Horseradish is a classic winter recipe. Khrenovina - nine classic recipes for cooking for the winter

Now I will tell you how my father cooks delicious horseradish at home. Every year he digs up horseradish roots - our garden is full of it! I offer you the simplest recipe homemade horseradish with vinegar. The taste is sharp, “knocks out a tear” and takes your breath away in no time. This recipe is for true horseradish lovers.

This horseradish seasoning is served with meat dishes, and of course to the jellied meat, where would we be without it – a classic of the genre!

Preparing horseradish

Preparation horseradish at home is divided into several parts of work:

1). First you need to dig up the horseradish roots and rinse them thoroughly.

2). Upper skin clean carefully and rinse again. This is perhaps the most difficult stage of the work.

3). Grind and add the necessary ingredients.

Grate the peeled horseradish roots on a fine grater or grind through a meat grinder. To avoid tears from the pungent aroma of horseradish, place a plastic bag over the meat grinder. If you have a food processor that will chop the roots in a matter of minutes, then use it.

Horseradish with vinegar - classic recipe

Now let's move on to preparing horseradish at home. This recipe makes “Russian horseradish”, nuclear!

We will need:

1 kg. horseradish

3 tbsp sugar

2 tbsp salt

2-2.5 glasses of water

4-5 tbsp vinegar

How to cook horseradish at home for the winter

Add water, salt, sugar and table vinegar to a bowl with chopped horseradish. Mix everything well. Then we transfer them into jars and close them with lids so that the contents do not dry out.

As for water, add enough to get the consistency thick porridge. As for vinegar, salt and sugar, add to taste. We do it in the specified proportions, and we are satisfied with this option. Seasoning long-term storage ready!

Now you know how to make horseradish at home. Prepared horseradish according to this recipe will last all winter.


Autumn is the ideal period for collecting and storing horseradish for the winter. For these purposes, choose light, even rhizomes on all sides and inside that are at least 3 years old. Next, we will tell you how to store horseradish at home so that it lasts until winter and beyond. There is quite a wide variety of methods among which you can choose the most suitable one for yourself.

In order to preserve the freshness of horseradish for the winter, select high-quality roots without damage, cutting off excess tops. We clean the rhizomes from any remaining soil and leave them to dry for 1-2 hours in the shade outside. Then we proceed to placing the prepared roots into storage containers. A wooden or plastic box is ideal. We make sure that the first layer of sand is at least 7 cm. Sprinkle the rhizomes, laid alternately at a comfortable distance from each other, with a generously dry layer of sand. During storage, do not forget to lightly moisten the sand with water once a week, but do not overdo it, otherwise the rhizomes will begin to rot and mold.

Grated horseradish

Keep fresh horseradish best in the basement at a temperature around zero. If you live in an apartment, then the best option There will be a glazed balcony without heating. In severe frosts, be sure to cover the box with horseradish with warm material. By following these simple rules, you will preserve fresh root vegetables until next season. And if there is nowhere to put a container with rhizomes, you can store the roots in dried form. This is quite easy to do. You need to wash the roots and send them to dry in a warm place with plenty of access. sunlight. When the roots are dry, grind them into powder using a mortar.

More quick recipe– dried horseradish in the oven. In this case, you will need to rinse the roots thoroughly in cool water, peel them and cut them into thin strips. Place the cubes laid out in an even layer on a baking sheet into the oven, preheated to 60 degrees, while holding the door oven open all the time so that excess moisture from root vegetables evaporates faster. We wait until they dry, usually 40 minutes is enough. Grind the slightly cooled roots in a mortar, or preferably in a blender. The resulting dry mixture must be stored in a glass or plastic container with a lid on top.

Dried horseradish can be used as an additive to pickles, sauces, first and second courses. In addition, it is useful to consume horseradish powder in small portions, soaking it warm water. In just an hour you will have a swollen pulp, which can be seasoned to taste with vinegar or sour cream. The only drawback of this method is partial loss useful substances and vitamins during drying.

