Indispensable for cheese making: rennet. Animal rennet

Humanity in Lately began to take care of her health, and not only plays sports, but also eats right. There are many vegetarians among us and there is nothing surprising here. Everyone has the right to decide for themselves what to eat and what not. But you still need to know something. Today we will find out whether vegetarians eat cheese and what kind of cheese there is for vegetarians.

What is rennet, rennet

Many people today are interested in what “rennet” is and whether vegetarians can eat it. Newly-made vegetarians who consume dairy products do not think about what kind of cheeses they can eat.

The thing is that for such people those dairy products that contain animal rennet should be prohibited.

Today, a considerable number of manufacturers use this additive to make products. It is often found in hard cheeses, cottage cheese and other curd products.

But it is worth noting that rennet is not always an animal food. And in order to choose the right cheese, you need to learn to distinguish a vegetarian product from a non-vegetarian one.

What kind of cheese can vegetarians eat?

If you don’t want to delve into all this, then you can simply study the following list. It lists all cheeses that do not contain this additive:

  • TM "Kaseray Champignon" - completely all cheese;
  • TI "Ferma" solid sour cream;
  • from such brands as “Piryatin”, “Zvenigora”, “Zdorovo”;
  • blue with mold from TM “Lazur”, but only Polish.
  • TM “Denmax” – feta cheese;
  • Belarusian products: cheeses “Ranitsa”, “Rivera” and “Sluguni”.
  • TM “President”: “Emmental”, “Edam”, “Maasdam”, “Madrigal”.
  • many types of cheeses that are exported;
  • "Lambert" from Wimm-Bill-Dann;
  • processed cheeses – TM “Romol”.

But this is not the entire list of dairy products without additives. The thing is that it is very difficult to collect information and check absolutely all types of cheeses.

Range fermented milk products so wide that you can choose a truly natural and delicious cheese It's still possible. Customer reviews will come to your aid, which you can look up on the Internet.

Where does rennet come from?

This additive is usually present in the stomach of a newborn calf. When it grows, its production stops. And therefore, in order to obtain this very enzyme, animals are slaughtered at a young age.

Vegetarians should not eat cheese that was produced through murder.

The cheese that we often see on store shelves is made in exactly this way. When fermentation occurs, thick particles appear in the milk, somewhat reminiscent of dense flakes.

You need to wait until the milk curdles, and that’s when the solid part separates from the whey. This is how cheese is made at home.

Basically, gauze is used for separation. The method of preparing cream cheese is practically no different.

Ingredient that helps speed up production processes

A large number of manufacturers use this additive to speed up the production process of cheese products. It makes it possible to separate the protein part of milk from whey much faster.

Rennet enzyme is a complex compound of organic origin. And it is based, as a rule, on two components such as pepsin and chymosin.

They promote the rapid separation of liquid from protein elements. This ingredient can easily be called magical.

Production using the additive is very beneficial for all companies involved in the production of fermented milk products. Such production takes much less time, and product yield increases.

So, it is possible to make good money by producing such products, and without investing a lot of money.

And the most interesting thing is that it is simply impossible to detect rennet in a dairy product. This is because this substance does not affect color and taste, and is also odorless. But one can still argue with the last statement.

Many vegetarians talk about how they feel unusual taste in cheeses containing this additive. Basically, it is bitterness, which leaves an unpleasant aftertaste. But manufacturers deny the influence of this ingredient on taste qualities products.

When taking care of your health, you should definitely exclude such products from your diet. When choosing it, carefully study the label and look not only at the date of manufacture, but also at the composition.

Application of rennet additive

When an enzyme of organic origin enters milk, it accelerates the separation of protein, and it immediately forms a curd. It is similar to milk grains, which are then thoroughly crushed.

After this, the excess liquid is drained and the cottage cheese comes out. After a little time, they begin to make cheese from it, which you see on store shelves. And it is precisely this dairy product that vegetarians need to exclude from their diet.

Additional facts about production

Let's go back and talk again about the production process itself dairy product. When the resulting milk grains reach the required moisture percentage, the product should be given the required shape.

A hole is made in the workpiece through which excess liquid will escape. After all this, the future is pressed cheese product and sending it to salting.

