How to dye eggs for Easter at home - the best and most interesting ways. We dye eggs with natural dyes

This spring, after looking at photos of Easter eggs painted natural dyes, I chose ten different products to check how it works. After experimenting with everything from oak bark to red wine, I've learned which ingredients make great colors and which ones I won't use again. You will find them in the article along with the recipes that I used to color the eggs.

The problem with online sources is that you can never be 100% sure when following someone's advice. This is a great way to describe what happens when you dye eggs with natural dyes. The spinach leaves promised to be pleasant green color, but it turned out dirty gray, and so gloomy that I didn’t even want to take a photo. We conclude that spinach is good on the table, but there is no dye from it. A similar situation happened with beets and paprika, but more on that later.

Our kitchen is full of natural dyes for eggs. These include ordinary vegetables, such as red cabbage, beets or carrots, and bulk vegetables, such as coffee and tea, and various spices. They have a nice color scheme and I love that some of the shades are pastel, they blend in perfectly and turn boring white eggs into a soft one. easter decor.

I remember when I lived with my parents, already at the beginning of winter, a special bag or box for onion peels would appear in the drawer under the sink. Before Easter, the container with the husks was removed, as was a huge saucepan in which several dozen eggs were pushed for about an hour. Now this method seems boring to me, and the color is not quite my thing. So I decided to look for shades that I would like to see on my Easter table.

Today I will tell you how to color eggs with turmeric, paprika, red cabbage, coffee, hibiscus tea, wine, nettle leaves, coffee, oak bark and beets. Children will especially enjoy experimenting with colors. Allow yourself and them to do a little magic with your Easter decor.

Benefits for coloring eggs for Easter

Below you will find 10 pieces of wisdom that will help you understand how coloring eggs with natural dyes works.

  1. Before dyeing, wash the eggs in water or wipe them with vinegar to clean and degrease. This way the paint will lie smoother.
  2. Before boiling, remove the eggs from the refrigerator and let them warm up to room temperature so that they don't burst.
  3. If you color ready-made eggs, immediately after boiling fill them up cold water . The temperature shock makes cleaning easier, and the cooled shell absorbs pigment better.
  4. When coloring eggs with natural dyes, be sure to add a few tablespoons of vinegar, which will ensure that the paint adheres to the shell.
  5. If you want an uneven coloring effect, leave the ingredients (grated beets, chopped cabbage) in the pan along with the eggs.
  6. Use a white pencil to draw patterns on the shell before staining. It could be flowers geometric figures or inscriptions. The painted part will remain light. The same effect can be achieved by wrapping a thread around the egg.
  7. How longer than eggs remain in the dye, so the color will be more saturated.
  8. To remove sediment from natural egg dye, strain it through cheesecloth.
  9. Usually, more dark color This happens when you boil eggs in dye. Lighter shades gives soaking in the finished composition.
  10. As a final touch, gently dry the eggs after dyeing with a cloth or paper towel and rub with sunflower oil.

Below are the results of my many hours of experiments. Natural dyes can produce unexpected results, so please do not be surprised if your color is different from mine.

How to dye eggs for Easter with turmeric

Turmeric gives white eggshells pleasant sunny yellow shade. To get it, boil water, add turmeric powder to it at the rate of 1 tablespoon per glass of water and a little vinegar. Bring to a boil, dip the eggs in the dye and cook for about 30 minutes.

Turmeric does not dissolve completely, and small grains remain in the water, so the eggs must be stirred to distribute the paint evenly.

I liked this method - good color, quite quick and easy.

Red cabbage dye

Depending on how rich the shade you want to get, you will need one or two heads of cabbage. Red cabbage you need to cut it, pour 3 glasses of water and add 6 tablespoons of vinegar. Cover with a lid and leave in the refrigerator overnight to let the cabbage release its juice.

The next day, pour the liquid into a separate container and place the boiled eggs there. Leave for another day for coloring. Even though red cabbage produces deep pink juice, the eggs turn out sky blue.

The method is not the fastest and not the cheapest, but the color is one of my favorites.

How to color eggs with paprika

To color eggs paprika, pour a glass of water into the pan, add 4 tablespoons of seasoning and cook for 30 minutes. After this, place the eggs in the broth and leave overnight.