The first, simplest recipe for preparing horseradish for the winter is grated root vegetable with the addition of sugar, salt, 9% table vinegar or lemon juice. This recipe is designed for a fairly large root about 30 cm long and 10-12 cm in diameter. First, it must be thoroughly washed to remove any remaining soil using a brush and be sure to soak in cold water. Depending on the maturity and hardness of the vegetable, this process can take from 1 to 4 days. This will make the root vegetable softer and easier to work with. After soaking, peel the prepared root and grate it on a medium grater. Many people prefer to use a blender in this case, but it is worth noting that the taste will be lost.

Grate horseradish

Caution – crushed horseradish root can cause tears and burning of the mucous membranes of the eyes and nose. Wear a respirator and safety glasses!

When the root is crushed, season it with cold brine, in which we first dissolve 1 tbsp. l. 9% table vinegar or freshly squeezed lemon juice, 2-3 tsp. sugar and 1 tsp. salt. For this amount of ingredients you will need 150 ml boiled water. If it seems a little dry, you can add a little more water. If you're missing some color and want to spice up your horseradish recipe for the winter, all you need is a little beet juice. For 300 g of fresh roots, take 150 ml of water, 80-100 ml of 9% vinegar, 1 tbsp. l. sugar and salt, as well as 2 tbsp. l. freshly squeezed beet juice. We pre-soak the washed roots in cold water until soft, then clean them and grate them on a fine or medium grater, as you prefer.

In this case, many recommend using a meat grinder with a fine mesh, not forgetting to put a plastic bag over the bell to protect the mucous membrane of the eyes and nose. Pour boiling water over the resulting slurry and add the specified amount of salt and sugar to it. When the mixture has cooled, you just need to add vinegar and beet juice, which you can easily make from cooked beets. Ready horseradish need to be placed in sterile jars and stored in the refrigerator or cellar. This wonderful one for the winter will allow you to preserve your favorite seasoning until late spring.

The second even simpler method of preparation is a recipe for horseradish twisted through a meat grinder. Prepare 0.5 kg of fresh root vegetables by first soaking them well in water and peeling them. Add 1 tbsp to the root vegetables twisted through a fine mesh. l. salt and 3 tbsp. l. sugar, then add boiling water to the gruel, bringing the mixture to the formation of a thick paste-like mass. That's all, all that remains is to thoroughly mix all the ingredients and arrange ready-made seasoning for the winter in sterile jars, adding a few drops of lemon juice to each of them at the end. This snack should be stored in the refrigerator for 3-5 months. It is best served with baked fish or meat, either alone or in combination with sour cream or mayonnaise.

Chopped horseradish in a blender

For those who like spicy and savory snacks, we offer the following recipe. You will need 3 large horseradish roots, 1 kg of tomatoes, 3 cloves of garlic, salt and sugar to taste. We pass the prepared and peeled vegetables through a meat grinder, with a plastic bag placed over the bell, and add them to the prepared pulp. required amount salt and sugar, guided by your taste preferences. We put the aromatic spicy mass into sterilized jars and put them in the refrigerator.

If you want to prepare horseradish for a short period of time, then store fresh roots in the refrigerator. To do this, you will need to take young roots about 30 cm long, thoroughly clean them from the soil, dry them and, without cutting them into cubes, put them in a plastic bag and place them in the refrigerator. This method will help you keep vegetables fresh for no more than 3 weeks.

Horseradish prepared for storage

But for preparing for the winter, use freezer. We wash the horseradish, peel it, dry it well at room temperature and cut into cubes 3-5 cm thick. Lay out the resulting pieces according to plastic bags and tie them tightly to prevent air from getting inside. We take root vegetables out of the freezer as needed, grating them or adding them whole as one of the base ingredients in salads, soups and main courses. To ensure that the roots retain their freshness after defrosting, it is recommended to store them in the freezer.