The bars need to remain in brine for 10 days. When they are removed from the brine, they are laid out on shelves until fully ripe.

Basically, this process takes no more than two weeks. Although this period may be different. There are some types of cheese that need to be on the shelves for months and even years. After which they will go to store shelves.

Animal connection to rennet

To obtain this ingredient, people have to kill newborn calves. After all, as we have already said, it is produced only in infancy. At the moment of deprivation of life, the animal must feed only on mother’s milk and nothing else.

For animals, this enzyme is simply necessary, because it promotes efficient digestion, as well as the digestion of mother's milk. This is where its unique properties come from.

Vegetarian cheese without rennet

Today, vegetarians can easily purchase cheese products that do not contain rennet. These fermented milk products are microbial in nature.

This non-animal ingredient is key. It can be found in many imported cheeses. In domestic cheeses it is much less common.

For selection the right cheese When purchasing, you should carefully study its composition. You should see a microbial enzyme there.

Seeing words such as “microbial” or “microbiological” on the labels means you can safely buy the product. It will not cause any harm to your health.

Delicious and without additives

During the production of hard cheeses to which rennet is added, ingredients of non-animal origin can also be used. Basically, these are the following additives:

  • "Meito Microbial Rennet (Meito)";
  • "Maxiren";
  • "Chymogen (Fromase)";
  • "CHY-MAX";
  • Maxilact;
  • "Milase"
  • "Suparen".

If you are a vegetarian, then it is better for you not to purchase products that contain animal rennet and lysozyme.

The important thing is that its presence in fermented milk products can be understood by every person. If you see the code name E1105 on the ingredient label, then know that this supplement is made from protein chicken egg. It is very often found in Polish cheeses.

Important to consider

Rennet can be purchased from finished form in powder form and use according to instructions for fermenting milk. Rennet is used for and for. Rennet is prepared from a special section of the stomach of calves and lambs under one month of age, this section is called rennet. In such young animals, other parts of the stomach are not yet developed due to feeding on milk. Therefore, rennet natural sourdough, is so highly appreciated. The stomach of slaughtered animals is cut off and the remaining milk is squeezed out through a wide hole. The hole is then tied with twine. A tube is inserted into the narrow opening of the abomasum and air is forced into the stomach through it, then this opening is tied.

The rennet inflated with air is hung in a warm room and dried. The dried stomachs are stacked in several pieces, wrapped in paper and stored in a suspended state until used. The rennet is completely ready for use after 3-4 months.


Pepsin is obtained from the rennet of adult cows and pigs, which is also used as a starter, but has less coagulability. Pepsin from stomachs can be purchased in pharmacies.

Pepsin is isolated from the stomachs of healthy pigs slaughtered at any age. At home, to obtain pepsin, the pig's stomach is completely cut out, opened and thoroughly washed, then cold warm water. The mucous membrane is removed from the stomach and ground in a meat grinder.

Then you need to prepare a solution for soaking. Boil water, cool to 40 degrees and add pure (pharmacy) hydrochloric acid at the rate of 15 ml of acid per 1 liter of water. Place a preparation for preparing pepsin into this solution at the rate of 300 g per liter. Pepsin is prepared within 2 days. Then the sediment is drained, filtered and bottled, stored in a cool, dry, dark place.

Clotting strength is defined as the ability of a quantity of product to coagulate one part of rennet or pepsin within 40 minutes at a temperature of 35 degrees. Rennet in powder form does this at 1:100,000 and pepsin at 1:50,000.

How to make rennet starter

Dried gizzards can be used to make sourdough. The rennet is cut off by 2-3 cm from both ends and thrown away, the rest is cut into small pieces, type of noodles. 10 g of crushed rennet is poured into a pan and poured with a glass of brine prepared at the rate of 50 g of salt per liter of water, then boiled and cooled to 30 degrees. Maintain at a temperature of 20-25 degrees for about 5 hours, then add acidic whey from the cheese - a liter per 10 g of rennet and leave in a warm place for two days. The rennet starter is ready if the pieces do not float to the surface when stirred. Until use, store rennet in the refrigerator at 8-10 degrees.

