Rating of tea companies. What kind of black tea is considered high quality?

It is difficult to argue with the experience accumulated over thousands of years. Living in Western countries, we habitually drink tea every day, while in the East, tea has long been considered a source of health, happiness, as well as peace of mind and wisdom. More recently, various studies have been carried out in order to fully determine which tea is better and the health benefits of at least one cup of tea in your daily diet. Some studies have shown that certain types of tea can prevent cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and also promote weight loss, lower cholesterol and mental performance. But what is the most valuable thing in tea? Undoubtedly, best tea Not only is it great for your diet, but it also tastes amazing and comes in a huge variety of flavors with varying caffeine levels. Green, black, white, oolong, puer - all these types of tea are obtained from tea bush(Camellia), which grows in China, India and contains special antioxidants known as flavonoids. Herbal teas, such as Chamomile, Echinacea, hibiscus, rooibos (herbal tea) and ginger tea, are made from herbs, fruits, seeds or roots that have lower concentrations of antioxidants and therefore their chemical compositions differ significantly. Herbal teas often have sweet taste, while green or black tea may be too strong to drink without additional sweeteners. Natural products are a good choice for enhancing flavor while maintaining health benefits. Some products contain fruit, such as Paradise Fruits by Jahncke or Healthy Natural Sweeteners from Fitday.

Ginger tea

Ginger tea is made from the herbaceous plant ginger. Its benefits include reducing nausea, reducing inflammation, improving circulation, reducing disease respiratory system, reducing stress, increasing fertility and strengthening immune system. However, too a large number of ginger tea may lead to side effects, such as digestive problems, or interrupted sleep.

Rooibos tea (herbal tea)

Rooibos (herbal tea) is a naturally superior, sweet-tasting tea made from the South African rooibos bush. The leaves of the shrub are collected, crushed and rolled, and then left to ferment and dry. This type of tea has always been used to treat headaches, insomnia, asthma, eczema, weak bones, hypertension, allergies and premature aging. This tea does not contain caffeine and can be consumed at any time of the day.

Hibiscus tea

Echinacea itself is a plant that is used to make some medicines. It is used to activate chemicals in the body, to reduce inflammation and to stimulate the body's immune system. Echinacea is widely used to fight infections such as colds and others respiratory diseases. It is also used to combat migraines, upset stomach, dizziness pain, snake bites and some skin problems. Echinacea comes from North America and was used by local Indian tribes of the Great Plains for the preparation of medicinal plants.

Chamomile tea

Chamomile tea is made from the chamomile flower, a plant that has been used for centuries in folk and traditional medicine. Chamomile has calming properties and can positively influence sleep, reduce stress and anxiety, and stimulate the immune system. Antioxidants help prevent complications from diabetes, such as vision loss, loss of nerve cells, and kidney damage. They can reduce the growth of cancer cells. Sixth place in the ranking of the most delicious and best teas peace.

Puer tea

Pu-erh is a tea obtained by fermentation, the entire process includes fermentation and subsequent long-term storage or “aging” in humid conditions. The longer the pu-erh tea steeps, the better it will taste. Pu'er is produced primarily in China, but is also popular in Taiwan. The tea has less caffeine compared to other teas, but is used to lower cholesterol levels as it contains a small amount of chemical substance– lovastatin, which cannot be said about other types of tea.

Oolong tea

Oolong tea is a partially fermented tea, while green is unfermented and black is fully fermented. It is used to concentrate thinking and improve mental activity. Other health benefits include a reduced risk of cancer, tooth decay, osteoporosis and heart disease. There are many different varieties of oolong tea native to China.

White tea

White tea is the least processed, compared to black and green tea; he has the most high level antioxidant content. White tea can reduce the risk of cancer, stroke and heart disease. It is also used to relieve symptoms various diseases, helps restore the body by strengthening the circulatory and immune systems, strengthening bones, teeth and restoring skin. Third place in the list of the best and healthiest teas in the world.

Black tea

Black tea is made from fermented tea leaves and is high in caffeine. Some studies have shown that black tea may protect the lungs from damage caused by cigarette smoke and may also reduce the risk of stroke. This type tea is widely used to enhance mental performance, especially for learning, memory and information processing.