In our country, horseradish is a fairly common plant and is known, first of all, as a spicy additive to the most various dishes. But this root is quite capable of acting as the main ingredient. For example, on its basis very popular sauce- horseradish seasoning that can add piquancy to many fish and meat snacks.

Horseradish seasoning - great addition for hot and cold dishes, which is sure to decorate any table

A little about the seasoning itself

Horseradish, which is the main component of our seasoning, is very beneficial root. It increases appetite, tones the body and activates energy. A few small jars of this sauce can serve you well. And in order to prepare it, you need to follow a few simple rules.

Cooking Basics

  1. Horseradish, which was collected in late autumn, is considered the most suitable for seasoning.
  2. Select large roots, the length of which is at least 30 cm and the diameter of no more than 6 cm.
  3. Before cooking, it is advisable to soak the horseradish in cool water and let it sit for three to six hours.
  4. Next, we clean the roots, wrap them in cling film and put them in the freezer for about an hour.

    On a note! These procedures will help prevent the discomfort that usually occurs when chopping horseradish - your eyes will not water!

  5. After you have passed the roots through a meat grinder or grated them, you need to add a little lemon juice or vinegar to the mass.
  6. Next, place the prepared horseradish in small jars or plastic containers.

This way you will always have it at hand original product, from which you can quickly prepare another portion at any time fresh sauce. And about how to make horseradish seasoning from start to finish with various additives, the following recipes will tell you.

With beet juice

To prepare you need to take:

  • a kilo of horseradish roots;
  • half a liter of beet juice;
  • 1 tables. a spoonful of vinegar essence;
  • half a glass of sugar;
  • 3 tables. spoons of salt.

Prepare the seasoning: wash the horseradish roots thoroughly, peel them and grind them using a meat grinder. We grate the beets on a fine grater, squeeze out the crushed mass, and add the resulting juice to the horseradish that we twisted. Then add vinegar, sugar and salt. Mix everything thoroughly. Place the resulting seasoning in jars and sterilize for 15 minutes if the jar is half a liter, and sterilize a liter jar for 20 minutes.

With apple

For the recipe for horseradish and apple seasoning, take the following ingredients:

  • kilo of apples;
  • 0.15 kg horseradish;
  • 0.15 kg garlic;
  • 5 ml of vinegar essence;
  • 15 g salt;
  • 20 g sugar.

We soak the roots in cold water for three hours, after which we remove the peel from them. We also peel the apples. Grind the prepared ingredients. We free the garlic from the husk and pass it through a press.

Combine all prepared products in a large bowl. Add salt, add sugar, pour in vinegar essence and mix well. Place the seasoning in small clean jars, cover with lids and send to water bath. Let stand for five minutes, then close tightly and put in a cool place for storage.

With carrots

For the recipe we take:

  • 0.15 kg horseradish;
  • 0.3 kg carrots;
  • 5 g paprika;
  • 5 g white pepper;
  • 10 g salt;
  • 5-7 g sugar;
  • half a glass of water;
  • 55-60 ml vinegar.

We peel the root vegetables and chop them in any convenient way - twist them in a meat grinder or grate them on a fine grater. Combine everything in a bowl and pour in 150 ml of boiling water. Cover with a lid and leave for five minutes.

Add vinegar to the mixture, add sugar, paprika, pepper and salt.

On a note! If white pepper is not available, then this recipe it can easily be replaced with black!

Mix everything thoroughly and place in sterilized jars. Close tightly and store in a cool place.

With garlic and tomatoes

For horseradish seasoning with garlic and tomatoes, take:

  • 0.2 kg horseradish;
  • 0.2 kg of tomatoes;
  • 0.1 kg garlic;
  • 15 g salt;
  • 15 g sugar;
  • 45-50 ml vinegar;
  • 90 ml vegetable oil.

Blanch the tomatoes in boiling water for 30 seconds, then peel them and pass them through a meat grinder. Add sugar to the tomato mass, add salt and place on the stove. With a small gas supply, boil for 20 minutes. About five minutes before the end of cooking, add the oil and crushed garlic.