Using rennet starter When making cheese, you need to determine how much to add so that the milk curdles well. To do this, take 100 ml of milk pasteurized and cooled to 30 degrees and add 10 ml of the prepared rennet solution to it, mix. Determine how many seconds or minutes the milk will ferment and the curd will reach normal density in order to know the strength of the resulting solution. The time it takes for milk to coagulate is necessary to calculate how much rennet to add to a certain amount of milk.

There is a formula developed to accurately determine the amount of enzyme.

Quantity of rennet solution= (amount of milk in ml x clotting time of rennet in seconds): 18 (constant number).

In an example it looks like this. If you need to ferment 10 liters of milk with a rennet solution strength of 50 seconds, then we get - (10x50): 18 = 28 ml. rennet starter.


Some lacto-vegetarians are not aware that not all dairy products are kill-free. This is especially true for people just starting to change their diet.

The fact is that industrial cheese(and it is often made on the basis of rennet (the so-called animal origin). And it is extracted from the stomach of newborn calves, which are slaughtered for these purposes a few days after birth.

To avoid sponsoring the slaughter of baby cows, you need to be able to choose cheeses produced without the use of this enzyme.

Or make your own vegetarian cheese without rennet.

How are cheeses prepared?

Any cheese is made from ripened milk, the solid fraction of which is separated from the whey. The process of such separation is called milk coagulation.

To quickly curdle milk - that is, to separate the protein components from the whey - most often it is used as a catalyst. rennet extract. This is beneficial for the manufacturer - it reduces the milk ripening process as much as possible.

And it is unnoticeable to the consumer, since such an enzyme does not change the color, smell, or taste of the finished product.

A curd forms in curdled milk, which in turn is crushed into “ cheese grain", and it is already mixed with the whey. The result is cottage cheese - by the way, also with the “participation” of rennet.

To make cheese, the “grain” is left alone until it reaches a certain percentage of moisture. And put it in a mold with holes for the whey to drain. Then they are salted and pressed.

The cheese ripens in brine for 10 days, and then is sent to ripen on shelves in a special room. And there the cheese stays from three weeks to several years, depending on the variety.

The cheese turns out to be of high quality, it is prepared quickly, and little enzyme is used to curdle the milk. It would be good if not for one aspect.

Rennet extract

Where does the “rennet” come from, which so simplifies the industrial production of cottage cheese and cottage cheese?

It is extracted from the stomachs of newborn calves (sometimes kids or lambs) that feed on their mother's milk.

This is the very secretion that crumbs need to milk is better digest.

And that is why it separates whey from milk protein with such ease and speed in large vats of dairies and cheese shops.

The calf, having barely had time to know its mother and the taste of her milk, is slaughtered at exactly 3 weeks of age.

Can animal rennet be substituted?

Of course it is possible. For example, using synthesized or plant pepsin, fermentation chymosin, or using microbial aspartyl proteinases, as is done in many European countries. Such cheeses often even taste superior to their “rennet analogue.”

There are also vegetable “curdling agents” - fig and lemon juices, starter grass.

But all of the above cheeses still need to be able to be found and distinguished from slaughter products. If you live in a big city, then this is not difficult - the main thing is to look at and analyze the labels on your purchases. The selection of ethical cheeses in supermarkets is quite large. But if you live in rural areas, whose stores are not famous for their variety, it will be more difficult. The solution may be to make homemade cheese.

How to distinguish an ethical product from an unethical one?

Not worth buying cheese and cottage cheese, if their labels contain the following information

1. “Rennet” - most manufacturers don’t even hide this. Such an enzyme may also be hidden under pseudonyms: rennin, animal chymosin, abomin, Kalase or Stabo-1290.

2. “Sweet milk cheese” is the name of cheeses that are 100% prepared with the “participation” of rennet.

You can take it without fear products from the counter with the following marks on their labels:

1. Non-animal chymosin or 100% chymosin - it is obtained by fermentation special type mold fungi;

2. Microbiological enzyme;

3. Mucopepsin;

3. Microbial rennin;

4. Milase microbial enzyme;

5. Enzymatic coagulator CHY-MAX®;

6. Fromase or Fromase, Maxiren, ChyMax, Chymogen;

7. “Sour milk cheese” is the name given to cheeses prepared by lactic acid fermentation.