Green tea

The best and delicious tea peace. Made from tea leaves using steam, green tea has the highest concentration of catechin (ECGC). It is a common antioxidant or flavonoid found in tea. ECGC and other antioxidants found in green tea are essential for preventing tumors in bladder, breast, lungs, stomach, pancreas, and reducing the risk of colorectal cancer. It also prevents clogged arteries, promotes fat burning, reduces stress, reduces the risk of neurological disorders such as Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease, and can reduce the risk of stroke and normalize cholesterol levels.

The older generation will remember with nostalgia black tea in an “elephant package” as a symbol of the USSR era. It was Indian, or a mixture of Georgian and Indian tea, and was a desirable purchase for any family. Millions of people drink tea every day. When buying different varieties, they are looking for the ideal tea for themselves: which one will be the best? Black, or maybe green? How to choose when the classification of tea is so huge that it is simply impossible to try everything? A test purchase of the most popular brands will help you make a 2016 rating and decide on the choice of this tasty, healthy drink.

Black or green tea?

Green and black tea can be obtained from the leaves of the same bush. The difference in color, taste, and beneficial properties is achieved by the fermentation time of the leaves.

Green tea undergoes minimal oxidation, due to which it retains a unique set of vitamins and elements.

For black tea, the leaves are subjected to maximum fermentation, which allows you to get saturated color, tart and bright taste of the drink.

Numerous debates in favor of choosing black or green tea do not have a clear answer. Both drinks can be beneficial or harmful to the body.

Black tea is beneficial because it:

  • has a long-lasting invigorating effect, thereby enhancing brain function;
  • improves blood circulation, promotes cleansing of toxins;
  • normalizes the digestive process;
  • optimizes the general condition of the body.

However, all the beneficial properties of black tea can turn into harm if excessive consumption or improper preparation.

It is interesting that green tea appeared in our country almost on a par with black tea, but did not gain much popularity. Over time, its supplies from China stopped completely. The second wave of green tea entering the Russian market happened 20 years ago, and now green tea has firmly established itself in the Russian market and has found its fans.

Green tea has benefits, it:

  • strengthens and supports blood vessels;
  • characterized by antibacterial properties;
  • has a positive effect on the liver;
  • promotes rejuvenation of the body.

A large amount of green tea, brewing it too strong, or drinking it at inappropriate periods can neutralize everything useful characteristics this drink.

Advice. There is no definitive answer to the question: which tea is better to drink - black or green? To reap the benefits, it is recommended to consume both of these drinks in moderation.

Tea market in Russia

The Russian tea market is represented mainly by multi-brand manufacturing companies:

  • the company "Orimi-trade" produces teas "Princess (Java, Kandy, Nuri, Gita)", Greenfield, Tess;
  • Unilever produces tea under the Lipton, Brooke Bond, and Beseda brands;
  • "May" company owns trade marks“May Tea”, “Lisma”, Curtis;
  • The Sapsan company produces tea under the brands Akbar, Gordon, Bernley.

Also widely known are the following trademarks: Ahmad Tea, Hilltop, Riston, Dilmah, Maitre, “The Same One”.

How to choose the best tea: selection criteria

When choosing the best tea, you need to look away from the design of its packaging and look at the labeling.

In accordance with Russian GOST, the quality of tea is determined by its grade: bouquet (highest quality), premium, first, second and third grades.
International marking is a matrix and has 10 quality indicators by texture tea leaf and 7 indicators characterizing its properties.

Thus, the best loose-leaf tea will be marked with the letters:

  1. F (Flowery) – tea from slightly blossomed buds, the best tea.
  2. P (Pekoe) – tea made from tea buds and the first two leaves.
  3. O (Orange) – tea made from young leaves.
  4. T (tippy) – exclusive tea made from tea buds, the most expensive.
  5. G (golden) – tea containing yellow tips (buds).
  6. S (special) – tea that is exclusive due to some characteristic.

In addition to the labeling, you should pay attention to the tea material itself:

  • brewing for black tea should have an almost black color without gray and brown shades, for green tea there should be no white or bright green leaves;
  • the tea leaves should be identical without twigs, dust and tea fines;
  • “Wiry” (strongly twisted) leaves characterize the degree of fermentation and quality of tea. For green tea, weak leaf curl is not an indicator Low quality;
  • the smell should be pleasant, without foreign aromas;
  • high-quality tea should be fresh, the best one is made from 1-2 month old leaves. Tea material quickly loses its beneficial properties and aroma;
  • the packaging must be sealed and indicate the composition, expiration dates, and manufacturer in Russian.

