How many centuries have potatoes been used by people as food? Where did potatoes come from?

In what place on our planet were potatoes first grown? Potatoes come from South America, where you can still find its wild ancestor. Scientists believe that the ancient Indians began cultivating this plant about 14 thousand years ago. It came to Europe in the mid-16th century, brought Spanish conquistadors. At first, its flowers were grown for decorative purposes, and the tubers were used to feed livestock. It was only in the 18th century that they began to be used as food.

The appearance of potatoes in Russia is associated with the name of Peter I; at that time it was an exquisite court delicacy, and not a mass product.

Potatoes became widespread later, in the second half of the 19th century.. This was preceded by “potato riots,” caused by the fact that the peasants, forced to plant potatoes by order of the tsar, did not know how to eat them and ate poisonous fruits rather than healthy tubers.

Photo of the flag

And this is what the flag of the country in which potatoes began to be cultivated looks like.

Growing conditions and places

Now potatoes can be found on all continents where there is soil. Temperate, tropical and subtropical climate zones are considered the most suitable for growth and high yields. This crop prefers cool weather, optimal temperature for the formation and development of tubers – 18-20°C. Therefore, in the tropics, potatoes are planted in the winter months, and in mid-latitudes - in early spring.

In some subtropical regions the climate is suitable for growing potatoes all year round, while the dew cycle is only 90 days. In cool conditions Northern Europe Harvesting usually occurs 150 days after planting.

In the 20th century, the world leader in potato production was Europe.. Since the second half of the last century, potato growing began to spread in the countries of Southeast Asia, India, and China. In the 1960s, India and China jointly produced no more than 16 million tons of potatoes, and in the early 1990s, China took first place, which it continues to occupy to this day. In total, more than 80% of the world’s harvest is harvested in the countries of Europe and Asia, with a third of it coming from China and India.

Productivity in different countries

An important factor for agriculture is crop yield. In Russia, this figure is one of the lowest in the world; with a planted area of ​​about 2 million hectares, the total harvest is only 31.5 million tons. In India, the same area yields 46.4 million tons.

The reason for such low yields is the fact that more than 80% of potatoes in Russia are grown by so-called unorganized smallholders. Low level of technical equipment, rare implementation of protective measures, lack of high-quality planting material - all this affects the results.

European countries, USA, Australia, Japan are traditionally characterized by high productivity.(read about how to get a rich harvest of early potatoes, and from here you will learn how to grow potatoes correctly, and we will also tell you about new technologies for obtaining large root vegetable). This is primarily due to high level technical support and quality of planting material. The world record for yield belongs to New Zealand, where they manage to collect an average of 50 tons per hectare.

Leaders in cultivation and production

Here is a table indicating the countries that grow the root crop in large quantities.


In international trade, the world leader is Holland, which accounts for 18% of all exports. About 70% of Dutch exports are raw potatoes and products made from it.

In addition, this country is the largest supplier of certified seed potatoes. Of the three largest producers, only China, which ranks 5th (6.1%), made it into the top 10 exporters. Russia and India practically do not export their products.


Estimated international organizations, approximately 2/3 of all potatoes produced in one form or another are used as food by people, the rest is used as livestock feed, for various technical needs and for seeds. Global consumption is currently shifting away from fresh potatoes to processed products made from it, for example, French fries, chips, mashed potato flakes.

In developed countries, potato consumption is gradually decreasing, while in developing countries it is steadily increasing. Inexpensive and unpretentious, this vegetable allows you to get good yields from small areas and provide healthy nutrition population. Therefore, potatoes are increasingly being planted in areas with limited and abundant land resources, year after year expanding the geography of this crop and increasing its role in the global agricultural system.

You may be surprised, but until the 18th century in Russia they had never even heard of such a thing. delicious vegetable like potatoes. Homeland of potatoes - South America . The Indians were the first to eat potatoes. Moreover, they not only prepared dishes from it, but also worshiped it, considering it a living being. Where did potatoes come from in Russia?

