Delicious sauerkraut for the winter: recipes. Sauerkraut - very tasty classic recipes for the winter

Sauerkraut- just the mention of it will probably make your mouth water. Well, who doesn’t love juicy, crispy, snow-white cabbage with aromatic sunflower oil and a green onion? Good as an appetizer, excellent with boiled potatoes and suitable for filling a pie. In general, sauerkraut for the winter is the preparation that most housewives make. Moreover, today it is not at all necessary to salt it in huge barrels. Enough to have three liter jar And good recipe at hand.

Sauerkraut - classic recipe

Nowadays, if you make a request on the Internet for how to salt cabbage, you will receive a million tips on cutting, salting, adding all sorts of ingredients, including vinegar and Korean gadgets. All this will most likely have little to do with real cabbage fermented - that which is obtained only as a result of lactic fermentation, or pickling. Everything else related to vinegar is not sauerkraut, although it is common and popular. We'll tell you how to make cabbage in Korean below. But true Russian cabbage is made without adding vinegar - this is the law!

So, what is sauerkraut - a classic recipe.

Of course, you can ferment cabbage at any time of the year; it is always on sale. But mass salting in Rus' always began in late autumn, when the harvesting of this late vegetable was completed, and white cabbage (this is what we are talking about) gained the necessary sweetness, juiciness, and amazing elasticity of the huge white-sided heads of cabbage.

To ensure good cabbage, do not take unripe and small heads of cabbage. The larger the head of cabbage, the more ripe and juicy it is.

We make the calculation based on the availability of 10 kg of cabbage (you can reduce the amount by half or three times in proportion to all ingredients).

So, let's prepare:

  • 10 kg cabbage;
  • 200 g coarse salt;
  • half a kilo of carrots.

Important! Shredding cabbage for the winter in villages was not just a tradition, but a kind of ritual. For this need, thrifty housewives had a special shredding board with a blade-slot in the middle, on which they quickly shredded mountains of cabbage. Setting the blade meant a lot: if you chop it very thin, the cabbage will be beautiful, juicy, and presentable. It is sold in markets where the question long-term storage not worth it. But if you plan to store the product longer, then you should not cut it too thin - it will quickly oxidize. And overly thick strips are also not good - compacted, wide-cut cabbage will not be salted well. Ideally - 3 mm wide or a little more.


  1. Remove the top green and damaged leaves from the heads of cabbage.
  2. We cut it into 4 parts, cutting out the stump; it is not needed.
  3. The cutting is done strictly across the growth of the leaves, placing the quarter on its side.
  4. We clean the carrots and grate them on the coarsest grater (not Korean, but regular).
  5. On a large table, place an alternate layer of cabbage, sprinkle with carrots and sprinkle with coarse salt. Important! It is better to do this on the table and with the entire volume of products at once. In this case, the salt and carrots will be distributed evenly. In addition, on the table it is convenient to stir and rub the cabbage with your hands so that it releases juice faster. Don't be afraid to crush it when proper preparation you will still have crispy cabbage.
  6. Place the slightly grated cabbage in a 12-liter bucket. You can take a 10-liter bottle, but juice may spill out of it during fermentation. To make sure everything fits, we compact the cabbage, adding each new layer.
  7. Place a plate or flat lid upside down on top of the cabbage and put pressure on it. Previously, the oppression was a large stone, today you can fill a three-liter jar with water.
  8. Let it sit for five days in a warm place while fermentation occurs.

But I can’t stop and hope that I will still have time before the end of the harvesting season. I believe that sauerkraut is simply an indispensable attribute of autumn and winter. Juicy and crispy, with carrots, apples, cranberries or caraway seeds, sauerkraut beckons us to the table. Moreover, sauerkraut is healthier than fresh thanks to lactic acid bacteria, which are formed during the fermentation process.