All tea sold in the Russian mass market is collected by special machines, therefore, best case scenario On the shelves there is tea labeled Orange or Orange Pekoe. Tea made from tea buds will be exclusive and expensive; it is not widely available.

Attention! Bagged tea is the lowest quality. It is made from tea production waste, tea dust. Such a drink will not be useful.

Test purchase: tea rating 2016

Based on the results of the test purchase, a rating of loose leaf tea was compiled. The ratings were given taking into account the appearance of the tea leaves, based on the aroma, taste, and color of the brewed tea; in addition, the samples were checked for compliance with the compositions and varieties stated on the packaging.

  • 1 place. Ahmad tea Ceylon Tea high mountain, FBOPF grade
  • 2nd place. Greenfield Golden Ceylon, bouquet variety
  • 3rd place. Riston Premium English Tea, premium
  • 4th place. Akbar Purple Alexandrite, OP grade
  • 5th place. Dilmah Ceylon, premium
  • 6th place. May, the packaging states the highest grade. According to experts, tea corresponds to grade 2. Tea leaves have a lamellar structure and are not twisted enough

Chai Ahmad - test purchase leader

The first place, according to consumer estimates, belongs to black leaf tea of ​​the Ahmad tea brand. This tea has the ability to form a clear, brightly colored infusion, has a pleasant taste and pure aroma. The organoleptic characteristics of all samples were excellent; no harmful impurities were detected.

According to the estimates of green leaf tea lovers, a rating was compiled taking into account the smell, taste, color of the brewed infusion, as well as the appearance of the tea leaves and the presence of impurities.

  • 1 place. Greenfield Flying Dragon
  • 2nd place. Tess Style
  • 3rd place. Ahmad tea Green Tea
  • 4th place. Princess Java Traditional
  • 5th place. Lisma Tonic
  • 6th place. Maitre Vert Mountain

Consumers of green leaf tea preferred Greenfield Flying Dragon tea as having a refreshing, pleasant, mild taste, transparent greenish color and delicate floral aroma.

Fragrant, tart, the color of dark transparent amber, black tea can bring the whole family together at a round table. Fresh, soft, light jade green tea will perfectly quench your thirst on a summer day. Tea drinking traditions in Russia are strong, so the choice the best tea, be it black or green option, always relevant. With a focus on quality attributes, labeling, packaging, this choice will be made correctly.

Best tea according to " Test purchase" - video

Do you still not believe in the magical (read: beneficial) properties of green tea? We really hope that we will be able to convince you. And you will start drinking it at least once a week. It would be better daily. Because he:

satisfying because it is rich in protein. This feature was noticed by English tea experts working at the royal court. Depending on the variety, it contains from 15 to 25% protein. Perhaps this is why in China and Japan they actively use tea leaves in salads, soups and stews with meat.

has a fat burning effect. British scientists conducted an experiment. The subjects were divided into two groups: in one, people took dietary supplements with green tea, in the second - a placebo. In the subjects from the first group, fats burned 17% faster, despite the fact that the diet and physical exercise were the same. In addition, participants in the tea group improved insulin sensitivity, glucose tolerance and decreased cholesterol.

useful. The leaves of the tea bush contain about 300 compounds. Some of them have not even been studied yet. For example, tea rubigins could not be isolated even at the molecular level. But with the main ones everything is more or less clear.

What's in a cup of green tea?

Caffeine- gently tones, improves physical and mental activity, relieves fatigue, has a slight diuretic effect.

Complex of microelements(potassium, phosphorus, iron, manganese, barium, iodine, nickel, boron, copper...) - stimulates metabolism, has a beneficial effect on many processes in the body.

Tannins- remove toxins from the body and strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

Tianin- a unique amino acid. When combined with caffeine, it stimulates brain function.

Catechins- these powerful bioactive compounds are the most valuable thing in tea. They make the walls of blood vessels more elastic, prevent the development of atherosclerosis, reduce the risk of cancer and destroy free radicals. And in the USA, the use of green tea extract for Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases has been patented.

How to drink green tea correctly?

Green tea is best drunk fresh. Vitamins and proteins are not preserved in yesterday's brew. But a two- to three-day infusion is very effective in treating intestinal infections.

Optimal time for the tea to steep, 3-5 minutes. You shouldn’t “pickle” the leaves any longer, otherwise the drink will become bitter. But in general there are a great variety of brewing methods.

