light, light yellow, almost transparent, and after the crystallization process it becomes milky white. Very often it is confused with rapeseed, although these are completely different things.

Sweet clover honey is considered the standard among all its relatives, and in the USA it makes up the bulk of sales. And it's not strange! After all, this is the best and most elite variety!

Beneficial features

IN modern world It's very difficult to stay completely healthy. Poor ecology, constant stress and tension, all this greatly complicates human life.

Sweet clover is a medicinal plant in itself, just imagine how many useful and medicinal qualities at honey product out of him! It is used for both outdoor and internal use. It has anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effects, clears the airways and relieves swelling. For insomnia, high blood pressure, neuroses and migraines - he is the number one assistant!

Honey from medicinal clover truly unique and useful! It can induce lactation (milk production) in nursing mothers! It is because of this property that women are advised to take it as food after childbirth, and before childbirth, during pregnancy, too.

I don’t know whether you would classify these properties as useful, or vice versa - not entirely, but sweet clover honey is also a good laxative and diuretic.

For heart diseases it too best helper- dilates blood vessels, replenishes blood supply, eliminates cardiac edema and normalizes blood pressure.

How to use?

Well, how else can you use honey from medicinal clover? Of course - for food! Those with a sweet tooth will be pleased; they have never tasted such a delicious delicacy. But this is not his only advantage.

Honey to the rescue

Hmm...On purpose, so on purpose! For hemorrhoids, an enema can be made from a solution (20-30 percent) of sweet clover honey. Or take baths with it added.


Adding a little honey and mixture medicinal herbs When taking a bath, you will significantly rejuvenate your skin, making it soft and silky.

Saving veins

Varicose veins are fought as follows: sweet clover honey is mixed with garlic in a ratio of 250/350 grams. The mixture is infused for a week and then taken three times a day an hour before meals.

From all this it becomes clear that sweet clover nectar is not only a tasty and nutritious dessert, but also an indispensable item in the home medicine cabinet. .

If you have tried this variety at least once in your life, then you will forever remain its most devoted fan and will never cheat on it, because it is so healthy and unique.

Now you know that sometimes it is better to trust natural products than to be treated with all kinds of chemicals, which only pollute the body. Choose the best! Choose your health!

Video - how bees collect nectar

Today on the market you can find various varieties honey: rep, buckwheat, flower, linden and sweet clover. The latter has a wide range of healing properties and is perfect for baking and the production of certain types of alcoholic beverages.

Sweet clover honey, or sweet clover, is considered one of the expensive varieties. In some regions, the plant is specially grown to produce a product that is different high calorie content And medicinal properties.

By chemical composition The nectar of the plant is practically no different from other types of honey. Its composition may change depending on weather conditions, time of year, and soil. The main components are fructose, glucose, minerals, monosaccharides, proteins, amino acids, various vitamins and organic acids.

Is different sweet clover product from other varieties by the presence of coumarin, which has a beneficial effect on circulatory system. Therefore, the product is often used for colds, inflammation, and joint pain.

Vitamin B4 contained in honey has a positive effect on nervous system person.

Honey is valued different countries behind aromatics, essential oils Therefore, it has gained great popularity in cosmetology and medicine.

Honey is considered a first-class product that has unusual taste qualities: a delicate vanilla smell with a pleasant bitterness. The color of the product depends on the variety of sweet clover, the soil on which the plant grew, and weather conditions: it can be deep yellow or light amber.

In liquid form, the beekeeping product remains for a long time. During the crystallization process, honey turns into a light viscous mass. The unusual smell and taste are great for baking. Despite the fact that the product is very high in calories, most nutritionists recommend its use.

Beneficial properties of sweet clover honey

The sweet clover product has beneficial and medicinal properties, which is why it has gained great popularity in the treatment of many diseases. It has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, sedative, diuretic, expectorant properties.

Most often, honey is used for severe coughs, colds, swelling, joint and gynecological diseases, and headaches.

Clover honey is recommended to be taken in cases where the human body is weakened. For example, after surgery, during the cold season, when the body suffers from vitamin deficiency. Calorie content allows you to restore strength in a short time, so take it a tablespoon after physical activity.

Indications for use

The range of uses for sweet clover honey is very wide. This is due to the fact that it contains many substances beneficial to the body. Traditional medicine recommends taking honey in the following cases:

  • for insomnia;
  • for migraines;
  • with increased nervous excitability;
  • with a strong cough;
  • with bronchitis;
  • for constipation;
  • with flatulence.