In apartment conditions, it is most convenient to prepare sauerkraut in glass jars. But if you are the happy owner of a cellar, and you have wooden barrel, then it would be simply a crime not to fill it with cabbage and ferment it for the joy of the whole family. And so that your efforts are not in vain, you need to read carefully useful tips when sauerkraut.

  1. The main thing is to buy or grow cabbage for pickling only late varieties. Summer cabbage completely unsuitable for this. At the cabbage summer varieties the leaves are thinner, greener and looser. Winter varieties of cabbage are distinguished by their dense heads and white color. When choosing cabbage, pay attention that it is not too “stringy”, with hard veins.
  2. Cabbage for pickling should not be cut very well small pieces. The thickness of each piece should be about 5 mm. If you chop the cabbage too much, it will become soft.
  3. To sauerkraut, use coarse non-iodized salt.
  4. Be responsible when choosing containers. Glass, wooden or enamel dishes without chips are suitable for fermentation. IN aluminum pan the lactic acid that is formed during fermentation will react and ruin the whole thing for you.
  5. Sauerkraut should be fermented at a temperature no higher than 24 and no lower than 20 degrees. If you overheat, you will get jelly, but in a cold room the cabbage simply will not sour.
  6. The fermentation process takes about 3 days. After this, the cabbage can, of course, be eaten. But real taste classic sauerkraut will appear only in a week.
  7. Shredded cabbage for sourdough must be pressed down with something heavy, for example, a plate with a 3-liter jar of cucumbers. My grandmother always kept a pressure handy - a wooden circle and pressed it with a clean, heavy stone.
  8. To prevent the gases formed during fermentation from accumulating in the cabbage, it must be pierced in several places with a wooden stick.
  9. For storing sauerkraut ideal temperature from 0 to +2 degrees. You can transfer the cabbage into 3-liter jars and then it will be convenient to store it in the refrigerator.
  10. Cabbage is perfectly preserved for 9 months. True, the longer it is stored, the more sour it becomes. Therefore, it is better to cook in small portions.
  11. Cabbage retains its properties only when frozen once. You can put the sauerkraut in bags and put it in the freezer.
  12. To get delicious crispy sauerkraut, pay attention to the phase of the moon. It is best to ferment cabbage on the waxing Moon, 3-4 days after the New Moon.

To prepare delicious, crispy sauerkraut, I offer several simple classic recipes.

Sauerkraut - classic recipe with brine for a 3 liter jar

In order to make a 3-liter jar of sauerkraut, we will need forks of fresh cabbage weighing approximately 2.5 kg. The simplest, classic and no-nonsense recipe for sauerkraut.


  • cabbage - 1 head weighing 2.5 kg
  • carrots - 3-4 pcs.
  • salt - 2 tbsp. l.
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
  • water - 0.5 liters (approximately)
  1. Shred cabbage using any of the following methods. It’s convenient to have a special grater for this, or you can simply cut it into thin strips using a knife. Place the cabbage in a deep bowl.

2. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater and add to the cabbage.

3. Simply mix both of these ingredients with your hands. Moreover, the cabbage should not be squeezed, otherwise it may become soft.

4. Take a clean 3-liter jar and put the cabbage and carrots into it, lightly compacting it. Fill the entire jar. Add salt and sugar on top of the cabbage with a spoon.

5. Cabbage must be fermented in brine. Simply fill the cabbage with cold, unboiled water (not chlorinated) up to the very neck of the jar.

The brine must cover the entire cabbage. If the amount of brine decreases, simply add water

6. We pierce the cabbage in several places with a wooden stick so that the gases accumulated during fermentation escape. During fermentation, it is advisable to pierce the cabbage with a wooden stick at least once a day.

During fermentation, the amount of brine will increase and it will flow out of the jar, so be sure to place the jar of cabbage in a basin or any other container.

7. Cover the jar with cabbage with gauze and make sure that the brine covers all the cabbage. Cabbage at room temperature should stand for 2-3 days. After this, you can close it with a lid and put it in the refrigerator for storage.