They promised a brick shade. It's hard for me to define this color. It's kind of a super light orange.

Coloring with beets

To color eggs using beets, I grated 2 pieces, poured in 3 glasses of water, added 3 tablespoons of vinegar and set to cook with the eggs for 40 minutes. In the end I got something nasty Brown color. If you also find this color obnoxiously brown, don't do it.

I think I should have just soaked the cooked eggs overnight in beetroot juice and vinegar. Maybe it would turn out pink?

How to color eggs for Easter using coffee

Everything is simple here. You need to brew it very strong instant coffee: 2-3 tablespoons of powder per 200 grams of boiling water. Add a little vinegar, lower the eggs and cook for about 5 minutes. White eggs take on a chocolate hue. Not bad, but not my favorite color.

Coloring eggs for Easter with hibiscus tea

You can also use it as a natural dye for eggs. hibiscus tea. First, boil the tea leaves for 10-15 minutes until the broth turns dark red, and then boil the eggs in it. When you take them out of the broth, magic happens and they gradually turn from pink to lilac.

I had high hopes for hibiscus as a source of soft pink color, but no. Although, lilac is not bad either. I like the streaks the petals leave.

Oak bark for coloring eggs

I think this is such a brutal way to paint eggs. A friend asks you: What did you use to paint your eggs for Easter? And you are all so airy and soaring: Oak bark!

So, to get a brown tint, add 2 tablespoons of bark per glass of water and cook the eggs in this mixture for about 20 minutes. Oak bark is sold in pharmacies and is inexpensive. And if it remains, it can be poured into flowers as drainage.

The most interesting thing is that the oak bark gave the color of ordinary brown eggs. And if there is no difference, then you can skip this method.

How to Dye Eggs with Blueberries

I used frozen blueberries from the store. You must first prepare a decoction from the berries. Pour 50 grams of blueberries with 2 glasses of water, add a few tablespoons of vinegar, bring to a boil and leave on the fire for another 5-10 minutes. Pour boiled eggs with the resulting juice for a period of from several minutes to several hours. Depends on what shade you want to get.

I kept the egg in blueberry juice about 30 minutes and got such a bluish-black tint. My husband liked this color, so we are keeping it.

Nettle dyeing

Pour 2 glasses of water into the pan, add 6-8 tablespoons of dried nettle and cook the eggs in this mixture for about 30 minutes.

It turned out a strange dirty color, almost like spinach dyeing. If you hold it up to the light, you can catch the shade of a dried-out swamp. They promised green, but probably you still need fresh nettle leaves for this.

Boil eggs in wine

We always have leftover wine after the holidays, and since we mostly buy it for guests and don't drink it ourselves, I decided to use leftover merlot to color the eggs. To do this, I simply boiled eggs in wine. You can dilute it with water.

The result is a rather rich burgundy color.

Overall, I liked the process of coloring eggs with natural dyes and the result. But still, I do not lose hope of achieving a pleasant pink or delicate green shade.

Tell me, have you tried something similar? How do you color eggs for Easter?

Orthodox Easter is celebrated on April 16 this year. This is the most important and Holy holiday for all believers, the end of Lent and the Feast of the Resurrection.

The ceremonial service and the lighting of the Easter cake in the church are not the only well-established Easter traditions: perhaps the most favorite ritual in any family is decorating and painting chicken eggs- the main attribute of a festive morning.

We have collected for you the most interesting ways painting eggs for Easter, not involving any chemical dyes and requiring you to use only natural ingredients.

Onion peel - red

If you want to get a nice yellowish-brown or, in other words, red color, you will need a minimum of money and effort. Take 3-4 cups of red onion skins and cook them for half an hour. Let the broth cool, add the eggs and boil them until tender (usually this process takes 7-10 minutes).

This method is the most popular and simplest, and if you want to adjust the color saturation, add or reduce the amount of onion peel.

Turmeric - yellow

You will get a real spring yellow cheerful color if you use turmeric powder to color eggs. Pour boiling water over the entire packet of this seasoning in a small saucepan and stir. When the infusion has cooled slightly, place the eggs in it and cook for no more than 10 minutes.

Beetroot - raspberry

You will need to add pre-boiled hard-boiled eggs to the freshly squeezed beet juice. You can leave them in the refrigerator overnight or keep them for a little while: it all depends on the desired shade.