A natural beekeeping product without adding any impurities has a positive effect on the entire body.

  1. To maintain and improve quality breast milk It is recommended that a nursing woman take one teaspoon of honey daily after meals. The product can be combined with various herbal preparations that help preserve and produce milk. Also, the beekeeping product can be taken during pregnancy to supply additional vitamins and minerals to the woman’s body.
  2. Honey can be taken during severe epidemics of influenza and ARVI. The product of white sweet clover stimulates the immune system and helps to quickly get rid of illness. To do this, it is enough to eat a tablespoon a day.
  3. Honey is often used for severe coughs. It can be diluted with tea or added to medicinal decoctions based on black radish.
  4. Pulmonary tuberculosis is a very serious disease. Most experts recommend taking fifty grams of honey to get a positive result.
  5. In Rus', the herb had a different name - bottom, which means “gout”. Therefore, the plant itself and honey are used in the treatment of hemorrhoids. To do this, you need to dilute 20 g of the product in 100 g of water. The resulting sweet solution is used for an enema. For a speedy recovery, it is recommended to steam sweet clover flowers daily and take sitz baths.
  6. Varicose veins are one of the indications for the use of sweet clover honey. To do this, you need to take it in equal quantities with crushed garlic and put it in a jar, which should be in a dark place. A week later, the resulting juice is taken one teaspoon after meals.
  7. When treating pneumonia, it is recommended to use compresses. Honey, aloe juice and vodka are mixed and soaked in a napkin, which is placed on the back.
  8. For constipation, honey should be added to oatmeal. For getting quick results Grate the apples and squeeze out a little lemon juice.

To improve facial skin, eliminate dryness and fine wrinkles, you can make masks from fresh cucumber and honey or dilute the beekeeping product with water and wipe your face twice a day. Honey compresses are great for healing wounds and abscesses. They work great against blackheads and do not harm the skin of teenagers.

Rules of application

There are no special schemes for using sweet clover honey. But most experts recommend not consuming more than one tablespoon per day. It can be eaten in pure form or add to teas, infusions. But do not forget that the product is hot water crystallizes very quickly, so it may not dissolve completely.

For women

For children

Sweet clover honey, like other varieties, can cause severe allergic reactions The child has. Therefore, it can only be given in small doses, but children under three years of age are not recommended to consume bee products.

Do not forget that the body is intolerant to at least one of the components of honey, otherwise the baby may have a severe allergic reaction.

How to choose high-quality sweet clover honey

Every buyer, when purchasing honey, hopes to purchase high-quality and natural product. Almost all varieties of beekeeping products have the same taste and smell, and sellers take advantage of this.

For example, sweet clover honey can be confused with rep honey, which, in turn, costs much less. Or in sugar syrup add vanilla sugar, passing it off as sweet clover nectar. How to distinguish a natural product from a fake?

First of all, you need to pay attention to the color of the product. Sweet clover honey most often has a light yellow tint.

But the color may be more intense depending on the variety of plant from which the nectar was collected. For example, the bee product of white sweet clover is distinguished by its light shade.

Natural honey has a subtle vanilla aroma. The product tastes slightly bitter, but this feature does not spoil the taste. Rap honey, in turn, does not have a pronounced vanilla smell, and it tastes sickly sweet.

Sweet clover honey crystallizes slowly; most often it can be found on the market in liquid form. Therefore, the product is very easy to check for naturalness. For example, fresh honey flows down the spoon in an even stream, while the fake one flows in drops. If you put it in a jar and twist it - real product easily screws onto it. When honey begins to sugar, it does not ferment and there should be no foam on it.

You can learn about the beneficial properties of sweet clover honey from the following video:

Sweet clover honey is a high-quality, reference product. It's not only tasty treat, which can be used for confectionery purposes. IN folk medicine honey is valued for its medicinal properties.

In contact with

And a seductive aroma. Of course, this is sweet clover honey. Everyone should know the beneficial properties and contraindications of this product.

Sweet clover honey - what is it?

As mentioned above, sweet clover honey has an amber-transparent color. Him original taste: sweetness combines interestingly with some bitterness in the aftertaste. If you smell this honey, you will notice a light aroma of flowers with notes of freshly cut grass and a hint of vanilla.

This product is quite high in calories, as it contains more than 300 kilocalories per hundred grams.