In Japanese. The leaves are ground into powder in a special porcelain mortar, then poured in small portions into a pre-warmed porcelain teapot. Add hot (60ºC) water and beat the drink with a rice whisk until the consistency of liquid sour cream. It turns out strong and tart. Proportions: 100–120 g of tea leaves per 500 ml of water.

In English. Tea is brewed with boiling water (1 teaspoon of tea leaves per 150 ml of water, 2 teaspoons per teapot. While the drink is infused, 2-3 tablespoons of warm milk are poured into preheated cups and only then tea is added. There is an opinion that milk protein reacts with catechins and neutralizes their benefits.

In Russian. 1 tsp. for 200 ml of water. The tea leaves are poured into a warmed porcelain teapot and filled with boiling water to about a third of the volume. After a couple of minutes, top up and let the kettle sit for a while under a napkin. If the drink turns out to be too strong, you can dilute it already in the cup hot water.

In Chinese. 4–5 g of tea are poured into a special gaiwan cup with a lid and immediately filled with hot water (90–95ºС) to half the volume. Leave for two minutes (for some varieties - four minutes), pour into a bowl and drink without sugar or seasonings. Then everything is repeated (high-quality tea can and should be brewed 4-5 times). It is believed that this method allows you to get the maximum benefit from the drink.

Important clarification!

Contrary to popular belief, green tea in bags is no worse than loose leaf tea. And sometimes even better. The larger the leaves, the longer it takes for the beneficial substances to pass into the water. Therefore, if you want green tea, but don’t have time to bother with it for a long time, it’s better to take bagged tea. The leaves here are crushed almost into dust and therefore quickly release catechins and other valuable compounds into the water.

How much tea do you need to drink to...

...increase performance? 3 cups in the morning will provide a dose of theanine, which will help maintain high concentration throughout the day.

...lower cholesterol levels and protect against atherosclerosis? 2 cups per day will reduce the risk by 46%, and 4 cups by 69%.

Is it possible to compare green and black?

“I've seen packaging claims that green tea has 20 times more catechins than black tea,” says Dr. Engelhart, chairman of the coffee and tea working group at the German Standards Institute. - If we compare, then not abstractly black and green, but specific varieties. Yes, green tea catechins are indeed more biologically active. But this is far from the only important tea indicator. Others useful substances There may well be more in black or red tea.”

Shelf life of green tea

Tea does not tolerate dampness, excessive dryness, sunlight, extreme cold or heat. It's best to keep it in a tightly sealed tin in a cupboard. room temperature(17–25ºС). Research by employees of the Department of Chemistry of St. Petersburg State University has shown that under such conditions the amount of catechins remains unchanged after 5 years. And here essential oils disappear over time, so fresh tea more aromatic and tastier, but not necessarily healthier.

A strong decoction of green tea can be used
like a lotion: it perfectly cleanses and tones the skin

– the most familiar type of tea for Russians. The ability of black tea to retain its taste during long-term transportation and storage has made it the most popular type of tea among European consumers. Black tea has at least beneficial properties, how . Thanks to its unique chemical composition, which includes more than 300 different elements, black tea helps prevent atherosclerosis; when consumed without sugar, it protects teeth from caries and prolongs youth. Knowing the classification of black tea is your compass in the huge range of teas on the tea market.

Black tea on the Russian market.

Black tea is currently produced both in accordance with GOST 1938-90 and in accordance with the Technical Specifications developed by the manufacturers.

In accordance with GOST, according to quality indicators, black tea is divided into the following varieties:

bouquet: tea leaves with tips - unopened buds: thin delicate aroma, pleasant, strongly tart taste, bright, transparent, intensely “above-average” infusion;

premium: delicate aroma, pleasant astringent taste, bright, transparent “medium” infusion;

first grade: rather delicate aroma, pleasant astringency taste, not bright enough, transparent “medium” infusion;

second grade: insufficiently expressed aroma and astringency, transparent “low-medium” infusion;

third grade: weak aroma, slightly astringent taste, insufficiently transparent “weak” infusion.

Classification and labeling of black tea on the international market.

The taste and aromatic properties of tea are most fully preserved when the tea leaves are packaged at the place of collection. To purchase tea packaging of the required quality from imported manufacturers, you need to know the basic terms for classifying tea on the international market.