We clean the roots, grate them on a fine grater and place them in the boiling tomato mass. Add vinegar and immediately after boiling remove from heat. Place in sterilized jars and seal with lids.

“Ogonyok” with chili pepper

For the recipe we take:

  • 0.1 kg of roots;
  • kilo of tomatoes;
  • 10-12 cloves of garlic;
  • chili pepper pod;
  • a couple of tables. spoons of salt.
First you need to prepare the tomatoes - blanch them in boiling water and remove the skin. Pass it through a meat grinder. As a result, you should get a puree with a volume of 1 liter. We clean and chop the horseradish roots. Cut the chili into small pieces and grind in a meat grinder.

On a note! It is better to remove the seeds from the chili, otherwise the seasoning will turn out too strong!

Mix the ingredients and add crushed garlic. Salt, add sugar. Place the seasoning in clean jars and seal.

With bell pepper

For the dish you will need:

  • 0.1 kg of hot root vegetable;
  • 0.3 kg bell pepper;
  • 4-5 cloves of garlic;
  • 15 g sugar;
  • 20 g salt;
  • a couple of tables. spoons of lemon juice.

Wash the horseradish, peel and peel it. We remove the seeds from the sweet pepper pods and cut off the stalks. We twist the products in a meat grinder.

Add crushed garlic to the resulting mass, pour in lemon juice, salt and add sugar. Mix everything and distribute into sterilized jars. Cover tightly with lids and store in a cool place.

With oranges

Horseradish seasoning orange juice prepared from the following products:

  • 0.1 kg horseradish;
  • a couple of oranges;
  • 45 ml dry white wine;
  • 2-3 g salt.
Pour boiling water over the oranges, remove the zest from one of them, and squeeze the juice from both. Add wine, zest and grated horseradish to the juice. Salt, add sugar, mix everything.

With sour cream

For the recipe we take:

  • 0.3 kg of burning roots;
  • 200-220 ml sour cream;
  • 30 g sugar;
  • 2-3 g salt.

We clean the roots and pass them through a meat grinder. Salt, add sugar. Mix everything and add sour cream to the mixture.

On a note! If you think that the seasoning is too thick, you can dilute it a little with chilled boiled water.

Transfer the mixture into a jar, close tightly and put it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. Since this seasoning does not last long, it is advisable to use it quickly - within two days.

Obviously, making horseradish seasoning at home is as easy as shelling pears. So don't rush to buy store product- better, do it yourself. After all, this way you will be completely confident in its quality.

Bon appetit!

All materials on the website are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any product, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

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If you love spicy snacks, then you’ve probably already packed up for the winter and made other preparations. In order to add a piquant taste to the dish at any time, you should have an ingredient such as horseradish in stock.

It can be prepared different ways. I have selected several recipes for you in which we will look at everything possible options preserving the root for the winter.

Even the cooking process can be handled inexperienced housewife, if you follow step-by-step recipes that are accompanied by photos. If necessary, you can change the composition of the products, as they add various ingredients, which affect taste. Therefore, it all depends on individual preferences.

The root does not need to be prepared in a special way. It is enough to peel it and rinse thoroughly.

So let's look at a few simple options blanks.

To prepare the root for culinary purposes, no skill or experience is required. You will need a minimum of time and effort. Therefore, you should not be afraid that you will not be able to cook it.


  • 130 g horseradish;
  • 2 tsp 9% table vinegar;
  • ½ tsp table salt;
  • 1 tsp white sugar;
  • 200 ml water.


First, the root needs to be cleared of the top layer. This should be done with gloves to avoid burns. Then wash, cut into small pieces and send it to the blender.

Add all the specified ingredients and boiled chilled water to it. Grind for one minute at maximum speed.

We send the ground mass into a clean and sterile jar. Screw on the metal lid.

Store in a cool place. This appetizer perfectly complements baked fish, meat, and salads.

How to keep horseradish fresh for the winter, whole in the refrigerator

If you don't have the time or desire to spin spicy ingredient to banks. Then you can save it with whole roots. And when you need it, use it to add to cold or meat dishes.