First the potatoes(Solanum tuberosum) began to be grown in Europe. Moreover, initially, in the second half of the 16th century, it was mistaken for a poisonous ornamental plant. But gradually the Europeans finally figured out that they could cook from a strange plant. excellent dishes. Since then, potatoes began to spread throughout the countries of the world. It was thanks to potatoes that hunger and scurvy were defeated in France. In Ireland, on the contrary, in the middle of the 19th century, mass famine began due to a poor potato harvest.

The appearance of potatoes in Russia is associated with Peter I. According to legend, the sovereign liked the potato dishes that Peter tried in Holland so much that he sent a bag of tubers to the capital to grow the vegetable in Russia. It was difficult for potatoes to take root in Russia. People called the incomprehensible vegetable the “damn apple”; eating it was considered a sin, and even under pain of hard labor they refused to grow it. In the 19th century, potato riots began to arise. And only after a significant period of time did potatoes enter into popular use.

In the first half of the 18th century, potatoes were prepared mainly only for foreigners and some noble people. For example, potatoes were often prepared for the table of Prince Biron.

Under Catherine II, a special decree “on the cultivation of earthen apples” was adopted. It was sent to all provinces along with detailed instructions for growing potatoes. This decree was issued as potatoes were already widely distributed in Europe. Compared to wheat and rye, potatoes were considered an unpretentious crop and were relied upon in the event of a grain harvest failure.

In 1813, it was noted that excellent potatoes were grown in Perm, which were eaten “boiled, baked, in porridges, in pies and shangs, in soups, in stews, and also in the form of flour for jelly.”

And yet, multiple poisonings due to improper use of potatoes led to the fact that the peasants did not trust the new vegetable for a very long time. However, gradually tasty and hearty vegetable appreciated, and he replaced turnips from the peasants’ diet.

The state actively promoted the spread of potatoes. So, since 1835, every family in Krasnoyarsk was obliged to plant potatoes. For non-compliance, the perpetrators were sent to Belarus.

The area under potato plantings was constantly increasing, and governors were required to report to the government on the rate of increase in potato crops. In response, potato riots swept across Russia. Not only peasants, but also some educated Slavophiles, such as Princess Avdotya Golitsina, feared the new culture. She argued that potatoes “will spoil both Russian stomachs and morals, since Russians have been bread and porridge eaters from time immemorial.”

And yet the “potato revolution” during the time of Nicholas I was successful, and By the beginning of the 19th century, potatoes became “second bread” for Russians and became one of the main food products.

History of potatoes

Potatoes originate from South America, where you can still find this plant in the wild. It was in South America that they began to grow potatoes as a cultivated plant. The Indians ate it; in addition, potatoes were considered a living being, and the local population worshiped them. The spread of potatoes around the world began with the Spanish conquest of new territories. In their reports, the Spaniards described the local population, as well as the plants that were eaten. Among them was potato, which at that time had not yet received its usual name; then it was called truffle.

Significant contribution to the spread of potatoes throughout European countries contributed by historian Pedro Cieza de Leon. In 1551, he brought this vegetable to Spain, and in 1553 he wrote an essay in which he described the history of the discovery of potatoes, its taste and nutritional properties, rules of preparation and storage.

From Spain, potatoes spread to Italy, Germany, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Great Britain and other European countries. Potatoes began to be valued as an ornamental plant; they were practically not eaten as they were considered poisonous. Later nutritional and taste properties potatoes were confirmed, and it became widely known as a food product.

❧ Most expensive potatoes in the world is the LaBonnotte variety, which is grown on the island of Noirmoutier. Its yield is only 100 tons per year. The tuber is extremely delicate, so it is harvested only by hand.

In Russia potatoes arrived thanks to Peter I. At the end of the 17th century. he sent a bag of potato tubers from Holland and ordered them to be distributed throughout the provinces so that it could be grown there. Potatoes became widespread only under Catherine II.

The peasants did not know how to properly grow and eat potatoes. Due to many poisonings, it was considered a poisonous plant. As a result, peasants refused to plant this crop, and this became the cause of several “potato riots.” By royal decree in 1840-1842. Mass planting of potatoes was carried out throughout the country. Its cultivation was under strict control. As a result, by the end of the 19th century. Potato plantings began to occupy large areas. It was called “second bread” as it became one of the staple foods.