Tea terms

F (Flowery)– “flower” tea, which contains tips - half-opened tea buds, which give the tea a special aroma.

P (Pekoe)– “pe-ko” – tea made from tips and the first two young tea leaves.

O (Orange)– “orange” – tea made from young whole rolled leaves.

OP (Orange Pekoe)– “orange pe-ko” – tea that corresponds to both the “pe-ko” and “orange” classes. Tea labeled OP does not contain tips.

B (Broken)– “broken” - tea consisting of crushed leaves.

OR– large-leaf, whole-leaf teas

BOP– medium leaf teas

S (sushong or souchong)- "souchong" - tea made from old tea leaves of poor quality.

CTC (Cut, tear & curl)– granulated tea.

D (Dust) and F (Fannings)– dust, screenings.

Tea abbreviations - indicators of the quality of black tea

Tea quality indicators are indicated at the beginning of the abbreviation - marking whole-leaf and medium-leaf teas OP and BOP.

T (tippy)– “tippy” – tea consisting mainly of tips – tea buds. Varieties marked in this way are exclusive and very expensive.

G (golden)– “golden” – tea, which contains white-yellow tips; hence the name – “golden” tea.

S (special)– “special” – selected tea, which is exclusive according to some characteristics.

S (selected)– “selected” – selected tea from the top leaves, collected and sorted by hand.

F (fine), F (fancy)– “fine”, “fancy” – tea with unique aromatic and taste properties.

SF (super-fine or super-fancy)– “super fine or super fancy” - a unique, very aromatic and tasty tea.

Numbers 1 and 2– indicators of the tea variety. Tea labeled 1 is of a higher grade than tea without a digital label. The numbers also indicate the size of the tea leaf.

Whole leaf tea High Quality

  • GFOP (Golden Flowery Orange Pekoe).
  • TGFOP (Tippy Golden Flowery Orange Pekoe).
  • TGFOP1 (Tippy Golden Flowery Orange Pekoe grade 1).
  • TGFOP2 (Tippy Golden Flowery Orange Pekoe grade 2).
  • FTGFOP (Fancy (or Fine) Tippy Golden Flowery Orange Pekoe).
  • SFTGFOP (Super-Fine (Fancy) Tippy Golden Flowery Orange Pekoe).
Low quality whole leaf tea- PS (Pekoe Sushong)

High quality medium leaf tea

  • BFOP (Broken Flowery Orange Pekoe).
  • BGFOP (Broken Golden Flowery Orange Pekoe).
  • BTGFOP (Broken Tippy Golden Flowery Orange Pekoe).
  • BFTGFOP (Broken Finest Tippy Golden Flowery Orange Pekoe).
Low quality medium leaf tea- BPS (Broken Pekoe Sushong).

High quality fine leaf tea- BFOP, BOPF or GOPF

Low quality small leaf tea

  • PD (Pekoe Dust), RD (Red Dust), SRD (Super Red Rust), GD (Golden Dust)
  • PF (Pekoe Fannings)
The presence of D (Dust), F or FNGS (Fannings) in the abbreviation indicates that this tea low quality, despite the use of the characters G (Golden) and S (Super) in the name.

Results of examination of black tea on the Russian market.

The St. Petersburg public consumer organization “Public Control” conducted an independent examination of eight samples black leaf tea, which are popular among Russian consumers. Tea samples were tested in the testing laboratory “Petersburg-Expertiza” of the St. Petersburg State Institution “Center for Quality Control of Goods (Products), Works and Services”.

Experts evaluated black leaf tea based on organoleptic indicators - taste, aroma, infusion color, and appearance of the tea leaf. The tea was also tested for compliance of the physical and chemical parameters of the samples with regulatory documents.

The sample that had deviations from the regulatory documents was recognized as Ceylon large-leaf black tea “MONARCH”, the highest grade, produced by Monarch Foods International Ltd., Sri Lanka. This sample was the only one manufactured according to GOST. Experts found that the mass fraction of moisture exceeded 8.8% instead of “no more than 8%.” However organoleptic indicators– the experts were satisfied with the taste, aroma, appearance of the tea leaf, bright, transparent, “medium” infusion.

The remaining seven purchased samples were manufactured according to specifications developed by the manufacturers themselves.

Excellent rating deserved

Ceylon long leaf black tea B.O.P.1 “AHMAD TEA”, manufacturer Ahmad Tea Inc. Box 1193 46/10, Habam Mabata, Colombo 2, Sri Lanka. This sample is characterized by a bright, transparent infusion, pleasant taste and aroma without foreign impurities.