First, you need to clean the roots from the soil, rinse them under cool water and wait until they are completely dry. Place horseradish in 10 pieces, 30 cm long, in plastic bags. Also suitable cling film. We make several holes in the packaging and place it in the vegetable compartment in the refrigerator. This method allows you to store the product for one month.

But there is an option that allows you to increase the shelf life to three months. To do this, the roots should be placed in an airtight plastic container.

If you peel the product, it will no longer be suitable for consumption within a couple of weeks.

Classic recipe for horseradish with beets at home

Men especially like this winter seasoning. If family members do not have any stomach problems and they like dishes with spicy taste, then be sure to prepare this seasoning.


  • 130 g horseradish;
  • 1 beet head;
  • 1 tsp sugar;
  • ½ tsp salt;
  • 2 tbsp 9% vinegar.


Peel the roots and cut into medium-sized pieces.

If horseradish has lost its freshness, you can restore its juiciness by soaking it in cold water for one day.

Now you need to twist the root through a meat grinder. To protect your eyes, we attach bags to the spinneret. Close the package and put it away for a while.

We grind fresh beets through a meat grinder, and then squeeze out the juice through cheesecloth. If it turns out to be less than 200 ml, then add a little water.

Add all the specified ingredients to the juice and mix it with chopped horseradish root.

We transfer the spicy snack to a jar, which must first be sterilized. Screw on the boiled lids.

We send the workpiece to the refrigerator or cool cellar. Bon appetit!

How to preserve pureed horseradish without additives

If you want your roots not to lose yours taste qualities and spiciness, then it should be prepared for the winter without adding any spices or preservatives.

We clean and wash the roots cold water, place on a towel until completely dry. Then cut into small pieces to make it easier to chop.

Place the horseradish in a blender and grind. We should end up with a mass that resembles gruel.

Distribute the resulting mass into plastic bags. If desired, add specific amounts of horseradish to make it easier to use during cooking.

Place the filled bags in the freezer for storage.

The product prepared in this way can be stored until late spring. At the same time, vitamins and nutrients are preserved.

How to prepare horseradish for the winter in a jar without vinegar

Let's consider traditional recipe preparations hot seasoning. We will use beets as the second main ingredient. But it is needed not to improve taste, but for color.


  • 500 g horseradish root;
  • 150 g boiled beets;
  • Table salt according to preference.


Remove the top layer from the roots and be sure to rinse with cold water. If the horseradish is soft, then soak it for 12-24 hours.

To protect the mucous membrane of the eyes from horseradish, we put a plastic bag over a meat grinder and twist the roots, preferably twice. You can use a blender for the same purposes.

Grind the boiled beets on a fine grater and mix with the horseradish mixture. Salt to taste and distribute into dry and sterile jars.

We put it in the refrigerator or cellar. From this preservation you can make hot sauces or directly added to dishes.

Pickled horseradish without sterilization

There is another recipe for cooking savory snacks for the winter. If you want to give the sauce a nice burgundy color, add beet juice to it. It will not spoil the taste, but only improve it beneficial features. For canning instructions, watch the video:

If you grind the root using a grater, you should first freeze it. Bon appetit!

How to preserve horseradish so it doesn't go sour

Savory snack can be stored long time, if used only quality products. It is also necessary to sterilize the workpiece in boiling water.


  • 1 kg horseradish;
  • 30 g salt;
  • 30 g granulated sugar;
  • 1 glass of 9% table vinegar;
  • 2 glasses of water.


Peel the roots using a knife or vegetable peeler. Then rinse with cold water.

To make the marinade, you need to boil water, add salt and sugar to it. Mix everything and immediately remove from the burner. After this, pour in the required amount of vinegar.

Glass jars and metal lids Be sure to sterilize in any usual way.

Grind the horseradish on a grater. To protect your skin and eyes, use gloves, a mask and goggles.

Pour the grated roots with brine and stir until smooth.