The plant from which this honey is created is called sweet clover. It is also called Italian grass or royal clover. Donnik, beneficial features and whose contraindications have long been studied, has found application in folk medicine. But it is also a popular agricultural crop.

Application in cosmetology

Every day the list of areas in which sweet clover is used is expanding, the application of which is discussed in the article. He is in Lately is increasingly used in cosmetology as part of trends associated with increased interest in a healthy lifestyle and cosmetic products made from natural ingredients.

What is this used for? unique product? It can help preserve beauty, prolong youth and take care of your appearance. There are several ways to use it:

  1. This product helps to cope with skin imperfections, such as acne or minor inflammations.
  2. When used daily, sweet clover honey moisturizes and nourishes the skin well.
  3. For aging skin, sweet clover honey is also indispensable - it can restore fresh color and restore its previous tone.
  4. You can also use this product to solve unpleasant problems with stretch marks or cellulite.

Help in healing the body

For general health improvement of the body, you can also use sweet clover honey, a composition whose beneficial properties are well known to traditional healers. It has a mild laxative and diuretic effect, resulting in:

  • toxins and waste are removed from the body;
  • swelling decreases or disappears as excess water is removed;
  • metabolism improves significantly.

Sweet clover honey in medicine

Sweet clover honey, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which are known only to a few, is used not only in cosmetology and for general human health. He is wonderful medical device and is used for the following purposes:

  1. Sweet clover honey is an excellent natural antiseptic. It perfectly helps heal wounds, relieve inflammation, and acts as a natural antipyretic. This product can be used on cuts, burns and other wounds.
  2. Helps with diseases respiratory tract, such as sore throat and colds, flu and tonsillitis, pharyngitis and laryngitis, as well as bronchitis. The effect is achieved through expectorant, bactericidal and analgesic effects.
  3. The beneficial properties of honey from the plant (clover described above) can help in the treatment of leukopenia, which is one of side effects radiation therapy. This is due to the content of a substance called coumarin in its composition. It leads to an increase in the number of leukocytes.
  4. Sweet clover honey is very beneficial for blood vessels. It is an ideal remedy for the prevention of thrombosis and embolism, helps to enhance vascular tone and significantly speed up the process of their recovery. A substance called dicumarol contained in this composition prevents it from clotting too quickly.
  5. If a person is susceptible to such unpleasant phenomena as insomnia, headaches or melancholy, depressive neurosis or panic attacks, hysterical states or neurasthenia, as well as increased nervous excitability, it is also worth introducing royal clover honey into the diet. This product has a depressant effect on the central nervous system and can even be used as a remedy against seizures (of course, auxiliary or prophylactic).
  6. For gynecological diseases, the beneficial properties inherent in a product such as sweet clover honey are also widely used. The use of honey can be part of the treatment of many female diseases, such as endometritis and inflammation of the ovaries. It is also indicated for menopausal conditions, to normalize the menstrual cycle. Can also be used for general health genitourinary system(honey perfectly restores microflora).

Contraindicated for whom

Despite the beneficial properties of a product such as sweet clover honey, it also has contraindications. Moreover, there are even more of them than most other beekeeping products.

  • for allergies;
  • people suffering from diabetes;
  • for problems with excess weight.

It is worth limiting the consumption of such honey:

  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • people suffering from kidney diseases;
  • if a person has reduced blood clotting;
  • if there is bleeding.

These contraindications are due to the fact that the substances contained in the product contribute to blood thinning.

How to use

Descriptions of ways to use sweet clover honey can fill the pages of more than one reference book on traditional medicine. Therefore, it makes sense to focus on the most popular recipes:

  1. To strengthen immunity. During the cold season, it is recommended to use this useful product, as it can act as an immunomodulator. At the same time, ten to fifteen grams of honey per day is enough for children and adolescents, while a larger dose is recommended for adults - twenty-five grams.
  2. For diseases respiratory system. In this case, in addition to the honey itself, you will also need black radish. The core of the radish is removed and a tablespoon of sweet clover honey is placed inside. Then you need to leave the radish to steep for at least a day. You should take the resulting juice about half an hour before meals, one at a time.
  3. To improve your skin condition, you can prepare a mask that contains: regular cucumber and sweet clover honey. In this case, you need to grate about two hundred grams of cucumber on a coarse grater and mix with a teaspoon of honey.
  4. To improve overall well-being, it is sometimes recommended to stir one tablespoon of honey in a glass of warm water. boiled water and take every morning, before breakfast. In order to feel the effects of this procedure, it will need to be repeated daily for several months.