8. Milk-clotting enzyme of plant origin

9. Sometimes store packers ignorantly label “rennet of microbial origin” (or the same thing, only “vegetable”), forgetting that rennet is rennet (made from the stomach of a baby animal), and microbial origin is microbial . But here you need to understand that the product is made on a microbial basis.

It is preferable to focus specifically on factory packaging, and not on those that packers put out in supermarkets.

By the way, dairy vegetarians can without a doubt buy Adygei cheese, the recipe of which simply does not include rennet. Indians call this cheese in their own way - “paneer”. This is a vegetarian cheese without rennet.

Vegetarian Adyghe cheese: cooking at home

You can prepare delicious paneer yourself. This will require a little time and a set of products available to everyone. And in order to make the recipe “more beautiful”, you can make paneer “in a crust”. Dill or spicy-nut.

To prepare 350-400 grams of homemade paneer you need to take:

- take 3 liters of milk, fat content 3.5%;

- large lemon;

- medium bunch of dill for deboning ready-made cheese;

- 50 grams of crushed, peeled walnut;

- spice mixture - 2 teaspoons. To prepare such a mixture, you need to crush and mix in equal proportions Provencal herbs, white and black peppers, coriander, salt and turmeric.

Homemade vegetarian cheese: recipe

1. First, pour the milk into a saucepan and bring to a boil.

2. As soon as a “bubbly” foam appears on the surface, remove the milk from the heat.

3. Add the juice of one lemon. And the milk immediately begins to curdle - the whey is separated.

4. You need to wait 5 minutes and then drain the whey through cheesecloth. The paneer should remain on the gauze. The whey can later be used to make pancakes.

5. The ends of the gauze must be twisted tightly, the whey must be squeezed out, and the resulting cheese curd directly in the gauze must be removed under a press (you can use a stone for sauerkraut or just a bottle of water).

So, the question with rennet enzymes bothered me, let this be the first attempt at classification in this community. I encourage you to add and comment.

We have known for a long time that Rennet extract consists of two main enzyme components - chymosin and pepsin. This is the one that is of animal origin. And I realized that the better the quality of the rennet, the more Chymosina in him.

But if it says on the package 100% Chymosin, then this means that it is released during fermentation mold Mucor miehei, or something else, there are 3 types of them.

I wrote down the names of the rennet enzymes that I found and divided them into animal and non-animal. Clarifications on this matter are welcome, because I am a humanist, not a biologist, and, excuse me, it’s difficult for me...

Animal origin:

Kalase- natural rennet

Stabo-1290- rennet of animal origin.

Composition: 80% - beef pepsin, 20% - beef chymosin

Non-animal origin:

Milase- microbial coagulant

Manufacturer: CSK food enrichment. Produced through the fermentation of Rhizomucor miehei (non-genetically modified mushrooms). Milase contains milk-clotting enzyme systems, which are specific proteases comparable in their amino acid composition to veal enzyme.

CHY-MAX®- milk-clotting enzyme obtained by enzymatic means.

Fromase, Maxiren

DSM specialists obtained an enzyme isolated during the fermentation of the mold fungus Mucor miehei. In 1972, it entered the market under the trade name Fromase®.

A series of enzymes are currently on the market Fromase®.

It is known that during the enzymatic coagulation of milk during cheese production, the main role belongs to chymosin, an enzyme that is formed in mammals during the period of milk feeding.

Modern biotechnology has discovered new ways to obtain enzymes, one of which is obtaining 100% chymosin under the trademark Maxiren® Dutch company DSM

Chymogen(Genencor International)

ChyMax ( Pfizer)

Recombinant version of the enzyme chymosin found in the stomachs of calves;

used for curdling milk in cheese making;

biotechnological origin ensures high purity and sufficient quantity produced product and at the same time eliminates differences in quality and properties characteristic of an enzyme of animal origin. Currently, natural chymosin is industrial production no cheeses are used.

Now the list of cheeses. It is incomplete. It needs to be supplemented, so leave comments.