Ceylon long leaf black tea “THE SAME”, manufactured by Moscow Tea Company LLC, Russia, Moscow. This sample is characterized by a bright, transparent “medium” infusion, pleasant taste and aroma without foreign impurities.

Ceylon black long leaf tea "Greenfield Golden Ceylon", TM "GREENFIELD", bouquet variety, manufacturer "NEP" LLC, Russia, Leningrad. region, Vsevolozhsk district, village. them. Sverdlov. The sample is characterized by a pleasant delicate aroma, tart taste, transparent, bright “medium” infusion, the tea leaf is mostly smooth, twisted, without tips.

Deserved a GOOD rating

Long leaf black tea “Premium English Tea” Orange Pekoe, premium grade TM "RISTON", manufacturer "George Stuart" & Co.Ltd. Colombo -2, Sri Lanka.


Ceylon long leaf black tea "AKBAR" Violet Alexandrite", manufactured by Yakovlevskaya Tea Packing Factory LLC, Russia, Moscow region, Podolsky district, Yakovlevo. Experts were dissatisfied with the appearance of the tea leaf, which turned out to be insufficiently smooth, twisted, and with the presence of a lamellar leaf. The infusion of this tea is clear, “medium”.

Large-leaf Ceylon black tea “DILMAH”, manufactured by AVALON Distribution Company CJSC, Moscow region, Khimki. Experts were also dissatisfied with the appearance of the tea leaf, which turned out to be not even enough, the tea leaves were not twisted enough and there was a lamellar leaf. The tea infusion is bright, transparent, “medium”. According to experts, this sample of black tea corresponds to the 2nd grade.

Long leaf black tea “MAYSKY”, premium grade, produced by May Company OJSC, Russia, Moscow region, Fryazino. Experts were also unhappy with the appearance of the tea leaf, which turned out to be similar to the previous sample. The tea infusion is bright, transparent, “medium”. According to experts, this sample of black tea corresponds to the 2nd grade.

These examinations relate exclusively to specific samples submitted for examination, and not to all similar products from these manufacturers.

The article was written using materials from St. Petersburg OOP “Public Control”.

Isabella Likhareva.

Hot, refreshing and aromatic tea, due to its healing, rejuvenating properties and delicious taste, is the second most popular drink in the world (after water). It is estimated that three billion cups of tea are drunk around the world every day. It is usually prepared from a plant that is grown in China, India and Sri Lanka and is scientifically called Camellia Sinensis. But there are varieties that most people don’t even know exist. Gourmets are ready to pay crazy amounts of money for the pleasure of enjoying unique drink.

Tea has a very long history of its distribution. For thousands of years, it has traveled from China to the farthest corners of the world, quenching thirst and providing energy to all who know how to enjoy it. Today, everyone is so accustomed to tea that no one even thinks about how the leaves got into the cup.

10. Tienchi Flower Tea: $170 per 1 kg

Tienchi is a type of ginseng that is native to southwest China. Both the root and flowers of this plant are used in medicine. Tienchi flower tea is considered one of the healthiest in the world. Its scientific name is Panax notoginseng. The Latin word “Panax” means “heal all.” It has been used for centuries to treat insomnia, dizziness and skin rashes. Tea has powerful detoxifying properties. Tienchi flowers resemble tiny broccoli florets and are highly prized throughout Asia. Harvested only in Yunnan province, the tea has a cool minty aroma and the scent of ginseng.

9. Silver Tips Imperial tea from Makaibari Tea Estate: $400 per 1 kg

Known for its original aroma and color, Darjeeling tea grows in the region of the same name at the foot of the Himalayas at an altitude of 1600 to 2600 meters. Makaibari is considered to be the oldest estate in India (in the Darjeeeling region) and the world's first tea factory that produces a large number of organic teas, but the most valuable of them is Silver Tips Imperial. Harvested at the full moon, the silver-banded tea is a patented product of Makaibari Tea Estate. Its cost is $400 per 1000 grams.

8. Gyokuro tea: $650 per 1 kg

According to the processing methods, the tea is classified as Sencha, a type of unshaded Chinese tea, but Gyokuro tea is actually a shaded tea. It is hidden from the sun for two weeks before harvesting. This method increases the level of amino acids in the leaves. The name Gyokuro literally translates to “precious dew.” Brewed tea has a characteristic rich taste and aroma, and the color of the drink is pale green. It is grown only in the Uji region of Japan. The price of tea is $650 per 1000 grams.