Used to color eggs beet juice, you can adjust the color shades yourself - from soft pink to dark crimson.

Parsley - green

In fact, to get the green color you can use not only parsley, but also other greens: dried spinach or nettles.

If you decide to use dried nettles, you will need to make an infusion: 3-4 tablespoons of chopped nettle per liter of water. You will need to boil the eggs in this infusion. This method works the same way with parsley.

A beautiful green color will come from a decoction of spinach: you will need to finely chop it (or use already finely chopped frozen one) and add water. After this, after boiling over low heat for half an hour and letting it cool, you need to dip the eggs into the prepared broth and boil them.

Violets - blue

Blue eggs will become beautiful and unusual decoration your his festive table. In order to get eggs of this color, you will need dried violets.

Pour over dried flowers hot water and leave to soak overnight, and then cook the eggs in this infusion. If you add a little bit to the water lemon juice, you will get an interesting lavender color.

Red cabbage - blue

Finely chop red cabbage(you will need 1.5–2 heads of cabbage per 0.5 liters of water - depending on how dark the shade you want to get) and leave it to steep in hot water overnight, after adding 5 tablespoons white vinegar.

In the resulting infusion of rich dark blue color, you need to boil eggs. To make them sparkle with a blue gloss after cooking, grease the shells with vegetable oil.

Cranberry juice - pink

For those who like pastel colors, eggs can be painted using cranberry juice. Here the method is practically no different from staining the shells with beet juice.

After boiling the eggs in advance, soak them in cranberry juice. The brightness and color saturation depends on how long you leave the eggs in the juice.

Tea - dark brown

Strong black tea will help color the eggs a rich dark brown. Brew tea and leave the prepared eggs in it for the desired number of hours.

By the way, you will get a nice chocolate color using instant coffee. Boil the eggs in advance and prepare the coffee (you will need one teaspoon of coffee per egg). Place the eggs into the cooled drink and leave for several hours or, if you want a darker shade, overnight.

Today, the choice of colors for Easter eggs is very large. But I absolutely don’t want to eat such an egg, much less give it to children. Whatever manufacturers write on their paint labels, I’m still horrified by the blue egg under the shell And I don't want to have a colorful stomach.That’s why I always paint eggs only with natural ecological dyes. It may not be so bright, but it’s safe, we already swallow chemicals every day, on such a day you can do without it. If you are of the same opinion, then these egg coloring tips are for you.

I came across ideas for ecological coloring of eggs on a Dutch blog several years ago, chose the products we had and decided to try it. Since then, in addition to painting eggs in onion skins, I have also painted them in other colors.


Here is a list of natural dyes that will help you beautifully color eggs (mix the suggested products with a small amount of water, enough for cooking, and cook the eggs in a mixture of water, dye and a couple of tablespoons of vinegar for 20 minutes; eggs for coloring are best taken with white shells , it absorbs the dye more actively) and To prevent eggs from cracking during cooking, it is better to use eggs at room temperature, rather than ones you just took out of the refrigerator.

Red and pink color:

A strong infusion of Cardane will help give the Krashanka a red color. Place the eggs in this infusion and bring to a boil, then cook for 10 minutes. Hibiscus infusion is not the only way to color red. And if you think what to cook fresh beetroot easier than a strong infusion of hibiscus, you can dip already boiled eggs in beetroot juice for half an hour. If you reduce the time the dyes stay in the juice, you can achieve not only a red, but also a pink tint.

Orange color:

To give the dye an orange color, you will need carrot juice. As in the case of beets, already boiled eggs need to be placed in fresh carrot juice for half an hour. The intensity of the color will depend on the time of “soaking” the dye.


The yellow color will be given to the dye by the root of turmeric (saffron). You will need to dissolve a few spoons of turmeric powder in hot water and, after bringing the solution to a boil, leave it on low heat for a few minutes. Let the broth cool and then boil the eggs in it. You can also prepare a coloring solution from the zest of lemons, oranges and young birch leaves.

Dark and light green color:

To color white shells green, you can use the juice of parsley, dill, basil and green pepper. But spinach will help you get an intense shade. These herbs need to be simmered over low heat for half an hour, then boil the eggs in the broth. The same can be done using a solution of brilliant green. The brilliant green solution must be diluted with water to the desired saturation and then the already boiled eggs should be placed in it.