1. Oltermani (there is talk about the content of non-vegetarian E in it)

2. Viola (classical, not curd)

3. Firm "Dobryan"(they have quite a wide range)

4. Rokiskio company (I’m not sure about all the cheeses, but Rokiskis is definitely ours)

5. GOYUS Parmesan (in my opinion, generally Lithuanian Parmesan)

6. Adygeisky (Starodubsky, Gigantsky dairies for sure, and in general, in my opinion, they don’t put rennet in them.)

How to recognize cheese without rennet?

Rennin (chymosin) is an enzyme from the class of hydrolases that is produced in the gastric glands of mammals, including humans. In ruminants, it is produced by the glands of the abomasum (4th section of the stomach), hence one of its trivial names - rennet. Almost ALL cheeses are made using rennet. Typically, rennet is extracted from the stomachs of calves, kids or lambs.

Many beginning dairy vegetarians often do not know that not all cottage cheese and cheese can be eaten. The fact is that in the production of cheeses and sometimes cottage cheese Rennet, which is obtained from the stomachs of calves, can be used.

In order to get this enzyme, the calf is killed, so cheese made using animal rennet cannot be considered vegetarian, because. This product uses a kill product.

How is cheese made?

Cheese is made from dense, flaky particles that appear in milk as it matures. Thus, in order to make cheese, it is first necessary to separate the solids from the whey - this process is called milk curdling. Based on the type of milk coagulation, cheeses are divided into rennet and fermented milk cheeses.

Rennet cheeses

Rennet is often used to quickly separate the protein components of milk from whey. Rennet is a complex organic compound consisting of two components: chymosin And pepsin . In the process of making cheese, rennet acts as a catalyst for the curdling process of milk - in its presence, protein components are more actively separated from the whey.

The use of rennet is quite beneficial for the manufacturer. Judge for yourself: the process of rennet curdling milk is reduced to just a few minutes! In addition, rennet has no effect on organoleptic qualities product – neither its color, nor smell, nor taste change. By appearance There is no way you can tell whether the cheese was made with or without rennet.

Some time after adding rennet, a dense clot is formed, which is thoroughly crushed. The whey is separated, in which there is a “cheese grain” evenly distributed by stirring.

A remarkable fact. By the way, if you stop production at this stage, you will get... cottage cheese. So cottage cheese industrial production could easily be made using rennet.

When the grain reaches a certain percentage of moisture, it is time to shape the cheese - the grain is placed in a mold with holes (so that the whey can escape), pressed and sent to salt. The bars are kept in brine for up to 10 days, and then they are placed on shelves to ripen. They will have to spend 3 weeks here. And this is the minimum - some types of cheese “languish” for years. The cheeses are then sealed and sent for sale. Depending on what kind of cheese the cheesemaker wants to get in the end, the details of the technology, of course, may vary.

It would seem that we have a complete technological idyll - milk is curdled quickly and efficiently. True, rennet is quite expensive, but the amount needed for cheese production is small. True, we forgot one essential detail, which is often not remembered.

Where does rennet come from?

And he appears - no more no less - from the stomachs of newborn calves. Calves must be no older than a certain age and must be fed only mother's milk until slaughter. Rennet, a special secretion of a small calf, is necessary for it to better digest its mother’s milk. That is why it separates proteins from whey so efficiently and completely. That's why the process happens so quickly - like in the stomach of a newborn.

We have no irreplaceables

As it turns out, there is one and it is being used successfully.

There are microbiological substitutes for veal enzyme. Milk coagulation is also enhanced pepsin, microbial aspartyl proteinases and chymosin obtained by fermentation. All of them are widely used in European countries to produce a product beloved by many, but, unfortunately, they are much less popular among domestic manufacturers.

There are also vegetable substitutes for rennet - for example, fig juice, starter herb, but they are used extremely rarely.

What to do

You can, for example, prepare cheese and cottage cheese at home yourself - so you can be sure of the composition? But if there is no opportunity or desire to do this, you can find an ethical product on supermarket shelves.

How can you tell if rennet was used in making cheese? And again we go to study labels! Alas, this time the proud inscriptions “Only from natural ingredients”, as well as all kinds of “Eco” and “Bio” will not be able to give us confidence. After all, rennet is the most natural product.