Rules of application

In the literature on traditional medicine you can find a recommendation for the use of such honey to enhance lactation. This is a rather dangerous and not very reliable method, since any honey is a strong allergen and can cause an undesirable reaction in the fragile body of an infant.

When using sweet clover honey in medicinal purposes It should be remembered that it is not an independent medicine, but can act as an adjuvant. It is imperative to consult a doctor, since only a specialist can make the correct diagnosis and identify the presence of contraindications.

How to choose a real one

Unfortunately, you can find many counterfeits on the market, including fake honey. Naturally, such a product does not have healing properties. IN best case scenario consuming a counterfeit product simply will not bring the expected benefits; at worst, it can cause significant harm to health.

To distinguish quality product, you should pay attention to a number of characteristic signs:

  • original taste - sweet clover honey is not too sweet, but some sharpness or bitterness must be felt in the aftertaste;
  • smell - real honey has a pronounced floral aroma, with hints of hay or mown grass. Vanilla notes should also be present;
  • consistency - the texture of sweet clover honey should be creamy, there is viscosity and some viscousness. Such honey cannot flow like water;
  • the color is transparent, with a light, amber-golden tint; a white or yellowish-white precipitate is possible.

Sweet clover honey, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which you have learned, is certainly a valuable product. However, caution is required in its use. In addition, it is important to choose the right product at the time of purchase.

So, we have studied the beneficial properties and contraindications of sweet clover honey. We hope the information presented will be useful to you.

The period when bees extract medicinal nectar occurs during the flowering period of the honey plant, sweet clover (Melilotus Officinalis) - June, August. Honey is usually pumped out in July. Depending on the type of plant, which can be white or yellow sweet clover, the color of honey may differ. By collecting from white plants, bees bring a white and transparent bee product to the hive. There are also differences in taste:

  1. Yellow - characterized by richness and softness of taste, a characteristic strong odor.
  2. White - has a pleasant vanilla scent, but at the same time its taste is bitter.

The interesting thing is that it is visually difficult to attribute it to the usual varieties of bee collections. It is rather a miracle created by nature itself. Thick white, creamy mass with the smell of vanilla, more like a dessert.

How not to buy rapeseed honey?

Sweet clover honey is similar in consistency to rapeseed honey. It does not form crystals for a long time, and when thickened, its crystallization is soft, in the form of a viscous composition. In order not to fall into the trap of an unscrupulous beekeeper, it is important to know the differences between noble and rapeseed honey.

If speak about healing properties, then, of course, the first cannot be compared in its composition and value with the second. Rapeseed honey- this is a problem for beekeepers. This nuance cannot be determined with the naked eye; only organoleptic features can help out. Honey collected from sweet clover is not often found on the open market; it is purchased on an individual order directly from the beekeeper or at specialized exhibitions.

The main differences of rapeseed honey:

  • Fast crystallization.
  • Souring, fermentation.
  • Insolubility in water.
  • Lack of characteristic vanilla smell.

Historical facts

Since ancient times, honey has been valued for its nutritional properties. Personal observations and results led to its widespread use as a healing substance in cosmetology and cooking.

Americans grow sweet clover as a weed along roadsides. The ungrateful continent is not ready to plant this plant for the sake of insects, however, for more than ten years they have been consuming the sweetness collected by bees from it. In Russia and Ukraine, the plant is sown as a feed additive for livestock diets, and also to improve soil quality. Beekeepers have long and productively used this tradition for their own purposes.

Before moving on to valuable properties, it is necessary to figure out what causes them. For this purpose, the product has been studied thoroughly. If we take into account incredible properties plants widely used in folk and traditional medicine, and add to them the waste products of bees, which are in no way inferior in their components, and even complement them - you get a kind of useful substance - a storehouse of health and longevity.

Chemical composition of sweet clover honey

  • Fructose. It consists of the overwhelming majority (40%).
  • B vitamins.
  • Vitamin A.
  • Ascorbic acid.
  • Vitamin RR.
  • Vitamin E.
  • Zinc.
  • Iron.
  • Chromium.
  • Calcium.
  • Folic acid.

Glucose. Her high content(36%), slows down the crystallization process. Makes the product viscous and viscous, somewhat similar to condensed milk.

Honey is a complete dessert. No factory-made sweet has this useful composition vitamins, micro- and macroelements. If we compare the amount of retinol in veal meat and sweet clover honey, sweetness is in the lead by 50 times.