There is a museum dedicated to potatoes in Belgium. There you can find many exhibits depicting this plant - these include postage stamps and paintings by famous artists, for example “The Potato Eaters” by Van Gogh.

Useful properties of potatoes

Potatoes contain a large number of potassium, which helps eliminate salt and excess water. Due to this, potatoes are often used in dietary nutrition. But it is worth considering that potatoes contain a high amount of carbohydrates, so people who are prone to obesity should not get carried away with them. Potato - indispensable assistant in the fight against gastritis, peptic ulcers stomach and duodenum, it has an alkalizing effect, which is undeniably important for people suffering from high acidity. In addition to starch, potatoes contain ascorbic acid, various vitamins and proteins.

Potatoes in life modern man- this is a familiar root vegetable, dishes from which are present on the table of an ordinary person almost every day. Relatively recently, potatoes were considered a rarity, and food prepared from them was a delicacy. We are so used to it that we don’t even think about which country first started growing potatoes.

Origin story

Potatoes were first discovered by Europeans (military expedition) at the beginning of the 15th century in the territory of modern Peru (South America). It was in this territory that about 15 thousand years ago the Indians began the process of domesticating wild tubers. The find was called truffles because they looked very much like mushrooms. A little later, another traveler, Pedro Ciesa de Leon, discovered fleshy tubers in the Cauca River valley (the territory of modern Ecuador). The Indians called them "Papa". Pedro wrote about this in his book and named potatoes special kind groundnuts, which after cooking become soft and taste like baked chestnuts. Each harvest was accompanied by a religious holiday; the Indians honored and respected potatoes, because they were the main food, and growing potatoes was their main occupation. The Indians saw something divine in everything, which is why potato tubers became an object of worship.

It should be noted that wild potatoes are still found in Peru today, but cultivated varieties are already very different from them. Despite the fact that it began to be cultivated 15 thousand years ago, it became a full-fledged agricultural crop about 5 thousand years ago.

The emergence of potatoes in Europe

Europe discovered potatoes in 1565. The Spaniards were the first. They didn't like it, probably because they tried to eat it raw. In the same year, the tubers were brought to Italy and were nicknamed “tartufolli”, for the same resemblance to truffles. The Germans changed the name to “tartofel”, and then its usual name appeared - potato. A few years later, the tubers end up in Belgium, and a little later in France. In Germany, potatoes did not immediately take root; they became especially popular in 1758-1763, when the country was gripped by famine caused by the war. People ate it and had no idea in which country potatoes were first grown.

Appearance in Russia

In our country, the appearance of potatoes is associated with the reformer Tsar Peter I. His weakness was Europe, he dragged everything European into the country - customs, clothes, food. He also brought potatoes. There is an opinion that Peter sent the first bag of potatoes from Holland to Russia and ordered Count Sheremetyev to distribute it. Allegedly, it was from this bag that the history of potatoes in our country began. At first the Russians did not accept new vegetable and were not interested in which country first began to grow potatoes. But the king threatened the peasants death penalty- that’s why everyone started growing it.

The merits of the root crop would have been forgotten if not for the hungry war years. It gradually penetrated into the diet of Russian people, to mid-18th century centuries, peasants already called it “second bread” and grew it voluntarily. Root crops quickly adapted to the climate. Later, even the poorest people had potatoes on their tables. Most Russian scientists wondered in which country they first began to grow potatoes, but expeditions at the beginning of the 20th century proved that its homeland was South America. At the time of the discovery of the central and northern parts of America, they knew nothing about potatoes there.

Potato dishes

In Peru, where they first began to grow potatoes, they cook from them a traditional dish- chunyo. Simply put, these are canned potatoes. This country has a hot climate, so residents need to preserve their harvest for future use. Chuno is stored for several years and nothing happens to it. The recipe for its preparation is extremely simple: the potatoes are first laid out on straw and left overnight. The frozen tubers are then crushed to remove excess moisture and dried in the sun.