How to make sauerkraut at home in jars - a simple recipe

Also a classic recipe, only here we will do without adding water. The ingredients are the same - cabbage and carrots, and we will also add salt in a 3-liter jar.


  • cabbage - 1 head weighing 2 kg
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • salt - 1 tbsp. l. with a slide
  • sugar - 1 tsp.
  1. Chop the cabbage and carrots and place in a deep bowl.

2. Mix salt and sugar in a glass; we will gradually add them to the cabbage.

3. In this recipe we will stir and rub the cabbage with our hands as if we were kneading dough. The cabbage should release its juice.

4. Gradually compact the cabbage into a 3-liter jar and sprinkle each layer with salt and sugar. Fill the jar to the very top.

5. Close the jar with a plastic lid and place a saucer or bowl underneath. Sauerkraut for 3 days at room temperature. Don’t forget to pierce the cabbage with a wooden or plastic stick 1-2 times a day.

6. After this prepared cabbage put it in the refrigerator for storage.

In order for the brine to constantly cover the cabbage, you need a load on top. To do this, place a plastic lid inside the jar, and place a 0.5 liter bottle of water on it.

Delicious sauerkraut with apples and peppers - a recipe for the winter

This recipe is a little more complicated, with the addition various ingredients. The cabbage turns out simply delicious, cook it and see for yourself.


  • cabbage - 1 head weighing 2 kg
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • apples (Antonovka is best) - 4-5 pcs.
  • bell pepper- 1 PC.
  • parsley, dill
  • garlic - 2 cloves
  • coriander - a pinch
  • black peppercorns
  • water - 1 liter
  • salt - 4 tsp.
  • sugar - 1 tsp.
  1. Shred the cabbage, grate the carrots on a coarse grater, cut the bell pepper into strips, cut the apples into 4 parts and remove the seeds.

2. Place the ingredients in layers in a large container, such as a bucket. A layer of cabbage will go to the bottom, sprinkle with sweet pepper on top and lay out a layer of apples.

3. Place a layer of cabbage again, carrots on top, then chopped parsley and dill. Next add chopped garlic.

4. We repeat these layers again - cabbage, peppers, apples. Cabbage, carrots, herbs, garlic.

5. Cooking hot pickle. The recipe is for 1 liter of water, you may need more water. Bring the water to a boil and add salt, add coriander and peppercorns to taste. Pour brine over cabbage. We pierce the cabbage in several places with a wooden stick. Let the cabbage ferment for 3 days at room temperature.

After 3 days, transfer the cabbage into clean jars and put them in the refrigerator. Delicious cabbage ready.

Sauerkraut - recipe with bell pepper and horseradish

Another recipe for sauerkraut, which uses not only traditional cabbage and carrots, but also bell peppers and even horseradish.

Sauerkraut with apples, cranberries and rowan berries

A unique recipe in which we will use a decoction of oak bark to obtain crispy cabbage. Well, there will be even more vitamins in cabbage when we add cranberries and rowan berries.


  • cabbage - 1 head weighing 3 kg
  • carrots - 3 pcs.
  • apples - 2 pcs.
  • cranberries - 1/2 cup
  • rowan - 1/2 cup
  • black peppercorns
  • salt - 3 tbsp. l.
  • oak bark decoction - 50 ml

  1. Chop the cabbage and carrots, sprinkle with salt and rub with your hands until the juice appears.

2. We choose sweet and sour varieties of apples such as Antonovka. Cut the apples into thin slices.

3. For the starter we will use a large enamel pan. Place on the bottom of the pan cabbage leaves and add peppercorns.

4. Lay cabbage and carrots in layers, then apples and generously sprinkle with cranberries and rowan berries. We repeat the layers in the same sequence and be sure to compact them with our hands.

To remove bitterness from rowan, pour boiling water over it.

5. To make the cabbage crispy, prepare a decoction in advance oak bark. To do this, boil the washed bark in boiling water for 10 minutes and cool. Pour the cooled broth into the pan with cabbage.