7. Poo Poo Pu-Erh tea: $1000 per 1 kg

Pu-Erh tea is a type of fermented tea with a rich taste that only intensifies and becomes more valuable over time. It is produced in the Yunnan region of China. The taste of Pu-Erh is not much different from regular tea, but this is perhaps the most unusual tea the world has ever seen. Visually, it looks like a handful of dry leaves, but in reality it is the droppings of several varieties of insects. These insects eat nothing other than tea leaves their entire lives. Taiwanese farmers collect their feces using tweezers and a magnifying glass. The result is a tonic tea with medicinal properties. A real delicacy, invented by Chinese doctors in the 18th century and given to the Qianlong Emperor as an expensive gift.

6. Golden tea heads: $3000 per 1 kg

Tea is collected only on one single mountain in the world for just one day a year. To collect it, golden scissors are used to cut off the upper part. tea tree. The tea heads are dried in the sun and then stored in closed containers, where they release the polyphenols they contain, turn yellow and begin to emit a mild floral aroma. The tea leaves are then dyed with 24-karat gold, causing the drink to shimmer. In Asia, it is believed that the precious metal has a very good effect on a person. This is truly an imperial tea, and it is not so easy to find. TWG Tea Company sells it only in Singapore. And you can only purchase it online.

5. Tieguanyin tea: $3000 per 1 kg

Named after the Iron Goddess of Mercy (a Buddhist deity), Tieguanyin is an Oolong tea, a blend of semi-fermented black and green teas. It has a distinctive chestnut flavor and heavy, hard, crunchy leaves. Tieguanyin tea began to be prepared in the 19th century in Fujian province. The technology for its preparation is very complex and includes several dozen stages. After collection, the leaves are dried in the sun, cooled, dried again with some oxidizing agents, then rolled, fixed, dried again, and then fried and infused with aroma. The leaves can be infused seven times and the tea will not lose its aroma.

4. Vintage Wuyi Oolong narcissus tea: $6,500 per 1 kg

A 20-kilogram box attracted a lot of attention at an auction in Hong Kong in November 2013. rare tea Narcissus Wuyi Oolong Tea. It is more than half a century old and has its own history. It was exported from Chinese Wuyi to Singapore in 1960. Traveling from hand to hand, the box returned to Hong Kong, where it was purchased by a Malaysian-Chinese collector. Narcissus Oolong is considered one of the most exquisite Chinese teas. The leaves are collected from Wuyi Mountain in Fujian Province. The tea was named after the Greek myth of Narcissus.

3. Panda Dung tea: $70,000 per 1 kg

Panda Dung literally means "panda feces." This is the secret of terribly expensive tea. Pandas feed exclusively on wild bamboo, but they only absorb 30% nutrients, and the remaining 70% are excreted in their excrement. However, don’t think that tea is panda droppings. It is simply used to fertilize tea trees. It all started when a Chinese entrepreneur decided to grow tea on Ya'an Mountain in Sichuan Province, using panda feces as fertilizer. He soon noticed that the taste of such tea was different, and people were willing to pay a lot of money for such a product.

2. PG Tips Diamond Tea Bag: $15,000 per tea bag

In 2005, on the occasion of the 75th anniversary, the famous British tea company PG Tips released a series of tea bags decorated with diamonds. The price of such a bag is $15,000. Each bag is hand-decorated with 280 diamonds of the highest quality by Boodles jewelers and filled with Silver Tips Imperial tea from Makibari Estate. The proceeds were intended for a charity in Manchester.

1. Da-Hong Pao tea: $1.2 million per 1 kg

The real king among teas! The name literally means "big red robe". Da-Hong Pao is a variety Chinese tea Wuyi Oolong. It is believed to be one of the great secrets of the Ming Dynasty. Rumor has it that the emperor's sick mother was cured by this mysterious tea. The Emperor sent his men to find healing tea. On Wuyi Mountain they found four magical tea bushes, three of which have survived to this day. For real legendary tea. He has healing properties and is a valuable Chinese national treasure. It is offered as a gift to honored guests. Da-Hong Pao tea cannot be found on sale. This unique drink should only be washed down with