In Russia they cook from potatoes great amount dishes, the most common of which is mashed potatoes. Potatoes are also baked, fried, boiled, steamed and baked whole tubers over coals. In addition, it is used to prepare a filling for baked goods, add it to salads, and prepare all kinds of side dishes. Sometimes when asked about which country they started growing potatoes, you want to answer: “In Russia!” It has taken root and become so familiar.

This vegetable will most likely take second place in terms of prevalence. Africa or America, Europe or Asia - regardless of the continent, people all over the world feast on it. We are so used to it that we no longer consider it something new, much less consider it a delicacy. We are talking about potatoes that have long been known to us. Let's remember the time when it was not yet so widespread, learn about some of the tragedies associated with its loss, and find out why it is still so valued in Russia. However, let's start from where it spread throughout the world. What became the birthplace of potatoes? Is it Europe or another place?

It has long been believed that potatoes came to us from the homeland of potatoes - Chile, Peru and Bolivia. Even today, in our time, in the Andes you can see potatoes growing in the wild. There, at an altitude of more than a kilometer, you can find tubers of almost all currently known varieties. According to scientists, in ancient times, Indians in that area could breed and crossbreed varieties various plants, including potatoes. The very first information about potatoes came from a Spaniard, a participant in the military campaign of Julian de Castellanos in 1535. According to him, even the Spaniards liked the mealy root vegetable of this plant. True, few people paid attention to his words. This is how we can briefly describe how the history of the origin of potatoes (its distribution) began.

How did the culture get to Europe?

We find the following description of potatoes in the Chronicle of Peru by Pedro Chiesa de Leone. He described this plant in great detail and clearly. The history of the appearance of potatoes interested the King of Spain, who gave the order to bring a huge amount of this overseas product. Thus, thanks to Spain, the birthplace of potatoes - South America - supplied all of Europe with this vegetable. First he came to Italy, and subsequently to Belgium. After which the mayor of Mons (Belgium) gave several tubers for research to his friend and acquaintance in Vienna. And only his friend, also a botanist, described potatoes in detail in his work “On Plants.” Thanks to him, potatoes got their own scientific name - Solyanum tuberosum esculentum (tuberous nightshade). Over time, his description of potatoes and the very name of the garden crop became generally accepted.

In Ireland

The time had come for Ireland, and in the 1590s the potato arrived there. There he gained universal recognition due to the fact that he took root well even in relatively unfavorable conditions. Regardless of the climate, wet or dry, mild or changeable, regardless of whether the tubers were planted in fertile or infertile soil, potatoes bore fruit. Therefore, it spread so much that in the 1950s at least a third of the entire area suitable for agriculture was planted with potato crops. More than half of the harvest was used as food for people. Thus, potatoes began to be eaten for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Everything would be fine, but what if there was a crop failure? What would the Irish eat in this case? They didn't want to think about it.

Consequences of crop failures

If in the past it happened that the potatoes did not bring the expected harvest, then some efforts were made to provide the necessary assistance to the victims. And if in next year Once again it was possible to collect the required amount of root crops, this covered the shortcomings of the previous period. So, in 1845 there was another crop failure. However, no one was concerned about the reasons for what happened. It must be said that at that time they still did not know much about late blight - because of which it was not possible to collect required quantity vegetable. A fungus that attacks tubers leads to potato rotting both in the ground and even after harvesting from the fields. In addition, fungal spores of the disease are easily spread by airborne droplets. And due to the fact that only one variety of potatoes was planted in Ireland at that time, the entire crop quickly died. The same thing happened in the next few years, which led first to unemployment and then to famine in the country. This indirectly influenced the cholera outbreak, which in 1849 killed more than 36 thousand people. The history of potatoes with such an unfavorable turn of events led to the state losing more than a quarter of its population.

Potatoes: history of appearance in Russia

Gradually, the culture spread throughout Europe, as we saw in the example of Ireland, and at the very beginning of the eighteenth century it first appeared in Russia. In those years, Peter I was passing through Holland. There he had the opportunity to taste dishes made from potatoes (at that time, as today, they did not suspect that the birthplace of potatoes was South America). Having tasted the culinary innovation, the Russian sovereign noted original taste potato fruits. Since this delicacy was not yet available in Russia, he decided to send a bag of potatoes to his homeland. This is how the history of potatoes in Russia began.