6. When you have laid out all the cabbage, place a plate of the appropriate diameter and a heavy weight, for example, a jar of water, on top.

7. To allow gases to escape from the cabbage, insert wooden sticks into the cabbage.

8. The cabbage will ferment for 3 days, after which it can be put into jars and stored in a cold place.

Delicious sauerkraut with apples and pears

You are convinced that there are many recipes for sauerkraut and I tried to introduce you to various recipes for every taste. Now is the time to prepare sauerkraut. As I already wrote, it is very good to ferment cabbage after the New Moon, which will occur on the 19th in October 2017. So stock up on cabbage, save the recipes, and I wish you good luck in making healthy and tasty preparations.

Crispy sauerkraut for the winter in jars in brine - popular delicious snack, loved by many. Crispy and juicy cabbage with aromatic vegetable oil and green onion rings - what could be tastier? I like to add it to vinaigrette, cook cabbage soup, solyanka with it, use it as a filling for closed pies, dumplings, and pies.

That's why I always have delicious sauerkraut in jars in the refrigerator for the winter. This is ours family recipe, which my grandmother used to ferment cabbage. Sauerkraut for the winter turns out so perfect that I don’t even try other recipes.

Sauerkraut recipe: for a 3 liter jar



  • 1 liter of water
  • 2 tbsp. l. salt
  • 1 tbsp. l. Sahara
  • 5 allspice peas

How to ferment cabbage in jars for the winter:

Remove the top contaminated and damaged leaves from white cabbage. Let's cut it into pieces, cut out the stalk. Finely chop the cabbage with a knife or a special shredder.

Wash the carrots and peel them with a vegetable peeler. Grind the carrots on a coarse grater.

Mix chopped cabbage with carrots.

We carefully crush the vegetables with our hands so that they release the juice. This way the sauerkraut recipe for a 3 liter jar will turn out juicy and crispy.

Now transfer the cabbage into a dry jar, compacting it tightly. I use liter jars to make it easier to store them on the refrigerator shelf; the recipe is for 1 three-liter jar.

Let's prepare the brine. Mix in a deep bowl cold water, salt, sugar and black sweet pea. Mix thoroughly until the dry ingredients dissolve.

Pour the resulting mixture over the cabbage in the jar to the top.

As you can see, sauerkraut in brine for the winter in jars does not take much time, especially if you use a shredder to chop the vegetables.

Then cover the jar nylon cover, put it in a deep plate or bowl so that the brine does not spill out.

Place the jar of cabbage in a cool, dark place. This could be a cellar or a shelf in a closet. Every 12 hours we will stir the cabbage with a wooden spatula or spoon, reaching the bottom so that the air comes out. If necessary, we will add brine to the jar so that the vegetables are completely covered with it.

In 3-4 days, crispy sauerkraut in jars for the winter will be ready. Cover it with a lid and store it in the refrigerator.

First recipe below- just such a valuable pickled option. For leisurely fermentation, it is actually instant cooking. Crispy cabbage slices will be ready after 2-3 days of infusion in a jar at room temperature.

We have included a second sample in the article. Ultra-fast with hot marinade. It's no longer useful natural fermentation, because the marinade contains vinegar. It is a preservative and does not form “live bacteria” with it. But spicy vegetables ready for testing after 12 hours.

Choose awesome snack according to taste and purpose and cook more often all winter long!

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Instant sauerkraut without vinegar

Super crispy recipe for everyone who loves tasty and healthy food. Sourdough in a marinade, which includes only salt and spices, they can be adjusted to taste. The finished cut is without oil, so it requires seasoning with something as useful as possible. For example, olive oil first spin. All .

With just a little effort and a couple of days of patience, you will get a traditionally great ingredient. winter salads, sour soups And stew with meat.