Here are the lines in the composition that should alert the attentive consumer:

> Rennet extract – many manufacturers do not consider it necessary to hide the fact of its presence in the composition;

> Rennin ;

> Animal chymosin ;

> Kalase – natural rennet;

> Stabo-1290 – also an enzyme of animal origin (80% - beef pepsin, 20% - beef chymosin);

> Abomin - another name for rennet. It is sold in pharmacies and is often used by private sellers.

> Sweet milk cheese – this is the name of cheeses prepared using veal enzyme. If you see such an inscription on the front side of the package, you don’t have to study the back.

And so it is indicated in the composition of coagulators of non-animal origin, but they can be obtained through genetic engineering (GMO)!

>100% chymosin. As we have already mentioned, rennet consists of two components - chymosin and pepsin. The inscription on the package “100% chymosin” means that this means chymosin, isolated during the fermentation of a special mold (for example, Mukor Miehei, or Rhizomucor meihei, as well as Rhizomucor pusillus (formerly Mucor pusillus). Proteinases from Cryphonectria parasitica (formerly Endothia parasitica) are most suitable for cheeses with high temperature second heating (for example, Swiss);

>Non-animal chymosin– the previous point can be displayed on the packaging using such an inscription;

>Microbiological enzyme;

>Mucopepsin(eng. mucorpepsin);

>Microbial rennin;

>Milase– microbial enzyme, a very good coagulant of microbial origin. Manufacturer: CSK food enrichment. Produced through the fermentation of Rhizomucor miehei (non-genetically modified mushrooms). Milase contains milk-clotting enzyme systems, which are specific proteases comparable in their amino acid composition to veal enzyme. No GM technologies are used in its production. It is an alternative to natural enzymes of animal origin and is used for the production of soft, semi-hard and hard cheeses. The organoleptic characteristics of cheeses at 100 days of age, in the production of which the Milase enzyme was used, are completely identical to cheeses made with natural rennet. The official representative of CSK food enrichment in Russia is the Pavlov Company;

But contrary to popular belief, the real Feta was and is produced using rennet - chymosin.

The old Feta recipe has been known for a long time and is as simple as a stick. Fresh milk was poured into a bag from the stomach of a goat, and sometimes resin from fig branches was added.

Now on Russian market can be found, so-called Feta, produced mainly in Germany, Lithuania, France, and the Czech Republic. This product is not bad at all, but differs from the snow-white first-class Greek Feta, made in the old fashion, which can still be found here and there in Greece, as "gracious sir", from "Sovereign Emperor".

Whether natural chymosin is used in the production of these Fet or not is anyone’s guess. The indirect criterion here is price. Natural chymosin is extremely expensive and a kilogram of Feta rennet costs approximately $20 per kg. retail in Moscow. Feta made with a vegetable substitute for chymosin is significantly cheaper, although it is not a fact that the manufacturer, to make the taste and consistency similar, did not stuff it with any dubious additives, but that is a completely different conversation.

Rennin (chymosin)

An enzyme from the class of hydrolases, which is produced in the gastric glands of mammals, including humans. In ruminants, it is produced by the glands of the abomasum (4th section of the stomach), hence one of its trivial names - rennet extract . This is the first enzyme isolated chemically: the Danish scientist Christian Ditlev Ammentorp Hansen isolated it by extraction saline solution from dried calf stomach (gold medal in 1874).

Use of renin in industry

Rennet extract is a traditional product for curdling milk, most used in cheese making.

Christian Hansen, who was the first to isolate rennin, founded the company in 1874 Chr-Hansen for the production of rennin; Currently it is one of the largest companies in the bioproducts market. According to other sources, the Italian Martino Clerici was the first to isolate rennin and create a company producing drugs based on it. This happened in 1873, the company still operates today. (CAGLIFICIO CLERICI).

The main source of natural rennin is ground stomachs of dairy calves, the age of such calves is usually no more than 10 days. At a later age, along with rennin, a significant amount of pepsin begins to be produced, which deteriorates the quality of the cheese.

Animal rennin substitutes

In Italy, in addition to rennet rennin, other enzymes produced by tonsils of calves and lambs, which gives a specific spicy taste Italian cheeses.

In the 1960s, strains of the fungi Mucor pusilus and Mucor miehei were isolated that synthesize suitable enzymes, but with less activity. Later, methods were developed for obtaining enzymes from Pseudomonas mixoides, Bacillus licheniformis, Edothea parasitica, etc.