Brown and golden color:

To get a brownish tint, you can boil eggs in strong coffee or onion skins, the more skins you collect, the more intense the color.

Blue color:

In order to receive blue tint, you need to finely chop the red cabbage, pour boiled water and add 2 tablespoons of vinegar. When the solution acquires the shade you want, soak the already boiled eggs in it.


The purple color of your paint will be given by a mixture of red and blue solutions. Eggs boiled with red onion skins can also acquire a purple hue.

Other natural food colors for eggs

The color of the eggs will change depending on how long you hold the eggs. A minimum of 30 minutes for a light color and a maximum of overnight for a deep color.

  • Cinnamon, natural and instant coffee, black tea, shell walnuts, brewed hibiscus/hibiscus for different shades of brown.
  • Saffron, carrot tops and tops, citrus peels, celery and dill seeds, dandelion, tansy and goldenrod flowers, young poplar shoots, rhubarb leaves for different shades of yellow.
  • Paprika and chili powder for shades of orange
  • Flowers of violets and pansies, blackberries, blackcurrants and blueberries for purple
  • Fresh herbs, lightly sautéed spinach for green
  • Strawberry and cranberry for a soft warm pink.Soak eggs in beetroot solution atroom temperature, 30 minutes.

Now you can prepare beautiful colored eggs from natural ingredients.

Wish you luck!

On the eve of Easter, housewives are wondering what to use to color eggs? After all, I really want this main decoration of the holiday to be original and unusual every year. Some people prefer traditional and win-win options like onion peels, others prefer to experiment and color eggs with coffee, tea and other products.

Preparing the eggs

Before you start painting using any of the methods, the eggs must first be prepared. Otherwise, all your efforts will come to nothing, and you will not be able to please your family with bright and unusual Easter decor.

  1. First of all, it is important that the eggs do not crack during cooking. To do this, you should not cook them immediately after taking them out of the refrigerator. Allow the eggs to sit in the kitchen for an hour and gradually come to room temperature. If you don’t have time to wait, use a needle to make very thin holes in the eggs.
  2. In order for any dye to apply evenly and smoothly, the shell must be thoroughly washed and cleaned. To do this, you need to wipe it soap solution or alcohol.
  3. After you have applied the dye and it has dried, wipe the eggs with a paper towel and brush them with a small amount of sunflower oil. This will give the shell a beautiful glossy shine.

By the way, many housewives are interested in whether it is possible to dye brown eggs. There is no clear answer to this question. Of course, you can paint them, but the color will turn out faded and not very beautiful. That is why, to prepare for Easter, it is better to buy regular white eggs in the store.

Traditional method using onion skins

The easiest and cheapest way to color eggs is to use onion peels. This option was successfully used by your grandmothers, so you definitely can’t go wrong with it.

In addition, onion peels allow you to get different shades: yellow, brown, red. It all depends on how strong you make it onion broth and how long will you carry out the coloring procedure.

Step-by-step instruction:

Popular natural dyes

To dye eggs in an original way, you don’t have to use store-bought products. Nature allows us to get all the colors of the rainbow with the help of various ingredients. Using such natural dyes, you can make a 100% safe treat that is suitable even for small children. Let's figure out what products you can use to get the most beautiful colors.

  • A decoction of turmeric will allow you to paint the shells a very unusual golden shade of yellow. To do this, just put a couple of tablespoons of turmeric in a saucepan with water and boil this mixture.
  • Nettle and spinach are two of the most best source Green colour. The longer you keep the eggs in the decoction of these plants, the more saturated the color you will achieve. The maximum green color can be obtained by leaving the eggs in a cold broth overnight.
  • Red cabbage produces a gorgeous shade of soft blue. Two finely chopped heads of cabbage should be poured with half a liter of water and the mixture should be allowed to brew well. Then you need to strain the cabbage and squeeze it well. The resulting infusion should be mixed with six tablespoons of white vinegar and the mixture should be left to infuse overnight. In the morning you can already soak the eggs in the dye.
  • Beetroot and cranberries allow us to get all shades of red - from soft pink to rich burgundy. If you decide to use cranberries, even frozen berries will work. You just need to beat them in a blender and dilute a little with water. There is no need to boil the solution. But you need to squeeze the juice out of the beets and boil it along with the eggs.
  • You will be surprised, but you will get a unique lavender shade by simply soaking eggs in grape juice. Of course, you should only use dark grape varieties.
  • Blueberries are a very persistent dye, giving the shell a rich, bright purple hue. You can use fresh or frozen blueberries and even blueberry jam. You need to squeeze juice out of fresh blueberries, beat frozen ones in a blender and dilute with water, and dilute jam with boiling water.