  • Preparation time: 30 minutes for preparation + 2-3 days for fermentation. We test for readiness after 2 days of infusion in a warm place.
  • Calorie content per 100 grams is no more than 40 kcal.

We need:

  • Cabbage - 2.5-3 kg
  • Carrots - 3 pcs. and more medium sizes
  • Water - 1 liter
  • Salt (without additives) - 2 teaspoons
  • Spices - to taste
  • We have 6 allspice peas, 2 bay leaves, 1-2 hot peppers.

Important details:

  • You can add as many carrots as you like. We love it when there is a lot of it. This gives the brine a pleasant warm shade and adds sweetness to the cabbage.
  • Spices can also be adjusted to suit your needs. More hot pepper means more spiciness. And also cumin, cloves, ginger and even turmeric. This one is classic fermented recipe reacts affably to many experiments.
  • Our proportions of ingredients will give traditional and juicy salad without unnecessary sharpness. Brine can also be enjoyable as a separate drink.

Let's prepare the vegetables.

Finely chop the cabbage. The Berner grater always helps us out. Many housewives love a special manual shredding knife (or manual shredder). You can buy it right now during the pickling season at any market in the rows with barrel salting.

Chop the peeled carrots to taste. Don't forget that there is not only a coarse grater. In this recipe we use medium.

Combine the cabbage and carrot slices and mix, fluffing them up at the same time. Convenient to work with your hands.

We will have brine in water, not pickling in own juice. Without grinding, the cabbage will be as crunchy, delicious, and textured as possible.

Place the mixed vegetables in the jar halfway and tamp lightly. Put spices on top. In our case it is 1 Bay leaf, 3 allspice peas and 1 small hot pepper. Place the remaining chopped vegetables on top of the spices in the jar and repeat the set of spices again.

You can add cloves or remove the pepper if you don’t like even a hint of spiciness. These experiments will remain within the boundaries of traditional tastes.

Let's prepare the marinade, pour in the vegetables and let them ferment under supervision.

Water at room temperature (!).

It is beneficial to prepare 1.5 liters of brine for a 3-liter jar. The proportion for 1 liter is 2 teaspoons of salt. You need pure salt without additives. Accordingly, for 1.5 liters of water - 3 teaspoons. We pour spoons without the top and try.

Our goal is a solution slightly saltier than perfect soup. Usually 3 level teaspoons are enough if the salt is extra fine. But there are different brands of salt, and coarse grinding is not as salty.

Stir the salt in the water until completely dissolved and pour the cabbage into the jar, covering the slices. We take a fork and pierce the vegetables deeper allowing the brine to penetrate to the very bottom.

You can use a long wooden stick, making a nod to the principles of natural fermentation. Strict Zozhevists and fans of Ayurveda strongly recommend working with fermented products only with wood or ceramics.

If such restrictions seem like unnecessary hassle, look for a long, two-pronged turning fork. fried foods. She will allow go even deeper in a dense layer of vegetables.

  • Use any instrument to make simple movements: in depth and spread the cutting, bubbles came. And so on in several places in the vegetable mass.

Add brine almost to the top - 1 cm before the neck of the jar. Usually a few bubbles form at the top, like foam.

Place the jar in a bowl so that the inevitable foam from fermentation can drain out of the jar carefully. Place a fork nearby which will remind you of the need to pierce the slices from time to time. This will allow the air bubbles formed during pickling to be constantly released to the top.

We pierce vegetables 2-3 times a day.

Keep the jar at room temperature for 2 to 3 days.

If your house is warm, it will take less time until it's ready. If the conditions are sporty (+/- 20 degrees), then 3 days is the standard period. Next, put the vegetables in the refrigerator to stop fermentation, otherwise the cabbage will turn out too sour.

  • We advise you to try cutting at the end of 2.5 days and proceed according to your own preferences for readiness.

We get good sauerkraut and quite a lot of liquid that has flowed through the neck of the jar. As soon as the cabbage is ready, cover the container with a nylon lid and put it in the cold.