Medicinal properties of the substance

  1. Stimulating. Improves the functioning of the heart muscle and strengthens blood vessels. At the first signs of hypertension, its use is effective. Able to normalize blood pressure and blood supply. It is considered effective to take a pellet filled with honey from sweet clover flowers.
  2. Thinning. It is famous for its ability to prevent the formation of blood clots. Regulates blood thickness. Keeps the walls of blood vessels in good shape. The main assistant is dicumarol, which is part of medicinal honey.
  3. Immunomodelling. During the season of mass infections, it strengthens the body. Creates barriers that prevent viruses from entering.
  4. Respiratory. Effective for sore throats, tracheitis, laryngitis.
  5. Antispasmodic. Relieves pain in inflamed areas of the throat and digestive organs. Perfectly copes with pain caused by migraines.
  6. Bronchodilator. Promotes detachment and release of mucus. Expectorant.
  7. Anti-inflammatory. Often used for tuberculosis and pulmonary inflammation.
  8. Saturating. Value for female body during gestation is indisputable. Provides an opportunity through the mother's body to enrich useful substances developing baby.
  9. Increases lactation. Able to gently and carefully care for the breast during periods of stagnation of milk and at the first signs of mastitis.
  10. Restoring hormone levels during menopause. Smoothes out symptoms.
  11. Sedative. Mild sedative effect on the nervous system. Relieves tension, restores sleep.
  12. Metabolic. Improves stable bowel function, relieves bloating and discomfort.
  13. Appetite-inducing. It has been noticed that when consumed by children, it does not suppress the feeling of hunger, but provokes the appearance of appetite.
  14. Antiseptic. Widely applicable for the treatment of abscesses, boils, burns, inflamed purulent wounds.
  15. Smoothing properties– softens symptoms of arthritis, gout, rheumatism.
  16. Rejuvenating. It is used in home and industrial cosmetology in the composition of masks, shampoos, and balms.
  17. Regenerating. Restores the structure of hair and skin, smoothes wrinkles.
  18. Tonic. Invigorates the body and restores skin turgor.
  19. Cleansing. Removes toxins. Has a laxative effect.
  20. Urinary. Relieves swelling. Stimulates the functioning of the urinary system.


Like any food product, sweet clover honey also has contraindications:

  1. In case of allergic symptoms, it is necessary to take into account that honey collection occurs from legumes. If there is a reaction of the body to beans, peas and lentils, then the use of honey in food is prohibited. The bee product itself can also be dangerous for allergy sufferers.
  2. For diabetes mellitus.
  3. For pancreatitis, take with caution.
  4. If you need to control your weight, take into account the calorie content of the product.

Use in alternative medicine

Lately, people are increasingly resorting to traditional methods treatment. This is due to unreasonably inflated prices and questionable quality of medications. Also in trend is the fashion for naturalness in everything. In some cases, it is more advisable to use the gifts of nature than to use expensive chemicals.

To increase lactation
After each meal, it is recommended to eat a dessert spoon of honey. You can increase your milk supply by combining healing honey with herbs that increase lactation (fennel, anise, dill, corn silk). Important! It is necessary to pay attention to the child's condition. Herbs and honey can trigger allergies.

To boost immunity
To prevent colds and respiratory diseases adults are recommended - 25 g, children - 15 g.

When coughing
The cap is cut off from the black radish and a hole is made. The melilot honey is placed in a hole and set aside for a day. Drink the juice released from the root crop (3-5 times a day).

For varicose veins
Sweet clover honey (250 g), mixed with chopped garlic cloves (350 g). Insist for a week. Take a teaspoon three times a day, before meals.

Also, if you are intolerant to garlic, you can replace it with onion juice. In this case, the mixture is infused without access to light for three days, after which it is stored in the refrigerator for up to 10 days.

For hemorrhoids
20 g of honey are diluted in water (100 ml) and used for douching. It is also recommended to add honey from sweet clover flowers to warm baths for bathing.

For pulmonary inflammation
Sweet clover honey (2 parts) is mixed with aloe (1 part) and vodka (3 parts). The resulting composition is taken in the form of an application or compress on the chest, back, and lungs.

For constipation
Mix 1 tbsp. a spoonful of water, honey and oat flakes. To everything add grated large apple and juice from half a lemon. The composition is taken daily, 1 tbsp. spoon during lunch.

Video: beneficial properties of sweet clover honey