Since the early 1990s for cheese production As a result of advances in genetic biotechnology, rennin produced by bacteria that have copies of the calf rennin gene began to be used.

Company Genencor International developed and launched a biotechnology product on the market Chymogen®, which has greater purity, potency and stability than natural rennin. It is reported that more than 60% of hard cheeses are produced using it.

Company Pfizer developed, and the company Chr-Hansen delivers the product to the market ChyMax® to replace natural rennin. This product is used, for example, in the production of Lambert cheese.

Cheese classification

1. Soft cheeses

Technology. Rennet or its vegetable substitute is mixed into the milk for fermentation and left for a certain time. Then they are placed in gauze bags or perforated vessels so that the serum can drain. They are not pressed or salted. They may be seasoned or unseasoned. These are the famous Riccota, Feta, Brynza, Mozzarella, Telemes, Manuri, Mizita, Antotiro, Kopanisti.

The following are produced in Russia:

>a. unaged: Smolensky Nemunas Pyatigorsky, Russian Camembert.

>b. aged: Adygei, Moale, Naroch, Klinkovsky, Lyubitelsky, Peasant, Ostankino, Creamy.

2. Pressed uncooked cheeses

Technology. The cheese mass fermented with chymosin is scooped out, crushed and laid out in appropriate forms, the whey is squeezed out, dried, removed from the mold, processed in brine, then kept in large perforated forms, turning and brushing from time to time. These are Pecorino, Edamer, Gouda, Reblochon, Cheddar, Cantal. In Russia, Russian is produced using this technology.

3. Pressed boiled cheeses

Technology. Heating milk to 33 C, adding chymosin, after fermentation, heating to 42 C for low-temperature, and up to 53 C for high-temperature (so-called roasting). These are Gruyere, Emmenthaler, Parmesan, Comte, Beaufort. The following are produced in Russia:

>a. from low-temperature ones: Dutch, Stepnoy, Kostroma, Yaroslavl, Uglich, Estonian, Bukovinian.

>b. Among the high-temperature ones: Soviet, Swiss, Emmental, Altai, Carpathian, Biysk, Mountain, Ukrainian.

4. Blue cheeses

Technology. These varieties are either pressed or fired. After thickening with chymosin and lactic acid bacteria, the cheese is salted and sprayed with a solution of a special fungus. These are Camembert, Brillat, Savarin or Brie.

5. Cheese with washed edges

Technology. When ripening, these cheeses are regularly washed with brine, allowing only red mold to develop on their surface. These are Epoisse, Maroi, Livaro, Munster, Remudu or Limburg (Between live Limburg cheese and golden pineapple. A.S. Pushkin)

6. Cheese with natural edges

Technology. These cheeses, after fermentation with chymosin and straining off the whey, are placed in a dry cellar to ripen. As a result, it turns out with wrinkled edges in which a bluish-gray mold fungus develops. These are Chabichoux du Poiteau, Saint Maur, Crottin de Chavignon.

7. Blue cheeses

Technology. This cheese is fermented at a temperature of strictly 30 C, strained under its own weight for two weeks, when the cheese reaches a dense consistency and stops falling apart, it is rubbed with salt, stuffed with fungus depending on the desired variety - Roquefort or Gorgozolla and placed in appropriate rooms, I hope. everyone remembers the legend... These are Stilton, Gorgozolla, Fourme d'Ambert, and Roquefort himself.

8. Pickled cheeses

Technology. Brine cheeses differ from other types of rennet cheeses in that they are salted, ripened and stored in concentrated brine. Range pickled cheeses quite varied. Along with the widespread cheeses - Kobi, Ossetian, Georgian, Imeretian, table, Suluguni, feta cheese - many types of local (national) cheeses are produced. They are produced from pasteurized cow, sheep, goat, buffalo milk or mixtures thereof.

Types of pickled cheeses: Suluguni, Kobi, Ossetian, Imereti, Georgian, Table, Lori, Tushinsky, Chanakh, Armenian, Limansky, Brynza

9. Processed cheese

Technology. Melting of one or more types of pressed cheeses, with the addition butter, cream, milk, spices. This is Schabziger. Russia produces Druzhba, Volna and other good snacks.