Coloring eggs using decoupage technique

This is a very fashionable way of decorating interior items these days. Using decoupage, craftsmen decorate literally everything - from boxes and boards to large pieces of furniture. And most importantly, this technique does not require special skills or artistic skills. You can easily paint eggs with napkins by following the steps in these instructions:

Marble eggs

You've probably already seen Easter cards from some of your friends before. marble eggs. Now we will reveal the secret of this painting method, and you, too, will be able to decorate the shell in such an interesting way. The process is very simple, and the result is very beautiful.

Tea and coffee instead of dye

There are two ingredients in every home: tea and coffee. With their help you can carry out original painting Easter eggs, giving the shell a rich dark shade.

It's as easy as possible to color eggs with tea. To do this, you just need to soak them for several hours in a strong solution of black tea.

To color eggs with coffee, you will need: a spoon, a saucepan, water and coffee powder/granules.

The easiest ways to paint

A quick option for preparing eggs for Easter is to use food coloring and thermal stickers. Fortunately, in modern supermarkets before this holiday there is a huge selection of special stickers on a variety of topics.

Thermal adhesives are perhaps the best solution for busy people who don’t have time to tinker with paints and drawings. They are extremely easy to use. The only thing you need to pay attention to is the size of the eggs. It will not be possible to put stickers on too large ones, and on small ones they will shrink unsightly. Therefore, give preference to medium-sized options.

  1. The eggs need to be hard-boiled, dried and cooled.
  2. After that, you need to put stickers on them.
  3. Prepare boiling water and literally lower the egg with the sticker into boiling water for one second. At this moment, the picture instantly contracts, tightly fitting the egg.

Food coloring will take a little more time, of course, but it's just as easy to work with. You can buy several at once different colors to get a rainbow result. Use the following tips when working with food coloring:

Don't worry about the safety of dyes. If you use products specifically designed for coloring eggs, this will not cause the slightest harm to your health.

Unusual patterns

Using the materials at hand, you can easily create a wide variety of patterns on Easter eggs. This funny Easter decor will delight both children and adults.

  • To create chaotic dots on the shell, just dip the eggs in water before painting, and then roll them in any cereal - buckwheat, rice, millet, and so on. Tie gauze on top. Accordingly, the type of dots will depend on the size and shape of the grains.

  • Place a parsley leaf on the shell and then dip the egg in the dye. This way you will get an original design in the form of a beautiful leaf without having to worry about using stencils.
  • To get straight lines, just wrap the shell with tape or rubber bands before painting. “Play” with the thickness and randomness of the winding to get an original result.

In preparation for Easter, every housewife must paint eggs. Where did this tradition come from and why are eggs painted at Easter?

Legend says that for the first time painted egg Mary Magdalene gave it to the Emperor of Rome for Easter. But this egg was not simple, it was painted red, symbolizing the blood that Christ shed in the name of humanity. On the scarlet egg there were only two symbols of H.V., which meant Christ is Risen! It was from that very egg that the custom of painting eggs for Easter began.

How to color eggs for Easter? Myths and reality.

The most common way to color eggs is using food coloring. Fast, convenient, but not always safe for health, especially if the dye is purchased from hand. The safest method is to dye eggs using natural dyes. There is a lot described on the Internet different ways, but not all of them are effective.

Below I will describe my experiments, how you can actually color eggs and which methods are a waste of time.

How to dye eggs with onion skins

Our grandmothers and great-grandmothers also painted eggs with onion skins, modern women also prefer this method.