In chernozem, as well as in moderately acidic soils, the new crop has taken root well. However simple people everyone still looked at this miracle vegetable with caution, because due to ignorance the right ways During its preparation, numerous cases of poisoning occurred. How can we ensure that the distribution of potatoes is widespread? Peter I was a smart man and figured out what could be done for this. Tubers were planted in several fields, and guards were posted nearby, who served during the day but left the fields at night. This aroused great curiosity among ordinary peasants, and they began to steal a new vegetable at night, while no one was looking, and plant it in their fields. However, it still did not become widespread at that time. There were many who “managed” to poison themselves with its berries. Therefore, mostly ordinary people refused to grow the “damn apple”. For as long as 50-60 years, the miracle vegetable was forgotten in Russia.

How did potatoes become famous?

Later, Catherine II played a big role in making potatoes universally accepted. However, the main impetus for the spread of root vegetables was the famine that occurred in the 1860s. It was then that we remembered everything that we had previously neglected, and were surprised to discover that potatoes have great taste and very nutritious. As they say, “there would be no happiness, but misfortune would help.”

Like this interesting story potatoes in Russia. So, over time, they began to plant throughout the country. People soon realized how useful a supply of this vegetable was, especially during times of crop failure. Until now, potatoes are considered the second bread, since, with sufficient supplies in the cellar, you can survive even in difficult times. Due to their calorie content and benefits, to this day the first thing planted in the garden is potato tubers.

Why are potatoes so popular in Russia?

Since the time of Peter I, people did not immediately learn about chemical and nutritional value this root vegetable for the human body. However, the history of potatoes shows that they contain substances necessary for survival in periods of famine, disease and misfortune. What is so valuable and useful in this ordinary root vegetable? It turns out that its proteins contain almost all the amino acids that we could find in plant foods. Three hundred grams of this vegetable is enough to satisfy daily norm potassium, phosphorus and carbohydrates. Potatoes, especially fresh ones, are rich in vitamin C and fiber. Moreover, it also contains other elements necessary for life, such as iron, zinc, manganese, iodine, sodium and even calcium. And most of all useful substances It is contained precisely in potato peels, which today are very often not eaten. However, in times of famine, ordinary people did not neglect it and ate potatoes whole, baked or boiled.

Growing the only one and the consequences of it

As we have already learned, the birthplace of potatoes is South America. There, farmers acted wisely by growing root crops different varieties. So, only some of them were susceptible to the disease - fungal late blight. Therefore, even if such varieties died, this would not lead to such terrible disasters as in Ireland. The fact that in nature there are varieties of the same culture protects people from this kind of misfortune. However, if you grow only one variety of fruit, this can lead to what happened in Ireland. As well as the use of various chemical fertilizers and pesticides, which have a particularly adverse effect on natural cycles and the environment as a whole.

What are the benefits of growing only one variety of potato?

What, in this case, including in Russia, encourages farmers to grow only one specific variety of potato? This is mainly influenced by marketability and economic factors. Thus, farmers can bet on beautiful view fruits, which means greater demand among buyers. Also, the emergence of a standard crop can be explained by the fact that a certain variety of potato brings a greater yield in a particular area than others. However, as we have learned, this approach can have far-reaching adverse consequences.

The Colorado potato beetle is the main enemy of Russian gardeners

Insect pests can cause enormous damage to crops. Every gardener or farmer is very familiar with one type of leaf beetle - it was first discovered in 1859 how many difficulties this insect can bring to potato cultivation. And in the 1900s, the beetle reached Europe. When it was brought here by chance, it quickly covered the entire continent, including Russia. Due to its resistance to chemicals, which are used to combat it, this beetle is almost the main enemy of every gardener. Therefore, in order to get rid of this pest, in addition to chemicals, they began to use agricultural methods. And now in Russia, every summer resident who wants to enjoy home-fried or baked potatoes in the coals of a fire first has to become familiar with simple methods of combating this pest.