Rennet is used in the production of cheap cheeses, because in this case the production process is accelerated significantly and the cheese ripens faster. Alternative rennet cheeses Yes, vegetarian cheeses are fermented with a microbiological culture bred in the laboratory. In Germany, on the packaging of such cheeses they write: Milchsaeurebakterien, vegetarisches Lab.

All hard cheeses are made using rennet. But the rennet itself can be of either animal origin (pepsin) or non-animal (microbial).

Chymosin is also of animal origin. Therefore, the very name of the enzyme in the cheese - 100% chymosin - does not automatically mean that the cheese is vegetarian.

Rennet enzymes non-animal origin (microbial) can be obtained through genetic engineering.

Summarizing the above, we note that any Absolutely any industrially produced cheese can be made using rennet.

Moreover. “Proper” cheese, be it soft or hard, cannot be made without rennet.

Thus, you can only buy cheese with rennet of microbial origin, not obtained through genetic engineering.

But in order to be absolutely sure that by an absurd accident you will not eat the waste products of the enzyme (rennet), you must either stop eating all the cheeses produced by the domestic and foreign industry and make them yourself. Or stop, as already suggested, bothering about this topic.

Just in case, here it is good recipe homemade Adyghe cheese from one good girl. Tested many times. Min no.

Homemade Adyghe cheese recipe

First of all, take more milk . IN better times I was buying six liters. Remember! Good milk - good cheese, bad milk - the cheese will not have any taste!

It is best to have a cauldron, but you can cook the cheese in an enamel pan.

The second is good acid whey. Usually in the Adyghe family it is kept from the previous preparation of cheese.

For the first time, you can use sour cream starter. But the more acidic the whey, the tastier the cheese will be.

When the milk begins to boil, begin to slowly pour the whey into it, do not pour it all at once, but a little at a time, gradually, starting from the sides of the pan, stirring, pouring a little into the middle. You will see the milk begin to curdle. Once the milk has curdled and separated from the whey, there is no need to keep the pan on the fire for a long time: the cheese will not be very juicy.

Place the curdled milk in a colander, squeeze and place in a special wicker basket.

Let the cheese imprint on the pattern of the basket on both sides: when it is ready, the pattern will outline the sides of the cheese very beautifully.

Place on a plate. Salt the cheese on both sides. Place a weight on top and keep it there throughout the day.

Pour the remaining green whey into glassware and place in a warm place. Whey cannot be stored for a long time, so it is used to prepare the next batch of cheese.

Examples of vegetarian cheeses

Adygei is not a rennet cheese.

The following cheeses are also produced with rennet of microbial (non-animal) origin:

Fetaki cheese (in a blue pack); some Svalya cheeses; some Perekrestok cheeses (in particular, Maasdam).

Among Ukrainian cheeses It's not hard to find vegetarian varieties: e.g. trade marks“Dobryana”, “Pyryatyn” and “Cheese Club” do not use rennet at all.

Cheese with lactic acid bacteria produces TM "Hercules" ("Health", "Adygei", "Brynza"). This also includes processed cheese TM “Romol”, as well as “Mozzarella” and “Ricotta Fresca” TM “Dobrynya”.

Among the imported products, the line of vegetarian cheeses is represented by the trademarks “Valio”, “Kaserei Champignon”, “President”, “Arla”, “Friendship”, “Akadia”, “Babybel”, “Dairyland”, “Kiri”, “Prestige”, "Galbani", "Hermis", etc.

Non-rennet cheese - "Umalaut". All soft cheeses, as a rule, non-rennet - Camembert, Brie. Epiim cheeses are variants of “Estonian”, Edam, Gouda (sliced, in bags, not very expensive - 50 - 60 rubles for 150 - 200 g). The packaging says: "microbiological rennet".

The main thing is to carefully read the label and make sure that the product is made with the addition of a milk-clotting enzyme of microbial origin. However, this is not the only thing worth paying attention to: it is also important, for example, whether the manufacturer replaced the part milk fat harmful palm.

It is best to check the ingredients of cheese on factory labels, rather than stickers provided by the supermarket itself (this information may often differ).