Distribute the hot seasoning into prepared glass jars.

To prevent the workpiece from turning sour after a few days, it must be sterilized for 20 minutes in a pan of boiling water.

After this, screw the lids on the jars. When the snack has cooled, put it in a cool place.

How to preserve horseradish from autumn to spring so that it does not fizzle out

So that the seasoning does not erode and retains its beneficial properties, nutritional properties, it should be stored dry. That is, we subject the roots to heat treatment.

To do this, perform the following steps:

  1. We thoroughly wash the root vegetables and cut them into thin slices;
  2. Place on a baking sheet parchment paper and distribute the horseradish;
  3. Dry the roots in the oven at 50 degrees;
  4. At the next stage, grind the product in a coffee grinder.

If you store ground dried horseradish in a plastic or glass container, it will not expire not only until spring, but for two years.

How to prepare horseradish for the winter through a meat grinder at home

If you and your loved ones do not have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, then horseradish seasoning is perfect for fish or meat dishes. So be sure to roll up a few jars.


  • 600 g horseradish root;
  • 300 ml water;
  • 50 ml 9% table vinegar;
  • 1 tbsp granulated sugar;
  • 1 tbsp table salt.


Be sure to peel the roots, wash them and pass them through a meat grinder. The vapors from this product are harmful to the eyes, so it is recommended to attach a plastic bag to the die.

To prepare the brine, dissolve sugar and salt in 200 ml hot water. The liquid must have a temperature of 80 degrees so that the crystals quickly dissolve. Pour the marinade over the chopped horseradish, add vinegar and a little more water to make a liquid paste.

Mix the mixture and transfer it to sterilized jars. Close with nylon lids.

Keep savory seasoning It is best in the refrigerator, so it can stand for a long time without losing its taste and beneficial qualities.

Is it possible to freeze horseradish in the freezer with whole roots to preserve the vitamins?

In winter, the roots can be stored frozen. At the same time, it does not lose its sharpness, healing properties and doesn't run out of steam. To do this, it is important to know some nuances.

To begin, the roots need to be soaked in cold water for 2-3 hours. Then we clear them of the top layer and immediately place them in a basin of water so that it does not fizzle out and does not irritate the eyes so much.

Make sure to dry the horseradish. Place the product tightly in bags or plastic containers. Place in the freezer. In this form it can be stored for one year.

Preparation of hot ground horseradish with mayonnaise

Thanks to next recipe you will prepare a sauce that can be used to season dishes. Some people enjoy this product as a snack, spread on a piece of bread.


  • 200 g horseradish root;
  • 1 tbsp sugar;
  • A pinch of salt;
  • 1.5 tbsp table vinegar;
  • Mayonnaise.


Wash and peel the roots. Then cut into discs to make it easier to chop.

We fix a plastic bag on the meat grinder to protect our eyes and twist it into any container.

Now add salt, sugar and table vinegar to the jar with chopped horseradish. Determine the amount of mayonnaise yourself. It is recommended to use .

This preparation must be stored in the refrigerator for the winter. Bon appetit!

In today's article, we looked at almost all the ways to store horseradish. If you have your own secrets, share them in the comments; it will be useful for readers to know other options.

A long time ago, back in the last century, when I was still very small, there was such big country - Soviet Union. There wasn't really anything in it. Literally and figuratively. Although, I don’t argue, it was fun.

I remember on the eve of my birthday (November 7, October Revolution Day), my parents were preparing a celebration.

As usual, except wonderful drinks, obligatory, herring under a fur coat, pickled mushrooms and the usual jellied meat. What would it be without grated horseradish???

A stuffed pike, aspic or boiled pork?? It's like drinking beer without gas. There is fluid, but no exhaust. Various recipes- it will turn out differently.

Dad either came up with the recipe himself or took it from someone, I don’t know. But hell, it’s not for nothing that it’s the hottest of the “domestic” seasonings. It always turned out atomic. It was possible to set fire to the water in the Dnieper.