Painting eggs with onion skins:
- We collect onion peels in advance. The more onion skins we have, the better.
- Fill the husk with water and put it on fire. Cook covered over low heat for at least half an hour. For color intensity, you can cook longer.
- Cool the broth and strain. You can prepare the onion broth in advance.
- Let's take it raw eggs, fill them with a decoction of onion peels so that they are completely covered with natural paint.
- Cook the eggs as usual for 7-10 minutes. It is not advisable to cook longer, since with prolonged heat treatment eggs lose their beneficial nutritional properties.
- Boiled eggs beautiful orange color put it on a plate. When the eggs have cooled, rub them with vegetable oil to make them shine.

Benefits of painting eggs with onion skins: absolutely harmless to the body. This method can be used to dye eggs from light yellow to intense red-brown. The color saturation depends on the concentration of the decoction. The decoction of onion peels itself is very simple to prepare.

Flaws: are not known.

Conclusion: the method works, it is cheap and reliable.

P.S. I like to experiment, test everything from my own experience. So I decided to paint the eggs with blue onions, they are also called Crimean onions, they have blue-violet skins. I expected the eggs to turn blue or purple, but as the experiment showed, the eggs turned brown with a slight purple tint. So I think it's better to dye eggs for Easter regular onion, although... for a change you can use blue))))

How to dye eggs with coffee

To be honest, I doubted whether it was possible to dye eggs with coffee. As it turned out, yes, it is possible, and it turns out very well. So, I’m telling you how to paint eggs this way.

Painting eggs natural coffee:
- Natural ground coffee pour into a saucepan, fill with water. For a glass of water I took 4 heaped teaspoons of coffee. For a more intense color, you can use more.
- Bring the coffee to a boil, reduce the heat so that it does not boil over and cook for 10 minutes over low heat.
- Strain the coffee and let it cool.
- Pour the cooled coffee over the eggs. The coffee should completely cover the eggs. We put it on fire.
- Cook the eggs over low heat for 7-10 minutes.
- Carefully remove and place on a plate with a napkin. Thanks to the napkin, which quickly absorbs moisture, dark spots do not form on the bottom of the eggs.

Benefits of dyeing eggs with coffee: natural, completely harmless dye. You can paint eggs from light coffee to dark coffee color, depending on the saturation of the solution.

Flaws: much more expensive than onion skins.

Conclusion: The method works, the coffee hood lays quite smoothly. Experimented with instant coffee. It also works, but not such a beautiful and even color.

How to dye eggs with chokeberry juice

I read on the Internet that Easter eggs can be colored with berry juice, and I immediately wanted to check this method to see if it really works. And I started with chokeberry.

Coloring eggs with juice:
- We take out frozen chokeberries from the freezer. Defrost.
- Press the rowan with a fork to release the juice from the berries.
- Fill raw eggs with water, add crushed chokeberry fruits. The liquid should completely cover the eggs.
- Boil hard-boiled eggs. At the same time, rowan berries color the water dark lilac. Eggs take paint poorly.
- Place the boiled eggs on a plate. As you can see in the photo, the eggs turn out blue-lilac in color.

Advantages: natural way, completely harmless.

Flaws: weak and uneven coloring. If cracks appear during cooking, the protein is also painted in Blue colour, it doesn't turn out very appetizing. It is better to prepare a healthy chokeberry tincture from the berries.

Conclusion: You can dye eggs with chokeberry juice. True, blue-violet eggs with scary streaks are more suitable for Halloween than for Easter.

Despite not very good result painting eggs with chokeberry juice, I still did not lose heart and decided to experiment with blackberries. And, lo and behold, everything worked out!

Coloring eggs with blackberry juice:
- We freeze blackberries in the summer. On the eve of Easter we take out blackberries from freezer. Defrost.
- Crush the blackberries with a fork, then add water and cook for 15-20 minutes. For every 200 ml. I took one hundred grams of blackberries for water.
- Strain the broth and let it cool.
- Before painting, degrease the eggs. Boil eggs in blackberry juice.
- Ready eggs carefully remove. We make sure that there are no streaks left on the eggs, since blackberry juice continues to color the eggs even after cooking.
- To get stripes on the egg, pour a little juice into the egg cup, carefully place the egg itself and leave it for a few minutes. Then we reduce the liquid level and repeat the operation again.

Advantages: a natural way to color eggs, completely harmless.

Flaws: It is quite difficult to achieve a uniform coating.