We once tried a version with honey.

On top of the cabbage, add 2 heaped tablespoons of coarse salt and the same amount of honey. Fill with water at room temperature. Follow the recipe above. Try it after 2 days to see if it’s ready (i.e., is it time to put it in the refrigerator). Honey cabbage It’s also very tasty and suitable for anyone who is not allergic to honey.

Marinate quick classic cabbage in 12 hours

This savory guest of our meals is called “Provençal”. It is not only quick to cook, but also looks very impressive. How useful it will be during the holidays! If you overdid it with alcohol, delicious pickle- a popular first aid remedy for the morning after New Year's Eve.

  • Preparation time: 30 minutes for preparation + 1 day for marinating. We test for readiness after 12-14 hours.
  • Calorie content per 100 grams - no more than 100 kcal.

The result of simple work is completely ready salad already filled with oil. It can be easily stored in the refrigerator for up to 1 month, but can be eaten in a couple of sittings. So good!

We need:

  • Cabbage - 3 kg
  • Carrots - 300 g or to taste
  • Garlic - 4-5 large cloves or to taste
  • Red bell pepper - 2-3 pcs. medium size (can be frozen)

For hot marinade per 1 liter of water:

  • Salt (rock, coarsely ground) - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Sugar - 1 glass
  • Vinegar, 9% - 80 ml
  • Little vegetable - 1 cup

Important details:

  • 1 glass - 250 ml
  • From spices best decoration marinade - cumin, 5-10 grams. You can also add allspice(6-7 peas) and cloves (1-2 pcs.).
  • Carrots and garlic can be adjusted to taste. A proportion that many people like: 1 piece per 1 kg of cabbage medium carrots and bell pepper.
  • Frozen sweet red peppers pickle just as well as fresh ones. If you have it, feel free to use it.
  • Convenient and safe cooking- in an enamel or stainless steel pan.

The preparation is simple and quick.

Shred the cabbage as thick as we like in salads. Knead with your hands in a spacious bowl, lightly, without fanaticism. Carrots - cut into strips using a knife or grater ala Berner. Or a democratic option: three on a coarse grater. Cut the pepper into strips 0.5-0.8 cm thick or into cubes about 1 cm. Combine the vegetable cuts and mix well. Again, it is most convenient to work with your hands.

Prepare the marinade.

We start cooking when the vegetables are chopped and mixed. Heat 1 liter of water on the stove, add salt and sugar to it, pour in the oil and stir until the bulk ingredients are completely dissolved. As soon as the liquid boils, pour in the vinegar, make a couple of movements with the spoon and turn off the heat. Be sure to cover with a lid to prevent the vinegar from evaporating.

Lay ½ vegetable mixture into the selected container and compact tightly. Fill in half the hot marinade. Add the second half of the vegetables and add the rest of the marinade again. Place a plate and a weight on top (a 1-2 liter jar of water).

Leave to marinate for 8 hours.

When the vegetables have cooled down, put in the refrigerator for another 16 hours. After 12 hours of infusion you can try.

TOP 2 secrets for successful fermentation

Which cabbage varieties are best to choose?

Dense and flattened on both sides, maximum white heads of large size (from 3 kg 1 piece). These varieties are crunchy and do not lose their shape even when thinly sliced.

Young cabbage and too old cabbage ferment poorly. Varieties with a spherical head of cabbage become untidy and often lose their crunch.

How to cook new and refreshing dishes?

In addition to the bright participation in stew with meat, in borscht or solyanka, both spicy cabbage make friends easily with accessible colleagues in salads without heating.

Add to the appetizing result of fermentation onion, sweet apples, frozen berries, boiled beets, canned corn, boiled beans or potatoes. You can enrich the taste of daily dishes and add to winter menu antioxidant vitamins.

We will be glad if you like any instant cabbage recipe. Both are very tasty! And you must agree that it is true that healthy fermentation without vinegar requires more time.

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