Usually now we prepare the seasoning just like that, without tying it to events. The jar just sits in the refrigerator, even just to spread on bread.

Homemade horseradish. Step by step recipe


  • Horseradish rhizomes 0.5 kg
  • Red beets 1 piece
  • Sugar to taste
  • Salt to taste
  • Table vinegar taste
  1. Horseradish (Armoracia rusticana) grows almost throughout Europe, except the Arctic. Usually the leaves are used for preservation, most often cucumbers, and the thick fleshy roots are used to prepare table seasoning. In Rus', horseradish was used more widely, and for preservation, and for salting everything, and for spicy kvass, and for such a wonderful and close in spirit to any of our compatriots - horseradish.

    Horseradish (Armoracia rusticana)

  2. I read in a smart book that the glycoside sinigrin gives horseradish its pungency and pungency. Relatives - mustard, watercress, radish. Horseradish was used by the ancient Romans, Greeks, and Egyptians.
  3. Horseradish has always been used as medicine. But whatever one may say, without preparation, it’s just a root. Fat, dirty and not appetizing.
  4. First, you need to buy horseradish roots. In autumn and winter it’s not difficult. And in the summer they sell it last year, and it is of little use. Today we bought almost half a kilogram. Just the way it should be.
  5. Next, the roots need to be cleaned with a sharp knife. Cut off the ends.

    Horseradish roots must be peeled with a sharp knife

  6. After this, the roots must be thoroughly washed and cut into pieces, the length of a match or a little longer.
  7. I soak the roots, although many claim that this reduces their pungency. Well, much stronger. And so you can jump out of your slippers. It should be soaked in cold, almost ice-cold water. About 5-6 hours. We put it in the refrigerator.

    Soak peeled horseradish in cold water

  8. Then the roots need to be chopped. Many people grate by hand. Well, I'm not a sadomasochist. Bullying myself and family members does not suit me. An electric meat grinder is ideal.
  9. During my childhood, when an electric meat grinder was less common in the kitchen than a UFO over Kiev, my dad chopped horseradish with an ordinary manual meat grinder screwed to the table. For insurance, they kicked me out into the street, and my mother went to a neighbor for 10 minutes and asked my dad to stir the soup every half hour. Dad was twisting the horseradish with a manual meat grinder, lifting the table off the floor. Hard work. Everything was done only in a gas mask.
    After that, it was impossible to enter the kitchen for another three hours. Ventilation did not help either.
  10. I keep thinking, why not then put a plastic bag on a meat grinder and collect the twisted root along with the caustic fumes in it. Then I understood. Who remembers how rare plastic bags were in the 70s??? They simply weren't there. They were washed and dried. For reuse.

    Grind horseradish using a grater or meat grinder

  11. The crushed root was carefully placed in a large jar and covered with a plastic lid. Well, for example, let’s give not a large one, but a half-liter one. After this, decontamination began in the kitchen.
  12. Don't experiment. An ordinary bag for the exhaust of a meat grinder, hold it with your hand. You can feed your baby nearby and no complaints. At least to the point. Unless it's out of harm's way.

    Transfer the chopped horseradish into a jar with an airtight lid.

  13. Next, a large red beet (beet) was pulled out of the refrigerator. The beets were peeled and chopped to the finest fine grater, to the state of dust. The juice was squeezed out using a piece of cotton cloth and poured into a jar of horseradish. A heaped tablespoon of sugar and a teaspoon of coarse salt were added to the same jar.

    Squeeze out the juice using a piece of cotton cloth and pour into a jar with horseradish

  14. Mix everything thoroughly and add 2 tablespoons of regular food vinegar. Add cooled boiled water so that the contents of the jar are all in liquid. But don't overfill it.
  15. Mix again. The seasoning is already bright pink.
  16. To taste, add salt, vinegar, sugar. And water. The liquid should be level with the grated horseradish. The seasoning must infuse and mature. Overnight in the refrigerator. Overnight, the roots will become saturated with color and release a pungency into the liquid.