Conclusion: Blackberries beautifully color eggs and allow you to create interesting effects.

How to dye eggs with beet juice

From personal experience Everyone knows that beets color meat, potatoes, and eggs in borscht. Therefore, it is quite logical to assume that beet juice is suitable for coloring eggs for Easter. Is it so? Judge for yourself.

Coloring eggs with beet juice:
- Take one large beet or several small ones. Choose dark root vegetables.
- Peel off the peel. Cut into plates or strips.
- Cook the beets in small quantity water to get a rich beetroot broth.
- Strain the broth and let it cool.
- Wash raw eggs thoroughly; you can use dish soap.
- Boil the eggs in the beetroot broth for 10 minutes, then place the eggs on a plate.

Advantages: relatively cheap. You can color eggs in borscht)))

Flaws: the eggs turn out pale.

Conclusion: the result does not live up to expectations.

Is it possible to color eggs with cherry juice?

I had heard about this method of painting eggs for Easter for a long time; I wanted to try everything, but I didn’t have any fresh cherries. This year I specially froze cherries to conduct an experiment.

Coloring eggs with cherry juice:
- We take frozen cherries out of the freezer. Defrost. I took 12 cherries for each egg.
- Press the defrosted cherries with a fork and remove the pits.
- Take raw eggs, fill them with water, add cherry juice and pulp. Make sure that the liquid level is above the level of the eggs.
- We cook hard-boiled eggs. Despite the bright color of the compote, the colors of the eggs are very weak.
- We remove the finished eggs from hot water, let cool.

Advantages: natural ingredients.

Flaws: eggs are practically not colored.

Conclusion: the result is unstable and depends on the variety and ripeness of the cherries. It’s better to make cherry jam or a delicious compote from cherries, and color the eggs with onion skins.

  • According to church traditions, Easter eggs are painted only on “Maundy Thursday”, this is the last Thursday before the great holiday.
  • To prevent eggs from bursting during cooking, you need to do the following. Leave the eggs out of the refrigerator for an hour or more until they reach room temperature. Add one tablespoon of salt to the water. Place the eggs in water at room temperature and then put on the fire.
  • To ensure that the paint applies evenly to the eggs, before painting, degrease the surface of the eggs with vodka or wash the eggs with soapy water. To make the eggs shine and the colors more intense, the next day after painting, rub the eggs with sunflower oil.
  • How to make a pattern on eggs

    There is an opinion that if you wrap eggs with thick knitting threads, braid, or simply attach a flower or parsley leaf, then wrap the egg in gauze and cook it in dye, you will get a beautiful painted egg.

    Honestly, not everything is as simple as it seems at first glance. The dye quickly saturates the threads and fabric, coloring the egg. Leaves and flowers also move away, letting the paint through. Perhaps the one hundred and twenty-fifth attempt will be successful, but usually there is no time before Easter for experiments. Therefore, to make a print on the egg, we use strong electrical tape that sticks well.

    How to make a print:
    - Degrease the surface of the eggs.
    - To obtain a pattern, place pieces of electrical tape on the egg. Carefully press the tape so that the edges stick properly.
    - Boil eggs in dye. Onion peel or coffee give good results.
    - Remove the hard-boiled eggs from the hot water and place on a plate.
    - When the eggs have cooled, remove the stickers.

    Meanings of symbols on Easter eggs

    Pine symbolizes health
    Oak leaf or oak tree symbolizes strength
    Any berries symbolize fertility
    Plum symbolizes love
    Hop cones symbolize fertility
    Flowers - a symbol of girlhood
    The mesh on the Easter egg is a symbol of fate
    Yellow mesh - symbol of the sun
    Dots – fertility. And the more dots, the more fertility

    When painting eggs, you can come up with your own drawings and patterns, and it is important to do this with joy and an open soul, because Easter eggs This is not just a tradition, it is a symbol that conveys our emotions, energy and wishes.

    Original Easter eggs

    Eggs can be painted by hand. When my son was still little, we painted eggs with honey watercolors. Yes, with this method the drawing does not last long and when wet it loses its outline, but how much joy does the child have)))
    You can also use school gouache to paint eggs, which has been tested for safety for children.

    Eggs can not only be painted, they can be wrapped in colored foil or make an applique using regular colored paper. Colored confetti is great for this.
